View Full Version : Tohoko Region: 6-1

Charisma Thief
2014-11-02, 02:56 AM
[Enter Toby]
[Enter Josuke]
[Enter Angus]
[Enter Selene]

[Route 24]
{2:30pm Monday}

The soft breeze whistles through the open path as your group slowly walks out through Springcliff's west route. The rustling of the trees fill your ears, and the smells of the fresh grass and clean water up ahead fill both you and your Pokemon, who wander close by your feet, keeping up to the group.


I apologize for missing the thread guys. I was sure I had it posted up last night, but I guess it didn't go through.

2014-11-02, 03:41 AM
Josuke smiles as he walks out of Springcliff and onto the dirt road leading out of town, Cheekm trotting next to him. "Well, here we are everyone. Just out of town. I'm thinking of looking around to try and catch a few more Pokemon. Get some battles under Cheekm's belt before we move on too far."

With that Josuke heads towards the grass patch next to the path in front of them with Cheekm as they start looking around for some Pokemon.

Josuke moves from F-45 to D-42 with Cheekm by his side.

Perception check for Pokemons
Josuke - [roll0]
Cheekm -[roll1]

2014-11-02, 10:02 AM
Selene looks around the area just outside of town, smiling as she takes a deep breath. The first steps of her journey... It was hard to believe that something so simple would be the culmination of two long years of studies, but her time as a student of professor Siar's is now finally over.

Turning her head to Josuke, she nods, glancing up at her pokemon. Vinny had perched himself on her head on the way there. "Yeah. I'd like to see what this little guy here can do while we're still close to town."
She cracks her knuckles and grins. "And I want to see if I'm still capable of taking down the pokemon around here."

She walks into the same patch of grass as her friend, carefully looking for any nearby pokemon. Vinny jumps off her head to land next to her and survey the area as well.

Selene: Move to C-42
Vinny: Move to B-42

Perception rolls to search for pokemon:
Selene: [roll0]
Vinny: [roll1]

2014-11-02, 10:58 AM
Toby looks glad to finally be out of town. Of course he'll miss his parents, and the friends he'd made in town that weren't on this journey, but he still couldn't stop smiling. This is one giant step fowrad towards his goal to see all of the pokemon he possibly could.(My adventures is really starting!)

"Well, no time like the present to start catching pokemon!" he says aloud with a beaming smile as he takes an empty pokeball out of his pack and tries to recall what sorts of pokemon would in this area. As he's pondering that, Occa runs out from under his feet towards a patch of grass; breaking his breif moment of contemplation. Toby runs behind his new friend with one of the largest smiles on his face.

Toby's perception roll [roll0]
Toby's poke education roll [roll1]
Occa's perception roll[roll2]

2014-11-02, 04:54 PM
Taking point for the group, Angus relishes the feeling of being on the road again after years of studying. Seigmeyer walks happily alongside him and Angus is happy to simply see where the road takes him. As the others begin hunting for Pokemon, however, he lets out a weary sigh. (We just got our first Pokemon. Are they truly in such a hurry to acquire more?)

Recognizing that their searching is likely to stir up the local wildlife, Angus leans to Seigmeyer and says, "Keep a wary eye out for trouble, Seigmeyer. We don't want to bite off more than we can chew on our first day out." Seigmeyer nods seriously and places a hand over his eyes to watch for wild Pokemon in the tall grasses. Angus himself keeps his eyes peeled, shield firmly grasped in hand.

Perception (Angus): [roll0]
Perception (Seigmeyer): [roll1]

Charisma Thief
2014-11-03, 05:15 AM
As your group starts slowly advancing through the route, searching for any wild Pokemon nearby, a few small patches begin to rustle. The first you see is a tiny brown Pokemon, suddenly boosting itself up on it's tail, looking around and spotting you, standing perfectly still, watching you as a small brown rat pokes it's head up a little behind the other, looking over and spotting Angus walking closer to him.

On the other side of the road, a small, slow moving Pokemon with a large leaf hanging over it's back slowly waddles out of a brush and into view, stepping out and hardly aware of Toby, only a few feet away.


2014-11-03, 07:08 AM
Josuke's eyes light up as he see's the little brown Pokemon balancing on its tail. At that moment he knew that he wanted to capture it. "Cheekm, we are going to try and catch that little guy balancing on his tail over there so lets do our best." Josuke says as Cheekm moves forward, ready to combat the Pokemon standing on its tail.

"Now Mudkip, Tackle attack!"

Cheekm moves forward to B-40

Uses Tackle on the Sentret

Accuracy - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2014-11-03, 09:55 AM
"Awesome! A Lotad" Toby cries out with glee as he sees the small blue and green creature walk through the grass. He's certainly seen Lotad's before, but this was the first one he had a chance at catching!

"C'mon Occa, let's get 'em! Tackle!"
As his new companion rushes towards the Lotad, ready to slam into the small blue amphibian, Toby winds up the pitch for his poke ball. He's planning to throw it just seconds after Bulbasaur's hit connects, to make sure that the Lotad is disoriented when the capture attempt happens.

Okay, so . If I messed up, let me know and I'll try to fix it

Swift Action
*Declare Lotad as my Quarry

Command Action
*Bulbasaur Moves to L-43
*Bulbasaur uses Tackle (Accuracy roll)[roll0] (Damage if that hits) [roll1]

My Standard Action
*Throw a Basic Ball (Accuracy Roll)[roll2] And the capture check (assuming that hit)[roll3]

EDIT: okay, that accuracy roll looks like a glitch. Nothing with a positive modifier should have a cumulative result of 1. Even if it was a 1 roll, it should hav ebeen bumped up to a 4.
EDIT 2: Here's the reroll I made in the ooc thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18352326&postcount=517). I got a 23, which means I got a natural 20!

2014-11-03, 02:44 PM
"Well then, let's go, Vinny! We're taking that rat-thing on!"

The Snivy nods, moving towards the rat pokemon, stopping some distance short to glare at it with piercing eyes. He intends to unsettle it, making it lower its guard against other attacks.

Meanwhile, Selene rushes towards the pokemon, looking like she's about to kick it from the right, before really doing so from the right.

Vinny moves to D-39, and Selene to D-38

Vinny: Uses Leer
Accuracy roll: [roll0]

Selene: Uses Feint Attack (No accuracy check, for Feint Attack always hits)
Damage roll: [roll1]

2014-11-03, 04:03 PM
As the others go after the wild Pokemon around them, Angus keeps watch on both ends of the road. Seigmeyer, meanwhile, looks on at the battles around them with a mix of fear and curiosity. When he sees Selene kick at the furry rodent, he disapprovingly states, "Is it not enough that you have a Pokeball and your own Pokemon? Must you fight a two-on-one battle against an inferior oponent?"

Charisma Thief
2014-11-04, 06:22 AM
Selene: 11
Vinny: 10
Toby: 10
Occa: 10
Josuke: 8
Patrat: 6
Cheekm: 5
Sentret: 4

The lotad gets hit hard as Occa charges for a tackle, yet still doesn't look like it noticed as the Pokeball hits it and pulls it into a ball of energy before clicking shut with a chime, signalling the capture.

Across the road though, the small brown rodents cry out after getting hit suddenly by Cheekm and Selene, leaving them bruised as they prepare to counter attack.

Back at the entrance to Springcliff though, you all spot Djaq and Loft wandering up the route behind you.


2014-11-04, 07:03 AM
Josuke moves closer to the battle, getting a Pokeball ready to capture the Sentret "Alright Cheekm, Tackle him again with the same strength so I can capture it!" Josuke says as he lets Cheekm move first before throwing the Pokeball in his hand at the Sentret in the hope of capturing it.

First Josuke will wait until after Cheekm Tackles the Sentret before making throwing his Pokeball at it in hopes of capturing it.

Cheekm uses Tackle on Sentret
Accuracy = [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]

Pokeball roll
Accuracy = [roll2]
Capture roll = [roll3]

Also, I do have to say just say that for a rodent, Sentret is a pretty cute looking Pokemon.

2014-11-04, 11:48 AM
So, what are the Lotad's important mechanical traits? Nature, level, ability, etc

Occa picks up the pokeball in his mouth and runs over to Toby, dropping at his trainer's feet.

"Awesome!" Toby cries out as he picks up the pokeball. "The first pokemon I caught!"

With a swide smiile on is face, Toby hits the button on the ball and lets out the Lotad. "Hey buddy, how are you doing?"

"Hey Djaq! Hey Loft!" he says with a wave once he spots the two other trainers walking down the path.

2014-11-04, 02:58 PM
"Heeh, lighten up a bit, this is my first fight, I ain't gonna be overconfident and get Vinny or myself hurt just for a matter of honor. Besides, can't be sure of the opponent's strength 'till the fight has been fought... And I bet this little guy would disagree if he had ten of his friends backing him up."
Selene responds towards Angus, before whipping out her pokedex to scan her opponent. "Well, I'm gonna let you finish this off, Vinny. I think he's injured enough you'll be able to. So... Use Tackle!" She points to the Patrat as she says that.

Vinny nods, moving past Selene to prepare his attack. He gathers his strength, and throws himself at the rat, hitting it for all he's worth!

Noticing Loft and Djaq, Selene quickly waves at them. "Oh hi! We're just finishing this off! We'll be with you in a moment!"

Selene stays where she is, scans Patrat with pokedex.

Vinny moves to E-37, then uses Tackle on Patrat.
Accuracy check: [roll0]
Damage roll: Corrected at This post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18358279&postcount=3)

Charisma Thief
2014-11-05, 06:39 AM
As Vinny charges forward, the Patrat does his best to brace for it, but gets sent flying before hitting the ground and fainting.
3 exp for Vinny

Occa gained 3 Exp
Level: 3
Nature: Rash
HP: Full

HP: 4
Atk: 3
Def: 3
S. Atk: 6
S. Def: 3
Spd: 3

Moves:Astonish & Growl

After Cheekm charges the Sentret, hitting him hard, the Sentret suddenly ducks, letting the Pokeball fly over it's head. It then quickly bounces forward, charging past and attacking Cheekm with a scratch.
AC: 3
Damage: [roll0] -8

2014-11-05, 07:07 AM
Josuke shakes his fist being a bit angry about missing before pulling another Pokeball as Cheekm move between Josuke and the Sentret. "I don't wanna have to hurt you again little guy but at this rate I may have to so make this easy on yourself and just let me capture you." Josuke throws a second Pokeball at the Sentret in another attempt to capture the little guy.

Just a quick question for CT, can we retrieve Pokeballs that miss? I gather if the capture roll doesn't work the ball breaks but not sure about missing.

Cheekm moves from B39 to C41

Josuke throws another Pokeball at Sentret
Accuracy = [roll0]
Capture Roll = [roll1]

Charisma Thief
2014-11-05, 12:40 PM
Yes, if you miss your Pokeball, it will just hit the ground behind your target, and you can pick it up.

2014-11-06, 11:48 AM
Selene smiles as she sees Vinny managed to finish off his opponent. "That went well! We won, and neither of us is injured! Nice work, Vinny!" She picks up the proud, plantlike reptile and giggles. "Just get ready for tougher fights in the future, we're bound to find bigger trouble, and now that I know your abilities, I'm not gonna go for one-sided fights like that all the time!"
Vinny nods with an affirmative hiss, indicating he understands.

Afterwards, the trainer steps out of the grass and observes the nearby happenings.

Selene: Grabs Vinny and moves to E-38