View Full Version : Optimization Aspect of Kas

2014-10-28, 04:55 AM
Thinking of a new character concept for an upcoming game. World is being torn asunder (end of days), the apocalypse is nigh. Initially, all the players started thinking of RPing the Four Horsemen, but after a few discrepancies as to which four were to be used, we elected to keep the spirit of the theme, but go our own ways with it.

As such, I am having trouble deciding on what to play. Currently, I am really interested in combining Human + Half-Vampire + Necropolitan and calling myself the avatar (or even next incarnation) of Kas. I envision the character being somewhat of a mounted combatant (not required, however) riding a Nightmare (or something equally cool - as astral projection can be a tad ridiculous).

The level would be starting at 8th, all books available (Dragon available, though on case by case basis), and possibly going into mid teens.

Any and all ideas to help explore this concept are greatly appreciated.

2014-10-29, 02:50 AM
Shameless bump.

In addition, exploring the idea of Binder, using the expanded vestiges to gain Kas. Perhaps Anima Mage/Priest?