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The Vagabond
2014-11-01, 10:35 AM
You feel your body ache, constrained in a wooden box. You almost feel like you can’t move, the box is so small, it’s more like a coffin. You were awaken by the jerking of your box, as you feel it sway around like a ship at sea. Outside of it, you hear someone panting, the sound of warfare, and the panicked grabbing of paper. Further away, you hear roars, gunshots, booms, and screaming.
You don’t remember where you are. You don’t remember when you are. You might recall a flash of light, but not much else.
Back to the box. The interior is plain wood, apparently mostly mundane. Shouldn’t be hard to break. You see a lock on one of the walls of your wooden prison. What do you do?

You all feel the ache of your bones, as you lie on the ground in mild pain. As you come to you senses, you look around. You’re in a cell. A fairly standard cell, to be frank, but not particularly well fortified. Otherwise, the cell is empty, as is most of the small cell block. You hear explosions outside, Further away, you hear roars, gunshots, booms, and screaming. You feel the earth sway, like it’s a boat in a storm.
There’s also a ballista bolt through the wall. So there’s that.

20 ft by 20 ft.
Three of the walls are made of wood, the third is made of iron bars. The wall opposite of that has a ballista bolt pierced into it.

2014-11-01, 01:35 PM
Safyaries Irotihne quickly checks to make sure the disguise she wears of being alive is in place, that she has her equipment, and glances around at her surroundings and companions of the moment, quickly checking them for obvious signs of injuries as well as finding out just how thick the wall is by looking at the hole left by the ballista bolt. Safyaries herself is a half-elf, on the short and slim side, with dark skin, piercing green eyes, and raven locks. She's wearing a traveler's outfit, with the hood up. She asks "Are any of you injured?"

2014-11-01, 02:58 PM
Kageru opens his eyes and springs up immediately in a defensive stance. Looking around he sees the cell walls and
the others. "I'm doing fine but.... why are we even here?" Kageru looks outside the cell, wondering if there is anyone outside looking after them. He also presses a hand against the cell trying to figure out the relative hardness.

Swift Action to enter the formless dance stance, which grants see invisible and blur
Perception Roll:

2014-11-01, 03:16 PM
'Did they catch me again? I was careful. ... No, they wouldn't use such a flimsy box.'
Exploring his prison, Robert's fingers find the lock. He curses the fact that even with all his power, he can still not see in the Dark.
Still, no sense in pre-emptively announcing his awakening to his jailors.
Blindly, he fumbles with the lock, looking for a way to pry its mechanism open.

Disable Device: [roll0] (modified by whatever you consider fair)

2014-11-01, 03:31 PM
Brinsol moves, if just barely, as the box feels like it was meant for a human coffin. Through the fog he thinks <By the Master, something is terrible wrong, but...>. His childhood creeps back up into him as he feels old habits coming up but he gains a hold of himself, his training kicking in as he becomes more aware by the moment.
Banging his hand against the box, he says "There has been some kind of mistake. You need to let me out." That is when he becomes aware of the swaying of the sea and the sounds of battle. Swiftly changing his focus, he mutters "Forgive me master." as he draws in his strength in order to break out of his imprisonment.

Strength check to break/burst object
[roll0] (+7 for rage induced strength and +4 for powerful build, although I'm leaving it up to you, Vagabond, to see if it qualifies)

Man on Fire
2014-11-01, 04:00 PM
Shock, misorientation and fear overtook her for a moment. Alira had to try her best to force them away. In moments like these she felt she missed days when she has blesing of the gods to take care of such feelings. Then she remembers how stupid it made her and that stupid nostalgia goes away.
Besides, it's probably her fellow Paladins who have imprisoned her. Such idiotic means of containment are certainly up their alley.
Focus. She needs to keep her mind clear and on the point. First check her gear. Second, open the lock. Third, prepare a weapon. Fourth, kick out of the box and prepare to fight whatever bastard put her there. That's the plan. Lets see if it survives confrontation with the enemy.

[roll0] Disable Device. If it fails, Alira tries casting Open/Close on the lock.

2014-11-01, 04:13 PM
I have to admit i had hoped to stop waking up in such situations when i stopped drinking myself under tables. Orlando was slow to get up, checking to make sure that his gear was in its proper place and trying to see if there were any wounds or broken bones. Satisfied, he says No, i believe i am in one piece, do you have any idea where we are or what has happened to us?

2014-11-01, 06:58 PM
Adran wakes up and tosses himself to his feet. Though seeing that the people around him didn't harm him while he slept, he doesn't immediately take hostile actions against them. "Who the heck are you people? How did I end up here?" He calls out in his head, Belrax where are you?, Not where you are, that's for sure. He takes a step to the corner of the room so he can survey the other occupants. "I am Adran Beastury, and no I am not hurt. Excuse me for a moment" He starts murmuring something for himself back against the corner of the wall while surveying the others. In actuality he starts summoning Belrax, which will take about a minute.

2014-11-01, 11:36 PM
Safyaries Irotihne nods on finding out nobody is injured, and says "That's good to hear. I'm Safyaries Irotihne, and I'm not quite sure what's happened... but I don't particularly like the idea of being behind bars in a room that's getting shot. Is anyone game for opening the door... or perhaps a wall? She looks at Adran, and continues "A strapping young man like you looks like you might be up for it. Would you help a lady out?" I'm just guessing that your character is visibly muscular, what with the listed base strength of 21. If I'm wrong, let me know, and I'll edit. Nevermind: You put "extremely muscular" on your character's description, so....

2014-11-02, 05:58 AM
Adran continues murmuring in deep concentration. "Just a moment and I'll help. I am sure I can get us out of here one way or the other."

After about a minute after he started, there is a hissing that turns into a popping sound and a small dragon appears at his side. That is small for a dragon, it's still about as large as the rest of the people in the room.

He approaches the bars and tries to find and open any lock.
Perception [roll0]
Disable device with guidance [roll1]

2014-11-02, 07:05 AM
"Hello? Is anyone out there?" Perauqs calls to the voices he hears outside his box. He begins tapping along his body feeling to make sure everything is where it should be, and seeing if he still has his equipment on him. Feeling his trusty dagger in his belt, he swiftly draws it and begins hacking at the feeble lock with it. "I do hope this is some mistake as I do not particularly enjoy my current location, so if anyone is out there desiring me to stay in place, you should speak up now!" He only waits a few seconds before destroying the lock or the wood with his magical adamantine blade.

2014-11-02, 09:01 AM
Standing up, Orlando stretches and observes what is going on in the small room. Hey, you want to let me move around too? The thought entered his mind in an annoyed manner reminding him that for his psiscrystal to move he has to will it each day. Oh, yeah forgot about that, you okay too? Or have any idea what is going on? Briefly concentrating, the small crystal shard grows two pairs of legs and begins to shift around inside its pocket. Looking at the ballista, he decides it would be better to be ready for battle and taking another brief moment he focuses his mind, then he he brings forth a surge of power withing him, causing himself and his psicrystal to glow for a brief moment as the power links them and then creating a brief translucent armor around himself before shifting into a offensive stance.

Manifesting Share Pain on himself and his psicrystal, then Inertia Armor both lasting for 5 hours. Assuming the Running Hunter's Stance, gaining +10ft to movement speed and the Scent special ability.

The Vagabond
2014-11-02, 09:38 AM
You all hear a scream of panic from below.
"You're not supposed to be up yet!"
The locks are quite easy to pick, and you all open them quite easily.
Except for Brinsol, who breaks apart the front of his coffin quite easily, splintering the front of the box into a thousand pieces.
Upon looking around, you see that you are in a small, windowless wood hut, the shelves lined with alchemical materials and supplies. The east wall is on fire, and you watch as someone tries to bolt through the western door. Outside, you see a bunch of huts, some made of wood, some of stone, and a few of adamantite, hanging and built into the branches of a tree.
You also see a dragon flying down, and you watch as individuals of all races jump off a variety of mounts.There's a lock on the door, but your attempt to unlock it has failed.
Kageru determines that the walls aren't that much harder than any wooden wall. It's mostly unnoticeable, but you can see through a crack in the wood to the next cell...
To find that there's a sword roughly the size of a building embedded into the building, with a gaping gash to the outside world, where you see ancient beasts of all variety. You can see the pommel and about half of the blade, and it's roughly 20 ft long. In the distance, you see a ball of fire forming in some ancient giant's hand from a great distance.
The cell is, otherwise, not particularly noteworthy. You do, however, hear some panicking from the room next door.

2014-11-02, 09:53 AM
"Ah. Great. Well. I'm guessing you lot are not against me so that means at the moment you are all with me." Perauqs states to the other climbing out of their own boxes. "We should umm... hmm." He goes out to the door and leans a head out yelling "HEY IS ANYONE HERE ABOUT TO START FIGHTING ME?" before turning back to the others within saying quietly "really this isn't the STRANGEST situation I could find myself in but, huh. Who would have figured..."

2014-11-02, 10:28 AM
Safyaries Irotihne says "OK... probably don't want to go through the wall. Hmm... can all'y'all keep a lady's secret?"

2014-11-02, 10:34 AM
Safyaries Irotihne says "OK... probably don't want to go through the wall. Hmm... can all'y'all keep a lady's secret?"

I can.... Looking over the one who asked with a raised eyebrow, why?

2014-11-02, 10:39 AM
Safyaries Irotihne says "OK... probably don't want to go through the wall. Hmm... can all'y'all keep a lady's secret?"

Well I was going to see where the key is first before we have to rummage, I can get out of this pretty easily...Kargeru focuses for a minute and then turns ethereal as he walks through the bar with ease.
"Easy enough." Kageru looks around for the guard key and any signs of security.

To DM: Taking a moment to change out my manuevers and then going to use the Ghostwalk manuever, and take the 6 seconds to get it back. Do I see anything DM?
To Jack: I am pretty sure with my see invisibility stance would reveal your true nature to me, not sure though.

The Vagabond
2014-11-02, 11:49 AM
After Kageru exits the cell, he takes a quick peek around. You're in a pretty nice wooden jail, with a 15 ft ceiling. The wall to your right has a sword right through it, blocking the path ahead that way, in front of you is another cell, empty save for a small box of candy, and to your right is a giant bear that's glaring at you, looming over you. It isn't attacking yet, and it just looks at you, exhausted and hungry.
[roll0] DC for you be about 18

2014-11-02, 11:51 AM
Robert sighs as he hears another box splintering. It appears stealth is not an option at this time.
Removing the box's lid, he gets up, calming focussing his energies to transcend into his charged state.

Hearing the arguments made by the man with the apparent Death-wish, for why would you otherwise stick your head out of cover in an unknown situation, he speaks.

"No matter the ideas fighting on the same side, perhaps this conversation would be better held in a building that is not in the process of burning down?"

2014-11-02, 12:46 PM
You have got to be kidding me... gah! it's a damn bear!
Kageru slams his fist into the lock as it swirls with negative energy, flinching a bit as the attack hopefully strikes.
Will Save
Use My free action to grant unarmed strike vicious property.
Passing that swift action Wisdom check vs lock on cell [roll1] vs hardness
Power Attack Sunder on lock on cell [roll2] (+2 if I pass the wisdom check -2 if demoralize)
Damage Unarmed Strike [Roll]2d6+1d8 (no hardness if I pass the wisdom check)
Self Damage [roll3]

2014-11-02, 01:45 PM
Safyaries Irotihne replies to Orlando "While there's nothing wrong with it per se, people tend to find it profoundly disturbing, and it saves a rather lot of time if I don't need to explain all the time... plus it's always funny when people try the wrong things to hurt me..."

Well I was going to see where the key is first before we have to rummage, I can get out of this pretty easily...Kargeru focuses for a minute and then turns ethereal as he walks through the bar with ease.
"Easy enough." Kageru looks around for the guard key and any signs of security.

To DM: Taking a moment to change out my manuevers and then going to use the Ghostwalk manuever, and take the 6 seconds to get it back. Do I see anything DM?
To Jack: I am pretty sure with my see invisibility stance would reveal your true nature to me, not sure though.
Not unless it does True Seeing as well, and even then, she keeps a fully mundane disguise on underneath, so that only knocks the illusory portion off the DC, so you'd still be facing a DC 30-ish Perception check to notice anything amiss (Taking 10, +8 Charisma, +3 Class, +5 Ranks, +1 Trait... maybe -2 race, +5 minor details, as she's disguising herself as herself when she was alive). Anyone without True Seeing is looking at DC 40-ish, instead.


And I just noticed that the sheet I'm using doesn't do the skill mods for temporary scores. Hmm. Guess I'll need to move that into main charisma, seeing as how she would be wearing that headband continuously. Done.
The Lady continues after Kargeru walks through the wall "... although it looks like I might not need to..." she cuts off as she hears the growl of the bear "... spoke too soon. Ah well, can't leave the young'un high and dry..." as she simply steps through the iron bars herself, letting the material things she carries - her three disguise kits, her masterwork chain shirt, darkwood heavy shield, and simple dagger - simply fall to the ground through her as she readies herself to do battle with the bear in defence of the "youngling".

2014-11-02, 01:54 PM
Orlando blinks a few times and then turns to the only person left in the cell. Well, am i missing out on something here or is it normal for people to just ignore locked and bared doors by simply shifting through it? Having watched one of the people try and break the lock with his fist Orlando will try and see if the door would open now.

2014-11-02, 02:38 PM
Brinsol stands as the he brushes the splinters off himself.

As Perauqs and Robert speak, he says "You are right, we seem to be in the same predicament together. Whoever just ran out the door probably has answers. And, getting out of this building before we find out if those vials are explosive is probably a great idea."
With that, he heaves himself out the building and into the maelstrom, noticing the dragon for the first time.

What color is the dragon?

Man on Fire
2014-11-02, 04:03 PM
Alira his hr forehead with palm of her hand, seeing one of three unknown men just starting a fight with what looks like pillaging riders. Quick glance at the shelves makes her leave a sigh of dissapointment, as she knows she won't be able to save all these alchemical components. It would really help her budget. But at this rate the risk something will explode is too great.
"Don't just stand there, move!" She yells at others and proceeds to bolt from the hut the same way mysterious person did. Seeing how they might have to fight their way through, she checks if all the gear is in place. Bow, arrows, rapier, flask with invisibility extract... and components for bombs. For now she doesn't pick up any of thet. It would be unwise to attack people who might actually be peacefull. but if they attack her... well, fate isn't kind for unwise people.

2014-11-02, 04:49 PM
"I can't walk through walls, without opening locks or breaking through first." Adran makes ready to strike at whatever is outside the bars by potentially poking his lance through them. Though he also keeps a careful eye on the lock to see if he needs to hit it as well to open.

Do we need all these spoilers? It's obvious who is in which group.

I am actually the only one who can't shift/teleport through the door eh? I guess I have to stay with mundane ways to get through doors for another 2 levels. Also my action kinda depend on if the lock is broken or not. If it is broken Adran would probably try to get through, if not he would probably try to smash it as well.

2014-11-02, 05:11 PM
Do we need all these spoilers? It's obvious who is in which group.Currently, this is true. However, it's pretty easy to get confused pretty quickly, especially if we end up doing sufficiently similar things at some point.After going through the door, Safyaries Irotihne hustles over to the bear, getting between it and the youngling Kargeru, where she casts a spell and screams incoherently at the beast. Move: Get between bear and Kargeru (not that he needs protection, mind...).
Standard: Sound Burst (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sound-burst). Damage: [roll0], Fort DC 20 or Stun (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Stunned) 1 round. In case it's needed: SR penetration: [roll1]
Note that I'm currently down to AC 21.

The Vagabond
2014-11-02, 09:38 PM
It stumbles back, screaming to the sky.

It tries to rip the ghost woman to shreds, letting out a ireful roar.
[roll1] [roll2]
Grapple [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

The lock is still pretty tough, but you have it partially broken down, a solid kick ought to take it down soon.Perauqs gets an answer rather quickly, in the form of a fireball blowing up the other wall, and the cry from the other side, along with the cry from a odd individual.

The dragon is Red in color. It is on fire. There's someone on top of it with a crossbow, and the dragon is clawing at the face of another golden one.
As you all bolt out the door, you watch as the building you were in has it's support exploded. A massive ballista bolt flies over Alira's head, bearly hitting, but ripping through a branch right besides her.

2014-11-02, 10:29 PM
Safyaries Irotihne walks around the bear and casts a spell to twist fate as her voice starts to twist a little... "don't worry snookums... Mama will keep it's attention... now be a good boy and get me a new rug, hmm?"

Move: Get on the other side of the bear, making sure to stay within it's threat range.
Standard: Cast Compel Hostility (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/spells/compelHostility.html). If it decides to go after someone else when it recovers from the Stun - not likely, but better safe than sorry - expend as an immediate action to turn it's attention back my way (Will DC 19 negates) (let me know when that happens, though, so I can re-cast if needed). The bear clearly doesn't have SR, so not rolling it this time.

2014-11-02, 10:37 PM
Seeing as the lock is damaged Orlando will draw his sword and attempt to dispatch what is left of it.
Attack automatically hits as it is an inanimate, unmoving target and damage is [roll0]
If that is not enough will continue to hit it until either someone else does something to the lock or i break it.

2014-11-03, 02:25 AM
Assuming the kick to take down the door is a move action (or the two others manage to bring):
Adran kicks down the remainder of the door and uses his other foot to vault back onto the saddle of Belrax. The dragon had anticipated this and is already moving through the door. Upon fully getting the bear into view Adran roars. This roar spurs Belrax to charge into the bear, lance, claw, horn and teeth ripping at the creature.

Move action by Adran to kick down the door, then attempt a free action to mount into the saddle, DC 20 [roll0]
Beltrax takes a move action to first get to Adran then out through the door and at least 15 feet away from the bear(on the other side of Kageru I am guessing). Then it will use it's standard action to ready a charge at the bear upon Adran starting to rage(using rhino charge).
Adran will then with lance at the ready start raging, lasting for an additional [roll1] rounds(with ferocious mount).
Which causes Belraxto charge at the bear(using dragon style, though since a bear is likely large the corridor might well be 10 feet wide letting me charge beside him anyway).
If Adran made his Ride check, he gets to attack first(reckless abandon, power attack):
Sneak Damage(flanking with Blerax due to pack flanking):[roll4]

Then Adran uses ride by attack to continue the charge(or if Adran failed his ride check).
If the bear is still standing, the charge will continue up to 5 feet away so Belrax can attack(charge,flank,power attack):
Bite attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Gore attack [roll7]
Damage [roll8]
Claw attack [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Claw attack [roll11]
Damage [roll12]

If Adran killed the beast the two of them will just continue the charge past Safyaries up to 40 feet from where they started.

AC:12(though can get higher due to bodyguard and maybe Orlando's Aura, -2 charge, -2 rage, -2 reckless abandon)
Temp str:26
Temp con:22
Raging for 5 rounds, superstitious
Rage used: 2/14

2014-11-03, 07:00 AM
"RIGHT THEN. That answers that! Everyone who wishes to escape should grab on to me, or to someone touching me, IMMEDIATELY." Perauqs says quietly but forcefully, almost commanding those around him. He still shows no fear and stands quite stoically against the destruction raining around him. He stretches out his arms to those around, one hand still grasping the dagger though with plenty of forearm available for someone to grab on to.

2014-11-03, 07:21 AM
While he doesn't yet trust this person, the very fact that he had been in the same situation as himself gives him some credibility.
Further, while he could possibly escape himself, it would no doubt be much much slower than what Robert presumes this man will do.
He grabs the man's forearm, preparing to defend himself against anything or anone that would attempt to hinder their escape.

- Grab onto Perauqs
- Total Defense

Man on Fire
2014-11-03, 07:32 AM
Great, just what I needed. Alira says sarcastically. She picks up her rapier, to take care of any eventual attackers. She looks unsure of the mysterious man and his offer, but seeing how they might not have any better options, she decides to take her chances and grabs him.
"Thi'll better work, whoever you are."

The Vagabond
2014-11-03, 10:48 AM
When the two assailants attack the lock, the door shatters. Adran and his might steed quickly bounce forward, charging at the giant bear, the lance ripping a hole in the massive bear's arm, causing it to shout in agony, before being quickly felled by the dragon from behind, rending into it's flesh, as it fell to the ground, dead as a doornail.
You have Felled the mighty beast! Each of you get 1500 EXP.

If you look into the cell that hasn't been half impaled, you see four goblins just stare at you.
They spend twelve seconds doing so, before they desperately try to climb their way out of a hole in their roof, trying desperately to get out of there...
Except, when Orlando exits the room, that entire side of the building explodes violently in a fire, killing them all. You do, however, see one, lying on the floor of the cell, dying.

2014-11-03, 12:17 PM
Brinsol looks at the small human and wonders if he is going to be able to carry everyone else, let alone his mass with the rest of the group. Looking at the fighting dragons and the ballista that nearly takes the girl's head off, he growls "Hope you can manage this, otherwise this is going to be a very long, but short, day." as he reaches down and grabs a hold.

2014-11-03, 12:30 PM
As the 3 others grab on, a light begins to shine from within Perauqs, spreading through his being to his extremities until it reaches the others, spreading also into them. Over the course of several seconds, the entire party begins to glow like the sun, while their vision quickly blinds them as the light encompasses all, before suddenly departing themselves. They remain where they were but, different.. The light they had become now infuses the entire landscape.

"We are on the border of the astral plane. You will find we are exactly where we were, but for the next hour every step here will be like a thousand steps when we return. We are safe at least and can talk for a while. I am Perauqs. I do not know where we were or how I came to be there. Do any of you? Oh! You don't have to keep holding on. We're here now. You just need to stay close to me while we walk this plane, lest you find yourself separated from me and sent to... Somewhere..."

Perauqs begins leading the others away from where they were, walking at a slow pace and trying to observe the features around him. The distortment of the astral plane makes it quite difficult to see where they are in relation to the material plane, as all is but light and figment.

2014-11-03, 12:46 PM
This was not precisely what Robert had thought, the man ... no Perauqs would do. He had previously experienced teleportation, so the concept of the astral plane was not unknown to him, but remaining on it for extended periods of time was something entirely different.

"I know not why we are here. The general circumstances make my first assessment unlikely. To elaborate, I have no real name, merely a designation. I am Elite number three, the third in a line of experimental soldiers of the Serrandon Kingdom, though I do not know if that name is known to you. I was a greater success than the first two, something that lead to my ... dicontent when they attempted to force me to perform assassinations and general suppression of dissenters. I managed to escape, killing number one and injuring number two. I had thought myself ... out of their sphere of influence, attempting to establish myself with the name Robert Harlan. When I awoke these few moments ago, I had thought myself captured again, perhaps by a fourth that eclipsed me as I did one and two, yet this appears not the case."

The Vagabond
2014-11-03, 01:12 PM
The primary issue with the fact that you're in the astreal plane, is that you're not the only on there.
You see a woman, thin and slender, fairly short, and decked out in a rather impractical, ridiculously revealing armor.
"I-Uh- Who are you!? Are you those guys we locked up earlier!?" she asks, shocked that there are, in fact, PEOPLE on this plane other than herself.

2014-11-03, 04:02 PM
"You know what's a much more interesting question than that? What're the odds of two oracles of the sun traveling along the same astral abutment? I have to say in all my journeys I have not once met another, let alone one here! So while your question is probably more relevant, it's also one that could be answered later to the same outcome... While the questions I have are much more, ah... Direct! What do you say to a friendly conversation miss..?" he says with a flourish, quickly sliding the dagger back into it's place on his belt in a display of a lack of hostility.

roll to improve starting attitude towards us [roll0]

The Vagabond
2014-11-03, 04:19 PM
The young woman just stares at him, mouth stumbling to find words.
"Uh-I-ah... Uh... Well... Yeah, it's unlikely... I kinda don't know anyone else who can actually do this...." she says, obviously very, VERY embarrassed.
"And-Uh-I-Uh-Well-I-Uh..." she says, blushing slightly at the oracle's upfrontness.
"Uh... I-Uh... Sure?" she says, trying to make herself look small.

2014-11-03, 06:19 PM
Safyaries Irotihne casts a quick spell on the goblin to keep it from bleeding out and says "I see you got the door open, thank you," as she fetches her dropped equipment. As she is picking up her things and stowing them for now, she asks "So... I suppose introductions are in order... well, except for you, Adran, seeing as how you already did. Also... does anyone happen to know where we are or how we got here? I suppose I ought to wake the goblin as well... it might know something..." she suits action to words, and casts Cure Light Wounds to wake the goblin, and then asks it in Undercommon "So... might you be able to tell me where I am?"

Standard: Cast Stabilize (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/stabilize) on the currently-living goblin.
Move (repeated): Go to dropped equipment, pick it up, and pack it away. Six items, so a total of 13 move actions (one to get to where it all fell, one to pick up each piece, one to stow each piece, plus a few five-foot steps in the mix). Dagger goes on the belt, the rest (for now) in the backpack. I'm assuming we're dealing with some form of time constraint.
Move: Walk over to the goblin
Standard: Cure Light Wounds to wake up the goblin.
Intermixed free: Talk

2014-11-03, 06:55 PM
Looking over at the vivisected remains of the bear, Orlando's gaze goes back to meet the rest of the group. My name is Orlando Vestiban, Swordsman Extraordinaire. As for what is going on or why we are here i am unfortunately as much in the dark as you are.

2014-11-03, 07:28 PM
Adran looks in both directions of the the corridor they are in. How far does it stretch, are there any corners or the like? He might go exploring immediately, fueled by rage, but it is kinda hard to know without knowing our surroundings... He does nod towards Orlando's introduction though...

Rage rounds remaning of current rage: still 4 since not much time have passed due to being unable to preform actions.

2014-11-03, 07:35 PM
Group 1

Perauqs laughs kindly before gesturing for the woman to come have a seat, as he himself sits cross-legged onto what this plane could call the ground. "Come! Have a seat! As you may have heard, my name is Perauqs. Perauqs Gnops. I myself am an aasimar, born to my human parents but somehow an angelic heritage or other celestial line has been in my family for sometime I suppose. Between that and the place I called home, a mighty jungle with gigantic trees and vines and plant life everywhere, all living and thriving from the warmth of the sun, it had never been a surprise to me that the sun would share it's power with me. But I have never met another! Who are you? What is your name fair lady? Where do you come from and how long have you felt the divinity awakened within you from the rays of the sun?!" Perauqs speaks vivaciously, clearly amused and enthralled with this turn of events and quickly forgetting about the situation they had just left, or even the people who he had brought here.

Man on Fire
2014-11-03, 08:15 PM
Group 1
Alira really tries to reign her emotions this day. Especially her desire to facepalm over and over. Not when Perauqs teleports them, that's fine. It's when Elite #3...Robert starts out of nowhere explaining his backstory, that she wants to hit herself for the first time. How did this guy stayed alive if he tells who he is to everyone? Then a woman in horribly impractical, revealing "armor" shows up and she wants to slap her for wearing this. Then PPerauqs starts hitting on her, ignoring the fact she just said to be on the side of people who captured them. And then again, when the woman seems tu buy into this.
"I'm surrounded by idiots." She mutters to herself.
She takes a deep breath and sits down with them. She asks a woman few questions.
"What is your name? And what "we" you meant? And who did you locked up?" She bites her tounge to stop herself from asking "and what the hell are you wearing?".

2014-11-04, 07:29 AM

My name is Kageru. he bows. Excuse me a moment though...
He looks at the goblin, compelled by a surge of sadness, taking a few seconds before phasing through the goblin's cell attempting to heal it.
Goblin, do you know what we are here for? Why we were all captured?

Heal Check:

2014-11-04, 08:44 AM
Group 1

Brinsol continues standing, a very unhappy look on his face.
"I am of the same mind as they lady here." he says with a nod to Alira. I'm curious... quite curious to find out why you would be a part of the group that locked us up. While none of us seem to have much, if anything, in common, it would seem that you brought us together for some purpose. Speak." glowering at the stranger amongst strangers.

Sense Motive on her response

2014-11-04, 10:31 AM
Group 2

It seems that there are more than enough people tending to the wounded goblin, so looking to make himself useful Orlando will begin looking around the area seeing if there is anything that might point to where they are or what else might be happening. His elegantly curved sword at the ready in case of more random bear attacks, he first begins searching nearby and slowly making his way outward keeping the group in line of sight as much as possible.

Since Spot, Listen, and Search are all one skill that makes this so much easier to type. Perception test to look for clues, danger, and/or information [roll0]

The Vagabond
2014-11-04, 12:19 PM
Group 1
"A-... Squares. Song Squares." she says, sounding incredibly embarrassed.
"I-I'm one to..." she mutters. "One of Angels." she says, trying to make herself even smaller. "Since I was three..."
Relieved by the fact that someone distract her from the pure wall of charismatic force that hit her from the aasimar, "By we... I... We are me, and my family, and my father's order." she says proudly, "Of which, I am the head Inquisitor."
She looked over to Brinsol, “You guys probably pissed off my father. He tends to lock people he doesn’t like up. Did you call him an ass? Do anything to incite a rebellion? Do any of you screw around with magic without a license? Did any of you eat his fruit?”
She smiles at the woman, holding out her hand, "I hope you don't mind telling me if you're the persons we were going to harvest, right? Did you wake up in things like coffins?"
She pauses for a moment, before rummaging through her a bag.
"Hold on, I need to find something..."
She pulls out a wide variety of torture implements, throwing them to the ground, before pulling out a short headband.
"Here we go!" she says, smiling, slipping a pair of bracelets onto her wrists, a smile on her face... Shifting into a pout, as she stares at Alira.
"What? I like the armor, found it on a hero my father killed. It makes people like me." she says, "Was a birthday gift."

Group 2
Now that the path isn’t blocked by a large bear, you know that you are in a cellblock pathway, 10 ft wide, and 60 feet long, and 15 feet tall when you don’t account the side of it blocked by a massive blade. There are cells, each about 20 feet by 20 fee, separated by wooden walls. There are stairs at the end of the hall, but it appears that most of the stairs are falling apart. They go up and down.

The goblin bolts awake, and simply stares at the two before him.
”Uh... Well, you’re in prison. Xu’s prison...”
You hear a ballista bolt rend through a upper floor.
”Which is also a shield for the commander of his army...”
He looks out the hole in the wall.
”Yeah... We should probably run...”
He then proceeds to bolt, running as quickly as he could manage to the stairs, running by Bellrax and Andran, provoking an attack of opportunity (Non Lethal might be useful).

Orlando would find runes on the massive sword that blocks the leftmost path...
Before you watch as it’s drawn from the side of the building, and then impaled further down. If you look through the cells, you find some bones, some clothing, some rubber, some armor, and some odd implements.

Outside the wall:
If you look out the wall the fireball blasted, you’ll see a fight. You watch as giants throw things at creatures thrice your size, creatures larger than cathedrals punching other such creatures. You see men riding dragons, dragons rending the flesh off of angels...
All in all, it’s a battle. A really, REALLY big battle. It isn’t a simple one. You think you see another ancient tree holding up a large metal rod, chanting something.

2014-11-04, 12:52 PM
Group 1

"Haha that's so funny! You're name is... It's the almost reverse of my... Name...Oh"" he says as comprehension dawns upon him. "oh... This could be problematic. Guys, what are all your names? And Song, what are the names of your associates back on the material plane? Because... Whoa. Did we just find our mirror versions of ourselves?" He stands up and walks towards Song and looks very closely at her. "Are we alternate universe versions of each other..?"

2014-11-04, 01:13 PM
Group 2

Yeah.... i am also going to agree with our little friend and suggest running... Orlando then begins to move rather quickly, only giving a short look back to try and see what the giant tree is casting, towards the stairs, Now..... And running very fast at that.....

Checks to identify stuff
Identifying the runes, Spellcraft [roll0]
Identifying the spell, Spellcraft [roll1]

2014-11-04, 06:31 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne nods, and says "Yes, it does look like this place is about to get positively unpleasant, and I'm carrying a few things I'd rather not replace just yet. Let's be off younglings..." and she suits actions to words, heading towards the stairs to go down, trying to avoid being seen by any guards that might still be lurking, and taking a moment to examine them when she arrives.
Perception: [roll0] for the stairs
Spellcraft: [roll1] for the spell being cast by the... probably Treant.
Spellcraft: [roll2] for the runes.
Kn(Nature): [roll3] to ID the tree-like critter outside (add 8 if it's covered by Knowledge(Arcana), 10 if it's covered by Knowledge(Religion), use the roll if it's any knowledge other than those two)
Stealth: [roll4]

2014-11-04, 06:36 PM
Adran rages fruitlessly as he waits for the others to finish that silly business with the goblin. Flying into that battle does not sound like a good idea, but neither does running down crumbling stairs. I guess it is the lesser of two evils. He follows after Orlando and tries to see if he can gauge how long the crumbling stairs will hold and if they can hold both him and Belrax.
Perception Adran: [roll0]
Perception Belrax: [roll1]

2014-11-04, 06:47 PM
"yea lets get the hell out of here before we end up in 9 of them."
Kageru runs after the party.

The Vagabond
2014-11-04, 11:08 PM
Song just stared at the aasimar.
"I hope not. Finding myself attractive is rather disquieting."
She breathes in, "I don't feel comfortable revealing my comrades names to you." she says, standing up, "And if you are counterparts... That means my father wants you."

You determine that the creature is, in fact, a tree. Not a treant, just a tree that's been awakened. A really big tree.
The runes grant the sword a +5 enchantment, along with continuous Divine Power to it's wielder. Shame it's the size of a building.
None of you know anything about how things are made, or about buildings. As a result, you eyeball whether or not it'll work, and most of you determine that there's nothing really much that seems like it'll explode. You do, however, notice that it's mostly been broken down by people using it like all hell. Andran would hear a screa from far below, before silence.

2014-11-05, 08:26 AM
Group 1

Brinsol looks at the rest of the group, then at this Song girl, and then back, a scowl on his face before his lips start to purse up in irritation.
"I am Brinsol. Brinsol Hemthar. I am a follower of Irori, in his devotion would be fair to say. I have no idea who your father is or how I could have possibly angered him unless he is one of the evil gods that I strive against. I, like all of his followers, seek self perfection." he says as he continues to scrutinize the young lady.

Any results with the natural 20 on the sense motive?

2014-11-05, 05:59 PM
Group 2
Safyaries Irotihne shrugs, and starts heading down the stairs, calling back up with "I'd prefer all'y'all come down one at a time, younglings; I'll ready myself to try and catch you should the stairs collapse."

Move (possibly multiple): Walk down the stairs. Note that as an incorporeal creature, she applies no weight to them.
Standard (repeat as needed): Ready action to cast Levitate on whoever is on the stairs if they collapse.

Man on Fire
2014-11-05, 07:19 PM
Alira looks at the whole situation with disbelief.
"Alira Etefloss." She introduces herself reculantly. "Just a simple hardworking mecenary."
Turning to Squares she takes a deep breath and says, very calmly and like to a child. "It's okay. You can wear whatever you want. Just don't go into battle with it. You might get hurt." She then asks herself why is she having this conversation. And focuses on something more practical - if she ever heard of Inquistor Song Squares or any order to which people fitting her and her father's describtion could belong. At least she knows this guy doesn't work for Paladins. Doesn't sound lik somebody they would ally themselves with.

I don't know which skill is relevant so rolling both
[roll0] Religion
[roll1] Local

"Could we walk as we talk?" She asks. "And you, could you tell me why were we kidnapped, by whom and what you wanted to do with us?" She turns towards Squares again.

The Vagabond
2014-11-05, 10:37 PM
Square nods to Brinsol, "Well, unless you're name is something like Elite Three, then you aren't anything like Optimal 3."
She looks Alira Etefloss over. "Well, I doubt the universe is so cheesy as to have you be the counterpart to The Dentist, so, maybe you guys are NOT the counterparts."
She seemed annoyed, "It might be unwieldy, but it's not THAT unwieldy... Well, it is, but my father makes it work. I've gone into a great many battle with this armor on." she says, a grin across her face.
She rises up, and gesture them to walk with her, as she comments, "Chances are, you guys probably irked him somehow. Mocked his buildings or something, I don't really know. And you were probably kidnapped by my father's officers, they handle his work for him."
Sense-Motive: You can tell that she is desperately hoping that you guys aren't counterparts. Really quite a bit.
Knowlege; Religion. You don't know of her, she doesn't sound like any religion you've heard of... Which is actually kinda unnerving. You can tell however, that she has the Madness and Toil domain, the her... Implements also providing some hints of pleasure and joy to her god's portfolio. However, he does not sound pretty decent, so you suppose he's evil.

Group two:
The result... Isn't actually particularly exiting. You go down a couple floors, until the stairs end, leading down. There's a hole there, showing that there's still a solid 120 ft to go, and you think you can see that you're about 600 feet above ground. The next room leads to something akin to a foyer, stairs all around, and the door up front. You see a sign, showing "Second chance, second hope! Come and become reformed in Xu's name." The area looks like it's only been recently abandoned, tables upturned, chairs fallen to the side, and yet not an ounce of dust.
This is what you can see from the stairwell, but, thanks to your hiding, you get to safely watch as the entire front wall is shattered as a dragon tears through the wall, pinning a mantis nearly larger than he is to the ground. It shakes off a cage full of wolves, and it shatters as it hits the ground. You hear the dragon shout as he fights what looks like a mantis twice his size.

2014-11-05, 10:50 PM
"Lady..." Perauqs begins, "I'm a traveler, aiding where I can, healing the wounded and curing the sick, helping those without the power to help themselves. I journey all across Golarion doing good to those that need it most, but never have I offended whoever your father happens to be, unless it was done by mistake or accident. And even then would not explain how one minute I'm minding my own business walking down a road and the next I'm waking up in a box with people who had apparently kidnapped me. And that's discounting the fact that somehow I had no memory of being kidnapped to boot.

Are you quite sure that there isn't some... Err... Mistake?"

Man on Fire
2014-11-05, 11:49 PM
"Well, lets find out." Alira asks. "No, not about the armor, about the counterparts!" She ads quickly after receiving looks like she wants to stab Squares. "What's the deal with this Dentist guy and why it would be cheesy if I was his counterpart? What, is he some noble knight or something?" She asks. Meanwhile she tries to puzzle what she seems to be getting here. And it looks like gir serves some very hedonistic, unknown diety. Great, just what she needed. Fliping off her gods was bad enough, now she apparently pissed off one whom she knows nothing except that he is a prick.

2014-11-06, 06:08 AM
"what do you see down there? all we heard was some loud voice saying Outsiders.... I hope he means planar beings." Kageru paced back and forth a bit nervously.

2014-11-06, 08:21 AM
Group 2
Safyaries Irotihne dwells on the dragon a bit as she heads up the stairs, and shares what she remembers with the others, as well as a few other insights "Well younglings, we're forced to make a decision based on incomplete information... we've got a dragon downstairs who just popped in through the wall the hard way trying to 'retrieve the outsiders' - which, given that none of us know what's going on, is probably us. So we've got a choice: We can try to sneak away despite the apparent siege and battle, we can try to fight our way out, or we can see about talking to the Dragon and hoping the majestic creature doesn't mean us ill. I might try and disguise you all... however, that'd take quite some time, and to be blunt, the only humanoids I've seen so far in this place were the goblins... so the disguise would be poor at best. What say you children? How would you like to play this one?"

Knowledge(arcana) on the Dragon: I'm mostly interested in personality traits (aka, alignment) right now. [roll0]

2014-11-06, 08:28 AM
Brinsol grumbles lowly in his throat as he listens to the explanation.
"As Alira said, why does it matter if we are a 'counterpart'? And, why were we in coffins in the middle of a raging battle?"

2014-11-06, 09:31 AM
Group 2

Well, stealth is not really my strong suit.... Orlando thinks for a moment about what is ahead of them, But if that dragon really is after us i doubt we could possibly reason with, or fight against, it.

He begins to look around, searching for any possible alternative route that may aid in avoiding the problems ahead.

K Arcana about the dragon [roll0]
Perception check for another route, secrete doors, or such things [roll1]

2014-11-06, 01:53 PM
Group 2: Elite #3

It appears that the woman hadn't heard his explanation before. Perhaps that was a good thing.
If there truly are counterparts, then perhaps some form of help could be procured off them.
Her seeming wish that these people and himself not be those counterparts could mean a counter-shift in people's character.

The Vagabond
2014-11-06, 09:57 PM
Group 1
She looks at Peraque, “Maybe... I’ll talk to my father, but may I ask, what’s Golarion?”
"Well, the counterparts are from a older world than our own, and whoever successfully gathers their souls will be able to model the universe in their ideals at a flick of their wrist. It destroys the souls, of course, and from the first try with someone from here, it's apparently very, VERY painful. The battle was probably because, guess what, the counterparts Joseph (My father's alchemist) brought were stored at the prison. Their souls are worth more than all the gold on earth."
She looks to Everfloss, "Dentist is my father's second alchemist, who runs most of the northern country. He's far from a knight, though my father knighted him, he's probably the most brutal, painful person you'll ever meet." she says, "He has no honor, nor mercy, since he killed his first goblin child. So, no, he isn’t. And, you know, Everfloss? Dentist? Floss?"

Group 2:
The dragon was Green, of the forest, most likely, so an Imperial dragon. But there were some... Odd, differences. You think that it was probably juvanile in age, maybe a bit younger, but not much older.

If you charged ahead of the group, you would see the room earlier, and, chances are, already have run through, before the entire wall was destroyed (Your choice).

If you were on the other side, you would have a frontrow seat to the cage holding the wolves shattering on the ground. You would see the cage shatter, the wolves stumbling to the ground. They slowly stumble up, and you could watch as they sat down, trying to find a place to hide. You Watch as one of the wolves lets loose bright flashes of light, and a lot of their wounds are healed quickly.

Orlando manages to see a hole in the wall, further down the pit, leading further into the shield, but you also find a hidden door, but you don’t think you know how to open it. You hear a sequence of howls from the room with the dragon-mantis fight.

2014-11-07, 07:21 AM
Group 1

Perauqs blinks a few times in silence. "Golarion is my... home. The entire planet. Of which, apparently, I am no longer on. Fantastic. So where am I now? Well not RIGHT now because at the very least I still know this to be the astral plane abutting the material plane, so i suppose that means I'm still within the material plane at least. Perhaps this is a different planet entirely? But... then. How and why did I get brought here entirely off my own planet? Mostly just how. Because that's a LOT of power if someone can just scoop me up and teleport me without any awareness to a small wooden box on an entirely different world." Perauqs pauses again before adding."I suppose we're enemies, then, you and I? And that the only reason you haven't attacked or tried to subdue us to bring us to your father is because we outnumber you..?" He casts a swift glance at the others with him to see if they have reached the same conclusion.

2014-11-07, 08:31 AM
Brinsol looks vaguely disturbed that this girl does not know what Golorian is but not all people call it by that name. Before he can ask the question on his tongue, Perauqs says it first. Content for the moment to listen, he continues walking with the others.

The Vagabond
2014-11-07, 12:24 PM
The woman shook her head, "No, was mostly because I kinda found you cute... Which... Since you are not from Eldon, is pretty unnerving." She says, a sword slowly forming in her hand, covered in runes, and roughly twice as large as she is.
"Would you mind surrendering? It would save us time."

Apologies for the lack of clerification, there's a stairwell leading down on the otherside of the room, and, if you ran far enough ahead (As I know Adran did, and probably Orlando (It's your choice), then you probably end up in there. The Draon doesn't appear able to see you, since it's fighting a mantis roughly the same size.

2014-11-07, 12:42 PM
Group 1

"I'm going to give you one chance to reconsider the situation here. I think to might know that, deep in your soul, you and I are probably of a very similar ability and skill level. Should the two of us fight, it would be even chances of who comes out on top. I do honestly believe you would and could defeat me alone. However, I do not believe that is remotely the case should there be an ally on my side. Or two. Or more. No no, I believe that if that were the case, you would find yourself picking a fight that was all but impossible for you to win. With that to reconsider, allow me to postulate an idea: one were YOU accompany US to visit your father, mainly so we can figure out exactly how and why we came to be wherever this is, without him having to fight us simply for having slain his daughter while practicing the right of self-defense. Something tells me it won't take much to convince you into a few articles of bondage while we escort you to him. So tell me, miss. How does the reconsideration sound?" Perauqs says, calmly but with a fire burning in his voice. He does not draw his weapon in return but stares the women firmly, never breaking eye contact with her.

Diplomacy [roll0] + surge [roll1] becuase I want to shatter her will to refusing my orders.

2014-11-07, 12:57 PM
Group 2

"well by the sounds of it he sounds pretty distracted so it may be better if we made a run for it.
He may sense us but does he really have the opportunity to attack us if he's being attacked?"

2014-11-07, 07:14 PM
Group 2

Well, we may have found an alternative route if someone knew how to open this door. Orlando points to the hidden door, hoping that it may well lead to a better escape plan.

2014-11-07, 07:22 PM
Adran looks on in wonder. "What a magnificent beast. Though it might be best to avoid it. It might be referring to us. I am not sure they will notice hitting down the door, but if we can be stealthy, why not try?" He rides over to the door and tries to figure out how to pick the lock. Meanwhile Belrax studies it intently.

Knowledge Arcana on the Dragon [roll0]

Disable Device [roll1]
Adran Perception [roll2]
Belrax Perception [roll3]

2014-11-07, 07:37 PM
Safyaries Irotihne quietly murmers "Yes, let's have a look... " as she gives the secret door a good once-over as well... including briefly sticking her head through it to look at it from the other side.Perception:[roll0]

Man on Fire
2014-11-07, 08:37 PM
Alira listens to it with poker face... up until the moment Squares mentions goblin kids. Then her face goes pale. "Oh ****." She whispers to herself.
Seeing how the girl finally realized they're her enemies, Alira starts preparing for battle, leaving talking to Perauqs. Meanwhile she prepares for eventual battle.

Readied Action: Would Squares attack, Alira casts Glitterdust on her.

2014-11-08, 02:31 AM
Group 2

well I can give it a try.

Kageru begins messing with the hidden door.
Good thing you guys spotted this...

Disable Device:

2014-11-08, 01:23 PM
Brinsol, hands up, moves nearly between Perauqs and Song, without blocking Perauqs' line of sight to the girl.
"Miss Song, please reconsider. Violence is unnecessary. I am sure we can resolve any conflict and, indeed help each other. I am unsure what Eldon is but no one's journey needs to end here." his deep, rumbling voice trying to sooth the seemingly crazy young lady, his stance loose and as nonthreatening as he can make it with his massive bulk.

Brinsol will also try diplomacy on the girl.

That being said, he moves to closer to her and readies an action to grapple her if she makes a threatening move.

The Vagabond
2014-11-08, 01:39 PM
Group 1
She stares at him.
"... My father... I'm sorry. I can't surrender. I'll have to take you guys dow-"
She is grappled, before being covered in glitterdust, staring shocked as the dust flows into her eyes.
If the save fails (DC 15, I think), then she surrenders.
If not, let the battle commence, you all gaining a surprise round.

Group 2
The dragon is covered in runes, tatooed onto it's skin. He also watches as a flash of light flows over the area around the dragon.
You all hear a howl, as the two of you work together to open the lock on the door, easily opening it. As they all enter, they see a hallway, adorned with shelves holding vials of liquid, one-way mirrors, and other such things. The hallway is 80 feet long, and turns right.

2014-11-08, 01:49 PM
Watching the two others react so swiftly, Perauqs smiles inwardly to himself but keeps a regretful tone as he stands, without reacting, says "I am sorry too Madame... I have some rope boys, good strong silk if you'd like to restrain her. There's no need to be cruel or hurtful towards her though... I do believe she had little choice in this matter." He pulls out a length of silk rope to pass over to begin restraining her arms with it, making sure she is unable to perform any somatic components with her hands. And additional length of rope is, gently, bound over her mouth with a layer of soft cloth to prevent any unnecessary harm to her. "To prevent any spells, dear. I'm sure you understand..."

2014-11-08, 03:26 PM
After everyone is through, Safyaries Irotihne closes the door behind her and whispers "Let's be off..." as she quietly grabs a vial for later.Stealth: [roll0]
Kn(Arcana) to try and pick a good vial: [roll1]

2014-11-08, 04:41 PM
"What are all these vials? Any of them useful?" He swipes a glance over to look for anything particularly interesting. Before moving carefully down the hall. "We should try to get out of here, follow me."

Perception Adran[roll0]
Perception Belrax[roll1]

2014-11-08, 06:35 PM
As Brinsol continues to smother the girl and the others tie her up, he smiles to himself.
"I am glad we are of the same mind. There was no need to hurt the girl. She obviously has some strength and skill, in magic no less, but I wonder if she has full use of her wits. Although, if she speaks the truth, we all may have, through no notion of our own, angered some divine being. But, we can wonder that later. Now we have to figure out where we are going and what to do with this young woman." As the others finish tying her up, he reaches down and says "Excuse me, but I prefer not to leave you here to some wandering beasts appetite." as he easily, but gently, picks her up and lays her over one of his shoulders.
"So, where to next?"

2014-11-08, 06:56 PM
"Well I believe seeing her father is in fact the best. Though seeing him as prisoners was not the best. We need to find out more information about where we are if any of us have a chance of getting back to our homes. I have not the power to journey quite such distances yet. She can still guide us to where we might find him. Or at least as near as we can get. When we exit this plane we won't be exactly where we intend to be but rather within a few thousand feet of it... It's very imprecise being here really. So missy, mind pointing us towards the way to your father? I imagine you'd prefer us to drop you there than anywhere else." he asks her as he briefly moves the gag away so she may reply.

2014-11-09, 07:03 PM
Safyaries Irotihne keeps an eye out for traps or hidden side passages as she makes her way down the hidden hallway along with the rest of the party, looking for an exit to this place.Perception: [roll0]

The Vagabond
2014-11-09, 10:28 PM
Group 2
You pick up a couple vials of alchemist fire, along with some sort of substance made up of mostly apples. For the most part, most of the vials are actually drinks and liqures of various sorts, but there are some Potions of Polypurpose Panacea, along with a couple of Enlarge Person, shield, identify, Endothermic Touch, youthful appearance, Vocal Alteration, and gentle breeze, the highest CL one appears to be Seducers eyes.
As you go along, you hear scratching on the doors, but it's nothing of note, plausibly. The hallways sound fairly decent, turning between the walls. It goes up for a while. The walls inside here appear to be made of some sort of glass, as you can see past it, into rooms. Some are made for drinking, some torture, and some cooking. You eventually find a door leading into a kitchen... But you hear a about six things walking down the hallway.

Group 1
She sighs, and grants you directions.
Once you slip out of there, you land in a small town, in the middle of the square, the sun completely out. The stones are made of cobble, and it doesn't really seem all that large.

2014-11-09, 10:37 PM
Group 2

Orlando draws his blade and prepares for battle, listening for the direction that they are coming from and placing himself in-between the party and the source.

Perception check [roll0]

2014-11-10, 01:04 PM
Adjusting Miss Song, Brinsol looks about.
"Not really what I was expecting. I suppose this is going to look out of the ordinary, in a bad way, that we are carrying her about with a gag."
He looks her dead in the eyes he holds her, gently, about 2 feet off the ground so they can see eye to eye.
"Now, if we untie you, do you promise to play nice and not try to hurt or hamper us, or try to escape?" He looks at his travelling companions to see if they are in agreement with his decision.

Man on Fire
2014-11-10, 01:13 PM
"Better not stay in the open. Not with a captive." Alira say, looking for a place to hide. Some alley or something. "Better stick together, but one of us should find a place to stay. For now we need to rest and piece together this entire situation. And make a plan."

2014-11-10, 05:47 PM
Adran grabs as many as the potions as he can, though he lets the rest take whatever they want. "Never know when these might get in handy. With us being locked in here and all, I don't think whoever owns this place deserves us being nice to them." Upon hearing the things come closer Adran decides it is time to power up, he chants under his breath "Gnimlehwrevo rewop!" and his muscles seems to glow and even grow larger. "Let's get ready for battle."

Spell: Bull's Strength, it will last for 5 minutes
Perception Adran: [roll0]
Perception Belrax: [roll1]

2014-11-10, 06:04 PM
Safyaries Irotihne casts no spells, but readies herself against a coming onslaught by way of preparing to cast Murderous Command (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/murderous-command) on the first creature to attempt to harm one of the younglings under her care.Ready action: Cast Murderous Command on the first critter that attacks anyone in the party.

The Vagabond
2014-11-11, 03:14 PM
Group 1
You all quickly make speed to the nearest ally, song remaining silent, even while she was ungagged. The alley is pretty much empty, except for the rats and the crows. The ally stinks of fecal matter, but that doesn’t matter that much.
After a while there, she sighs, “Look, if you guys want to know about my father, just let me go and you ask around or something. Now I just want to go home, you’re in his town, you guys won’t be difficult to find, probably. When my father wants to find you, he’ll come and get you, okay?”

Group 2
The attack comes swift, and with speed. Six wolves jump into the room, a howl radiating from their voices, a blast of holy light from one, while four of the others suddenly jump, surrounding the party. The fifth one is stopped, having lead the charge, and then proceeds to jump on the one the flash of light radiated from, it’s scaled body full of rage, wings flowing out of it’s shoulders.

Half-Dragon Barbarian wolf on Cleric Wolf
[roll0] [roll1]
The other wolves:
[roll2] [roll3] at Safyaries Irotihne
[roll4] [roll5] at Belrax
[roll6] [roll7] at Orlando
[roll8] [roll9] At Adran
Your moves.

2014-11-11, 04:07 PM
Adran and Belrax stay aware of their surroundings and as the wolves approach they both lash out. Belrax bites at both the wolves comming at them while Adran only manages to strike at the first one. Belrax' long neck and Adran's long weapon allow them to strike out before they can be reached. Adran does try to kick away the jaws of the wolf to avoid it taking a chunk out of his mount though.

Both Belrax and Adran will try to hit the wolf trying to hit Andran while Belrax will also try to hit the other wolf.
Against Wolf attacking Adran:
Adran AoO(str 25, flank, 5 bab, +1 weapon, pa)
Damage [roll1]+sneak [roll2]
Crit confirm [roll3]
Crit damage [roll4]
Belrax AoO (4 bab 18 str flank pa)
Damage [roll6]
Crit confirm [roll7]
Crit Damage [roll8]

Against wolf attacking Belrax:
Belrax AoO:
Damage [roll10]
Crit confirm [roll11]
Crit Damage [roll12]

Finally Adran will use Mounted combat to try to protect Belrax. [roll13]

Now if I can just a clearer overview I can also post my turn...

Man on Fire
2014-11-11, 05:31 PM
"That won't do. I'm not up to your dad coming after us when he feels like. We'll meet him on our rules." She looks at the others. "I suggest getting out of the town. If it's his turf, I, the idea of parading around with his kidnapped daughter is really damn bad." She looks at Song again. "Sorry for this. But you know, desperate times and all of that."
She then walks to the brinsol and whispers to him.
"Watch over her. There is something of madness in her, maybe an enchancment. That's probably what bothered you earlier."

2014-11-11, 06:40 PM
"I'm all for meeting him on our terms. But I do believe 'with your daughter held hostage' is as 'on our terms' as we can get. Lets go meet him now, trade his daughter for information. He's less likely to try anything with her life on the line afterall... Most importantly though we need to figure out what's going on, preferably sooner than later." Perauqs says to the others.

Man on Fire
2014-11-11, 08:31 PM
"For that we need to know where he is. And we can always sent him a letter and ask to come to place we'll pick up. One where we can ambush him, would dady try anything funny." Alira thinks loudly, then notices looks she is given again. "What? Okay, I sound like a villain. But everything about this guy sounds like a bad dream made true and given rabbies."

The Vagabond
2014-11-11, 09:02 PM
Group 1:
"Tah be frank, he kinda ehs."
You hear song sigh. "Great. Juuuust great."
If you look to the source of the noise, you notice a rat, tapping a tatoo on it's chest.
"Ya laht up lahk a freeking sun. Wasn't hard tae find ya."
It looks to the other individuals.
"And who are all ya'll? And why hasn't she stabbed ya in the chest?"

Group 2:
The first wolf falls with ease. The other survives, and just stares at you for a moment.
You hear a Eep from the hallway outside the kitchen.

2014-11-11, 09:33 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne takes a step back with mild surprise from the wolf that puts a bit of a scratch into her incorporeal form... and curses the Cleric as she focuses on keeping the two strongest out of the fight by unleashing a cacophany on them, shouting: "Back off! We didn't ask to be dragged here!"

Free: Five-foot step away from the critter that just wounded me to avoid an AoO.
Free: Hexblade's Curse (-2 to Attacks, saves, Ability Checks, Skill Checks, Weapon Damage Rolls for 1 hour; Will DC 20 Negates) on the Cleric. Supernatural.
Standard: Sound Burst on the Cleric, Barbarian, and any other opponents I can fit in that 10-foot radius spread (I figure those two will be adjacent to each other, what with the barbarian having just hit the cleric). Fort DC 20 negates the 1 round of stun. [roll0] sonic damage regardless.

2014-11-11, 10:56 PM
Brinsol nods in silent agreement with Alira about her comment regarding Song.
"Well, miss, you can see wh..." is all he can get out as he speaks to Song before he hears the rat speak. A little surprised, he looks at it and laughs.
"Listen, squeaker, you aren't even a bite to eat. And what do you mean, lit up like the sun? Besides, we are all nice and cozy and friendly, so no one is poking anybody with any sharp objects. So, if you don't mind, it sounds like you know the young lass and her father. Do you know whereabouts he may be?"

Diplomacy (not really his strong suit)

2014-11-12, 07:46 AM
"Lit up like the sun?" Perauqs says with a thought. "Detect magic? ...detect good? Yes I imagine i have several auras that would light up quite sunlike..." He says more to himself than to the rat, but he watches to see how the situation unfolds.

2014-11-12, 08:17 AM
Kageru walks up to the wolf that Adran and Belrax missed, looking upon it coldly.
"Suffer.", Kageru reaches out his hand as an aura begins to surround it.

Touch Attack to use Resonating Strike manuever

Replaces normal damage with 3d6+lvl force damage

edit: Since that hit, using my swift action to claim the wolf. (wolf is now marked.)

2014-11-12, 09:37 AM
Adran starts a rumble deep in his throat. Time to get real. He sends to his companion as he feels rage filling him as well as Belrax. Belrax lashes out at the creature who was just struck by Kageru then takes a step to the west to get a clear strike in from Adran at the wolf who struck Safyaries. First Belrax' horn hit the wolf right on the snout, one claw tears of one shoulder while the other rips it's throat out. The bloodbath continues as Adran stabs his target clear through from head to tail, comming out at the other side. "Why are all these beasts attacking us?!" Adran roars.

Swift action:Sadly used on mounted combat.
Free action: Start Rage.
Belrax will then attack the same wolf that Kageru just hit:

If the creature is still standing Belrax will also bite it, if it is dead Belrax will bite the same target as Adran.

Adran will stab the creature that attacked Safyaries with his lance.
(30 str, 5 BAB, flank, +1 weapon, pa, reckless)
Damage[roll9] + sneak [roll10]

Adran and Belrax are both the purple marker. The plum marker should not have been there whe the white market is Safyaries.

Rage Rounds left for tgmhe day: 10/14
Raging for 4 rounds (roll from OOC, this + 3 more)
Level 2 spells used: 1/3

HP: 34/45 (26/37 when not raging)

Man on Fire
2014-11-12, 10:58 AM
"And who are you supposed to be?" Alira asks, suprised by rat's apperance. "Seeing how you intruded our conversation, you should introduce yourself first." She leans on the wall, seemingly to give an impression of tough person. In reality she prepares another spell to cast, would rat try anything funny. After all, it is talking, tattooed rat, who knows what he can do.

If rat tries anythign against the party, Alira casts Color Spray on it.

2014-11-12, 12:28 PM
Group 2

Orlando grunts from the sudden charge by the beast, then switches to a more defensive combat style while lashing out at the beast in a wide arc trying to catch another.

Swift action to change to Stance of the Defending Shell
Attacking with Scything Strike attacking the wolf in front of him and the one next to that [roll0] (Same attack roll against both Ac)
Confirmation if a critical (18-20 threat range)[roll1]
Damage [roll2] and [roll3] x2 if a confirmed critical

The Vagabond
2014-11-12, 08:51 PM
Surprisingly enough, your strikes do rip their throats out... But they are STILL ALIVE.
And then, the two dying (not dead) bodies proceed to teleport to the other side of the room...
And then, three beings pop into the room, each wielding a rod, larger than the tiny fairy carrying it. You watch them all aim at the dying wolves, including the single dead one. You watch as one whispers something, and they all fire in unison.[roll0]
[roll8]You watch as the giant wolf tumbles down, onto the ground, pinning the cleric wolf under him.
The final standing wolf, watching it’s allies fall, attempts to bite Orlando’s face off.

Group 1
The rat looks at orlando.
“Detect magic, ya dolt. An ya dahnt have shat on her ****. She ‘as more sh** on her thahn ah.”
He looks over to Brinsol, “Anyway, yeah, I know where he’s at. He’s in the big castle, just got back there. Tol him all ‘bout this scene downtown, real mess, gave me some nice ****.”
“Guys, meet Ox.”
The rat nods to Song, “That’s right, and don’t ya forget it!” he says, “Spah extradaneih.”
"The most annoying rat in exsistance. And my uncle's familiar."

2014-11-13, 04:38 AM
Adran says "I hope some of you got things for dealing with an area, because it is quite crowded over there. We will triumph!" the last comes out as the start of a shout that resounds of the walls inspiring the people to greater deeds. Belrax turns around and let lose at the wolf that just got healed. Then without any visible communication with Adran it steps back to where they stood before so Adran can stab at the wolf in front of Orlando.

Swift Action: Battle cry (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/battle-cry-combat) (lasts for 10+ [roll0] rounds) +1 moral bonus to attacks and +4 vs saves vs fear. The effect can be dismissed to reroll a save, once per person.
Belrax attack vs Wolf to the south:
Hit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Hit [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Hit [roll7]
Damage [roll8]

Adran stabs the wolf in front of Orlando:
Hit: [roll9] (should actually be 20, forgot + from coragous)
Damage: [roll10]+ sneak [roll11]

Rage Rounds left for tgmhe day: 10/14
Raging for 3 rounds (this + 2 more)
Bull's strength for 4 minutes and 7 more rounds?
Battle Cry for 12 rounds
Level 2 spells used: 1/3
Battle Cry used:1/3

HP: 34/45 (26/37 when not raging)

2014-11-13, 08:21 AM
Exasperated, Safyaries Irotihne curses in Necril and growls at the creatures threatening her younglings as she continues to zap away... this time trying to compromise the creatures' ability to recover by targetting the three creatures holding the rod (and any other opponents within range - possibly the dragon again), hustling over to see about picking up the rod when the creatures drop it.

Standard: Sound Burst (http://paizo.com/prd/spells/soundBurst.html) again, [roll0] sonic damage in a 10-foot radius spread, Fort DC 20 or stun for 1 round. Cast at the creatures holding that healing rod (and any other opponents I can fit in that 20-foot diameter area... given that we're looking at four squares across, there's pretty good odds that can include the wolves that just ported over to get the healing, although you haven't clearly specified a position on the map for any of them). In case they have SR, SR penetration: [roll1]. Note that Stun causes creatures to drop what they're holding, and if it's taking three of them to carry the rod, there's pretty good odds that rod is hitting the floor.
Move: Head over to the creatures holding the healing rod.

2014-11-13, 08:41 AM
"Uncle? Is this entire town composed of your family and their familiars?" turning back to look at the familiar he says "So, what does your master do about here? And is he as... charming as miss Song here?"
As he speaks he reaches into his backpack and pulls a bit of jerked venison and lays it before the creature.

2014-11-13, 10:08 AM
Group 2

This is taking longer than it needs to Orlando says between swings, seeing the revival of the downed wolves and the triumph of the 'barbarian'. Bringing his blade low he brings it upward in an attempt to cleave the wold in 2.

Initiating Greater Snapping Strike
Attack roll [roll0]
Confirmation if a crit (18-20) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] bypassing any DR, x2 if crit confirmed

2014-11-13, 03:11 PM
Kageru moves around Adran and the one wolf in front of the wolf barbarian. "Agreed, time to get serious!"
Kargeru unleashes three quick strikes at the wolf, using impressive force.

Meh, move through the top, provoke AoO from wolf, get AoO in return. (do note I still have concealment up)

AoO attack:
[roll0] (+1 from Adran's Battle Cry)

AoO Damage:

If it hits, wolf has -2 to AoO attack (using panther claw feat of the panther style) and 20% misschance.

Wisdom check as a swift action- if I beat a 10+CR then I get +2 to all attacks and ignore DR.

Using Steel Flurry Strike, which is three attacks at one opponent. at -2 with +3d6 extra damage per success. Calling first attack a punishing kick.

First Attack:
[roll3] (+2 if wisdom check succeeds) (+1 from battle cry from Adran)
Bonus Damage:

If hit Fort Save DC 15 or go prone.

Second Attack:
[roll6] (+2 if wisdom check succeeds) (+4 if opponent is prone) (+1 from Battle Cry from Adran)
Bonus Damage:

Third Attack:
[roll9] (+2 if wisdom check succeeds) (+4 if opponent is prone) (+1 from Battle Cry from Adran)
Bonus Damage:

Man on Fire
2014-11-13, 04:31 PM
"Well, could you contact your master and give him our offer?" Alira asks politely. She knows very little about Familiars, but she knows masters can feel their emotions, so she tries to be nice towards him. "We just want to go home. If he helps us, we will release his niece. That's a fair deal, right?"


The Vagabond
2014-11-13, 09:48 PM
Group 2
Coming back to life immediately granted the wolf no reprieve, as it died in mere moments to the dragon’s strikes. Not very pretty. At all.
This completely stuns one of the creatures, which drops it’s rod in shock. The other two, and the first wolf (The lower one) are stunned by the spell and sound, knocking them down to the ground, the other two rods falling to the ground.
The last standing frontline appears to be about to do something... Before trying to take a bite out of him, and proceeds to get his head bashed in, falling to the ground. You then let loose a flurry of angry blows on the still-stunned dragon, but only one appears to actually be awake.
The non-stunned wolf simply teleports ahead, launching a curse your way. You hear a shout.
Safyaries feels a curse blows down upon her, landing upon her person. Roll a DC 20 will save.
The cleric lets loose a stilled beam of fire, arcing over to andran.

You watch as what appears to be a giant whirlwind of flame slowly fly into the room from the doorway..

Group 1
Song shook her head, “Nah. Just about a tenth or so.”
Ox shrugs, “Nah, he’s coming to cut her head off. Though, what, ya from this other wol this wahs ‘appening ‘bout?”

2014-11-13, 11:42 PM
Group 2

Seeing his current foe incapacitated (read gooey), Orlando will pause for a moment to concentrate on his inner energy to create a small dimensional crack that he steps through. Now flanking the 'barbarian wolf' he lashes out with a hit from his elegant swords pommel to enrage the beast while also marking him as his target.

Spending 1 point from his arcane reservoir to activate Dimensional slide as a move action, moving down one square and four forward to the bottom corner of the blue triangle (which i assume is the wolf).
Initiating Angering Smash maneuver
Attack roll [roll0]
Confirmation if a crit (18-20) [roll1]
Damage [roll2], x2 if a confirmed crit
Effect if successful is a -4 to anybody else but me for one round
If a successful attack then i will mark the wolf with Armiger's Mark, gives it a -6 to hit anybody but me for 6 rounds

2014-11-14, 06:06 AM
Adran and Belrax moves down by the bench to get a straight line to charge upon the cluster of creatures at the end of the room. Adran yells "Charge!" and they rush past the stunned wolf to let Adran stab the first of the rod-wielding faeries before they continue further along so Belrax can unleash his fury at the faerie further along as well as the wolf.

Move down south of the bench, then Belrax readies a charge upon Adran saying "charge".
As a free action Adran says "charge" which triggers the readied action
Standard Action: Charge at the middle faerie with ride-by attack letting Adran attack it:
Adran attack on the middle faerie:
Damage: [roll1] (should have been +3 for 73 total, I forgot +1 from weapon) + sneak [roll2]

The charge will then continue due to ride-by-attack until they reach the wolf/faerie. Belrax will attack the faerie until it goes down. If it does, the rest of the attacks will be against the stunned wolf.
Damage [roll4]
Damage [roll6]
Damage [roll8]
Damage [roll10]

2014-11-14, 08:20 AM
Brinsol turns his head sideways and everyone can hear an undercurrent of menace creep into his voice as he says "And why would her uncle want her head? I'll admit, she had intentions of skewering us but blood protects blood." Unconsciously he stands to his full height, towering above everyone, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "That's not right, even if she is crazy or following some crazy order from her father."

2014-11-14, 08:33 AM
Safyaries Irotihne shouts back "I'm already cursed, you nitwit!" as she picks up one of the rods dropped by the faeries, and sees about having the dragon hit the cleric again.

Move: Pick up rod.
Standard: Cast Murderous Command on the half-dragon barbarian again (Will DC 19)

2014-11-14, 06:40 PM
"Now that I've marked you, this will be alot more painful."
Kageru makes a swift hand signal and blasts the ground as tendrils of soul energy fly out towards
the half-dragon wolf and the one marked again. Kageru places his palm on the wolf, releasing a strong force,
harming himself a bit as the energy backlashes.

Free Action Imbue Vicious Property on unarmed strike.

Swift Action to claim half-dragon as target.
Move action spend 1 point of Ki all claimed targets within 30 ft get dealt soul burning damage.
Standard Action to use Brilliant Moon (ignores regular armor)

Move Action AoE Soul Burn Damage:

Brilliant Moon Manever attack on Barbarian Wolf.
[roll1] (+1 moral bonus from Adran)

Unarmed Damage
Force Damage
Soul Burning Damage
Vicious Damage

Backlash to self from Vicious property.

The Vagabond
2014-11-14, 10:13 PM
Group 2
The half-dragon buckles under the attack, Kageru’s fist pointlessly bouncing off the half-dragon furred scales. It still howls at the soul damage, though, and reacts rather quickly, teleporting away, and running the hell away from you all.
Andran procedes to cause the tiny-fairy to almost literally explode. This shocks the fire elemental, and it runs the hell out of there before it even begins to fight. Predictably, after being almost impaled by the half-dragon, it proceeds to teleport into the hallway, and RAN.
Pretty much everything still alives runs out into the hallway.
[Encounter Over]
What do you all do now? Follow them?

Group 1
Ox shrugs, “Eh, she’s a bitch. She deserves to die really. And family don’t matter when ‘er pa impregnated ‘is sister with the little bastard.”
He look to Alaria, "Well, if ya'll what I think you are... Well, let's just say that I feel rather lucky."
Song continues to remain completely unphased.

[Roll sense motive and perception.]

2014-11-14, 10:35 PM
Group 2

That was, anti-climactic... Orlando says as he sheathes his sword with a little flourish, but there is no point in chasing after a fleeing enemy when we are not exactly in a position much better off than theirs. Turning around to the area full of exploded fairies, So, what have you found over there?

2014-11-14, 11:37 PM
Safyaries Irotihne shrugs, and says "A rather fast way to burn through wands, apparently. I'll want to examine it in detail... later. For now, younglings, we should quickly take everything that might prove useful later, and continue getting out of here. Hopefully there's someplace safe at the end of this tunnel, and we can maybe start figuring out what's up, hmm?" and then suits actions to words, grabbing what she can off the fallen and stuffing it in her backpack for later, keeping the rod in one hand for now as she eyes those under her charge for wounds.I lost track... who all took injury? I took a little, but I built for soaking.

2014-11-15, 11:04 AM
Adran looks on as the wolves around him teleport out of there. Shortly there after some of the fighting spirit seems to leave him and he starts breathing laboriously. "Well teleporting wolves is not something you see every day. We've beaten them know, but who knows what we might run into if we pursue. I'll say we leave them be. Maybe they'll know better than trying to ambush us next time. Let's not be too hasty in leaving though, these rods might keep us alive. Seems like we need all the help we can get getting out of here, maybe the wolves or the small fae creatures dropped something else as well?" The tribesman surveys the wreckage and chants softly."Erela vuldo wivisan."

Perception to look around the room:
Adran [roll0]
Belrax [roll1]
Detect magic:
The three rods
Any other items:

2014-11-15, 12:22 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne considers, sighs, and says "Well, I guess if we're taking a short break anyway..." and gets out her armor on shield to put back on, as well as casting a quick spell to mend her own wounds while Adran sees what everything is.

Standard:Pull out Shield. Move: Put on shield.
Standard: Pull out Chain Shirt.
1 Minute of actions: Put on Chain Shirt.
Standard: Inflict Light Wounds on herself: [roll0]

If she still has time, she'll join Adran in looking at stuff with Detect Magic and Spellcraft, casting Guidance and taking ten on everything for a result of 26 on the Spellcraft checks.

2014-11-15, 01:25 PM
Adran can't help but notice the oddities of his companion. "Walking around without armor is asking for trouble, I wasn't planning to stop for that long. My spells and the effect of my battle cry will run out before long, however it is probably worth it to protect yourself better. Healing yourself with negative magic though. What are you? Undead?"

2014-11-15, 01:36 PM
Safyaries Irotihne sighs, and replies "I try not to spread that around... there's a stigma associated with it - for good reasons, don't get me wrong - that's better to avoid. It's also useful if those who wish me harm are unaware, as it means they'll be attacking the wrong way... which in turn makes it easier to protect the younglings around me. It would, however, seem that our prior captors are already aware, which is an annoyance. Still, I would very much prefer you kept that quiet, hmm?"

2014-11-15, 03:10 PM
"It's what they get for arrogantly attacking us. I wonder if they are the ones running the place if they were going after this stuff. one can never be too sure." Kageru began to meditate but his hands still bloodied and bleeding slightly.
"He can run, but I have claimed his soul, so we can follow the barbarian wolf at a safe distance. they may know a way out."

Just spending the time to recover maneuvers since it takes a standard to recover 1 I need 4 rounds to recover what I've used.

The Vagabond
2014-11-16, 09:01 AM
Group 2
Your quick search reveals what appears to be a decanter of endless water, four horseshoes of speed, twelve feather step slippers (However, you require to be neutral), twelve assisting gloves, twelve caps of human guise, six cloaks of human guise, fourteen bars of soul soup, forty elixirs of hiding, a large machine that makes all the food you run through taste of chocolate, and eighteen sleeves of many gourmets. You also find eight boxes. You open the boxes, and, after spending about three rounds looking, figure out that it's sleep in a bottle, which will allow you to treat yourself as if you had a full nights rest, along with granting you all the benefits therein (Along with shaving a night from your life). Then it explodes in his face violently.
[roll0] reflex 15 to halve.

Serferyes picks up the three wanderful rods, removing nine wands of Cure Moderate wounds. She also hears a meep from in the walls. Something's scared.

Group 1
The rat's stalling. It's pretty clear. He's looking somewhat behind you, into the sky.
"I mean, ya know, everyone wants those souls. They all wanna become 'gods or some ****. I don't care."
You figure out that he's planning for something to happen from behind you. You estimate you have twelve seconds to prepare yourselves.

2014-11-16, 09:54 AM
Adran is amazed at all the things they find. "So much stuff..." As he bends down to examine the vial of sleep, he very nearly misses the fact that it is about to explode, but with a cry, nearly like his battle cry from before, he jumps of Belrax and manage to push both of them aside from the burnt of the blast. "What the hell.." He mutters as he dusts of himself to beat out any reminder of the explosion. "That could have gone a lot worse. Though we could still use a charge each from one of those wands. Never know when we get really unlucky from some trap."

2014-11-16, 10:57 AM
Faster than his bulk should allow, Brinsol moves and reaches for the the squeeker.
"Summoning your master, eh? Well, we'll see about this."
Turning to the others, he says in a grim voice "I imagine Song's uncle, at the very least, is on his way. Possibly with her father and others. We need to prepare quickly."

2014-11-16, 11:17 AM
"I mean. Yeah. Or we could just leave again... Kind of sounds like they don't care about our little hostage here and pretty much just want at least my soul, probably all yours. I really only came for friendly negotiating but that might be off the table now." he goes over and stands by Song, putting one hand on her.

2014-11-16, 01:31 PM
Safyaries Irotihne quickly hushes everyone and sees about tracking down the sound of sobbing... however, with the clear indication of illusion magic about, she tries not to take what she sees at face value, and examine things in detail... including a quick Detect Magic.

Perception to track down the sobbing specifically: [roll0]
Perception to watch for traps and such while doing so: [roll1]
Knowledge(Arcana) for the Detect Magic to ID any auras: [roll2]
Knowledge(Arcana) to ID any specific spell effects if/when I find the child: [roll3]
Will vs. any Illusion that happens to be relevant: [roll4] (note that most items have a save DC of the minimum for the spell (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems.html#saving-throws-against-magic-item-powers) - 11 in the case of an item of Disguise Self)
Perception vs. any disguise that happens to be present: [roll5]

2014-11-16, 02:03 PM
Adran looks over at the ghost in puzzlement then rides over to get next to her. "What are you doing Safyaries? Searching for something? How about healing us with those wands first?"

2014-11-16, 02:09 PM
"Best not to run off so quickly miss Safyaries, let me see how far the barbarian wolf is from us and we'll go from there." Kageru sniffs the air, waiting to find something perculiar in it as he follows a few feet behind Safyaries.

Gonna release the soul mark on the lesser wolf for now. How far away is the barbarian wolf?

2014-11-16, 02:18 PM
Group 2

We should hurry least we get ambushed by something else, He pauses and shifts to a lower almost hunchbacked stance and begins sniffing as he looks around.

Switching to Running Hunter's Stance and gaining the Scent special rule (autodetect the presence of creatures in 30ft, ability to track by scent)
Perception to find the source of the sound [roll0]

2014-11-16, 02:22 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne replies to all three with the same sentence: "Shush. Don't you hear the sobbing, like a small child? Could be a trick, and I'll try to be cautious, but helping a youngling is worth the occasional risk" as she continues unabated.

Man on Fire
2014-11-17, 04:27 AM
"Or we can take one of them hostage and force to get us home." Alira says. "But first, somebody gts rid of this thing." She points at the rat, ready to attack or at least scare it with her rapier.
"We can ambush them here. We just need to hide and attack, when they show up. Take one looking most important prisoner, don't care about others." She says, once the rat is out of sight.
If the group goes along with the plan, she drinks invisibility extract and prepares her bow and arrow. And keeps bomb materials at hand.

The Vagabond
2014-11-17, 06:16 PM
Group 1:
The rat glares at Perquas, and shouts, "Dimensional Anchor!"
You watch as a tatoo, hidden under his fur, flies over to Perquas, hitting him like a truck.
"You guys ain't going anywhere!"
You spot a falling object flying directly to the alleyway. Well, two. And one seems to be forming itself into a more aerodynamic form. While riding the other.
"Told ya he was annoying." Song mutters.

Group 2
The half-dragon wolf has now run as far away as it could it's about 30 feet below, and 100 feet away.
The sobbing is from beyond the sothernmost wall, blocked by the wall. It stops, suddenly, and you hear a pattering of feet, and someone preparing something, and panicked breathing. There is something magical on the other side.
Orlando smells the half-wolves and fairies running away. He smells a faint scent of other humanoids, and six centaurs have been here a while ago.
The ground jolts.

2014-11-17, 07:01 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne quickly backs away from the affected wall, saying "I expect the wall shall open rather violently in a moment... and the floor probably not that far behind..."

2014-11-17, 07:14 PM
Perauqs gives the rat a dirty glare while considering how he feels about the death of an intelligent animal, though it's driven from his mind as he readies himself for an attack. He raises his shield and takes a total defense stance for whatever is about to come.

2014-11-18, 07:15 AM
"This place is full of surprises..." Kageru switches up his stance and puts his hands up defensively.

Kageru is switching stances as a swift action to pugilist stance granting him +1d6 on unarmed strikes.
Full defense action granting him a +6 dodge bonus to AC (due to ranks in acrobatics)

2014-11-18, 04:18 PM
"I guess its one of those days." he mutters to himself.
"Irori, you are my master and my guide. I stand before you as a learner and pupil." he intones to himself as he focuses for a moment and a nearly invisible field appears around him.

Using Inertial Armor, 2 hours and +4 to AC.

2014-11-18, 06:27 PM
Group 1

Robert mirrors the actions of the talkative man, as he hopes he will continue to survive.

Total defense

2014-11-18, 08:25 PM
Adran moves towards the corridor after helping making sure most of the loot is brought with them. "Let's not dally here if it is going to explode eh? Though some healing while there is actually nothing happening would be nice because apparently you never know when something might explode in your face here."

The Vagabond
2014-11-18, 09:26 PM
Group 1
You watch as the exit to the alleyway then explodes, the buildings shattering around him. From the ashes, you watch as a being, as large the alleyway you stand in, slowly rises up, atop of something larger than the allyway was wide rose up atop it.
Full round: Monologue
You guys turn

Group two
The wall that the terrified person is behind spectacularly fails to explode. While the hallway that Adran is in sucesfully does, when a bear is thrown through the ceiling, falling back down through the recently made hole from ANOTHER hole from above. This is roughly 40 feet further down the hallway. You hear shouting, bellowing, and screaming from below, now that there's a hole down there.

2014-11-18, 09:40 PM
Perauqs carefully weighs the lack of options he has been given, before replying with two beams of force shooting out of his hands and punching the newcomer squarely in the jaw. "Hiw about I keep my soul, eh?"

1 mythic power to cast Admonishing Ray, 2 beams:

Touch attack [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] non lethal
Crit damage [roll3] non lethal

Touch attack [roll4]
Confirm crit [roll5]
Damage [roll6] non lethal
Crit damage [roll7] non lethal

2014-11-18, 10:00 PM
Safyaries Irotihne ignores the hole in the floor, shrugs, and says "Oh, right. Must not neglect the current younglings when trying to help another..." and then uses one of the recently-acquired wands to start healing the injured.

Nobody took any Ranger, or Paladin, or Druid, or Cleric, or Oracle, or UMD? SERIOUSLY?! I'm seriously the only one in a party of triple gestalt characters that can actually use a wand of cure X wounds... and I'm undead. That's hilarious. On the plus side, it's good incentive for the rest of you to put up with Safaries' quirks.

Cure Mod charges until everyone's healed, starting with the character that's hurt the most. Please let me know how many of those 144 charges we actually expend.


2014-11-18, 10:49 PM
Brinsol flexes for a moment as he focuses once more as the others can see the massive humanoid expand out, growing even larger than he was before.
With that he opens his eyes and moves up to the being in front of them.

Use expansion then move into range of the creature if it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.

2014-11-19, 08:53 AM
Nobody took any Ranger, or Paladin, or Druid, or Cleric, or Oracle, or UMD? SERIOUSLY?! I'm seriously the only one in a party of triple gestalt characters that can actually use a wand of cure X wounds... and I'm undead. That's hilarious. On the plus side, it's good incentive for the rest of you to put up with Safaries' quirks.

Cure Mod charges until everyone's healed, starting with the character that's hurt the most. Please let me know how many of those 144 charges we actually expend.


2 to Adran, 1 to Belrax and 1 to myself. No one really got hurt in the last fight (my injuries are minorly sustained from using vicious property).
Haven't even been targeted really... (except that one wolf's AoO but I killed him before he got to attack). There is a 4th level manuever that allows me to heal and monk 7 I can heal myself when I claim an opponent.not sure about the other two though. Also, healing belts from MIC require no UMD check and are fairly cheap and we can get some if we can ever escape from here.

"Thanks," Kageru kept his eye on the wall, listening for any further development.


Man on Fire
2014-11-19, 10:22 AM
Alira doesn't bother talking with the giant and drinks from a small vial, turning invisible. She then enters her trance, letting music and memories of happier times fill her mind, and gracefully moves behind him, her bow and arrow in her hands.
Standard action: Drinking Invisibility extract.
Swift Action: Enter spelldance +10 to speed, +2 AC vs AoO
Move action: Move behind the giant or as close to flanking as possible.

2014-11-19, 01:44 PM
Group 2

Okay then, as much as i like helping anybody and everybody i can, this place is soon going to make Swiss cheese look solid weather we are safely away from it or not. Unless we can find the source of the noise soon i suggest we make haste to evacuate the premises.

2014-11-19, 01:59 PM
Adran smiles appreciatively at the healing then waves for the rest to come into the hallway."Come with me then. Let's be off. I don't think it is a good idea to knock down that wall, and I at least can't walk or teleport through it. Anyone of you gonna have trouble crossing that hole?" He points at the hole.

2014-11-19, 05:09 PM
Group 1:

Robert concentrates his power as a glowing Bow materializes in his hands, though he does not fire until truly threatened.

Free action: Form Bow
Move action: Prepare psychic strike
Readied standard: shoot the really huge thing if it attacks

2014-11-19, 06:18 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne, closes her eyes briefly, a look of pain on her face before she refocuses and says "You are of course correct. We do need to leave..." as she proceeds to walk on, pretending the hole in the floor simply wasn't present, and says "Oh yes, and as the dragon's words indicate, we're being specifically sought, apparently by both sides... it would be good if we all put on a disguise, at least until we've got a better idea what for... you still have those caps?" and she disguises herself as one of the goblins they saw killed earlier by way of adjusting her hat.

Standard: Invoke Hat of Disguise to change the illusion (leaving the mundane disguise underneath untouched). Disguise: [roll0] (that's normal check of +27, -2 different race, -10 different size = +15). Technically supposed to be rolled in secret, so feel free to re-roll if you'd like.

So we've got 140 charges of CMW left, then. Nifty.


Which leads to: Do you we really need to track individual wands, or can I just treat it as one really big pool to save on paperwork?

The Vagabond
2014-11-19, 11:06 PM
Group 1
Alaria runs around him and his mount. He manages to not notice her.
The man/creature is shocked by the punch to his face, staring.
He tries to walk close enough to pass through... before finding his mount doesn't actually fit through. He proceeds to attempt to smack the wall apart, as his mount proceeds to breath electricity to destroy a 60 foot line of wall, destroying a sizable amount of it.
(Damage- [roll0] electricity line vs wall [roll1] recharge, 2d8+8 against wall, twice)
This is probably pretty terrifying. Roll will vs [roll2] or be demoralized
Song doesn't care. She just sits there, watching. She doesn't hold any fear. She almost looks like she wants popcorn.

Group 2
Everything goes well, and you all (Most likely) go over the hole in some manner (Feel free to explain, it's 10 feet across.
You go down a level, seeing a hallway full of complete chaos, women dressed in plain clothing beating giant frogs to death with blunt objects. You see about four centaurs.
The stairs go further down. The second hallway, you see across of it, are the remainders of the party. You watch as a old man rides down the stairs, riding one of the wolves down the next flight of stairs.
This hallway is also on fire, and there appears to be three lions. That are also on fire. The stairs going down on your side of the hall also appear to have a ballista going through them. That's probably a good idea.
Sure, just consider it one huge healing pool to draw from out of combat.

2014-11-19, 11:36 PM
Brinsol, for the first time since he can remember, feel a threat from this... being. He tries to shake it off but can't quite.
Nevertheless, mustering all of the bravado he can, he yells out at the being on the massive horse "Buddy, you're going to have to call your friends to remove your head from the horses rear by time I'm done with you." With that he reaches out to unseat the being.

Will save

Brinsol is going to Intimidating Glare back
[roll1] -2 for failing his save
If he fails, he is [roll2] rounds plus 1 round/5 he fails

Man on Fire
2014-11-19, 11:54 PM
Will save if it counts for her [roll0]

Alira tries her best to remain calm and focus. She stand behind the man, readies her bow and quickly forms a little suprise gift, she attach to the arrow. She takes her aim. And the fires
Alira uses explosive missle to infuse her arrow with bomb properties, then fire at the guy. As she is invisible, it's sneak attack. Bomb goes off as normal only if she hits through
Attack roll [roll1]
if hit dmg [roll2]+1 + sneak attack + [roll3] + bomb [roll4]

2014-11-20, 12:33 AM
Perauqs bravely ignores the destruction happening in front of him, and takes a second to ask quietly to Song "Wait is he after our souls or yours..? And if he's here to kill you, would you mind fighting back a little?"

He then turns and shoots two more beams to punch the man again.

Same as last round:
Touch attack [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] non lethal
Crit damage [roll3] non lethal

Touch attack [roll4]
Confirm crit [roll5]
Damage [roll6] non lethal
Crit damage [roll7] non lethal

2014-11-20, 07:48 AM
Group 1:

Bolts of psionic energy start erupting from Robert's bow construct as the beast destroys the walls.

Resolve Readied action against the huge thing as it destroys the wall.
Collapse psychic strike for double shot against dragon thing
[roll0] for [roll1] piercing (magic)
[roll2] for [roll3] piercing (magic)

Will save: [roll4] (if not succesful, shaken only causes a -1 on the following actions)

Actual turn: Declare Combat Expertise and Deadly Aim, then try to shoot the guy on top with Rapid shot.
[roll5] for [roll6] magic piercing
[roll7] for [roll8] magic piercing

2014-11-20, 09:23 AM
Group 2

Orlando kinda stands there for a minute staring at the scene unfolding before him. Okay, i officially could not have possibly drunk enough last night, let alone over my lifetime, to explain this. Its almost like someone took a couple of dice and randomly rolled to put a bunch of stuff together, looking at the lions on fire, much of stuff that shouldn't be together. Seriously, someone has little to no taste or serious mental issues. Ideas on what to do other than continuing to run blindly?

2014-11-20, 06:31 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne replies to Orlando with "Priorities youngling; we can untagle what's wrong with this world once we're no longer sitting in the middle of an active battlefield. We'll figure out why we're caught up in some Druid's war by proxy when we've got a few hours of nobody hunting us when we're not in a building that's close to collapse, hmm?" as she checks through the crack in the wall from the oversized arrow on how much farther they need to go down before they reach the ground to make a proper break for it... as well as taking a moment to scout out possible retreat paths that won't leave the younglings with her overly exposed to the sight of the armies... deliberately ignoring the two paths that look 'best' on the assumption that someone else will have spotted those and prepared for escapees along those routes.[roll0]

2014-11-20, 06:37 PM
In response to Safyaries disguising herself Adran says. "The goblins were locked up as well, I don't think anything or anyone is safe to disguise as here. Besides, to disguise Belrax would severly limit my combat ability. I would rather try to burst out of here through force than try to trick someone who will attack us anyway."

"I've never been in a situation where I had no idea where I was before. Usually you kinda have an idea where you are going, here we don't. Finding someone who do who can explain to us this madness would be great though."

2014-11-20, 08:11 PM
Safyaries Irotihne replies "Fair enough. Hmm... burst out with force... we're down to about the second floor, it's not much of a jump... do you think you're up to opening that already-damaged wall, Adran? Probably quicker and safer than working our way through a fight or a burning room... and the building is on it's way down already anyway... get everyone ready to jump when you breach it, then you charge, and hopefully even if the building comes down immediately as a result, we'll be clear."

2014-11-20, 09:04 PM
"second floor, are you sure that we aren't that high off the ground to begin with? I'm not as worried for myself just the others since I can feather fall. I'll help Adran and we'll push on that wall at the same time then."

The Vagabond
2014-11-20, 10:37 PM
Group 1:
The man simply stared at Bristol for a moment, before being blasted in the face by Perquas, falling down, landing on the ground with a thud, before exploding with a arrow to the back while falling. He is now lying on the ground, smoldering, barely alive.
Song just stares at Perquas patronizingly. “Little counterpart doesn’t feel like he’s strong enough?” she says, “You could unbind me, and, ya know, let me walk around.”
(Nonleathal OP, still, you have successfully defeated your opponent while leaving him smoldering on the ground with two broken legs. Well done, you get 3000 exp per person in the party)

Group 2:
The building jolts a bit more.
You are about 1000 feet above the ground. So, yeah, pretty high, so your younglings aren't likely to not die, unless they get lucky.
You do, however, see a forest dragon fight some sort of woman riding a half-dragon.
You fail to find any paths, other than through the walls, into the rooms that line the hallway.
This hallway is actually rather finely crafted, and is very, VERY different from the previous hallways. The previous hallways were far more prison-esque, while these rooms are far more akin to a manor, or a visitor center. These hallways have rooms lining the walls, and doors leading into these rooms.

2014-11-20, 10:50 PM
Safyaries Irotihne says "Wait... most of you can't fly? Oh. Jumping out won't work well, then. Let's see about interrupting the fight in progress with the frogs... and maybe kidnap one of the residents to find out what's going on in the meanwhile." and suits actions to words, seeing about stunning as many as possible of those between the party and a clearish path down and out of the building before wading into the fray herself to hopefully draw fire first.

Spellcraft for the walls: [roll0]
Standard: Sound Burst, DC 20, to catch as many as possible of those in the fray. [roll1] damage, SR penetration (if applicable): [roll2]
Move: Head through the hallway, soaking AoO's for movement so others don't have to.

Note: If this is a surprise round somehow (unlikely, as everyone's already fighting...) I'll forgo the move action.

Init if needed: [roll3]

The Vagabond
2014-11-21, 09:16 PM
They all procede to watch as a ghost flies through the hallway. The women simply stare, while the toads take a crack at biting them, their tattoo flashing as they try to bite the ghost...

I feel dumb. Forgot to take distance into account. Will show you what is actually happening with a map, soon.]











(All of the attacks are magic.)

2014-11-21, 09:20 PM
Brinsol, feeling confidence swell as his fellow travelers seem capable, continues to hold the obviously broken being pinned for a moment as he looks down at the others "Don't suppose someone has any rope we can tie our new found friend up with? Miss Song, is this your father or uncle? Anything else we need to know before he tries to lop your head off or ours for helping you?"

2014-11-21, 09:34 PM
"Well now it doesn't seem too important. Huh. I guess he wasn't as powerful as he looked..." Perauqs says, looking at his hands in a bit of amazement.

Man on Fire
2014-11-22, 03:39 AM
"ie him down. And take anything looking even remotely magical." Alira says, cheking if the man is unconcious. If he is she starts to strip him out of any valuable or dangerous posessions.

2014-11-22, 08:34 AM
Brinsol nods at Alira. Pinning the man's arms behind him with his knee, he quickly incants as he tries to divine the nature of any items the man is carrying.

Cast Detect Magic.

The Vagabond
2014-11-22, 05:34 PM
Group 1
Song shrugs, "Well, he's fine if you keep him from talking and casting spells and summoning his eidolons"
The man is, Indeed, very unconscious. You find a large Changeling +2 adamantite halberd, a +2 dueling pistol, a ring of spell storing, containing a Fly spell, a quickening diamond, a +2 lance, a pair of gloves of storing, and a lesser rod of extend, and a belt of dexterity +2.

Song just chuckles at Perquas, "You know, I don't think he imagined he'd get knocked out. Really should find some method to advoid that."
She chuckles, and says to Brinsol, "He's my uncle," she says, "And he's actually pretty tough for a lot of folks. He just isn't really that tough." she chuckles.

Group 2:
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nV7HAJaBOWC3xoaUShdiQ7Z6uSpTU9ZM7uLEzeieWGA/edit#gid=0)
The women watch as the frogs fail to hit the ghost, and they quickly jump away from the ghosts, trying to attack the frogs again.








The centaurs watch in shock, and three of them launch globs of acid at the ghost, while none of them actually move, other than thinking. Hard.



These are for the other frogs.




2014-11-22, 07:48 PM
Kageru walks up behind the closest centaur and taps her arm. "So, would you be the ones running this place? I suggest you answer wisely." Kageru crouches low in a stance holding his fist back.

Kageru will move into E6 and then use his swift to initiate pugilist stance. and then he will ready Steel Flurry Strike. If her answer is yes, then Kageru will attack the centaur if her answer is no, then he will attack the frog.

edit: fixed for gender correctness.

2014-11-23, 12:19 AM
Safyaries Irotihne says "Ah, you can do better than that, can't you?" as she zips through the crowded hallway, and casts a spell at the farthest centaur telling her "Show me your allegiance... I've got some guesses about this place, but it's good to have confirmation."

Touch AC 21, so all acid globs aimed at me miss.

Reactive checks:
Spellcraft to ID the Acid Splash spells as they're cast: [roll0] would be DC 15, but I'm not sure how the little issue that they're apparently Silenced and Stilled impacts things.

Knowledge(Arcana) to ID the Acid Splash spells cast on me in case Spellcraft fails (as I see the results of the spell): [roll1]: Would be DC 25 for a cantrip, but I'm not sure how the little issue that they're apparently silenced and stilled impacts things.

Knowledge(Arcana) to ID any relevant magical effects on the centaurs that are impacting things: [roll2]: Standard DC would be 20+Spell level for an in-place and in-effect.

Knowledge(Arcana) to ID any relevant magical effects on the frogs that are impacting things: [roll3]: Standard DC would be 20+Spell level for an in-place and in-effect.

Knowledge(Arcana) to ID any relevant magical effects on the girls with kitchen implements that are impacting things: [roll4]: Standard DC would be 20+Spell level for an in-place and in-effect.

Move: Go to 4L, provoking from: S5 Frog, R7 Centaur, T5 Centaur (if she has reach), Q4 Lady, P4 Frog, O5 frog, O7 Centaur, M5 Lady, L5 frog, and J5 Centaur (if it has reach). Specific path: R5 to P5 to O4 to L4 (30 feet of movement).
Standard: Cast Murderous Command on the Centaur at C5. I want to see whether she attacks the frog or the lady under compulsion. I'm guessing she views the frog as the ally, rather than the lady, but I'd like some confirmation of that. Given the position, the casting provokes from the centaur at J5, the frog at L5, and the lady at M5.

Oh, and Nightraiderx: The centaurs are female. Given that there's no apparent armour in the way, that'd be very obvious.

2014-11-23, 09:28 AM
Brinsol, still large and pinning Song's uncle down, pulls the rat out and holds it by the scruff it's neck. "So, you want to speak now and give us any information or should I just swallow you whole and be done with you? I'm thinking you and your master are in a tight bind here. Why don't you do everyone a favor, especially you two, and let us know what is really going on around here, why we are here, and how do we get home or you might just find out what its like to stew in a vat of acid for the last few moments of your life." as he speaks, a wickedly evil grin can be seen spreading across Brinsol's mouth.

Intimidate rat
Sense Motive on rat's response

2014-11-23, 09:45 AM
"err, I don't think that's the rat's master..." Perauqs says to Brinsol.

Looking to Song he says "So was he after you or us? I still don't fully understand what's going on."

The Vagabond
2014-11-23, 06:45 PM
Song shrugs, "Basically, your souls are usable to completely alter the world as the controller deem fit. He was probably after me, first, but probably figured you guys would be a decent bonus." she said, "He didn't like my father's more recent changes.
The rat flails, "ALRIGHT I'LL TALK I'LL TALK JUST DON'T KILL ME!" The rat cries panicked, "I don't even know what your home IS, okay!? Neither does my master, okay?! All we know is that folks come in, every once in a while, and those who find them... And can shape them... They can make the world as they WANT, alright!? What else do you even need to know!?"
The rat is terrified of you, and would like to kindly crawl into a hole, cross a ocean, hire a assasin, NUKE your current location, and all-in-all just run.

Group 2:
[Those who have not posted yet may take 2 rounds worth of actions with their next post]
The centaur simply stares in shock at Kageru, "We are the servents of our madam!" she cries, launching another acid bolt at another frog.

The centaurs realize that attacking you is a stupid idea, as does the frog, which instead spews fire from it's mouth instead when you try to attack it. The frogs cast a stilled spell on themselves... All of them taking a blunt object to the face doing so, two of them dropping their spells, another two dying, with another lady dying.
The other centaur (The one under Murderous Command) goes and tries to bash the lady next to her's head in with her tray.

2014-11-23, 07:01 PM
Group 2

Er, right, make way, coming through, so then, walking after Kageru to near the one that spoke, who exactly is your madam? And why are you killing these frogs?

2014-11-23, 07:11 PM
"Well that's stupid... Pretty much anyone can get enough magical power to completely alter the world for free where I'm from... No need to demolish souls to do it. Of course, it's pretty much from the power of the gods, and they can be fickle. But. I don't know. This sounds messy and dangerous... Like y'all are basically just hoping someone more powerful than yourselves don't... Errr. appear..?

Guys I don't think we really need miss Song for much anymore. She's obviously not going to serve as a hostage against people who may want to mangle her soul. And if what she says is true, I don't really see much good we can get from her father right now anyway. I think we should let her go. If her father has a desire to find us, well, we've spared her life without injuring her. It might be useful having someone close to him technically indebted to us..." he says, winking at the girl. "What do you say, let her go and we get out of here? I can probably get us far away enough that we can locate a safe place to lay low for the night... Any better ideas? I know that's weird to travel here and then change my mind and say lets bail..."

Man on Fire
2014-11-23, 09:30 PM
"Hey, rat." Alira asks the familiar, while throwing man's gear under her commrades' feet. "Just one question. Do you know who can get us home? Or homes, because I doubt we're from the same world" She puts magic belt on herself and cannot resist few stretches and even laps as she feels her body becoming more agile.

2014-11-24, 08:34 AM
Group 2
Safyaries Irotihne says "Ah, nobody's taking the bait? That makes it a bit harder for me to figure out who to slaughter... well, the frogs were the first to snap at me, I suppose... don't want them to snap at the people who follow, so I suppose I need to kill them now... unless, of course, they start swearing noninterference in our escape... but until then..." and then casts a spell and tries to zap the nearest frog with it.Free: Talk. Standard: Cast Inflict Moderate Wounds on the frog at L5. Touch Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1], Will DC 20 half. If I miss, hold the charge.
Move: If that kills the frog, move: L4->L5->J7->I6 (25 feet of movement, I think... would go another square, but that would cost 10).

2014-11-24, 09:45 AM
Brinsol looks on the news a bit more grimly than his travelling companions, but nods in agreement to Perauqs about Miss Song.
'My guess, from the sound of it, is that they must use the souls of people who cross into this wordl in some kind of ritual. If we are in some other plane or dimension, our souls might have a different kind of 'energy' than is present here, something that can be harnessed and provide more power than is readily available without divine intervention. While the destruction of our souls is a direct problem for us, obviously, it would probably not bode well for those who dwell here either. Does that sound right, Miss Song?"

2014-11-24, 04:41 PM
Upon seeing his allies getting attacked, Adran does not simply ask questions, instead he jumps into action, charging at the frogs. He rams into the line again and again, His lance piercing the frog behind Kageru before Belrax rams into the one beside the ninja. "Don't just stand there, we gotta help her." He says clearly enraged. Belrax then leap into the air to dive past the centaurs get at the frogs closer to Safyaries. Adran stabs at one of the frogs in passing.

So, I finally figured out exactly what happened. Sorry for being so slow in posting:smallfrown:.
Adran will charge past the centaurs and the women and hit the frogs. Sayfaries has posted 3 actions, but since Vagabond asked for two actions in the OOC I will do that first.

First Rage 1+[roll0] rounds
First round, Adran will attack the Frog at S5, though it gets cover due to Kageru and the Centaurs.
(10 str 5 bab 2 flank 2 charge 1 weapon -2 PA)
(15 str 1 weapon 6 pa multiplied all by 3)
damage [roll2]+sneak [roll3]

Belrax is going to attack the frogs at T7
(4 bab 6 str 2 flank 2 charge -2 PA)
hit: [roll4]
(6 str 4 pa)
damage [roll5]
hit: [roll6]
damage [roll7]
hit: [roll8]
damage [roll9]
hit: [roll10]
damage [roll11]

Round 2:

with spiked gauntlet, using a free action to hold the lance in one hand instead of two.
(10 str 5 bab 2 flank -2 PA)
(10 str 4 pa)
damage [roll13]+sneak[roll14]

Belrax will then fly up in the air so they can charge at the next line, Adran will stab at Q6.

Attack frog in L5 with lance
damage: [roll16]+sneak[roll17]

Belrax will again try to kill the frog in P4 first, then do the remainder on O5
hit: [roll18]
damage [roll19]
hit: [roll20]
damage [roll21]
hit: [roll22]
damage [roll23]
hit: [roll24]
damage [roll25]

The Vagabond
2014-11-24, 09:18 PM
"Bingo," she said, "I was made by one, in fact, as were most of my sisters. Well, my father ascended to godhood, THEN made us, but that's a tiny difference."
She looks to Perquas, "Well, my family did manage to take out this woman, went by the name of Desna. Was a hell of a fight, but we still did it with enough effort. And a lot of bodies. and a couple thousand dead. And another outsider."
The rat simply stared at Everfloss.
"Well... You could, I don't know... Find a Wish stone? I'm frankly not sure, you might be able to figure out how to find one from Wetherwax..."

Group 2
The frogs Adran attacks explode. Violently. He now has 4 frog cadavers on his lance, adding 200 ibs to his load. Use a move action to remove your them from your lance. Safyres watches as the frog she touche dies in a second.
"They seek to retrieve her majesty's prizes, the four outsi- pardon me, are they with you?" she asks, watching the two fighters utterly demolish the frogs.
The remaining frogs drop down, and seem to be praying in complete panic.
The ladies begin to beat the frogs to death with various objects. One of the centaurs seems completely panicked, and desperately runs down the stairs.

2014-11-24, 10:44 PM
Safyaries Irotihne calls back to Adran, Kageru, and Orlando "I'm reasonably sure they won't be taking swings at us again any time soon. I don't imagine this building will last much longer, so would one of you please pick someone to escort out and all of you come on?" as she readies an action to change the mind of anyone who attacks the younglings under her care.

Standard: Ready action to cast Forbid Action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/forbid-action) (Will DC 19) for the 'Attack' option on the first critter in range that strikes at the younglings under her care.

Not moving this round, to keep most of the possible opponents in range.

Man on Fire
2014-11-25, 07:15 AM
"Very well." Alira nods to the rat. "Point us towards the direction of this Weatherwax ton and we'll let you here with your master and Ms. Song.".

Once she is givein instructions, she asks her teammates to tie the rat and his master, while she searches Song for any possible magical items, which she takes away. Then she asks her commrades to tie all three of them together and leave in the alley.

"Little advice for the future." She telsl Son and rat as they depart. "I'm generous by letting you live. Don't make me regret it."

2014-11-25, 07:21 AM
"that... was gory." Kageru stands up walking over to one of the ladies and taking her by the arm, "this tower is falling apart, I would suggest you should stop with
your current objective if you want to live to replan."

2014-11-25, 09:30 AM
As he ties them up, Brinsol looks a little apprehensive about tying up Miss Song until he remember she tried to attack them.
And while they have efficiently have taken down two potential opponents he wonders about their motivations in the future.

2014-11-25, 09:34 AM
"Should we take her stuff? Really? This guy, sure, he blatantly attacked us. Taking his stuff is to protect ourselves in the future. She didn't really put much effort into trying to destroy us like I think this guy was doing. Song, are you going to attack us if we let you go with all your possessions?"

Man on Fire
2014-11-25, 09:23 PM
"I'm not taking any risks. She should be lucky we'll take onl her gear."

The Vagabond
2014-11-25, 09:27 PM
Song doesn't respond well to Alaria trying to rob her blind.
"No. Bad lady."
She smacks Alaria, and begins to walk away, after shoving anyone who tries to attack her away.
"My stuff. If you take my stuff, my father will kill me, he spent a solid half a year crafting this, so keep your filthty, thieving hands off of it." she says firmly, walking out of the allyway, "I'll try to get a good word in on you guys for my father, since you knocked one of the heads of the revolutions out, but I'm not losing my stuff." she says.

The centaur woman shrugs, "My master is setting up a magic circle downstairs to take us all out of here, I can see if she would be willing to take you along with her." she said. She lowers her tea tray down to her inquisitors.
You watch as a young woman, wearing a skull necklace and a sundress, along with a sunhat, walks out.
"Good day?... May I ask who you are, and how you got here? I mean, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but you should probably make speed."

2014-11-25, 09:42 PM
"Come. Leave her be. It wouldn't hurt to have some friends if we are in an entirely new dimension. One where apparently our god have even been killed... Wait just a few more minutes and I'll be able to jump us all into the astral plane again and we can hop out of here real quick. Well. If we know where we're going. "

The Vagabond
2014-11-25, 09:43 PM
"Wait, she was a god?" She asked, surprised by this apparently new revelation.

2014-11-25, 11:06 PM
Safyaries Irotihne says "Thank you." as she takes a cup of tea and replies with "Yes, getting out of here does sound like a good idea. Please lead the way, if you would...."

2014-11-26, 06:51 AM
"Where I'm from, yes. Desna is a goddess."

2014-11-26, 07:16 AM
Kageru respectfully bows. "thank you for the assistance, I would stop for pleasantries but is it really the time to do that right now?"
It seemed surreal of them just having a tea break.

Man on Fire
2014-11-26, 07:16 AM
"Yeah, sure, lets drag gods into it. With them this terrific day will be even better." Alira stands up. "Lets go to that Weatherwax town. I think any more time here and I'm going to get crazy."

2014-11-26, 09:33 AM
With a nod to Alira, Brinsol says "You and me, both." Glad that Song walked away, he shakes his head a bit anyway.
"I find it hard to believe that Desna was killed but this is a strange land. Either way, let's get going to this Weatherwax. My skin itches thinking about the madness of this place."
With that, he focuses a moment and shrinks to his normal size.

2014-11-26, 12:00 PM
Welp, i will go just about anywhere but here, so as my compatriots have said before, please lead on fair ladies. Orlando says with a slight bow.

2014-11-26, 12:01 PM
Adran throws away the frogs from his lance as the woman appears. His rage dissipates and he breaths heavily. He looks over at the woman with the sundress. "Are you the master of these centaurs? Nice to finally meet a friendly face down here. We've been attacked by wolves and bears. Really nice dress by the way." He smiles. "As for how we got here... I am sorry but I can't actually tell you. How did you get here? Could you tell us a bit more about this place?" Adran turns on the charm as he carefully maneuvers by the centaurs to get closer to the woman, surely a muscled man covered in the blood of his enemies is a sight to woo the ladies. His has a confident grin and he brushes back his hair, careful to not get even more blood and fore into it.

Diplomacy to make her more friendly [roll0]
and to ask 1, 2 and 3 questions:

The Vagabond
2014-11-26, 10:49 PM
Song shrugs, "Well, that explains a lot." she says, walking off.
You shift into the astreal plane, into a silent forest, due to not having any idea where Wetherwax is. The area's quiet, devoid of all sound, the ground soft peat, and the trees towering above you all. You're not quite sure where you guys are.
[Feel free to chat freely for a bit]

The Woman shrugs, gesturing them to walk down the stairs. The group (Presumably follows down). This area appears to be a basement of some sort, except that some of the floor to the south east is broken down, revealing a long, long fall down. The area's well furnished, with fine couches, fine wooden doors, and magical lights idly floating around the room. There's about twenty people chained up sitting down in the far northwest corner, and a couple dozen others sitting down to the northernmost one. You see about twelve zombies, covered in tattoos, apparently chanting. They are dressed very plainly, and are obviously fairly new undead.
"It'll take another, I'd say, seven minutes? Yeah, seven minutes for them to finish up." she says, sitting down, "It's been a pretty long fight, so far, and the prison's already falling apart. I still don't get what got in Xu's head to have the freaking shield be the prison. Either way, everything seems fine."
She snaps her fingers, summoning a mug full of a drink of some kind.
"Anyway, name's Lilly, I'm the warden." she said, taking a idle sip, "You're in the prison of The Great Empire. Not the best name, but I don't really pick the names, do I? Anyway, the prison's carried around by The Head General- Look, Xu isn't the best at naming things, okay? Anyway, The Head General is a giant freaking tree, and he's using it as a shield for this battle, so you all ought to just sit down and relax for me."
She lies back, "Do you want anything to drink? Shouldn't take too much longer."

2014-11-26, 11:11 PM
Safyaries Irotihne gestures to the teacup she's allowing to cool in her hand before sipping, and replies to Lilly with "Thank you, but I've already got a drink. Is there anyone in your entourage that could use healing at the moment? Oh, and what's the current battle about, if you don't mind my asking?"

2014-11-27, 08:27 AM
"ah if you are the warden, then I'd like to know if you've heard of a man named Terror Moon. Kageru is wary of the warden and keeps his distance. "He's someone from my hometown, if you have any information on him, would appreciate it."

The Vagabond
2014-11-28, 11:24 AM
"Well, to be frank, I don't think so." She says to Kageru, "Most of the prisoners are finishing up being sent through, after this portal is opened."
She looks over to Lilly, "Not really, nobody here needs any healing. And the fight is over some recent prisoners coming in or something, apparently they're really valuable here." she said, "Personally, I don't really care."

She's lying. She's a lying lying but. She knows, she KNOWS what you are, and intends to take control of you to caputure your allies and sell your souls
She doesn't care. At all. She doesn't appear to really want to be here, actually.
She's just bored, and waiting for her undead minions to finish up the circle.

2014-11-28, 11:47 AM
Brinsol looks around then says to Perauqs "This isn't what I pictured Wetherwax as looking like. I take it we... missed our target?"
Once he gets a reply he says "Well, we can try that again or try and figure where we are. While you guys discuss, I'm going to take a look around."
With that the behemoth looks around the area, looking for any clue to where they are.

2014-11-28, 01:17 PM
"To be clear, it's not teleporting... We simply move faster in the astral plane. We still have to move in the actual direction and know where we are going to get somewhere. Same as if we had walked there normally, only this is about 50 times faster."

I'm confused. Did anyone actually get information on WHERE we are going instead of just a name? Because astral caravan helps no more than just stumbling around blind if we didn't get directions.

So we wouldn't have even left until we got that info too.

The Vagabond
2014-11-28, 01:20 PM
"To be clear, it's not teleporting... We simply move faster in the astral plane. We still have to move in the actual direction and know where we are going to get somewhere. Same as if we had walked there normally, only this is about 50 times faster."

I'm confused. Did anyone actually get information on WHERE we are going instead of just a name? Because astral caravan helps no more than just stumbling around blind if we didn't get directions.

So we wouldn't have even left until we got that info too.
Nope, my apologies. Just thought, you know, you guys would have left. Apologies.
You still have no idea where to go. If you ask the rat, he'll tell you the location. If you leave then, you arrive on a dirt road, seeing a small town about two minutes walk away.

Man on Fire
2014-11-28, 03:13 PM
I asked the rat about the information and said that I'm doing rest of my post AFTER getting them. So I asumed he gave them.

2014-11-28, 08:50 PM
Safyaries Irotihne waits patiently, sipping her tea and concentrating a bit so as to not let the liquid pass through her. She makes sure to finish well before the seven minutes is up, and asks their host "Is that offer for another drink still open?"

If the Warden comes close to hand a drink over, touch attack her hand (Supernatural, so non-provoking) to put her into a trance for an hour... and heal her [roll0] hp, [roll1] str damage, [roll2] dex damage, [roll3] Con damage, [roll4] Int damage, [roll5] Wis damage, and [roll6] Cha damage... not that she's got any. Will DC 20, Supernatural so SR does not apply. Touch attack: [roll7].

Ah, the joys of critically failed skill checks.

The Vagabond
2014-11-29, 05:08 PM
Group 2
Sefyres successfully knocks her hostess out, with brutal efficiency. She is now zoned out.
You hear a roar from outside the building. You watch as the others cower in fear.
You see a dragon, 200 meters out of the hole in the building. It appears to be blind, and appears to be pretty young, maybe younger. You see someone riding it, not particularly large.

2 minutes until spell completion.

Group 1
Apologies, I feel foolish for my misunderstanding.
Anyway, you guys ACTUALLY arrive outside a town. The road's fairly empty, and the towns about a 2 minutes walk away to the town walls. The road's fairly empty, except for a small cat walking down it.

2014-11-29, 05:53 PM
"So after everything that's happened today, what are the chances that cat is actually just a cat?" Perauqs says sardonically.

2014-11-29, 06:16 PM
"Why did you do that?" Adran directs at Sayfaries. "She wasn't hurting anyone. Her spell might even take us out of here. Though it would have been nice to know where it would take us..." He moves closer to the hole in the wall. "I'll keep us safe if the thing comes closer, though I would prefer to not fly out there. Who knows what else is out there on the battlefield." He let his lance fall down in front of him as he hunches down over Belrax' back to prepare to fight the monster outside.

Spellcraft to identify the spell [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana to identify the dragon [roll1]

Ready action to charge at whatever enters the hole in the wall (or otherwise get into the room).

2014-11-29, 06:19 PM
Safyaries Irotihne quickly whispers "It looked like she was going to try to turn us in. Even if she wasn't explicitly planning that... it's the warden taking us out through the same portal she was planning on taking the rest of the prisoners. Not exactly the best route. If, however, one of us is 'the warden' when we leave, well, we'll be in a better position to get out safely, won't we? That means she needs to stay here, though. Try to avoid attention, hmm little ones?" as she drags the warden out of easy view through the hole in the wall, duplicates the appearance of the warden, and then begins to systemically strip the warden of all her material wealth, simply taking everything rather than taking the time to determine what is and is not magical. While she is doing so, she also idly chats with the cowering prisoners, saying "So... I'm going to be getting out of here, and taking the younglings under my care with me. My exit point will have been selected by the warden, and I'm left with a choice: Do I leave all'y'all here at the mercies of chance here, or do I take all'y'all with and trust that you won't spoil the surprise so that I'll be in a position to let y'all loose once we're all reasonably safe. Decisions, decisions...."

Stealth: [roll0] - of course, at 200 meters out, that's 600 feet, so most people are going to be at -60 to see things. Simply trying to hide is going to be sufficient, here....
Standard: activate Hat of Disguise, to duplicate the appearance of the warden. Wherever we're going, it's a location she picked, so it'll be friendly to her. Disguise check: [roll1] (that includes the -2 for a different race).
Next 18 rounds (unless interrupted): gently but systemically strip the effectively sleeping hostess of everything (no time to determine what is, and is not, magical).
Last round: Readied action to hop on through when it's ready.

"a couple dozen others sitting down to the northernmost one." - I'm going to assume these are also chained up for now... please let me know if I'm wrong.

2014-11-29, 07:12 PM
Er, wait, what did you just do? Orlando lets out as he moves out of line of sight of the dragon and its rider. Thats a pretty neat trick. By the way, turning to the group Safyaries is talking to, i do believe it would be best to answer the lady quickly as i have no idea how much time there is before this place comes down or simply gets taken down.

2014-11-29, 08:24 PM
Safyaries Irotihne discusses her actions with Orlando as she continues her work "It's old hat. A simple trick I used when I needed to make my way out of the palace when I was a youngling myself. It doesn't bear up well under close scrutiny, so the real trick is acting sufficiently like the person you're imitating so that people don't question it. As to knocking her out, the effect is pretty harmless; she'll wake up feeling like a million denarii in about an hour ... well, until she realizes she's naked and alone. Speaking of which, do you mind lending me a hand with this? We need to be gentle, but we've got time constraints...."

2014-11-29, 11:20 PM
Upon seeing the dragon, Kageru slips into the shadows, watching Safayries change into the warden,
it reminded him of his village, where the spirits would play pracitcal jokes by changing into other's townsfolk and walk different directions.

Stealth check:

The Vagabond
2014-11-30, 04:58 PM
Group 2: The rider sizes the area up, and smiles. He dons some
He pulls out a wand, and points it to his head, shouting.

Group 1:
You all eventually get to the town. There's an old beggar, lying on the ground. He's holding a drink.
The cat climbs into his lap. The man turns his head to you, and simply stares at you.
"Ah. Good day." The homeless man said, "Names Alfred. Why ya passing through?"

2014-11-30, 05:12 PM
"Dimensionally marooned and on the search for reality-altering powers, you know, nothing outlandish."

2014-11-30, 05:16 PM
Safyaries Irotihne sighs, and shouts back "Come on down here, then! I'll even make it easy for you!" and steps out of his direct line of sight, dismissing the magical disguise after she does so, letting the mundane one underneath (that of herself when she was alive) dominate.Idea being that he'll come in, find no illusion magic (it just got dismissed, after all), find a naked and comatose Lilly, and haul her away letting the rest of us be. Clearly, he's her enemy (or maybe a suitor who's in to kidnapping, but the distinction is largely petty), so he won't be reporting back to her superiors any time soon (which is what matters for us, seeing as how we're going to a point Lilly selected), and when those reports get back, they won't necessarily be immediately trusted, so there's going to be some delays even if he does report quickly... hopefully enough for us all to quietly sneak away. If he attacks? Well, he would have anyway.

Move: Get out of line-of-sight.
Standard: Dismiss Disguise Self
My normal Mundane disguise is Perception DC 30 to penetrate.

2014-11-30, 05:16 PM
Orlando pauses for a moment at the declaration while he helps to facilitate the one way exchange of articles from the warden to Safyaries. So, what are the odds that he will leave us alone if we just hand over his mostly nude lilly?

2014-11-30, 05:20 PM
Safyaries Irotihne replies to Orlando "There's no telling. I've no love for anyone who was involved in kidnapping, so I'm simply going to hope for the best outcome. If it happens, well and good. If not? Well, I'm not quite exhausted yet. I would suggest making yourself ready to be on the safe side. I don't suppose you have any ribbon? We could put a bow on her...."

2014-12-01, 08:24 AM
Brinsol is about to answer the man but Perauqs beats him to the response, causing him to look sideways at the platinum haired man.
"Yeah... what he said. In the mean time, is this Weatherwax? Didn't see a sign outside town saying one way or the other." he asks the old man.

Man on Fire
2014-12-01, 09:38 AM
"Careful, guys." Alira whispers to Brinsol and Peraqus. "In our orld this may have audiciy to tell around ithout anyone beliving, but this place is noticeably less sane."

The Vagabond
2014-12-01, 05:58 PM
Group 1:
"Yeah, this's Wetherwax, I assume ya Lookin for the wishstone?"
The old man laughs, "Yeah, not that surprising that ya, many folks come for the wishstone, and I have yet to find ANYONE who's found where the hell it actually is. Personally, I think it's a myth." he chuckles, "But what the hell do I know, Xu seems to believe it, but I don't know."
He lies back. "So, dimension hopping. You outsiders or Outsiders?" making it clear the distinction between the two.

Group 2:
The man is silent. He makes some sort of gesture, and makes a gesture, casting a spell.
He silently flies up to the hole in the wall. You watch as wolves silently crawl out from the staircase over the next three rounds, as he flies in slowly. The wolves do not attack. There are 14 in total.
If he's not attacked, he silently lands, staring at everyone.
"Who are you?" He asked, landing in, cautiously walking forward, eyeing Lilly's naked form, "And why is Lilly naked and passed out?"
The man's confused, if you can't tell. The wolves are standing watch. The prisoners are doing nothing.

Time spent: 8 rounds
Time Remaining: 10 rounds

2014-12-01, 06:34 PM
Safyaries Irotihne replies to the newcomer "We're just some captives that don't agree with the reasons behind our captivity, and are seeking to rectify the problem by leaving. Lilly, being the warden, was involved in our unjust captivity, and stood as something of a barrier to our leaving. She's not harmed - she'll wake up feeling quite refreshed in a little under an hour if left to her own devices. As to her stuff... well, I must admit we're taking a down payment on compensation for our unjust captivity on our way out. I plan on mimicing her for a short while after we leave to help smooth out the escape; the clothes will help with that, and it'd be rather awkward to have two people running around looking like her, so I need to make sure she doesn't take the same exit we do. As we're pretty much handing her to you, do you mind doing us a tinsy tiny little favour and keeping quiet about your glorious capture of Lilly for a few hours?"

2014-12-01, 07:03 PM
"I don't suppose there's some cliche trick where YOU are the wishstone and nobody has bothered to be nice enough to you to earn it? Or something similarly cheesy?" Perauqs says glancing over at the cat. "Because I have to say you two are mighty fine looking creatures!" he says, obviously smarming up a bit sarcastically to the two.

"To answer your question I believe these three are outsiders while I happen to be both. I have to say though it's nice to meet someone in this dimension who doesn't immediately attack and try to take our souls. My name is Perauqs. What's yours?"

How bout a nice friendly diplomacy initial improvement? [roll0]

The Vagabond
2014-12-02, 10:22 PM
Group 1
The man laughs, "Well, if I was, then I'd be as rich as Xu by now, ya know? Just wish myself up some cash, no worries. Well, except for Xu's armada, but then I could just say "WHOOSH! MAGIC" 'an just 'magic 'em all 'way. Well, pleasure ta meet ya. Most folks 'round here call me bum. Or Welly." he said, holding out his hand for shaking, "Not often I meet honest to god Outsiders. Well, Last one got carted away, caused a whole fiasco, poor guy, Wife was devastated, then daughter died, 'freaking disaster for the whole family. Last I heard the poor kid was run away."

Group 2
"Uh... Well. Thank you..." The man said, slowly picking up the nude woman, lying her on his dragon's back. He climbs aboard, the portal opening.
"Well... Thank you. May we meet again one day." he said, slightly worried.

2014-12-02, 10:42 PM
Safyaries Irotihne nods at the man and says "Fair thee well on thy travels" casts a quick spell for Guidance, renews her disguise of the (fully dressed) Lilly via her hat, and says to those accompanying her "Shall we go?" before composing herself, attempting to mimic the mannerisms of Lilly, and then stepping through the portal she identified as a Teleportation Circle earlier.

Standard 1: Guidance.
Standard 2: Activate Hat of Disguise, using the Guidance spell on the disguise check. [roll0] (includes the -2 for 'different race')

... so is he distracted by his current fixation being handed to him on a proverbial silver platter, distracted by hormones triggered by the full frontal of said fixation, flabbergasted by the forthrightness with which I'm saying things, scared that I was so blasé about disabling her because she was in my way, or some combination of the above? Not that it really matters. I suppose he could also be putting together the whats & whys and doing the math, but I'm hoping he's got enough oddball things to worry about on his plate that he's sufficiently distracted and confused such that he won't quite figure out what's up until after we're gone.

2014-12-03, 05:02 AM
I believe just about anywhere but here is better than here, anybody coming should probably hurry before the circle is broken. Orlando states out loud as he walks through, weapon drawn but sling over his shoulder.

Man on Fire
2014-12-03, 05:21 AM
" "Carted away"? And what fiasco?" Alira asks with both suspiction and curiosity.

2014-12-03, 07:04 AM
Perauqs laughs along sympathetically with the bum. "Haha! Yeah, the more I learn about this world the more I can say that it unabashedly pales in comparison to where I came from. Don't get me wrong, I'm from not paradise. But most people where I'm from have a reasonable expectation to actually live their lives without having massive amounts of pain and suffering dumped on them for no reason. ...well except for up by the Worldwound, but what can you do about demons except slay them/ But THIS world? YOUR world? Welly. This world sucks. I swear every where we go is fighting and pain and suffering."

2014-12-03, 07:14 AM
I believe just about anywhere but here is better than here, anybody coming should probably hurry before the circle is broken. Orlando states out loud as he walks through, weapon drawn but sling over his shoulder.

Agreed, not to fond of the idea of a 1,000 foot downward climb and hopefully this takes us to more solid ground. Kageru poofs beside Orlando, poking his armor. He walks along with Orlando.

Standard action teleport maneuver, because moving around normally is boring. (just needed a target to touch "attack" could've used the floor or ceiling if it was in range. I will recover it in the portal, one last check on barbarian wolf's location before I release his soul chaining after the teleport, if he's still close by then I won't sever it.

The Vagabond
2014-12-03, 07:45 AM
Group 1
The man looked at Orlando and Bristol as they exited, along with Safyaries and Andran (Probably).
To Safyaries: Yes.
Karegu: The Barbarian Wolf is far gone.
You find yourself, after going through, in a somewhat modest household. It's rather clear and nice, actually, and actually rather... frilly. There are gas lamps on the walls, lighting the household up. Carpet on the ground, the walls made of wood, the cieling vaulted, a rather nice house.

Group 2:
He looks over to Alaria, "Well, he was shoved in a cart and gagged, then carted away. I really can't get 'ore basic than that. And ya know, the whole fiasco about what the 'eck a Outsider child can do, last one ended up shapin a whole world to some sorta magic 'ell or somethin, I don't 'member. Somethin to do with cats and eldrich abominations or somethin. We found 'out 'e was an outsider when he managed to shape a gahd."
He shrugged to Perquas, "Well, it ain't that bad if ya ain't a Outsider, and fallow tha rules. 'Course, I don't most of the time, but ahm a good hidah, ya know? Don't loose much. Got anythin to eat?"

2014-12-03, 07:56 AM
Perauqs fetches some trail rations out of his bag. Not much more than a few nuts and a single piece of dried food, but he closes his eyes and closes his hands around the meager portion of food and speaks a few words of magic. A glow can be seen coming from inside his closed hands, but then it passes and he opens them and offers the few tiny pieces of food to the man.

"Here. This should satisfy you. Does the cat need food too? Here kitty! he says, bending over to the act and gesturing for it to come to him. When it comes over, he pets it gently, and then keeps a hand placed on it as he mutters a few more magic words.

Two more Mythic Power to cast Abstemiousness on the food and Dream Feast on the kitty :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-03, 08:53 AM
Brinsol looks deeply disturbed by the whole conversation, especially if what Welly is saying has a grain of truth to it.
As the man asks for food, it breaks him out of his thoughts and he react but more slowly than Perauqs, so he stops reaching for his pack.
"Welly, who do you have to hide from?"

2014-12-03, 06:09 PM
Group 2
After the younglings under her care are all through the portal, Safyaries Irotihne says "Quickly now; we need to block our arrival point. Please help me stack furniture..." and begins stacking furniture over their arrival point to cause later people attempting to go through the teleportation circle to get a 'space occupied' bounce. Afterwards, she takes a bit of time to examine her surroundings in detail, looking for doors, windows, hidden spaces, and anything particularly valuable or dangerous.

1) Wait until the party finishes arriving.
2) Shuffle furniture around to block the arrival point for the Teleportation Circle spell - the intent being to prevent anyone from following via that path, especially if the Dragonrider figures out that he just let the fight's prize walk away.
3) Search the place fully. We're not in combat, so taking 10 on Perception, for a result of 34. Looking for traps, hazards, secret compartments, secret doors, regular doors, and anything of particular value. Also casting Detect Magic (which also has a small penetration profile for looking through walls) to look for anything magical while I'm at it. Identifying magic traps or items as well - again taking ten, but also adding Guidance, for a result of 26 on identifying items and a result of 23 for identifying magic auras. Also ID'ing the loot from Lilly from earlier.

Hmm. What I did to Lilly would be very, very evil if it wasn't perceived self-defence due to the critically failed Sense Motive. Attacked her unprovoked, stripped her, and effectively sold her into slavery. She's going to be very much annoyed. Depending on how long it takes her to escape, we may have ourselves our first "earned" antagonist.

Edit: Also: Gas lamps? She's going to be even more annoyed with me when we decide we're done with her house....

2014-12-03, 06:40 PM
Adran collects himself from the shock of seeing the undead half-elf disable, strip and hand over their host. That's not very nice. She does have a point about this woman probably being involved in our capture, but she seemed to just be helping us get out of here. Also handing her over might be a better solution than to fight for someone we do not know, well other than the fact that she is raising undead, which is not a point in her favor. He quickly rides on Belrax after the others.

Upon comming to the new house he looks around in wonder. "This is probably her dwelling. She won't be coming after us, that man took her. As for rearranging stuff, that is just plain silly. It's a lot of work, and the odds of it working are miniscule. There will always be some place nearby someone can appear. Besides it will take hours, which by the time we are done the spell will expire anyway. Anyway, let's search this place. We need to learn where we are, because I have no clue. Once we know more we can figure out what to do next."

Perception with guidance [roll0]

Reading through teleportation circle / teleport / greater teleport there is absolutely no section about bouncing/blocking. Besides rearranging furniture is pretty ridiculous. We would have to leave no space large enough to fit a person in the house and let it stay that way for at least 3 hours.

2014-12-03, 07:54 PM
Safyaries Irotihne replies as she continues to shuffle furniture "It's not her I'm concerned about. To appearances, we were the prize in that ongoing fight. It doesn't matter who wins... someone is going to come looking for us. If the dragonrider spills, sooner or later somebody is going to figure out what door we used to leave. I tried to get him very, very off balance so he's not going to be thinking clearly any time soon, but everybody stops and thinks at some point. When that happens, if the circle is still valid, we'll have a rather lot of company very quickly. Anyone can use the Teleportation Circle for as long as it lasts. If we disable the Teleportation Circle by blocking it by piling a bunch of stuff on the spot where the Teleportation Circle lets out, however, they can't use that spell to come get us, and will need to make a different path. To make a different path, though, they'll need to figure out where the old Teleportation Circle goes... but about the only one who really knows where it leads will be Lilly, who's currently comotose and in the hands of her enemies. When she wakes up, she still won't want to talk because they're her enemies. If we block the specific arrival point, it doesn't matter that there's nearby space, as nobody inclined to talk will know where it is. We thus buy ourselves several hours to get to ground. I'm sorry I didn't explain initially, but this is time-sensitive. I tend to layer things, and usually have multiple reasons for any given action. Lilly's the Warden, so she's involved in the fiasco against us, so I wanted her out of the way. She seemed like she was going to betray us, and badly, so for safety I needed her down for the count. I did not know what was on the other side of the Teleportation Circle, but expected the retreat point for a warden from a prison who was also transporting prisoners would be another prison - so whether she was specifically against us or not, I expected there to be people on this end to receive prisoners... which would have included us regardless of her specific mind on the matter - so I needed a way to talk us out of that if it came to pass, which meant being her... and in turn, requiring her to not be there. Take your pick on which reason you dislike the least for taking her down. I took her stuff for multiple reasons as well: When she wakes up, she'll be angry that I took her down in a surprise pre-emptive strike, so I want her weakened and less able to retaliate. Like I told the dragonrider, I am going to take some compensation for them kidnapping and imprisoning me for no good reason; people will forget outrage, but will remember a hit to their wallet, so this will help teach them not to do that sort of thing. Plus I'm at least a little greedy, if I'm going to be honest. I handed her over to the dragonrider so that we could avoid a fight. So that she wouldn't be able to quickly report back to her superiors what transpired and where we went. To keep the dragonrider off-balance enough that it'll take him a while to realize that he let the prize he was fighting for walk away from under his nose. No, I am not being nice. No, I am not fighting cleanly. I am doing the best that I can under some very tough circumstances. We have a breather for the moment, and we don't appear to be observed by anyone who will be able to take advantage of us by my explanation of why I choose the way I do, so I'm taking the time to explain. This will not always be the case. Now will you please help me stack the furniture right there? We've got a breather, but we do have a time limit."
Reading through teleportation circle / teleport / greater teleport there is absolutely no section about bouncing/blocking. Besides rearranging furniture is pretty ridiculous. We would have to leave no space large enough to fit a person in the house and let it stay that way for at least 3 hours.Per The Teleportation Circle description on Paizo's website (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/teleportationCircle.html): "You create a circle on the floor or other horizontal surface that teleports, as greater teleport, any creature who stands on it to a designated spot. Once you designate the destination for the circle, you can't change it. The spell fails if you attempt to set the circle to teleport creatures into a solid object, to a place with which you are not familiar and have no clear description, or to another plane." (emphasis added). We don't need to block off the entire house, just the "spot" where the Teleportation Circle drops people. That explicitly causes the spell to fail. Yes, stacking furniture is silly - but it'll get the job done.

2014-12-03, 09:14 PM
Orlando helps with the furniture, trying to arrange it so that it looks both pleasing and functional to prevent people from coming through. Regardless of weather this works or not, i do believe we should hurry and finish our business here and try and get as far away from our current location as possible, he pauses and looks at an end table that just got placed before turning it slightly to accentuate the armchair near it, Distance is going to be our greatest asset in escaping, as the time necessary to try and catch up to us will help to destroy our trail.

The Vagabond
2014-12-03, 09:37 PM
You block the circle, and watch as someone partially appears... Then returns back to it's old location. You see a few other forms try to pass through, but they fail also.

The sundress is... Odd. It grants it's wearer Mage Armor and Shield at will, as a move action. There's also a Desecration spell weaved into it, working 3 times a day. It also grants it's wearer spell resistance 13, along with Fortification and balanced. It is also only wearable by those of neutral alignment
The bonnet is constant Protection from Evil, and grants your weapon Bane against Undead 2 times a day. It also grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. It is also only wearable by those of neutral alignment
You find a bag of holding III, carrying 20k worth of onyx, a staff of command undead, two wands of false life (21 and 14 charges).

Current Location: First Floor Dining Room.http://jackneedham-homes.com/images/3756_plan.gif
Through an entrance to the north, from what appears to be the kitchen, you watch a large figure slowly walk in. It sees Sefyres.
He looks at Orlando's organization, and gives him a thumbs up. "UNKNOWN ENTITY: MARVELOUS ORGANIZATION."

Group 1:
Well chuckles, "Well, that was mighty nice of you, thanks for feedin my cat." he said, smiling, "For an outsider, ya rather nice." he said, smiling.
He chuckles at Brinsol, "Well, mostly from the waych. They don't like folks like me who don't like housing and workin for **** like Xu." he said, lifting up his kat and rubbing each others noses together.

2014-12-03, 09:55 PM
Safyaries Irotihne attempts to mimic Lilly's voice and mannerisms as she replies "I don't much care... actually, make that sandwiches, packed to go, along with a bottle of my finest wine. My guests and I need to be leaving soon, so we'll want to eat on the move. And ... save the effort. We'll try to recoup from the chocolate."Actually, I want the reduced sight lines and trail destruction that happen when it's raining. It'll make us harder to follow. But the modron creature stated an either-or with attached reasons, so it's better to work with it's line of thinking and give the reason it stated for the path I chose. Plus zombies becoming useless is probably in everyone's best interests overall.

Speaking of the creature: I'm guessing Knowledge(The Planes)? Rolling Knowledge to ID it:[roll0]

2014-12-04, 06:25 AM
Kageru keeps an eye on the teleporter. "Just let me know when we are going to get out of here, I want to check out floor two for a bit." Kageru shifts into invisibility mode, heading for the stairs and looking around the rooms as fast as he can to see if anyone else is here.

Swift Action use of ki to use invisibility, I have 5 rounds per use.
Stealth Roll (I can move at full speed no penalty)

Perception to notice anything that stands out about the upper floor.

Also am using scent so any smells trigger off as welll. if Invisible ends before I finish,
I'll duck in one of the rooms, 40 ft move speed should cover.

Man on Fire
2014-12-06, 12:25 PM
"Who is this Xu you keep talking about?" Alira asks. She also reach to her puch and pick up one gold coing, which she gives to man. "Buy yourself something to eat."

The Vagabond
2014-12-06, 04:10 PM
Group 2: The creature nods. You identify it as some sort of accountancy golem, functioning as a calculator and manager of affairs. It's made out of flesh and wood, and looks like what would happen if you merged a large man's corpse with a filing cabinet.

Upstairs is, for the most part, a standard early 1800 slaveholder manor, except for a absurd amount of tea in one of the bedrooms, a book on a pedestal, and a odd circle carved into the floorboards. There's nobody in the house except for the party.

Group 1:
"Well, Xu's this *******, you know, gives a few folks a few spells, can't do much else. And not 'even that good, from what ah hear, he can't give tenth level spells." he chuckled, "Ain't a god if ya can't give all that magic." he said.
He isn't very smart.

2014-12-06, 05:41 PM
Group 2

Safyaries Irotihne searches the place a bit herself while she waits for the golem to finish making a meal to go, checking for magic and examining the book when she comes to it.

Man on Fire
2014-12-07, 09:35 AM
"Well, I sure don't like him already." Alira says. "Okay guys, lets move. We need to find ourselves some place to lay down for a while." She says to the others.

2014-12-07, 10:32 AM
Brinsol nods in agreement with Alira.
" Welly, thanks for your help. Anything we can do for you before we leave?"

2014-12-08, 07:15 AM
Kageru takes the book and reads the title, taking it with him as he begins to head back down to the first floor.
"I found this book and there seems to be a strange circle in the ground would one of you guys mind checking it out for traps
maybe interpret what the circle means?"

2014-12-08, 06:01 PM
Group 2
Safyaries Irotihne takes a look as requested while she's working with the upstairs lights as well, slowly flooding the house with explosive gasses, taking a moment to examine it visually as well as under Detect Magic, both with Guidance.

If it's effectively an item: Spellcraft: Casting Guidance and taking ten: 10+16=26
Otherwise: Knowledge(Arcana): Casting Guidance and taking ten: 10+13=23

The Vagabond
2014-12-08, 09:35 PM
Group 2
The book is an odd one. As you leaf through the pages, you find an invocation for controlling the weather, for Magic Circle, and a few spells.
The circle appears to be some sort of center for an incantation.

EvocationSkill Check: Profession (Farmer) DC 34, 6 successes; Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks; Components: V, S, SC; Casting Time: 60 minutes (minimum); Range: Two miles; Area: Two-mile-radius circle, centered on you; Duration: 24 hours (D); Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No; Participants: 10
You change the weather in the local area. It takes 10 minutes for the effects to manifest after the incantation is completed. The current, natural weather conditions are determined by the GM. You can call forth weather appropriate to the climate and season of the area you are in.

Possible Weather

Tornado, thunderstorm, sleet storm, or hot weather

Torrential rain, heat wave, or hailstorm

Hot or cold weather, fog, or sleet

Frigid cold, blizzard, or thaw

Late winter
Hurricane-force winds or early spring (coastal area)

You control the general tendencies of the weather, such as the direction and intensity of the wind. You cannot control specific applications of the weather—where lightning strikes, for example, or the exact path of a tornado. When you select a certain weather condition to occur, the weather assumes that condition 10 minutes later (changing gradually, not abruptly). The weather continues as you left it for the duration, or until you use an attack action to designate a new kind of weather (which fully manifests itself 10 minutes later).
Contradictory conditions are not possible simultaneously— fog and strong wind, for example.
Control weather can do away with atmospheric phenomena (naturally occurring or otherwise) as well as create them.
Secondary Casters: 12 required (not including the primary caster).
Failure: Mirrorcast. The opposite weather effect manifests over the course of 10 minutes (rain rather than a heat wave, for example, or a thaw rather than a blizzard). This weather persists for 4d12 hours and cannot be dismissed.Skill check: Knowledge (Geography) DC 34, 6 successes; Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks; Components: V, S, SC; Casting Tie: 60 minutes (Minimum); Range: 0; Effect: 5 foot circle that teleports those who step in it; Duration: 6 minutes; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes; Participants: 10

You create a circle on the floor or other horizontal surface that teleports, as greater teleport (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleportGreater.htm), any creature who stands on it to a designated spot. Once you designate the destination for the circle, you can’t change it. The spell fails if you attempt to set the circle to teleport creatures into a solid object, to a place with which you are not familiar and have no clear description, or to another plane.
Daylight, Expeditious excavation, Defoliate, and Soften Earth and Stone.
"Mistress, the dinner has been completed."

Group 1:
"Nah. Just don't die, ya know? Also, ya see a undead, cat, ya should probably run away. See ya!"

The town is fairly empty, eerily. Not many folks are around walking through the pathways. The buildings are monotonous, nothing of particular note.
You hear some patter, and you watch a giant spider quickly run across the road.

2014-12-08, 10:10 PM
Group 2
Safyaries Irotihne nods and says "That explains a few things..." after going over the book. When she hears the necromantic construct announce that dinner is ready, she says quietly to her companions "Well, time to head outside and wait. We saw a few people start to come in, so it's pretty likely they got glimpses themselves. If this sort of magic is relatively common, then they'll be those following based on the description for those glances soon... and they need to be taught that I retreat, I don't rout." and heads downstairs to collect the sandwiches and wine, packed to go, and walk to a close range's spell's distance from the house to wait and stand ready for someone to try and follow.

There's a reason most people don't use gas lighting anymore. Well, besides the expense, I mean. Houses go Boom (http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/11/us/indiana-houses-explode/index.html) if you're not careful (or, as in that specific case (http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/21/justice/indiana-home-explosion/), when you know what you're doing). I get the younglings with me to total concealment so they won't be seen, hide myself where I can see the building, and when someone comes out that is not one of my companions and did not go in? I'll cast Spark to set it off.

She's a slaver who seriously disrespects the deceased. I'm not too worried about detonating her house, especially as she'll have a lot of land for the agriculture.

I've got a little time, and am not currently observed, so casting guidance and taking 10 to pick a good spot, for a Stealth result of 29. Not that it matters much, as readied actions mean they go boom when they open the door.

... OK, I might be a teensy bit upset.

2014-12-08, 11:06 PM
A few things? Orlando asks inquisitively after he finishes making sure that everything suits his artistic talents in arrangement. When the group leaves he follows, still keeping his eyes and nose open for any trouble.