View Full Version : Budgeting the Four Horsemen

2014-10-29, 01:06 PM
Quick background:
New universe in which no gods exist. The PCs (8 of us) are becoming the gods and are working through a homebrew divine rank system in which the first to reach 10 becomes the "overgod" (or gods if a way is found to reach 10 at the same time). The PCs are between character levels 9 and 10 and are as follows according to my character's knowledge:
A mailman style (fireball) wizard (Lawful Good rank 3)
A orb focused wizard (Good rank 3)
A volley archer with a huge range (Neutral rank 4)
A dread necro (Evil rank 4)
3 warblades (I just know they exist)
And me a cleric (Evil rank 1) as I am just joining.

I am building in the four horsemen style:
Death - the DMM persist caster cleric (the god) focused on buffs (as well as to a lesser extent debuffs) and undead
Plague - a stealthy cleric (worshipper of death) debuffer
Famine - an anti magic cleric (worshipper of death) with dispels and counterspells
War - DMM persist melee cleric (worshipper of death)

My character will not be interested at this time in obtaining the overgod status, only collecting souls through contracts with the commonfolk and other gods.

PCs have killed other PCs for actions against their beliefs.

So what I need assistance with is spending my 300,000 gold budget equiping the four horsemen to handle as many types of contracts as possible (from gathering knowledge to slaying other gods and many things between). This is currently just the budget for magic items as I have portioned the rest away for other expenses.

The current rules for items are nothing in the magazines without permission, scrolls cost double, and nothing using any named spells (bigby's, evard's, etc.). I have maxed out the number of nightsticks already. I have some ideas how to spend the money but I am also looking for any advice.

Thanks guys and gals.