View Full Version : Mundane Magic Items

Milo v3
2014-10-28, 06:43 AM
Currently making a high magic but low-level setting, and trying to think of different mundane use magic items for average people to use.

Some I've gotten so far are:

Chocolates that don't make you fat from one or two castings of Prestidigitation.
Wallets and phones that are permanently affected by Theft Ward.
Fridges that cool everything with Prestidigitation.
Library's where everyone within gains the benefits of Read Magic.
A city where you can say a command word whenever you require a Dancing Light.
Stone slab which turns guns into alchemists fire, immediately destroying it since it'll ignite in contact with air, uses Alchemical Tinkering.
Boat sails that increase the wind speed with alter wind.
Hair product that lets you cast charm person on people so that everyone is friendly to everyone.
Book that can be read by anyone via Comprehend Languages.
Plates that change colour when they detect poison.
Plate that mends any minor damage of objects placed on it.
Walls that can hold heavier weights through Ant Haul.
Tattoo in the deserts and the Arctic that let you Endured Elements.
Watches that cause you to lose your last six seconds worth of memory every six seconds, until you reach a set time, effectively causing you to skip time, through Memory Lapse.
Polypurpose Panacea in drinks, candy and drugs.
Silent Image as holograms.
Summon Monster II fireplace that calls up a fire elemental whenever you want.
Gloves that let you trade memories with a person at a touch, and crystals that can store memories of a person at a rate of 10 seconds worth of memory per second; from Share Memory.