View Full Version : Blood of the Dragon (1-on-1 with Prehysterical)

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2014-11-02, 08:20 PM
Strange dreams have come to you in your sleep lately, though upon waking you're never able to recall any details of the dream; they slip away as if you were grabbing at wisps of smoke. For several days this has continued, though the dreams have not had any adverse affect upon you (aside of recalling that something seemed off about it) and they haven't been so intrusive that you felt a need to seek assistance.

Things were different last night, however.

While many of the details slipped away like normal, you can recall the image of a gleaming tower that pierces the clouds above, and a sense of foreboding as you look upon it. It goes beyond a simple "bad dream" sense, enough that it actually causes you to toss and turn in your sleep.

Upon waking, you find that you're not where you were when you went to sleep for the night. You're lying in a warm, soft bed in a large room. While you still have your clothing, your other belongings appear to have been taken, though upon sitting up you notice that a bundle situated on a dresser at the foot of your bed contains some of your belongings; however, your weapons and armor are not among them. A dim light is filtering in through the curtained windows, showing that it is likely early morning or possibly late evening.

As you try to get your bearings, the single door in the room opens, and a young human woman in blue and black robes enters with a small basket hanging from one arm. On her shoulder is a small, scaly creature, whose eyes seem to scan each bed in turn.

Requested by Prehysterical, also to help me practice DMing

2014-11-02, 08:41 PM
His dreams were filled with a mountain of wrathful gold, chasing him as he desperately clutched at his burden. Before him, an ominous tower stood. Despite his misgivings about it, anything was better than turning back to his pursuer. Running to the tower, his world is suddenly engulfed in flame and-

Vaex awakes from his nightmare with a start. Finding himself in this new room was strange enough, but he notices that he is not sleeping in his armor.
It seems that they confiscated my gear.

No sooner does the thought finish before Vaex's eyes widen and he bolts for the dresser at the end of his bed. He ignores the woman and her strangely familiar thing as he desperately searches. Please let it be here, please let it be here...

2014-11-02, 08:46 PM
"Oh, you're awake! That's good to know, we were beginning to worry!" The woman came over and set the basket down upon the bed. "Lord Khamer stored your belongings for you while you were asleep, and he's made sure that the egg is kept warm as well." She uncovered the basket, revealing a small amount of food inside.

"I brought this in case you were hungry when you woke up. Lunch is being prepared as we speak, and I'm sure Lord Khamer will want you to join him."

2014-11-02, 10:20 PM
The kobold stops dead at the woman's words. Turning slowly to look at her with a dangerous glint in his eyes, he asks, "...You took my dragon egg? Who gave you the right?! WHERE AM I?!"

2014-11-02, 10:24 PM
The woman held her hands up defensively. "Please, calm yourself. The egg is in Lord Khamer's study, where it's being kept warm and well-protected. The cold had endangered both you and the egg, and we didn't want to risk letting any harm come to the dragon inside."

She gestured toward the door. "I'd be happy to take you to the egg, if you'd please follow me. I'm sure Lord Khamer would be happy to answer any questions you might have."

2014-11-02, 10:38 PM
Glowering fiercely at the woman, Vaex nonetheless nods his assent. He has no idea where he is, and they have the egg at their mercy. For now, he would play along. He gathers up his belongings and says, "Take me to this 'Lord Khamer'."

2014-11-02, 10:52 PM
She bowed and led him out of the room, through the halls and to a large room at the end of the hallway. They passed several other rooms, as well as several servants dressed in identical blue-and-black uniforms. The halls are lined with tapestries of battle scenes and magical creatures, as well as an insignia (http://8e8460c4912582c4e519-11fcbfd88ed5b90cfb46edba899033c9.r65.cf1.rackcdn.c om/sales/cardscans/MAG_GTC/Prerelease_Dimir.jpg); a matching insignia can be seen on the front and back of each servant's uniform, including the woman leading Vaex.

The room at the end of the hall is lined with bookshelves, and a large metal brazier is situated in front of a large, lit hearth. Atop the brazier is the missing egg, with quilted blankets wrapped around its base as if cradling it. The woman bowed again and set the basket upon the table. "Lord Khamer is likely in his laboratory at the moment. Please, make yourself comfortable while I fetch him for you."

2014-11-02, 10:57 PM
Relief and gratitude flow through the kobold as he sees the egg not only safe, but also warm and comfortable on the brazier. He nods absently as he regards the egg. We've been on the run for so long, I was beginning to worry that it would eventually get too cold away from the fire. I hope that the hatchling is all right.

His stomach growls hungrily, and he is reminded of the basket of food that he left on the bed in his haste. Briefly, he considers going back to get it, but duty plants his scaly feet firmly in place. I won't leave him alone again...

2014-11-02, 11:08 PM
After a few minutes the door to the room opened again, this time admitting an elderly looking elf. The pseudodragon from before was perched on his shoulder, and was regarding the kobold from the man's shoulder.

"Oh, Veronica was right, you are wide awake!" The elf grinned and approached, stopping a short distance away. "It's good to see you on your feet, especially with how upset you seemed about the egg. You were talking in your sleep, by the way, most of it talking about the egg..."

2014-11-03, 03:46 PM
"Are you Lord Khamer? Where am I? How did I get here?"

2014-11-03, 07:04 PM
"One thing at a time, my draconic friend." He pulled up a couple of plush armchairs beside the fire, with one situated closer to the egg. "Please, have a seat and I'll explain as much as I can." The elf sank into the chair and laced his fingers together in his lap, looking even more like a withered old man in the flickering firelight.

"Yes, I am Khamer Duskmantle, lord of this estate and of the nearby village of Duskwood. I came across you while investigating the area surrounding the Tower, half-frozen and barely alive, and brought you back here to recover." He smiled, an almost fatherly look showing in his eyes. "We've tended to the egg as well, of course. I couldn't live with myself if I let such a noble creature, or its apparent caretaker, perished because of my neglect."

2014-11-03, 08:50 PM
Vaex is glad to sit beside the fire close to the egg. He says, "I suppose that I should thank you. But how did I end up in the snow? I have no memory of anything beyond lying down to bed for the night, and it was definitely nowhere close to snowing. Where exactly are we?"

2014-11-03, 08:53 PM
"I'm afraid I can't answer your question about how you came to be where I found you, simply because I don't know myself. there were no tracks, no signs of travel aside from the one I was leaving behind, and not even a lingering trace of what power may have brought you here."

He straightened up a little. "I will say this, though: I do know that you're not from this world."

2014-11-03, 08:57 PM
Sitting upright in his chair, Vaex regards him with wide, disbelieving reptilian eyes. "...What did you just say?"

2014-11-04, 12:04 AM
"I know it sounds hard to believe, but I can think of no other explanation. The divinations that were cast while you were sleeping revealed that there are not, and have never been, any members of your bloodline in the history of Ves'Perix. It's as if you were plucked from whatever world you called your home and dropped here, without a trace of how that happened."

2014-11-04, 03:15 PM
Vaex leans forward in his chair, disbelief churning in his gut. "You mean that I'm not in Golarion now? How could such a thing even be possible?"

2014-11-04, 03:43 PM
Khamer spread his hands, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm afraid I don't know. I even consulted Archmage Rhaegos and High Priest Tharas, and they were unable to find any sign of what may have pulled you from your homeland." He pushed up his glasses. "Which leads me to believe that whatever power drew you from your world... Golarion, was it? Whatever pulled you from there and into Ves'Perix was of a higher power than any mortal has access to. It may have even been one of the gods themselves, which begs the question of why they found it necessary to bring you here."

2014-11-04, 03:46 PM
This news is deeply troubling to Vaex. Until something comes to his mind...

He holds a clawed finger up in consideration. "Wait... I remember praying to the god Apsu for protection. To help me get away from the dragon chasing me. He could have moved me. But why here? Why another world? Was Martiviraurix's power truly that strong?"

2014-11-04, 03:56 PM
The elf raises an eyebrow at the mention of Apsu. "I don't know anything about this 'Apsu', but if he is a powerful deity where you are from then there's a chance he may have been the one who sent you here. As for the dragon you were fleeing from... I'm afraid I have no way to judge its power, not without seeing it for myself."

He sat up and looked down to the egg. "You mentioned a pursuer and protecting the egg while you slept. Were you trying to protect the hatchling from this Martiviraurix you spoke of?"

2014-11-04, 04:14 PM
Vaex replies for a moment before replying.

"...Yes. To make a dragon's story mortal, at they say, he sought to take the egg from my tribe and our 'corrupting influence'. The hatchling's mother appeared at our warren with a claw planted firmly in death, and she swore us to protecting her child. We cared for it, but Martiviraurix learned of its existence among us. He views kobolds as a mistake of creation, and he killed my entire tribe. I am the only one left. I ran for weeks, trying to stay small and one step ahead of him. But now... It seems like he is the least of my problems."

2014-11-04, 04:24 PM
"My condolences for your loss. However, you've done an admirable job of fulfilling the dragon's wishes as far as I can see, and I'm sure you'll continue to do so." He smiled and stood, gesturing over to the table. "Come, lunch will be brought in shortly and I'm sure you're starving after being asleep for nearly three days. I'm sure you have questions about this world as well, and it may be a good idea to decide what your next move will be."

2014-11-04, 04:33 PM
Three days?! Between that and nearly freezing to death, no wonder my stomach is eating itself! Making his way over to the table, Vaex actually starts shaking and quivering as his limbs become weak from all of the information he has been given. Thankfully, he finds enough strength within himself to make it to the table.

Trying to make himself comfortable on the too-large furniture, the kobold asks, "Tell me about this world. If I'm going to be here for a while, I need to know what I am up against."

2014-11-04, 04:45 PM
Khamer sat down across from the kobold. "Right now you're near the western edge of the Veiled Tundra, which is the domain of House Duskmantle and currently ruled by Queen Serana. It's early spring, so the snows will be melting within the next couple of weeks, but at the moment the tundra's mostly covered with snow and ice."

"South of the tundra is a vast pine forest, commonly referred to as the Land of the Beastfolk because of the races that inhabit it: kitsune, ratfolk, tengu, and the like. The Beastfolk lands stretch across most of the southern border of the Veiled Tundra, except for the eastern-most edge which borders the Keladren Forest, where you'll typically encounter fey and some rather unusual plant-based races. In the middle of the continent, bordered by the Beastfolk lands and the forest, likes a vast plain dubbed the Central Conclave; that's where you'll find most of the world's humans, elves, dwarves, and other 'human' races.

"The far western reaches of the continent are known as the Delgru Wastes: a collection of deserts and arid mesas, inhabited by gnolls, medusas, and the other 'monstrous' races. The Wastes are separated by a long chain of mountains and volcanoes known as the Dragonfire Crags. You may find yourself most at home there, as the primary inhabitants are kobolds, wyvaren, and other draconic races."

2014-11-04, 05:01 PM
Vaex leans on one arm as he considers the wealth of information being given to him.

"You mentioned that you do not know of Apsu. What gods do you call on, then?"

2014-11-04, 05:20 PM
"The deity that I primarily follow is known simply as 'the Gravekeeper.' He is the god of death, undeath, and burials, and the patron deity of the Veiled Tundra." As he spoke, he got to his feet and began to gather some old tomes from the bookshelves. "He is also the reason that my kind are able to walk around freely during the day, as he is the one who gifted the Duskmantle family with the artifacts that create the veil in the sky that protects us from the sun."

The collection of books that he was pulling down slowly grew as he explained. "Other popular deities are Thuri and Dov, commonly referred to as 'the Twins of Time'; Seles, the goddess of life and healing; Lorehn, the god of knowledge; Kazas, the god of Magic; Gogran, the god of battle... there are others, but those seven are considered the primary pantheon." He set the pile of books down on the table and spread them out. Six tomes in total, each one apparently a textbook on one (two, in the case of Thuri and Dov) of the deities that he'd mentioned.

2014-11-04, 06:23 PM
As the books are laid out before him, Vaex's brow furrows as something that was said earlier catches up with him.

"Why would you have a problem walking around in the sun? You are an elf... Right?"

2014-11-04, 06:36 PM
"Technically I am, but I'm also a vampire." He spoke as if being an undead creature of the night were perfectly normal.

2014-11-04, 06:48 PM
Stunned silence is followed by the kobold actually scrambling onto the table and finding the strength to grab his host by the shirt collar.

"If you have taken a single drop of blood from me or that egg, I will put the last moments of my life to use hammering a wooden stake through you! Did you do anything to the egg?"

I know this sounds childish, but I always imagined Vaex having a deeper voice than most kobolds. Think Thorin Oakenshield from the Hobbit movies.

2014-11-04, 07:02 PM
Khamer didn't budge at Vaex's sudden outburst, mainly because it startled him. "The only thing I did to the egg aside from warming it was a handful of harmless tests to determine the type of dragon inside and how close it is to hatching. As far as your blood, I did have to take some in order to determine whether you were from this world, but it was only a small sample, maybe two or three drops." He pointed to the kobold's wrist, where a tiny pinprick could be seen; it was too small for a fang mark, appearing almost as if a needle had been used.

The elf didn't attempt to free himself from Vaex's grasp as he continued. "It seems that my kind aren't thought very highly of in Golarion. Fear not; while vampires are seen as sinister beings outside of this kingdom, the Duskmantle family has their subjects' best interests in mind. A few rogue vampires do come up here and there, thinking that they deserve to treat mortals how they wish, but they are quickly dealt with before they can cause too much trouble."

Feel free to make a Sense Motive check whenever Vaex is suspicious of someone's intentions

2014-11-04, 07:06 PM
Vaex has a decent Sense Motive. We'll see how this goes.
Not great, apparently.

Vaex looks the vampire in his mismatched eyes, but ultimately decides that he is telling the truth. Eventually, he releases Lord Khamer and pauses for a moment before reluctantly speaking.

"...Very well, then. Whatever the case may be, it seems that I owe you a debt. Those of the dragon blood always pay back what is owed."

2014-11-06, 12:53 AM
Sorry, didn't realize the post had been updated

Khamer grinned and shook his head. "You may be indebted to me, but I don't intend to take advantage of that fact. I would consider a chance to meet with and examine the young dragon periodically after it's hatched payment enough. Nothing that would harm him or anything of the sort, but I'm very much interested in what differences may exist between the brass dragons of your world and the ones from mine."

The elf gestured to the chair across the table. "If learning that I'm an undead is enough to make you react like that, you may want to have a seat before I say anymore." He waited to see if Vaex would sit down or not, then continued. "I may as well put this bluntly, as I doubt there's a delicate way to say it, but I ask that you please hold your judgments until you've heard me out. Necromancy is a common practice here in the Veiled Tundra, though I doubt it's practiced in the same way as what you may be familiar with when it comes to intelligent beings: rather than pulling a person's body out of the ground to use as a slave or tool, a necromancer from these lands will ask for the deceased person's permission before animating the body. Many citizens choose to allow their bodies to be animated to serve as either soldiers or as laborers for more dangerous jobs, or simply so that they can continue their previous career."

He tapped his fingers together as he continued. "Animation without consent is, of course, considered a crime of the same caliber as murder or rape, and often punished by death... or worse. The same goes for grave-robbing." Khamer leaned forward and touched the tome bearing a depiction of a skeletal figure bearing a scythe and what appeared to be a lantern carved from a pumpkin. "We share the Gravekeeper's dislike of desecrating the final rest of the dead, and some consider it to be a mercy when the Royal Council is dealing the punishment to a grave-robber. The Gravekeeper's brand of punishment is... Well, let's just say it's enough to make even the council shudder."

2014-11-06, 05:50 PM
After listening to Khamer's words, Vaex eventually nods his head. "Serving the tribe, even after death, is to be commended. If only others had the same attitude where I come from.

But let us be clear about something: I will not be beholden to present the hatchling to you when you simply demand it. You can ask any favor of me, but leave Forseti out of this. I cannot make that decision for him."

2014-11-06, 07:00 PM
"Fair enough. I'll be sure to get his permission, then." Khamer stood and went over to the bookshelves, slowly combing through them. "This may sound bleak or pessimistic, but I believe you may want to consider long-term plans in the event that you're not able to return to Golarion. You're more than welcome to stay here as my guest, of course," he paused as he pulled down one of the books and flipped through it before shaking his head and replacing it on the shelf, "but I don't intend to make you stay if you don't want to. If you decide to go elsewhere, you have a few options available."

Another book was pulled down, perused, and placed back in its original space. "Why can Taalia never put these back where she found them... My recommendation if you choose to go elsewhere would be the Dragonfire Crags; at the very least you'd be among your own kind, and I'm sure one of the tribes there would be more than willing to accept you once they've heard your story. Of course, if you'd prefer somewhere else, the Central Conclave tends to be welcoming of outsiders. I'd steer clear of the gnomes and dwarves if you can, though."

2014-11-06, 07:16 PM
Vaex's pupils become slits and he hisses dangerously at the mention of gnomes. His yellow crest rises in anger and a faint chlorine smell makes itself known in the room.

"Gnomes had best steer clear of me."

He calms down and stops to consider his next move.

"I am in no hurry to return to Golarion. Nothing awaits me there but death and failure. The egg needs proper care and a safe home, that much is certain. Kobolds would know how to help with its needs and provide a hoard for the hatchling. It sounds like I need to head west. How would you recommend traveling this time of year? I wouldn't last very long walking up to my waist in snow."

2014-11-06, 07:37 PM
"Hm... I don't think snow will be that much of a problem, seeing as the roads are kept clear during the winter and eventually run through one of the passes into the Crags. As for how to get there..." He looked over to the curtained wall opposite the fireplace and walked over, throwing open the curtains. They parted to reveal a large window, which displayed the snow-covered countryside. In the distance lay a serene pine forest, its branches laden with snow, and beyond that what appeared to be rolling hills. And beyond the hills lay...

The tower from your dream.

"Oh, for... I always get turned around indoors, this faces east."

2014-11-06, 07:44 PM
A sinking feeling in his gut sends a chill down Vaex's spine.

"That tower... I saw it in my dreams. Is that a bad sign?"

2014-11-06, 07:51 PM
Khamer whipped around and stared at Vaex. "You've seen it in your dreams? When? Did you see it before you were brought to this world?" There's a somewhat wild look in his eye, though it appears more like the look of a man on the verge of a huge discovery than anything else. Thinking back, you begin to recall that the tower, or at least something similar to it, appeared in other dreams before your most recent one, albeit only as a fleeting image.

2014-11-06, 08:04 PM
The kobold is not encouraged by the elf's reaction.

"I began seeing it a week ago in my dreams, though only faintly. Last night, as I lay down to sleep, however, I was running to the tower in my dreams. You don't think... that it is responsible for my being here?"

2014-11-06, 08:10 PM
"Of course... of course, that explains why you were lying just in front of the tower when I..." He seems to be talking to himself, running over things in his head. After a few seconds he looks over, as if just realizing Vaex spoke. "I can't say for sure, but it's increasingly likely that your appearance and the tower's appearance are connected. It appeared less than a week ago, completely out of nowhere, and when I arrived to investigate I found you and the egg buried mere feet from the tower's door."

He clapped his hands together. "This just adds to the list of reasons I need to get inside! The Tower of Xileria appearing out of nowhere in Ves'Perix after being little more than a rumor of a myth for countless millenia, and a being from an entirely different world just days later... All those years of research are about to pay off!"

2014-11-06, 08:27 PM
Why would an outside force transport me of all people to another realm? This needs investigating.

"What is this tower? And why do you care about it so much?"

2014-11-06, 08:37 PM
"I don't know, and that's precisely why I'm so interested in it!" He was practically giggling as he returned to the bookshelves, quickly digging through the books until he found a beat-up tome. The vampire dropped it on the table and flipped it open, revealing that it was a journal that was stuffed with extra pieces of paper that appeared to be note sheets, though they were written in a myriad of different languages.

"The tower wasn't a big concern of mine at first, it was just mentioned in one of the older books I'd uncovered while exploring some ruins out in the Delgru Wastes. I'd never heard of it before, so I brought it to Rhaegos and Tharas to see if they had any information. They didn't, but they directed me to a library in the Planetouched Isles, where I found more snippets of information. Over time I've mostly just been compiling theories, but some things are clear. The books I've found that mentioned the Tower are themselves older than just about anything I've ever seen, and even then it mentions that the Tower is a myth that's existed for countless years."

2014-11-06, 08:46 PM
"Is it an omen of some kind? Some harbinger of disaster or coming change? Surely there must be some purpose or coincidence to it."

2014-11-06, 08:48 PM
"From what I've found out, the last time the Tower appeared was on the brink of Ves'Perix's destruction, though the details are hazy. It could be that the Tower was integral in saving the world from destruction, or that the Tower was the cause to begin with." His mirthful attitude faded a little. "I really hope it's the first one."

2014-11-06, 08:53 PM
The news is enough to heave a great sigh out of Vaex. There is no instance in which I can't help, if I am to make sure.

"Let's make a deal, daywalker. I help you find out about this tower, and you call our account even. No one better to go through a trapped warren than a kobold."

2014-11-06, 08:56 PM
"It's a deal, then." He closed the book and straightened up. "I had a few of my servants set up a camp just in front of the Tower to see if they could find a way to unseal the entrance, so we'll at least have a warm place to stay while we look for a way in."

2014-11-06, 10:05 PM
Stopping to look intently at the nestled egg, Vaex asks, "Can I trust you to keep the egg safe while we do this? I dare not take with me, for fear of it befalling whatever fate I may suffer. It means more to me than my life."

2014-11-06, 10:36 PM
"Me personally? No, because I was intending to go with you. My servants would be more than willing to look after him until we return, though. Then again... where did I put..." He reached into his pockets and dug around for a moment, before pulling out an ivory key. "I must've left it in my workshop. I figured you would want to leave and try to find a place to settle down once you woke up, so I went to the trouble of making something for you."

Khamer went to the door of the room and inserted the key, turning it as if unlocking the door. When it opened, it didn't lead back into the hallway; it led into a large workshop, lined with alchemical equipment and crafting tools. "Nyx, do you remember where I left the bag?"

2014-11-06, 11:00 PM
Vaex follows along, awestruck by the display of magic.

"How did you do that? Is the key magic, or is this place enchanted with secret rooms?"

2014-11-06, 11:32 PM
"It's a demiplane that me and a few of my servants put together after one too many mishaps in the laboratory. It's completely separate from the manor, and from any other location that you might come across." He held up the key, and a faint glow surrounded it now that they were inside the workshop. "Any doorway opened with this key will turn it on into a gateway into this place. Much more convenient than having to run back here every time I need to make or repair something, and infinitely more cost-effective than building and maintaining workshops all over Ves'Perix. The only downside is that you can't leave except through the door you came in through; in this case, we'd end up back in my study."

2014-11-07, 02:50 PM
Though Vaex's knowledge of magic was rudimentary at best, he recognized the amount of effort and talent that would have to be put in for such a project. This Lord Khamer was more powerful than he had first thought.

"It is a good place. Would that my own tribe had had access to something like this! Have you stocked supplies in case your enemies trap you inside this realm while you seek refuge?"

2014-11-07, 08:29 PM
"No, I never felt the need. Even if the door were to be closed and destroyed, it's possible to leave with a gate or similar spell. That's why I installed the arches over there." He pointed to an ivory archway, which was fashioned like a pair of robed and hooded skeletons wielding scythes. "I suppose I could open the door from the inside, but the last time I did that was after the ship I was on had sunk, and..." He sighed. "Let's just say it took months to get everything dried out and put back in order."

2014-11-07, 11:47 PM
"So why are we here, then? This is impressive and all, but what are we doing here?"

2014-11-07, 11:55 PM
"Because I made something to give to you so that you would have an easier time tending to the egg. Carrying it across the countryside will be challenging enough, but keeping it warm while you're in the northern areas is another thing entirely." He began sifting through drawers and piles of odds-and-ends, until he finally pulled out a satchel made of scaly red hide. "Found it!"

He presented the bag to Vaex. It was well-crafted, and while it had a slight similarity to dragon skin at first glance it soon became clear that it was crafted from the skin of some other reptilian creature. The bag felt pleasantly warm to the touch, as if there were smoldering coals tucked inside. "It's bigger on the inside than it looks, and I've cushioned the inside to make sure that the egg doesn't get jostled around."

2014-11-08, 12:02 AM
Vaex stuffs his arm into the bag, surprised by how big the inside space actually is.

"What creature is this made from?"

2014-11-08, 12:08 AM
"It's red basilisk hide. A cousin species of the normal basilisk, though instead of turning you to stone they cause you to burst into flame. Still trying to figure out how that works, honestly..."

The inside of the bag was big enough to contain the egg and a small amount of equipment. It might even fit Vaex alongside the egg, though it would be a bit of a squeeze.

2014-11-08, 03:57 PM
Vaex eyes the bag appreciatively and slings it over his back.

"This is good. I can even put some coin in there to start the little one's hoard. A dragon born into the world as a pauper is done a disservice."

The kobold suddenly eyes Khamer suspiciously.

"I will not be further beholden to you for accepting this, will I?"

Bag of Holding I?

2014-11-08, 04:25 PM
An offended look crossed his face. "Of course not! I wouldn't dream of charging you or expecting something in return for something that I put together in an afternoon."

Yes, BoH 1, with an enchant that functions like Endure Elements on the inside. It's also resistant to tearing

2014-11-08, 06:12 PM
The kobold clutches the bag silently in disbelief for a few seconds.

"..You made something like this in one afternoon? What do you do, exactly? Where do you get these materials and all this money?"

2014-11-08, 06:30 PM
"Technically speaking, I'm the court alchemist and artificer for Queen Serana, as well as an adopted member of her family." He gestured to the workshop and the myriad of magical items and components scattered about. "But, seeing as she actually has little need for my services outside of the occasional request for repairs or specialty items, I'm given free reign over whatever project catches my interest. That bag was something I was working on to see if there was a way to transport foodstuffs through the Tundra without worrying about it freezing."

2014-11-08, 06:40 PM
"So, when do we leave? And when do I get my weapons back?"

2014-11-08, 07:18 PM
"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" He led Vaex out of the workshop and closed the door behind them; when it opened it led back into the hallway. "I'll be right back with the rest of your belongings."

He returned a few minutes later, carrying the rest of the missing equipment. "Sorry about that, I saw the unfamiliar designs and I just couldn't help myself."

2014-11-08, 07:37 PM
Putting the dagger back into its wrist sheath and slinging the small club onto his belt, Vaex finally holds his faithful crossbow with evident gratitude. Finally, he walks up to the brazier and placed the egg snugly and reverently into the specially made pouch. He turns to Lord Khamer and asks,

"When do we set out?" Immediately after the question is posed, a loud grumbling made itself known in the kobold's stomach and he nearly fell over. Holding himself up with a hand, Vaex lets a wry grin onto his snout. "After I get some food in me, I suppose, or I won't make it out the front door."

2014-11-08, 07:42 PM
"We can leave whenever you're ready. Come to think of it, lunch should have been ready by now..."

As if on cue, a trio of servants entered the room, each carrying a covered tray. They set the trays upon the table, and the covers were lifted to reveal what appeared to be roasted ducks on two of the trays, which were flanked by collections of baked potatoes and other vegetables. The third tray had two small bottles of wine and two goblets. The servants bowed and left without a word.

2014-11-08, 07:46 PM
No sooner have the servants bowed and turned away than Vaex begins tearing into one of the birds like a wild animal, tearing chunks off with his teeth and bobbing his head back in a distinctly bird-like manner to let the pieces slide down his throat. His hands dart toward the potatoes and vegetables, stuffing them into his mouth as he chews rapidly. It is clear that he is thoroughly engrossed in the meal.

2014-11-08, 07:49 PM
"It looks like I may need to have extra food packed for the trip, if your appetite is normally like that." He chuckled, though a minor look of concern crossed his face. "...And maybe something to help with stomach troubles..." The vampire departed to his workshop again, returning with a leather case that made a soft, ceramic clinking sound as he set it down.

2014-11-08, 07:58 PM
Looking up with a bit of meat hanging from his jaws, Vaex says, "It is normally not this bad. Normally, I can survive for three days off of what would sustain a warmblood for one. But when I have been out in the cold, I need three times as much food as a warmblood. That, and the fact that I have not eaten in three days, means that I am literally starving. Once I have this down me, I should be back to full strength and ready to go."

Tilting his head, he asks, "What is in the case?" He begins to go back to his meal as Khamer responds, though he is slower and takes the time to pour some wine for himself. After a moment's consideration, he also pours a glass for the vampire.

2014-11-08, 08:04 PM
"Ah, thank you, my friend." He accepted the wine and took a swig from his glass. The wine had a sweet, fruity flavor to it, with a faint, though not awful, coppery aftertaste. "The case is just a few medicines that I thought might be good to bring along. It shouldn't be necessary, but it never hurts to be prepared. Especially if the tomb motes have started coming out... vile little cretins..."

2014-11-08, 09:51 PM
Taking a careful sip of the wine, so that he didn't just gulp it down, Vaex asks, "What are tomb motes? Undead? Vermin? Fey?"

2014-11-09, 12:47 AM
"Undead, though I'd liken them more to an unnatural vermin than anything. They... how to explain this..." He pulled a sheet of parchment from his bag and laid it out, and began to draw as he spoke. "When magic is used, it serves whatever purpose the mage intended and then disperses; that's the way magic works as most people understand it. However," he sketched out a swirling mass, "if magical power becomes aligned to a particular aspect, such as illusion or evocation magic, without having a mage to direct it, it eventually becomes condensed enough to manifest in a tangible way. In this particular case, when enough necromantic energy gathers in one place it creates a tomb mote."

His next sketch depicted a small, vaguely humanoid creature that appeared to be made up entirely of teeth, clumps of hair, and dirt. "They're not an issue for 'normal' undead, but they do pose a threat to the living. They're quick, surprisingly strong for their size, and their bite carries a disease known locally as 'corpse bloat;' every so often I have to treat someone from Duskwood for corpse bloat because a mote snuck into their storehouse or attacked them while they were gathering firewood."

2014-11-09, 01:14 AM
"I hate dealing with undead. They're immune to most of the usual methods we use. Will we at least have a holy man of some kind with us to wave a holy symbol or something? And you said that they are attuned to different kinds of magic. Does that affect them differently in any way?"

2014-11-09, 01:18 AM
"I don't think holy magic will be necessary. They're rather weak, and aside from the way they form they're not much different from a typical undead, so they're affected by healing and other offensive magic as you'd expect." He folded up the sheet of parchment and pushed it aside. "It may still be too early in the spring for them to be an issue, in any case. Usually they're buried under the snow this time of year, and most of them don't bother trying to dig themselves out."

2014-11-09, 01:23 AM
After a little while, Vaex picks his plate clean and has finished his glass of wine. Standing up, he says,

"Can we leave now? As interesting as it is to talk about your world, I would like to be doing something while I listen. 'A still pickaxe starves mouths', as they say."

2014-11-09, 01:26 AM
"Fair enough." He finished with his plate and picked up his bags. "I haven't had time to set up a gateway to the tower yet, so we'll need to walk or ride. Do you have a preference?"

2014-11-09, 01:29 AM
"I would prefer to walk. Unless you mean to tell me that you have dire weasels in your stable..."

2014-11-09, 01:33 AM
"Not anymore. We had a couple once, but nobody was small enough to ride them." He chuckled. "Plus there was the one incident where they somehow got hold of a growth elixir I'd been working on... It took months to rebuild that wing of the manor."

Khamer led Vaex out of the building and down the path leading to the front gate. "It's about five days by foot to reach the tower normally. We'll keep to the roads as far east as they go, but we'll have to go through the snow for the last third of the trip."

2014-11-09, 01:37 AM
The news is less than stellar to Vaex's ears. Still, at least they wouldn't have to slog through snow the whole way through. That was something to be thankful for.

"Lucky for you, kobolds are fast for their size. So, tell me about the story of the dire dire weasels..."

Fast forward until something happens?

2014-11-09, 01:50 AM
The journey to the tower was uneventful for the most part. Most of each day was spent travelling and conversing, with the occasional stop whenever they came across one of the citizens travelling to or from Duskwood. It was apparent from the treatment they received that Khamer was a well-liked person among the citizenry, as evidenced by their offers to share their supplies or campfires.

Overall, it took perhaps a week to reach the tower, as the snows had piled up and made traversing the last leg of the journey a bit more difficult. Upon arriving, it was clear that a base camp had already been established: several tents and makeshift buildings had been constructed among the ruins surrounding the tower, with multiple skeletons running one errand or another between them.

"The ruins of Karatel... This city used to be a major port for these lands, until maybe 500 years ago when a massive wave struck the town and killed most of its inhabitants. Since then it's sat here, gathering dust... the tower's appearance is the first thing to happen in these ruins since the disaster that wiped it from the face of Ves'Perix."

2014-11-09, 01:56 AM
Vaex is glad to have finally reached their destination. He looks at the camp with a practiced eye, observing defensive points and potential breaches in security.

"I suppose we are going to reconvene with your servants and see if anything interesting has happened? I also want to speak with whoever is in charge of your security."

2014-11-10, 12:42 AM
"That's probably a good idea; I asked them to keep any passerby away, since we don't know what sort of trouble to expect from the tower." He led Vaex through the camp, finally coming to a large canvas tent. Inside, a young woman was leaning over what appeared to be a recently-drawn map of the area, and a pair of skeletons were pointing to different points on the map.

"Kathleen, has anything happened since I last left?" The woman jumped and spun around, knocking over the empty bottles that had been keeping the map unfurled. "L-Lord Khamer! N-no, sir, everything has been the same. We haven't made any progress on entering the tower, or finding out what's keeping it sealed." She seemed nervous, and from her appearance she didn't seem very old.

2014-11-10, 10:17 AM
Not sure if the skeletons are sentient, Vaex approaches the woman. "Who is in charge of the guard here? I need to get a feel for the area before this goes too much further."

2014-11-11, 08:53 AM
"Um... that would be me. Kathleen Rezel, at your service!" She gave a small bow, the chain shirt under her vest clinking with the movement. "I can let you look around since you're here with Lord Khamer, but you'll need an escort."

2014-11-11, 10:10 PM
The kobold looks at Khamer with a somewhat offended manner. "Apparently, walking in here with you is not a sign of trustworthiness. Will you be escorting me, or the two gravewalkers here?"

2014-11-11, 10:39 PM
"Thric rigluin ekess kiwieg fisandreth, Vaex. My instructions to her were to let nobody in without my permission, and that anyone who did have permission would need an escort. More to protect the locals than to keep any rivals out, of course." He turned his attention to Kathleen. "I'll go with him, don't worry.""Ah, y-yes. My apologies, Sir Vaex." The woman stumbled over the kobold's name, though it wasn't for lack of trying.

2014-11-12, 12:47 PM
As they begin walking out of the tent, Vaex asks, "What locals? I thought you said that this place was deserted." The kobold's eyes dart around, looking for anything out-of-place or causes of potential concern.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-11-13, 01:44 AM
Aside from the skeletons and other workers managing the camp and the occasional flurry of snow kicked up by the wind, there's little movement in the camp or the ruins. "The nearest town is a few days away, true, but the beach to the south is a popular fishing spot for the people of Mourningglen, and curious thrill-seekers have a habit of making their way into the more wild areas of the Tundra. Not to mention the myriad of foreigners who came to investigate the tower; it can be seen from anywhere in the Tundra or the southern lands, and I've heard rumors that some have even spotted it from the other side of the Dragonfire Crags."

As they pass by the tower itself, Vaex feels a strange compulsion to approach the heavy stone doors. They appear somewhat worn, but the mystical designs and leering, gemstone-eyed dragon faces are still clearly visible.

2014-11-13, 02:31 PM
Vaex begins approaching the doors, fascinated by the stony draconic faces. "Why don't you tear down the old buildings," he asks distractedly. "Places like inevitable become the haunt of some creature or other that causes trouble for the surrounding area. Particularly a place as tied to death as this."

2014-11-14, 03:01 AM
"It's been suggested several times over the years, but Queen Serana wouldn't have it. She said that doing so would be an insult to the memories of those who died here." He looked around at the ruins around them as they approached the doors of the tower. "In any case, General Tahlis comes by with a small force once or twice a month to clear out any beasts or outlaws that have taken up residence here."

He looked up at the tower doors and sighed. "What I wouldn't give to be able to see what's inside. Just imagine what ancient secrets might be hidden inside this tower! But alas..." Khamer reached out and pushed on the door, visibly straining against it. "The door's sealed, and I can't for the life of me figure out what sort of magics or mechanisms are keeping it shut."

2014-11-14, 12:48 PM
Reaching up to stroke one of the dragon faces, Vaex quietly says, "Svabol ui dout irthos, tilabil?"

2014-11-14, 01:25 PM
A soft growl emenates from the door, and under Vaex's touch it begins to swing open with a gentle creak, the gemstone eyes lighting up. Khamer's mouth fell open as he stared dumbstruck at the door. "How... how did you... What did you do to open it?!"

2014-11-14, 01:32 PM
Stunned, Vaex replies, "Nothing! I just spoke to it!" He hestitates before asking, "Should we... go in?"

2014-11-14, 08:19 PM
"Absolutely!" He ushered the kobold into the tower before stepping through the doorway himself.

The doors open into a large, ornate entrance hall, with a polished marble walkway leading up the center of the room toward a double set of curving staircases leading up to a balcony. Statues of dragons and other mythical beasts line the walkway, each crafted of either fine stone, precious metals, or even gemstones. Overall, the entrance hall appears almost like the main hall of a temple due to its sheer size and the fineness of its appearance.

Despite supposedly being abandoned for countless years, the hall is pristine, with no signs of decay or even dust.

2014-11-14, 09:03 PM
Vaex looks around uneasily at the wealth on display and says, "Something is not right here. There is no trace of dust or ruin to this place. Either some magic keeps this place pristine, or it's cleaned on a regular basis..." The kobold unslings the crossbow from his back, but doesn't load a bolt. Not yet.

Looking up at Khamer, he says, "Let me go ahead first. I can move quietly and stay hidden when necessary. Draconic words may have opened the doors to this place, but I still don't trust it."

2014-11-14, 09:18 PM
"I don't think it's magic; I can't detect anything, so there either isn't any or it's masked somehow." He let Vaex take the lead, though he followed close behind and took in the sights of the hall as they walked. "This is incredible... I don't even recognize some of these creatures, and I've lived for nearly a thousand years!"

2014-11-14, 09:27 PM
As Vaex makes his way to the lefthand staircase, he looks over his shoulder and hisses, "What part of 'be quiet' do you not get? We are in a potentially hostile zone. Until we find out what exactly we are dealing with, a little silence might be warranted. Living for a thousand years isn't going to do you any good if we end up as a pile of ashes. This place could have traps to deal with intruders, for all we know."

2014-11-14, 09:43 PM
Khamer raised his hands apologetically and didn't say anything else, though his steps were light as they went up the stone stairs.

Despite Vaex's assumptions, there wasn't a trace of any traps as they headed up. At the top of the stairs rested a large mechanism, comprised of large metal rings that slowly and silently twirled in the air, each orbiting around the smaller ring inside it, with a large jeweled orb in the center, worked to resemble an eye with a slitted pupil.

2014-11-15, 10:51 PM
Following a hunch, Vaex leans on his toes to get to his full height and looks the orb right in the slit.

2014-11-15, 11:38 PM
The orb swivels to meet the kobold's gaze, and a small indentation opens in the floor beneath the mechanism. It almost looks like a container or bowl of some kind, carved into the stone.

2014-11-16, 12:04 AM
Looking back at Khamer, Vaex asks, "What do you think is meant to go into the bowl?"

2014-11-16, 12:09 AM
"I'm not sure... It's clearly meant to be an offering of some kind, but the question is an offering of what?" He knelt and peered at the indentation. "There are some runes inside... It looks like an archaic form of Draconic text, but it's too small to read without getting a closer look. And these blasted rings keep getting in the way!" Khamer reached to grab one of the rings to hold it still, but it reversed its direction before his hand could get closer than a few inches away.

2014-11-16, 12:14 AM
Vaex goes over the clues in his mind. He had been able to gain access to the tower, despite the best efforts of scholars from this world. What made him different? Then he remembered the common theme binding everything together: the dragon's faces, the slitted eye, his appearance alongside it...

Pulling forth his small dagger, Vaex makes a shallow cut along the palm of his hand. Clenching it into a fist, he raises his hand over the indentation and offers what had allowed him access in the first place: dragon's blood.

2014-11-16, 12:22 AM
The runes light up inside the indentation, and more runes begin to appear on the stone surrounding it. They spread until the floor beneath the mechanism is covered in runes, and the outermost ring of the contraption gradually slows, until it comes to rest parallel to the wall. It still floats like the other rings, but a faint glow that matches the color of Vaex's scales seems to emanate from the runes adorning the ring.

Khamer was silent for a moment, before he grasped Vaex's arm. "Of course, how did I not think of it? You're definitely connected with the tower's appearance in some way! Perhaps you're the herald of dire times ahead, brought here by the gods to avert a world-shattering disaster!" The old elf seemed excited, but a look of worry suddenly crossed his face, and he placed his hands on the kobold's shoulders. "You don't look so good; do you feel strange at all?"

2014-11-16, 12:58 AM
"World-shattering disaster?" That doesn't sound good. Still, Vaex is offput by the vampire's manner.

'No, I feel fine. I'm not such a weakling that cutting my palm makes me faint. Why?"

2014-11-16, 09:18 PM
"You look pale. And slightly... transparent?" He had a confused look on his face. While Vaex didn't seem to be visibly different, Khamer's features started to become hazy and partially see-through, and the same started to happen to the surroundings. The only thing that didn't appear to fade was the orb within the mechanism, which was still fixated on Vaex.

After a few seconds the room vanished, leaving Vaex floating in a star-lit void. There was the faint sensation of sinking, and the kobold's feet touch down lightly on an ethereal walkway leading in the direction of the orb.

2014-11-16, 09:53 PM
Things are going far too fast for Vaex to process completely. He sighs as his feet settle on what seems to be an invisible path. No way out but forward, I guess. I should've been more careful when I asked Apsu for help. He begins walking toward the orb and whatever fate destiny has in store.

2014-11-16, 10:28 PM
The orb slowly moves away, staying a few feet ahead of Vaex the whole time. The path faded a few feet behind him as he walked, but it extended ahead of him, almost as if the orb were illuminating the path.

After perhaps a hundred feet, the orb winks out of existence, and an old-looking kobold can be seen sitting on the path, seemingly meditating. "Algbo... nomeno ui ti creolnali si ocuira confnir..."

"Well... this is not something I saw coming..."

Also, Perception or Knowledge (Arcana)

2014-11-17, 12:21 PM
As Vaex regards the kobold before him, his eyes cannot get a good focus on him. Every time he blinks, the kobold takes on a new color and his features alter. Silver, red, gold, green, black, copper, white, bronze, blue, brass... Colors representing true dragonkind. It was clear that this one was blessed somehow.

Hesitantly, Vaex asks, "Svaust re wux, tilabil? Svabol ui nomeno goawy?"
"Who are you, elder? What is this place?"

2014-11-18, 09:36 AM
The kobold raised its head slightly to look at Vaex, though his eyes remained closed. "I am Unahzaaljun, ruler of the Dragonfire Crags and oracle to the Twin Dragons of Time." He slowly spread his arms, gesturing to the starry void around them. "As for where we are... I had always thought it to be a place in my mind, where I commune with Lord Dov and Mistress Thuri, but if you are here I may be mistaken. How did you come to be in this place, young one?"

2014-11-18, 11:38 AM
Vaex bows respectfully as he responds.

"I am Vaex, and I am not of this world. I don't know how I came into your mind, except for entering some tower that only responded to those of the dragon blood. Perhaps my being here is the will of Apsu, lord of dragons. In any case, I don't know why I am here."

2014-11-18, 11:45 AM
Unahzaaljun's head inclines as if he is thinking for a moment. "The tower... ah, so you have entered the tower that appeared on the far side of the White Tomblands... And I take it you were guided to me by a crystal orb fashioned into the semblance of a dragon's eye?"

2014-11-18, 11:49 AM
Vaex's eyes widen from how precise the elder's guess is. "Yes, I offered my blood to the eye and it took me here. Khamer said something about me becoming 'ghostly' or some such thing."

2014-11-18, 11:58 AM
"I see..." The elderly kobold stroked his chin in thought. "That eye has appeared in my dreams and visions more and more often as of late, always guiding an unknown kobold to me before the dream ends. Perhaps Dov was trying to prepare me for your arrival."

His left eye opened, and the strangeness of it was clear; like his scales, it constantly changed color, though only to those of the chromatic dragons. "You have... lost your tribe, and been entrusted with the hatchling of a dragon. And for the past week, you have been in the company of one of the fanged nightwalkers of the Tomblands."

2014-11-18, 12:04 PM
Unslinging Lord Khamer's bag from his back, Vaex reaches inside and draws forth the brass dragon egg. He holds it firmly in both hands. "I was not in his company so long by choice. He found me outside the tower in the snow. Almost froze to death, the both of us."

He looks up hopefully. "You said that you were lord of the Crags? Can you help us? This wyrmling needs somewhere warm and safe to hatch. The meager supply of gold on my person isn't enough to provide a proper starting hoard for the young one."

2014-11-18, 12:24 PM
The elder thought for a moment before nodding. "You are clearly marked by the favor of the gods of this world. I will offer you what aid can be offered should you wish to come to my domain."

2014-11-18, 12:28 PM
The news brings a grateful smile to Vaex's snout. Still, something puzzles him.

"You seem to know of the tower. What is its purpose? I promised the nightwalker that I would help him investigate in exchange for the aid he has given me."

2014-11-18, 12:39 PM
"I'm afraid I do not know. Even with the gifts given to me by the Gods of time, my visions will not reveal anything of the Tower's significance or its history. All Thuri and Dov will reveal..." His left eye closed, and the right opened to reveal that his other eye constantly shifted between the metallic dragon colors. "...is that you are tied to it in some way. Whether for good or for ill, I can't say..."

2014-11-18, 01:00 PM
Vaex blows his lips in exasperation. So, even the gods don't know what the hell this tower is for... Not great news...

"Thank you for your insight, elder. Now... how do I get back? I doubt that the eye means to keep me here forever, and I, unfortunately, will have to get back to my investigation."

2014-11-18, 01:21 PM
Unahzaaljun opens his mouth to speak, but before any words come he vanishes. Vaex finds himself back in the tower, with multiple skeletons and servants darting around and seemingly looking for hidden doors or passages in the wall. Khamer is pacing down on the first floor, visibly aggravated.

"There has to be a hidden passage that we've missed, there has to be! If he was pulled to another level of the tower by something inside the building, the ones who built the damn place would have made a way to reach the other floors!"

2014-11-18, 01:31 PM
His head a little dizzy from the transition back to physical form, Vaex says, "You can call off the search. I'm back. No hidden passage to where I went, though..."

2014-11-18, 01:44 PM
Khamer darted up the stairs, nearly tripping several times before he reached the top. "Thank the gods, you're unharmed! What happened to you? Did you get taken to another part of the tower?"

2014-11-18, 01:53 PM
"It was strange. I was in some kind of phantasmal realm, and I spoke with a kobold. He said that he was the elder of the Dragonfire Crags. His right eye held the colors of metal, his left was all five of the chromatic, and his scales colored from all ten. He saw me and the eye in his dreams recently. Said I was blessed by the twin gods of time in this world. He offered to help me shelter the egg.

...How long was I missing?"

2014-11-20, 07:31 PM
"Hours, you were gone for hours! My servants and I searched every nook ad cranny we could find in the entrance hall but there wasn't a single sign of what had happened to you!" Khamer heaved a heavy sigh of relief and looked back down the stairs toward Kathleen. "You can call off the search now, we've found him."

As the girl nodded and went to round up the searchers, the vampire turned back to Vaex. "You said you spoke to the elder of the Crags. I take it he knew just as little about the tower as we did?"

2014-11-20, 08:53 PM
Vaex sadly nods his head yes. "Even he, blessed by sight from the gods, could not discern its history or purpose. And that worries me... I begin to question the wisdom of investigating such a place."

2014-11-20, 09:03 PM
"You may be right, but I can't help myself when it comes to unsolved mysteries. I'm somewhat of a glutton for knowledge." He tapped his chin in thought. "High Priest Tharas said that he'd experienced a similar lack of information when he consulted the Gravekeeper. That leads me to believe that the gods are either hesitant to reveal the Tower's origins, or that they're just as unaware of its nature as we are. I don't know which I'd find more worrying..."

2014-11-20, 09:13 PM
"In any case, I feel like we have done enough exploring for today. I suggest that we exit the tower and set up a defensive perimeter. Both inside and outside... This whole thing is getting more worrisome by the minute."

2014-11-20, 09:18 PM
"I agree. Studying this place can wait until we've figured out what happened with that... thing." He pointed at the mechanism and the orb inside it.

Roughly an hour later they were sitting on folding chairs in one of the tents set up amidst the ruins, with a small fire burning in the center. Despite the chill outside, it was pleasantly warm within the tent, and the small hole in the canvas roof allowed any smoke to escape without issue. "I've been thinking... if you met with the elder of the Dragonfire Crags while you were... away, then perhaps you should go meet with him."

2014-11-20, 10:06 PM
Relief floods through Vaex as he hears this suggestion.

"I would look forward to such a meeting. He seemed to be very wise. But, surely such a journey would take weeks? Time may be of the essence, and walking the whole way through unfamiliar country seems like a bad idea. Are there any means of transportation that I can use?"

2014-11-20, 10:14 PM
"Hm..." He sifted through the papers lying on the table until he found a map of the tundra. "Unfortunately, teleportation magic never particularly appealed to me, so I can't get you there any faster. At the very least, Kathleen can get us back to my manor with her magic, and from there you can head to Duskwood, then follow the main road to Nightveil." Khamer pointed out the road leading from the village of Duskwood, just a short distance from his manor, to what appeared to be the capital situated near the northern ocean.

"It's perhaps a week's travel to get to Nightveil by the roads, and you shouldn't encounter too much trouble on the way. I'll have some travel papers made for you, and I think I've got a few extra sols lying around that I can give you. You'll need a permit for those, though, so make sure not to lose the one we give you."

2014-11-21, 05:28 PM
Vaex shrugs. "If we can shave a week off by magicking ourselves back to the manor, I won't complain. It's just that this cold is hard on my supplies. Is there any way you can ensorcel the papers to deter thieves? I'm sure that these documents are valuable.

Should we head back to the manor tonight, or wait until tomorrow morning? If it is all the same, I want to get back tonight so that no time is lost tomorrow when I head out."

2014-11-21, 06:55 PM
"We'll head back before nightfall. As far as the paperwork, each of them will have your image imprinted on it, so the only value that a thief might get out of it would be ransoming them back to you. Which is unlikely, as stealing that sort of document is no better than forging them, and forging a sol permit is tantamount to treason."

2014-11-21, 07:29 PM
Vaex tilts his head curiously. "There's that word again, 'sol'. What is a sol? Money?"

2014-11-21, 10:05 PM
"Ah, yes, I should probably explain." He began to rummage through his bag, occasionally tossing scroll cases or small books as he searched. "The veil over these lands protects vampires and other creatures from the sun. While this does allow our kind to live relatively normal lives with the mortals of the kingdom, it has the downside of allowing creatures of a more sinister nature free reign of the countryside. Nightshades, evil vampires, and other creatures that fear the sun are free to attack the citizenry."

Khamer pulled out a small orb covered in arcane sigils, with a blue-white flickering light contained within. "It took a few decades, but we eventually developed the solar orbs, or 'sols'. In a way they're similar to a sunrod, but instead of magical light they emit true sunlight. When a creature weak to sunlight makes itself threat to the people of the tundra, the authorities take a few of these into the creature's lair to deal with them. The veil may protect us from the sun overhead, but the sols are just as deadly here as the sun is in the other lands of Ves'Perix."

2014-11-22, 04:11 PM
The kobold's eyes gaze at the orb with undisguised greed. The possibilities of such magic... Kobolds could live with sunlight underground!

"Are the orbs solely for safety when traveling? Why do they require permits?"

2014-11-22, 07:05 PM
"Most of the noble class is made up of vampires. Permits are given only to those who have proven that they won't abuse their power, as a precaution to prevent us from being attacked by the living." He laid the orb on his leg. "Of course, the majority of the Tundra's nobility have given the citizenry no reason to want us dead. It's mainly to protect us from foreigners who would attack us simply for being what we are."

2014-11-22, 07:39 PM
For once, a ring of sympathy is in Vaex's voice as he replies, "Boy, do I know what that feels like... How do you activate it? Is there a command phrase? Twist it just so? It might be good to know in case one of the bad vampires jumps me in the night."

2014-11-22, 07:47 PM
"It's simple, really." Khamer pointed to two circles on opposite sides of the sphere, then pressed his thumb and finger against them, as if squeezing the orb between them. "You press these two sections in, then twist this center section here-" He demonstrated the motion, then let out a curse as the orb activated. His head turned away, and he dissolved into a cloud of mist that floated out through the tent flaps.

His pseudodragon, Nyx, sighed and turned the orb's center back into its original position. The light winked out instantly, leaving the tent just as dim as it had been before the orb had gone off. "Wer molmonsore luh ui, nomeno ui ti wer irral tairais jaci tepohaic authot batobot."

The sad part is, this isn't the first time he's done that.

2014-11-22, 08:19 PM
Vaex can't help but snicker at this excellent demonstration. "Geou jaci qe spical, usv tiric jaci tepoha ekess wiap ekess jacida yuidm usv svak'ni hematai oupil vhira asta fothisev?"
"Will he be back, or does he have to fly to his grave or wherever vampires lay down their head?"

2014-11-22, 08:27 PM
"Jaci geou qe winhal, batobot jahus ti drong aurthon ekess tir jacion tikil okh levnim." The pseudodragon curled up around the orb and yawned. "He always does silly things like this."

He'll be fine, that wasn't long enough to do him any real harm.

2014-11-22, 08:29 PM
Looking curiously at the pseudodragon, Vaex asks, "How did you come into the service of such a being? It is obvious that the dragon blood flows strongly in you. Why are you not with your kin in the Crags? Is that not where all the dragons of this world live?"

2014-11-22, 08:41 PM
Nyx lifted his head. "The true dragons of Ves'Perix live where they choose, and only a handful choose the mountains. My kind prefer the forests; much easier to hide and find food there. I became Khamer's familiar back when we still lived, while he was studying the Myconids in the Keladren Forests. He eventually traveled north in his search for knowledge, and the two of us were adopted into the Duskmantle family."

2014-11-22, 09:11 PM
Vaex nods in interest while waiting for Khamer to pull himself back together.

2014-11-22, 09:22 PM
Khamer returned after a few minutes, rubbing his eyes. "Damn, I forgot how much those things hurt...." His face was a deep red, similar to what someone might look like with a severe sunburn.

"Well, as you can see they work extremely... by the Keeper, I'm still seeing spots... They do what they were designed to do, that's for sure." He blinked a few times before looking at Vaex. "If you're in town and one of the guards asks, be honest about carrying these around. People will think a little more highly of you if you don't try to hide it."

2014-11-22, 09:31 PM
Nodding in understanding, Vaex asks, "Very good. Can we be going now? This is all new and interesting, but we should be back to the manor before nightfall. Need to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow."

2014-11-22, 09:36 PM
"Ah, yes, of course. Kathleen should be done making preparations for our departure by now." He packed up his belongings and slung his pack over one shoulder.

Kathleen was kneeling and seemingly praying at the entrance to a small cemetery at the edge of the ruins. A small space had been mostly cleared of snow and ice, save for a thin layer that had runic markings drawn into it.

2014-11-22, 09:41 PM
Looking warily at the preparations, Vaex asks, "Is the cemetery necessary for the magic, or is that just coincidence?"

2014-11-22, 09:49 PM
"A little of both. Kathleen has received training in wielding the power granted by the Gravekeeper in a more direct way than what most priests would have access to. One of the powers granted in this way is the ability to ward the dead against 'traditional' necromancy, and an extension of that ability allows her to create portals between the wards that she's placed. The ward itself is all that's needed; it just so happens that they are almost always placed in a graveyard or other burial place."

He watched as Kathleen finished her ritual, and a rift appeared in the circle as if it had been sliced open from another plane. "Before you ask, the reason she can't take us directly to Nightveil is because she has never been there, and she can't open a portal to a place that she hasn't created a ward in."

2014-11-23, 06:16 PM
Vaex shrugs contentedly. "It may be better this way. Transporting anywhere you please on a whim... I am not so sure that is a good thing in the long run. Still, such a system is praiseworthy."

With no such praise leaving his snout, Vaex rudely ignores Kathleen and steps through the portal.

2014-11-23, 06:36 PM
Kathleen scowled at Vaex as he walked through, but she didn't say anything. Khamer followed after him, and the two of them stepped out into a small collection of gravestones a short distance from the manor house. "I'll make preparations for your journey tonight. Everything should be ready by tomorrow morning, so you can head out whenever you're ready."

2014-11-23, 06:58 PM
Vaex stretches his arms, his crest rising on his head in sympathy. The tiny wings on his back flex from disuse.

"Good, good. Now, to go curl up next to a fire with the egg... I'm sure it gets stuffy in this pack."

2014-11-23, 07:29 PM
Khamer escorted Vaex to one of the guest rooms, where the servants were in the process of lighting the fireplace on the far wall. He left to begin the travel preparations, leaving Vaex with the egg in the room.

2014-11-24, 04:38 PM
The kobold stretches out his arms before digging in the sack and pulling the egg forth.

"Yth tepoha confn zyak karif, wux vur si. Ssifisv eschoup, ihk earenk yth re gethrisjir ekess vi goawy svaklar wux geou qe tokeq."

2014-11-24, 06:40 PM
Vaex was undisturbed until dinner was prepared, and it proved to be just as filling and well-made as the cooking from his first waking day in this world. Khamer appeared to dine with him, but promptly left to resume preparing Vaex's travel provisions.

Early the next morning, a faint creaking came from the door and floorboards, slowly making its way toward the windows of the room.

2014-11-24, 06:44 PM
Trying to squint his eyes and feign sleep, Vaex slowly reaches for the knife under his pillow. In the meantime, he tries to discern the source of the sound.

2014-11-24, 07:05 PM
One of the servants is tidying up a little and opening the curtains over the windows.

2014-11-24, 08:07 PM
Sighing with relief, Vaex sits up and flourishes his dagger nonchalantly.

"Next time, knock. I almost mistook you for a thief or assassin, and that would have been... tragic." Rising from the bed, he goes to check on the egg in the fireplace.

2014-11-24, 08:32 PM
The servant jumped and bowed apologetically. "P-please forgive me, sir, I didn't mean to wake you." She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

The egg was in the same state as it had been when he'd went to bed the night before, and it appeared to have been untouched aside from being shifted slightly to allow the fire to be stoked.

2014-11-24, 08:43 PM
Vaex plucks the egg from the fireplace and places it back in the sack.

"Mel'nakit, moxt ir. Origato udoka gethrisj gogetoi vur ehtah wux vi z'ar okarthel."

Making sure that all of his gear is ready, Vaex heads out the door of the room.

2014-11-24, 08:46 PM
As the egg was tucked into the sack, Khamer burst into the room, a somewhat frantic look on his face. "Did you see a bag with legs come by here?"

2014-11-24, 08:49 PM
Looking quizzically at the vampire, Vaex asks, "No, why? Should I be worried?"

2014-11-24, 08:53 PM
"No, no, of course not! Well...Maybe." He turned around and looked down the hallway, before darting away. "I saw it, Geoffrey! It ran into the library!"

2014-11-24, 08:59 PM
Worried that the bag might be important somehow, Vaex darts after Lord Khamer.

2014-11-24, 09:03 PM
Vaex would enter the library just in time to see Khamer throw himself on top of what looked like an ordinary leather bag, but with leather cords that twisted to form two pairs of miniature legs. He pinned the object, and a uniformed skeleton hurriedly opened a metal lockbox for Khamer to put the bag into.

The vampire slammed the box shut and locked it, panting slightly. "I need a better lock for this thing..."

2014-11-24, 09:06 PM
Rolling his eyes at this display of sorcery gone awry, Vaex asks, "Is everything ready to go? The road calls to me, and I can feel the daylight slipping through my claws."

2014-11-24, 09:12 PM
"Yes, yes, of course. I got everything gathered up for you last night." He led the kobold down to the manor's entry hall, where there were a few decent-sized pouches waiting by the door. "We packed enough provisions to get you to Nightveil, as well as a couple of spare sols." He pulled out a small leather-bound book and handed it to Vaex. "Any travel papers and permits you might need while in the Tundra are in here. They have the Duskmantle emblem on them, so you shouldn't have any trouble with people questioning whether they're real."

2014-11-24, 09:19 PM
Gathering the supplies into his new pack, Vaex bows slightly to Lord Khamer.

"I thank you for all of your help. Because of you, I can continue in my task, and the wyrmling is safe. I will not forget this, and kobolds live a long time."

2014-11-24, 09:24 PM
"No need to thank me, my friend. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I'd left you to die out there." He left through the front door, intending to escort Vaex as far as the main road. "If you're ever in the area again, feel free to stop by. You're always welcome here."

2014-11-24, 09:28 PM
"I imagine that will not be for a good while. Even after the journey, I will want to spend time someplace where there is more fire than snow." Vaex walks alongside Khamer to the main road.

2014-11-24, 09:46 PM
"Fair enough." He stopped as they came to a cobblestone road leading to the northeast. "Well, this is where we part ways. This road will lead you straight to Nightveil, and from there it shouldn't be too difficult to find a way to the Crags."

2014-11-24, 09:49 PM
"Excellent. Until we meet again, nightwalker. Nomag wer darastrix ixen valignat skaeren persvek dout iejir."
"May the dragon fire burn hot in your blood."

Having said his farewell, Vaex wastes no time setting out on the road.

2014-11-30, 06:34 PM
The first day on the road passes fairly uneventfully, and with the roadway being completely clear of snow and ice it's a relatively easy walk aside from a few uneven paving stones. A handful of groups pass by Vaex, mostly citizens with the occasional soldier squadron, but they all give him a wide berth and a wary eye.

Shortly after he heads out on the second day, though, there is a faint stirring in the snow off the edge of the path.

There appears to be a person buried in the snow

2014-11-30, 06:49 PM

Vaex is glad that the first day goes by uneventfully and he is thankful that other travelers give him a wide berth. The sound of crunching snow greet his earholes on the second day, however. His eyes fall on a mound that does not mesh with the environment. Unsure of what could cause such an event, Vaex rushes over to help the unfortunate. Wish I had brought a shovel. Now my fingers will be freezing.

2014-11-30, 07:00 PM
Faint moans can be heard coming from the pile as Vaex digs, but when he uncovers part of the individual its arm swings at him.

Slam; since Vaex didn't see this coming he's flat-footed against this attack - [roll0]
Damage if hit: [roll1]

2014-11-30, 07:15 PM
Caught unexpectedly by the blow, Vaex staggers back and brandishes a knife in warning.

"Stay back, I'm warning you! I'll kill you if I have to!"

2014-11-30, 07:51 PM
The figure lets out a guttural moan and began to claw its way out of the snow. It's clear that the person is no longer alive: half frozen flesh cracks as the creature moves, and in some places its bones are visible beneath the injuries that had likely killed whoever this was.

2014-11-30, 08:04 PM
Swearing viciously in Draconic, Vaex drops his dagger and unslings his crossbow. He places a bolt in the wound spring, getting it ready to fire.

2014-11-30, 08:10 PM
The zombie slowly pulled itself out of the snowbank, before awkwardly beginning to get to its feet. One arm seemed to have been torn off below the elbow, and a few large chunks had been taken out of its leg.

2014-11-30, 08:13 PM
Backing up while aiming down the crossbow's sight, Vaex mutters, "Chew on this, rotten one." The string twangs as the bolt flies forward.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2014-11-30, 08:23 PM
The arrow buries itself in the zombie's chest, and visible cracks appear in its frozen hide. It begins to lurch toward Vaex, though its movements are hampered by the knee-deep snow around it.

2014-11-30, 08:39 PM
As Vaex places his claw on the crank of the windlass, he realizes that his current course of action is rather stupid. This thing doesn't feel pain. I'm way better against living targets. If it gets its claws on me, I'm done. Looking longingly at his dagger, Vaex upholds kobold honor by bolting down the road to fight another day. Hopefully, I can outrun the thing.

2014-11-30, 08:47 PM
The zombie is quickly left behind as Vaex runs down the road, and before long it stops pursuing the kobold.

2014-11-30, 09:20 PM
Mentally breathing a sigh of relief, Vaex slows down and continues down the road. I'll have to tell someone about that. Don't want that thing killing travelers.

2014-11-30, 09:27 PM
Nothing else assaults Vaex for the rest of the day, though a few other patches of snow along the way can be seen to move in a similar fashion to the first one. It seemed a few undead had gotten buried under the snow, and were beginning to extract themselves.

Near nightfall he comes to a bridge leading over a wide river. The ice that had been covering the water had broken up, and with the thawing snow the river had swelled up until it was only a few feet below the bridge. On the other side was a caravan of about four wagons arranged in a small circle, with a group of people gathered around a nearby fire. Their garb was different from that of the locals he'd seen thus far; instead of heavy, dark-colored clothing, their clothing was of a lighter fabric and much brighter in color, to the point of being outright gaudy on a few of them.

2014-11-30, 09:34 PM
Vaex didn't want to keep pressing on by himself. Not with the mysterious undead crop lying in the snow. Maybe I can travel with them for a bit. The kobold makes no secret of his presence as he crosses the bridge toward the fire. He clutches the wound the zombie had inflicted, now inflamed.

When he is within earshot, he asks, "Hello? Any room around the fire for another traveler?"

2014-11-30, 09:44 PM
The group turned to look at Vaex when he called out. After a moment one of them, a tall half-elf woman dressed in a light jacket and an ankle-length skirt, stood and smiled at him, her arms spread wide.

"Di ekmiv sia Vs'shtak thurirl! We always have room for another traveler around our fires!" She made a quick gesture and a couple of the others scooted aside, opening a place for him to sit. "What brings you so far from the Crags, little kobold?"

As Vaex approaches he gets a better look at the group. There are a handful of half-elves and half-orcs tending to various musical instruments, as well as a couple of ratfolk who are bent over a collection of powders and a gnome who appears to be juggling daggers. By the fire kneels a kobold with scales the color of molten brass, who is exhaling a small gout of flame to stoke the fire.

2014-11-30, 09:52 PM
Nodding his thanks for their understanding, Vaex is relieved by the woman's grasp of Draconic and the presence of another kobold. Sitting down near the fire, he briefly considers his response. It would be best that they not hear the whole story. I have enough attention about that. So, I will tell the truth, but not the whole truth.

Sitting down near the fire, he responds, "I was staying for a while as a guest of Lord Khamer of the Duskmantle family. Now, I need to make my way to the Crags to speak with the elders. What about yourselves? Are you a bard caravan?"

2014-11-30, 09:59 PM
"Indeed we are. We're actually on our way to the capital of Nightveil to perform for one of the nobles there." She shivered and pulled her jacket more tightly around herself. "Though I wish they'd warned us just how cold it would be this time of year..."

The gnome let his daggers fall, each of them landing in a neat line in the snow in front of him. "A guest of Lord Khamer, you say? You must've done something pretty impressive to catch that one's interest, my friend." One of the half-orcs grunted and shrugged. "Or he's just got a thing for oddballs, like himself." The half-orc blinked and rubbed the back of his neck. "No offense meant, of course. We just don't see many of your kind outside of the Crags, at least those not preoccupied with delivering ore."

2014-11-30, 10:15 PM
Gazing pointedly at the half-orc, Vaex asks, "Really? Then why aren't you giving him a hard time?" He tilts his head at the other kobold.

2014-11-30, 10:44 PM
"Who, Nyktox?" The kobold looked up and over at Vaex. "I didn't want to be stuck mining and smelting ore for my whole life. We're dragonkind; we're meant for greater things. I just happened to take a liking to the freedom the troupe offers me."

2014-12-01, 04:07 PM
Vaex felt like correcting Nyktox on holding the tribe above oneself when the words died in his throat. I have no idea what the kobolds here are like. No sense in making a fool out of myself.

Instead, Vaex asks, "Have you had any trouble with undead on the road? I was attacked by a walking corpse earlier. For some reason, there were several buried just under the snow near the path."

2014-12-04, 10:08 PM
The half-elf nodded with a small sigh. "Yes, we have. It's an unfortunate happening here in the Tundra; people succumb to the elements or wildlife attacks, and over time the dark power in the land animates them. It gets really bad in the spring, since the snow melts and uncovers a lot of zombies and skeletons."

The gnome nodded in agreement. "Back in the Conclave, they say that the Queen animates them herself and uses them to terrorize the locals into behaving, then has her army perform their 'Grave Purge' to make everyone feel safe again."

2014-12-04, 10:16 PM
Vaex shrugs to express his ignorance, then winces as his wound irritates him.

"Whatever the case may be, I think I will travel with you to Nightveil, at least. Don't feel like traveling in this kind of country by myself. Don't worry, I can be useful." Looking over at the gnome, he asks, "What would you trade for one of those daggers? I lost mine because of one of those miserable gravewalkers."

2014-12-04, 10:24 PM
The half-elf jumped up when she realized that Vaex was wounded. "Oh, you poor thing! Scratch, bring our guest something for his wound!" One of the ratfolk grumbled and picked up a pouch from beside him. He came over and began mixing an elixir to apply to Vaex's injury.

"Oh, trust me, my scaly friend, you don't want one of these. I don't juggle with combat daggers." He held up his hands, revealing that his ring finger on his left hand was missing. "Not anymore, at least. I think I've got a spare one in here, though." He reached into his bag and began fishing around for the spare dagger.

2014-12-04, 11:06 PM
Vaex nods to Scratch in thanks. "Thank you all. I will take first watch tonight. If I get on top of one of the wagons, I will have a clear line of sight... and field of fire."

2014-12-04, 11:10 PM
The half-elf grinned and shook her head. "No need for that, we've got more than enough people on watch to keep an eye on things, and we haven't been attacked during the night at all since we crossed the border."

Scratch finished applying the elixir before regarding Vaex with his beady black eyes. "Take care, scale-kin. Next one won't be free."

2014-12-05, 11:01 PM
The night passed fairly uneventfully, aside from some minor festivity among the troupe where they sang, dance, and played music. The half-elf introduced herself as Keila, the leader of the merry band and one of their dancers.

In the morning, the group packed up camp in a somewhat somber mood, likely due to the cold and the fact that some of them were nursing hangovers from the night before. With everything packed into the wagons, most of the group walked, save for the gnome, Gil, and the two Ratfolk siblings, Scratch and Tinker. They began heading down the trail, chatting amongst themselves and openly wondering what kind of person their current patron would be.

2014-12-06, 10:01 PM
Determined to make himself useful, and not be caught off-guard again, Vaex climbs on top of the lead wagon and crouches atop it. He unslings the heavy crossbow from his back and pulls back the string by cranking the windlass.

2014-12-06, 10:09 PM
The caravan progresses without much trouble, aside from a handful of encounters with zombies and skeletons that dug their way out of the snow. The cold has made their flesh and bones brittle, removing any resistances to mundane weapons that they may have possessed before.

Aside from the scattered encounters with undead, nothing besets the party for the next few days. As they near a crossroad, a low roar can be heard above, and everyone looks up to see what appears to be a skeletal dragon fly overhead, the leather of its wings replaced by thin sheets of green-and-black energy. It soars over the snow-covered planes, before disappearing behind the distant spires of Nightveil.

"You don't think..." "No, no, it can't be... there's no way the Dreadwing lives in Nightveil!"

2014-12-06, 10:51 PM
Unsure what to think of this development, Vaex hesitantly asks, "...The Dreadwing?"

2014-12-06, 10:56 PM
Nyktox looked over to Vaex. "A dark mockery of dragonkind, an undead horror that heralds the coming of disaster for any its shadow falls upon. There are many legends of it appearing and laying waste to a city in a fit of rage, with an army of corpses appearing to feast on any survivors."

2014-12-06, 10:58 PM
Crest raised in alarm and looking forward toward Nightveil, Vaex asks, "...And it hasn't laid waste to this city because...?"

2014-12-06, 11:09 PM
"I do not know..." The kobold squinted toward the city. "Maybe whoever created the abomination dwells there, and the city is protected only by its master's will."

2014-12-06, 11:32 PM
Sighing in resignation to this unexpected development, Vaex sits down on top of the wagon, his crossbow resting in his lap.

"Well, no point in worrying if it's already here. Hopefully the merchants haven't scurried back into their holes..."

2014-12-06, 11:36 PM
Nyktox climbed up onto the wagon with Vaex. "The warmbloods of these lands don't scare easily. I doubt they will hide if the Dreadwing is from there."

The wagons continued onward, though a few of their number were beginning to talk about visiting the nearby village before continuing onward. After a few minutes of talking, Keila pulled herself up on the side of the wagon so she could look at the two kobolds. "We're looking for a tiebreaker, boys; half the group wants to push on to Nightveil, the rest want to stop at Raven's Roost." She pointed off to the village visible in the distance, perhaps an hour's walk on the road from their current location.

2014-12-06, 11:52 PM
"It doesn't matter how far from the city we are if the dragon decides to ruin everyone's day. I say we push on to the city. It will give me a chance to figure out my next move."

2014-12-06, 11:56 PM
The half-elf nodded and turned to the others, telling them to get a move on. Nyktox turned to Vaex as everybody got the wagons going again, speaking in Draconic to give them some semblance of privacy. "What reason do you have for going to Nightveil?"

2014-12-07, 12:06 AM
Unsure of how much information to entrust to this kobold, Vaex simply says, "Si mi xoalir ekess ehtah sia idol spical... okarthel. Si rigluin ekess sweekmon wer naam di wer tilabili."
"I am trying to find my way back... home. I need to seek the wisdom of the elders."

2014-12-07, 12:08 AM
The kobold nodded, scratching his chin in thought. "Wux re ti de wer verthichai, hak?"

You are not from the mountains, then?

2014-12-07, 01:28 PM
Vaex shakes his head. "Thric. Si shilta ti yenta throdenilt, shar si mi ti de tenpiswo. Mobi re turalisj youwei shinaltir, vur si zklaen sweekmon wer naam di nomenes svaust vucot wer geou di wer Jiil Darastrixi."
"No. I cannot say more, but I am not from here. There are big things happening, and I must seek the wisdom of those who know the will of the Two Dragons."

2014-12-08, 01:40 AM
"Ah, so you seek to meet with the elder of the Crags. I wish you luck with that; few who seek to meet him are given permission to pass into his hall."

2014-12-08, 01:15 PM
Looking around slightly to make sure that no one is listening, Vaex whispers, "That won't be a problem. He knows that I am coming, and has invited me into his halls. There have been developments in these Deadlands that he wishes to know about."

2014-12-08, 06:42 PM
"Happenings like the tower?" He pointed off into the distance, where the tower still loomed high into the clouds. "It is worrying indeed. We've heard that similar towers have appeared throughout the lands."

2014-12-08, 06:58 PM
That certainly got Vaex's attention. His crest raised in interest in response to the statement. "There are multiple towers? Lord Khamer told me that there was only the one. Has anyone managed to get inside of them?"

2014-12-08, 07:03 PM
Nyktox shook his head. "No, they are sealed as tight as a vault. If any have entered, I have not heard of it, though considering even a dragon could not breach the doors of the tower that appeared in the Crags I doubt any could manage it."

2014-12-08, 07:14 PM
This news is enough to stun Vaex into silence as the cart continues along. He is lost in his thoughts as the implications of this run through his mind, and he becomes increasingly convinced that telling the whole story could be a bad idea.

2014-12-08, 07:22 PM
Nyktox waved his hand in front of Vaex's eyes. "Why does this news upset you? The towers are likely just handiwork of the mages that rule the nations, nothing that we need to concern ourselves with."

2014-12-08, 08:57 PM
Glancing aside at Nyktox, Vaex mutters, "Easy for you to say. You've never been in one."

2014-12-11, 06:55 PM
Nyktox gave Vaex a quizzical look. "You say you've been in one of the towers? I find that hard to believe; they are all but impenetrable, with great doors that refuse to give an inch for even the strongest of warriors. And there are no holes to squeeze in through, so you could not have entered like that."

2014-12-11, 07:39 PM
Unsure what exactly to say, given the mysterious nature of the whole business, Vaex simply replies, "You have been going about it the wrong way. Have you asked the doors to open?" Vaex looks forward, not really expecting an answer to what would be considered a rhetorical question.

2014-12-11, 07:41 PM
"'Asked' it? Why would one ask a door to open? It has no mind or way to understand; it's simply a barrier to bar entrance to a passage."

2014-12-11, 07:48 PM
Vaex shakes his head at the kobold's simple-minded response. "You sound just like a human. Doors open, if you know the right way. But please, by all means, continue banging your head on it like a dwarf. The door will eventually win, especially one enchanted with dragon's magic."

2014-12-11, 07:52 PM
Nyktox snorted, but he had a thoughtful look on his face. "So you say this door was imbued with dragon magic? And it opened just because you asked it?" He scratched his chin in thought. "Do you think the same might work on the other towers?"

2014-12-11, 08:13 PM
Vaex shrugs, uncomfortable aware that he might have opened a can of wyrms. "I do not know. I have not seen the other towers. All I can tell you is that the tower in the Deadlands is imbued with powerful dragon magic. It doesn't let anyone in that it doesn't want."

2014-12-11, 08:25 PM
The brass-skinned kobold grinned. "Either way, you've done something that even the Elder couldn't. Maybe you'll be the one to solve the great mystery of the towers. What a tale that would make..."

2014-12-11, 08:32 PM
Gazing suspiciously at the other kobold, Vaex says, "For someone who has ran from his warren, you seem awfully aware of happenings back home."


2014-12-11, 08:50 PM
You can't tell if he's being honest or not.

Nyktox bowed his head a little. "I still keep in touch with some members of my clan. From what they have told me, the Elder tried to open the doors of the tower, but they denied him entry." He looked at Vaex. "I don't know what your tribe was like, but mine did not believe that the whole was always more important than the one; they could understand when allowing a member to leave could benefit the tribe more than keeping them. That, and..." He snickered a little. "I'm actually horrible at mining. I ran away, but only because they were going to skin me alive for collapsing another tunnel on accident."

2014-12-11, 10:02 PM
The group reaches Nightveil without much trouble, and the guards at the gate seem pleasant enough aside from their no-nonsense attitude toward the entry procedures.

One of them, a half-orc by his face and build, approaches Vaex after taking notes on the belongings of a few other members of the caravan. "Do you have anything to report with your belongings, kobold?" He sized up the little dragonkin, eyeing the red leather satchel with some suspicion.

2014-12-13, 12:02 AM
Deciding that it would be best to at least pretend to play along with the guard, Vaex reaches into the red satchel and pulls out the papers of authenticity and the couple of sols that Lord Khamer gave him before leaving. He hands them over to the guard, saying, "I have documentation from Lord Khamer Duskmantle about my journey to the Crags with sensitive cargo."

2014-12-13, 12:17 AM
The guard took the papers and examined them through a crystal lens for a few seconds before nodding and handing the sols and documents back. He waved Vaex through along with the others. "Enjoy your stay in Nightveil, but don't cause any trouble."

The city seemed to be bustling at this time of the day, with many merchant hawking wares from the stalls that lined a few of the streets. Here and there a person dressed like a scholar or politician would pass by, carefully stepping around the scattered accumulation of muddy slush that had gathered. Some guards seemed to be making patrols of the area, with one pair escorting a manacled, grizzled-looking man.

In the distance loomed the castle, its spires towering over the city (though not to the extent of the Tower of Xileria). Large banners hang from its ramparts, and even from the gates the Duskmantle emblem can be seen upon them. From the appearance of the structure from this distance and the way the sunlight glittered upon it, it appears as if it could be fashioned from crystal or even solid ice.

Keila grinned at Vaex. "I take it it's your first time to Nightveil? Same for the rest of us! Where were you headed once you got here?"

2014-12-13, 07:13 PM
Vaex's eye dart around uncertainly at the city. "I don't know. Khamer only told me which route to take to get to Nightveil. He didn't say anything about after that. Where would I go to find a good path to the Crags? A tavern? Do they have a Pathfinder or cartographer's guild here? Hire a guide?"

2014-12-13, 08:01 PM
Keila gave him a curious look. "I don't know what you mean by a 'Pathfinder', but I don't think it'd be too difficult to find a guide or someone who can point you in the right direction." She looked back to the others, who were sorting everything back onto the wagons after the gate inspection. "Our patron's given us a reservation at one of the inns near the castle, maybe there will be a place to look for information near there?"

2014-12-13, 11:22 PM
Shrugging nonchalantly, Vaex replies, "It would be as good a place as any, I suppose. My tail isn't on fire, so I am in no hurry."

2014-12-13, 11:38 PM
The group made their way through the city, having to take a somewhat roundabout path due to the crowds and the varying sizes of the streets. Along the way they drew varying looks from the locals, some indifferent, some suspicious, but a fair number appeared curious or even excited.

They arrive at an inn, the sign over the door revealing the place's name to be "The Cackling Skull." Name aside, the staff are warm and welcoming, and the young stable boy who tended to the group's horses and wagons seemed very interested in the two kobolds. As they all file inside, they're greeted by the bartender: a tall, well-dressed skeleton, who is in the middle of cleaning out a tankard. "Hey, hey, welcome to the Cackling Skull! Name's Corvan! I hope you enjoy your stay inside my head!" He burst out laughing at his "joke", though it faded when he saw the vacant stares of the bardic troupe. "Oh come on, the joke wasn't that bad, was it? Did I lose my funny bone again?"

Keila stepped back, her hand shaking as it came up to point at Corvan. "There... there's a skeleton... skeleton barkeep. The drinks are made by a dead man. This is..." The moment seemed to be too much for her, and she fainted, though one of the others caught her before she hit the floor. Corvan stared at them for a moment. "...You folks must not be from the Tundra, eh?"

2014-12-13, 11:49 PM
Vaex shakes his head and curtly says, "No, deadman, we are not. And if Apsu smiles on me, I will not be here for long. You seem to be well-established here. Who do I need to talk to for guidance or a map to the Crags?"

2014-12-14, 12:02 AM
"Right to the point, aren't you? Well, let me see if I can help with that." Corvan reached under the bar counter and pulled out a rolled-up bit of parchment, which he unfolded to reveal a small map of the city. While the performers were shown to a table by a ghostly woman, the skeleton motioned for Vaex to join him.

"If you're looking for something free, I'd try the library on the other side of the Noble District." He pointed to a section of the map, indicating the library which was on the opposite end of the district that they were in. "Only problem with that is that you'd better be good at making a copy for yourself, cuz they won't let anyone take books out of the library for more than a few days, let alone out of the city. There's also a cartographer over... where was it... ah, here!" He pointed out a collection of shops near the west end of the Merchant District. "You'll wanna look for a place called 'Gawe's Atlas'. Run by a mummy named Gawe - yeah, ridiculous name, I know - who's been around the Tundra a few times. He'll have a map of the Tundra at least, and if he doesn't have any maps of the Crags he can direct you to someone who does.

He looked up from the city map. "What takes you to the Crags? Visiting family?"

2014-12-14, 12:08 AM
"I need to speak with the elders. Strange towers have been appearing lately." Turning abruptly toward the door, Vaex says over his shoulder as he departs, "Thank you for the help!"

2014-12-14, 12:17 AM
"No problem, little dragon! Hey, if you're ever in town again, feel free to stop by!"

As Vaex leaves, there is a low roar from above, and the same skeletal dragon from before can be seen flying over the city. A few of the locals stop to look up, but most seem indifferent to the creature's presence. Nearby, a couple of people in noble's clothing comment on how "Archmage Rhaegos being more active lately".

The dragon's bones have some form of Draconic writing etched into them, though their meaning can't be discerned because of the distance and the dragon's flight speed

2014-12-14, 12:21 AM

Hearing the roar and seeing the undead dragon fly overhead again unnerves Vaex. His crest rises with displeasure at the proximity of this abomination of the draconic life cycle. What is most unnerving, however, is that the townsfolk take its presence for granted. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Vaex starts walking promptly toward the Merchant District, hoping to quickly find this mummy cartographer.

2014-12-14, 12:29 AM
Something bumps into Vaex as he starts walking again, and a girl's voice pipes up. "Oh, I'm sorry!" If he looked, he'd find himself face-to-face with a pale-skinned young woman in nice clothing, with what appeared to be a harp case tucked under one arm. She stared at the kobold for a moment before letting out an excited squeal. "Oh, you're so cute! You look just like my Uncle Khamer's familiar if he stood up on his hind legs!"

Down the street behind the girl, a couple of guards point, and one of them shouts for her to stop. She let out a frightened squeak and grabbed the sleeve of Vaex's armor. "Quick, this way! If they catch me we'll both be in trouble!"

2014-12-14, 12:33 AM
Indignation and confusion warring in his gut, Vaex is tugged along and runs with the girl. 'Wait, you're Khamer's niece? No, scratch that! What did you do?!"

2014-12-14, 12:39 AM
"I may have run off from the castle instead of going to my lessons. Without telling my mother I was leaving. Again." She skidded to a stop and darted into an alley, and after Vaex followed her inside she whispered a few words and pointed at the ground just outside the alley. A patch of oily fluid seemed to seep up from the ground, and as soon as the two guards set foot on it they slipped and slid across into a small stack of empty crates. "Quick, before they get back on their feet!" The girl started moving quickly down the alleyway.

2014-12-14, 12:42 AM
Recognizing that he is now in trouble up to his neck, Vaex darts after the girl. Panting, he says, "So, let me guess, you're a vampire, too?"

2014-12-14, 12:45 AM
The girl ducked into a smaller alley and stopped, panting as she looked in every direction for signs of their pursuers. "No... well, not exactly. My mother is, but my father is an ordinary human. I'm what you'd call a 'dhampir': half-human, half-vampire."

2014-12-14, 12:53 AM
Nodding in recognition, Vaex asks, "Now, since you almost got me arrested for no good reason, what's in the case?"

2014-12-14, 12:56 AM
The girl opened the case and pulled out its contents. It was an ivory harp, with a symbol near the top that resembled a pumpkin with a grinning face carved into it. "It's just my harp."

2014-12-14, 12:59 AM
The exasperated kobold flails his arms indignantly and asks, "Well then, why by the Ten Colors are the guards chasing you?!" His chest heaves as he regards her with crest at full extent. His pupils thin into reptilian slits and a faint smell of chlorine becomes apparent.

2014-12-14, 01:04 AM
She held up her hands defensively. "Because they don't like the idea of the princess of Nightveil running around in the streets unsupervised! And possibly because my mother gets upset when I don't tell anybody where I'm going..."

2014-12-14, 06:03 PM
Pointing a claw at her chest, Vaex asks, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn around and forget I ever saw you. Better yet, tell me why I shouldn't tell the guards that you went this way."

2014-12-14, 06:26 PM
"Because... Because I can help you get to the Crags!"

2014-12-14, 06:44 PM
That is enough to stop Vaex's tirade. He glares at her suspiciously. "...How long have you been following me?"

2014-12-14, 06:53 PM
The girl stamped her foot, a somewhat pouting look on her face. "I haven't! I just put 2 and 2 together, that's all!"

She held up her hand and began putting fingers up as she listed off the things that brought her to that conclusion. "Kobolds rarely leave the Crags unless they're going off to trade valuables like ore and gems. Even then, they always travel in larger groups. You're by yourself, so that must mean you're not here on that kind of business, and it also means that you're hoping to find either a safe route or someone to guard you on the way since kobolds tend to rely almost entirely on numbers than direct strength."

After a moment she put her hand back down and grinned. "Plus I overheard Mother talking about a letter she got from my uncle about a kobold who was coming through Nightveil on his way to the Crags, so I just kinda assumed that was you when I saw you."

2014-12-14, 06:57 PM
Vaex hisses dangerously as, once again, he is the only one who is not aware of certain events. "Then tell me... how will you help me get there? And why do you care about my business?"