View Full Version : Way of the Wicked - Party 1 aka The League of Doom

2014-10-27, 02:21 PM
The League of Doom, Aka party 1


Radu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=984180)
Moroi-Born Dhampir
LE. -> Anti-paladin Lord of darkness

Claire (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1041761)

Zarus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=48964)
Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn)

Julius (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1025388)

2014-10-27, 02:50 PM
In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps,some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit.Trough fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female,commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night.Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and by out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is wait your doom.For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you,hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

You all find yourselves in a dark dank cell, all chained up in a line. This is your first night here and none of you have ever seen each other before. The rest of the cells are empty and other than the occasional scurrying of rats you are alone. What do you do?

2014-10-27, 05:39 PM
Here's the OOC thread for this game - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?380323-OOC-Way-of-the-Wicked-Party-1-aka-The-League-of-Doom&p=18321381#post18321381

2014-10-27, 07:49 PM

Hanging from the wall was a tall but thin man, with what underneath the grime of rough treatment, was a handsome angular face. His head was crowned with lustrous white hair that fell in great curls on his shoulders and a carefully trimmed beard and mustache adorned his chin. That is, the hair was now dirty and clung to his skin. Yet, the man still had a regal bearing that spoke of confidence and nobility. Even when dressed in rags and chained from hands to feet.

The dark did not bother Radu. It was an old friend and ally to the exiled noble. Something he had relied on many times during the past decades. No, he was not bothered by the dark. He was more than bothered by the way the guards had treated him though. There is no place in hell or the abyss too horrible or too cruel for them to end up in after how they had treated him. He felt a throbbing pain emanating from the brand on his arm and his nostrils was still filled with the stench of burning flesh. They had burned him... Mutilated and humiliated him! These sheep!

How dare they throw me into this cesspit! He glanced around with his red eyes. Letting his gaze, so used to dark conditions, take in his cellmates. They appeared to be in the same sad state as himself. How dare they chain him together with these... Common people? The last Vangir?! How far he had fallen from grace. He looked again, and this time he studied his company closer. Curious.. If his eyes did not deceive him that man possessed both horns and a tail. Perhaps these commoners are not so common after all...

Then he smiled for the first time in a long while as he heard the other residents of the cell. The guard did not know all the secrets of the Vangir after all. Yes, perhaps there was a way out of this situation. These chains were indeed a problem but if the guards had keys, then he would only need some distractions to get them.. And if his cellmates were waiting for the same end as himself perhaps they to could serve his needs in exchange for a shot at freedom. The chain began to rattle as his plan took form and a sound of distant bells started to chime as the last pieces fell into place. Radu was used to these signs and payed them little heed, but they usually meant something important was about to happen. First things first though.

Looking towards the far corner were he thought he saw one of the small creatures that others disregarded as pests. Creatures that he long ago learned could serve as eyes and ears with the right encouragement.

He began chattering in a low voice.

"Greetings little ones. I see you scurrying about looking hungry, but there is not much to eat in here is there? I can bring you food though. If you listen to my words and serve me I will find you meat-a-plenty." Diplomacy: [roll0]

He then turned towards his fellow prisoners. "I believe it is customary to know the names of those that you are destined to spend the rest of your days with." He manages a slight smile and a regal nod of the head. "As for me. My name is Radu Vangir and it is a shame we all could not have met under.. Less gruesome circumstances."

2014-10-27, 08:30 PM
Three of the vermin takes particular interest in you. After a few looks are exchanged between them, one of them squeaks in response, "How're you going to get us tasty meat if you're stuck in there?"

2014-10-28, 05:40 AM

He felt great satisfaction when the rats replied. Now if only the other prisoners would have the same courtesy.

"You are a clever one aren't you? Yes, that is a slight problem. But we could overcome that problem. The man-things that walk around here free don't want to give you meat, but they should have a set of keys." I must remember that they are rats.. He tries to describe how a set of keys looks. "Perhaps on their bodies or in a room close by. If you could get those to me I could use it to get loose and to let you inside the larder. And as a bonus I could hunt and slay one or two of those man-things that tries to kill you and you could feast on it for a long time." Yes, I would love for a chance to discipline those disrespectful guards. "Are you thirsty little ones? I could solve that for you right now."
Radu reached inside his mind and focused on a spot close to his feet and it started to rain. Not a massive downpour of course, and not from a great height. It began as a few drops on the stones a few inches from the floor but soon it poured forth in volume creating a puddle of clean liquid.

The guards will most likely take it as a natural occurrence.

2014-10-28, 08:01 AM
The three rats scamper up to the puddle cautiously and begin to drink. After a short time one looks up to Radu.

"We'll see what we can do for you strange man." The rat squeaks.

After lingering and squeaking to each other for a moment they move off into one of the dark corners of the room.

2014-10-28, 10:59 AM
Next in the line of condemned souls was a woman old enough to be thrown into the abyss people referred to as 'Brandescar' but young enough for her features to retain some of the softness of youth. The tangled and dirty mess hanging in front of her face as she rested her chin against her collarbone would under other circumstances have been straight brown hair of shoulder length. Her body and features speaks of a simple life, while hardly showing the gauntness of starvation or rough skin from harsh work in fields or forest, she is looking underfed and has the hands and feet of someone who has done her share of labor. She hangs listlessly in her chains, the very picture of defeat.

She had thought it couldn't get any worse, that the remainder of her time would disappear in a merciful blur after the trial. After all, if you have lost everything, what more could the world steal from you? It was a fanciful lie, that every blow and pain would be nothing when compared with the trial... that the ache would somehow make the scorching iron pressed against her skin less painful, that she had already lost all of her dignity and value - how could the brand take any more of it? She had been wrong, of course. She had scream and fought as they held her down, she had cried tears of helplessness as she was forever marked as lost. A small spark deep inside her kept hoping, kept believing there would be a miracle. Someone would show, saying there had been a mistake. The horrid truth was that even though she knew what would happen, knew she deserved it, a part of her could not give up, torturing her endlessly with vain hope.

At least the other prisoners are locked to the wall as well. A small voice whispered in her head. Murderers, worshippers of devils and worse... Radus voice interrupted her thoughts. For some reason, she grew increasingly anxious as seconds slowly passed, making each moment feel like a nervous eternity. She could hear a strange chattering, as well as someone relieving themselves. She didn't look up, locked in a state of ill-founded anxiety. This is ridiculous, stupid girl. You're one of them, remember? Remember what you did, remember...

"I'm Claire. Claire Latham. From... it doesn't really matter."
Her voice rang out hoarsely.
"You're surprisingly courteous for a traitor and criminal. I always thought..."
She trails off into silence.

2014-10-28, 11:33 AM

Radu turned toward the woman. "Traitor? Hardly.. And only if it is considered an act of crime to dispose of... Well..." He looked grim and his next words contained an edge, that if properly harnessed might have been able to cut the chains that held them fast. "..the real traitors and criminals. But then again so much have changed since Braca ruled." These prisoners were an odd bunch indeed. "I should scold you for your rude words, Claire Latham. Being chained to the wall awaiting your execution is no excuse for lack of manners young lady." He smirked and let his gaze wander over the girl. "Besides, who are you to speak of criminals? Being stuck here at your age child? You must have done something they considered really horrendous." He paused for a time as if in thought. "I tell you what I did Claire." He smiled at her. "If you tell me what you did."

2014-10-28, 12:43 PM
"I'm not like the others, I'm not like..." You. A chuckle, or perhaps a sob, escapes her. "I suppose you're right, Radu." Claire falls silent for a few moments, considering whether she should lie or not. "I burned down the mayor's house. He died." Easy. It was surprisingly easy to say. No wrathful eyes turned on her and the shining lord himself did not step down to condemn her. "... and the Tomsen's house." her voice grew more intense "Jensen's... Sigfried's... the temple."Claire almost spat out the last words while staring down at the cold stone floor. The woman is tensed to the point of trembling as she glances back at Radu. She says no more, but it doesn't take a psychologist to figure out what she's thinking. They deserved it

2014-10-28, 02:40 PM
"Hmmm, perhaps this could work out in my favor."Zarus lowly mutters to himself. He raises his voice a little, "I'm know as Zarus, my crime was murder, since they chose to pin the bigger of the crimes on me, and they carried off what they could from that bastards safe claiming that I had hid it and went back for some stupid flask he had hidden in his desk, even though the investigation and know artifice the man owned, a flask was not amongst them. So as I see, these guards should be in here along with us."

With his piece said, he will try to fiddle with the shackles.

Escape Artist:[roll0]

2014-10-28, 02:50 PM

Radu blinked. Then he laughed!

"You burned down your village?" It took some time for him to calm down and when he spoke again his tone was jovial. "I did not expect that from you, young one. I did not expect that at all. How did you manage such a feat Claire?"

Yes.. Fire..That is what is should have done..I should have burned the manor, not enter it with a knife...

"As for my crime? I was born in the right family living in the wrong time. A long time ago I was heir to the Vangir lands, a grand barony that.." He fell silent and clenched his hands into fists and gnashed his teeth. "..no longer exists."He spat out the next words like a curse. "King Darious and the Mitharans did not always rule Talingarde and those of us who had power before their time were cast down for them to rise. My birthright was taken from me during the purge. So I went to take it back with a blade and killed everyone in my path except the man who took it from me.. A shame he got away."

"I agree.. It would be lovely to have one of the guards in here with us Zarus."

2014-10-28, 02:53 PM
"Failed to kill him you say? Now you've piqued my interest, what would it be worth to have him gone?"

2014-10-28, 03:04 PM

"Regrettably I believe he is growing fat from my family's holdings as we speak." Unless he unearthed the crypts.. One can always dream."And let's say that it would be worth more than you could possibly imagine. Unless of course you have a very vivid imagination Zarus."

He proceeded to study the room they were shackled in. If the rats return with the keys then I should be ready..


The conversations was already distracting him and he figured that it might be wise to find out more about the others before he tipped his hand.

2014-10-28, 03:49 PM
"Well, one can have wild dreams no? Seems like that may be something for a latter time, I have no desire to feel the bite of the axe at my neck this coming morn."

With his bit said Zarus will look around, and if he manages to get loose of the shackles, see what he can try to do for those that seem to be able to care for themselves.

2014-10-28, 04:46 PM
Claire stares dumbly at the laughing man, her eyes slowly widening with surprise. He dares laugh. The woman breaks eye contact and return to her earlier slumping state, more or less hanging from her shackles. He dares laugh. The fire inside her chest, started by the thought of the burning village, grew hotter. Laugh. She did not know anything about Radu’s family, but she knew what every god-fearing family taught their children – that the old times Radu spoke so highly of were bad, a time of demons and chaos. And who’re you to judge? He’s right, you’re here because you deserve it. “And what choice do you have?” She hissed, glaring at the floor. “What dream could ever save you from this place?” The mere mentioning of an alternative ending to the current chain of events was all too painful to even consider and did nothing to improve her mood.

2014-10-28, 06:03 PM
While the rest discussed in their heated fashion, one of the prisoners only quietly contemplated, as he continued his existence in the corner of the room. He wasn't altogether very familiar with the kind of setting he was in, both the small and hard walls of the cell, and the fact that he was on land. And very close to becoming one of the many executed criminals that the country had given birth to, which was something that plagued him the most.

His mind, however, focused solely upon the bounds of the cell, attempting to determine what possible methods he could employ to free himself, and make a break for the ocean, as fast as he could. To die was quite unhealthy, he thought to himself, as he continued his survey of where he was.

And he decided that unhealthy things were something he liked to avoid, very much so. The call of plunder and excitement still echoed in his mind, and it beseeched him to return. He was very obviously suffering withdrawal.

Perception roll
For anything that can help me get out.
Kind of vague, though, so if you find that bad, then do tell me...

2014-10-28, 06:14 PM
"Well, one can have wild dreams no? Seems like that may be something for a latter time, I have no desire to feel the bite of the axe at my neck this coming morn."

With his bit said Zarus will look around, and if he manages to get loose of the shackles, see what he can try to do for those that seem to be able to care for themselves.

You do not get loose.

2014-10-28, 06:28 PM
While the rest discussed in their heated fashion, one of the prisoners only quietly contemplated, as he continued his existence in the corner of the room. He wasn't altogether very familiar with the kind of setting he was in, both the small and hard walls of the cell, and the fact that he was on land. And very close to becoming one of the many executed criminals that the country had given birth to, which was something that plagued him the most.

His mind, however, focused solely upon the bounds of the cell, attempting to determine what possible methods he could employ to free himself, and make a break for the ocean, as fast as he could. To die was quite unhealthy, he thought to himself, as he continued his survey of where he was.

And he decided that unhealthy things were something he liked to avoid, very much so. The call of plunder and excitement still echoed in his mind, and it beseeched him to return. He was very obviously suffering withdrawal.

Perception roll
For anything that can help me get out.
Kind of vague, though, so if you find that bad, then do tell me...

You look around the room. You're situated along with North wall facing south, the room is made up of a series of cells that consist of floor to ceiling iron bars. One cell to your right is different, it has a solid rock wall and you cannot see inside of it because it's iron bar door is too far in front of you. There is the door that you were dragged through when you were brought here, and where you know there are a set of two guards, is along the south wall farther to your right. The door is open but you cannot see very far inside of it. You look down at your manacles and are surprised to see that they are lower quality than most.

2014-10-28, 06:45 PM
You hear many sets of foots steps and several voices approaching from beyond the other room. Suddenly heavily armed guards walk into the room and make their way over to your cell. They are followed by a man you all recognize, Sergeant Tomas Blackerly, this is the man that held the red hot brand to your arm and laughed as your skin burned. Right now, though the sergeant seems somehow off.

Blackerly points to Radu and says gruffly, “You there! That’s the scum! Get ‘em unshackled. If any of you makes trouble, they’ll earn a thrashing! today’s your lucky day, scum. You've got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn't want to keep her waiting.”

2014-10-28, 08:42 PM

A visitor? Who could be visiting me? Radu did his best to hide his surprise. Perhaps one of my sisters managed to evade the noose for all these years. His heart skipped a beat at the thought. Maybe he was not the last after all. "Then lets not keep her waiting. Lead on Sergeant." Oh, how he wanted to grab Blackerlys throat and crush his windpipe.. But now was not the time. Perhaps there were clues to who this mysterious visitor might be. He tried to read something in the faces of the Sergeant and the men that had come for him. He also made mental notes of the guards. Primarily looking for keys within reach but also for signs of intoxication or neglect. This could be my chance.. I better not waste it by acting rash. Perhaps one of the guards is the weak link in this chain..

Perception and sense motive rolls to study Blackerly and the guards equipment and general readiness. Do anyone look sick or tired, dimwitted or the like.
This time I will remember to use guidance if it is possible, otherwise reduce rolls by one.
Sense motive:[roll1]

2014-10-28, 09:09 PM
You can smell alcohol on one of the guards.

You're are unlocked from your restrains and promptly cuffed with another set of manacles. You are then marched through the room to the south and then through a door to the left. Once inside you're shoved into a seat. There waiting for you is a hauntingly beautiful woman in an elegant black dress and soft silken veil. She looks as if she is headed to a funeral. Her hair is so platinum as to almost be white and her eyes are a vibrant almost un-earthly green. She clearly has been weeping.

“Oh, dearest,” proclaims the unfamiliar woman. “I’m so relieved you’re alive!” She quickly turns to Tomas. “Could we please have a moment alone, good sir? For pity’s sake?” Tomas goes blank for a bit and then quickly agrees. “Of course, my lady. For you,’ tis no problem.”

Blackerly is clearly under some kind of spell.

2014-10-28, 09:35 PM
As the manacles were removed from Julius's arms, he quickly began to contemplate who exactly had come for them. They were currently in one of the most secure prisons that could exist in this country, reserved solely for criminals of the worst sort, and degenerates like none other, and some apparently beautiful lady had come for them, to visit them?

Something seemed incredibly wrong with the situation, and he was smart enough to recognize this. As he was led out to meet the lady, he seemed over come by her beauty, and found himself quite distracted from the situation at hand. He would have to question this later, and immediately concentrated on trying to find ways to bending this to his own escape, or at least, figuring out what the hell was this lady doing.


Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

2014-10-28, 09:49 PM
“Have you forgotten me, dearest?” the unexpected visitor says with a smirk, dropping her pretense of grief.“Call me Tiadora."

2014-10-29, 02:21 AM

"I dared not hope you would ever come!" Radu answered the hauntingly strange beautiful woman as she played the sergeant like a well tuned instrument. I did not know anyone could come. This is supposed to be the most secure prison in Talingarde.

Radu raised an eyebrow as Blackerly left. "You certainly know how to handle these.. people, lady Tiadora." Searching through his mind for answers to just who this woman was proved futile. "And I am quite certain I would have remembered someone as radiant as yourself if I had previously had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. The only possibility for us to have met before is if you graced fathers court, and that would imply certain things about your ladyships age that might be considered.. Impolite."

He opened his eyes to the possibility that this was his sister in some sort of magic disguise or similar. It was a thing not unheard of. But none of them had any knack for those things and why bother getting in here?

"I have to excuse myself but it seems you have me at a loss my lady. Both to your person and your purpose here."

Detect magic on her! Detect all the magics!

2014-10-29, 03:04 AM
"My purpose is simple," She states very matter of fact. "We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby accommodations so it seems you must escape."

“If you manage that, cross the moors on the outskirts of town.On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story. There our mutual friend waits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.” She takes off her silken veil and wipes away a few fake tears with it.

You detect 2 magic auras. One faint aura from Tiadora, and one moderate aura from her veil.

2014-10-29, 07:38 AM

"It seems a few people are about to become indebted to your master and yourself. Including me." This is a problem for a later time Radu."Very well. I assume this will help facilitate this miraculous escape?" Unless the rats hold up their part of the bargain. Radu took the veil studied it for a short time and hid it beneath his rags. "What magic does the veil hold Tiadora. I sense its aura."

2014-10-29, 07:55 AM
"It contains quite a few handy articles darling," She answers, "I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out Radu."

"Now darling I must take my leave," she says as, she rises and as if on cue the guards return. Immediately, her demeanor once more changes and she is again a perfect picture of grief. “No, I can’t bear to leave you!” She gives Myras a kiss on the cheek. The kiss is ice-cold and feels somehow alien and inhuman.

Tomas shakes his head. “I’m afraid it’s time, miss.” She looks deep in Tomas’ eyes and says, “Tank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a good friend for letting me see my dearest one more time.” “Such a good friend,” Tomas repeats his voice almost mechanical. Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. “A pleasure, madam,” She leaves unveiled.Her eyes meet the PCs one last time and she briefly gives them a wicked smile.

“Three days,” telepathically echoes in the PC’s mind.“Don’t disappoint me, dearest”. The visitation concluded, Radu is taken back to his cell by a cadre of guards and shackled once more. The guards leave the room and can be heard heading down the stairs. The party is again alone in the room with the nearest guards just out of sight and earshot in the other room.

This appears to be a one silk veil of gossamer cloth. Only as it is held and closely inspected can you see small cloth patches of various shapes. One patch can be detached each round as a move action. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item. This veil contains:
•2 daggers
• Bulls eye lantern (full, lit and shuttered)
• Hempen rope (50-foot coil)
• Sack full of needed spell components (worth less than a 1 gp)and common clothes in the PCs sizes
• Thieves Tools, Masterwork
• Window (2 ft. by 4 ft., up to 2 ft. deep)
• 1 Potion of cure light wounds
• 100 gold pieces
• Unholy Symbol of Asmodeus (silver)Note that the window patch will create a window (and there for a hole) in a nearby wall. If there are no nearby walls, it simply turns into a common wooden window frame. It cannot be placed on a living creature however. Once removed, a patch cannot be replaced.

2014-10-29, 08:23 AM
“It must be horrible to leave someone behind...” Claire says without looking at Radu “At least you got to say goodbye. You must have been very influential to be allowed a visitor in this place.”

2014-10-29, 11:33 AM

I never told her my name yet she knew... "Yes... Regrettably I did not leave anyone behind Claire, and certainly not the lady Tiadora." Radu makes sure there are no guards in the room before he continues. "Zarus, Claire, and you there in the corner. It has been a change of schedule. Before the unexpected visit I put plans in motion to free myself from these cells and it seems this visitor and I had mutual interest in this endeavor. She has provided means of accelerating my departure considerably." He looked at each of them in turn. "Now I am much, but no expert in locks and frankly I am certain that if you are invested in this escape you are much less likely to be a problem. Therefore you are all coming with me." Radu gently used the power of his mind to lift the veil out from under his rags and lifted it up to his hand. Very carefully he removed the patch that contained the pair of thieves tools. He floated it in front of them so the others could see the item before he hid it in his other hand. He smiled broadly. "It seems the headsman have to wait for us after all."

He carefully gauged their reaction to the news before he continued.

"There is a catch as there always is. We are meet her and her master in the moors before three days have passed so we have no time to waste. Now, who among you is confident in the use of such a tool I just showed you?"

Ok, telepathy as well? Now that is rather suspicious.
Knowledge (history)[roll0]
Knowledge (religon)[roll1]
Knowledge (planes)[roll2]

2014-10-29, 12:06 PM
You have no idea as to who or what Tiadora is.

2014-10-29, 12:13 PM
"Hmm, I can give them a try, as I have been playing around with mine since they came and got you."

If allowed, I'll take 20 after the guards had left with Radu for a 27 disable device or escape artist, whichever is better suited for this. Or I'll wait and use the tools. Either or.

2014-10-29, 12:36 PM
"Hmm, I can give them a try, as I have been playing around with mine since they came and got you."

If allowed, I'll take 20 after the guards had left with Radu for a 27 disable device or escape artist, whichever is better suited for this. Or I'll wait and use the tools. Either or.

You get a minute or two into your attempt and one of your tools slips. A loud high pitched metal clank pierces the relative silence of your cell.

"Was that a rat?" shouts one of the guards from the other room. After a moment of panic you are relived when no one comes to investigate.

Can't take 20 it'll be too loud.

2014-10-29, 02:09 PM
Claire stared at the levitating item with a look of disbelief on her face. The remnants of her crushed hope roared in victory, banishing the clenching despair in her chest. Of all the people I could have spent my last days with, I ended up with the one with friends powerful enough to help him escape. “Trust me master Radu, if you get me out of these shackles the trouble I’ll cause will benefit you greatly.” Claire answers with low and heated voice, now looking attentive instead of hanging from her chains as if already dead.

Claire frowns and looks nervous when Zarus slips and the guard’s voice can be heard. A lock-pick and murderer is soon the only free person in the room... She continues to wait in tensed silence.

2014-10-29, 02:27 PM
After the guards seem distracted, and Radu relinquishes the tools, Zarus will get to work on his shackles.


2014-10-29, 02:38 PM
After the guards seem distracted, and Radu relinquishes the tools, Zarus will get to work on his shackles.


The manacles don't open, but by all indications the guards didn't notice.

2014-10-29, 03:20 PM

"I would have it no other way Claire." Trying hard not to seem worried about the lack of open locks. "Perhaps some inspiration is in order Zarus? Let me guide your hands a bit."

Radu touches Zarus with his foot while focusing on the hidden potential inside the thiefling.

Basically recasting guidance on him for a +1 on the rolls until a manacle clicks open. I think we have to just keep rolling till it works.

2014-10-29, 03:25 PM
"Usually better with these blasted things..... Well some help couldn't hurt."

Rolling until open, then working on Radu's

2014-10-29, 03:50 PM
Julius did not attempt to say much in return to Radu's words, as he tried to piece together why anyone would come for them. But it only took him a few seconds before he gave up entirely, and finally spoke for the first time, to the rest "I wouldn't usually question my luck, but don't you think this is a bit... err, too good? Something doesn't seem right."

While he did that, he attempted to open the manacles that bound his hands, except without any tools.


2014-10-29, 04:39 PM

"You are of course right in that there is a high likelihood of.. let us say complications.. involved in our recent fortune, especially as among the trinkets I received is a rather elaborate holy symbol of Asmodeus." He looked at Claire. "The real name of the deity you young folk call the fallen." He gave the unnamed man a smile. "But then again would you rather wait for the axe to fall? Mister.." A moments silence. " I believe I have not caught your name yet."

2014-10-30, 01:55 AM
Both sets of Manacles pop open with a satisfying yet quiet clank. Julius' and Zarus' hands are free and they both get a +2 bonus on opening any other set of manacles in the prison.

2014-10-30, 10:53 AM
Claire's nervous eyes wander between the Zaru and Radu at the mention of Asmodeus. "I guess that's the only help the forsaken can expect." Her voice contains the same heat as before, but is now tinged with bitterness. The new information bothered her, but the prospect of being free quickly washed away all of her objections. She twitches visibly when the sound of opening locks can be heard. Her eyes wander warily over Zaru and the man in the corner. "I never answered your question Radu. I used witchcraft and sorcery to burn it. The village. I can call on fire at will." She continues with intense and agitated voice, still glancing at the two almost-free prisoners. Her bearing is tensed and nervous.

2014-10-30, 11:58 AM
Julius slipped off the manacles, having gotten quite lucky on his attempt, even if the manacles, as he'd noticed earlier, were quite shoddy. He did not get up, knowing that it would be quite difficult to avoid detection from the guards, if the manacles fell, and made any noise.

"Julius, last name not important yet. Now, where do we go from here?"

2014-10-30, 12:54 PM

"That depends on how often the guards enter to check on us. My idea is an ambush by the door into the cell block and make sure none of them can sound the alarm."

2014-10-30, 01:03 PM
Julius cracked a knuckle, quietly, and tried stretching a leg, as he slowly slid the manacles over, but keeping them on, to make them look like he was still wearing them from a far and cursory inspection. He spoke once again "Seems reasonable. Did this woman leave us with weaponry, perchance?"

2014-10-30, 01:08 PM

Radus smile was genuine and earsplitting.

"Funny you should mention that.. Get me out of these shackles and and I will retrieve them for you. "

2014-10-30, 01:16 PM
Julius seemed to lean forward, also returning Radu's grin with one of his own, and he slowly removed his hands from the manacles, and beckoned to be given the tools. "Oh good, that can only mean one thing. Can't do this without tools, though, because the oceans know how lucky I got with my own. Or someone more skilled should do it for you. But things do seem to be looking up. By the way, did the lady mention any return favors she wanted? I've never known a person to give favors without wanting something in return. Unless she did it out of the good of her heart, except then she wouldn't be breaking out pirates and murderers."

Either ways, Julius found himself to be in good company.

2014-10-30, 02:07 PM
"Hmm I'll give them another go."

With that said, Zarius will move to remove Radu's shackles first, then Claire's.

Disable Device:[roll0]

Disable Device:[roll1]

2014-10-30, 02:11 PM

"Yes Julius. The catch as I said earlier. Was that we are to meet her and her master after we leave this place."

2014-10-30, 02:15 PM
Julius's smile disappeared, and his forehead scrunched up. "Somehow, this seems quite... well, nevermind. Instead, lets talk about now. I'm hoping we don't have to wait too long for the guards to come check up on us."

2014-10-30, 02:38 PM

"On the contrary, the longer it takes the more time we have to prepare. By the way? How well do you all see in the dark? I have an idea."

He looked at the struggle with the shackles.

"But first we need to get free of these bonds. Would you be so kind as to finish before the guard arrives?"

2014-10-30, 03:57 PM
"Hmm I'll give them another go."

With that said, Zarius will move to remove Radu's shackles first, then Claire's.

Disable Device:[roll0]

Disable Device:[roll1]

Claire's manacles are now open, while Radu's are not.

2014-10-30, 04:06 PM
As you are quietly speaking among yourselves you all notice three rats carrying a key ring towards your cell. They slip through the bars and set the keys on the ground and look up at Radu expectantly.

2014-10-30, 04:34 PM

Radu looks at the small gathering and feels a sense of irrational pride well up inside him and he makes a few squeaks and chittering sounds.

"You shall have your meat little ones."

Smiling extremely broadly Radu lifts the keys with his powers and attempts to unlock his chains.

"It seems my other plans have come to fruition. Another debt to pay I suppose."

Trying another of the keys as the first did not fit. Looking at the disbelieving faces of his fellow would be escapees.

"What? If you have time to stare at rats you have time to keep guard."

2014-10-30, 06:28 PM
"Well Mr. Radu, it seems that you are a being of many talents. Perhaps now since we have the key(s), we should discuss the others? The chaos may be worth it to help mask our escape, though we may have to silence some if they've heard to much."

"As for seeing in the dark, I am perfectly fine with that, what did you have planned? And these weapons, I would much prefer one, I'll enjoy this a little more."

With that said, Zarius will rewrap the tools, and have his tail hold onto them so as to free his hands.

2014-10-30, 06:41 PM
Claire followed Zairus every move up with wary eyes until the thiefling started to work on her manacles, at which point she relaxed visibly. “Thank you.” She says with barely audible voice while massaging her sore wrists after being released.

“How well we can see in the dark? What sort of a ques...” Claire sets her eyes on the three rats. Her eyes gradually narrow as she looks between the vermin and Radu, her gaze lingering on his face. Red eyes. What manner of creature is he? “Well, I certainly can't.” The thiefling's comment did not surprise her nearly as much, he had the look of a monster, after all.

2014-10-30, 08:09 PM

Radu nods in appreciation of the compliment and opens his manacles with the second key. Then he proceeds to free his feet.
"One does pick up a few tricks as the years add up, Zarius. Excellent thinking by the way. If there are other prisoners they could be a valuable resource to us..."

He looks at the girl with an air of supreme confidence and hands her the keys. "As for the reason of my question." He points at the wall. "Torches my dear Claire. We put out the torches. The guards can not defend themselves against what they cannot see." His red eyes reflecting the flickering fire emanating from the torch he pointed at. "Some of us are born without that particular apprehension for the lack of light. Why should we play by their rules? Some of us embrace darkness as an ally." As he smiles you can not help to notice a pair of very long and sharp teeth.

Removing the two daggers from the veil he then hands one to Zarius and the other to Julius. "Now then? There is just one thing missing.. Ah.. Warm clothes. This will be more useful than you would think." Then he brings out the different clothes hidden in the same item and shamelessly removes his rags and dresses up in those who fit him, leaving the rest for the others

"And now for the finishing touch." He calls forth water once more, until there is a large puddle in the corner. Slowly raising his hand in a clawing maneuver the water seems to rise and solidify into a distinct shape. He walks up towards the object and proceeds to don the newly crafted breastplate. "Many talents indeed my dear Zarius. But I forget my manners.. Is anyone else interested in a similar attire?"

Using create water to create enough of it to cast Ice armor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/ice-armor)

2014-10-31, 06:16 AM
Claire inspects the fresh sets of clothes, preoccupying herself while Radu changes out of the rags he's wearing. If we get out, it would be good to have whole and undamaged clothes... if. I'm not staying like this a second longer than I have to. Claire shoots the other prisoners a calculating look. Damn it all. She turns her back towards the others before quickly and unceremoniously changing her rags for the new clothes.

“I've never worn armor, it'd probably only slow me down.” It was a wonderful feeling to be free of the chains and rags. Her cell-mates cooperation, powers and high spirits also inspired some confidence. “So if we put out the torches and lure the guards here, the two of you could... dispose of them?” She says eagerly. The thought of laying in wait for a unknown number of heavily armoured guards in a pitch black room, with the increasingly unsettling lord and a tiefling for company didn't seem nearly as intimidating as it would have only a few minutes ago.

2014-11-01, 08:31 AM
Taking the time, Zarius will remove the rags they left him in and don the clothes as well.

"No thanks, that will just hinder me for now. Now I believe we need weapons to take care of this and what not, also the hobbles need to be removed from our other companions it would seem."

I wonder how the guard outside our cell isn't hearing all this or has he moved on?

How many ever attempts it takes to remove Radu, Claire and Julius.
Hobble removal services
Disable Device:[roll0]
Disable Device:[roll1]
Disable Device:[roll2]
Disable Device:[roll3]
Disable Device:[roll4]

2014-11-01, 03:51 PM
"Ah, good, weaponry. Not particularly strong, but definitely enough to kill these damned guards. Nice trick, by the way, with the rats." Julius said, as he caught the dagger, and flipped it up and about a few times, just to get a good feel of it. Now that they were going to get out, he was decidedly annoyed about his sudden lack of a good velvet suit. Perhaps he could find his old clothing in the prison?

2014-11-01, 08:50 PM
Taking the time, Zarius will remove the rags they left him in and don the clothes as well.

"No thanks, that will just hinder me for now. Now I believe we need weapons to take care of this and what not, also the hobbles need to be removed from our other companions it would seem."

I wonder how the guard outside our cell isn't hearing all this or has he moved on?

How many ever attempts it takes to remove Radu, Claire and Julius.
Hobble removal services
Disable Device:[roll0]
Disable Device:[roll1]
Disable Device:[roll2]
Disable Device:[roll3]
Disable Device:[roll4]

Your cell mates are free. And there is no guard in the room that your cell occupies, but you are aware of two guards through an open door South East of your cell.

2014-11-02, 10:59 AM

"I appreciate the compliment Julius. Now as for those torches.." Trying the cell door and seeing if it is also locked and if it is he retrieves the key from Claire to unlock it. Radu looked around the cell block to find all the sources of light and see if there might be any other prisoners inside the cellblock. Satisfied with his inspection he begins gathering all the rags they recently wore in a pile. Then he drenches them in conjured water. "Now as I douse the flames , get ready to strike." Keeping his voice low as to not attract unwanted attention from the guards. Once again relying on the hidden power in his mind, he levitates the drenched fabric over the torches one by one until the cellblock is completely dark.

Perception to scout out the cellblock (if needed). [roll0] Then he gets ready to charge the guards if they enter the cellblock.

2014-11-02, 12:16 PM
"Why is it dark?" You hear a gruff voice say from the cell to your right.

You look over and see this standing in the cells door. (http://imgur.com/2xvczM1)

2014-11-02, 12:31 PM

This was unexpected.
Radu replied with a whisper. "It seems the torches went out of fuel. Who are you and how much have you heard?" Slowly approaching the cell where the.. Horned bearded man was standing.

2014-11-02, 12:37 PM
Julius frowned as he slinked to the other side of the cell, up with his back against the wall, close to Radu. What was this? If only he could see in the dark, like this fellow could. He seemed odd. For one, he could speak to rats, and then he could see in the dark. The spells could be easily explained, but it all seemed so... different. He'd figure it out later, for now, he'd concentrate on acquiring freedom, and letting the other man do all the talking to things in the dark.

2014-11-02, 12:45 PM
"Don't take me for a fool." The ogre says, "I've heard enough to know you're getting out of here and that you should take me with you."

2014-11-02, 01:09 PM
Map of the area (http://imgur.com/uDlNlfS)

The ogre is in the reinforced cell.

2014-11-02, 04:56 PM
While Radu worked with putting out the fires, Claire waited by the cell door, keeping watch for the guards. As she left the dark hopelessness behind and gained a grain of trust for her cell-mates, tension began to rise. To think that the hateful guards were only a few meters away, while they prepared for their demise. Soon, they’d strike, soon they’d be out of here. Her hands were cold with sweat.

The voice startled her and sent chills down her back. Like when someone catches you doing something you really, really shouldn’t have done. Moving as quietly as she could, she followed right after Julius. After moment of indecision, she bows her head slightly and focuses while chanting in low voice. A fire starts the palm of her hand, making it look like she is holding the flame of a torch. The flame leaves her hand and dances away against the reinforced cell, blatantly ignoring the most basic rules of physics. It floats around in a sinusoidal pattern for a while, as if searching, and settles in mid-air when illuminating the ogre.
"What is that thing?" She whispers to Julius and Radu.

2014-11-02, 05:33 PM

Radu was both pleased and worried at this new development. There was a reason the ogre was kept in a reinforced cell after all and if it was not inclined to listen to reason.. Things might get ugly fast. But the possibilities of unleashing an armored beast against the guards! He made up his mind. They would need this negotiation to go smoothly though.
"Well. Perhaps we should take you with us.. It depends if you can cooperate or not." Radu eyed the beast and tried to assess its condition and if it could be relied on in a fight. He taped his chin in thought. He looked to Claire as she spoke. "It is hunger and strength made flesh dear Claire." He smiled. Much like myself. "You seem able to both take and administer a fair bit of violence and it just so happens that there is a position open as an enforcer in my court... If you agree to the position. Then I shall armor you and see to it that you make it out of here alive. As a bonus you will get to tear any guards that stands in our way apart. Now, what is your name ogre?"

Sense motive to see if he is trustworthy and diplomacy to make him friendly toward us. Using the legalistic bonus on the diplomacy roll.
Sense motive:[roll0]

2014-11-02, 07:22 PM
Grumblejack responds, "I am Grumblejack and I am willing to accept your terms so long as it means I get out of here, nut know this I am not the fool that many of my kin are and I will not be treated as such."

2014-11-03, 04:36 PM

This is turning out to be a rather good day after all.
"Do not worry Grumblejack. By agreeing to this arrangement you have already proven to be far from a fool." Repeating the process he used to conjure the armor for himself. Except with considerably more water to compensate for the unusual size of the recipient in short order Radu had a marvelous breastplate of solid ice in his hands. Then he used the key to open the reinforced cell. "Your freedom and your armor." He gave the ogre the custom built item with a smile. "Now Grumblejack it is time we left this place. If you are like me and Zarius and able to see without light, we would be glad to have you join in on this little ambush we planed for the two guards in the next room. Otherwise stay out of our way."

Making a breastplate for Grumblejack and getting ready to ambush some guards.

2014-11-03, 04:50 PM
Claire looks appraisingly at the ogre. “Good. They deserve it.” She whisper, before walking as quietly as possible in the other direction. The flame leaves the ogre and follows her, staying at enough distance to maker her strain her eyes in order to see anything, but allowing her to stay on the path and avoid walking into things. The quick beating of her heart is almost more audible than the muted voices from behind as she presses on, closing in on the guard-room's door. Staying well out of eye-shoot from the doorway to the guard-room, she crouches and listens. She almost expects a guardsman to walk through the doorway any moment, another part of her almost wants it to happen. To get break the silence and wait, to strike against those who did this to her. Almost.


2014-11-03, 05:00 PM
You listen carefully for a moment and you can hear two distinct voices.

“That Blackerly is a damned thief! Tat game was rigged last night!”
“If it’s rigged, why do you keep going back to the gate-house then?”
“The beer’s passable.”
A laugh is heard.
“Drinkin’ on duty! Damn, this place has gone to hell. Captain Callidan would have never tolerated that crap. That’s for sure!”
“Captain Callidan … he left, what? two years ago?”
“Almost three and since then the place has been straight to hell. That old wizard never leaves his tower. He stays up there reading his books and petting his owl!”
“Petting his owl? Is that what they call it these days?”
The guards enjoy a bit of a laugh.

2014-11-03, 05:29 PM
"I hope one of your size is more subtle then your kind usually are, I'd prefer not to bring the entire confines of the barracks down upon us while only armed with these puny things."

"Also Radu, I do hope that our new patron had promised you and by extension us, something better then what they lent us when we meet up with them after getting out of here."

With that Zarius will find a suitable place to hide to spring his part of this ambush.

Moving near enough to the door and hiding.

2014-11-03, 05:35 PM
Somewhat relieved, the sorceress returns to her companions. “I think there's only two of them... enjoying themselves greatly” Her voice grows more intent “They'll never see it coming. Should I shout for help, scream in pain? Maybe that'd get them in here. I could also try to levitate their torches away from them, should they have any.”

2014-11-03, 05:37 PM
In a subtle movement, Julius Dampier moved backwards from where he already was, in an attempt to hide himself, following suit with everyone else doing the same. This ambush was Step 2 on their way to final freedom, although technically they were bound to that lady. But a pirate was free, wasn't he?

He'd see how grateful he felt to this mysterious benefactor at the end.


2014-11-03, 05:41 PM
You hear a chair scoot and one of the guards says to the other, "Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Replies the other.
"I heard something coming from the cells, I'll check it out."
You can hear one of the guard moving towards the door.

You have time to take either a move or standard action.

2014-11-03, 05:50 PM
Julius felt a tad bit uncomfortable, but he was ready for anything to come through that door. He had his dagger raised, and his hand ready to strike immediately, as anyone entered through the doorway.

Readying an action, never done this before, so smack me if this is not how it's done.
Readying an attack for whenever the first guy enters the doorway
[roll0] to hit

2014-11-03, 06:27 PM

Following Julius example Radu readied himself to pounce upon any who dared enter the cellblock. His heart was pounding hard and fast. It did no longer matter if everything would go to the nine hells or not. Time seemed to slow down and in the place of apprehension a stronger more basic instinct grew. This feeling..The old hunger.. It has been to long since last I hunted. He licked his teeth in anticipation.

Readies a charge against any guard entering within range. That is okey right? Otherwise it is just an attack.
Attack: [roll0] Add 2 if charge was okey
Damage: [roll1] +against humans it also deals 2 con damage

2014-11-03, 07:02 PM
Seems everyone else is getting on edge quickly, guess that means bloodshed is soon to come.

Readied action to try and silence the guard that comes through the door.
SNEAK ATTACK!!!!:[roll2]

Oh COME ON.......

2014-11-03, 08:34 PM
As the voices of the guards could be heard and the others quickly moved against the door, all thoughts of planning or strategy disappeared. Claire followed a half step behind Radu with adrenaline pumping through her veins. Almost (a small voice by the name of 'common sense' whispered weakly in the back of head) without considering if it was the wisest thing to do, she soon found herself standing within range of the door with the others, preparing to strike. She would get them for what they had done, for locking her up, for daring to laugh and drink on the job while she sat chained to a wall... with thoughts like that swirling in her head, she became aware of the change, not because she felt it, but because she simply knew. She didn't need to look in order to know that her fingers now had a different structure, shimmered slightly red and ended in a set of cruel talons.

Free-action: Claws
Readying stuff:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-11-03, 08:54 PM
The moment you all see the door in front of you open all the way you all waylay the guard. Of the four of you Julius and Radu both strike the shocked guard and he falls in a heap on the floor blood pooling around him. Through the door you see what must be the other guard leaning back, his chair on two leg and with an expression of pure horror. On the table in front of him, and just a few feat in front of him you see what can only be a signal horn. The remaining guard scrambles for it.

Roll initiative.

2014-11-04, 10:47 AM
Claire’s heart skips a beat as the door opens. After a split second of indecision, she darts forward, only to almost crash into Julius back as he strikes against the guard. As the guard falls down and reveals the room, she can see the second guardsman. Their eyes meet and she can see how his gaze wanders to the signal horn. Filled with a sudden energy, she pushes her way forth between the men before her and steps over the corpse of the guard while chanting with firm voice. With a few swift hand movements, ending in a sweeping motion as if brushing something aside the spell is cast, while she moves a few steps along the wall inside the room.

Standard action: mage hand, attempting to pull the signal-horn away from the guard, preferably to catch it herself.
Move action: Moves along the wall inside the room, thus keeping distance from the guard.

2014-11-04, 12:05 PM
The horn flies towards your hand and you catch it.

2014-11-04, 05:45 PM
Julius grinned, as the woman next to him used her apparent powers to acquire the horn, from in front of the poor little guard. "My bad, mate, but you were just here at the wrong time." he whispered, as he moved right up to the guard, and made a back handed slash against the man with his dagger.

To hit

2014-11-04, 06:27 PM

Yeeeeesss... That was it! The ambush had gone perfectly. Julius had buried his dagger in the unsuspecting fool and he himself had, as custom dictated, gone for the throat. It had been a moment of triumph and of sweet sensations. His stomach burned with inner fire as he let the body of the dead guard hit the floor. Sweet sensations indeed.. He wiped the blood of his lips and looked at the still breathing guard being viciously stabbed at by Julius. He smiled. A red smile competing with the color of his eyes. "No dear Julius... He is just in time.. for dessert!" Then in a savage leap, Radu threw himself forward at the remaining guard.

Charging the guard!

Damage:[roll1] +2 constitution damage from blood drinker

2014-11-04, 06:33 PM
The guard stumbles out of the way of your attack.

Edit that was for Radu

2014-11-04, 06:45 PM
Julius cuts his dagger across the guards face!

2014-11-04, 08:19 PM
Zarius seeing his comrades moving against the last guard will tumble to try and cut off the guards path of escape.

"My good sir, I hope you are not going to try and leave our little soiree so soon."


If I actually hit something, it is going to hurt, but until then........CURSE YOU FORUM ROLLER FORMULA!!!!!!

2014-11-04, 08:39 PM
Zarius tumbles behind the guards and stabs him in the small of his back. The moment his blade breaks skin the guard falls limb to the floor.

2014-11-04, 08:44 PM
Julius, for a second, stared at Radu, before noting his blood thirst, and filing it in the back of his head for later use. But, as the body of the guard crumpled to the floor, he felt his mind quake with the thought. Step two is complete! Step three, unleash the beast.

Victory was theirs, for now!

You know, Call of Duty: Black Ops did have it's moments, even as a CoD game that was released after WaW. Time to reference Vorkuta multiple times

2014-11-04, 08:54 PM
You search the two guards and find the following between them,
- 2x chain shirts
- 2x heavy steel shields
- 2x long swords
- 2x saps
- 2x longbows
- 2x quivers with 20 arrows each
- 2x very similar keys one on each guard

2014-11-04, 09:12 PM
"If no one objects, I'll take a suit of the chain mail, and a sap, just in case it may be needed.....I hope not.

With that Zarius will start to don one of the armors, ignoring most of the weapons, and eying the keys.

2014-11-04, 09:16 PM
Against the south wall of the room you see a fireplace, while it isn't lit and is without fuel you can still feel warmth coming from it.

2014-11-04, 09:34 PM
"I think I'll take one of the bows, since I seem like one of the more nimble fellows in group, although I prefer closer melee combat. Much more flare in it, than in standing and launching projectiles from afar." Julius said, picking up one of the bows, and a quiver full of arrows. He ignored the armor, as he didn't need it, as well as the other, more unwieldy weapons.

2014-11-05, 05:04 AM

Dusting himself of and collecting himself. There where little trace of the savagery displayed in the fight earlier. "Executed to the numbers everyone. You are all certainly highly efficient." He sized up the two dead guards and muttered. "Well then, a deal is a deal.." Removing the weapons, armor and uniform of the first victim of their road to freedom Radu then unceremoniously grabbed the corpse by the leg and dragged it back to the cell. An amusing thought struck him. Using the keys on the chains that had been keeping them trapped he propped up the guard as if it had been a prisoner. It seems the tables have turned. He smiled and started chittering in the language of rats with the three rats that had brought the keys.

"As I promised here is your meat little ones. There is more in the other room. Perhaps we can could trade services again another time."

Business done, he returned to the others and belted a sword and donned a shield. Hanging the chain shirt no one else had claimed on his back, for when his spell would wear of.

He mentioned to the neat pile of garments he had removed from the dead guard. "Do any of you.." He looked at the ogre, the thiefling and himself, before eyeing the two remaining persons in the group. "less distinctive folk, think it is possible for to use these clothes to masquerade as a guard and scout ahead?"

2014-11-05, 11:55 AM
As you leave the room a pack of rats much larger than just the three descend onto the corpse.

2014-11-05, 07:32 PM
The adrenaline slowly left her as realization dawned that it was over. She slowly walked over to the dead guard in the room as the looting began, horn still in hand, and looked down at the closest corpse with cold eyes. It had been a quick and brutal affair and she couldn't but be disgusted with the scene before her. Still, anger burned hot in her chest as she stared at the dead guard, the very symbol of her imprisonment. The woman snorted before aiming a sweeping kick against the guards ribs. Pain shot up through her foot as she experienced the effects of hitting a heavy target (clad in armour no less) with the soft instep of a foot. She let out a slow, shivering breath while keeping her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself while not cursing. “Go ahead. I have little use for weapons or armour.” Turning around as Radu entered the room again. “I suppose, it may be a good idea.” Still waiting for the pain to subside while considering the options, she pauses “I'll do it. As I said, I think you're better with weapons and...” Her voice trails off and she slowly grows pale as she notices leftovers from Radu's dinner, more specifically traces of red around his mouth. Or rather, her mind connects the dots she has already noticed, from Radu's ambush, to his comment during the attack and other things. For a moment, she is speechless and feels like throwing up before her body starts moving like an automation, collecting the least blood-stained parts of the guards armour and clothes. “You need to be right behind me.” Her eyes wanders to Radu again, still looking regal, with hair which would be the envy of every woman in her village. Still looking like something imported from a nightmare with the red around his mouth and his red eyes. “I won't stray far without you being able to support me, should things turn sour. You should probably know as well, I overheard that a mage is running this place... unless that was some sort of lingo I didn't get. Now, how do I look?” She continues, trying to keep calm and not looking any more at Radu. Claire has donned the clothes, equipment and armour of a guard. If there's a helmet, cape or hood available, she's wearing that as well.

How good disguise is this? Does the clothes fit decently, can she conceal her face somewhat etc?

2014-11-05, 07:42 PM
Other than a cloaks hood, the uniform does not have anything that could cover your face. On top of this you have not noticed a single female guard during your stay here.

2014-11-05, 07:54 PM
"I don't suppose that they would happen to be stupid enough to have a map laying around with their gear, that would just be too damn lucky for us. Grumblejack or you chaps, do you know the way out of here? I was hooded when I was brought in here."

2014-11-05, 08:37 PM
Grumblejack looks at Zarus then to the stairs and finally back to Zarus and says, "I think it's safe to say we need to go down there."

2014-11-07, 10:04 AM
"No idea."Claire starts walking down the stairs. "I suppose we need to improvise for the remainder of the way. The longer we stay here, the higher risk of detection. Lets just go." Eager to leave and still wearing armour, she disappears down the stairs. Listening and moving catiously, she attempts to scout the next room/corridor.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-11-07, 03:00 PM
You venture cautiously down the stairs and at the bottom you find a room that contains a door on the north wall and a lit torch in a sconce on the wall, other than that the room is bare.

2014-11-08, 04:56 PM

He looked doubtful as Claire had dressed and started sneaking ahead. Oh well.. The disguise might work at a first glace. He had much preferred to think things trough a bit longer but she had been right about them being on a tight schedule. Besides, now that he had fed he no longer feared anything the guards could do. "If they have a mage, it would be best if we found and disposed of it before it has a chance to prepare for us or lead any group who tries to recapture us." With that said he followed Claire down the stairs.

Finding the bare room and the doors leading to who knows where his thought went back to the rats again. Perhaps they would be willing to find out what was behind those doors. "Claire. Would you be so kind as to wait a moment?"

Radu went back to the cell and the gruesome dinner the rats were having and spoke to them once more.

"Greetings again. You all seem to enjoy your dinner and I have another proposition for you all. I would like to know if there are any man-things in the area behind the doors downstairs. There is more meat to be had for you all if you help me once more. What do you say?" Another thought struck him as he haggled with the rodents. "Regardless of your answer... You wouldn't now if it is day or night at the moment?" Diplomacy with guidance: [roll0]

2014-11-08, 05:03 PM
Julius considered the guard's clothing on Claire for a moment, before he dryly commented "I don't think there are many female guard in here, considering what we've seen. I might try to scout ahead though, with stealth, instead of just disguising ourselves. It's a tad bit dangerous, but I'm confident in myself. Or, we could just get the rats to do it."

2014-11-08, 05:10 PM
The rats squeak among themselves for a moment look to Radu.

We've never counted them before, but we know that there are those three that guard that room with all the food. It's night time.

2014-11-08, 07:57 PM

He squeaked a thanks to the rodents and left them to their own devices.

Returning to the group just in time to catch Julius words.

"I agree and I have already spoken with them Julius. They say there are at least three more people down there. Guarding what they believe is the stores." He shrugged and absentmindedly tapped the edges of the shield with his free hand. "They would have little reason to misinform us, but they are still animals and still think like animals. If you do feel up to the task I do believe your abilities would indeed be both more informative and to put it frankly much more reliable." He looked at the dead guard in the room and grinned. "And I would not need to pay you with corpses." He went over to the fireplace to try to make sense of where the heat came from and added. "It seems we choose a good time to act. According to our furry allies it is night time. If we are lucky some of the guards and that mage might be busy sleeping. If you find the opportunity and are silent enough perhaps they will never wake at all." Giving the dagger the man carried a suggestive look.

Perception on the fireplace: [roll0] or if possible take 20

2014-11-08, 08:41 PM
You examine the fireplace and determine that the heat is coming from a fireplace on the first floor that uses the same chimney as this one. You can also tell that someone could climb down the chimney from here to the first floor but it gets too narrow to climb onto the roof.

2014-11-10, 04:31 AM
Claire stands on the first step of the stairs and eyes the room nervously, having returned from the lower level. Her current bruised and dirty state combined with slightly ill-fitted armor weighting her down makes her look like a pretty sorry excuse of a guard. “Settled, then. You scout ahead and we wait for your signal. It’s safe to venture down the first flight of stairs – there’s a closed door downstairs. I’ll be right behind you.” She motions towards the stairs while removing the pieces of armor. “You’re not going to let the two of us have all of them, are you now? Let’s go.” The woman pulls of a nervous smile while looking between Zarus and Radu, her voice tensed and containing a hint of viciousness.

2014-11-12, 04:44 PM
"If you would Radu, I don't feel like landing in the fire, could you use your abilities to create some water and let it fall down? Or if you'd like put it in something and at an agreed upon time, I'll drop the water to cause a diversion, then while you four go in through the door, I'll sneak down and get them that way."

2014-11-12, 05:02 PM
Julius smirked a bit, as a small idea came into his head. He quietly slid towards the door of the room, leading out, and whispered to the rest "I've got a small plan. If those fellow's are sleeping, let's leave some carnage and sorrow behind for these poor bastards, shall we?" and slipped in, taking caution to see what was beyond first.

If the guards are sleeping, or it APPEARS that they're not paying attention at all, I move in with stealth. At least, if I think they're not paying attention. Please don't roll badly. My luck's been terrible for the past few days

2014-11-12, 06:01 PM
You peak through the door and see a hallway that is 80 feet long and 20 feet wide, at the other end of the hall is a set of double doors. On the right side is a door about halfway down. On the left side is two doors, the first is about a third of the way down and the next about two thirds. At the end of the hall you see two guards talking to each other in front of the double doors, they don't notice you.

2014-11-13, 12:09 PM
Claire follows Julius. “I may have something in mind as well.” She stands next to him with her back pressed against the wall while he peaks through the doorway. “What do you see? “

2014-11-13, 04:42 PM
Julius looked back to the sorceress, and whispered back to her "Two guards, talking. Approx eighty feet away. Any ways of distracting them? Or do you think you could pull off the guard look? Eighty feet of distance should be enough for them to not recognize any problems, hopefully."

2014-11-13, 04:45 PM
Since the others seem to be keen on taking the guards from two ways, Zarius will peer down the chimney to see what is down there and how well he would be able to descend.


2014-11-13, 04:53 PM
You peer down the chimney but in doing so you get a face full of smoke. You instinctively retract back out of the chimney coughing. You do smell a lovely stew cooking though.

2014-11-18, 08:20 PM
Claire stares coldly at the man, who’s a good 7 inches taller than her. “Nothing for distraction. I suppose if you can’t make it close enough without being seen and is less confident in your other abilities… ” Such as standing in the line of fire. She whispers with flat and tensed voice while glancing towards the stairs. “I’ll cross-dress and act the drunken lout in an attempt to get one of them to investigate. It’ll be fine, right? They won’t be able to distinguish me from one of their drunken comrades if I use the hood. Not from eighty feet away. You wait here with an arrow knocked. If I get back, we go up the stairs and jump anyone pursuing.” With those words, she disappears up the stairs.

Claire’s standing with her hands resting on her hips, the stairs right behind her, with her gaze nervously dancing around the room. “Change of plans. There’re two guards present, standing in the far end of a corridor, which is at least eighty feet. Unless anyone has a better plan, I’ll try to lure one – or both – up here by keeping distance and looking like a one of their drunken colleagues. We have to assume both of the guards carry a signal-horn. If anyone else can handle the second bow or has a trick they haven’t revealed, now is the time to spill the beans.” She speaks slowly with controlled voice, making a conscious effort to keep her composure in front of the band of criminals. By the nine hells tell me they have something better.

2014-11-18, 09:26 PM
Zarius will pace the room back and forth, in a random manner as he thinks about what to do.

After a little bit of his pacing, he will speak up, "Sorry, tricks are not my specialty. Simple easy tasks I can do, ones like that, not so much. However, you seemed to be able to control a fire in the cell correct? Can you do that for any fires or just ones you create? The chimney is too smokey to clearly navigate down, and there is a large pot of boiling liquid I assume to be the guards dinner sitting down there. I would like to avoid the shame of landing in that if I cannot see to repel successfully. If not, if Radu can create enough water in vessels, that I could dump in a given time or just create and let it fall, it may cause enough of a distraction to have the guards come here, or awaken the entire garrison."

With that Zarius will resume his pacing until his input is required again.

Freefalling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNpdbvtWU_A&list=UUPuUn4k8FSlB79YaIU2IEyA&index=258) to set a tone :smallbiggrin:

2014-11-18, 09:38 PM
Julius quietly clicked his tongue in annoyance. He considered the distance between them and the guards, and then thought about it. "Alright, I'll attempt to hide. Make some sort of signal when they get close, so I can pop out, and let loose an arrow. Or, how about this. Do you have any illusory spells, of any kind? To make some kind of image or mirage, or noises?"

2014-11-19, 05:36 PM

"It is as good a plan as any Claire. Allow me to give you a bit of help on the way and perhaps the rest could pitch in as well." With that said he helped to the best of his abilities to describe and show her the mannerisms of a drunken man. Replying to Zarius as he worked. "If there indeed is a large pot down there. I could add water in it until it boiled over. But a sudden influx of water might be a bit.. Unusual, unless the guards have a habit of reliving themselves in the chimney. Yet, the plan has some merit and I shall see what I can do." He studied the cross-dressing woman with a critical eye. "That should do it.." As Julius spoke of illusory sounds he spoke up again. "I might have ways to produce such noise... What did you have in mind Julius?"

He walked over to the fireplace and looked down to see if it was possible to fill the pot with conjured water from up here discretely.

Using both an aid other and guidance to help Claire with the disguise for a +3 bonus on her roll if Radu gets more than 10 on this roll:
Aid other: [roll0]

And perception for the fireplace: [roll1]

2014-11-19, 05:58 PM
You look down the chimney and determine that, while not impossible, it would be hard to insure the water ended up in the stew and not the fire. Though you do think you would be able to extinguish the fire. The space also seems wide enough for an average man to squeeze down.

2014-11-19, 06:19 PM

Looking back at the tiefling with a smile playing on his lips. "The stage will be prepared for your grand entrance Zarius." The white haired man reached into his mind and once more made water gush forth in a focused stream. Aiming to make sure the fire would lessen at least to the degree that Zarius could go down without fear for the flames. After his task was completed he quickly took up an ambush position by the entrance of the room. If someone comes to investigate I shall be ready to feast again.

2014-11-20, 12:03 AM
The water pours down the hole and after a moment a column of steam rises up from the hole. You look down the chimney and you can tell that the fire is out.

2014-11-20, 12:26 PM
Claire observes Radu’s every move with about the same level of trust your average cobra would show a mongoose as he shows her the ropes of acting. ”No control and nothing useful as far as illusions go. I’m more about… well, setting fire, I suppose.” While Radu conjures water, the sorceress disappears into the pitch-black cell block, only to return a few moments later. She has impersonated the guard sitting by the table to the best of her ability. Assuming he was fully armored and armed when they ambushed, she’s now wearing full guard clothing, a chain shirt, a sheathed longsword, a hood (and cape, if included), a shield strapped to her back and has a sap hanging by her waist. If there’s a jug or similar in the room, she picks that up as well. “Right. That’s it. You’ll be right behind me Julius, and will come to my aid if I whistle. If I return, the both of us walk up the stairs and wait for an eventual pursuer.” She pauses and let her eyes wander over faces of the gathered people in the room. “… If you’re not on top of them the moment they realize something is amiss, they’ll surely sound the alarm.”

2014-11-21, 05:11 PM
After watching Radu conjure the water down the chimney, Zaruis will wait a moment, then peek down again after the steam has drifted by to ensure he can scale down, and will not need something to aid him.


If chimney is not ideal to scale down, he will look for either rope or maybe the manacles that had kept their feet together if that is possible to detach from the wall, and latch it somewhere to ensure a smoother decent.


2014-11-21, 05:25 PM
Julius nodded, and then pulled the bow out from where it hung. He drew an arrow, notched it, and slithered right up, and then beckoned for her to get going with the plan. He had his arrow trained right out.

2014-11-21, 06:32 PM
Zarius begins to climb down the chimney Grumblejack notices he's having trouble and helps him down. When Zarius reaches the base of the fireplace he sidesteps a large pot of stew and limbos his way out.

You find yourself in what is clearly a kitchen. There are two people who look to be servants standing at some tables across the room where they were peeling potatoes. They are now looking with shocked expressions at you.

2014-11-21, 08:25 PM
Claire places her right hand on the closed door and looks at Julius for a few seconds. The fact that the others had found a possible escape-route behind her bothered her a lot – to the point where she seriously considered just waiting for someone else to go first. To just shrink back, even after going through the bother of changing clothes and preparing mentally. At least the ogre wasn’t going to disappear down the chimney anytime soon. I’ll bloody haunt them if they escape down the chimney while I get skewered. The woman snorts, suddenly amused by the gallows humor of the situation, before pulling the hood up to cover her face and slamming the door open with excessive force.

Claire looks as if almost falling out through the doorway, catching her balance a few feet away. She makes her way over to the wall, walking hunched and with unsteady gait. Her gaze is locked to the floor in an attempt to not show her face and she’s humming a merry and popular tune. She falls towards the wall, catching her weight with both arms. She stays in that position while listening for the reaction of the guards, keeping appearance of using the wall for balance.

Disguise: [roll0]
If the perception roll can't be crammed into this single "round", just ignore it.
Perception: [roll1] (listening)

2014-11-21, 10:04 PM
"Hey buddy, you ok?" Call one of the guards from down the hall.

2014-11-22, 10:25 AM

As the the plan is put in motion and the others went to their respective tasks Radu got ready to perform his part in the ambush. Observing the ogre help Zarius down the chimney from his spot by the door his curiosity about the beast grew. It will probably take some time before any guards enters our trap. He scratched his shin and after a brief moment of hesitation he spoke up. "Grumblejack. Pardon me asking, but how on earth did they manage to catch and put you in this place? Or better yet, why? I believed Mithrans killed ogres on sight?"

Keeping a close eye on the door he might at first glance look relaxed. In reality he was like a cat ready to pounce at a moments notice on anyone taking that faithful step trough the door. Shifting his gaze from the door to the ogre and back again. Ready an action to attack any guard that enters the room. (Making sure it is not Claire though)

2014-11-22, 01:06 PM
“Hmm, hm, hm, hm, hmm!” I wonder if they have bows? It’d be like deer hunting. They'd get a good shoot between the ribs if they tried...“Hm, de-dum, hmm!” The sorceress pushed back the urge to look at the guards while leaning against the wall for a few more seconds, swaying slightly in order to keep up appearances. Move damnit, this has got to be enough. Turning her back towards the guards, she reels back towards the relative safety of the doorway. She enters the room where Julius waits by stumbling into the doorframe, before taking a few steps into the room and leaving the door ajar. Signaling to Julius to follow, she disappears up the stairs to the room where Grumblejack and Radu waits. “It may have worked. They should be here in a matter of minutes if they followed.” Claire says while removing the shield and chain-shirt as quietly as possible. She stands on the opposite side of the doorways as Radu.

2014-11-22, 04:04 PM
"Seems that portion of the chimney is finally clean enough so that the buildup will not cause a major fire later on. If you fellows could, I'm not inclined to go back up that way, and my partner has pulled the rope it seems, direct me from here how to get back up to the floor above so I can rejoin my partner and we can be on our way."

While he's talking, if the servants don't seem spooked, he will casually walk towards them, if they are easily shaken/don't buy his lie, he will rush the closest he can.


Attack:[roll2] (+2 if charging)
Sneak Attack:[roll4]

2014-11-22, 06:31 PM
Grumblejack shrugs and answers, "I don't know why stupid pink skins do what they do."

The servants in the kitchen look at each other then point to a door across the room from you. "Go through there then take the door on your left then take the door at the end of the hall on your left," One of the servants says.

Everyone Else
You hear the two guards walking down the hall towards the door that Claire just went through.

2014-11-22, 06:40 PM
Julius concentrated for a moment, and closed his eyes, letting his senses grasp the footsteps of the guard. Pointing it sideways, he had an arrow notched and ready to hit the first guard to come close to the door. He looked at the rest, and nodded, as he opened his eyes.

Ready an action to fire at guard
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] Damage

2014-11-23, 06:36 AM
Claire takes a low stance, like a predator ready to strike. Her hands and fingers slowly twist into red-shimmering talons once more as she waits for the guards to emerge.

Using claws this round and keeps them for the consecutive round, thus wasting two rounds of claws
Readies attack, will strike when the first guard appears

Rolls can be found in the ooc, due to the edit-safety of the die roller

2014-11-24, 06:08 AM

Grumblejacks answer was not the one he had hoped for but it still rang true. Yes. Who knows why they did not kill all of us on the spot when they found us guilty. The question of why had passed through his mind several times during the last few days and several more as he was spending time chained up in the cell. No mater. Their inefficiency and mercy is a weakness they will not live to regret.. As Claire entered the room and took up position Radu increased his vigil. Raising a curious eyebrow as she revealed her talons. It seems the cat has claws. His stomach had started to churn again even though he knew that feeding so soon after his last meal would merely be for pleasure. Ever since he discovered the reason of his thirst he had learned trough many battlefields that he could only utilize a small fraction of the vitality retrieved from the conquered enemies. The taste was still sweet like ambrosia though and each time he felt more alive and more certain that the blessing of his ancestors would grow in strength as he feasted. Perhaps this would be the day, perhaps not. But he hungrily awaited the arrival of the men outside.

Readies an attack on one of the guards as they enter.
Attack: [roll0]With flanking from Claire add 2
[roll1] and 2 con damage

2014-11-25, 09:06 AM
"Thank you gentlemen, I shall be on my way."

With that Zarus will move to the door and open it slightly to see what is on the other side.