View Full Version : Pathfinder Plant made rope?

Crimson Wolf
2014-10-30, 05:55 AM
Okay I need help real quick like, so I am trying to get all sorts of items for my campaign ready and laid out for the group but I completely forgot what book had a certain item I am looking for. All I remember is the book said that this plants vines or what not can be turned and made into a rope that is incredibly strong and better than even silk ropes. Does anyone know the name or said item and what book it was in?

2014-10-30, 10:02 AM
Earthsilk rope, Races of the Stone 160

Crimson Wolf
2014-10-30, 11:04 AM
Hmm thank you for that one, and though I DO have that book, I meant a pathfinder book, and it was using vines. Only thing I can vaguely remember is a picture in the book showed the vine rope being red.

WAIT FOUND IT! Was in the advanced class guide. Bloodvine Rope