View Full Version : Player Help Lore Bard 6th Level spell choice

2014-10-31, 03:31 AM
Hi Folks,

Was wondering if i could get some input on what 2 3rd or lower level spells might work for my bard?

ATM I have mostly control spells (hold person, suggestion, sleep) and Faerie fire (i dont use the rest of my spell choices)> I have a warlock dip for Elderitch blast so I dont need a damage spell really.

I was thinking perhaps Slow and Find Steed, though I don't know the spell lists that well. I seem to be focused on control/buffing the party. Another idea was crusaders mantle, since that can add up to 8d4 a turn

The party has a Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger

Thanks for any idea's!

2014-10-31, 03:38 AM
I'd jokingly suggest Find Steed for Cone of Cold shenanigans later, but that really shouldn't fly.

2014-10-31, 07:14 AM
I'd jokingly suggest Find Steed for Cone of Cold shenanigans later, but that really shouldn't fly.

Even without any shenanigans Find Steed is an amazing spell in my opinion.

Some powerful spells;

Animate Dead if you want to go that route, takes a lot of planning though.

Armor of Agathys is a very good deterrent to anything melee wanting to hit you.

Find Steed gives a permanent mount that's powerful at early levels, and combined with Armor of Agathys is great to ward off enemies even at higher levels. It also has some other great things going for it, I suggest reading up on it.

Fireball is in my opinion good for the hordes of enemies you might meet and your party has no other answers to them.

Prayer of Healing if you're the party healer, incredibly efficient but only out of combat.

Create or Destroy Water because I love it, I don't actually recommend this.

2014-10-31, 08:01 AM
If you're looking for BFC you might want to check out Spirit Guardians. It's a slow + damage aura from the Cleric list, and one of the better Cleric concentration spells.

2014-10-31, 09:01 AM
Lots of good ideas above, though I would not take Find Steed in this particular situation. Instead, I would convince the Paladin to take Find Steed, and ride along with him. Horses can definitely carry more then one rider, and that way you'll always benefit from his Auras. If he also takes Polearm Master, you can set up a great combo where you push enemies away with Eldritch Blast which should give him more frequent Opportunity Attacks when enemies need to keep ping-ponging back to attack you. Ideally you would use your Blast with a Readied Action immediately after the Opportunity Attack but before the enemy attacks you or the Paladin. If that's not happening, you could also ride the Ranger's Companion as a mount if he has one.

Similarly, be sure to talk to the Ranger about him taking Pass Without Trace (+10 Stealth and cannot be tracked for 1 hour for you and all allies). If he doesn't, I would consider taking it yourself. My experience has been that Stealth can be uber important. (Though I've also played a lot as an Assassin Rogue, so your mileage may vary).

I suggest taking a close look at Counterspell, one of the most powerful defensive spells in the game. Although the Wizard may also have it, my experience has been that you can never have too many Counterspells available.

2014-10-31, 09:06 AM
Find Familiar. Permanent Advantage.

2014-10-31, 09:55 AM
Hi Folks,

Was wondering if i could get some input on what 2 3rd or lower level spells might work for my bard?

ATM I have mostly control spells (hold person, suggestion, sleep) and Faerie fire (i dont use the rest of my spell choices)> I have a warlock dip for Elderitch blast so I dont need a damage spell really.

I was thinking perhaps Slow and Find Steed, though I don't know the spell lists that well. I seem to be focused on control/buffing the party. Another idea was crusaders mantle, since that can add up to 8d4 a turn

The party has a Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger

Thanks for any idea's!

If the ranger doesn't already have them, I'd probably go Conjure Animals for meat shields and Pass Without Trace for party stealth. Meatshields + Eldritch Blast is a nice combo.

2014-10-31, 12:35 PM
I definitely second the counterspell suggestion.
As for the other choice, what is your party lacking? Whatever your answer to that question is, choose something to fill the gap.
If you're not sure or don't have a good answer to that question, a decent AoE damage spell is an excellent choice. Decent damage is what bards generally lack, With your warlock multi, you have single target damage, plenty of control, etc. A good ranged AoE would round you out nicely.

2014-10-31, 12:58 PM
Good point about Counterspell. Your Bard is actually almost as good at Counterspell as an Abjuror, thanks to Jack of All Trades.

2014-10-31, 01:11 PM
Good point about Counterspell. Your Bard is actually almost as good at Counterspell as an Abjuror, thanks to Jack of All Trades.

Huh, didn't even think about that, I wonder what other checks the bard can do better than others in regards to spells because of jack of all trades.

2014-10-31, 11:47 PM
Thanks for all the awesome idea's folks,a few spells listed i hadn't even considered