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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Rogue Modron (PEACH)

2014-10-27, 09:33 PM
Yet another race I made because I'm bored, we have......

Rogue Modron
Absence of Name = Absence of Identity = Absence of Purpose = Absence of Place in Multiverse = Null State = Loss. Nordom existed in State, Null, until Subject (Unidentified, Nameless) attached identity to Nordom. Null Identity, Null Purpose, Null Place equates to ‘Loss.’ - Nordom, Known Companion of the Nameless One.


The Modron are mechanical looking creatures native to the outer plane of Mechanus. Modron resemble geometrical shapes with humanoid limbs and represent a living, physical manifestation of law without regard to good or evil. They follow a strict hierarchy, with each rank reporting to the rank directly above it, and issuing commands to the ones ranking beneath it. For example, a quadrone modron will report to a pentadrone, and command several tridrones.
Like actual cells in a body, the Modron die and are replaced, and sometimes a something goes wrong with a cell. Perhaps they received two conflicting orders. Perhaps they were logic bombed. Perhaps they somehow became self aware and the shock of enlightenment was too great. In any case, these new-found individuals can no longer work within the system and they become Rogue Modron. They are stripped of the power of Primus, but continue to persist. Rogue Modron are the outcasts of Mechanus, insane and/or rebellious by Modron standards (even though to the average mortal they seem as lawful and mechanical as ever).

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, while either your Intelligence score or your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. The races of the Prime Material Plane see the Modron as immortal, but they seem to live for many thousands of millennium without changing. They begin their life knowing all that they need to serve the God Being that they were birthed by.
Alignment. While the Modron that occupy Mechanus are the true essence of Lawful Neutral, the Rogue Modron seem to have preference for Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, and True Neutral Alignments.
Size. The most common Rogue Modron are cubed or spheroid in shape (basically, either a box or a ball in shape), though there have been reports of other shapes (both geometrically normal or very odd polygons). Rogue Modron stand and weigh around the same as humans, despite being "mechanical" in nature. You are Medium-Sized.
Speed. Despite your nature as a walking machine, your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your speed is not reduced when wearing Heavy Armor.
Clockwork Covering. You cannot wear armor, being built with a "natural" covering to your clockwork insides. You cannot wear any armors made by other races, but your chosen class gives you your Armor Class with little penalties for you. This Armor Class can stack with class features, but you cannot change your starting class once you have chosen it at character creation. This Armor Class starts at 10 + Dexterity Modifier, adding 1 every 3 levels (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) until it reaches the set maximum based on your first class.
Set AC Maximums:

Class is Proficient in no Armor: 10 + Dexterity Modifier
Class is Proficient in Light Armor: 14 + Dexterity Modifier
Class is Proficient in Medium Armor: 16 + Dexterity Modifier (Max: +3)
Class is Proficient in Heavy Armor: 18 + Dexterity Modifier (Max: +1)

Logical Mind. A Modron's mind is able to calculate many many many many many many many times faster than all of the races of the Prime Material. You gain advantage on all Initiative checks. In addition, you can add your Intelligence Modifier when making Initiative checks (if your Intelligence Modifier is a Bonus).
Will of Order. The Modron are known to be the harbingers of True Balance in the universe, can naturally resist some things that a chaotic universe throws at them. When hit with damage, you gain Resistance to that kind of attack; but, this also gives Vulnerability to the next damage type you take (e.g. Chronus the Modron Fighter has taken Slashing damage from a Longsword, taking 1/2 damage from future Slashing damage taken. He then gets hit with an Acid Arrow spell, taking double damage from future Acid damage taken). The Resistance and The Vulnerability last until at least a Short Rest is taken.
Living Construct. The Modron are considered to be "living constructs", (in this case) born with a soul in their mechanical bodies. As such, you gain the following racial traits:

No need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath.
Are immune to all Poisons and Diseases.
Gain Advantage on all Saving Throws regarding Paralysis, Sleep effects, and Mind-Affecting effects.
Only heals 1/2 of its' normal Hit Dice during a rest (or when a healing ability is used on it).

Expansive Mind. The Modron are known for their vast knowledge of the multiverse, knowing even the most exotic pieces of trivia with ease (as long as it fits within the pervew of its job for Mechanus). You are proficient in one of the Knowledge Skills: Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion. You also ALWAYS have advantage on your chosen Knowledge Skill. Once chosen, the skill cannot be changed.
Languages. A Modron is easily proficient in nearly any language it comes upon, but usually speaking a binary code that was programmed into their collective memories. You can speak, understand, and are literate in Common and the Axiomatic languages. In addition, you can also speak, understand, and be literate in four extra languages of your choice.

So...... I know it's a big block of text, but I tried my best to make this race "feel" like a Modron (unique abilities and sacrifices) AND tried to keep it balanced with the PHB races (both bonuses and penalties).

Rysan Marquise
2014-10-28, 01:13 PM
You are warping class balance here and your numbers are absurd. Some classes get shafted irrevocably, and some become blindingly overpowered (barbarian).

If you want a covering mechanic instead of armor, perhaps let them grow their covering out - letting them 'naturally grow' something with stats equivalent to the best armors of each catagory, perhaps gradually reaching that point.

Having this vary based on class like this is always a bit iffy, and in this case is the reason people become uncomfortable.

Logical mind also is the sort of stacking bonus 5e shys away from, though it isnt so bad with initiative.

Overall the abilities are thematic, but heavily overtuned. I understand that it receives half healing from all sources, but that is not a sufficient fault given the level of advantages it experiences.

2014-10-28, 01:40 PM
You are warping class balance here and your numbers are absurd. Some classes get shafted irrevocably, and some become blindingly overpowered (barbarian).

If you want a covering mechanic instead of armor, perhaps let them grow their covering out - letting them 'naturally grow' something with stats equivalent to the best armors of each catagory, perhaps gradually reaching that point.

Having this vary based on class like this is always a bit iffy, and in this case is the reason people become uncomfortable.

Logical mind also is the sort of stacking bonus 5e shys away from, though it isnt so bad with initiative.

Overall the abilities are thematic, but heavily overtuned. I understand that it receives half healing from all sources, but that is not a sufficient fault given the level of advantages it experiences.

Armor still stacks, but has a set value based on your FIRST class's proficiency.