View Full Version : turning undead and attacks of opportunity

2014-10-28, 03:02 PM
Turned undead flee from the cleric as fast at they can by the best means they have. Does this mean a well-positioned cleric could make undead flee past an ally, provoking attacks of opportunity? Or would turned undead still try to go around the guy instead of right past him? (In this second interpretation, I'm guessing they'd still flee past him if there was no other escape.)

2014-10-28, 03:43 PM
To my interpretation they would not only provoke AoO, but lose their dex to AC as well, since they'd be using the run action.

2014-10-28, 03:58 PM
Turned undead flee from you by the best and fastest means available to them.

Emphasis mine. They get to choose their route, and right through enemy attacks could in no way be considered best. Arguably mindless undead wouldn't know enough not to, but certainly any intelligent undead would.

2014-10-28, 06:30 PM
Depends on your interpretation of what best refers to. I, for instance, always though that "best" refers to the means themselves. Is the undead capable of flying? Fly he will. Teleportation? Hope you had cast Dimensional Anchor on them, or you'll have to go chasing.

Thus, per my interpretation, he would run provoking AoOs if that meant just being the farthest away from the Cleric as undeadly possible