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2014-12-06, 10:29 AM
Ymelon spot check [roll0]

2014-12-06, 12:18 PM

If you passed, out of the corner of your eye, you glance inside the home you just left and it is empty. No furniture. No anything--and it looks as if nobody has lived there in decades.

Also, natural 20's on a skill check are auto success and natural 1's are auto fails. So don't give up hope!

Logain Ablar
2014-12-06, 01:17 PM
Rollin, rollin, rollin... [roll0]

We have delayed long enough. It is time to attempt to enter the catacombs.

She wraps her cloak around her to conceal the amulet, and sets off quickly towards the cathedral. She does not look to see if the others are following her.

Bellona looks at the others, snorts, tosses her head, and trots off behind Adriana.

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-06, 06:56 PM
Spot [roll0]

Note that I'm constantly running the Draconic Senses aura, so everybody close to me gets +2 to Spot and Listen.

2014-12-06, 07:51 PM
"As we left that place, I got a last glimpse inside. It was empty, not even furniture. Perhaps they were ghosts. In any case, I suppose this isn't the time to pursue that particular mystery" Ymelon says.

"I think we should ask if they'll let us into the catacombs. In retrospect, I should have done that when I had the chance. Perhaps I should go back in alone and ask.

If the answer is no, we can try a distraction. I can produce a silent image with a spell; perhaps that could work. As it's silent, my options are limited, but a ghostly figure is one."

2014-12-07, 12:52 AM
"I believe Adriana is beating you to it," Kix murmurs as the woman heads toward the cathedral without looking back. The ethergaunt falls into step behind the pegasus. "The note warned us that the people of the cathedral may not take kindly to us entering their catacombs, so we should be ready for anything."

2014-12-07, 09:04 AM

It is when you enter that you feel a certain emptiness. As though a part of yourself is lost when you enter here. And you all hear a faint melody in the back of your mind.

It is once you've all entered that the creature rises to his feet. He places his blade back into the harness and approaches the players, his wings being spread and the spines aimed towards the group. He asks calmly, "What is your purpose here?"

2014-12-07, 10:22 AM
Ymelon ... decides not to take the lead on this diplomacy.

2014-12-07, 12:53 PM
Aerina attempts to totally ignore the creature and walk around it and past it.

She just stops on the other side of the monster about 30 ft away, if she succeeds.

2014-12-07, 01:03 PM
Xanthax watch teh creature and remains silent.
He isnt the kind to take the role of a leader, maybe a tactical kinda of leader but certainly not a diplomat or anything, and he learned his words can cause him some troubles in Maris.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-07, 02:00 PM
Adriana, noting her companion's silence, decides to speak first. We are travelers, brought to this land on the whim of fate from a place far away. Few things can kill you faster than ignorance in a strange land, and this cathedral is clearly a place of importance, so we have come here to learn what we can about the place we have found ourselves

(Completely true, just not the complete truth)

2014-12-07, 02:32 PM
Aerina comes back, says "Also, we care not for your guardship. Let us through, or we will call our guards in. And I assure you, either they are stronger than you, or I see no disadvantage to terrified fleeing."

Because we don't have any guard backup:


After saying this, she walks back around the creature.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-07, 02:48 PM
Adriana sighs....

I apologize on behalf of my... I hesitate to call her an associate. I fear the shock of travel has destroyed her mind. As you can see, we are unarmed, save what weapons nature has given us, and have no guards beyond our own diligence

In Auran Shut up you stupid crazed creature, before you get us all killed for your insolence.

Bluff check to convey secret message
Shut up and let me talk us out of this, don't threaten the guard I'm trying to win over.

2014-12-07, 03:15 PM
Aerina starts loudly complaining about these insults, speaking in Sylvan, for about a minute. She's still on the other side. Then she moves further forward and past the guard.

Only 30 ft further before she stops.

2014-12-07, 03:32 PM
And they say I'm the rude one?

Not liking what he hears so far, Ymelon silently casts aid (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/aid.htm) on himself.

He still has see invisibility and heroism effects on him. Aid: [roll0] temp hp for 12 min. Aid is a spell-like ability, so there are no visible or audible components.

2014-12-07, 05:13 PM

The Creature averts his gaze to one of the gray-robed priests and gives a "Come" motion and points to the group. He then steps back to where he was.

The Priest says coolly from underneath his robes and scarf in a raspy tone, "Are you coming to join us?"

Logain Ablar
2014-12-07, 06:11 PM
Not exactly. As I told your guardian, we are strangers to this land, and wish to know more about it. We don't even know quite who you actually are, but it is obvious this cathedral is a place of importance, and it seemed the best place to learn more.

She begins walking around the cathedral apparently looking at the tapestries, but always moving close to the stairway.

To whom is this a temple?

2014-12-07, 07:14 PM

"To Fear and Truth," he said matter of factly. He then stared at the one who so disrespectfully spoke to the creature. And threatened with guards no less.

"You," he said, pointing a gloved finger at them. "Very brave, or stupid. Not sure which. And what is it you wish to know."

Smart to hide it, but you don't always have to.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-07, 10:21 PM
Well, we encountered a group before bearing the same symbols and robes as you. Someone named you Anthorians, but we do not know what that means. Are Truth and Fear the names of deities? Or do you serve them as principles? My friend here she gestures at the large lamassu following them is quite the scholar, I am sure he would be quite interested in knowing what these tapestries depict.

2014-12-07, 10:48 PM
"Indeed these trapestriies are pretty much well made. I'm a weaver in my free time", he approaches the tapestries, "A nice piece of work indeed".

2014-12-07, 11:07 PM

"We serve the Lord of Fear, Anthor, yes. As well as the Lady of Truth, Myris. We walk the Two-Fold Path," he explains. "And the tapestries? They depict great heroes of our order, except for those two." He points to one depicting Myris. And right next to it is a grey-skinned creature with a writhing mass of tentacles bursting forth where the right side of his torso and his lower body should be.

"That is the Lady of Truth and that is the Lord of Fear. It is through them that we become pure."

2014-12-08, 12:07 AM
War is what Ymelon knows; victory what he cares about. Religion, he doesn't see the appeal of, especially the Lord of Fear. But Adriana seems to have a bit of a dual nature herself, and as he watches her talk with the priest, he wonders if this Two-Fold Path might actually appeal to her.

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-08, 12:50 AM
"Is your order all about the inner life, or do you have some goals for the wider world? Does the war concern you?"

2014-12-08, 08:19 PM

"We pledge our blades to the Invisible Ruler, Anthor," he replies matter-of-factly. "Through execution of his will, we will consume the world in dread. And it will be weakness and deceit that are burned away in the purifying flames of fear. In regards to the war? We are vehement in our stance of war against the Usurpers."

2014-12-08, 10:42 PM
"I hope this question isn't out of line" Ymelon says. "I understand that fear can be helpful at times. It can make someone look out for danger, or make a thief stay his hand. But at other times, it's not helpful. The wrong fear can make someone miss an opportunity, or lash out unwisely, or make a man unhappy when he need not be. Do you make this distinction, and how do you make sure that the fear you sow will do what you said?"

2014-12-08, 11:27 PM

The Priest stands there, contemplating. "It is pleasing to hear that question," he responds genuinely. "Fear is the ultimate force in the universe, you know. But such raw force must be channeled properly. For it can be catastrophic if utilized wrongly." He put his gloved fingers up to the scarf covering his face as he thinks.

"We of the faith, of Anthor's faith, seek to master fear. As both our boon and our weapon to subjugate and dominate, as well as to uplift and bolster," he continues. "Fear is what drives us to take action. It's what drives us all. Such as the Godswar. That is driven by fear, you know."

2014-12-09, 12:05 AM
Kix listens to the philosophy, but doesn't offer an opinion at this time.

2014-12-09, 10:31 AM
He didn't answer my question despite speaking a bunch of words, but at least he was pleased. Guess I'll press my luck.

Ymelon says "There is much more I would like to know. Why do you wear veils? And, how do you honor the dead? If you have catacombs here, I would like to see them."

2014-12-09, 09:48 PM

The Priest responded quickly, "It serves to shield our eyes to outsiders, so that we are not betrayed. And our rituals in regards to the dead?"

"It is typical to give them undeath if they are worthy of the gift or in the event that we need soldiers," he explains. "Those that are not raised immediately are kept in the Catacombs so that we have reserve forces in the event which we should need them. Perhaps we could take you to the Catacombs--maybe bringing you to speak with the leader of our chapter here. Sir Taloran Nemarr, Knight of the Sanctified Path. That is assuming he is down there."

2014-12-09, 10:43 PM
"Indeed, I would like that" Ymelon says. "I'm Ymelon, by the way.

Speaking of undead, I don't know if you get much news from the front here. I heard that the Wraithborn were destroyed. However, there was a survivor, so the legacy lives on."

2014-12-09, 11:14 PM

He looks at him and tilts his head, "Surely you jest. A Wraithborn is just a theory--a concept if you will."

2014-12-09, 11:31 PM
"The Wraithborn Legion, who look like ghouls. Or so I heard. But rumors always abound, and it is not often wise to trust them.

Anyway ... Shall we go down and take a look?"

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-09, 11:34 PM
Anwar withholds any further questions... at least out loud. Through the mind link he speaks up to the rest of the group.

Everyone here has some kind of agenda. If we get to meet their commander we'll no doubt hear nothing but propaganda. It's no wonder they're losing the war... We need information from a more impartial observer. What we really need is Karath back... but short of that, I wonder if there are any other experts in Sigil who know about this place? It's the city of planar travelers after all...

2014-12-09, 11:37 PM
"I agree," Kix thinks through the link, "I believe we are patching together some sort of bigger picture from the myriad things we have heard, however.

2014-12-10, 12:03 AM

The Priest shrugs at the explanation, clearly still unaware. "Never heard of a ghoul legion, except in the days of the Broodikus Empire--long ago. And the Order of the Black Rose before that."

"And yes, of course," the Priest says as he walks down the stairs. "Anything for a seeker of enlightenment."

2014-12-10, 12:03 PM
(To the others in the party) "You guys coming?"

Ymelon follows the priest down the stairs.

2014-12-10, 04:18 PM
"Sure sure", Xanthax says as he follow along.

2014-12-10, 05:27 PM

The staircase leads down to a platform every ten feet or so, but the Priest continues to the bottom where the stone walls form a cube-shaped room. This room is spartan with an archway and two doors of wood, reinforced with steel. The steel reinforcement spells out something: The Sanctum.

2014-12-10, 11:29 PM
"Fascinating..." Kix murmurs aloud as she follows along.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-11, 01:49 AM
Adriana (and Bellona) follow, content to let Ymelon take the lead from here.

2014-12-11, 10:19 AM
"After you, sir" Ymelon tells the priest while nodding towards the doors.

2014-12-11, 03:40 PM
Aerina follows.

2014-12-11, 09:35 PM

He opens the doors to reveal three passages. Each lit by black-metal sconces that give off a violet flame. It is in the far right corridor that you hear a shriek of agony. A shriek belonging to Arethin.

It is in the light of the violet flames that a woman stands over the corpse of Arethin. A sinister short sword drawn that has serrated edges with tiny barbs meant to snag onto flesh. A serrated dagger is in her other hand. She simply places them in their respective sheathes when she notices you all.

2014-12-11, 09:45 PM
"Explain yourself." Kix demands, a swell of arcane energy in her mind as she prepares to launch a spell at this murderer, depending on her answer. "Can anyone heal Arethin?"

2014-12-11, 09:52 PM

"A waste of time," the voice responds--Myra's voice. "His soul has departed and is likely in return to the home which all of our souls will go."

"Calm yourselves now," she says, rather firmly. "I'd like to discuss with you the results of this test."

2014-12-11, 10:30 PM
"What the hell?" Ymelon exclaims.

He casts shield on himself (as a swift action) and holy aura (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holyAura.htm) on himself and any party members within 20' who are affected by the magic. Those affected by the aura glow. (ooc: This brings his AC to 46.)

"Looks to me like murder. You'd best explain yourself quickly. You will not find it as easy to send our souls to the beyond."

2014-12-11, 10:31 PM
"You say you know us, and yet you kill a person before our very eyes and then expect a calm discussion? Are you a fool, or simply deluded?" Kix seethes, a rasping noise emitting from behind her mask.

2014-12-11, 10:35 PM

"My dear agent failed me in a disgusting way," she stated, looking back wistfully over her shoulder. "He came to me, recanting the tale of you all's meeting. I expect professionalism of those in my service, that is something which he did not deliver. And thus, I removed him from my service."

Myra pulled her hood back. "Now I'd like to debrief you on this test. And why you took it." She looks to the Priest who is standing there, rather quietly. The woman's fingers flicker and her lips murmur into indecipherable words and the Priest returns upstairs.

2014-12-11, 10:42 PM
"Then let's see if you react better than he did."

Ymelon casts discern lies on the woman. (ooc: Will neg DC 28)

Logain Ablar
2014-12-12, 12:01 AM
Adriana's hands twitch slightly, towards her hidden weapons, then decides against it, but assumes a defensive stance and bares her fangs in a gesture of threat.

and I expect mercy to an ally in those I work for. Speak quickly and prove you are worthy of mine.

2014-12-12, 12:14 AM

She smiles at the spellcaster and allows the spell to penetrate (willingly fails the save). "You all are safe of course," she says honestly. "The reason for his death was simple--he became a liability. You all are far too great of assets to become liabilities."

"And worthy of your mercy?" she gives a chuckle. "Strange that you expect me to be afraid, considering the difference between us."

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-12, 12:34 AM
Anwar's patience finally snaps...

"What the f**k is wrong with you people? Are you f**king 12 years old? Nobody gets through life without being a liability at some time or another. They get past it because other people help them out. Because that's what grown up people do... We might be mighty heroes, but sooner or later we'll have a bad day. Because we're heroes, not gods. And so when we fail to cross a T or dot an I, you'll be there to stab us in the back? F**k you. Ever since we've come here all we've seen is you people treating each other like sh*t. And you wonder why you're losing the war?"

2014-12-12, 12:56 AM

Her grin curls to a frown as she tilts her head at him. "A liability is one who outlives their usefulness, as he did," she says coolly. "He was doing quite well, but he threatened you. I don't need a wild card from someone like him. You all--are a different case. You all are a special case--a group with usefulness that you can't outlive, it would seem." She is telling the truth, as Discern Lies tells.

"And as for this losing war?" she shrugs her shoulders, rather apathetically. "You seem to think I care which way this war swings. Personally, I believe this war is pointless. A pointless war that is just endless bloodshed between two sets of fools fighting over an abstract sovereignty over creatures akin to them as ants are to us."

She then takes a few steps back to Arethin and kneels beside him. "Arethin, like so many others, was just a pawn in this great game. Even you all are but pawns, even I am but a pawn," she mused as she covered him in a black shroud with a matching symbol to her pendant. "If you want to really make a difference in this war--perhaps you shouldn't fight for either side. Because neither of them deserve that which they are fighting for."

"This is a war--without meaning," she callously said as she rose to her feet and turned to face them. "You're not as ignorant as they think you are, though. They think that they can just manipulate you. Use you. Play you. Because they know what you are--what you all were made for. And I suppose it is time that I should enlighten you as to why Karath brought you all together. That is, assuming that the blades can be put away." She genuinely believes everything that she is saying, as told by the Discern Lies spell. As far as she believes, she knows why Karath brought you all together and arranged for you all to arrive here.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-12, 01:11 AM
and what purpose is that?

2014-12-12, 01:19 AM
Kix folds her long-fingered hands before her and thinks for a moment. It is true that she has no capacity to bring the dead man back to life, and it is true that there was nothing she or her allies could have done to prevent it, but forgiving this callous creature before her would not come lightly. The rasping behind her mask calms, and the ethergaunt waits to hear what this woman has to say.

2014-12-12, 01:27 AM

"You're the ones who will forge the Gateways, at least, that's what Karath's notes spoke of when I read them. You all," she explained slowly. "You all are the ones who he theorized about in his notes. HIs first journal was just theoretical concepts of you all."

"Don't you understand? Don't you get it?" She asked. "Karath was planning on using you to allow mass-movement of troops between Sigil and Maris. He wanted to use you all to forge the Gateway. To create the link."

"You all--you all were hope. You were hope to him and to all of their banner, that Karath would finally be able to move his forces from Sigil to Maris. Perhaps I could let you read his journals? And perhaps spark a truce, and hopefully the beginnings of an alliance."

She then looks at the wearer of the amulet and utters a spell. It disappears, as they all do.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-12, 02:28 AM
Adriana relaxes some with the amulet off. Although she doesn't rely on magic the way the others seem to, see feels uncomfortable without access to her spell like abilities.

As we told The Raven, we know nothing of troops in Sigil, much less entire banners worth of them, but I think we would all be happy to see Karath's notes.

But first, would you care to explain the purpose of these hoops we've jumped through for you?

2014-12-12, 08:44 AM

She reaches into a bag and pulls forth a beaten, leather-bound notebook. It has been used extensively. "This is the first of them," she says. "And the hoops were so I could get a grasp on how you act. I needed to see what I was dealing with and you all gave an excellent visual."

She holds the journal out. "You will discover a lot about yourselves and Karath in these pages," she warns. "As well as his other projects."

2014-12-12, 10:15 AM
"Why do you serve, then? And what is this difference between us of which you spoke?" Ymelon asks.

2014-12-12, 12:55 PM

The Slyth states truthfully, "I serve my ambition more than anything else. Working with the Raven is merely a way of getting ahead."

"And the difference between you and people like Arethin, is the fact that he knew too much. Knew too much and was too little of an asset--he was a threat to a lot of things and his behavior towards you showed that he had become volatile," she continues. "Not only are you great assets, but one of Karath's requests to me was to watch over you. His passing--is unfortunate. However, that's all the more reason why you need to know what his plans were for you all, so that you can choose whether or not you allow them to ripen to fruition."

2014-12-12, 02:11 PM
Ymelon takes the offered journal.

"If you fear your men will betray you, you need only look in the mirror to see why. A leader must be loyal no less than a follower.

Why are you so confident that you need not fear us?" Ymelon rephrases the question that she misunderstood.

2014-12-12, 04:56 PM

"I don't fear betrayal--I fear a leak of secrets. And I do fear you, but I've learned that trying to manipulate you won't work. So I'll be honest."

Discern Lies tells you that she is being genuinely truthful.

2014-12-12, 11:25 PM
Free from the amulet the lammasu look at the woman.
"If you want our help you better not go murdering everyone around out of fear", he look at the dead man, "I dont know what you expect us to do with that situation, but once I discover I'll send to you".

He eyes the rest of the party, "Why we dont take the journal and take our time reading it before deciding our next step?"

He is ready to Dimension Door away with the party.

2014-12-12, 11:38 PM
"I am not certain that we are done here," Kix says calmly, "I want you to tell us if you know the leaders of the other side of this war, how to contact them, and what they know about us and Karath."

2014-12-13, 12:06 AM

"I do know who leads their military campaign and I can arrange a discussion between you and the C-G on Korinth, but it'd require calling in a favor. I can also tell you that they know nothing of you all, but they know Karath as the one who emerged from another world and hanged the tides of war," she explains. "I'll arrange it if that is what you ask, though."

2014-12-13, 12:36 AM
"Does that seem like a wise course of action to you all?" Kix addresses her allies. "Perhaps adding another set of half-truths to our repertoire will elucidate matters?"

2014-12-13, 12:37 AM
"Let's see what Karath's diary answer", Xanthax says, "And let's see if Karath can give us some answer as well".

Logain Ablar
2014-12-13, 12:44 AM
I agree with Xanthax. Let's look though the journals first and see what answers may be in there. I am not overly eager to be indebted to this woman.

2014-12-13, 01:55 AM

"Do not believe that I am seeking you to become debtors," she says. "But I will propose we meet when the time is right. Does that sound acceptable?"

2014-12-13, 09:29 AM
"I will.send to you when we find its acceptable. Till there try not to kill your minions".

And with that Xanthax cast Dimension Door out of the Catacombs and back to the surface.

2014-12-13, 09:52 AM
Once out of the catacombs, Kix says aloud, "Perhaps we should return to the extradimensional space, re-equip, and study the journal in privacy?"

Assuming that plan floats, Kix will lead the way back to her Mansion, and open the door and step inside.

2014-12-13, 10:11 AM
"Tottaly agreed", Xanthax says and follow Kix.

2014-12-13, 10:17 AM
"Indeed. This might finally give us some answers" Ymelon says of the journal he holds.

Once inside Kix's mansion, he is quick to hang his mace once again by his side.

He then opens up the journal on a table, first looking to see if there's an index, and begins to skim it. Those who want to read over his shoulder may do so. He then reads it, then passes it along. He tells the others if he finds points of special interest.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-13, 04:38 PM
Adriana picks up her other daggers, and this time buckles her swords back on instead of leaving them propped by the door like last time. She then goes to read over Ymelon's shoulder

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-14, 02:26 AM
Sounds like a plan...

Anwar follows the others back to the mansion. He's relieved to have some time away from this strange and oppressive new world...

2014-12-14, 08:29 AM

She gives a nod and then takes a step into the shadows and disappears.

It does not have an index, but it is in the initial pages that it seems a lot like a diary. However, as it progresses--it begins to go into diagrams on the Metaphysics of the Multiverse and how to link two universes. There are copious notes detailing his beliefs on how to do it. He specifically goes into a theory about a group of creatures called the Gate Builders.

He theorizes that at least five are needed to do this. However, he theorizes that six creatures of a specific nature will serve to do so better.

-One of the Theurgic Soul, which is followed by the name: Xanthax
-One of Twisted Souls, which is followed by the name: Adrianna della Lacrima
-One of the True Peace, which is followed by the name: Kix
-One of the Crossed Natures, which is followed by the name: Ymelon
-One of Nature's Beauty, which is followed by the name: Cenelea
-One of a Dragon's Soul, which is followed by the name: Anwar Ashrafi

It is in the following pages that diagrams, graphs, and copious amounts of notes in regards to Xanthax are written. Notes detailing how he would eugenically ensure that Xanthax would be born of two "perfect" Llamasu (for his purposes). It also goes into how he planned out Xanthax's life up to the point in Sigil where they met. Which has mostly gone according to his plans (hitting all the major points anyways, including losing the scrolls). It is evident that this all was planned by the usage of future tense in his writing.

The pages following Xanthax go into Adrianna della Lacrima, Kix, Ymelon, Cenelea, and Anwar Ashrafi. The notes in the page also mention how his eugenic breeding of their ancestors (going back literally thousands of years to ensure the perfect creations) went. Each of them having family trees going back thousands of years.

The pages then lead into his experimentation on souls. Trying to mold and create the perfect ones for his creations--which he has successfully done (hence, you all). The pages after that, it goes briefly into how the Six will open the Gateway between Sigil and Maris. And how that will allow his "forces" to finally make their impact. Whatever that means is not detailed in this journal. Maybe the next.

2014-12-14, 11:27 AM
Ymelon thinks for a while once he's through the book.

"We still don't really know what we're expected to do, or what forces he referred to.

This does shed a new light on Karath. I am not sure that we can properly call him a friend. He did help each of us, but with ulterior motives, and he seems to have had a hand in bringing us to the point where we needed his help in the first place.

That concerns the past though. The real question is: Should we pursue this plan of his?"

ooc: What does it (briefly) say about how the 6 would open the gateway?

2014-12-14, 05:11 PM
It mentions that you would be the ones to link the two worlds. He believed that you would do it by "...finding where the Plane's barriers are weakest and puncturing it to allow Xanthax, Kix, or Ymelon to not seal it--but mend the wound by connecting the two worlds."

I should also note that the journal lightly explains his motivations for doing all that he has. It very briefly brushes over it with: "Once the Godswar has met its end and they all lie dead, the path will be clear for Demiurge."

Note, all of that is as old as the rest of the journal and the Godswar is recent.

2014-12-15, 12:00 AM
Kix folds her long-fingered hands before her and thinks very hard. There is no clicking or hissing from her mask; she is silent.

In her section, does it explain what happened to the Khen-zai? Were they exterminated, did they move somewhere, or something else?

2014-12-15, 10:19 AM
It does not mention the Khen-zai.

2014-12-15, 10:22 AM
"Maybe Karath's other journals would shed more light on it. I think we should tell Myra that we need to see them before deciding our course of action" Ymelon says. "If she demands we first commit to the plan before seeing them, then that just means we won't do it."

2014-12-16, 12:18 AM
"I wonder if she possesses the other journals," Kix muses. "At any rate, this sheds an unexpected light upon our 'friend and savior' that I am astonished to learn. A certain point sticks out to me, however, and I must ask -- are we all immortal? If there is no possibility of one of our number dying from old age, then this Godswar could rage for years to come."

Kix addresses Xanthax and Ymelon. "Can either of you sense where the boundary between planes is weakest? I can prepare the dweomer Plane Shift tomorrow and see what happens, but such a brute force tactic is unlikely to yield success."

Logain Ablar
2014-12-16, 12:50 AM
Adriana is stunned at this revelation and retreats to a corner to process this. Anyone paying close attention will notice her eyes are constantly shifting hues.

2014-12-16, 05:57 AM
"Tomorrow I'll prepare some divinations and will see if we can learn more about the place where the boundary is weakest, but I guess I dont have any divination powerful enough to find it with the current info", he says to Kix "and will also make sure to get some speak and raise dead spell as well. But tomorrow".

Xanthax throw up the several tomes in the floor and pick his favourite one.

" I think we best rest now for tomorrow we will get more answers. I'll be reading, but feel free to disrupt me if you need me".

2014-12-16, 11:36 AM
I assume the Grimoire? If so, make a will save--DC 33.

2014-12-16, 12:05 PM
"Is that our best course of action?" Kix asks the rest of the group, "wait until the morrow?" As the group seems to be taking a rest, Kix asks her ethereal servants to give any of her companions refreshments that may want them. Sometimes a nice cup of tea can mend an earth-shattering revelation.

The Khen-zai approaches Adriana, her Calming Aura likely easily resisted by the powerful ranger (she doesn't push it), and asks calmly, "would you like a moment alone, or do you want to talk this through?" The alien creature's voice is gentle behind her emotionless mask, and her long-fingered hands rest placidly folded before her.

If it is cool with everyone, Kix's Calm Emotions (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/calmEmotions.htm) aura, Will DC 21, will only effect you if you want it to. She can't turn it off, but it'll only influence your PC if you want it to. I don't like making other PCs roll saves against my stuff, so you can automatically save against it whenever it comes up if you want.

That is, if our DM is cool with that, too.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-16, 05:14 PM
Adriana is so completely stunned right now that there's no way she'd make a Will save, but you'd have to check vs. my spell resistance, which she's also too stunned to have lowered. (SR=21) If the check succeeds she'll talk to you, if not, she'll probably curse you out.

2014-12-16, 05:29 PM
Hmm, well it isn't a spell, and I have no idea what my CL would be for it -- it's a function of Vow of Peace. [roll0] assuming it is CL = HD.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-16, 06:03 PM
As Krix approaches, the tension visibly goes out of Adriana's body, and her shoulders seem to slump. Her eyes slow and fade to a mostly and orange color.

I am the grandchild of the Pit Fiend Absolom and The Solar Ithuriel.

Oh don't look so surprised she snarks even though though the Khen-zai probably did not react in any visible way. Surely you've noticed my contradictory physical features? She says idly examining her talons.

Each wishes to use me as their weapon. I have spent my entire life fleeing from them, battling their agents and avoiding their snares. Everywhere I have ever stopped to rest they found me. I have no family, or friends, because everyone I grew close to was killed by one or the other. When Karath found me, he saved me from them, taught me hw to fight, and track, and hide, so that I could deal with their agents myself. He helped me be free of their chains, but only so I coud be a puppet in his scheme, a pawn in this senseless war. Absolom and Ithuriel only ever tried to control me. Karath has manipulated my entire bloodline. How many died leading me into his palm? Did he reveal my parents hiding place to their parents? If not for Karath, I might know my family! If he were not dead, I think I would kill him myself.

2014-12-16, 08:01 PM
Will save: [roll0]

2014-12-16, 08:06 PM
Xanthax overhear Addriana speaking to Kix and interrupt his reading for a single moment.
"You're not alone, child. I'm your friend and will most likely die fighting for you... And after I revive him tomorrow you may have a chance to kill him, if that is what you seek".

2014-12-16, 08:54 PM
Ymelon takes a cup of tea.

"I am beginning to consider you all as friends.

It's clear that Karath has much to answer for, but let's not make any decisions until we learn more" he counsels. "It would seem that his plan extended beyond even the gods' war.

I am curious as to what he was up to. At this point it would surprise me very much if it were something good. But I have been surprised many times today."

If the party will wait until morning, Ymelon decides to take the opportunity to get some sleep, although he can do without it.

2014-12-16, 11:03 PM
Adept of the Adrasian Mysteries

All arcane spells cast are no longer treated as arcane, or divine. All Spells cast have a saving DC boost of +2.

2014-12-16, 11:45 PM
"If this journal tells the truth, then Karath engineered the death of hundreds upon hundreds in order to forge me into "One of the True Peace" -- and for no greater purpose than to serve his mysterious ends. In light of this, I cannot feel his death was a surprise to him as it was to us. He likely orchestrated everything down to the cups of tea he dropped when the Gnaritans killed him. I would counsel you against reciprocating his violence, as I am certain you predicted, but perhaps the correct tack for us all is to look to the future." Kix unfolds her hands and indicates the entities in the room. "After all, those who were killed in the past shall remain dead. Though we can mourn their passing and curse the one who pulled the strings, it will not bring them back or make their rest any easier. Preventing further such suffering -- either in this world or another -- is what I intend to do. I doubt that this war can be diffused, but I would like to try, if at all possible."

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-17, 12:36 AM
Anwar struggles to get his brain around the contents of the journal... So Karath was some kind of mad scientist? And not very good at his job, if Anwar was as close as he could get to breeding a perfect "Dragon's Soul..."

"If what we just read is true, then we should just call this off. Go back to Sigil or wherever and try to get on with our lives. Because it means that Karath was a lunatic, and whatever master plan he had could only end in tears. But I do have to ask one thing... how do we know that the journal is not a forgery? We only have those people's word as proof that it is real. And they come from a place where, apparently, mind games are the national sport..."

2014-12-17, 01:03 AM
I cannot say for certain, but there are incredibly esoteric details in this journal that I cannot believe one from this world would know or be able to fabricate," Kix answers to the best of her ability.

2014-12-17, 04:45 AM
"That's why I want to revive him and speak to him directly, so to make sure its true or just a piece of forgery", Xanthax say.

2014-12-17, 06:41 AM
Cenelea will start running around the room, randomly striking with her dagger at walls to vent rage, and also newfound knowledge. As she strikes idly, she yells various things, including "What on earth?","How could it?", "The Orb of Law and Knowledge?","How can I be?", "How am I the first of Chaos in my entire family?" Around 3 minutes later, she pauses, a bit tired. "No apologies if I disrupted you."

2014-12-17, 03:39 PM
Your reading leads you to the understanding that resurrection is not possible here because the dead souls return to the Unending Sea--whatever that is.

However, Karath's soul may be still usable (Speak With Dead) since he had been on Sigil for a period of time--reducing the link between his soul and Maris.

Also, you're able to recognize that this book only appears to be in "Common" to you all. It is as you read more into the Grimoire that you recognize the two are written in the same language--strange glyphs and symbols.

2014-12-18, 07:01 PM
Should I assume a time skip to tomorrow is in order?

2014-12-18, 08:19 PM
OOC: Yes, please.

2014-12-18, 10:17 PM
ooc: Indeed.

Logain Ablar
2014-12-18, 10:22 PM
ooc: sure.

2014-12-18, 10:37 PM
OOC: That works fine for me.

2014-12-19, 04:30 AM
Ooc: yes of course.

2014-12-19, 08:18 AM

The night passes uneventfully.

2014-12-19, 06:33 PM
"Good morning. It's been a long time since I bothered sleeping" Ymelon says. He washes his face and dries off with a towel.

"So Xanthax, are you prepared to raise and question Karath?"

2014-12-20, 07:53 PM
Anyone here?

2014-12-20, 11:53 PM
i believe posts will be short and infrequent this week for most. Still here though

Logain Ablar
2014-12-21, 12:35 AM
Yeah, with Christmas and family in town, posting will probably be sporadic.

Swami Monsoon
2014-12-21, 01:42 AM
I'm watching the thread, but my availability will be limited after Sunday.

2014-12-21, 07:32 AM
Oh yes, Christmas, that dastardly thing--forgot to account for that.

2014-12-21, 07:45 AM
Had 6 parties in the last 7 days.

As i said in the other thread: end of the year is full of stuff to do

"Im ready to cast the spells, however Im pretty sure the ressurection wont take place: after hours reading about Adras, the divine moon of Maris, Ive found out that the souls of those of Maris are taken to the Sea of Souls and are unable to return. The otherpossibility is that since he died in Sigil, his soul is somewhere in the Great Well and so unable for me to bring it back. I'll try however", the lammasu then begin to prepare some spells, lighting incenses and some candles around Karath's corpse.

" I summon you back, speak to us oh late Karath", he says as he finiahes casting Speak with the Dead.

2014-12-21, 12:16 PM

The candles flicker and then go out entirely. The familiar voice has an echo to it, but it is the one you seek. You can tell that this is not Karath however, but an echo of his spiritual essence. And one that's already began to degrade.

"Yes, my student?"

2014-12-22, 08:50 PM
"After you find out if the journal is legit, who killed him, what wrongs he did, and what we are supposed to do, ask him what he meant by 'once they all lie dead' and what he meant by 'the Demiurge' in the journal" Ymelon suggests to Xanthax. "It'd also be nice to know what forces he had in Sigil. And, if we can leave Maris without opening the way for them."

2015-01-01, 01:42 AM
Everyone on their way back?

Also, needed to bump this.

2015-01-01, 09:15 PM
Been on family quest and this end of thge years was full with parties, meetings and parent's bosses so was unable to post as much as I could like).

Will be resuming posting right now :smalltongue:
(Still on Mommy's Lair, so my posting may be still decreased)

Also, happy New Year guys :smallbiggrin:

Xanthax look at the dead friend and smiles, "It's good to hear from you, my friend. Sadly we're at Maris and may not revive your corpse till we get to Sigil, but this place is freaking weird from our world. We need some answers and would like to hear it from you, even if by you I mean your corpse".

"It was brought to our knowledge that you kinda tricked us into making us who we are and that you had several plans with us as... pawns. So I have to ask: what are your exactly plans? Is this your journal? Who is the Demiurge you mention on it? And who used the gnaritans to kill you? Also why you did what you did? What was the purpose? Where is the planes closer to each other and the boundary weakest? How do we return to Sigil? And what can you tell us about this Godswar were stuck with?", he pauses after so many questions and take a breath, leaving room for him to speak.

2015-01-02, 07:37 PM
Kix sits back and listens to the response.

OOC: just to say I'm here after a long hiatus <3

2015-01-03, 11:34 AM
... As does Ymelon.

Happy New Year!

Swami Monsoon
2015-01-03, 06:17 PM
And just how crazy were you... and how foolish were we to buy into any of this?

Anwar silently adds that thought but does not speak it out loud...

2015-01-03, 08:37 PM

Glad to finally have our game back! Been itching for it!

"The Planes are weakest at the Eye of the Needle where the Planes coalesce into one," he begins. "And I did manipulate you--I ensured you would exist as you do and have worked towards it for thousands of years. You, my children, are the Spear Tip. The spear tip that will make all right that has been wrong since Maris first existed."

"The Journal is mine and the Demiurge? He is my old friend--the one who brought me here so long ago. And it is he who will undo the evils of the world," the tone shifts to a lamenting hopefulness. "In regards to the Gnaritans? Not of importance, I assure you. What is of importance is that you fulfill the purpose which I created you to do...opening the Gateway."

"To open the Gateway, you must travel to the Nevercity. The Nevercity exists within the Heart of Maris. It is there where you will find the Needle. And it is at the Eye of the Needle that you must open the Gateway to Sigil and then it will finally unfold. That which has needed to happen since he summoned me forth--all those years ago," he continued. "To open the Gateway, you must take the Heart of Adras and it is when that is done that all...all will be righted. And you, my beautiful children, will never want or need again. I promise, my children, fulfill this and all will be clear. All will be right. All will be perfect." His voice took a more optimistic tone at that. Almost a sense of happiness.

2015-01-04, 02:33 PM
Does the Adrasian Grimoire mention anything like the Heart of Adras?

2015-01-04, 03:05 PM

The Grimoire states the history of the Moon. A creature of great power from the Universe Before, whatever that means, escaped into Maris and died within the Cosmos. Eventually debris conglomerated onto its body and the cosmic radiation from the decay of this creature melted the debris into it. Thus creating the moon of Adras.

It does not directly mention the Heart of Adras.

You didn't expect it to be that easy, did you?

2015-01-04, 04:01 PM
Xanthax looks to the rest and wait to see if any have any other question to the dead Karath.

He keep his thoughts to himself and does not speak about them.

2015-01-04, 05:01 PM
Ymelon says "Karath, you've been long on outlandish promises but short on information. Even if I still trusted you, which I don't, perhaps you have been deceived by this Demiurge. How can we know that your old friend is as good as you claim?"

Logain Ablar
2015-01-04, 06:34 PM
I'm back too.

'You will never want again. All will be clear. All will be right. All will be perfect.'

She spits in disgust.

You sound just like the fanatics I've battled all my life.

2015-01-04, 09:20 PM

"He can be trusted, because his intent is nothing more than to fix an error in his past," the dead Gith stated. "An error which has caused more bloodshed and hatred than he ever thought possible."

"He wishes to use the theoretical spell--Wish and if he is able to do it," the Gith continues. "If he is able to do that--this world will be freed from war, from suffering, from pain, from it all forever. That is why I did what I did--because I knew you all would need to be as you are for this. I knew that I needed you all to be more than just the mundane--I needed the best. That is you."

"I will tell you, my friends--my children," he states, his tone sincere. "Everything I've done to you--has been to help him fix his error. I give my sincerest apologies for all of this--but this is what he asked of me so long ago. And I gave my word that I would help."

"And his name? Atarin--Atarin sounds right."

2015-01-04, 11:33 PM
"What is the specific error in the past that Atarin wishes to undo? Such a thing could tell us much about his character." Kix observes quietly.

2015-01-05, 09:08 AM

"He is the one who set Maris down its dark path. He is the reason that this world has been afflicted by war, by bloodshed, by it all for so long. He wishes to change that."

2015-01-05, 10:29 PM
"Can we get back to Sigil without opening the way for him, and if so, how?" Ymelon asks. "If I were to work on his behalf, I should meet him first" he adds in case Karath would prove reluctant to answer.

2015-01-06, 12:16 AM

"Meet him? I can not arrange that--he would always find me, my dear children. And return? I know not how--I could only do so through the Gateway that I constructed. But I can not maintain it permanently as you all can."

That doesn't mean there's no other way, but this isn't confirmation that there are.

2015-01-06, 05:00 AM
"Any more questions?", Xanthax look to the rest of them and wait a while.

If no ome else have any question / after they say their question, Xanthax bows to Karath.

"I hope you dont mind if we keep your corpse around so we can eventually raise you or call you again for wisdom".

With these new information there was some light at few questions but new questions appears.

Xanthax really dont like the idea of being manipulated by Karath: even if that was to polish a rough diamond or something. It seems whoever this Demiurge is he screwed pretty bad to make this Godswar and he wasnt sure if he is an ally or enemy. Anyway they will only find out questing more in Maris.

And they now had a destination too: Nevercity.

" So, what are your thoughts and plans on this new answers?"

2015-01-06, 11:27 AM
Karath states coolly, "Be wary--I make no promises how long I'll remain. The longer I'm here--the more my soul fades into the Endless Sea."

2015-01-06, 01:13 PM
"Is there any other information that would be useful for us to know?" Ymelon asks the animated corpse.

2015-01-06, 07:24 PM

"That Myra is playing both sides of the Godswar, so that you all may attain the Heart of Adras," the Corpse says before exhuming a breath and becoming lifeless oncemore.

2015-01-07, 02:46 AM
"If Adras was once a living creature, then its Heart may well be an actual organ, while I imagine the Heart of Maris is more of a location." Kix observes quietly. "Since Karath gave such a very circuitous answer to my question, I cannot help but feel the Demiurge is not an entity we should trust or serve. It may well fix its error by unmaking millions of lives or some other calamity."

2015-01-07, 12:32 PM
If you choose not to pursue this, I believe that leaves us with options for the campaign to branch out. What do you all want to do--this is me asking you all--and we'll see what we can do.

I'm trying to get everyone's interests so that we can steer towards something...personally, I see a few great alternative venues...

Such as getting back to Sigil, exploring this foreign land, doing adventurer things (e.g. Slaying monsters), or...trying to settle in this war torn land.

Note, these are just ideas--not routes that must be taken as I always approve of going one's own way.

2015-01-07, 08:30 PM
I've had a couple of very stressful and busy days (barely slept this two days).

Xanthax shoot several questions and was given even more questions, so even though hre was manipulated for Karath's great scheme he doesnt hate him or anything, but he isnt sure about the rest of the party's feelings.

In Xanthax's head the party have a few things he think is the best course of action: find out more of Maris (the Demiurge, the Godswar, Adras and how it all came to be) and finding the path to Sigil (which would probably m ake them trace whatever steps Karath's designed for them).

The fact he want to do this doesnt mean he want to help Karath's plan: he's more curious to know exactly what is the grand scene before doing anything that can cause mass planar suffering or anything. Also, going back home is always nice I guess. Once he quest more and travel Maris he'll be able to get more answers to what to do. He's a scholar and is question driven: the more he learn the best and the best way to learn is to kill monsters and level up adventure and doing field research.

He also find that the few answers weren't enough for him to decide if he hate or like Karath, so for now he's on top of the wall, not wanting to act one way or other much like a dispassionate watcher.

But he sure dont trust the woman who gave them the Journal.

What about everyone else?

Swami Monsoon
2015-01-08, 12:53 AM
"I agree. This talk of an end to suffering and strife sounds awfully... final. I have to wonder how many people will still be alive after that happens. But even if we don't want to carry out the plan, we should learn more about it. Crazy or not, Karath was obviously a master strategist and master manipulator. He may still be many moves ahead of us. Most importantly, he may have some kind of backup plan in place if we don't come through. Or several backup plans..."

Logain Ablar
2015-01-08, 03:01 AM
Adriana is even more jaded and distrustful now, but she doesn't really have a home, figures the powerful celestial and infernal creatures chasing her will have trouble finding her here, and does want to try and help bring an end to this war. She doesn't like war.

2015-01-08, 09:59 AM
"So maybe we should go to this Nevercity and learn more about everything. I dobt want to be a pawn in everyone's plans. We have to find who is right in this plane: if there is someone right at all. The old gods, the new gods, Karath or that murderous lady wobt be petting me like someone pet a cat: i am a lion".

" I think we should go to Nevercity and learn more about this world and the plans we were stuck into. Anyone disagree or have another idea? AlsoI dont plan to read these tomes", he says as he open his mouth and show the several tomes from Karath's library before swallung them again, "And the one I got showed me a lot of lore regarding Maris. Maybe we can have everyone to read more and learn from several topics of this place".

Xantgax then vomit the tomes and eat Karath's corpse again. He might still be useful.

2015-01-08, 05:40 PM
"I think the Nevercity will hold some answers for us," Kix indicates her desire to accompany the group to the Nevercity.

Logain Ablar
2015-01-08, 05:53 PM
Perhaps. As tired as I am of being manipulated, I loath leaving this many questions unanswered.

2015-01-08, 06:04 PM
"It's good to see we're on the same page" Ymelon says. "If Karath didn't try such a hard sell, I'd be more inclined to buy what he said. A perfect world sounds fishy for sure.

We should also try to get more of Karath's journals.

The Nevercity, whatever that is, might have answers or might not. It could get awkward fast if we go most of the way on this quest, with our supposed allies fighting for our success, then stop at the last moment because we still don't have enough information. But that is what we must do, except in the very, very unlikely case that we do find answers we can trust."

2015-01-08, 06:57 PM
"So to summarize, Karath wants us to go the Nevercity which is in the Heart of Maris. In the Nevercity is the Needle, which contains the Gateway (in the Eye of the Needle). We can open the Gateway with the Heart of Adras -- or perhaps by taking the Heart of Adras from the Gateway -- I am unclear on that last part. I wonder if perhaps Maris is like Adras in that it was once an entity that died and has collected stuff around it to form the planet...

"At any rate, do we agree that the next part of our journey takes us to the Nevercity, or shall we discuss our next move more thoroughly?"

2015-01-08, 07:58 PM
"Nevercity, yes. Sure. But no more discussing."

2015-01-08, 08:16 PM
"Do any of us know where the Heart of Maris is? I certainly don't. Without that we don't have a plan of action, just a goal" Ymelon says. "Myra might know, though I'm not eager to play her game."

2015-01-08, 10:18 PM
"My guess is beneath the ground -- perhaps near the Drow (Sylth, excuse me) settlement we first arrived at. We can exit the Mansion, now, and try to find the place."

2015-01-08, 10:58 PM
"We went through a teleportal, and the locals here never heard of the Wraithborn, so I doubt that we are anywhere near the Slyth city. Since the Raven lives there, its true location ought to be a well guarded secret.

And there's no real reason to think the Heart of Maris is near there, or here. No, I see no choice but to ask Myra" Ymelon says.

"However, we can first explore the area around here, get the lay of the land."

2015-01-09, 04:56 AM
"Lets try gather some information about the Nevercity and the Heart of Adras. I am sure this tome I have might help me find more answers, but the reading isnt a normal one. Maybe at the tavern we could ask for the contact to tell the Raven about our desire to go there. Thats another path. Or maybe we cpuld find some map of Maris for all that could help".

2015-01-10, 12:28 AM
"Sure, but remember, everyone in this town works for Myra. Bartender, priest, pauper ... all her eyes and ears. You saw what she does if they step out of line" Ymelon responds.

Swami Monsoon
2015-01-12, 12:59 PM
"Maybe we should look for a bigger city... with a library or archives. I agree that poking through this town looking for clues might end badly. We could end up leaving a trail of bodies without even meaning too... or even knowing that it's happening..."

2015-01-12, 08:16 PM
"Remember what Karath's corpse said - Myra is playing both sides of the war for us to 'attain the Heart of Adras'. Among other things, that makes me think that the Heart is not easily found or entered, and that if anyone knows where it is, she does. Besides, I doubt her spying is so easily evaded as heading to the next city. I really think we'll have to deal with her one way or the other, and at best it's a waste of time to try to ignore her. At worst, as we've seen, it could endanger those we speak to. Better to take the direct approach, I say. The time will come to defy her, but for now, we have decided to go to the same place she wants us to.

But if a majority of the group want's to try something, I'll go along" Ymelon says.

2015-01-12, 11:30 PM
Kix knits her long-fingered hands together and assents, "Very well, let's contact Myra and see what she has to say."

Logain Ablar
2015-01-13, 06:45 PM
Agreed. I see few other productive options at the moment

2015-01-14, 09:55 AM
Ready to move on and meet Myra

Xanthax begins to cast a few spells affecting the whole tapestry.

Greater Resistance (+3 resistance to saves, 24h);
Extended Greater Mage Armor (+6 armor AC, 20h);
Extended Disobedience (Immunity to ind control, charm and compulsion, 20h);
Anticipate Teleportation (alerts and delay teleportation close to us by 1 round, 24h);
Endure Elements (resist cold and heat, 24h);

Then he cast a few spells on himself only.

Extended Hoard Gullet (allow me to eat stuff and use my stomach as a bag of holding, 20h)

He begin casting some spells around, but they do no effect, but its magic is stored in the tapestry.

Draconic Might;
Divine Agility;

He waits the others to leave the mansion to cast a few not so long duration spells.

Conviction (+3 morale bonus on saves, 90 min);
Lesser Telepathic Bond (telepathy with all the tapestry, 90 min);
Eyes of the Avoral (+8 racial bonus on Spot, 90 mins).

"LEt's meet her now", he say after a couple minutes of casting spells like a crazy man (or lion in his case).

2015-01-14, 04:06 PM
Ymelon in his Slyth form blinks in the sunlight, and breathes in deeply the morning air.

"Finally, we get to see this world in daylight.

Hold on. I want to scout the area a little first. From the air. I'll be back soon."

He transforms into his true form - that of a tall, blond man with white feathered wings on his back.

He makes himself invisible, then takes to the air with a few powerful flaps. He covers ground quickly, enjoying the flight - his first in several days.

ooc: Spot [roll0] including the bonus from Xanthax's Eyes of the Avoral in the tapestry

Once satisfied that he knows the basic lay of the land at least, he returns to the others, resumes his Slyth form and dismisses the invisibility. He'll then tell the others what he saw.

2015-01-14, 11:59 PM

Woodland for a bit and to the west is plains. A metropolis is on the horizon. Several towns and villages in every direction.

Approaching the group is the familiar Slyth--N'Kal.

2015-01-15, 11:00 AM
Using the telepathic bond, Ymelon tells the others what he saw.

To Myra he says "The journal was interesting to say the least, but there's still a lot we don't know. We're the only ones who can carry out Karath's plan, so let's see the rest of his journals."

2015-01-15, 04:25 PM

"He only gave me that one. The rest are with the other Keepers. The Keepers being people whom I don't know, but will be taking over for me once this is completed."

2015-01-15, 04:35 PM
"Once what exactly is completed?", Xanthax ask her.

2015-01-15, 05:37 PM

"My orders," she says, rather curtly. "Specifically ensuring to it that the Gateway gets opened, per Karath's orders. He mentioned that it involves some needle, but I personally have no idea as to what he was referring to. That said, are we ready to get down to business?"

Her eyes flashed at that word. Business. She was clearly eager to begin.

2015-01-15, 07:53 PM
"Sure. State your business", he says and look at the rest.

2015-01-15, 11:55 PM

She paced and smiled slightly. The smile vanished as quickly as it had came though when her gaze turned to the group. "You're devoted to the Cause, am I correct?" she asked, as she looked at them all--scanning them with her penetrating stare. It was icy cold and sharp, especially for a stare.

Myra put her hands behind her back in the way that a soldier goes to Parade Rest, but did not move her gaze from the group. Focusing it on one and then another and then so on and so forth, then cycling back.

Logain Ablar
2015-01-16, 01:21 AM
I am dedicated to seeing this war to its end. This plan seems a means to that end.

She tosses her hair, and meets N'kal stare with her own level, defiant gaze.

2015-01-16, 10:47 AM
"I thought you wanted to get down to business. So cut the posturing, and tell us what we need to know" Ymelon tells Myra. "Though if you don't know where we need to go, what we must do involving the needle or whatever, or to what end, you are of no use to us."

2015-01-16, 04:25 PM
"We need a map", Xanthax say to Myra after a moment of silence.

"And we also need to know more about a certain kind of disease or bacteria. Something called gnaritans and who would be able to use such things... Wait, isnt there a woman called the White Harbinger who deals with plagues and such? What can you tell me about her. She is one of the new deities, right?"

Logain Ablar
2015-01-16, 04:36 PM
Just a heads up, this is a convention weekend for me, combined with a grad school visit, so I'll only be posting sporadically til Teusday

2015-01-17, 09:31 AM

"D'mare is the Plaguebearer, the Lady of Pustules and Pox, and it is not she who is the White Harbinger--but Morsan Negara. D'mare is his patron."

"I must ask though, why the interest?" she says as she reaches into her backpack and pulls out a map. Several countries, maybe that's what they are, surround the one you're in she says. She points to a tiny spot named after the village and says that it is where you are. You're in the center-most country.

2015-01-17, 10:29 AM
"Where could we find a great library? There are topics we want to research".

" I am thinking in the way Karath died and maybe we could find some answer direct from the one who used the gnaritans".

He look at the map looking for the name Nevercity.

" What you propose to be our next destination?"

2015-01-17, 07:31 PM

"Off the shores of Callor to the south, there is an island-city. Thousands of marble buildings compose this city, but it is a graveyard. Long abandoned by its holders--it is there that you can find the Atrassan Archives. One of the greatest nexuses of knowledge, especially on blights and poxes, across Maris. However, there are others."

"I would propose you check either there...or the Mythorian Sanctum."

You do not find any place called the Nevercity.

2015-01-18, 12:29 AM
"Tell me more of this Mythorum Sanctum, please", he ask Myra, "And what you need us to do?"

2015-01-18, 09:49 AM

"It's a rumor. The Mythorian Sanctum, that is--said to be a Pocket-Plane lost in the Cosmos. Only know that the Mythorian Order have been seen on Vaxin," she places her finger on a small continent to the south. "The Frozen Wastes will kill you if you're not careful, though. And what do I need of you all? Begin your search--look for more libraries in the cities--hunt for knowledge. And take these."

She hands over the amulets they once had. "These will allow me to keep in contact with you."

2015-01-18, 12:10 PM
"I think you know more than you've let on" Ymelon tells her. "What should we look for? The needle - where is it? And the Dreamer amulets - surely you don't expect us to wear them again!"

2015-01-18, 03:19 PM
"We wont carry or wear those amulets. If needed I'll make contact with you through Sending spell and you're welcome to do the same, but I already had a bad experience with those damn amulets".

Swami Monsoon
2015-01-18, 09:32 PM
"I agree... we've already seen just how scary and dangerous this place can be... Why carry something that makes us even more vulnerable? I'm no great wizard, but I know there are many other magical ways to scry or communicate across long distances..."

2015-01-18, 10:25 PM
"Yes.. no amulets.. and if you try to force it on me, you can go to hell, or heaven, or limbo, or whatever plane you aren't supposed to go to!"

Back, everybody!

2015-01-19, 08:36 PM

She shakes her head, "Different amulets, but the symbol's the same on them. And I genuinely do not know. I am merely an agent of higher powers." Her tone seems genuine, but someone can make a Sense Motive Check to tell if she's lying.

Logain Ablar
2015-01-19, 09:43 PM
Sense Motive Check: [roll0]

2015-01-19, 09:53 PM
"We are not aware of those Higher Powers so we wont take the amulets. You can reach us through magic as I said".

He look at the map, "Since it seems your task is to find out how to carry out Karath's plan, I take we'll look for this Atrassan Archives and look for information. Any last piece of wisdom you want to say before we leave and bid goodbye?"

2015-01-19, 10:46 PM
OOC: Ymelon sense motive [roll0]

"Too bad you burned that bridge with the other amulets, then" Ymelon tells Myra "but in any case we will not bear the symbol of the Dreamer."

Telepathically to the others Of course she's lying about not knowing more, since Karath told us she's scheming to get us into the Heart of Maris, but it may be best not to press that point just yet. I actually prefer the plan of going to the libraries first, we may learn more that way and that is our real goal right now.

2015-01-20, 07:29 PM

She's being genuine.

"My advice? Be prepared for the revenants of yesteryear..."

2015-01-20, 11:41 PM
"Hmm ... Revenants, eh?" Ymelon says. "There might not be much resurrection here, but there are apparently undead. By any chance, might that be an option for Karath? Some non-evil type, of course."

2015-01-21, 05:26 PM

Myra stares at him for several moments, "Non-evil types? Are undead evil where you are from?"

She then goes to a different train of thought and states coolly, "I believe it could be done, without much difficulty even. But I'm advising against it."

"Karath is dead--we should keep it that way. Please," she says, a slight hint of demand in her tone. "We need to ensure that he stays in his eternal slumber." She looked away for several moments.

"Do you understand?"

2015-01-22, 11:08 AM
"No, we surely don't understand. What exactly are you afraid of?" Ymelon asks her. "Is it not likely that he knows information vital to the quest?"

"I must be certain, so here I will have to cast discern lies again" he tells her, and he does so. (ooc: Will DC 28 if she resists, no SR)

2015-01-22, 02:35 PM
"Even i fwe bring him back from the dead it's most likely the gnaritans ate his knowledge away", Xanthax says and look at Ymelon and Kara, "And I dont think it would be wise to bring him back to life or to unlife. We got things to do, so we should hurry".

Logain Ablar
2015-01-22, 03:33 PM
Agreed, I think Karath has already given us all the information he can, and at this stage I am nt sure h1w much I would trust his information anyway. At this point I think we must proceed on our own.

2015-01-22, 04:07 PM
"Let Myra answer" Ymelon tells the others. "Clearly she fears his return, and not because of any 'possible waste of time'. I want to know why."

2015-01-25, 11:49 AM

She willingly fails her save and allows it to affect her. "The Gith is a creature from beyond Maris, as you all are. But he is at his very core--evil. Whatever his grand plan--his methods are vile and we should be grateful that he is gone."

2015-01-25, 11:57 AM
Xanthax listen to Myra and ponders for a moment.

"I see. But then why carry on his plans?"

2015-01-26, 11:37 AM

"He ensured that his hold on us would hold even after his demise," she says--and it is not a lie. "Over each of us, he has something of value to us being held over an endless chasm--metaphorically speaking. If we do not play our parts--well--we'll lose that something."

2015-01-26, 11:46 AM
"Hmmm... I see. I'm eager to depart", he tell the others and with that he begin top soar in the sky.

"Does we have someone who cant fly here?", he ask in the telepathic bond.

2015-01-26, 12:02 PM
"Hold on" Ymelon says. "What are these things of value of which you spoke, Myra? Might we rescue them? And what is the true goal of his plan?

As for what to do ... it would be dishonorable to commit a greater evil because of a personal threat. That I will not do. I have trashed my honor in the past, true, but I must redeem it."

2015-01-27, 04:40 PM
I've got my hands full of stuff and since I still need to sleep and things like that, I'm withdrawing from the game.

Sorry guys