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View Full Version : best way to request a rule change from DM?

2007-03-20, 12:10 AM
I am relatively new at D&D, and am playing in my second campaign. My current DM is a friend of mine who is overall running a very good, role-playing-oriented campaign.

Having been perhaps over-eager in the earliest parts of the campaign with regards to finding the correct rules, ( :smallredface: ) I seem to be regarded as a rules lawyer, or at least the nearest we have to one in this group.

I haven't been particularly bad, and have completely stopped mentioning rules in game, but the DM is not very interested in combat, or combat associated rules.

I play a tower shield fighter, and recently realized to my chagrin that tower shields grant Total Cover, rather than Cover... (thanks for that simple RAW rules thread btw)

Now I am faced with a dilemma: how do I bring this to the DM's attention without causing trouble? He has stated unequivocally that he is not interested in playing exactly by the RAW, but this will drastically change what I do in combat.

Your thoughts?

2007-03-20, 12:16 AM
Be very frank and open, before or after a session begins so that you don't waste everyone's time and avoid reinforcing the reputation that you're trying to shake. "Hey, (insert DM name here), could I ask you about something? The rules as written say that my shield is big enough to grant total cover, and I was wondering if you changed it as part of a ruling, or if I could use it for total cover from now on?"

The worst thing he can say is "No, you get partial cover 'cause I changed that rule." If he says anything harsher than that, he's being a jerk. He should be thrilled that you asked him nicely and in the proper way. I would be. It's much better than making an issue of it in the middle of a good roleplaying session or, civility forbid, trying to sneak it in under the DM's nose.

Good luck.

2007-03-20, 12:23 AM
thanks for the advice. we'll see how it goes...

any other thoughts? (although that might be all I need.)

PnP Fan
2007-03-20, 12:43 AM
Jade's all over this one. Ask him for his advice. You don't have to kiss butt, but inviting him into your dilemma is certainly preferrable to "sneaking it in", so ask him for his advice, or how he wants to handle it.
Jeez, I wish all of my players would actually read the rules and learn them!!!
he should be thankful that you are trying to learn and encourage that (though mid-session rules debates are generally not much fun, and you are right in wanting to change that behavior).
Good luck!

2007-03-20, 12:45 AM
Jades got it right jonny. I've been gaming for years, I've DMed and even written modules but I don't think I've ever met a DM that plays completely by the rules, there are always variations and heck, I don't think every DM can even know most of the rules off the top of their head, much less keep track of all the variations, errata and new rules that keep coming out!

So he/she would have to be a fool to complain about you asking about a rule!

The only thing I'd ass is that you might want to give your DM some time to make a decision. I've met a lot of players that try to pull fast ones on me and even more that have misinterpreted rules to their advantage. It may be that your DM doesn't want to unbalance the game so may not allow it. If he/she does, accept it but feel free to work with him. Remember, the only important rule is that people have fun.

2007-03-20, 12:58 AM
I usually try to ask things like that one-on-one rather than in front of the other players. If it's a "Respect mah autoritah!" DM, he may react negatively to something that he otherwise would have been OK with if he feels you're challenging his "autoritah" in front of the group. And there's always that player or two that will object to everything anyone else suggests that may sway the DM.

The idea that knowing the rules and wanting to play by the rules are considered to be bad things gives me a headache.

2007-03-22, 10:29 AM
Theres a million zillion rules, but they were put in there for a purpose.

My DM, we just talk about it openly, often at the table even midturn if its important. Most of the rules we all follow, some of them he changes, its always open to debate (and often fun to do that, at least afterwards). If he agrees, cool. If not, he says, 'Nope, sorry' and we play onwards. No harm, no foul.

But then again, my DM kicks ass.

2007-03-27, 08:03 PM
Do remember that it only grants Total Cover when you give up your attacks. You have been using it right if you have been getting -2 AB and +4 AC (if proficient). The Total Cover thing is just an additional option. Previously, (i.e. in 3.0), the Tower Shield operated as 'up to' Total Cover, where you traded AB for Ac on a 1:1 ratio.