View Full Version : Player Help Arcane Archer, best way to represent?

2014-10-28, 02:52 AM
Hi Folks,

I was wondering, what would be the best way to represent a magic archer? I was thinking one of a few ways

Warlock/Sorcerer (Maybe 6 lock/14 sorcerer) using Elderitch blast to represent the arrows, and, the spells to represent other types of arrows/abilities
Fighter 3 / Bard 17 - Swift quiver + manouvers
Elderitch Knight archer

What do you guys think? I think the Warlock may be the best way to represent it but not really sure

Thanks for your input!

2014-10-28, 02:58 AM
The delivering spells through arrows thing isn't possible, but you might consider eldritch knight 7/warlock 2 if you have good charisma and dexterity, you get to attack as a bonus action when you cast a cantrip, so if they all hit your damage is typically x1d10+xd6+5 where x is 3 at 9, 4 at 11 and 5 at 17.

2014-10-28, 03:12 AM
It's more agreeing with the DM the spell casts look like Arrows thematically, it won't affect mechanics though.