View Full Version : Player Help A society character

2014-10-30, 07:11 PM
I will be playing my 2nd game at a Pathfinder Society table on November 7. We will be playing The Emerald Spire, level 1. I just showed up and played pregen last time, so I need a character. I have played a lot of 3.5, so I have an idea what I want, but I'd like advice.

I have enjoyed, in the past, playing control casters (the god/batman wizard), and ranged strikers (mounted halfling outriders). I am not at all married to those particular classes, just the concepts. control casting and mounted archery. A big damage melee combatant is always fun obviously, but I imagine a lot of people want to play those, so I was thinking I'd stay away from that role.

Really though, I want to make friends. I think what I really want is to be the sort of character that is of use to the group, and not a selfish, Lebron James type. I want to be a character that others will want around. Whether it's an interesting concept, or just a total badass, that's what I'd like. It would also be good if the character is fun from 1-12. I don't want a character that's going to be awesome to play once I get lvl __. I want one that is awesome to play now.

I also really like the idea of being a use magic device gatling gun. efficient quiver, lots of magic devices, lots of skill points, fill many roles.

Seriously, have fun with this folks, I'm open to anything.

Renegade Paladin
2014-10-30, 07:16 PM
If you want to be of use to the party in Society, play a cleric. Seriously, no one does. :smalltongue: I've had multiple games where my paladin was the party healer; it got so bad I picked up Greater Mercy just to keep up.

2014-10-30, 10:23 PM
Is there a fun way to play a healer without necessarily being a cleric? For example, could my skillmonkey/use magic cannon be a healbot as well?

2014-10-31, 03:25 AM
Just reiterating what Renegade Paladin said. Not only will the other players like you because you buff and heal them, but NPCs will like you. Walk into town and cure a few lepers and see what that does for your rep.

Bards are presented as the "face" character, but that is only true if you doing spy missions. If your goal is to raise an army or lead a nation, you can't do any better than cleric. They are the glue of society in the D&D world.

2014-10-31, 07:46 AM
Is there a fun way to play a healer without necessarily being a cleric? For example, could my skillmonkey/use magic cannon be a healbot as well?

Life Oracle is able to heal pretty darn well.