View Full Version : DM Help Elementally themed creatures, cr 2 or lower.

2014-11-02, 12:53 AM
So my group of level 2 adventurers are going to be facing some adversaries from the elemental planes.
I would like pure elementals and as such mephits does not work. Air elementals will be helping to protect the group from the other elementals, and I think I will just use pure air elementals, not caring that they are cr5, since they will not be fighting them directly but rather be helped by them and it'll be sort of 'out of combat' aid with the air elementals just holding up a certain number of the other elementals.
There are good choices for fire in fire snakes and magmins, but I can't think of or find anything good for water or earth. Any ideas? Or stats from the next playtest? (which I did not participate in.)
Thank you in advance!
- RealCheese

Demonic Spoon
2014-11-02, 01:02 AM
You could just scale down the elementals and make them medium-sized. Reduce HP, damage, and maybe some of the DCs/effects on their special attacks.

Also, Gargoyle's a CR-2, Terran-speaking, earth-elemental-like creature. The Water-Weird is effectively a water elemental at CR 3

2014-11-02, 04:53 AM
Ruling out mephits, there is a real dearth of CR 2 and below elementals (I did an analysis for summning purposes in my druid guide, and you could cast a glance at that via my signature - but there really aren't that many). I agree with DS, you should probably make something up. You could reskin something; pick a tough critter of your choice and use its stats for a small earth elemental, for instance.
Or you could use the mephits and call and describe them in the way you'd like.

2014-11-02, 09:31 AM
Well if I am reskinning, I might as well reskin the Magmin. Change the fire burst thing for a low damage resistance for the earth version, but what to do to make water stand out ability wise then?

2014-11-02, 11:24 AM
Well if I am reskinning, I might as well reskin the Magmin. Change the fire burst thing for a low damage resistance for the earth version, but what to do to make water stand out ability wise then?

A water-magmin (Wetmin) could have the thing pop you into a water bubble that makes you fight as if underwater until you spend the action to pop free of it, perhaps (also to avoid drowning)?

2014-11-02, 01:57 PM
A water-magmin (Wetmin) could have the thing pop you into a water bubble that makes you fight as if underwater until you spend the action to pop free of it, perhaps (also to avoid drowning)?
Hm the aquamin could have a grapple latched onto it's natural attack that threatens to drown the target? So either you kill the aquamin (which shouldn't be too hard it's a challenge 1/2 creature,) or make a str based escape? DC 13?

Edit: and in addition to changing the fire part of the magmins natural attack to this, the burst when the aquamin dies causes knockdown instead of damage with a reflex save to avoid it? DC13 as well? I am using too many question marks in this post?

2014-11-03, 04:46 PM
So I would like some feedback on what I came up with, even if it's just "Looks good/bad to me," or similar, and whether or not people think these changes still keep the creatures at cr 1/2.

I'm changing the Magmin (MM 212) to make similar creatures but based on water (henceforth known as the Aquamin) and earth (the Terramin).
For the Aquamin, I have removed the illumination, changed damage immunity to cold, changed damage on the touch attack to cold and instead of the ongoing flame damage, someone attacked will be held in a waterbubble, made up of the Aquamin itself. There should be no danger of drowning, as all you need to do is use an action to leave/burst the bubble or someone else can use an action on you for the same effect, but while bubbled you can target noone but the Aquamin who bubbled you. The bubble stays after the Aquamin dies.
The deathburst I have changed as well. On a successful save it deals 1d6 cold damage and on an unsuccessful one it deals 1d6 cold damage and knocks the target down.

For the Terramin I was first thinking that I would give it a low damage resistance. But since the Magmin already has damage resistance, and since damage resistance is a flat half damage in 5e, I decided to up it's hp by 3 and give it one more ac instead. The deathburst effect is removed completely and the touch attack changed to a slam, 1d6+4 damage. For the Terramin I have swapped out str and dex as well (though I have not let this affect the ac)

So what do you guys think?

2014-11-03, 04:49 PM
Sounds fine to me.