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2014-11-01, 01:40 PM
Soon after all the gods are born.

Tthe dead world that was conceived in the primordial time sparked with life by the flames of the god Anaab.

The life took form and spread around the world by the power of the god Mo-Ki, the Grower.

But life was still hard and the world was harsh so Hades the first killer sought the power of the dark arts and after him the Prophet of Fleas did the same. And the two first dark gods were born.

The world started to become a even darker place. But not all hope was lost.

Anurell tired of all harships of life became an heremit and during his travels seeking knowledge was enlightened by the power of the god Fylleon, the Enlightener.

The days in this primordial land were harsh and the nigths dark. One day a woman soon to become the Seliles prophet saved a beast and made the first contact with the shadow that whould guide her. The Whisper prophet was born soon after that and she whould be know as the first witch.

Civilization started to take form and cumminites to grow. It did not took long before the first criminal activities started to happen. And the shadow of the dark god Immer Umbra, the ever watching criminal god was always present.

The fear and sadness give birth to a new god Menekiel whose zealot servants whould take care of the dead.

Even though civilization is starting to grow the primordial land still a place of active volcanoes and steam fountains. From such undeniable power the god Magmaborn was born.

Looking for comfort and shelter in such harsh land mortals gathered and gave birth to Basil.

With this pantheon, civilization started and the world became structured.

2014-11-11, 08:14 PM
Higher planes

A vortex apear in the middle of the higher planes and without really knowing why all the newborn gods are drawn to it.

The cosmic catacombs


One by one all the gods gather at the cosmic catacombs a colossal palace in ruins filled with graves.

There three voices of grandiose magnitude address the gods.

"We are the cosmic forces behind this world. Fate, Chance and Death"

"In the name of the Lords Of Necessity we inform you that this world is our gift for you, from it you will be able to grow and feed. Be entertained and amused. Shape and build."

"But such gift is also a curse."

"For it is also the only thing capable of destroying a god."

"We stand in the grave of the old gods from an ancestral world."

"You gods feed on faith but also die by it. the lack of it."

"These old gods gave too much for their followers and with the progress and civilization they soon forgotten all about the gods and were able to live their lives without piety."

"But mortals who are unable to grow will also forsake the lords who do nothing for them."

"So you all must be wary of how much your followers can grow or you may all end up here as well."

"May this place forever serve as a reminder."

The soft and playful voice, start talking:

"Each of you have your own goal and worldview that wants to consolidate "

"Try Work hard and make that real for you and your believers"

The strong voice that sound like a thunder says:

"We know you are all scared and confused but soon all will become clear"

A weak raspy voice says:

"We will be waiting you all at the divine council"

"Until then feel free to ask questions or advices to the dead gods"

The three voices speak together again.

"Once all occupy their place in the divine council we will start the end of the beginning."

2014-11-11, 08:43 PM
The echos of time subsided, and Anaab realized that the presence had passed. They were alone, or at least as alone as you could be in a world full of (vaguely) omnipresent beings.

Anaab focused his essence to form the shape of a blazing humanoid mass of volcanic rock, which promptly cleared it's throat. "Well... it's certainly nice to meet you all. Name's Anaab if you haven't heard of me, or if you're still struggling with sorting through the infinite pool of knowledge us gods are gifted with... at least I think we are." He scratches his head, launching a short burst of coals into the air.

2014-11-11, 08:59 PM
Immer ignores the other gods with him, instead addressing the dead gods.
"The life on your world. Was it good, or evil? Did it commit crimes? Or did they all work together and be happy?"

2014-11-12, 12:38 AM
A reflective pool of silver water rises up from the floor and transforms into female humanoid shape made of the void and stars and various stellar objects. Before the transformation is even complete she reaches her hand out to Anaab to shake and says in a soft echoing voice with hints of deep emotion in it, "Seliles." and then gives him a smile full of distant and briefly glimpsed pulsars.

Internet Flea
2014-11-12, 01:20 AM
The Infleanite addresses the dead gods.

"So, been here long? I'm ...q........q..., by the way. What are your names? I think we should change them."

2014-11-12, 09:08 AM
Menekiel gently caresses the nearest gravestone, an almost paternal gesture. The stone was cold to the touch and the dead spirit of the god below was barely a glimmer of light to his divine eyes. He turned his gaze to the other gods present. There were nine of them, each more different than the last. Compared to the dead spirit below they were shining with the radiance of a thousand suns. No doubt they would eventually interfere and so he resolved to watch them carefully.
"Too much or too little, or shall we take the middle path? I will seek the wisdom of these Old Ones when the time is right. For now, there is much to be done about the land of the living.
"My brethren, I am Menekiel Soulwarden. I suspect our names will grow longer as the ages pass."

2014-11-12, 06:58 PM
Ignoring the other gods, Mortod turns his attention towards the dead gods.
"Gods can die? Hmmm."

2014-11-17, 04:11 PM
A group of voices start to address the gods in The cosmic catacombs. More like whispers they started to laugh and mock the young gods as if they believed they would end in the same place they sound bitter and melancholic, not willing to share what they know.

One by one the voices started silencing until one of them addressed Anaab the Fire god.

She sounded like a cruel mother whose voice was flooded with intrigue.

"Foolish god of flames, seek no shelter in a nest of snakes! Some of the bites may be sweet but are no less lethal"

Another voice saluted Immer Umbra as an equal. It sounded smart and perceptive.

"Naive god. What is good and evil? There is no such thing. Evil is whatever you say it is. Everything that goes against your dogmas is wrong and bad."

"And what is a crime? What may be a bless for one may be a sin for other."

"All was good until one of us tired to have it all for himself.... It doomed us all."

He ended with a insane laugh of disdain.

An old voice and the smell of moldy paper fills the air.

"Another mad chaotic god? Hum... Well you are not the first."

A shrill voice argues.

"Many of you have risen and fall since madness is deeply connected to mortality, but paradox will soon consume you as a whole since a being who acts in a unpredictable ways all the time soon starts to become predictable."

She laughs. And them all of them laugh.

Menekiel is overwhelmed by various voices screaming in unison

"Wisdom? There is no wisdom here boy! We did not had the wisdom to save ourselves form the void what makes you believe we can guide you if we can't even help ourselves!?"


The catacombs are filled by the voices in discussions and disunity.

Until, one last voice, sounding like a child started speaking.

"We are the old ones that shall never be again.We are lost in the darkest void since death took us. Gods can die, yes. But such fate is reserved for those who have lost their worshipers"

"Be gone young ones. You have a long journey up ahead you must decide which path to take but remember, the ones that feed you can also be the executioners. Think well about how your civilization will be for it is the key for you power and survival."

A earsplitting silence takes over the catacomb. The dead gods desire to talk nomore.

2014-11-18, 01:00 AM
The volcano god glared at the headstone where the motherly voice had come from. Strangely enough, it reminded him of his prophet's wife, and if she was anything like this god, it would be wise to take her advice.

It suddenly occurred to him how much he seemed to rely on his followers, and he thought of the child-like god's words, and if there was more to having godly power than simple faith... or if he was just the worst plume of stardust the universe could have picked to be a god.

After he had finished contemplating, the physical form of Annab began to tremble and crumble as he spoke, tendrils of smoke reaching out towards the presence of the three cosmic beings who had brought this group of gods together."Right then, guess I'm off to the council. Anyone care to manifest up there with me?" His gaze fell upon Menekiel and Seliles, who seemed to be the most friendly of all the others he had met here, although he also cast a few smaller eyes out to the other gods who have remained silent or questioned the departed gods, his observation being a silent invitation.

2014-11-21, 08:43 AM
"How do you know up is the way to where we'll be going?"
Menekiel bowed to the other gods as he dissolved into rainbow energy and travelled to the Divine Council. Though he had no memories of it, he nevertheless knew the way and in the blink of a metaphorical eye he was there. What this council meant was still uncertain, but the three entities who had greeted them at the graveyard were clearly very powerful so it would be wise to listen to them.

Upon his arrival, Menekiel made his presence known. Given exactly who he expected to be there, he saw no reason to attempt concealment and it was only polite to say hello.
"Fate, Chance and Death, those who claim the title of Cosmic Force. I am here, we need merely await the others to begin."

2014-11-21, 01:52 PM
Seliles simply nodded in reply to Anaab and the darkness of her present form faded, leaving behind only gently moving twinkling stars for a moment.

In the Divine Council she steps, fully formed this time, out of Menekiel's shadow as if she had simply been hidden there until that moment. She takes a few steps away and looks around as she awaits the arrival of the others.

2014-11-21, 02:14 PM
Immer smiled inwardly, though it probably showed on his physical manifestation of a smoky figure. I personally believe the direction to get there would be down. His form disappears, and reappears before the Divine Council. Once up there, he called out to the other gods to get up here. He was already getting bored.

2014-11-23, 01:19 AM

A shining ball of wintergreen light arrives at the catacombs. A little late, as may be expected of the One associated with such ponderous movers as plants and algae. "No need to catch us up - we heard you from over there. One moment..."

The light flickers and swirls around, growing into two figures, side by side: a seaweed-haired woman and a bark-skinned man. "We are Mo-Ki." "Hopefully, our names won't get too much longer, Menekiel Soulwarden." "We have trouble enough with just the two syllables!" Mo lets out a small giggle as Ki finishes their lame joke.

They cast their synchronized gaze to the headstones, and are filled with pity for the gods of ages past. They approach one of the graves, and with a wave of their hands, a small bed of daisies sprouts from the ground in front of it.


The daisies are interspersed with bluebells, and then roses, but Mo-Ki still don't seem quite satisfied with the results. "...we'll have to come back to this later." "Perhaps after consulting with Menekiel Soulwarden again." "'Menekiel Soulwarden Gravedecorator.'" "Heh!"

With that, they take their leave and join the council, possibly following a brief apology to the fates after being chastised for wasting time.

2014-11-30, 11:23 AM
The new gods found themselves in a dark abyss with a stairway leading further down.

As they descend they found themselves in a white void. There is nothing besides the white immensity.

In the middle of the white void there are countless thrones made of different formats and different materials.

Divine Council

Each god is attracted to one specific throne and in the middle of the thrones a map of the mortal world.

Each god is represented by a chess piece. And each piece is the current location of their prophet.

Now the gods must choose if they will move to the the next Arc and if so how many arcs they will move. They can go to the next one where the prophets will have started preaching the faith and becuase of it have more powers.

Or they can go even further but the risk of doing so is big.

After the gods reach a consensus. They must enlighten their prophets of how to proceed.

2014-11-30, 12:31 PM
Immer thinks it over. He does not want a heavy risk so soon.
He only wants to move one arc forward. It is too soon to take risks.

Internet Flea
2014-11-30, 01:14 PM
The Infleanite stares at the board.

"I wonder if it's always set up like this. We should go back one arc to find out. It might even be checkers next time. Wouldn't that be neat?"

2014-11-30, 02:41 PM
Seliles picks up her queen and examines it. After a bit she looks at the underside and makes a "huh" before putting it back on the map. She contemplates The Infleanite's suggestion, but concludes that it would probably be somewhat risky, if even possible and so she looks at it and shakes her head. Then she looks to Immer and nods in agreement with him.

2014-11-30, 03:36 PM
Anaab stares at his piece, examining it's design. "Of course that's what it would be..." he sighs, then follows Seliles's and Immer's play.

The fire god's token moves one arc forward.

2014-12-03, 12:11 AM
"I suppose there's nothing wrong with allowing the world to advance at its natural pace." "...we are concerned about the state of our creation as it is, though. What does advancing actually entail? We're not sure."

Mo-Ki studies the board carefully, noting the other gods' positions on the map. They can't really imagine the convention as turning into a big competition, but Immer Umbra and the chubby insect seem... dangerous. Those two may just be regular forces of evolution, though. There's another one in particular who kind of creeps Mo-Ki out, even if it's not entirely justified.

"We will accept The Council's decision on our next Arc," they finally decide. "But there is still a lot to discuss beyond that. We should arrange some agreement on what to tell our followers about each other, if they are to live together harmoniously."

2014-12-07, 08:55 AM
Menekiel watches the other gods move their game pieces across the complexity of the board. Even for one such as him it was beyond his comprehension. Were their rules to this divine game? Maybe he would never know for certain.
"To remain stagnant would be a mistake. We must take the risk and move forwards, even if we do not know what the new arc will entail."
He picked up his game piece and moved it one arc forward.
"Maybe later, we can try out what happens if we move back to before our births."

2014-12-08, 06:56 AM
Not all gods have voted, but since for now all the votes have the same weight such thing was not necessary.

The first decision of the divine council was made.

The map in front of them gets covered with some type of dust and a gust of wind blows it away revealing a new configuration.

The land had grown fertile and prosperous. The location of the prophets has given place to small tribes and villages formed by those who heard the preaching of your teachings and dogmas and were converted.

Since the world still immature the primordial gods have more followers and the community around their prophets has grow to the size of small villages while the structured gods followers still live in small nomadic tribes. The dark gods followers tend to live double lives changing places when discovered.

But not all are good news.

One of the cosmic forces, The lords of necessity, decided that life was too simple and that mortals needed to test their courage and heroism.

Because of that Chance arbitrarily decided to populate the world with dangerous creatures. It created a huge lizard that breathes fire to live in the volcanic areas, a giant snake to live underground, a huge black dragon to live in the sky, a wolf monster to live in the roads and a obese green demon to live in the mountains.

These creatures, make life difficult for mortals.

Not only that but a sense of dread disturbed the Gods, two pieces of the game disappeared in the change. Taken away to the abyss by the sands of time.

The gods find themselves back to their own dimensions in a room that was not there before. A room with the throne they used in the council and surrounded by portatins fo the other gods. They can use this room to enter in contact with the other gods, the cosmic beings and follow the evolution of rivals and allies.

The primordial gods recived 700 points of faith. The scrutured gods recived 500 points of faith. The dark gods have only 70 points of faith and now need to start a cospirancy.

A terrible sensation takes over the higher dimensions. All gods can hear a cracking noise and soon after that the very sky break as broken glass. From the hole in the very fabric of the universe a shadow crawl and falls. When it hit the gorund it takes the form of a bald old man with a diseased look in his face. His eyes are closed and he is wearing a robe with a sickening shade of yellow, it is such a bright yellow color that stings the eyes.

He slowly walks towards "Fylleon the Enlightener" dimension.

Knowledge and the study of magic has no place in such primal world, his followers were persecuted as heretics and witches. People fear what they don't understand. And kill what they fear. Poor Anurell he was too advanced for his time.

The old man appears before the god. Fylleon is a wise being who knows and understand what is going on. The men open his eyes and the god sees nothing but pure blackness and soon all that void consumes him as a whole. That god was no more, a new grave appear in The cosmic catacombs. The dead gods rejoice in nihilism waiting for the end of all others.

Krakatoa felt the Death descend. And prepared itself to face it. Mortals saw it as a dragon powerful and angry. But they felt more fear than piety and Krakatoa was no dark god. The old man appears before the mighty volcano god. It opened its eyes and the cold of the void was greater than the heath of Krakatoa's flames. That god was no more, a new grave appear in The cosmic catacombs. The dead gods rejoice in nihilism waiting for the end of all others.

With a movement of his hands the The Infinite Library and Krakatoa realm collide creating a blackhole that consumes both dimensions.

The broken glass void closes and the man in yellow robes disappear.

A new god called Ianthe is born. It must work its way through the already existing gods.

All the other gods are now free to give orders to their prophets who are now elders with hundred years old.

Arc II - The beginning of civilization


Internet Flea
2014-12-08, 02:49 PM
In the Site of the Old Barn, The Infleanite speaks to his prophet :

"The time has come to build a temple to my glory. Take this hat," he speaks, gesturing at the hat Daryn is already wearing. "This is the capstone of my temple. Build me a temple worthy of my glory, prophet of fleas; one that is between 5 and 7 feet in height, no more than 2 feet in width, relatively good health, no other family, preferably a runner."

"When the task is completed, inform my temple that he is to build me a temple, a monstrous temple by the roads, that will inspire fear in all who meet it. For this task, you will give to him this Staff of Compulsion." He gestures at the staff the prophet had brought with him to the meeting. "I shall enchant it with my own power; those nearby will be drawn to it, and those who hold it will be compelled to return it to my temple. With this Staff, my High Priest shall bring to heel the great monstrous wolf, and with this hat he shall make him a monument to my presence in this world."

There is an awkward silence that stretches onward for a bit before the Infleanite disappears once again.

2014-12-08, 03:58 PM
Drawn into a dark alley by a strange compulsion, the high priest of Immer is contacted.
There are those who would not follow a god. This is worse than any who follow a different god. They must be fixed. Build a temple, something that is not large and obvious, but can be found by those who would follow me. Tell my followers what I tell you now. If these godless men are stolen from, they can be eradicated. They will either die from lack of sustenance, or they will join me in need of goods stolen from others.
The high priest nodded, having no idea where the voice came from. He walked back into the streets, walking back to his house, and watching for unaware people he could pickpocket.

2014-12-09, 06:22 AM
The prophet of fleas, who now is an old ancient man who is followed by band of madmen and beggars proclaim that the high priest of the fleas is to be found. And the crowd of mad cultists reply: HOW?

He don't know the answer yet. But he is sure that his god will light the way with his divine intervention. Or not. He knows it has something to do with a hat. And a dog. Or was it a wolf?

Elsewere, The new High priest of Immer Umbra is using the money of his... Endeavors... To renovate his house as a hideout for him and his fellow coworkers. Trapdoors, secret passages, traps and vaults all in a subterranean maze hidden by the facade of a simple house.

He is happy and soon he will look for the Ancient prophet of his god a bring him to their new base.

2014-12-16, 05:09 AM
Mo-Ki glows from the inside of the Verdant Realm's tangled center, feeling the landscape around the scepter. They remember some of the notes from the map back in the council room, and sense some of the plans of the other gods. Seliles in particular, while unnerving in some ways, seems dedicated to healing to the sick and injured, which is nice. They also pick up echoes of the dark gods' plans, but there's no telling where those whispers came from.

At the center of the First Garden, the proverbial seat of Mo-Ki's power, Hana is still busy in her retirement. She shares her responsibilities with the new high priest, a dedicated man barely older than Hana's grown grandchildren. While truly ancient by now, the prophet is still in rather good health thanks to a diet of the garden's divine produce.

The observation proceeds outward. Hana and her followers have been expanding the First Garden outward for eighty years; the groves, streams and hedges of the scepter now cover the land for several miles, allowing Mo-Ki to make their will known anywhere in the area, which generally amounts to, "plant X here so that we can regrow this grove and do Y ten years from now. You can mix A and B to get compound C, which will be useful for making medicine D. Build your house in the biggest tree, it can support your weight better. Also, don't forget to irrigate that one row back there." Mo-Ki delegates some of this communication to their fey servants in the Verdant Realm. There is a lot to teach and a lot to meditate on.

Somewhere within the range of the gardens, a leafy-haired girl plays with a few of Hana's great-grandchildren, all about the same age. The kids pull down a big sunflower and start throwing the seeds at one another. The girl runs her hand over the plants' place, and a new sunflower stalk juts out of the ground and quickly flowers to give her her own ammunition. Haru, the Eternal Spring joins the children's fray, as she has with the kids' parents and aunts and uncles. These sorts of visits will be the extent of her interaction with the material plane for a while, until she matures into a proper archfey.

On the outskirts of the city-state, a number of enterprising families have joined with two of Hana's grandchildren, both of whom have eagerly meditated and communed with their deity as Oracles. The talent apparently skips a generation. Each asks Mo-Ki about the paths before them and the vocal priests and priestesses in their parties, and Mo-Ki with their observatory are equipped to answer: One team is to take their staves and bows and proceed Eastward to the peninsulas. The other team is to head... probably Northwest, doing the same along the river there, though that depends on the nature of the points on the map near the river and up north past the mountains. Mo-Ki continues to cast their awareness outward to catch the sounds and emotions of those two points.

Scepter: Expand the Scepter itself to encompass a town-sized area. Continue advising followers on botanical sciences and such, resulting in a number of wonderous yet plausible fruits and potions with some help from the area's supernatural fertility.

Verdant Realm: Create Haru, the Archfey, because apparently that's a thing we were supposed to do last turn anyway. Haru spends time in Moki's Realm and in the scepter, slowly but surely rising in wisdom and power as is in The Grower's nature.

World: Gain two faithful Oracles (200 x2 = 400) and five High Priests (60 x5 = 300).
One high priest is to remain in the First Garden, maintaining it and passing along the prophet's oldest teachings.
One oracle is to take two high priests and proceed East into the jutting peninsula, where the priests will proceed to found port cities and preside over them. The Oracle will guide the actions of the party and of the new cities with the word of Mo-Ki.
The other Oracle is to go northward with two more high priests, and likely minister to the people of one of the two points of interest on the map depending on what Moki sees from the observatory.
Their mission: to spread the literal and figurative seeds of their faith and grow them into new cities using their deity's aesthetic and teachings.

Observatory: Listen in on the map locations marked Other Stuff and Nomadistan, North of Mo-Ki's starting area. This influences the activity of one of the Oracle Teams. If I have to choose one, it's Other Stuff because it's somewhat on the way and it's always nice to build cities on a river.

2014-12-21, 07:50 PM
Mo-Ki oracles expedition to the north makes contact with two new civilizations.

The freefolk of Wust and the godless or Ryo.

The city state of Ryo is a exuberant city build in stone and copper next to a big river called Drachy by the citizens. They are ruled by a group of atheists that call themselves "Astrologists" they claim claim to be able to cast spells and do sorcery using the position of the stars.

Their warriors use bronze swords and fancy armors decorated with stars. The astrologists live in a extremely high tower made of a strange, soft and pink stone found in the drachy river. The tower was build by slaves and the so called "star magic". They slave the tribal people that live in the plains.

The Wusts are nomad, tribal and gentle people that live in the plains next to the drachy river. They have very simple customs and do not know how to forge metal or cultivate the soil. They use their knowledge of the region to avoid the other wildest tribes that constantly attack, the assaults of great dragon of the sky and underground snake.

The people of Ryo seem interested in the advanced techniques the prophets demonstrate to have dealing with plants and medicinal potions. And the people of Wust seem terrified about the idea of powerful entity but could use the knowledge of plants and soil.

Both new civilizations speak a different language.

The prophets seek their deity advice about how to proceed. And where to found a new city.


The prophet of fleas enter in contact with his god to ask for advice since all the followers who tried to find the beast and put the hat on it died a horrible and painful death. And now the hat is lost.


The High priest of Immer Umbra was able to finish his God temple. He would call it a guild but he don't have the time for that. Immer umbra followers have grow both in quantity and in power. The ancient prophet oversees the actions, decisions and plans and the high priest command.

But they have a dilema to deal with. Two groups are causing a real internal war in temple. Some followers believe that their God is the god cunning and trickery and only the clever who steal as in a form of sport for the fun and thrill are worthy.

The other group composed of thieves who steal because they do not have other options claim to have as much right to worship the dark god as the others.

The conflict has grown to such size that even going against their divine dogma the two radical groups started to use murders and fights. Deaths in both sides are happening often.

Both groups want the complete elimination of the other and before the situation end up destroying the faith as whole the prophet call upon his Dark god for advice and help.

2014-12-21, 08:45 PM
Seliles soundlessly slips from the divine realm to the mortal one, to the Evernight Swamp where she begins her work. First she summons Whisper, bidding her to bring a group of worthy mortals to her. She greets each of them with silence and a soft touch and appraises them. One she enhances the beauty of and forges a special connection with, this one shall be her High Priest. Another bears scars, but has a pure heart and Sililes grants this one the power to channel her miracles and this new miracle soon discovers they have the miracle of healing, much to their delight. Seliles then picks out from the remaining as ones who will serve and accompany each the high priest, the miracle worker, and Whisper.

Through shadow pictures she bids the high priest to work on the construction of temples throughout her follower's lands. The miracle worker is to wander the land of Seliles' faithful and heal all she can, those who need it the most taking priority.

After those two groups have left, Seliles speaks softly to Whisper and bids her to make sure her followers are safe and to see what discoveries are to be made. Whisper replies, saying she will cross the grand lake to the east and see what is on the other side.

When she is once again alone with only the beasts for company, Seliles watches them and molds some of them into new forms that will discourage trespassers upon her realms, while letting the faithful pass as they will, even protecting them if necessary.

When Seliles is done with her work, for now at least, she enters the Dreamlands and focuses on the thoughts of a nearby group of those who worship no gods, to see if they will be a threat or may one day join her faith.

Buying Stuffs
Miracle: Healing
Miracle Worker
High Priest

World: Sending Oracle to explore what's on the other side of the lake.

Scepter: Make new types of creatures that are non-hostile to those who worship her.

Observatory: See what's going on in "Freetropolis", in particular if they'd be willing to worship her.

2014-12-22, 01:19 AM
Having assessed the situation with the freefolk and the godless, Mo-Ki adjusts their followers' missions.

Within the First Garden, High Priest Karthik and Little Haru are given instruction to cultivate a special flower to be used in conjunction with their first, "spell." It looks like a small sunflower with bright white petals, and it's sensitive to the same vital connection as Mo-Ki's observatory. While on the premises of a temple, if one utters a short prayer and speaks into one of the white sunflowers, one's voice can be heard speaking from each of the others. Simple. The seeds of a few of these flowers will be taken to new temples soon after they're founded to keep the church whole and connected even as the oracles are stretched more thin.

The Southeastern team is to proceed to establish the twin cities on either side of the channel, with a temple in each. This should be a good launching point for seaward exploration and colonization, which Mo seems quite excited about; in the Verdant Realm, Mo busies herself working on the seeds of the algae islands she dreamed about at the world's beginning. Once the cities and temples are established, the oracle is instructed to join the team to the North, where Ki has more cities planned.

The Northern team splits up, one priest taking some of her followers to minister to the Wusts. The oracle warns them of the local dangers and the need for coming to an understanding of the language, so only the more adventurous of them seem willing, but the locals should be willing to show them the ropes of avoiding the beasts' wrath as they bestow their divine teaching in return, so they know that their god and guide bears no ill will. The oracle from the East will catch up with them to help. Rather than founding a new city from scratch, they can found a temple and grow a city-tree from the prepared ground of Wust itself... with their permission, of course.

The remainder of the Northern team will found a city and a temple on the river, near the godless city. They can trade with the Ryoans and use bows and woodland fortification to defend themselves if need be. The priest there will learn the language and eagerly minister to visitors so they know the true source of the gifts the newcomers give.

With luck, both Northern teams will find new followers in their new ministries.

2015-01-07, 04:24 PM
Standing on the edge of the crater, Rasam and his wife Esmier knelled and held up both hands to the sun that lied directly overhead. The group of priests behind them mimicked their movements, and further down the mountain trail, the villagers did the same. The day of Life had come, the anniversary of their god having touched down onto the Earth for the first time and bringing the spark of life to every corner, laying down the foundations of all life.

Having completed all previous rituals, the populace changed their posture, straightening up and holding hands, waiting for their god to come. Suddenly, they saw Him—or what they believed to be him, but it couldn't be anything less—a fireball quickly descending from the sun. As it fell into the crater the entire village knelt as part of the ceremony, but it was also instinctual—the impact shook the land of Abstrium for miles, the sound was deafening, and the light created by the landing was so bright it almost blinded the priests, even with their masks designed to protect them from the harsh radiance of the sun itself.

Miraculously, the volcano did not collapse, and the earthquakes quickly subsided. But no one moved. An eternity seemed to be compressed into the moments following the blast, the people of the sun and the earth paralysed with dread.

It wasn't until Rasam's wife Esmier dared to look up that the ceremony moved forward. As she opened her eyes she observed another light, but not one that would harm her eyes. She tried to piece together what she was seeing: a shadow surrounded by a fiery glow that made everything around it darker, even the sun itself. Staring into the patch of darkness, she met two yellow eyes, and traced the rest of the image to recognize it as a humanoid figure, with the head that resembled that of a dog's. The shadow held out it's hand—paw?—to Esmier, and without thinking she reached out her own hand to meet it.

A fiery pain came upon her skin, and she shut her eyes and cringed, but did not move from her position. After a moment the pain subsided, and she opened her eyes to find that her right hand had changed, and become black as obsidian, with a glowing rune she recognized as the symbol for the sun in her palm.

"I name you, Esmier, as Guardian of the land of Abstrium, protector of the people, seeker of justice, and mother of all the realm," Anaab said, his voice echoing all around the crater. "Through your hand will flow my miracles."

Anaab turned to Rasam, who, along with nearly every other dweller of Abstrium, had overcome their dead and seen their god. A gust of flame shot out of Anaab's shadow and flew into the mouth of his prohet; for a moment, he chocked on it and feared for his life, but then he too overcame his pain, and wonderd what change had come upon him. "And I name you, Rasam, as High Priest of my word, the watcher, teacher, and father of all of Abstrium. Through your words will my will be done."

Rasam looked at the figure with a newfound respect. Merely months before he had followed the wishes of this being like a parent spoils a child. Something must have occurred to spur such a sudden change.

A raging inferno suddenly surrounded the three of them, but they took little notice, even with the gasps of the villagers from outside the flames.

"Now listen well," the god spoke, with much less force and noise in his voice than before. "There is a darkness surrounding the world, a darkness that lies in the hearts of those who are known as the godless. They lie scattered throughout the world, and should they continue to wander they way they do, they will surly fall to the darkness and be lost. I do not wish for their hearts to live lives without my flame within them, and so I am entrusting the both of you to spread my word and bring as many of them as you can into the light. First, we shall meet those who dwell in the south-east, and reveal my light to them. Then we shall move to the north and learn the art of sailing..."

After several minutes of talking, the blaze subsided and the god disappeared. Rasam and Esmier turned to address their people. Cheers were shouted, questions remained unanswered and the Day of Life ended with a hearty festival. Three days later, The High Priest blessed the explorers who were to brave the wilds in the south-east, and then Esmier left with her fellow followers to the land of the godless.
So that's one High Priest and one Miracle worker, with the second moving towards the godless civilization south of my volcano. That's -560 points.

2015-01-07, 07:32 PM
Immer frowns upon his followers. It did not take them long to forget their customs. They were thieves not murderers. He decides the best way he can protect his worshippers is through truth, if you could call it that. He contacts his high priest (or prophet, whichever is easier).
You will tell my followers this: We may all come from different walks of life, but we share one thing. We are all thieves. It doesn't matter if you are forced to steal or if you steal for fun. Any one of you can steal as the next can. I will not permit fighting, only friendly competition between thieves. If you stop fighting now, there will be no damage. Keep fighting, and punishment will be severe. We are thieves. We lie and deceive. What we don't do is kill! Remember who we are!