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2014-10-27, 03:44 PM
The year is 2184. The Eden Prime war recently ended, with the young Commander Shepard emerging victorious. However, you don't concern yourself with such galactic intrigue. You are a simple mercenary, and in the city of Icecrag there isn't a lot of time for worrying about anything but your own hide and your current job.

The city of Icecrag is one of the lone beacons of civilization on the otherwise barren ice-planet of Dunfed. Despite the arctic nature of the land, the city manages to supply for itself using a multitude of factories and synthesization plants located in a region of the city known as the Industrial District.

Today your job is to explore and clear one of these synthesization plants belonging to a company called Cafmohan Farming Alternatives. As one would guess from the name, the Cafmohan company is a Batarian-owned series of factories that specialize in food production.

Recently, one of their factories had some sort of biological or chemical mishap. This accident was reported to the Cafmohan headquarters by automated computers in the factory, however the exact nature of the accident remained unclear.

In response, Cafmohan sealed off the factory and then hired mercenaries from a Icecrag-local group called the Gnashers. Unfortunately for both the Gnashers and Cafmohan Farming Alternatives, that group never returned.

And so Cafmohan is trying again, this time with the Blue Suns group, to try and reclaim their farming factory. It's your job to explore the factory and determine the source of the accident, as well as clear out any undesirables that may have settled in the factory during the confusion.

- - -

You currently find yourself on the way over to the Cafmohan factory in a small shuttle cramped in with three other mercenaries. This isn't your first time meeting these particular Blue Suns soldiers, but it's your first time working with them in this combination.

- - -

What are you doing? How do you feel about the mission? Do you have any private goals? How do you feel about your fellow squadmates?

2014-10-27, 04:55 PM
Erin slides the resonance coil back into her Avenger. Less than a year ago, she never would have thought of a weapon like this as 'hers.' Alliance hardware doesn't work that way. Especially when you have to dispose of weapons after a mission.

But she isn't Alliance anymore. Now she's a merc. Signed on with Blue Suns, full contract. First thing she did was buy her own Avenger. Not the most powerful thing on the market, but it was what she could afford with her meager signing bonus. Then she decided to paint it. Customizing the appearance of her weapon to match the traditional livery of her Cossack ancestors. Blue with red stripes.

Like most humans, Erin is very uncomfortable around nonhumans, and it shows through in the way she is acting in he shuttle. Keeping to herself, checking over her weapon, not speaking unless necessary.

But like it or not, they were her squad mates. For now anyway.

2014-10-27, 06:44 PM
Dulwar has been cautious as how to approach the new squadmates. Rumor that the turian was to be treated with extra care. Often, the mercs before this assignment seemed unpleasant at best, but some tasks require specially-oriented minds. That's how this quarian felt.

So now we're here. I've heard stories about you. Guess we should get clear on anything that needs to be.
- Then stares Kaidus briefly, hoping to not be perceived.

2014-10-27, 10:02 PM
Gurold shifts in his seat uncomfortably due to the tight fit. His armor is new and has no helmet. The krogan watches the human as she fidgets with her rifle. "Not usual that humans can use weapons, especially females" the krogan says before readjusting uncomfortably again.

2014-10-28, 12:41 AM
Kaidus' eye catches that of the Quarian. He peers out from beneath his cloak, his eyes just coming into light. He stares intently at the Quarian. His left eye begins to fill with his own blood. He takes a handkerchief and wipes it away. He remains silent as he looks over the Quarian. After a few moments too long, he replies in a deep and soft voice through his bandages, "Actions speak louder than the whispers you may have heard around a campfire. I'm being paid to fire in the same direction as you, Quarian. That's all that matters." He sits back in his seat, pulls out a brand of cigarette compatible with his dextro-protein digestive system and lights it. He seems more at ease but the Quarian's words send him into deep thought as he recollects his past.

2014-10-28, 02:51 AM
The Turian's voice seemed distant from threatening. Dulwar was still shaken by his peer, especially by catching his glare beneath the mask. But sometimes one has to show some bravado, even if it means to back off after stating it. Kaidus was one to be considered.

"I apologize for the annoyance. And hope we can get along."
These words were spoken with a relative warmth. A deep thought and Dulwar lowers his head, looking once again at the other squadmates. The Krogan seems to be having a good time, despite shifting in his seat very often. Even in a small shuttle as this one, a Quarian is to feel like home. Then he raises his head and directs to Kaidus. Before speaking anything, Dulwar reconsidered the Turian's answer and ended choosing not to say a word.

Then turns his look to the Human and the Krogan and thinks of anything to distract themselves.
"Never seen this pattern before." - Beholding the Avenger held by Erin. "Is it a new series? Or is it custom?"

2014-10-28, 07:32 AM
Erin pauses as the Krogan speaks to her. At her, would probably be a more appropriate interpretation. Her avenger slides open as she begins to check the driver relay for any dust that may cause a round to go astray.

Yeah? How many humans you know? Besides we don't have a plague making us 'females' a commodity.

The rifle makes a small beeping sound to signify its diagnostics are complete and Erin closes the panel.

And if you think so little of my skill, Krogan, name a target. And it will die.

When the Quarian asks about her rifle, Erin answers, keeping one eye on the huge being.

Is custom. Traditional colors of my people.

2014-10-28, 11:48 AM
Gurold laughs at the remark. "You sure you're not krogan. Humans don't normally have such fight. Im Gurold."

At that point the krogan starts focusing on the mission. "What is alternate farming anyways? Personally, I think we all could enjoy some salarian. I hear they are good." Gurold shifts his gaze to the turian. "We could always go with the nasty turian food that gives you the runs. " the krogan laughs some more.

2014-10-28, 12:40 PM
"It's not alternative farming. Food synthesis is a process of taking raw materials and turning into organic, edible products. The production line is quick and safe from pests, but it requires large amounts of energy to work. That's why we use the simpler but more efficient vertical farms with living plants in the Fleet." And then perceives Gurold's gaze upon Kaidus. "Well, your system is not supposed to be fed turian or quarian food. I'm surprised you just got in the runs after trying it."
The Quarian briefly gets his attention in Erin's Avenger colors again, before turning to the Krogan. "I'm Dulwar'Neah nar Riedra. You may call me Dulwar if you like. And it's good to see one in a good mood."
Then shakes his head to the squadmates.

2014-10-28, 05:10 PM
Kaidus seems to ignore the remarks made by the Quarian and Krogan. His eyes stare off into space and he holds the cigarette in between his fingers. He sits as though he actually can't hear the conversation going on around him. His left eye begins to bleed but this time he doesn't seem to notice it. His eyes look around in panicked movements, but still as though he's not present but seeing something else entirely. His right hand begins shaking violently. He accidentally drops his cigarette on his leg; the burning sensation wakes him out of whatever trance he was in. He quickly wipes his eye and pretends to act as though nothing had just happened. He starts eyeing everyone else in the room and listens intently, but remains silent.

2014-10-28, 06:24 PM
A little awe struck from the amount of information the quarian shared, Gurold just stares blankly. "Well, ok then. I just hope we get there soon. It's been a while since I've been in a firefight. " the krogan shares before trying to look out a window.

2014-10-28, 07:08 PM
You feel the shuttle rumble to a stop as you reach your destination. The shuttle doors then slide open, and you're able to finally stretch again.

You find yourself in Icecrag's industrial district. Around you stand a number of dull-looking factories. A few people wander about, but they steer clear of the shuttle that just landed as soon as they notice the mercenaries stepping out of it.

Before you is a medium-size factory made mostly of a dull grey metal and dirty concrete. There's a small video-screen sign above the double-doors that reads "Cafmohan Farming Alternatives".

Electronic caution markers have been set up around the perimeter of the building, warning passersby not to wander in.

Stepping past the markers, you approach the front of the building. The door has been locked and reinforced since the accident, but your group has been given the number-code to enter.

- - -

What do you do before entering? Who's leading the group? Who's taking up the rear? Are you making any important preparations?

2014-10-28, 08:23 PM
Gurold stretches as the group walks up to the entrance. Grabbing his gun, the krogan shows a smile "How would you ladies like to handle this?" then makes sure his weapon is loaded and the sights are clean.

2014-10-28, 08:51 PM
Dulwar configures the Combat Drone module, setting its upgrades (Regeneration, Rocket Pod and Thrust Upgrade), then checking the Enviro-suit's conditions, turning his attention tho the squad right after. "The intel reported chemical or biological mishap." He looks upon the squadmates and is particularly worried with Kaidus' bloodied cloth.

2014-10-28, 10:00 PM
Kaidus loads his rifle and approaches the door. He presses a button on his omni-tool. "Fast or Slow, whichever you prefer, Krogan."
Kaidus is activating his tactical cloak, the DC being 20.

2014-10-28, 10:25 PM
"I'll take point. Stay behind me and shoot anything I miss. " Gurold holds his gun up and stands on point, waiting for the door to open, a smirk crosses the krogan's face.

2014-10-28, 11:10 PM
Kaidus pauses cautiously at the door. Remembering the bit about the chemical incident. He puts his hand on the Krogan's chest, signaling for him to wait. Kaidus sniffs the air around him.


2014-10-28, 11:28 PM
Kaidus sniffs the air around him.

Upon sniffing near the door you catch a small hint of a harsh chemical smell. More direct exposure would probably be dangerous without some kind of protection.

2014-10-28, 11:39 PM
The Quarian gets his rifle on hand, turns on the sight and unlocks the safety trigger. Then checks the omni-tool for any resource available to analyze the environment.

2014-10-29, 01:28 AM
Then checks the omni-tool for any resource available to analyze the environment.

Your Omni-tool's environmental sensors aren't strong enough to analyze very much from outside the building.

While searching through your Omni-tool for things related to biological hazards, you do find blueprints for small breather masks you could make using the Omni-tool's flash forge function.

2014-10-29, 03:19 AM
Your Omni-tool's environmental sensors aren't strong enough to analyze very much from outside the building.

While searching through your Omni-tool for things related to biological hazards, you do find blueprints for small breather masks you could make using the Omni-tool's flash forge function.

Dulwar shares the breathing mask files through the omni-tools. "These might be useful. It may not last forever, but at least is something to work out." Then looks for the door and structure layouts. "Whatever the atmospheric risk, this facility should have proper masks for any hazard they handled. Trusting these flash-forged masks is your option of course, but you could at least wear it for a while to search for adequate protective gear from the facility's stash."
He lowers his head and speaks with dismay. "Or you could distrust it entirely and return to the settlement or send me looking for such gear inside. Though the Gnasher mercs went missing for much less."

2014-10-29, 03:57 AM
Gurold uses his omni tool to acquire his mask, "These work for me, I'd rather finish the job quickly." the krogan slides his mask on and readies his gun again but pauses to see what his team does.

2014-10-29, 10:22 AM
Kaidus takes off his hood for a brief moment. His pitch dark skin, embroidered with white tattoos reveal themselves for a moment. He places the mask on his face and then pulls his hood up, and goes back into the comfort of its darkness. He loads his rifle, adjusts the scope, and takes cover against the wall next to the door.

2014-10-30, 10:57 AM
Erin fits her mask over her face and readies her rifle. She takes up position at the door, but her commando training screams at her that this action is too obvious.

Are there any less obvious entries to the facility? Another merc team was wiped out trying to take this place. We should be less obvious.

2014-10-30, 11:45 AM
The krogan smiles behind his mask, "The last group didn't have me. Now let's do this." Raising his gun, Gurold opens the door and steps in cautiously while observing the area.

2014-10-30, 12:03 PM
Great. Of course the damn toad would just go.

Erin steps from behind the door, and looks for threats.

2014-10-30, 02:06 PM
Dulwar walks just after Erin and readies the rifle, then asks quietly. "Please direct me, Erin (I'm green in this kind of mission)." Without taking his attention from the surroundings.

2014-10-30, 03:24 PM
Kaidus walks in last and follows the group. Readying himself to fire at whatever comes into sight. He then pushes a few buttons on his omni tool.

Kaidus is activating his Tactical Cloak. [roll0]

2014-10-30, 03:25 PM
Stepping into the room, you see that it's but a simple reception area.

Two desks flank the exit to the room, which is on the opposite side of the entrance. One of these desks has been overturned, and the computer monitor which was resting on it lies broken on the floor.

Lying on the floor in the center of the room is a dead Batarian. He wears the orange signature armor of the Gnashers, but his chest plate and face-mask have been flayed to ribbons. The Batarian's face is unrecognizable from the attack.

Leading away from the Batarian is a trail of bloody foot and hand prints, as if someone was walking on all fours.

The trail leads out the exit to this room, through a sliding door which is currently closed.

2014-10-30, 03:33 PM
Gurold stops and kneels down to look at the batarian. "I've never seen anything like that. You guys got a clue?" Raising his gun as he stands back he starts to follow the trail but stops after a couple of steps....


2014-10-30, 03:39 PM
Well. This bodes well for the rest of the mission. We just have to clear and secure the facility, right? If we are free to clear anything in the facility, I say breach the door, clear the next rom out, and then bound forward in two man teams. We cover each other and clear the building out one room at a time.

2014-10-30, 04:45 PM
Erin steps from behind the door, and looks for threats.

Eyeing the bloodied foot and hand prints, you note that they are definitely human in origin.


You don't hear anything but the heavy breathing of your companions as they exhale through their masks.

2014-10-30, 04:59 PM
"The human's plan sounds good to me. Let's form up." the krogan says after not hearing anything worth concerning himself over.

2014-10-30, 05:03 PM
Dulwar analyzes the distance the corpse is from the entrance. Is there a weapon on him? Any rounds fired?
Looking for collateral damage in the turned desk and near it.


2014-10-30, 05:31 PM
Dulwar analyzes the distance the corpse is from the entrance. Is there a weapon on him? Any rounds fired?
Looking for collateral damage in the turned desk and near it.

Upon closer examination you find the answer to most of your questions.

Clutched in the Batarian's right hand is a slightly beat-up M-3 Predator. You can't tell if any shots were fired, but the weapon has it's full-clip in and there are no thermal clips lying around, so it's likely that none were.

Your roll seems to have failed, but there's not much to fid around the desk anyway.

2014-10-30, 06:47 PM
A beep is heard from Kaidus' omni-tool. The surrounding environment seems to climb up his body until he is completely engulfed in it, appearing to vanish. From where he once stood clear as day, Kaidus' voice sounds "I'll scout ahead. Wait for my mark." He moves up to the sliding door and opens it trying to be as silent as possible.
Stealth Check [roll0]

2014-10-30, 07:13 PM
Stealth Check [roll0]

Since you beat 30 on your check to put up the Tactical Scan you actually also gain a +5 to your stealth roll, bringing you up to 19.
Entering the next room alone, Kaidus finds himself in one of the main synthesization centers for the complex.

A number of mini-synthesization stations sit around the room, but some are tipped over and the tubes broken. Out of these broken tubes leaks a thick green sludge.

The gases that were present in the reception room are even thicker now, making it slightly hard to see.

Despite the thick gases, you can easily see two vaguely humanoid shapes on the far side of the room. One is hunched over and walking on all fours, while the other is standing tall. They both seem to be on alert, as they probably heard the sliding door open, but due to your tactical cloak they're unable to see you.

The sliding door is still open behind you, meaning that you could slip back into the reception room without making any noise.

2014-10-30, 07:27 PM
Kaidus speaks through the door "Two probable hostiles, far side. I'm flanking. Move up."

Check to maintain Tactical Cloak.

Kaidus slips around the left side of the room staying close to the walls attempting to get an angle on the unsuspecting hostiles.

Stealth Check - extra +2 from tactical cloak.

2014-10-30, 07:35 PM
Erin reaches out for the Turian before he opens the door, but can't see him because of his cloak.

This is not how a breach is supposed to work. she takes up position on the right side of the door.

Krogan, take up position on the left side of the door, we go at the first sign of trouble. Wait for the Turian to make the first shot. Quarian, take cover beside me. When we go in, we're going hot, you cover us from here.

2014-10-30, 07:47 PM
Gurold moves exactly as Erin instructed. "Ready to open fire. Let's see what this turian has.

2014-10-30, 09:54 PM
You all get in position, poised to strike upon the bestial beings.

We're going to be assuming rolls of 10 for initiative and we're also going to be using a block initiative system.

This means that you can act any time within your block, and then we advance to the next block once all participants of the current block have gone.

During this combat, you all have initiative higher than the enemy, so the there are only two blocks. The player block (which comes first), and then the enemy block (which is second).

For this combat, the four of you have a surprise round in which to act as well.
This is the map for the encounter. When you move your character, merely indicate in your post the letter and number of the square you're moving too. I'll make updates each round. Below the map is a key to explain the various markings on the map.



Solid Black

Orange Lines
Sliding Doors

Grey Blocks
Synthesization Stations

Green Spray
Leaked Sludge

Red Boxes
Bestial Beings

Indigo Box

Green Box

Purple Box

Maroon Box

I'm giving you the Defenses of the enemy so that you can tell whether you've hit and write descriptions accordingly. I'm not going to divulge to you the HP of the enemies, if they die I'll describe that. These particular enemies have a defense array of 12 Fort/12 Ref/9 Will. They also have no visible shields.

During the surprise round their reflex defense is reduced to 10 due to being flat-footed.

2014-10-31, 12:52 AM
Kaidus brings up his rifle to his good eye. He zeroes in on the hostile's head. His left hand squeezes the trigger gently as he breathes out. Simultaneously, his cloak is broken and his rifle fires.

Attack Roll: 1d20+1 (point blank shot) -2(point blank range) +3(attack bonus):

His round finds its mark.

5d8 + 5(explosive round) +5 (single shot): [roll]5d8+10

2014-10-31, 01:13 AM
Gurold moves forward stopping short of the leaked sludge. Aims his gun at the target in sight, and opens fire.


2014-10-31, 01:13 AM
Dulwar extends his left hand, his omni-tool flashing an holographic array and deploys a Recon Mine in 5-M, then moves to 6-E.

1d20 +15 [roll0]
Mechanical Expertise Reroll if first value < 25 (in which case, use the second value, even if it is lower. Ignore if first result is at least 25)

2014-10-31, 07:07 AM
Don't know what I was expecting. Do these aliens not get the concept of tactics?

Erin sighs as she pushes herself around the side of the door, running up to the first station before lifting her rifle up to firing position, and pulling the trigger.

Advance to I7. Fire on closest target.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Her aim is good, but the rounds don't seem to do much damage.

2014-10-31, 01:33 PM
As your teams sends forth a barrage of shots, you see the more exposed of the two bestial figures drop, quite obviously dead.

The remaining creature howls in fury and braces itself, ready to attack.

Now that the surprise round is over we'll start moving through the initiative blocks. The players get the first block. Each of you can go before the enemy will go.
Here's the updated map. The orange circle represents the recon mine and the red 'X' represents a dead enemy.

Two of you fired autofire weapons this past round, and they function a little differently than normal weapons. In addition to dealing less damage to armored opponents, they have a different mode of firing they use. Please check out page 156 of the Star Wars Saga Edition rulebook for information regarding those rules.

2014-10-31, 03:03 PM
After his first shot lands, Kaidus immediately changes his focus to the other hostile. He lines the scope up with his enemy's head and pulls the trigger.

Kaidus takes a shot at the last standing hostile.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

The kick from his rifle makes the shot go wide.

2014-10-31, 03:35 PM
Bracing her rifle against the overturned station she is taking cover behind, Erin lets another barrage of fire loose.

Attack: [roll0] Critical Hit!
Damage: [roll1]

A flurry of bullets spray out from the Avenger, spraying the feral target with so much metal. This shot seems much more effective than the last, probably because she remembered to brace her weapon.

2014-10-31, 09:47 PM
Gurold let's out a frustrated grunt as he activates his omniblade. Jumping onto the station(or over) he swings the blade downward onto the final target.

Just in case, Athletics check [roll0]
Attack [roll1]

2014-11-01, 12:31 AM
Dulwar rushes to 6-K, releasing grip of his left hand again and extending it towards the remaining enemy. His omni-tool, now with one tiny holo-counter displays a different array of lights and an electric-imbued pulse is fired.


The pulse wraps around the target, rendering it immobile and slowly discharging its electric potential.

2014-11-01, 01:53 AM
The creature shrieks as a trio of attacks pummels it. First, the besital being is riddled with shots from Erin's Avenger, then it is bludgeoned by Gurold's headbutt, and lastly the creature is shocked into submission by Dulwar's electrical net. After the group of attacks commences, the creature lies dead upon the floor.

You forgot to include the damage penalty for using an autofire weapon against armor, as well as the damage bonus for firing within point-blank range (due to your feat).

The final damage of your weapon after these modifiers and the critical hit is 12.
You got a critical hit!
With the creatures dead, the tension of battle leaves the room. However, upon approaching the dead beasts, you see a surprising sight,

One of the dead creatures is actually a Gnasher mercenary, and the other looks to be one of the Cafmohan workers.

A look of madness is glazed over their dead eyes.

2014-11-01, 03:32 AM
One is to complain at such sighting. "I've heard about husks, but this... what did this factory processed?" Dulwar's voice is slow and disgusted. "Wonder if every batarian food crawls and howls." Then nods its head and looks over all the spilled sludge and the broken machinery. "I'm worried about you. These creatures were exposed to the atmosphere, but they sure enjoyed being in it. Not sure if can trust these masks enough." Dulwar resources to the omni-tool trying to analyze any chemical properties (such as flammability, pH, composition of simple or complex organic molecules or neither) about the sludge and the air.

2014-11-01, 08:55 AM
Using the only scientific way Gurold knows, the krogan starts kicking the corpses to get a better look at it. "That's just weird."

Ha! Should have rolled a confirmed. Also, I used my omniblade instead of my head. This time anyways.

2014-11-01, 02:53 PM
Dulwar resources to the omni-tool trying to analyze any chemical properties (such as flammability, pH, composition of simple or complex organic molecules or neither) about the sludge and the air.

The sludge turns out to simply be an unprocessed form of the food created here. It's a little moldy from sitting out for a couple days, but nothing extremely dangerous.

Upon analyzing the gases however, you find something interesting. Although the vapors are constructed from almost identical ingredients as the food products, the chemical structure of the vapors is much different (resulting in the differences in color and state of matter). In addition, you're fairly sure that the gases are artificial, not naturally occurring.

2014-11-01, 03:13 PM
Erin's Avenger hisses as she ejects her thrermal clip and inserts a new one. Walking over to the beasts, she squats down and inspects them.

At the comment about husks and trusting their current breath masks, she shrugs.

Fought husks during the war against the Geth. These seem similar. But still...

She starts checking over the things for anything of use.

2014-11-01, 04:04 PM
She starts checking over the things for anything of use.

Unlike Husks, these creatures seem to have no bodily alteration. As far as you can tell, the only change was in their behavior.

2014-11-01, 04:23 PM
Gurold changes the thermal clip to his rifle before passing the bodies. He stops at the door trying to see past for more enemies or hear some heading towards him.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-01, 04:35 PM
They aren't husks. Good. One less thing I am going to worry about.

Erin stands up and moves to stand next to the Krogan.

Right. I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I think it's safe to say we have hostiles. And since it's unclear if our current protection will hold, we have three options. One, we run like Asari dancing girls outta here and call for better gear. Two. We get outta here, plant a couple charges on around the facility and blow it to tiny flaming bits. Three. We charge room after room, hoping to find better breathing gear for ourselves before our drekk fails and we turn into those things there.

2014-11-01, 07:52 PM
"Option two sounds good, but Suns' Officers or Citadel Spectres, whoever gets to us first, would probably keep us as witnesses for some nasty years." Dulwar looks behind, at the entrance. "There IS something here worth of finding. We ought to hope it doesn't cost our lives. However, as long as these guys keep howling, biting or scratching their ears instead of shooting, I'm not very concerned." The Quarian pauses briefly, starting to walk randomly, looking for pipes, structural points and signs of an electronic network across the room. "I do have one concern actually. The intel said the alert was automatic, from a mainframe in this factory. I'm not used to batarian engineering, but it is possible that they would set sentry turrets anywhere around here. You know, they enslave people and slaves usually don't get to work for a batarian without a real threat. That's a supposition, however. That passcode they gave us shall deactivate security protocols. But it would be nice to clear this doubt and acquire the factory's plans." And finally checks in overall the squadmates, eager for their opinion.

2014-11-01, 09:34 PM
"We have a job to do, so we aren't leaving. Well, I'm mot but if we need more Intel first, why don't we use the not busted computer in the lobby?" the krogan asks.

He eyes the forward door a bit, antsy to continue, but waits for the rest of the party to make a plan.

2014-11-02, 12:44 PM
We can see if it works...

Erin holsters her rifle on her back, and heads back to where the computer is. Looking over what is there, she tries to piece together a fully functioning terminal.


2014-11-02, 02:00 PM
He stops at the door trying to see past for more enemies or hear some heading towards him.

You don't see any more of the bestial beings.

Erin holsters her rifle on her back, and heads back to where the computer is. Looking over what is there, she tries to piece together a fully functioning terminal.

You work on the computer for a bit, and eventually get it running. After some fiddling you discover that while it does seem to be functional, it's not the main computer of the building. Rather, this terminal seems to be merely for reception.

2014-11-02, 02:05 PM
"Erin, can you download a map from it?" Dulwar fiddles his omni-tool for a while, then looks at the fallen Gnasher. "This one won't mind lending the Predator. I'm ok without it."

2014-11-02, 05:33 PM
"You Humans and Quarians are slow. I'm with the Krogan. We keep moving. We keep fighting. Waiting around like this is pointless." Kaidus loads a new thermal clip into his rifle and starts walking in the direction of the door.

2014-11-02, 06:20 PM
Erin swears in a language none of you immediately recognize. Then the translations are lost as your translators ask "How much for a sack of Donkey flour?" Or "Great. Does it come in teal vomit traditional dance rags?" Various comments only get as far as raised in an eclipse, before the next starring starts and the poor translator had to start all over. Eventually she gets one working, and starts rifling whatever is available for download, checking through every file, making sure she hasn't missed anything.

Pretty sure there's gotta be a map somewhere, like for tourists.

Ill check their omni tools. May have had access codes, system information. Weapons storage facility codes. Anything to give us an edge.

2014-11-02, 07:09 PM
Dulwar takes Kaidus' comment as nothing unusual. "I do believe Gurold will keep you from harm." Then lowers his head and talks in a serious tone. "Turian, you seem eager to carve your death. Don't rush blindly to the enemy. You can count on us."

2014-11-02, 09:32 PM
Gurold starts to move with the turian but stops when the rest of the team speaks again, "Alright, get the maps and let's get moving. We need to move before we actually DO run out of air." With that Gurold starts to follow the turian again.

2014-11-03, 02:25 AM
I was going to suggest you two on a team anyway. I'll take the Quarian with me. I also suggest caution, and the use of small bounds to cover ourselves as we move forward.

Erin straightens up and pulls her rifle off her back. The weapon slides open, and the human slips the butt into place against her shoulder.

You want to watch our front, or our back?

2014-11-03, 04:13 PM
Pretty sure there's gotta be a map somewhere, like for tourists.

You find a simple map on the reception terminal. It indicates that there are two floors, each with three rooms. The ground floor has the reception room and two synthesization rooms, while the underground floor has a central computer room as well as two vat rooms.

2014-11-03, 04:52 PM
Dulwar puts the rifle to rest in the hanger and switches the holo display of the omni-tool to data browsing. "For some very depressed tourists." The omni-tool downloaded the map. "Whatever awaits for us, it must really be waiting for us this time." Dulwar fiddles in it a bit more and sets the display to monitor combat and tech stats again. "It should be simple enough. Lead on, Turian Kaidus." And takes the rifle from the hang, turning on the sight illumination.

2014-11-04, 06:09 PM
Kaidus moves forward nodding at the Quarian. He takes position by the door, "I say same plan. Wait for my mark."

Kaidus attempts to reactivate his Tactical Cloak

Kaidus vanishes, then steps into the next room.

2014-11-04, 08:04 PM
Entering the next room, Kaidus finds a scene much like the last one. The air is thick with a heavy vapor, green sludge coats the metal floor, and a number of bestial figures stand around growling.

However, these bestial beings seem more alert than the last set. In fact they seem to be furtively eyeing the doorway where Kaidus came in, seemingly expecting something to come through at any moment.

Here's the map, the key is the same as last time.


2014-11-05, 06:35 PM
From behind you hear some very inventive Russian phrases as Erin moves up to take cover at the corner.

Does no one here understand the tactics of small squad movement?

Taking position at H14.

2014-11-05, 08:22 PM
Following Erin, the Quarian steps ahead (moving to 15-F), holding the Mattock with the right hand and extending the left, his omni-tool deploys a Recon Mine just at the end of the wall (14-I). "We could funnel them, should they charge."

If first roll <25, then consider Mechanical Expertise reroll even if lower: [roll1]

2014-11-06, 04:21 PM
Kaidus, seeing the small nature of the room thinks for a moment, then exits. He returns to where the Human and Quarian are posted.
Stealth check to move without drawing attention of the creatures. [roll0]
"Four hostiles. Back into the other room. Let's funnel them through the corridor. Who wants to draw them out?"

2014-11-06, 09:56 PM
The bestial beings seem sufficiently duped by the tactical cloak, and Kaidus makes it back to his allies undetected.

I'll be updating the map once combat begins.

2014-11-07, 10:19 AM
I will. take cover behind the stations. I'll open up on them, then fall back to cover. If we can wire the hallway with more mines, we may not even have to get our gloves wet.

2014-11-07, 11:02 AM
Dulwar falls back with both squadmates. "I'm sorry, Erin, but the device can only monitor one mine at a time. The previous is disabled by safety protocols."

2014-11-07, 01:22 PM
Kaidus nods at the Human. He falls back into the other room and sets up near the rear and waits for the hostiles to come running down the hallway.

Kaidus is readying an action to fire upon the any of the creatures running through the hall at him. He's moving to the back of the previous room, but to specify his exact position might require the updated map.

2014-11-07, 02:28 PM
The team gets in position, ready for Erin to lure the hostiles towards them.

Dulwar, you didn't specify where you were falling back to, so I just placed you behind cover. Your mine is the orange circle.


2014-11-07, 03:21 PM
Once everyone is in position, Erin slid her rifle around the corner. Nestling the rifle in position she adjusts the focus on her rifle. With a short breath, she exhales halfway, then squeezes the trigger.

Targeting S7
Damage: [roll1] -3 for armor=9

The rifle slams into her shoulder as shards of metal fly through the barrel and down the hall, tearing into her target. Once her finger releases the trigger, she runs back down the hallway toward her teammates.

Move to J15

2014-11-07, 04:01 PM
Dulwar grips the rifle and brings up a holo display by his omni-tool. The digital painting function is synched with the squadmates' holo sights. The Quarian mounts guard in the cover, waiting for an enemy to get in the limit of the blast radius.
As soon as an enemy attempts to leave spaces 14-P or 15-P, the Recon Mine will be triggered.
Also, the enemies could get a Perception check to notice the mine (CR 29, the same roll to set the mine)
If the mine is triggered, I'll roll the explosion hit & damage

Should've rolled in the OoC Thread?

2014-11-07, 10:13 PM
The initiative cycle has started. You guys are almost done with your block (only Gurold has to go), after that I'll have the enemies take their block.
You forgot the to-hit penalty for using an autofire weapon as well as your damage bonus from point-blank shot.
Go ahead and roll your damage now (in the OOC if you want) so that if any creatures die from the blast I can narrate that.

2014-11-08, 06:48 AM
Hit roll: [roll0] and reroll if <20
reroll [roll1]
damage roll: [roll2]

2014-11-09, 11:27 AM
Gurold glances around the corner down the hall, "This is actually a decent plan." Raising his rifle to fire at any enemies running down the hall.

Readied action for anything that passes O14 and O15 to receive a lot of Mass Relay propelled ammo.

2014-11-09, 05:17 PM
The manner in which the enemies are moving will allow you both to take shots. Please make rolls for accuracy and damage.

In the future, if you make a readied action, feel free to roll for it ahead of time in case you get to pull it off.

Sorry for this last OOC request. After this I'll be able to make a comprehensive post of the results of your attacks and the movements of the enemies.

2014-11-10, 10:19 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-11-11, 06:58 PM
The creatures chase Erin down the hallway, falling perfectly into your perfectly laid trap.

First the recon mine detonates, killing the creature previously wounded by Erin and greatly wounding another. Gurold then let's loose a blast of slugs from his assault rifle, but the shot goes wide and he hits with only a few projectiles. However, Kaidus' shot finds its mark, felling the creature weakened by Gurold and Dulwar.

Two hostiles remain, standing before the fallen and mangled bodies of their dead comrades.

If you are using an autofire weapon please don't forget to incorporate the penalty for firing such a weapon into your roll. Remember that you can brace your weapon to reduce the penalty but it takes two swift actions.
It is now the players block again.
I realize that so far the combat has been fairly easy. This has been intentional on my part for two reasons. First of all, it's still the first mission. And second, you're fighting feral, crazed beings, meaning that tactics don't really come into play. So don't worry, the campaign will get more difficult in the future.

2014-11-12, 04:04 AM
Erin steps around the corner, then with a quick spin, aims back down the corridor and sends more fire down the hallway.

Move to J16. Firing at P15.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
I should have all the proper modifiers this time...

2014-11-12, 10:34 AM
Satisfied with the outcome of the first round, Dulwar now steps right (to 14-G) to get clear line of sight and fires the Mattock for two quick rounds (at 14-P).
Attack roll (rapid-firing): [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

The first projectile hits straight the target's chest, but the second is spread with the recoil and finds an arm to lodge itself, dealing minor damage.

2014-11-12, 10:41 AM
Gurold finally braces his rifle, before aiming his gun towards the two attackers.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirm [roll2]

2014-11-12, 01:16 PM
Kaidus, adjusts his aim to aim at the hostile to the right. He points the scope at the creatures brow and slowly squeezes the trigger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-11-12, 08:48 PM
The group of you fire off a cascade of shots at the incoming hostiles, and most find their mark successfully. One of the enemies drops, collapsing into a crumpled heap. The other is simply enraged, and charges towards Erin, who had just slipped behind cover.

Bounding forward, the creature bites at the human soldier.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Remember that this is a melee attack, so it goes through shields.

If it hits I'll edit in a description.
The bite lands solidly, ripping open a large gash on Erin's forearm.

It is now the player's block again.

2014-11-12, 10:28 PM
Kaidus adjusts the scope on his rifle, and takes aim once more. He aims for the creatures eye. He breathes out slowly and whispers to himself"Don't move, Human." He squeezes the trigger.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-11-13, 09:52 AM
Dulwar gets surprised by how one enemy managed to reach the squad and feels bad for Erin. He the recomposes and lashes an electric pulse from the omni-tool toward the foe, yelling. "Hold the fire!"
[roll0] and reroll if <20
reroll: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

I'm not sure if the penalty for targeting an enemy engaged in melee combat with an ally applies here

My bad, I forgot armored foes take -1 damage/dice from electric attacks, so the damage dealt at the beginning of his next turn is actually 5.

2014-11-13, 12:46 PM
Erin hisses as the beast rips open her forearm. The reaction is immediate, reflex.

You aren't the only thing around here with teeth.

Erin balls up her fist, and according to the devices programming, her Omni-tool produces a solid orange blade. Then she slams the blade, her fist, forward.


2014-11-14, 01:39 PM
Gurold activates his omniblade and steps to the last attacker. With a smile he brings his arm down and slams the creature.

Attack [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2014-11-16, 01:24 AM
In a flurry of blows, shots, and tech attacks the creature attacking Erin goes down.

With the room clear, the tension of battle quickly evaporates, giving you all a moment to breathe.

The exit to this room leads to a small elevator, which according to your map should bring you to the lower floors.

2014-11-16, 12:20 PM
By seeing the last enemy fall, Dulwar realizes how he failed to keep calm. He looks at Kaidus and takes a Turian military posture asking forgiveness of as he learned from years living in Oma Ker. "Forgive me for disturbing your aim." His tone is humble, but the words carry some weight of inquisition. In fact, he considers how he was accepted into the Hierarchy and shaped to discipline thanks to Haliat appointment. Thus, his tier, while higher than an average citizen, would still certainly be inferior to Kaidus'.
"It seemed so simple... yet I neglected the risks and Erin got injured." Dulwar thought.

2014-11-16, 12:52 PM
As the mogrel fell down, Erin kicked the thing in the head with her boot. "Yobah!"

She then turned her attention to her injury. Deeming it little more than a scratch, she doesn't even bother with medi-gel, just winds a bandage around it, before kicking the beast again and hefting her rifle. Her accent is thicker than it has been, and you can tell her hackles have risen.

Shall we?

2014-11-17, 12:26 AM
Kaidus is pleasantly surprised by the respect shown by the Quarian. A small grin appears on his covered face. "You show honor. Your trap worked. Keep your head up. Let's move."
Kaidus pats the Quarian on the shoulder and walks towards the elevator while loading a thermal clip into his rifle.

2014-11-17, 06:18 AM
Dulwar is filled with joy as Kaidus compliments him. "By your lead." He says, switching display on the omni-tool for tech monitor and back to combat interface.

2014-11-17, 08:46 PM
"Anyone else find it funny that killing things can be so relaxing?" Gurold smiles as he changes heat clips.

Following Erin towards the elevator, the krogan asks her again, "You sure you aren't part krogan? I mean those scratches wouldn't bother us but to humans, it can't feel good." The krogan shows another large smirk at his own humor.

2014-11-18, 09:08 AM
Erin idly pops the thermal clip from her rifle and places a new one inside.

While I was out fighting Geth, my squad was pinned down on Ares for six days while waiti for evac to break through the Geth antiair fire. The lamp heads put out an almost constant rate of fire, and injury became the norm. Medigel was a luxury for us, used only to prevent death. On day four, I got this.

Erin pulls up her armor jacket to reveal a scar five inches long on the left side of her abdomen. Another scar on her back reveals that whatever had caused it, ran completely through her. She tucks her armor back down as she continues talking.

Hunter. Stuck me with a blade longer than my arm. Didn't even have time to patch it up, just kept fighting. Put my blade through that damn lightbulb head of his, shoved a shirt into the wound and went back to the line. Medics told me, an inch to the right, and the blade would have torn my kidney, and I'd be dead. So this? Nyet, this scratch is nothing.

Erin punches the elevators call button.

2014-11-18, 07:48 PM
The elevator produces a loud dinging sound as it opens before the four of you. Loading yourselves into the cramped space, you press the button on the interface indicating that you wish to travel to the lower floor.

You begin descending for a few moments when suddenly you hear a loud crunching noise and the elevator stops. The doors don't open however, meaning that they're either jammed or you haven't reached the lower floor yet.

Make perception checks in the OOC. Those of you who beat 15 can read the follower spoiler.

You hear faint footsteps coming from above you, seemingly outside the elevator.

2014-11-19, 03:00 AM
Kaidus suddenly jumps to the corner of the elevator and aims his rifle upwards towards the roof. He motions towards the roof as if to indicate there were hostiles above them.
He moves against the walls of the elevator and places his ear holes right up against the metal, as he attempts to pinpoint the location of the intruder.

This is a perception check to attempt to locate the area from which the footsteps are being omitted.

2014-11-19, 09:34 AM
"Keep an eye for above. Something shouldn't be there." The Quarian hangs the rifle on the suit. "I'll see what can be done." Dulwar searches for the electronics inside the car, planning to open its lid and bypass the safety controls, then release the door locks.
He signals to Gurold. "Krogan Warrior, please lend me a hand and force these doors open."

Perception roll for search: [roll0]

Mechanics roll for bypassing electronics: [roll1]
Reroll if first roll <25 [roll2]

I'm not sure if a -5 penalty for not using a tool kit applies here, but if it does, please consider it with the roll used.

Edit: also forgot to add +15 to the reroll :smallredface: Good thing it wasn't used.

2014-11-19, 04:36 PM
Kaidus leans against the wall of the elevator, attempting to discern the precise origin of the sound, but is unable to pinpoint the location.

Prying away one of the panels on the elevator, Dulwar begins exercising his technical mastery. He determines that the elevator you're currently in is a traction elevator. This means that a shot through the roof could have a slight chance of breaking the suspension chord, sending the compartment plummeting down.

Dulwar also figures out how to manually control the elevator, but movement will be very slow.

2014-11-19, 07:37 PM
Dulwar pries the lid open and begin to unscramble the wiring. "Kaidus, watch out for the cables and servos above." As the circuit boards reveal themselves, Dulwar selects a few conductive traces and extracts a terminal from a couple FETs, hot-wiring directly and overriding the elevator's electronics. He tilts his head and gather some thoughts, then rips the wiring from the panel and reassigns them to the FETs.
"It's unlocked. This should reroute some power to the servos above." He smiles and presses a switch, moving the car down.

2014-11-20, 01:15 PM
Kaidus looks upwards and examines the ceiling looking for a panel of some sort that opens to the roof of the elevator.

2014-11-20, 03:55 PM
After Dulwar's extensive adjustments, the elevator begins to descend very slowly. It should take about a minute before you reach the lower floor.

Examining the ceiling, Kaidus sees a computer-locked hatch on the roof of the compartment. This should be easy to bypass though, as your group was given the access code to the building.

2014-11-22, 07:56 PM
Erin lifts her rifle up to cover the hatch.

2014-11-23, 10:46 AM
Dulwar readies the rifle and waits for the elevator. He looks at the squadmates and return his attention to the doors.
His thoughts are "Get a hold... focus on the possibilities...", while concentrating on hearing the surroundings.


2014-11-28, 06:50 PM
After a few agonizing moments the elevator finally ceases moving, indicating that you've reached the lower floor. The doors then open, giving you a view into the first of the two vat rooms.

The vat room has the same dimensions as the rooms above, but instead of having tables covered in synthesization apparatuses, this room has four large metal vats. They don't seem to be damaged in any way and there is no green sludge on the floor. The vapor in this room is even thicker than it was on the upper floors, meaning that you're nearing the source.

As you take this all in, the banging on the roof of the elevator grows louder, until it reaches a point that you can all hear it clearly.

2014-11-29, 12:46 AM
"We may need space to fight it off." The quarian fiddles the omni-tool display. Ahead, a Combat Drone is deployed near the middle of the room. "Scouting... Get ready." He grips the Mattock with both hands and mounts sight, standing ready.

roll: [roll0] and reroll if <25
reroll: [roll1]

Modules: Regeneration, Rocket Pod, Thrust Upgrade

this one lasts 4 rounds

Fortitude: 3, Reflex: 10, Will: 10
SR: 40 SS: 5
Speed: 6 (Hover)
Attacks: Shock (+3 / 3d6 electric / range 6), Rocket (+3 / 4d6 explosive / range 10)
Regeneration: 10 SR per turn

2014-11-29, 02:02 AM
Sensing the tactical disadvantage of fighting in an elevator, Kaidus quickly exits, runs down the center of the room, turns around and aims back into the elevator, ready to fire upon whatever hostile comes into his line of sight.

2014-11-29, 08:53 PM
The banging continues from on top of the elevator, but no dents or ruptures seem to be being made. As far as you can tell, whatever is on top of the elevator isn't getting out on its own.

2014-11-30, 07:39 AM
Dulwar lowers the rifle. "Chance of it being non-hostile?" He keeps staring at the elevator while the drone covers their back.

2014-11-30, 05:28 PM
"None. I'll cloak and open it, cover it."

Tactical Cloak: [roll0]

Kaidus disappears and makes his way towards the hatch to open it.

2014-11-30, 05:40 PM
Aria holds up a fist. Ordering a halt. Her next hand gestures are all a blur, but amount to, Krogan Kill anything left in here after I pull the door.

Turian. Aim for this door, when I open it, I toss a grenade in, three second delay. Anything comes out... A finger motion to the general region of the head, followed by a nod.

Quarian. Stay back, try not to die. If you see targets of opportunity, call it in and engage.

And speaking of... Another few taps. Taps to the earpieces. 4 of them, denoting comm Chanel 4
2 taps to the mouthpiece for speaking. Chanel 2 for audio,

2014-11-30, 08:37 PM
Rushing toward the human, then holding her shoulder. "Erin, that's not a good idea. We may need this elevator to get back." Dulwar sighs. "And I'm still uncertain if it can't be some kind of survivor or just some stupid trespasser. I mean, we have the upper hand anyway. Let's not rush to do something regrettable." After shaking his head, Dulwar gently places his left hand over Erin's wound. "Please trust me this time, Erin. Kaidus' plan covers most risks."

That was an Inspire Confidence action.
Also, can't help but remember the 'Trust me, I'm an engineer' joke. :smallsmile:

2014-12-05, 11:50 AM
The invisible Kaidus moves up to open the hatch.

2014-12-05, 10:22 PM
The thumping continues loudly as Kaidus silently approaches the elevator.

Reaching up, the war-scarred Turian carefully undoes the latch and steps back quickly.

Immediately, you hear a howl emanate from up the elevator shaft and a shaken bestial figure drops out. It looks similar to the creatures you've been attacked by so far.

Having just dropped to the floor, the creature is currently stunned.

The creature is currently flat-footed, you have a surprise round in which to act.

2014-12-06, 10:58 AM
Dulwar steps forward. "I was hoping to actually save someone instead of ending its misery."
Rising his left arm, Dulwar activates the omni-tool, lashing out the submission net toward the stunned creature, then turns to face the room again. "Gurold, we shall remain vigilant."


Forgot the damage roll. I'm posting it at the OoC thread.

2014-12-08, 12:27 AM
With a shriek, the creature becomes pinned under the electrical net.

It's still the player's surprise round. The creature isn't dead, but it is immobilized.

2014-12-10, 11:44 PM
Kaidus steps out of the elevator and uncloaks. He pivots around quickly and takes a shot at the incapacitated creature.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-12-14, 06:22 AM
Still standing in the elevator car, having never left the damn thing, and wondering why the hell no one could just follow one simple suggestion, just stares at the creature writhing in the cab under the net. She violently shakes her shoulder, freeing her from the Quarian's hand. Then she turns to face the visor of the alien standing next to her.

Do you understand it yet? There are no survivors, there is no one to save! They are all dead. That is why it took two teams of mercs to try and retake this place. There was no one left to raise an alarm or send off a message about what happened, and the first team was too stupid to think before they came in here. Learn from their shining example.

Aria then turns and storms from the elevator, not even caring about whether the thing lived or died.

2014-12-15, 11:42 PM
*Posting as Gurold.*

Gurold strides towards the writhing creature, activates his Omni-blade, and slams it down upon the mutated being, attempting to put it out of its misery.

Then the Krogan looks up at Erin and grunts in agreement. He may not agree with her calculated tactics, but he did agree that these monsters needed to die.

Gurold is performing a coup de grace, which is why I've doubled he damage and not rolled a to-hit roll.


2014-12-15, 11:46 PM
Impaled upon Gurold's Omni-blade, the creature spasms for a few moments and then expires.

2014-12-16, 12:19 AM
Kaidus begins to walk in the direction of the next room, reloading his rifle as he does. "I just think the rest of us weren't keen on climbing up an elevator shaft to get out of here, human."

2014-12-16, 12:42 AM
The Quarian is surprised by the human's anger, preferring not to discuss. He turns to Kaidus and just shakes his head, getting the rifle on hands. "By your side." Is all Dulwar says.

At this time, the Combat Drone up ahead begins to fail and descends to the ground as the mass effect field weakens, shattering the flash-forged parts.

I assume 4 rounds have passed since the Drone was summoned/deployed.

2014-12-17, 12:02 AM
*Posting as Gurold*

Gurold shrugs, he had expected the scene to break out into more of an argument, but it didn't really matter to him that it hadn't.

Lumbering over to the next door, the krogan prepares his rifle.

2014-12-17, 03:24 AM
Why, Turian? Afraid to do a little work? Only one floor seems hardly enough to get so upset over. And I would argue the tactical sense of two people rushing to an elevator that already has a friendly in it, but you seem to have little use for tactics thus far. Why start now?

Erin continues to move, walking up to the Krogan at the door.

We gonna kick this one in and storm the room, or let weepy eyes back there go in first?

2014-12-17, 03:09 PM
Kaidus responds only with a slight chuckle which soon erupts in to a fit of coughing. He wheezes and hacks for longer than would be comfortable. He cloaks and disappears but keeps within the ranks of the group as they move up.

2014-12-17, 05:08 PM
*Posting as Gurold.*

The Krogan chortles at Erin's "weepy eyes" comment.

"I suppose we could let the Turian scout ahead again. It worked fairly well last time."

2014-12-17, 07:58 PM
Dulwar is worried about Kaidus' conditions. Still, nothing can be done right now and mounts guard before the door to the next room.

2014-12-18, 02:01 AM
Kaidus slips into the next room.

2014-12-18, 03:34 PM
Kaidus slips through the sliding doors and finds himself in an L-shaped hallway between the two vat rooms.

Continuing down the hallway, the cloaked Turian enters the second vat room and makes a quick survey of the room's contents.

Like the first room, there are four large mixing vats, but in this chamber one of them has been broken open, leaking its sludge-like green contents all over the floor.

The vapors are also very thick in this room, making it difficult to see the three bestial beings lurking at the far end of the chamber.

Unlike the creatures in the previous rooms, these don't appear to have been previously Gnasher mercenaries, instead they appear to be simple factory workers. However, they still seem to be lurching around in the method signature to the enemies you fought earlier.

Because they aren't wearing Gnasher armor, these foes count as having normal health for the purposes of damage.

2014-12-19, 07:42 PM
Kaidus returns to the rest of his party. "Three hostiles. Far side. How do you wanna take em?"

2014-12-20, 12:27 AM
"I may send in a drone while we camp from the corner. A mine is also an option." The Quarian replies.

2014-12-21, 03:33 PM
We just hit 'em hard. Move fast, take them by surprise. They don't have armor, right? Just means they go down quicker.

2014-12-22, 04:38 PM
"Human, take point."

2014-12-22, 11:23 PM
"Deploying another drone." Dulwar activates the omni-tool module.

roll: [roll0] and reroll if <25
reroll: [roll1]

Will last for 5 rounds

Fortitude: 3, Reflex: 10, Will: 10
SR: 40 SS: 5
Speed: 6 (Hover)
Attacks: Shock (+3 / 3d6 electric / range 6), Rocket (+3 / 4d6 explosive / range 10)
Regeneration: 10 SR per turn

Modules: Regeneration, Rocket Pod, Thrust Upgrade

The Drone is commanded to take the front as soon as the group is ready.

2014-12-25, 02:15 AM
Are you all ready to advance? Kaidus seems to be waiting for Erin to take point, but maybe Erin is waiting on me to narrate. So I'm not sure where we stand.

Please answer in the OCC thread.

2014-12-26, 01:26 AM
I'm having you all take 10 on initiative. This means that the players all go in the same block, which takes place before the enemy's block. I'm assuming you all moved together towards the doors of the next room before entering, so feel free to plot your movement from there rather than where I actually mapped you if you wish.

2014-12-30, 05:39 PM
The Drone is commanded to the end of the corridor (20-O) and fires a rocket to the enemy (in 19-E).
Dulwar moves (to 16-Q) and deploys a Recon Mine (at 19-P).
"If things get bad..."

Attack roll for Drone Rocket Pod: [roll0] One?! :smallfrown:
Rocket Damage: [roll1]

Mech roll for Recon Mine: [roll2] (The enemy takes a Perception check with this as the DC to spot the mine)

2014-12-30, 07:17 PM
Sorry, lost this in the holidays...

Erin lifts her rifle up, slamming it in place against her shoulder. With a smirk, she grins at the others as she rushes through the door.

Move to K18.
Targeting G21. A: [roll0] D: [roll1]

The rifle barks as it slams into her shoulder, but the trained soldier keeps the rifle trained in the right direction, and she watches as her target is struck by the hypersonic metal flying from the barrel of her gun.

2015-01-06, 04:59 PM
Kaidus runs up and takes aim with his rifle.
He moves to Q-19 and attacks the enemy immediately in front of him.
attack: [roll0]

2015-01-07, 12:06 AM
*Posting as Gurold*

Gurold advances with the rest of you and fires away at the same target as Kaidus.

Attack Roll: [roll0] (Gurold's bonus is normally +4 but he takes a -5 penalty for using an autofire weapon.)


2015-01-07, 12:14 AM
The two creatures hit reel in pain from the shower of bullets and then scramble forward, attempting to bite and claw at their attackers.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-01-08, 11:43 PM
Erin jerks her body away from the thing as it rushes at her, and then pulling her hand from her rifle, slams her fist forward with all her might as an Omni-blade appears, but her defensive move leaves her off balance enough that her fist swings too high, catching nothing but air.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-09, 11:01 AM
Dulwar takes position a few steps ahead (18-Q) and readies the rifle. Targeting the enemy in combat with Gurold, the Quarian fires two rounds.
The Combat Drone has the command to get to the front, but since that would make things worse for the shooters this time, it is reassigned to fire while away from friendly fire line. It targets the hostile engaged with Erin.

Attack: 3 (Dex) - 4 (Melee with Gurold) - 2 (Rapid-Fire) [roll0] I'm not sure if the wall provides cover to the enemy since it's somewhat closer to Dulwar and I also ignored the soft cover the other enemy could provide.
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: Rocket Pod +3 (PC Int) - 4 (Melee with Erin) [roll2]
Damage: (Rocket Pod) [roll3]

I don't know if Drones can full attack, since they have a standard and a move action only, but that being the case, it also attempts to shock that same enemy.
Attack: Shock +3 -4 -5(being secondary attack) [roll4]
Damage: (Shock) [roll5]

If it can't full attack, then it uses the move action to fall back to 20-Q

2015-01-13, 01:58 PM
Kaidus loads another round in the chamber and fires at the hostile ahead of him.

attack: [roll0]

2015-01-14, 11:57 PM
*Posting as Gurold*

The Krogan lashes out with his omni-blade in a rage, attempting to fell the creature that had assaulted him.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-15, 12:03 AM
Bullets, rockets, and electrical blasts fly through the air as you attempt to fell the feral creatures. Most of the attacks miss, but one hits it's mark, felling one of the beasts with a direct hit to the cranium.

The creatures, seemingly unphased by the loss of their companion, fight on.



The creatures have an extra +2 to hit because of flanking.

2015-01-15, 12:07 AM
Kaidus loads the next round into the chamber. Without so much as lifting his head from the scope, he pans his scope to the second creatures brow and pulls the trigger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-15, 09:30 AM
What a mess!

The Quarian twists the left hand while holding the rifle, switching on mass-effect field dampeners from the Marksman module of his omni-tool and quickly reloading the Mattock. He then fires another two rounds at the enemy Gurold is facing and steps forward (to 18-P). The drone acquires a new target and resumes attacking, then approaches (to 19-J).

Dulwar attack roll against enemy 2: 3(dex)+3(Marksman)-2(Rapid-Fire)-4(Melee w/ ally)[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Drone shock attack against enemy 2: 3(PC int)-4(melee w/ ally)[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
(Rocket recharging; the drone disables at the end of next round)

Oh yeah... I'll stick to tech abilities next time =(

2015-01-26, 12:19 AM
*Posting as Erin*

Erin braces her assault rifle and fires off a quick succession of shots into the back of the target closer to herself.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
*Posting as Gurold*

Whirling around, the Krogan swings wildly at the target that had just snuck up on him.

Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-01-26, 12:26 AM
The creatures continue to pile on to the Krogan, slashing and biting in frenzied rage.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-01-26, 03:03 PM
Kaidus steps forward into moving in front of the Quarian's drone. He places his right elbow beneath the barrel of the rifle to balance it, brings the scope to his good eye, and takes a shot at the hostile in the corridor.

Kaidus moves to O-19 and attacks the enemy in K-20.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-01-27, 08:42 AM
Dulwar gets the last of the marksman module and, after dashing to the end of the corridor (at 21-Q), fires away the usual quick burst of two rounds against the enemy.

Targeting enemy 2
Attack: 3(dex)+3(Marksman)-2(Rapid-Fire)-4(Melee w/ ally) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-27, 07:32 PM
Dulwar's rapid-fire shots land solidly, knocking the feral beast off its feet and onto the ground, dead.

*Posting as Erin*

Unable to fire at the last enemy without the risk of hitting Gurold, Erin begins to reposition.

Double move action to 23-K.
*Posting as Gurold*

The Krogan responds with a toothy smile at Erin's tactical movement, knowing that surrounding the creature would help it go down all the more quickly. He then unleashes his Omni-blade, attempting to fell the enemy.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

Damage Roll: [roll1]

An extra +2 has been added to the attack roll as a flanking bonus.
Gurold scored a critical hit, I'll be rolling the confirmation in the OOC thread.

2015-01-27, 07:43 PM
No longer threatened by the threat of the creatures flanking him, Gurold unleashes a thunderous battle-cry and attacks with his Omni-blade.

The blow strikes perfectly (critical!) and decimates the beast's skull, the rest of the creature then falls limp to the floor.

The Krogan, pleased with his work, let's out a quiet chuckle as his Omni-blade dissipates.

Erin relaxes, her well-honed battle instincts turning off now that the danger was eliminated. She then addresses the group.

"To the last room?"

2015-01-27, 09:08 PM
Oh, well... Dulwar looks at the slaughtered thing, feeling somewhat disgusted. Hell yeah. Let's get the task done.

He moves closer to both Erin and Gurold and tries to take a look at their injuries. He's afraid of upsetting Erin again, then just whispers to Gurold. "Krogan warrior, are you alright?"

2015-01-27, 10:26 PM
*Posting as Gurold*

Upon hearing Dulwar's inquiry, Gurold chuckles again and then responds "Just a couple scratches, but if you can patch me up, Quarian, feel free."

2015-01-28, 02:03 PM
Not dropping his guard for a second, Kaidus moves forward in silence, keeping his rifle at his shoulder. He takes cover at the entrance to the next room waiting for the others to follow.

2015-01-29, 08:00 AM
"Hah. I know only first aid, but still it will take some time we don't have right now. Not in this suspicious gas."

2015-01-29, 10:46 PM
*Posting as Gurold*

Gurold grunts in response to Dulwar, knowing that he could handle a few wounds for a bit.

*Posting as Erin*

Mirroring Kaidus, Erin takes a cautionary stance near the entrance to the next room, holding her rifle ready.

"Is everyone ready? Should we let the Turian scout first again? The map we found said this last room was very small."

2015-02-02, 05:47 PM
I'm not expecting to find another 'thing' in there.

Dulwar shifts hands for a while, stretching the arm and fingers of his right hand, then undoes.

It's up to you, Kaidus, though I may send another drone if you wish.

2015-02-03, 01:35 PM
Kaidus nods, cloaks, then moves forward, rifle in hand.

Cloak: [roll0]

2015-02-03, 04:13 PM
Kaidus, concealed by his tactical cloak, enters the final room.

The room is small compared to the others in the factory, and contains three terminals against the far wall.

One of the terminals is wrecked, most likely destroyed by the beings you had just worked your way through, but the other two computers seem completely intact.

You see no immediate threats.

2015-02-03, 06:36 PM
Dulwar examines the connections in attempt to identify what the broken terminal would most likely have been used for, though he already has a guess.

Knowledge (Technology): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-02-03, 07:28 PM
As far as Dulwar can tell, the third terminal was extraneous. It's only purpose was to allow a third person to work on the computer at any given time, and wasn't critical to the functioning of the plant.

2015-02-07, 02:37 AM
*Posting as Erin*

Erin clears her throat, and then speaks up.

"Perhaps one of you three should examine the computers to see what might have caused this catastrophe?"

*Posting as Gurold*

"Solid idea, human. Too bad I'm no good at tech-stuff. Maybe Kaidus or Dulwar could handle it?"

2015-02-07, 10:12 AM
I'm more of a 'hardware' techie actually. Of course I can give it a try, but don't expect much.
After stating that, Dulwar approaches one intact terminal and tries to get it operational first. (Use Computer, take 10 = 18)
As soon as its programs are running, the Quarian attempts to access an event log.

Use Computer: [roll0]

2015-02-07, 03:38 PM
The digital screens of the computers hum to life as Dulwar successfully gets them to turn on.

Then, attempting to access the event log, the quarians begins typing away.

Unfortunately, his progress is soon barred by some kind of security firewall. It's made to look as if the Cafmohan company placed it there themselves, but upon entering the approved Cafmohan codes you were given at the start of the mission, nothing seems to work.

The few lines of the event log you are able to access before the firewall are all about a week old, meaning they took place before the disaster. Anything more contemporary is probably locked behind the digital barrier.

*Posting as Erin*

Erin, who had been looking over Dulwar's shoulder, speaks up.

"What does this mean?"

2015-02-09, 01:35 AM
"Ehm, I'm not sure... It appears that someone made a legit sabotage here. There's a firewall that wasn't supposed to be. I may keep trying as long as things don't get any worse."
Then Dulwar examines the other terminal, hoping to find any process helpful for accessing the first.

Accessing Information (Use Computer): [roll0]

If Kaidus is willing to try, Dulwar is ready to aid him on his test from any terminal.

2015-02-09, 03:19 AM
The second terminal appears to be just an extension of the first. It most likely exists so that multiple people can work at the same time. No new information or help is found on it.

2015-02-09, 11:08 AM
Kaidus uncloaks, seeing a lack of threats. He sets his rifle on the floor by the second terminal. He says nothing but focuses intently on the system. He turns it on and then attempts to bypass the firewall.

Use Computer: [roll0]

2015-02-09, 03:24 PM
Fantastic roll!
It takes a few minutes, but Kaidus bypasses the firewall.

At first everything seems normal, no entries in the event log seem out of place.

But then, after further technical wizardry and searching some of the more hidden places of the computer, Kaidus finds evidence of sabotage.

As you already knew from earlier inspection, the vapors are constructed from almost identical ingredients as the food products made in the factory, but the chemical structure of the vapors is much different (resulting in the differences in color and state of matter).

However, the true event log now makes it clear that this was no accident. Some remote group must have hacked into the Cafmohan building and reprogrammed the synthesization plant to create the vapors instead of the edible goods usually produced.

This was possible, of course, because the vapors and the sludge have the same base chemical ingredients. The genius it would have taken to re-engineer the properties of the edible sludge into toxic gases indicates that whoever did this has considerable knowledge of chemistry and biology.

Unfortunately, the Turian finds no trace of who committed this crime. However, if one could find the computer or Omni-tool that the hack was performed from, it would definitely have records of this sabotage.

*Posting as Gurold*

Gurold, who had been acting pretty disinterested up until now, suddenly strides over to Kaidus.

"Judging by the look on your dented-up face, you just made some kinda progress. Care to explain it to the less tech-headed of us?"

2015-02-09, 04:10 PM
"Sabotage," mumbles Kaidus.
He continues typing away, trying to trace the signal left by the hackers.
Just wanting to see if I can take any of this a step further, perhaps giving a clue as to who or from where the hack was done.
Use Computer: [roll0]

"I'm impressed. Hacked in. Changed function to produce toxic gas. Made it look like it didn't happen. They're good. Very good."
He pauses.
"But why?"

2015-02-09, 07:51 PM
Through further inspection, Kaidus is able to confirm that the hackers are definitely also on Dunfed, and probably from Icecrag itself. This was a local job.

*Posting as Gurold*

"Perhaps an angry employee? Spirits know that working in a place like this would get boring!"

Gurold chuckles loudly at his joke.

*Posting as Erin*

Erin continues to stand in by the computers, watching, but not speaking a word. She appears deep in thought.

2015-02-10, 09:39 AM
"Not likely. An average plebeian not capable."
He ponders, drifting into thought.
"The mission is complete. But it seems as though it isn't."
He racks his brain. Thinking of anybody who would be capable of this or know anybody that would be of assistance.
Knowledge (Bureaucracy) Check: [roll0]

2015-02-10, 12:33 PM
"You're good, Kaidus. Were you in spec ops?"

Dulwar tilts the broken terminal with the rifle, then mumbles to himself.
"Can't believe the real target was this facility."

He inspects the room, trying to find something that may have been forgotten by the saboteur(s).


"Guess our job is done. Do you think it may have been an overly complex assassination? I mean, such genius could not have targeted a food synthesization plant. Considering the effort, one could program the production to build pressure and have it overheat, which would be easier and more destructive."

The Quarian calms down, approaches the group, then lowers the rifle and his head.
"I'm scared... I'd rather avoid taking risks. Erin, Gurold, Kaidus, let's stay safe for the time being. We shall not be a 3-member squad."

2015-02-10, 04:31 PM
Kaidus ponders who could be behind this catastrophe, but for the most part he comes up empty handed. Dunfed is an industrial planet, and so, it doesn't attract too many tech-wizards able to perform this sort of thing. The most capable individuals on the planet are probably those hired by either the mercenary groups or by the more powerful companies.

Inspecting the room quite thoroughly, Dulwar finds no evidence of the perpetrator's presence. However, it was more likely that the hack was performed remotely anyway.

*Posting as Erin*

Erin suddenly perks up. Whatever she had been thinking about, she had come to her conclusion about it.

"Don't worry Dulwar, they probably won't assign us on another mission in this exact group again. That would be deeply unlikely. That said, I don't think we should necessarily split up. I have an idea."

Erin pauses for effect, and then continues.

"Let's consider, for a moment, what happens next. We tell The Blue Suns and Cafmohan about what happened. Cafmohan then rehires us to find out who did it. We turn the criminals in, and get paid. Very simple, but not very lucrative."

Erin pauses again, making sure that everyone was paying attention.

"But what if we lie? Say to Cafmohan and the Blue Suns that the accident was just that, an accident. Then, on our own time, we find the true saboteurs and blackmail them. This way, justice is still served but we make a considerably larger amount of money."

Erin pauses one last time to let her idea sink in.

"How about it? Anyone down to get rich?"

2015-02-10, 06:55 PM
"I don't know. What I meant was actually the danger itself, that some of us might get killed."

The Quarian walks by, looking over the controls, then Kaidus, Gurold and finally Erin.

"Your plan is alright. This is Batarian space anyway. I care little about their wicked justice. It's just... Erin...
Dulwar leans over the terminal console, apparently sobbing.
"Living like this means that my failures could result in your death." He turns to Gurold. "You know what I mean."

2015-02-12, 03:19 AM
*Posting as Gurold*

The large Krogan shifts uncomfortably. Gurold wanted to console Dulwar, but he wasn't used to emotional displays like this.

Unsure of what to do, Gurold roughly pats the Quarian on the back.

2015-02-12, 01:45 PM
In reply to the Quarian's remark about Kaidus' involvements in special operations, Kaidus remains silent. His eye starts acting up, but Kaidus lets it bleed; his mind focused on things past as well as the mask blocking him from doing anything.

"I can always use a few extra bucks. But first may I suggest we get the hell out of here. I need a smoke and I can't do it with the mask on."

2015-02-13, 01:53 PM
At Gurold's display of consideration, Dulwar feels somewhat better.

He grips the rifle again and stands ready, turning to Kaidus.
"Agreed. Let's not waste more time in here."

2015-02-13, 03:50 PM
Finally having cleared the complex, the four of you exit the building.

You're now back in the industrial district. It's been a while, so it's beginning to grow dark.

You could call in the shuttle to bring you back to headquarters so you can give your official report, or you could find your own way back.

2015-02-15, 12:48 PM
Kaidus sighs, removes his mask and lights up a cigarette.

"I need a drink."

2015-02-17, 01:58 AM
*Posting as Gurold*

Gurold nods in agreement to Kaidus' statement.

"You've got the right idea, Turian. Let's grab some grub before we turn in our report."

*Posting as Erin*

Erin rolls her eyes. She would much prefer to just get their report turned in, but if these aliens needed to cool off first, then so be it.

2015-02-17, 01:26 PM
Kaidus looks around for a bar or a pub.
Perception: [roll0]

2015-02-17, 05:53 PM
You fail to see a bar in the general vicinity, as you're in the industrial district, but you do know of a couple in other parts of Icecrag.

The first, named the "Icecrag Watering Hole", is run by Batarians and is only a short distance from the industrial district.

The other, "The Dusted Rose", is a bit farther away. It's run by slightly friendlier folk though, an Asari and her human mate.

2015-02-17, 09:22 PM
Leaving the facility relieves Dulwar from some kind of anguish that bothered him half the time he's been there.

"Freaking place... I was starting to get paranoid."

He disarms the rifle and conceals it in the hanger, then nods to Kaidus.

"Not what I would do, but I'll be with you."

And finally turns to Erin and Gurold.

"Alright now. If you allow me, I may exercise some medical innovations. It will be fun! Yahahaha." Dulwar ends the line with amusement.

2015-02-17, 10:56 PM
Erin and Gurold both nod, ready to accept your medical care.

I don't remember how much damage they've both taken so we'll say that one use of medi-gel each should heal them both completely.

Also, you both gain 600 experience points.

2015-02-18, 12:05 AM
"I know of a place nearby."

Kaidus starts heading in the direction of the Icecrag Watering Hole.

2015-02-18, 01:50 AM
The party arrives at the Icecrag Watering Hole. It's a dingy place, made of dirty concrete and old recycled metal. There's a flickering digital sign above the entrance.

Inside it's very much packed, there are Batarians everywhere, a couple humans, and a a select few of some of the other races. However, there is notably no Asari.

2015-02-18, 11:10 AM
Kaidus approaches the bar.

"Give me the strongest thing you have." He says to the bartender.

2015-02-18, 02:08 PM
The Batarians bartender grunts in acknowledgement. He didn't like having to dig out the dextro-amino compatible alcohol, but at least he got to charge extra when he did.

"That'll be 7 credits."

2015-02-19, 01:30 PM
Dulwar would rather stay out of sight and pretend he's not there.

2015-02-19, 01:31 PM
Kaidus pays the amount and takes his drink. He sits, sipping, lost in his own thoughts.

2015-02-19, 08:29 PM
*Posting as Erin*

Erin fiddles with her Omni-tool a bit, and then addresses the group.

"I've asked permission to submit our mission report from our Omni-tools and we've been approved to do so. But before we give our official statement, are we going with my plan?"

2015-02-19, 08:52 PM
Kaidus looks at his drink. Then at Erin. Then at his drink. Then back to Erin. Then back to his drink. He kills whatever amount of whiskey is left in his glass, sending him into a frantic coughing fit.
"Why the hell not."

2015-02-20, 02:03 PM
*Posting as Erin*

Erin offers out her arm, holding her Omni-tool between Kaidus and Dulwar.

"I've never been much good at lying, so it might be a good idea if one of you wrote the report instead. Just dictate it into this and we'll be good to go."

This is my last post before heading off for the LARP! Hope you both have a good weekend. I'll be recruiting replacements for Erin and Gurold when I return.

2015-02-22, 05:23 PM
Dulwar has both hands on his head, highly concerned with this plan.

"Hell... Alright then. Let me give it a shot."

He switches on the omni-tool and begins writing some short kind of business report.

I'll work something out and write a rather simplified report for the next hours.

2015-02-23, 05:24 PM
"Here it is. Still, I'm afraid this may be uncovered should they find the same clues as we did."

Dulwar rubs the helmet's visor.

"I can't see we getting away with this. We will have to wipe the registries so they won't get in our tail. Even then, they might suspect but will be hindered only by the lack of clues. Anyway, we have to be extra careful."

Status report from Cafmohan Farming Alternatives' Synthesization Plant in Icecrag.

The squad faced Atmospheric Chemical Hazard. The mixture likely causes mental disability. Breathing equipment required.
Gnasher mercenaries sent previously are dead, as well as the facility personnel.
Elevator severed. Required manual override.
Many other systems are nonresponsive.

Cause still can't be determined. Possibly sabotaged equipment or supplies. Mainframe physically damaged.
Workplace revenge, irresponsible operation of synthesization plant and rival sabotage are possibilities.

The facility should be disabled and sterilized. Salvage value is not worth the risks and expenses of retrieval.

Awating directions.

Dulwar'Neah nar Riedra

2015-02-23, 09:27 PM
*Posting as Erin*

Erin nods.

"You're right, we should go back and make sure that they don't find the same evidence we did."

Scanning her three companions, Erin makes a decision.

"How about Gurold and I go back, while the two of you begin seeking out the true saboteurs?"

*Posting as Gurold*

The Krogan grunts, apparently satisfied with the plan.

2015-02-25, 04:25 PM
"Cover up our tracks. Maybe even strengthen their firewall. Be careful human." He takes a swig from his refilled drink.
"We'll take a look around town and see what we can pick up."

2015-02-25, 07:10 PM
Dulwar is still worried about this plan. He'll just stick with Kaidus for the time being.
"I miss Oma Ker and the steadiest life a Quarian could ever dream of..."
To think about it, he wonders how his colleagues form former Haliat would be doing by now. And the Riedra. Dulwar couldn't contact its crew the last time he tried, though he had forgotten about it until now.

"Hey, Kaidus! We could use some contacts. I know a Turian lady, Nitanar Alkhas, who's an independent bounty hunter and some former Haliat technicians that currently deal with weaponry - well, mainly ship-scaled weaponry, but it may come in handy."

He stops and suddenly sounds crestfallen.

"And there's my birth ship... I deserted my pilgrimage and couldn't contact them for some time."

2015-02-25, 07:20 PM
"Do they deal in these parts of the Galaxy?" replies Kaidus, ignoring the last remark the Quarian made, trying to stay focused on the mission.

2015-02-25, 10:54 PM
"Oh, that's negative. Actually, I'm not so certain. There's the market for it here, but those who could be 'dealing around' cut themselves from open listings."

Dulwar tilts the head.

"I have no leads to them, but once we establish contact, we'll both be glad to do business again." The Quarian stretches both arms at the final.

"Say, is there anything you need me to arrange before we hunt the saboteurs?"

2015-02-25, 11:51 PM
"Well before we can hunt them, we need to find out who the hell they are." Kaidus replied.
"Could your friends help us find them? Or do you have any ideas that could?"

2015-02-26, 02:41 AM
Erin and Gurold rise from the table and depart, heading back to the factory.

2015-02-26, 09:30 AM
"The best I can think of is to ascertain the parameters they used, then lure them with the same. Finding their motivations would make it way easier. All we know right now is: the saboteur was here at the time of the accident and is expert in biochemistry, automated control and programmer. Except I'm not so sure about the latter." Dulwar approaches Kaidus and whispers. "This city doesn't have many brilliant people. Our subject must be remarkable. We may start asking anybody as well."

2015-03-01, 08:22 PM
"I suppose we have to start somewhere."

Kaidus flags down the bartender.

"Hey, random question, my aunt is visiting from out of town and I wanna show her whatever there is actually to do in this run down place, where are some places I could take her around town? Some local hangouts and things along that line."

2015-03-01, 08:36 PM
The Batarian bartender, noting your mercenary outfit, raises his brow at the notion that your aunt is coming to visit.

Still, since you purchased something, he doesn't much care if you're lying.

"Well honestly it depends what your aunt likes. My personal favorite waste of time is the casino ship called the Lady Luck. For the more combat-inclined there's the Testing Grounds, our local arena."

The bartender pauses to think.

"If your aunt likes shopping there's the vas Jehok Emporium, which sells all manner of tech stuff. There's also Pipona Pharmaceuticals, which sells medical equipment, but that's sorta boring. Oh, and if your aunt is into killing things there's always Jargo Armaments, always a fun place."

The bartender turns away to return to his work, but then remembers one last thing.

"Oh, and if your aunt gets extremely bored you could go on a tour in one of the local factories. The larger ones usually allow that, for a price."

2015-03-01, 10:20 PM
Dulwar crosses his arms and waits for the bartender to resume his work.

"Noted the last thing he said? It's highly possible that our target, or at least someone related, visited the facility. I find it hard to believe that someone could simply hack in remotely and set the processors to make a volatile venom instead of food."

2015-03-01, 10:25 PM
"I think she might like that factory bit," Kaidus says to the barman. "Could you tell me the name of one of these factories, and where I might find it."

Kaidus nods at the Quarian.
"That's exactly what they did. I saw what they did first hand on the computer. They're good. Very good."
Kaidus takes another drag from his cigarette.

2015-03-03, 11:52 PM
"Well the main factories are the farming ones, I suppose. The big three when it comes to synthetic farming in Icecrag are Protodas Productions, Sonmorna Bioworks, and Cafmohan Farming Alternatives. The Cafmohan one is alright, run by a Batarian. The other two by a Turian and a Salarian, so they're not as great."

The bartender then remembers that he is speaking to a Turian, and attempts to rectify his statement.

"Err, no offense, sir."

2015-03-04, 04:09 AM
Kaidus turns to the Quarian. "That's where we start."

"Thanks for your help, my aunt is a sweet little lady, I think she'd really appreciate your help." Kaidus says, ignoring the quip about his race.

2015-03-04, 08:37 PM
THe Batarian bartender nods and walks off.

2015-03-05, 12:08 AM
The Quarian feels renewed knowing that they will most likely have a tour in an functional factory and that's a good start to look for clues. "Sounds good." He says, standing by Kaidus' side and ready to follow him.

2015-03-05, 02:40 PM
Kaidus exits the bar after settling his tab. He heads through town in the direction of the nearest factory.

2015-03-05, 04:33 PM
Since you're near the industrial district, it's only a medium-length walk to any of the factories the bartender mentioned.

You could either head to one of the company's actual factories, or their office building.

2015-03-07, 11:02 AM
"We should go to the friendlier first. I'd say the Salarian might be, if it were not for this being a Batarian world and, yeah, these kind of Salarians are a pain to deal with."

2015-03-07, 03:12 PM
"I think we need to expose them. Have them come to us." Kaidus ponders a bit, taking drags from his cigarette as he does.
"They want to take down Cafmohan. That's evident by what they did. So we could pretend to have some intel. Something big, something really big. Something that could bring down every company in the region and make them useless."
He takes another drag.
"Now we don't actually need to know anything. We just need to pretend that we know something. You follow?"

2015-03-09, 11:36 PM
"Yes, I do." The brief line sounded somewhat worried.

Something is bothering Dulwar. He's afraid of being watched and keeps his hand close to the rifle. The Quarian is also worried about Kaidus. Though the Turian may seem calm enough, Dulwar is only pretending to be calm. Inside the visor, his eyes get no rest and search for lurking perils all the time.

"Kaidus... Uh... Could we please pass by the commercial district? I'm willing to try contacting my colleagues. And also look for opportunities to get us some help. Is it alright?"

2015-03-10, 09:59 AM
Kaidus nods, and motions for them to leave.

2015-03-10, 03:32 PM
Soon enough the two of you arrive in the commercial, or shopping, district.

The place is bright with loudly colored digital signs and many people walking about.

You also notice that this region of the city seems to have somewhat of a homeless problem, as their are many individuals living out on the street.

2015-03-11, 09:20 AM
Dulwar searches for some place that offers extranet secure communication. He also keeps track of any weapons dealer he may find.

2015-03-11, 07:11 PM
You spot one weapon store, a local establishment known as Jargo Armaments.

By "secure extranet location" do you mean secure in signal or secure in privacy?

2015-03-11, 11:41 PM
At the store, Dulwar gets his first impressions about their available customs, none of which will matter anyway, as he's actually not here to shop.

By secure, I mean both the access and the line, though the latter isn't as important right now :smallwink:

And I'm assuming the owner Jargo is batarian from the name, otherwise I'll edit the following line.

"Tidy place in this city. One's to say you Batarians have an eye for good guns. Or four.

I know it from Haliat, as we had one research deal with your State Arms before to get some of our models adjusted to your production."

2015-03-12, 12:03 AM
I actually intended the shop-owner to be a Krogan, but Batarian works fine as well. We'll go with that.
The Batarian store-owner listens intently to Dulwar and then answers somewhat grumpily.

"I see, sounds wonderful. Now, are you interested in purchasing anything? Also, you'll need a license if you plan to get anything restricted. Although that constraint can be . . . loosened."

2015-03-13, 09:22 PM
"Great! Have you got anything for discretion? I'm not interested in firepower this time. Just to know I can be safe when it's already dangerous enough to let the hostile see that I'm drawing a gun."

Dulwar gently pokes Kaidus. "Help me, please."

"Oh yeah! I'm also looking for some colleagues from Haliat, if you know any. Have you seen any remarkable Turian, Salarian or Volus around here? I don't know any person by the name, but they were from the prototypes section. They were skilled programmers for targeting AIs in mech weaponry. There was also one knowledgeable of volatile chemistry and deflagration, but Haliat had no interest in explosives. To think of it, I could use something for detonation some day. You know what I mean... Ehe he he he."

2015-03-14, 09:48 PM
Just to be clear, you're not actually looking for anyone your character knows, you're trying to find out potential suspects? Is my understanding correct?

2015-03-15, 09:30 PM
Nailed it :smallbiggrin:

Need a Deception roll? There it goes!

2015-03-15, 11:52 PM
The Batarian store owner raises an eyebrow, he wasn't used to such talkative customers.

"Huh, I'm not sure I know anyone specifically with those kind of capabilities. I'm just gun-merchant, after all."

The Batarian pauses in thought, then continues.

"I suppose that if anyone with those kinda skills did live in Icecrag they'd be working with either one of the merc groups or a company. I can't think of anyone else who could afford to pay them."

2015-03-17, 01:35 PM
"Is there anyone in particular that comes to mind? Or anywhere we could start looking? Names, places, anything."

2015-03-17, 01:57 PM
"I don't really know specifics, although I do have a good relationship with the Gnashers, so I suppose I could set you up with a meeting with them."

The Batarian store-owner looks you both up and down.

"Though judging from your uniforms I imagine that the two of you wouldn't get along with Gnashers so well."

2015-03-17, 04:42 PM
Dulwar nods and reverences.

"We will behave ourselves."

The Quarian pauses and briefly looks back at the entrance, then turns to the gun dealer again.

"Well, unless you really think we shouldn't. Most of Haliat disbanded itself, so it would be good to know what happened to the other sectors, but it's not necessary actually. We just happened to have time and that matter rose up."

Dulwar gestures swinging a palm signaling the place's merchandise.
"Maybe we could just look more appropriate to such meeting. You got the first strike, so we may discuss about purchasing something you would recommend. Sounds fine?"

2015-03-17, 05:14 PM
"Well you said you were looking for something discreet. What does that mean to you? A pistol? An SMG?"

2015-03-19, 07:55 AM
"Something small with reliable stopping power."

"On second thought, we should talk about this later. We have yet to get paid by our last contractor and, in the meantime, there's a meeting that may be compromised if we turn up with not-as-legally-licensed guns. It should be left for later."

"By the way, we're problem solvers for now and I like your insight. It'll be a pleasure to discuss some business, if you need."

Dulwar steps toward the exit and nods to Kaidus.

"Shall we?"

2015-03-19, 09:46 AM
Kaidus nods and follows the Quarian.

2015-03-19, 10:02 AM
A call comes to Kaidus and Dulwar over the comms, "Hey guys, Me and Erin are finished over here, Where do you want to meet up? I swear if one more set of four eyes stares me down..." Gurold asks, rambling as he awaits the answer.

2015-03-19, 11:14 AM
Dulwar answers through the comm.
"That's good. I'm just a bit worried with something we learned. A guns dealer mentioned the Gnashers should mean us trouble if they see us with these colors. You know what that means... They may have something against the mercs we're under. I guess because they lost some clients to us. We should avoid telling anyone to whom we work, or were working, to be precise."

"But this place is disturbing. We could meet at Protodas Productions, a Turian-owned food factory. Once together, there is something I'd like to discuss."

2015-03-19, 11:24 AM
"Alright, we will be there shortly."Gurold responded shortly.

I guess me and Erin will be on scene when you guys show up. :smallsmile:

2015-03-19, 12:14 PM
The four of you arrive on the doorstep of the Protodas Productions office.

Erin speaks up towards Dulwar.

"So Quarian, what did you have to discuss?"

2015-03-19, 01:52 PM
The Quarian is contented by reuniting with Erin and Gurold.
"I'm still worried with this plan, but some new doors have opened regarding it."

Dulwar scouts to assure no presence shall share this information and, even then, he talks quietly, keeping his attention diffuse.

"There are two factories that competed with Cafmohan. Two suspects... One may be related to the sabotage, but the other surely is innocent. I'm suggesting we side with the one unrelated and offer a hint in exchange of their patronage. If they accept and make a deal, we can expose the 'accident' true cause. Such fact will be probably enough to take down one of the names, and I'm sure of that as this is a Batarian world and neither of the factories are. In short, we sell information to one factory that will grant it monopoly and still walk the line. The profit may even be higher."

"There's one problem, however, that is knowing which of the two factories requested the sabotage. While the other may be reasonable and friendly with us, the 'bad one' will want us killed."

2015-03-19, 02:07 PM
"Surely they wouldn't know it was us. Plus, no one blames mercs. Right?" Gurold questioned, "Good profits are to be had. And I say let any grudges be damned. Heck, they may even hire us. Ha!" The krogan laughed at the irony.