View Full Version : Rules Q&A Are the skill ranks for Pegasus on the SRD wrong?

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-10-28, 10:30 AM
Either I am doing something completely wrong or the SRD is. Can someone break it down for me?


2014-10-28, 10:44 AM
I think they have too many ranks in Sense Motive.

Magical Beast HD = 2+Int skills
Int = 10
First HD = 4*2 = 8
remaining HD = 3*2 = 6
Total skill points = 14

Max ranks in any skill = 4+3 = 7.

Diplomacy +3 (Cha +1, 2 ranks.)
Listen +8 (+4 Racial, Wis +1, 3 ranks.)
Sense Motive +9 (Wis +1, 8 ranks.)
Spot +8 (Wis +1, +4 racial, 3 ranks.)

They should only have 6 ranks in SM if I did that right, but they appear to have 8 going by the bonus.

2014-10-28, 10:48 AM
4hd. 2+intmod (0)= 14 skill points, max ranks 7

Diplomacy +3 (1 from Cha bonus) = 2
Listen +8 (1 from wis, 4 from racial) = 3
Sense Motive +9 (1 from wis) = 8
Spot +8 (1 from wis, 4 from racial) = 3

Yup, looks wrong to me. Sense Motive exceeds max, and 16 total instead of 14.

Fax Celestis
2014-10-28, 10:51 AM
Its skills are way off. Psyren's mostly right, but he's forgetting the Sense Motive synergy bonus to Diplomacy (flat +2), which would mean our pegasus hasn't spent any ranks on that.

The designer spent the right number of ranks but used the wrong skill cap, basically. Shift one point out of Sense Motive and stick it in Diplo and you should come out even.

(they're incidentally also forgetting to list our pegasus' atypical jump modifier of +16)

2014-10-28, 03:46 PM
Incidentally, skill modifiers are probably the most common thing to be slightly wrong in published stat blocks, largely because assigning skill points is the most complex part of character creation and also the hardest for someone else to double-check (assuming the editor only sees the final numbers like we do).