View Full Version : Maxing out luck

2014-10-30, 08:09 PM
I'm designing a pain in butt LBEG. (L is for little) I want him to be a bard, but that is subject to change depending on the crunch needs. Level 12 is where I'm looking for prime efficiency. And the idea is that this guy is just crazy flipping lucky. This is a guy who runs away when things look dangerous, but he isn't above taking calculated, semi crazy risks when things get a little tight. So, how do we max out that luck, mechanically? Seeing as how he's a survivor, any build suggestions, even up to 20, is ok. Don't worry about damage output, his strength is going to be in skill ranks, and damage output can be modified heavily by items that he was lucky enough to stumble across. I want this dude to be so hate able. Never really works for anything, life just sort of grants it to him, but also, he is careful about things, and all he really does is complicate already complicated matters. I'm sure the PCs will find a way to one shot him regardless of my plans, but I kind of want to see how broken luck can be made.

I'm currently going through complete scoundrel, but other sources of luck will be awesome.

2014-10-30, 08:10 PM
Well Fortunes Friend will give you a bunch of Rerolls, so that helps. Honestly? Just start doing crazy luck feat combos, like the D2 Crusader, just less rage inducing.

2014-10-30, 08:13 PM
Start with a Wu Jen, or a Cleric with the Luck Domain, for immediate access to rerolls. Mythic Exemplar pairs reasonably with Fortune's Friend for this concept, and - if memory serves - can be entered from either starting point.

2014-10-30, 08:27 PM
If you're human, there are the Heroic Destiny and Fearless Destiny feats from Races of Destiny.

2014-10-30, 10:11 PM
Thoughts off the top of my head:
Fate Spinner (CArc)
Survivor (SavSp)
Auspician (F&P)

2014-10-30, 10:42 PM
Fate Spinner (CArc)

The 3.0 version in Tome and Blood is twice as long. It's not twice as flavourful, but it does add the ability to turn your spell DCs from a 10 + x into a d20 roll + x. You can't modify it further with "other abilities such as [class feature]", but you can modify it with spells. So any spells that give you bonues to a roll or allows you to reroll can be used to increase your spell DCs.

2014-10-31, 02:03 AM
Thanks everyone, I checked them all out, you could make a team of lucky bastards with what is out there. Fatespinner wildmages, entropomancing chaoticians, Auspician luckstealers, tattooedmonk swashbucklers.

Human spelltheif
unbeleivable luck, heroic destiny, endurance: inattentive, Improved unarmed strike: shaky


cutpurse (He's gonna steal midcombat)



Fortune's friend
tempting fate

Fortune's friend
dumb luck

Fortune's friend

uncanny trickster
diehard (plays very nicely with tempting fate)

uncanny trickster (based on spell thief)

uncanny trickster (based on spell thief)

fortune's friend
Better lucky than good, martial study (shadow jaunt) This is where he meets the PCs. If knocked below 0 hp, he jaunts to a spot to get away, he can absorb up to 3rd level spells.

fortune's friend

human paragon

human paragon
Marial stance (assassins stance), residual rebound

Randy Bluethorn. Spoiled son of General bluethorn. Never struggled a day in his life except for the first day of his apprenticeship as a wizard. Skipped out on that with armloads of arcane reference books. Read them all, sold them, and fell into a mercenary company that was really just the strong arm of a thieves guild. He doesn't like to lose, doesn't fight battles where he won't survive, and steals everything magic that he can before darting away. Entitled, capable, lucky, and could totally be so much more, but what he can't finish by his own knack and knowhow, he knows how to buy/steal the gear that can finish it for him. Animated keen flame burst dagger? Stole it from a halfling hero's home to handle a dryad problem. He also enamored with the BBEG and is simply kept around because his money and connections are worth the injections of chaos he brings with him. He isn't actually great at anything but is way more fun than a monk. PCs are going to meet him when they are around level 9 so they can grow to outshine him, assuming of course that they are luckier than he is and find a way to kill him good or ignore the pothooks and focus on other stuff...