View Full Version : How many of you would like to see Xykon suceed this round?

2007-03-20, 12:24 PM
So the OOtS "won" round one. (I know it didn't go as well as it could have, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to say they "won" as opposed to Xykon.

I'm going to call Azure city Round two and ask how many of you would actually like to see Xykon "win" this one?

I know I sure would!

(I mean I'd still like the Oots to survive and everything :smallsmile: )

2007-03-20, 12:26 PM
I want both parties to loose :-)

If memory serves me right that leaves two more gates...

2007-03-20, 12:33 PM
I want some new villain to win.

2007-03-20, 12:50 PM
xykon has to win, cause anyone can see that is going to end with one final climactic fight for the last gate or somthing, inevitbly leading to it being opened and they all have to fight snarg or somthing. so this gate has GOT to go come down, it wouldnt be very climactic if it was

Xykon you wont get this gate!!! nor the one we already stopped yuou for getting over in that castle place thingy!!

2007-03-20, 12:51 PM
I bet his army is gonner be defeated but they are going to managed to open the gate, wether its xykon or one of the LG or Miko

2007-03-20, 01:58 PM
I want Redcloak to win.

Hiest, monkey
2007-03-20, 02:46 PM
I want Xykon to succeed partially because it would make for an interesting few strips that are pure jokes. If OOTS heads him off at the throne room then he will flee, after the battle, and the PC's will make jokes until the Giant can think up the technicalities of his escape. Then the Linear Guild will make for a humorous entry once more, and there will possibly be another side Quest, making for humor. Then we will return to action, and scenes with bright colors. The only problem is the strip resolved all subplots leaving no room for character development, the strip may lose its integrity. THe only remaining one is Haley's father. Hopefully the strip will somehow develop new ways for the characters to grow in depth and realistic quality. Otherwise it will be like any other comic on the net. Either way I want Xykon to win.

2007-03-20, 02:49 PM
Go Xykon go! unleash the evil power!! :xykon:!!

2007-03-20, 03:38 PM
But Xykon winning would mean he gets to control the Snarl, right? I can't see this happening (or if it does, then only at the very end of the story for a very short time until the snarl eats him up and is then banished back by the OOTS. :smallbiggrin:)

In this story arc, the gate is likely to be destroyed in time again. So no win for Xykon (though he'll probably get very close).

2007-03-20, 04:09 PM
I'd like to see him succeed at conquering Azure City, but only that.

2007-03-20, 04:18 PM
I have my money on Xykon managing to take the throne room and the gate, but while trying to use it the OotS interrupts him and the snarl destroys Xykon (not permanently), but eventually I think Xykon will be destroyed by the snarl.

2007-03-20, 04:27 PM
xykon has to win, cause anyone can see that is going to end with one final climactic fight for the last gate or somthing, inevitbly leading to it being opened and they all have to fight snarg or somthing. so this gate has GOT to go come down, it wouldnt be very climactic if it was

Xykon you wont get this gate!!! nor the one we already stopped yuou for getting over in that castle place thingy!!

Something like that.

Actually, I think all of the gates will end up being destroyed - Xykon with the last one. Then the Order's final task will be finding a method to seal the rifts and doing so - with Durkon giving his life at the last rift in a parallel to Kraagor. Unlike the Order of the Scribble, though, the Order of the Stick will remain a team, and each one will take up the guardianship of one of the gates - well, Belkar will be dead sometime after his next birthday, so we'll say Miko redeems herself and restarts the Sapphire Guard with, I dunno, Hinjo to guard the Azure City one. Hmmm... actually there's a problem, as I don't think Elan's "happy ending" would separate him from Haley. Maybe Durkon gets rezzed and guards one? Wait, both Durkon and Belkar get rezzed (or else Belkar just never gets a birthday cake/the IRA he would have picked falls through.) and the team leaves the guarding of the gates to someone else?

2007-03-20, 04:28 PM
Xykon all the way!!

Bricka-bracka, Firecracka, Sis-boom-bah!
Kill 'em Xykon! Kill 'em Xykon!
Rah! Rah! Rah!


2007-03-20, 06:31 PM
Define "succeed"...
In the case of Xykon, i would see sucess as Obtaining the gate and being able to perform his ritual... this i do not want to happen, i'd rather see him fail... If he fails we can then move the sotry on to the next gate, first the gate srhouded by illusion and then the gate guarded by many powerful monsters... in fact, based on what the orcale said, we KNOW that Xykon is not gonna get this gate, and will move to the next... though this thread is about our opinions and not, what we think is gonna happen

Ofcourse the reason i ask about defines success, is because there are other ways of seeing it such as destorying azure city, winning the battle or defeating the OoTS... some might call it success for Xykon, but since the goal is the gate, i do not see that his success if he does not get the gate aswell... both of which i do see as a possibility and would not be really agianst happening... it would indeed make Xykon more badass by scoring some evil points.

so ya, based on the previous definition of what success would mean for Xykon... no, i don't want him to succeed

2007-03-20, 06:53 PM
I want Nale to win.

2007-03-20, 07:26 PM
The battle yes, why not.

But not the war.

I still see V having the final say regarding the sapphire gate.

Perhaps a Plane Shift combined with making it invisible or insubstantial.

That or some form Temporal Stasis with Permanence (Do those spells still exist?)

2007-03-20, 07:37 PM
Arg! No it's DMC3 avatars! Well at least you don't have jester or anything really dumb. Anywhoosey, I want Klondike (If I'm not gonna spell Xykon right I might as well spell it atrociously) to win so that we can get the gods involved, then Banjo might finally become a god!

2007-03-20, 08:02 PM
First: I love how close the results are =)

I knew I'd get ppl coming in here re: what I meant by suceed. I thought I made it clear in first post but evidently I was wrong.

I mean this battle but not necessarily the war.

Defeating the forces of Azure City but not necessarily the OOTS.

Getting closer to controlling the Snarl but not necessarily doing so.


2007-03-20, 08:09 PM
Define "succeed"...
in fact, based on what the orcale said, we KNOW that Xykon is not gonna get this gate, and will move to the next... though this thread is about our opinions and not, what we think is gonna happen

mmm, there is an alternative explanation for that I think...
All that the oracle's prediction means is that sometime Xykon is going to be near one of the other gates(Girards wasn't it?). He could get this one, and then decide he'd be even MORE uberpowerful if he had two, and then go off to get the 2nd. Or he could control this one, get whatever he wants out of it, and then go off on vacation 200 years down the road, just happening to walk by the 2nd gate.
I don't think those are likely, I fully expect Xykon to get his butt whooped again, and have to go to the next gate to try there. But y'never know. :P The Giant has surprised me once or MAYBE(*cough*) twice in the past after all.

2007-03-20, 08:10 PM
well i dont think he actually will win the fight but it would be a nic plot twist:smallamused:

2007-03-20, 10:37 PM
Xykon will 'win' in that he will raze Azure City, probably killing O'chul/Hinjo/mayhaps even Miko in the process.

He will 'fail' in the respect that he will be unable to secure the gate before someone destroys it.

Off to Girard's Gate!!

2007-03-20, 11:23 PM
I don't, because if he succeeds, the comic will probably be over. And is that not a bad thing?

2007-03-21, 02:27 AM
Nooo, Miko has to become a Blackguard First :-)

Dinch Impcre
2007-03-22, 02:18 PM
Neither of them are going to win....... lest we forget.....

DUN DUN DUN..........
