View Full Version : Against the 5th Crusade [IC]

2014-11-03, 01:34 PM

The Worldwound. A foul rift the size of a small kingdom linking the world of Golarion to the Abyss, spewing out demons of all types and power, from lowly quazits to mighty Balor lords. A spreading blight upon the land that has devoured one kingdom whole, and portions of several surrounding ones. For a hundred years it has stood, against the might of coalitions of nations behind the Mendevian Crusades, against the eldritch power of the Wardstones attempting to squash its growth, against powerful forces in the Heavens with interests in its excision.
But now the people of the surrounding kingdoms rejoice for the heroes of the Fifith Crusade, a small band of once inexperienced adventurers that have vastly grown in power in the past few years, have struck a mighty blow against the demons. Demonic armies controlled by Abyss-spawn warlords are slowly being pushed back as fewer demons seem to be coming through the central rift, and the demon warlords seem to have lost much of the backing of the dark powers of the Abyss. There's even hope that the Fifth Crusade will finally defeat the demons and close the Rift for good.
Despite the good news, not everyone sees this as a turn for the best. Not the mercenaries, human criminals, fallen knights and petty warchiefs that have been fighting for the demons and for a chance to loot the surrounding kingdoms. Not the cultists, witches, summoners, necromancers and dark priests who worshipped those Dark Powers and were having a field day until the tide turned. And certainly not the demons themselves. With the main rift diminished and under the control of the more powerful demon warlords, the so-called Heroes going everywhere and slaying demons left and right and the 5th Crusade slowly advancing, the war is no longer fun. And demons will do anything to get their fun...

Ruins of Drezen, 4715 AR
The armies of the Marilith ruler of Drezen are reeling. The line of crusaders is advancing relentlessly. Word is spreading that the so-called heroes of the 5th Crusade have slain the lady of Drezen and now her armies and minions don't even speak her name out of fear of confirming the blow the Crusade dealt. But things can always be worse;
Somehow the Crusaders are leveraging the powers of the artifact known as The Demonscope against the demons in the city, all the way from Clydwell Keep. One of the most powerful artifacts in Golarion, the Demonscope's normal powers include magnifying a dimensional lock by over three billion times, preventing dimensional traver within a radius of two hundred and fifty miles. And now the edges of that influence have touched the city of Drezen and robbing demons of their great mobility advantage even as a force of tens of thousands of Crusaders is mounting a siege.

The fighting atop the ruined walls and parapets is utterly chaotic as Mendevan paladins and barbarians from the Realms of the Mammoth Lords, Cheliaxian hellknights, elven archers and mages from all over Golarion, even the more militant members of the Pathfinder Society, are pushing to overwhelm the demons while the extension of the Demonscope's power lasts. The demonic forces actually outnumber them and should the Crusade be caught fighting in the city's rubble-choked streets, divided by the narrow passes, when the demons regain their ability to teleport, the battle might easily turn against them...

Erik Vale
2014-11-03, 05:21 PM

Kakanluor glared at the cellar door as he bled his symbol around it so no enterprising demons sought to take advantage of the situation.
One would think this unimpressive, but to do so he had to hold open the equivalent of an artery, and he was a Gallu, which normally don't have eyes. It was those white orbs that made sure everyone knew who he was.

Removing his long metalic talons from his arms Kakanlour shaked it and rubbed the healing wound, careful not to scratch as flesh returned, turned blue, and the fine layer of scale slowly regained it's foothold. The lumps of his proto-ears twitched slightly as the sounds of battle raged on, as some demons huddled in corners to hide from the army.
Here he was just protecting his goods. His lips formed a thin line as he turned, and left the ruined mansion, half crawling out the door and still brushing his head-tentacles on the frame before standing up outside, using his height to get a good view, taking a long draw of the air through his nose, Kakanlour considered his options.
As far as he was concerned. The city of Drezen had all but fallen with the lock having shifted over them..
'If I could just plane shift!.. I could fight till I fall, I'd just come back through the wound, or from the City of Brass... It's not worth it.'
"Weal or Woe, to the wall I take?" Kakanlour near spat his words, the words activating and isolating the correct thought before responding with Weal and Woe.
'... You know what? Looting the City sounds like a good idea... Too bad that'd be just as liable to result in me being in a poor position... It's what I get for visiting my slaves.'
The Previous Half Hour
Kakanlour couldn't fly. Due to the lock, he couldn't even do his air walking trick.
What he could do though, was suck the souls from the living, and send staunch champions running for their lives from his gaze. And he could fall from the wall and jump up a few minutes later as ready as if he had never joined the fight.
And it was glorious!
"Come! See the face of your end!" Kakanlour roared aloud and mentally from his place upon the wall, throwing down the twisted form of a hellknight, yet another who became as mewling child within his grasp. His armor was soaked with blood both demonic and mortal, some his own, some not. Many gouges had been carved but still the metal plating held, unlike the soul of the man he just threw down.
'I'll have to thank Civannan later. Who knew the power of a succubus' kiss could be so useful.'
Dropping to the ground lightly, Kakanlour retrieved his Falchion, waiting for the next wave, or something to happen.

2014-11-04, 03:33 AM
Culsu Agash

Culsu was hunting through the crusader's rear ranks for quite some time now. He would sneak upon them, rip apart one or two weaker types, then get out. By the way he was able to burn quite a lot of forage and kill some warhorses left without sufficient guard, though these actions should have only long-term effect while the short-term situation was getting progressively worse. The next time Culsu teleported back to the city leaving a corpse behind him he had the city struck by dimansional lock. That was all sorts of bad. In fact, the only good about it was that he was not locked somewhere outside to confront the whole freaking crusade. Culsu was not very mobile without teleportat ability and was getting progressively more angry.

Last half an hour Culsu was busy trying to dispel-dispel-dispel-dispel some hole(s) in the lock at various places and then mostly sneaking tallest buildings and the wall itself and using his telekinetic power to trip/stall/fall/ground any winged flyers, disarm the archers of their arrows while hurling said arrows at nearby wizards, throw both archers and wizards around and against each other, disarm just almost everyone of any fancy things that are not tightly held, make everyone chase their everything all across the field and generally cause as much delay, confusion and annoyance as demonly posible. Anyone climbing the wall anywhere near Culsu was almost guaranteed some sharp or heavy debris in the back and a bunch of dispels, and anyone getting near the top was almost guaranteed a solid shove. This was fun too, but not so much as doing it close and personal.

2014-11-04, 07:47 AM

Hesph breathed in deeply, his eyes closed and his goat-like face half-bowed in front of a large, fallen statue of Iomedae that had somehow managed to escape too much defilement while the demons held Drezen. He had explored much of the city in the last week since he had come from the Abyss. It was remarkable, fascinating to him. He could be seen at all hours stomping along through dusty, fallen quadrants of the city, his burning hooves leaving their tell-tale imprints everywhere he went. This new plane was intriguing, yes. Vile and repulsive, but intriguing. He had taken some sport in fighting and slaying, but what he sought now was knowledge. He had plunged into the depths of the small city, looking for undefiled libraries or stores of knowledge, eagerly reading everything he could glean about the Wardstones and how they functioned.

Hesph exhaled. A sulphurous, toxic smoke breathed out of him, tainting the very air of this once-great shrine. He drew his long, gleaming sword and began to make slow, deep cuts in the fallen statue. He strove to leave it recognizable, to not destroy it as he easily could have done with such a marvelous weapon. 'Aeofen' it had been called, he believed, by the tall, proud barbarian chief whose dying hands he ripped it out of. The sword was adamantine, and crackled with icy magic. Now it sputtered and steamed as Hesph's own magics flowed through it, mixing fire and ice in a contradiction of elements, spiting all that is Lawful and Ordered. It was that very contradictory sword that now carved and distorted the Iomedae statue, leaving deep cuts, horrified expressions, and grossly realistic wounds in the figure. Finally, he left his trademark, a smoldering burn from his hoof right on the throat.

Satisfied with his defilement, he began searching the forgotten shrine for any more scrolls or tomes that might shed a little more light on this plane and it's defenses for him.

2014-11-04, 02:56 PM

Luthron spend most of the time memorizing high-priority targets in preperation for the battle to come. Their appearance, their strength, their weaknesses, their quirks, their way of speaking. He had this weird feeling of deja-vu with two of the pictures but he felt a weak deja-vu which he dismissed as irrelevant. He hated doing boring stuff like this, it always felt like a waste of time since the targets would be dead soon anyway. However compared to the things he had done before to get his love back this was nothing. A breeze knocked over on of the pictures and he instinctively threw his shadowy arm out to catch it but as one could expect it just passed through. He sat there staring at the turned paper unsure why he had even tried to catch it. Somewhere in the back of his head he vaguely remembers that to be the natural reaction.
And what really annoyed him was the orders of him staying here until further notice. Hopefully the order to go would arrive soon.


Eladin had joined the human army when the demons had began spreading. He had a loving family at home that he needed to protect from this foul demon horde and that was the thought he drew strength from as he managed to pass the wall and enter the demon infested city. He knocked in a door ready to strike and kill whoever was inside but what he encountered wasn't what he expected. The room was dark. Not dark like the night. At night you can see stars and even on starless nights you have the counsil hut in the elder tree giving some light. This room had none at all, even the fading rays of the evening sun wasn't able to light the room. it was as if they didn't registrer that the door wasn't blocking their way anymore.
Suddenly a shadow shot out from the darkness and knocked his feet away. He held his sword tight as his head hit the ground. A figure emerged from the darkness. At first he thought it was an elf but that was until he realised it was completely black aside from the two burning eyes. The shadow human's hand jerked down and hit his armor, or so he thought. When it was supposed to be blocked by the armor it instead went right through and he felt how it buried itself in his flesh. He felt the warm from his body being sucked out and his scream was drowned in dark mass. Wroooooong dooooor eeeelf Luthran whispered just before finishing off the intruder.


The lady of Drezen is dead? The shadow raised from the frozen corpse of a human in what probably used to be shining armor. He tried to teleport over to the quasit telling that the lady was dead but it felt like he ran into a wall instead. Quickly recovering he flew to the messenger and whispers. Wheeeree aaaare theyy?
After getting direction he flies as fast as he can to the location where the lady was killed, hoping to encounter one so called heroes.

2014-11-04, 06:09 PM
Nixiel curses inwardly. Damn Nocticula, it's like she knew there would be a siege here. Battles are not where I excel. The enemies are prepared with unfair defensive magic to thwart mysuperior domination. How dare they? Spells that repel my magic are disgusting. Still it was not as if I am useless, not everyone has the right defenses. And then those people can be used against the ones who do have their defenses up. At least it is not just fighting up on the walls, small skirmishes suit me better.

She brushes back her now long blond hair to reveal pointy elven eyes so she can look to her companion. A handsome elf in glittering armor, not unlike the form-fitting mithral breastplate she is currently wearing, well except for the fact that it does not indicate a couple of perfect breasts beneath of course. Maybe the handsome elf should have known better, but he is under her spell now. Nixiel likes to assume forms similar to her own. Of course her natural pallor is even paler than this one, her normal hair is purple, not blonde, and her eyes are usually red, not green but her face has a lot of the same features, perfect lines, slender, yet soft and her body is almost as voluptuous as her normal form. "We have to deal with the people possessed by demons." The transformed succubus says out loud. Of course what she actually means is that they have to deal with the people who can't be possessed by demons.

The pair spots fighting down an ally. A massive barbarian with a big axe is hacking a demon twice his size into bits while a robe-clad woman is watching over carefully, making sure nothing weird happens before he can move one to the snake-like demon she keeps trapped in magic glittering bindings. The big barbarian bends easily enough to Nixiel's will, but there is an impenetrable barrier around the woman preventing her from entering. Should have warded your man, fool. Nixel thinks and then she says out loud. "That magican is posessed. Get her!" and points at the woman, commanding both the elf beside her and the barbarian to attack her. As the woman turn to look at the two elves, her companion's axe tears into the back of her skull. She was not expecting a betrayal. Nixiel sends telepathically to the now released demon, Try to find enemies you can defeat next time. These people are mine, please don't touch them, they will help stave off the invasion.

Appearing as a small group deep behind enemy lines the trio marches on. Lead by what still appears to be an elven girl employing an adamantine rapier, a mithral shield and a mithral breastplate. One small step at a time, we will drive them out of the city. And I will grow stronger as we do so. She surveys her new capture and licks her lips. Yet another tool with multiple uses. Now lets hope we don't run into too many enemies at once, or a bunch that are too well warded.

2014-11-04, 07:59 PM
Streets of Drezen, first hour of the siege

Kakanluor sent yet another crusading fool to his death. It spoke more to the foolishness of the crusaders than anything else that they'd underestimated him so far. Seriously, who fought demons without accounting for their shapeshifting? On the other hand, that foolishness had not prevented them from removing the demons' greatest advantage... and would not prevent that squad of crusaders that had finally noticed the toll he was exacting amid the chaos from attacking him. Or would it? The group of six - two swordsmen in shining armor, two just as heavily armored and armed with maces and the symbol of one disgusting clerical order or other, and two in the vestments of arcanists - had been signaling out demons of above average ability and executing them. Even with tricks, Kakanluor was not sure he'd survive the fight. But they'd shifted in their path, running towards an alley nearby. The demon looked to see what had drawn their attention more than someone who'd murdered their idiotic comrades. The answer surprised him for a moment - and was an answer to more than curiosity. A Babau demon stood in that alley. One that had just opened a hole in the subtle bluish aura of the dimensional lock, if even for a moment...

Culsu Agash was very unhappy. Running around the battle causing chaos did not satisfy him. Telekinetically throwing crusaders to their death only barely more so. That pale blue aura, barely visible against the red sky, had him and every other demon in the city trapped. An affront to him and all demonkind, the Crusade's blighted artifact was messing things up, confining what should not be contained. And thus he tried to break that confinement - and that was what he was so angry about. Until now, he'd failed. He must have tried to shatter this magic about a hundred times and in the handful of times he'd succeeded in punching a small hole to it, the aura had reformed almost immediately - just swiftly enough to prevent him from following up with a teleportation. What was worse, every time he succeeded, he drew attention. One time, a nearby lesser demon had seized the opportunity to escape, laughing as he left him behind. Others, crusaders had come to investigate.
This time, he'd gained the attention of one of the few small wargroups to penetrate into the city itself that had so far harried the demonic defenders, disrupting the perimeter and opening gaps for more crusaders to pour through. There were six of them - and Culsu Agash wasn't sure he could take them alone.

Hesph was interrupted in his search of scrolls and tomes by a powerful cry. Defiler! a tall warrior with short-cropped white hair in silver chainmail and a flaming sword shouted from the near-ruined shrine's entrance. For your crimes against the gods and the people, I smite you! Whith that pronouncement, the sudden new arrival dashed into combat.

Luthron glided through the city and towards the citadel of its possibly-former marilith ruler, largely ignoring the struggling bands of crusaders that had penetrated this far. There were few and outnumbered by the demons this deep in the city anyway. Taking a turn he knew would be a shortcut despite the collapsed buildings on both sides - he didn't have to worry about such mundane things as rubble or even walls barring his passage - he stumbles upon an interesting scene.
The woman scrambling up a pile of debris is absolutely stunning. She's actually better-looking in her low-cut, tight and short red dress, thigh-high red boots and red bracers than even the most biased memories of his own wife and she's more graceful than any elf he's ever met. Her long grey hair, sizable but dainty horns, delicate batlike wings neatly folded behind her back as to be almost unnoticed despite their size and entirely inhuman vigor of motion mark her as quite obviously a succubus - and one who's running for her life at that. Several crusaders are running after her, most of them sporting heavy crossbows and longbows - which explains why she's using the broken terrain as cover rather that flying to safety. But with the steep ascent giving her trouble - succubi probably never exercise an hour in eternity outside their bed - the crusaders are about to catch her.
Grab the bitch! one of them shouts. Get that scroll back! Luthron only then realizes that the succubus is holding a rolled up scroll in one hand - one that has the looks of divinely enhanced parchment and an expensive one at that.

Nixiel pauses in her rampage. Technically, it's the rampage of the men she's dominated but that's just semantics - what are they if not tools to her will? No, what's more worrying is that she's sure she's being observed - and might have been for some time. To her annoyance, her intuition is proven correct when a tall woman with long, flowing white hair, in silver form-fitting chainshirt and a flaming sword appears out of thin air. She frowns at Nixiel, obviously in displeasure, then strolls up to Nixiel's men. As soon as she gets within a few feet and moves her hands in a gesture of benediction sacred to some faith Nixiel cannot identify, the demoness feels her command of them muted and unresponsive. The woman gives her a small, triumphant smile then touches the nearest controlled warrior. Nixiel's control of him snaps outright as the woman's hand seems to momentarily glow with holy radiance.
Go! she urges as she touches the others, snapping their domination too. This foe is beyond you - it's my fight now.

2014-11-04, 08:31 PM

"Ah. Excellent timing!" Hesph growls to the new challenger. Spilling holy blood in a shrine like this would complete the defilement much better than anything else he could do! With a smile playing about his bestial features. As the man charges at him, Hesph does two things at once. First, he casts a quickened dispel magic at the man, stripping away any magical aid he may have helping him. Next, he belches forth a blast of boiling blood, vomiting all over him.

Quickened empowered dispel magic check [roll0] targeted against him in general. If successful, he must make a fort save DC of the spell that was dispelled 18 (read the feat wrong!!), or be stunned until my next turn. If he makes the save he is only sickened until my next turn.

Additionally once the man enters within 5 ft of me he must make a DC 21 fort save for the smoke breath, or be sickened.

Line of boiling blood breath weapon DC 25 reflex for half [roll1] fire damage.

Erik Vale
2014-11-04, 09:32 PM
Kakanlour eyes seem to widen as he suddenly teleports, appearing behind the Babau with a roar, telepathically screaming into his mind.
[Telepathy to Babau] 'Don't resist! Do again!'
Immediately after finishing his roar, Kakanlour kneels slightly, wrapping his two meaty arms around the Babau's waist.

Technically, Intimidate can't do anything, but, [roll0] to try and get the humans to pause in any attack attempt.
'Grappling' the Babau, intending to teleport straight up with dimension door when/if the lock fails and maintaining altitude by activating my boots of levitation and just holding him up.

2014-11-05, 07:22 AM
Nixiel quickly studies the woman as she arrives, trying to determine what sort of defenses she got up. She probably got something that can thwart my spells damn her.

Nixiel got constant detect magic so she should be able to make checks to determine the nature of spells on the woman as well as any items she carries without having to use any actions.
Spellcraft for items:

Also using spellcraft to determine the spells she cast (was one of them quickened?):

Finally she got constant detect good, does the woman detect as good?

Nixiel hastily backs away from the woman and summons up a mass of writhering slimy black tentacles between them but still enveloping the three people. Protected your mind, then I'll just use your body. she wills the tentacles to grapple the three before her and penetrate deep into all the orfices of the woman. Even if you manage to break free of the tentacles, they will still hinder you.. She then looks around for any demons to call out to telepathically in abyssal. Help me defeat this woman so we can deal a mighty blow to the invaders.

move as far away from the woman as possible. I assume changing back to her own form is a standard action so she stays in the elven one for now:smallfrown:

Then cast black tentacles
Grapple all three[roll13]
Damage woman (if grappled): [roll14]
Damage elf (if grappled): [roll15]
Damage barbarian (if grappled): [roll16]

2014-11-05, 10:04 AM
Culsu Agash

Culsu was performing an experiment. The last one, he supposed, as so far the results seemed to be consistent. He spent like six minutes already: four to set up the location and two to punch a a new hole in the dimensional lock. A waste of time, that quickly closing hole, but he just could not resist the urge. A mixture of anger and curiosity is a strange thing... anyway, here they come. Six. And all look pretty serious. More than desired, but Culsu knew what to do. Sorta. Because six might be too much.

Culsu hurled himself from the alley in a moderately steep arc ontop a three-story building sixty feet away, landing on far side of the roof, then moving aside and a bit towards the top of the roof to peek over it at those crusaders.

[Telepathy] "Stay clear of me. And better say clear of these. I'll rock."

The exact meaning of the last telepathized sentence might not be entirely clear, but there were indeed rocks, and bricks, and other stones from damaged buildings in ample quantities on both sides of the alley.

Standard action: Telekinesis himself with all gear (188 pounds total) less than 100 feet of distance. [roll0] vs AC 5 to hit desired square, [roll1] vs whatever to land on his feet. Any damage should be within the DR.
Move action: move, peek (passive perception) and stealth [roll2] (maybe at -10 if have to use Hellcat Stealth, but I think should be just fine with first getting out of sight and then using the cover alone)

(assiming Culsu evades Kakanlour; too bad if he does not)

2014-11-05, 10:46 AM
Luthron dives into the ground and flies to right beneath the runner. Whaat is so important about the scrooool? He asks telepathicly from the ground as he follows her movement from be underground.

2014-11-05, 12:41 PM
The hunted succubus glances at Luthron's direction, momentarily surprised. She mustn't have noticed he was there before then. Her telepathic voice is far more musical and refined than Luthron's own as she responds; It is a scroll of ressurection I liberated from the crusaders. Can't have them getting back anyone important we manage to ki- At that exact moment, one of the warriors with a longbow finally has a clear line-of-sight to her and fires. The arrow flies true and hits the beautiful demoness in her left thigh, burying into flesh with silvery radiance and a hiss of sizzling blood; the crusaders must be serious about getting back that scroll if they're using such holiness-infused attacks against her. The telepathic communication from the succubus is frantic now. Help me get the scroll to Zuhra's citadel and we'll both be rewarded!

Culsu lands behind a ruined wall and quickly gets out of the open before the crusaders spot him. Kakanlour, having seen him perform the maneuver, knows where he is for now even if he can't see him - the crusaders will probably miss him entirely... except they don't. After speaking among themselves for a couple of seconds - Kakanlour sees them watching something held in the leader's right hand - they reorient themselves and move towards Culsu's location.

Nixiel is confused. Her detection spells reveal nothing about the woman. In fact, they now no longer reveal anything about her formerly-enslaved warriors. And she isn't sure what the woman cast as she entered the fight either. But because she's seen the effect before, she recognizes a dispel evil spell when one snaps her domination - and realizes what must have happened. The woman was holding several charges of Dispel Evil without using them from before she appeared. So when she had to release the dominated crusaders all she had to do was simply touch them, even casually, without having to cast the spells on the spot. That spoke of significant intelligence, forethought, and having observed Nixiel at least briefly before attacking, making all the right preparations undetected before charging in. Oh well. If she couldn't dominate she might as well violate - while controlling an enemy caster might have been fun, the alternative wouldn't be much worse... except it is.
That wasn't very nice. the white-haired woman comments as she escapes the tentacles' grip unscathed, Nixiel's spell being unusually slow at manifesting this time. She carefully walks to the edge of the effect, stares at the shapeshifted succubus and then at the warriors less experienced (or lucky) than herself to have fallen into the trap and makes an abrupt cutting motion with her left hand while whispering under her breath. Nixiel recognizes the dispelling, if not the exact type of magic used for it - probably divine. Her field of tentacles vanishes and the warriors are released. They gratefully turn to help their white-haired savior in the fight but she shakes their head and they flee. Strategically correct, in Nixiel's estimation; the woman seemed to care for the warriors' life and Nixiel could be using them as hostages. Probably still could - they were only a bit over a hundred feet away. And the enemy's tactic of waiting for the right moment had gotten Nixiel in a street with no demons of any power in the immediate vicinity - she doubted that pair of quasits would do much good, even if they had been willing to help.

Hesph sees the enemy warrior attacking and prepares a warm welcome. His dispelling attempt falls on him and while it makes the bluish aura of the dimensional lock fade here and there for a few moments, it fails to affect anything near the man at all. The smoke that follows barely makes the man slow down and the fire splashes ineffectually against his armored chest. Whoever he is, he has powerful defenses.
Take this, pawn of ruin! he shouts as he comes within range, swinging his flaming blade with both hands. The fire has no effect on Hesph of course, but the blow is hard enough to cut into a wall... and Hesph's resistance to normal blows does not soften this hit at all. It's either cold iron or infused with despicable "goodness" - probably both.

Erik Vale
2014-11-05, 12:53 PM
Kakanlour curses heartedly as the Babau flees, and continues to do so as the group ignores him.
"Flee faster wretch! For they hunt you with magic, and my aid isn't with those that flee."
Kakanlour quickly rises with but a thought using his boots, himself scrambling onto a nearby roof and out of direct sight as he calls out in abbysal. He recognises the appearance of a skilled group, and his current circumstances mean s he cannot take them head on.

2014-11-05, 12:55 PM
Hesph laughs maniacally at the swordplay greeting him. Though the wound is deep and true, it does naught but spur him into frenzied blood lust, spurring boiling blood out of the wound onto the man. With the distance closed between them, though, Hesph can unleash his full fury on the man in a storm of fire and ice from his sword! He strikes out 3 times at the warrior, bleating and bellowing with each blow.

[roll0] fire damage from injuring me (because Boiling Blood)

Full attack:
Hit [roll1]
Crit confirm[roll2]
Damage [roll3] + [roll4] fire + [roll5] cold
Crit damage [roll6] + [roll7] cold

Hit [roll8]
Crit confirm[roll9]
Damage [roll10] + [roll11] fire + [roll12] cold
Crit damage [roll13] + [roll14] cold

Hit [roll15]
Crit confirm[roll16]
Damage [roll17] + [roll18] fire + [roll19] cold
Crit damage [roll20] + [roll21] cold

2014-11-05, 01:09 PM
The subbucus can sense a smile in his voice as he responds Wiiith pleeasuure.
He then charges the group, making sure to place himself right under the group and within reach of as many as possible. Darkness sprout from the ground and starts draining the life of the hunters, piece by piece.

Charging and using pounce.
All attacks should be flatfooted because of cover and touch because of incorporeal if I'm not missing anything.
While they do have 50% cover the heartseeking enchantment makes the attacks ignore cover assuming they have something that resembles a heart.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2] Cold+ [roll3] SA

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]+[roll6] Cold+ [roll7] SA

Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9]+[roll10] Cold+ [roll11] SA

Attack [roll12]
Damage [roll13]+[roll14] Cold+ [roll15] SA

Attack [roll16]
Damage [roll17]+[roll18] Cold+ [roll19] SA

Attack [roll20]
Damage [roll21]+[roll22] Cold+ [roll23] SA
CMB to trip: [roll24]

If trip is successfull here is the AAO from vicious stomp
Attack [roll25]
Damage [roll26]+[roll27] Cold+ [roll28] SA

2014-11-05, 06:27 PM
Dispel evil! She could send me back to the abyss with a single touch. Luckily she decided to free the minions instead. Though it will be more difficult to keep her off me without them hitting her. I just have to make sure she is grappled this time. Then I can deal with her at my leisure. She pulls out a tanglefoot bag from her bag and toss it towards the woman, melding it with the slimy black tentacles to make them better able to hold onto the woman. She then moves even further back to avoid the woman comming close enough.

Black tentacles yet again, now with reroll.
reroll if needed:[roll1]
Damage [roll2]
position the tentacle area so the woman is in the middle of the tentacle area(difficult terrain,20 foot to the edge)
Move so there is another 30 foot from the tentacles to Nixiel(50 total)

2014-11-06, 10:18 AM
Culsu Agash

Peeking from behind the remains of a wall, Culsu notices that the group is not drooling over the place where he has been just moments ago, not attacking whatever hug-demon he left there, but instead moving in, roughly, his direction. Whoa! These seem to know what they want. Let's see what they get. Culsu looked at a pile of rubble on far side of the alley behind the group, concentrated, and suddenly the stones, and some blocks of bricks, accelerated towards the rear mage. Culsu observed the result then changed his position.

Standard action: Telekinesis on some part of some pile of rubble, 10 stony objects total, as follows:
5 pounds [roll0] for 1
5 pounds [roll1] for 1
5 pounds [roll2] for 1
10 pounds [roll3] for 1
25 pounds [roll4] for [roll5]
25 pounds [roll6] for [roll7]
25 pounds [roll8] for [roll9]
25 pounds [roll10] for [roll11]
50 pounds [roll12] for [roll13]
75 pounds [roll14] for [roll15]

Move action: change position, up to 30 feet, either this building or jump ([roll16]) into next building while maintaining stealth ([roll17]) - hard to tell exactly without the grid, but the objective is to maintain the cover, move at least 20 feet, increase the distance, maintain LOS, maintain altitude in that order.

2014-11-06, 01:21 PM
Culsu's attack on one of the two possible wizards is successful - most of their debris find their mark, especially with the mortal spellcaster not expecting the attack. The group immediately takes up ready positions in an obviously rehearsed maneuver even as Culsu tries to find a way to the next building -which is too far for him to jump normally- and the uninjured wizard levitates. As soon as the angle is good enough for him to see the roof, he casts a spell and some weird force begins to take hold of Culsu!
Culsu must make a reflex save with a -2 circumstance penalty or be captured in a sphere of invisible force. A successful spot check reveals that the wizard's eyes are glowing green. Make them in the OOC thread before you post IC

Nixiel sees the white-haired woman attempting to cast a spell despite the tentacles but her gestures are disrupted as some tentacles slide up her legs while others take hold of her arms. Her position is beginning to look highly uncomfortable and soon will probably be highly interesting too. She doesn't speak this time, merely glaring at the transformed succubus.

Luthron half-jumps out of the concealing ground as he hears one of the enemy soldiers walking over his location. Listening to his enemy's heartbeat and guiding his blows at it, the shadow-demon almost casually rips the soldier apart, neither armor nor agility saving the archer from premature and violent death. Another archer shoot at the ground that just disassembled his comrade, obviously to no effect.
The succubus does not remain idle, despite her wounds. Launching herself from the pile of rubble, she reaches out and casually touches one of the soldiers. The man recoils screaming as the simple prod opens up a wound that would fit a battleaxe, and his blood drips out, turns to crimson energy and is readily devoured by the succubus which now seems stronger and healthier.

Hesph's battle is not going well. Not one of his blows is telling, most missing entirely or pushed aside by the enemy warrior's unseen defenses, one clanging off his armor. In response, the obviously powerful knight performs a two-handed lunge, his blade sinking into Hesph's midsection far enough to have simply slain most mortal warriors outright.

2014-11-06, 01:29 PM
Hesph curses the gods granting this warrior his power, hoping that it is divine intervention steering such skill in combat, knowing that the attention of the gods are quickly drawn away to other matters. He spits up more boiling blood from the wound, before waylaying back with his own blade. The sword fight, had it been going his way, is pleasurable to him nonetheless.

Full attack:
Hit [roll0]
Crit confirm[roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] cold
Crit damage [roll5] + [roll6] cold

Hit [roll7]
Crit confirm[roll8]
Damage [roll9] + [roll10] fire + [roll11] cold
Crit damage [roll12] + [roll13] cold

Hit [roll14]
Crit confirm[roll15]
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] fire + [roll18] cold
Crit damage [roll19] + [roll20] cold

2014-11-06, 04:55 PM
Nixiel shifts back to her natural form Flying would be needed if I am to touch her without getting tentacled myself. The succubus has long purple-ish hair reaching halfway down her back, bright red eyes and fair skin. Her light breastplate allows her wings free out of her back, but sadly it hides her tits, though the supple material does follows the voluptuous curves nicely. Ah well, one need to make some sacrifices in the name of protection and to fit in with my disguise. She then takes a step forward and sends telepathically to the woman. "Submit to me, drop your defenses and I will let you live. Death is final, but on my side you can experience great pleasure and power!" Before trying to take control over the woman's mind as well as her body. Speaking of her body, the tentacles now try to slither underneath the armor and into the orfices of the poor woman, showing that the threat is very much real.

Move action: End the shapeshifting
Free Action: 5 foot step forward
Standard Action: Dominate Person (DC 30 vs will) on the woman, since she didn't have any abjuration auras I assume she either does not have protection from evil or is hiding it somehow.

Black Tentacles:
Maintain Grapple[roll0]
I assume I still get a reroll since it is the same target?[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Erik Vale
2014-11-06, 07:36 PM
A tutting sound telepathically enters the minds of those chasing Calsu as Kakanlour moves behind one of the buildings walls out of sight of the group, now that one of the mages is levitating, and then Kakanlour lets out a strangled roar.

Kakanlour walks off and drops from the ruined roof he was hiding on while drawing his weapon, then shifting to the form of Jonathan, his current disguise.

2014-11-07, 09:10 AM
Culsu looks into the mage's glowing green eyes and snarls. Then he concentrates, attempting to dispel dimension lock inside the sphere. The mage does not need to know what Culsu intends to have dispelled, so... "I'll take down this sphere of yours and eat your heart! Watch and see!" He snarls again.

[roll0] dispel check against dimension lock
[roll1] bluff

2014-11-07, 06:44 PM
Culsu fails to dispel the sphere... or the bluish aura he was actually aiming for. The mage looks on smugly unaware, hands ready to cast another spell as his companions begin to climb the tower. Close by, a levitating Kakanlour manages to drop out of sight and take up a disguise with none of the crusaders realizing what happened...

Not today, cow. the woman hisses through gritted teeth as she tries to concentrate. For a split second it seems as if the distracting attentions of the tentacles have once again foiled her magic... but then she finishes her spell with a final effort; a circle of holy radiance entirely inimical to Nixiel and all demonkind bursts into the succubus' flesh. The attack feels as if being immersed in holy water, leaving behind nasty burns and stinging her eyes like daggers are thrust into them.

Hesph is in a bad position. He's losing the fight already and of his new flurry of blows only his blade manages to bite into his opponent, drawing blood. The wound is not nearly as serious as those the warrior has dealt to him - or the one he's about to deliver. The holy warrior's blade arcs down and for a split second it seems it will strike true... but then it clangs ineffectually against Hesph's form. The warrior himself seems to be distracted momentarily, looking off at something unseen in the distance...

In another part of the city, Luthron and the succubus are fighting against a group of crusaders. The succubus decides to play the defense game... while telepathically and undetectably updates her impromptu partner on the crusaders' exact positions. Now Luthron knows in what exact direction to shift a mere five feet so another mortal victim is within his reach. However the succubus completes the update with a warning;
Watch out. They seem to have prepared some tactic in advance.

2014-11-07, 06:51 PM
Hesph ignores the wounds and tries to take advantage of the momentary distraction from the warrior to lash out some blows that strike true!

Full attack:
Hit [roll0]
Crit confirm[roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] cold
Crit damage [roll5] + [roll6] cold

Hit [roll7]
Crit confirm[roll8]
Damage [roll9] + [roll10] fire + [roll11] cold
Crit damage [roll12] + [roll13] cold

Hit [roll14]
Crit confirm[roll15]
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] fire + [roll18] cold
Crit damage [roll19] + [roll20] cold

Erik Vale
2014-11-07, 06:57 PM
Kakanlour smiles, drawing his Falchion as he walks around the building with a swagger.
"Ah.. That's what it was running from." Kakanlour looks between the various crusaders as Jonathon, wondering if they have any 'True sight' effects, as his gaze shifts to the Babau.
"What'd this one do that he needed 6 crusaders personally?"

2014-11-08, 12:07 AM
Culsu tries to dispel the dimension lock once more. The opponents are not yet around the sphere, so there still is a chance...

Dispel: [roll0]

2014-11-08, 08:11 AM
Luthron manages to stop the attacking crusaders and feel no need to risk anything against aware crusaders. He gives the order to retreat Wee dooon't neeed to kill theeem. Ruuun nooow. Geeet the scrool to the laady. And follows it up with a darkness SLA right in front of the succubus to give her an easy time escaping. He'll use his move action to follow her.

2014-11-08, 09:37 AM
"Argh, that hurts! But I know where you are, robbing me of sight won't stop me." Nixiel actually says out loud as she flies up over the sea of tentacles to touch the woman. As she does so she wills energy to drain the very essence of the woman into her hand. Upon comming to the place she remembers the woman to be she reaches down and touches her head to drain her. Meanwhile the tentacles still work at keeping the woman trapped and squeezed.

Standard Action: Cast Vampiric Touch then
Move Action: fly over to the woman, staying above the ground so the tentacles can't reach her.
Free Action, try to touch the woman:
Touch [roll0]
Miss Chance (1 is a miss, which keeps holding the charge)[roll1]

reroll if needed [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2014-11-08, 04:28 PM
Nixiel rushes blindly in, smacking her unseen target with a satisfying thunk. Surprisingly, she feels no life energy coursing into her and can hear no responce from her victim, pained or otherwise.
A few moments later, Nixien's eyes return to normal, the stabbing pain no longer forcing her to keep them shut. What she sees is the necromantic charge still glowing around her hand, unexpended. And her annoying adversary is nowhere to be seen...

Culsu fails to dispel the sphere again. The wizard snorts as the first of the crusaders climbs the building. One of the crusaders left as rearguard turns to stare at the "newcomer" - which is actually Kakanlour in disguise. He frowns for a moment, then shakes his head. Hail friend! he says. This one managed to temporarily dispel the Dimensional Lock. Our mages expected powerful fiends would be able to but couldn't do much about it. On the other hand, why should they? The resulting hole doesn't last long enough for them to teleport immediately after they dispel, and the residual auras of their dispelling can be tracked, identifying the more powerful enemies like they were waving a flag. It would seem that everyone is prone to gloating when they're winning - even crusaders. And with the nasty demon trapped and soon-to-be slain, no enemies in sight and the Crusade itself finally on the road to victory, this one has become very talkative indeed. Say, are you a survivor from the alpha groups? Has anyone gotten into the marilith's stronghold yet? Word is the heroes had to go fight the Balor Lord of Iz after they offed her - and good riddance. Six-armed gals give me the creeps. Give me one of them succubae any day, instead. He winks. Properly domesticated of course - word is, the heroes got one of their own now.

Hesph manages to land two blows on his opponent this time. The enemy warrior is bleeding heavily now, his blood curiously silvey. Grunting and not bothering to repeat one of his warcries this time, he returns the favor with a wide slash that barely connects. Hesph is pushed back by the force of the blow, realizing that a couple more like that and he'll be done for...

Covered by the darkness, Luthron and the succubus flee, the crusaders left behind in the slowness of their armor. The succubus, a bit wounded but otherwise OK, telepathically sends. The crusaders have infiltrators in the city now, pushing towards the stronghold. Their so-called heroes put Lady Durza's body on display in one of the towers and our leadership has crumbled. I'd rather we didn't force our way to the tower without more help. She mentally sighs. At least telepathic succubus smalltalk is still as good a network as ever - there are several strong demons nearby we could recruit to our cause. No offence, but you males rarely talk, with sense or otherwise. What's up with that?

2014-11-08, 05:03 PM
Hesph ignores the wisdom that says he should flee, focusing instead on his lust for destruction. He continues fighting.

Full attack:
Hit [roll0]
Crit confirm[roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] cold
Crit damage [roll5] + [roll6] cold

Hit [roll7]
Crit confirm[roll8]
Damage [roll9] + [roll10] fire + [roll11] cold
Crit damage [roll12] + [roll13] cold

Hit [roll14]
Crit confirm[roll15]
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] fire + [roll18] cold
Crit damage [roll19] + [roll20] cold

Erik Vale
2014-11-08, 10:50 PM
"He could dispel it? Perhaps he could free others, or with help rack up some debts freeing others before escaping with help. It's good he was caught before the demons got smart, assuming they could."
Kakanlour fakes a laugh, and one may note that his voice seemed overly projected. Shaking his head Kakanlour quiets slightly.
"And yes. I was paid to accompany my group, but they're dead now... Not much to be had in the way of looting. But I don't think me or my blade has been this soaked since ever, even a bucket would do wonders about now... Oh, I'm Jonathon, you?"

Kakanlour continues approaching steadily, making a show of sheathing his blade, taking note of how many make up the rearguard.

I get as close as I can, appearing to offer a handshake if I can. How many rearguard are there, and are any mages?

2014-11-09, 03:04 AM
Culsu does his best to look angry, and aggressive, and frustrated, and afraid. Then he does it again.

Dispel dimension lock: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2014-11-09, 07:09 AM
What happened? She can't really have teleported away due to the dimensional lock and I did feel like I hit her. Maybe some sort of spell to shield her from my sight and touch. Ah well, I had better get out of here before she can retaliate. It's not worth it to stay around to be blindsided by one nasty spell or other. Won't stop her from comming after me later, but maybe I'll find some help to deal with her nasty defenses then. with that though Nixiel races away as fast as she can. Flying is much faster than running due to the miracolus wings of the succubus. She tries to stay mostly low so as to not draw attention from the entire city.

Full round action: "Run" 200 ft flying movement. Down a street if possible, though if not she'll fly over buildings if needed, and down again on the other side.
Grapple if she is still in the tentacles: [roll0]
Reroll [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2014-11-09, 10:27 AM
Luthron considers the possibilities a bit before uttering telepathic words in quick succesion. Do you know if the heroes are still there? Regardless we will need information. I will scout the place, possibly sneak out the body, while you rally others. But do so quickly.

He plan on entering the tower through the ground and hiding within the walls, occationally sticking his head out to know directions.
Using greater invisibility combined with the fact that incorporeal creatures don't make sound to negate the mundane means of finding him. Still sneaking around if there is some magic against it. Stealth roll if needed [roll0]

2014-11-09, 11:30 AM
The succubus considers for only a moment. The so-called heroes of the Crusade left for Iz, to organize the next attack there. But there are going to be lots of crusaders around the stronghold now - perhaps even inside it. She shrugs and begins flying with a purpose. Do what you can. I'll go get some help. It's not long before she's vanished down some ruined street while Luthron continues for the stronghold upon whose tallest tower the remains of the Lady of Drezen are displayed like trophies. It is easy to see even from a distance, a forbidding castle with battlements towering over the surrounding city. Crusaders and demons are fighting fiercely in and around it at the moment, the crusaders having breached the defenses here only hours ago when the "Heroes" succeeded in their assault.

Culsu once again fails to dispel the spell he's been aiming for as the second crusader climbs the tower's peak. Look at it struggling the newcomer says with derision. Maybe we're losing our time. The wizard frowns for a moment and peeks intently at Culsu and the invisible sphere - but the sphere itself is blocking whatever magic-revealing power he has; he fails to see anything. But he's still suspicious - and the other crusaders are about to arrive.
In the meantime, Kakanlour has approached close to the sole crusader guarding the base of the tower; the man is alone, the others preparing to position themselves around the captive demon so they can unleash an overwhelming concerted attack when the mage drops the sphere. The last crusader had until now been too trusting, drunk with victory. But something is wrong and he's suspicious again. A mercenary you say? he states more than asks. But only the more trusted warrior orders were to launch the first strike. He pauses for a moment, his suspicions slowly crystallizing. Who was your commander then and in which group were you?

Nixiel flies down another street, away from her previous encounter. In the distance, something draws her attention like a moth to the flame. Another succubus -there is no mistaking that graceful shape- appears next to a ruined shrine out of thin air... then jumps right in. The sounds of battle can be heard from within, metal clanging against metal.

Despite his dire situation, Hesph keeps fighting. This time all three of his blows land, and finally his opponent has been well and thouroughly bloodied. Gritting his teeth but with a satisfied gleam in his eye, the holy warrior raises his sword for the blow that might end this fight. Before he can deliver though, a winged demoness flies through a crumbled upper-level window, lands less-than gracefully next to Hesph in her haste and taps him with a thin metal rod glowing with divine radiance. Even as the holy warrior's sword descends, his eyes go wide in shock as Hesph's wounds begin to heal - more than enough to keep the demon alive despite this latest strike.
Succubus battle support, how may I help you? the newcomer cheekily says, despite being out of breath. Her statement about her nature is quite obviously true; the woman is absolutely stunning. She's actually better-looking in her low-cut, tight and short red dress, thigh-high red boots and red bracers than most other succubi Hesph has ever met. Her long grey hair, sizable but dainty horns, delicate batlike wings neatly folded behind her back as to be almost unnoticed despite their size and entirely inhuman vigor of motion mark her as demonic, but even one of the holiest crusaders might change his mind if she offered herself to him.

2014-11-09, 01:47 PM
Hesph grins at the unlooked for aid. Prevent his escape when he tries to flee. I want to take my time with him." he says before lunging out at the man, but swinging around 5 feet to the side, spinning with the warrior as he attacks him as to start heading towards the exit lest his opponent try to flee.

5 ft step to whatever side of the dude, such that another 5ft step next around would have be on his opposite end from where I started, you dig?
Full attack:
Hit [roll0]
Crit confirm[roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] cold
Crit damage [roll5] + [roll6] cold

Hit [roll7]
Crit confirm[roll8]
Damage [roll9] + [roll10] fire + [roll11] cold
Crit damage [roll12] + [roll13] cold

Hit [roll14]
Crit confirm[roll15]
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] fire + [roll18] cold
Crit damage [roll19] + [roll20] cold

2014-11-09, 04:30 PM
Nixiel rushes towards the window. Her small batlike wings miraculously carrying her there at breakneck speed. Shining breastplate, demonic tail, batlike wings, long flowing hair and bare arms she is a sight to behold as she flies towards the window. Looking in she spots the demons in there and sends telepathically to the demons only. "Hi there, how may I help out? What sort of magical defenses do they have?"

Erik Vale
2014-11-09, 07:10 PM
Kakanlours smile turns wicked.
Knowing the Crusader will pick up the type of name, if not the name, Kakanlour takes a step forward, reverting form as he does so, falchion clattering to the ground as his claws reach out to the crusader.

If Surprise Round:
Standard Action: Return to Galu form.

Full Round:
Initiative Roll: [roll0]

Charge, Activating Power attack and using Blade of Mercy for use with a claw attack.
Activating Power attack, using Blade of Mercy.
Hit: [roll1] [-3, Forgot to remove alter self bonus and power attack]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll2]

Free intimidate for Enforcer: [roll3]. Note, Duration actually equals damage done.
Free Intimidate for Power Attack: [roll4]. Using Souless Gaze to stack shaken making the Crusader Frightened, instead of increasing the duration.

Free Grapple Attempt [Grab special ability]:
AAO Step: No Attempt Given.
Attempt: [roll5] [-2, Power Attack... But I don't think it'll matter this time]


If No Surprise Round:
Initiative: See Full Round of above.
Move Action: Move to the crusader while drawing Falchion, provokes AOO.

Activating Power attack, using Blade of Mercy.
Hit: [roll6]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll7]

Free intimidate for Enforcer: [roll8]. Note, Duration actually equals damage done.
Free Intimidate for Power Attack: [roll9]. Using Souless Gaze to stack shaken making the Crusader Frightened, instead of increasing the duration.

The intimidation specifically is him striking for sensitive areas/somewhere where it's obvious he's actually not attempting to kill him, a powerful roar, and his eyes flashing pure white.

2014-11-10, 09:28 AM
Culsu looks at everyone of the crusaders, his eyes shifting and hopping back and forth, and a half-panicked snarl is directed at the newcoming crisader as he does it again.

Dispel dimension lock: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Bluff: [roll2]

Creatures who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed Will saves (and spell resistance) to negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are targeted by the spell.
The perception check is to get the full list of suitable possessions of every visible crusader, classified as either held or not held (sheathed or whatever).

2014-11-11, 06:39 AM
Luthron will sneak around trying to figure out any traps that will stop him from retrieving the body.
If he spots an easy target 6 shadows will sprout from the wall (or whatever) and pierce the back of the victim.

2014-11-11, 05:51 PM
Luthron doesn't see any guards around the highest tower and the marilith body mounted on a giant-sized pike. The tower is about 100 feet tall and 30 feet wide at the top.

Culsu eyes the crusaders carefully after another failed attempt against the dimensional lock. As far as he can remember, he succeeded once per two dozen attempts or so, so it might be a long time before he manages it. The wizards among the crusaders have a staff, a cowled robe and a pouch strapped to a belt that he can see. The two warriors have full plate armor, basterd swords and shields. The one archer covering him has a longbow, two quivers full of arrows, full chainmail and a strange amulet. The last crusader isn't on the tower but has stayed on the ground as rearguard.
As the crusaders are obviously preparing to gang up on Culsu, there's a shout from below and all the crusaders turn to see. Another one! the mage shouts. It has Joren!

Hesph's advancing blows prove ineffectual once more, his horrible luck in the combat so far continuing. Prevent his escape? The red-garbed succubus asks incredulously. Good sense of tactics you got there. She taps Hesph with her metal wand once more. Oh, hi Aemon! she waves at the holy warrior. I bumped into Isha on my way here. She was being entertained by tentacles, courtesy of the young lady here. She points at the just-arriving Nixiel at the window. Or was it "violated" instead? Eh, tough to remember all those labels mortals put on their passtimes. Nice hat by the way.
The holy warrior is livid at that commentary. He takes a step back from Hesph and then directs his fury into what must be a clerical spell... that bursts into divine radiance against all three of the demons, burning them with holy fire and seeking to scour their eyes.

Erik Vale
2014-11-11, 06:39 PM
'So it's Joren's soul I'm consuming... Tasty.' Kakanlour projeccts his thoughts up to any of the crusaders in range.
Kakanlours claws continue to dig deep into Joren, a toothy kiss biting into his face.

Claw 1: [Nonlethal
Hit: [roll0]
CC: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
CDam: [roll3]
Grapple: [roll4]
Power Attack Intimidate [To Increase Fear Level unless maxed]: [roll5]
Enforcer Intimidate [Increase Duration]: [roll6]

Claw 2: Nonlethal
Hit: [roll7]
CC: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
CDam: [roll10]
Grapple: [roll11]
Grapple: [roll12]
Power Attack Intimidate [To Increase Fear Level unless maxed]: [roll13]
Enforcer Intimidate [Increase Duration]: [roll14]

Hit: [roll15]
CC: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]
CDam: [roll18]
Grapple: [roll19]
Grapple: [roll20]
Power Attack Intimidate [To Increase Fear Level unless maxed]: [roll21]

If Successfully Grappled: Energy Drain, DC 18 Suggestion to 'accept' further kisses, 1 Negative level. Assumes this doesn't take a separate action.

2014-11-11, 06:53 PM
Hesph is nothing if not optimistic. He steps back up to the warriors face and continues trying to slash the general vicinity around him. He completely ignores the spellplay happening as if it didn't occur at all.

Full attack:
Hit [roll0]
Crit confirm[roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] fire + [roll4] cold
Crit damage [roll5] + [roll6] cold

Hit [roll7]
Crit confirm[roll8]
Damage [roll9] + [roll10] fire + [roll11] cold
Crit damage [roll12] + [roll13] cold

Hit [roll14]
Crit confirm[roll15]
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] fire + [roll18] cold
Crit damage [roll19] + [roll20] cold

2014-11-11, 07:59 PM
Argh, not again. I hate this! Nixiel throws up her arms in exasperation. She sends out telepathically to the other demons. I am gonna summon some tentacles to try to hold him down. I hope you didn't move too much around so I hit you too. If you could guide me that would be sweet. She then uses the hurt from her eyes to fuel her magic to greater potency summoning up the twisted writhering tentacles to hold Aemon. She gets another tanglefoot bag from her bag at her side and let it disolve in the air to fuel the spell to greater potency. As she does so she says telepathically. Do you know of these two? Aemon and Isha? What do you know of them? Isha seemed to have some strong mental defenses. Can I dominate this one? To make sure she stays aloft she moves slightly forward.

Another Tanglefootbag-infused Black Tentacles
Grapple Check vs the man: [roll0] reroll if needed: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

40/108 HP
AC: 23 (due to blind, 32 when not blind)

2014-11-12, 07:40 AM
Scouting the inside of the tower with the same goal.

2014-11-12, 09:19 AM
It was a perfect moment to get out of the sphere and off the building, with all the crusaders turning behind to look what has happened to their comrade... unfortunately, Culsu blew it. The sphere did not go off and he was not ready to get away as soon as they take it down, if they take it down now. The good news was that either Joren gets dead or Culsu remains safe in the sphere with a show to watch. Let's see how they value their comrade.

2014-11-12, 03:25 PM
Culsu cannot tell exactly what's going on below as he can't see and the sphere of force blocks his powers. But he can tell the crusaders are sending small blasts of magic at the demon below and that the last crusader, the one left as rearguard, is no longer shouting in fear and cannot be heard struggling.

Kakanlour is quite satisfied with how things turned out. The crusaders, fearful of killing their comrade that has fallen unconscious in his arms and unable to quickly descend the tower and enter melee have opted to use minor, well-targeted blasts of magic. Only one of them manages to overcome his natural resistance to magic, dealing no more damage than a crusader's sword.

Hesph manages to strike in one more blow at the enemy, once more drawing blood and having the pleasure to see the enemy visibly flinching. The tentacles the new succubus makes grow from the floor with her magic fail to hold the enemy though, despite significantly inconveniencing him. Seeing his foes multiplying and his stamina fading, the holy warrior scowls and casts some sort of spell, winking out of existence.
Yes yes, hide behind invisibility. And your hat. his other ally taunts. Leave the subterfuge to your sister, Aemon. The demoness pauses and laughs. Oh wait, you can't. She got in over her head, playing with tentacles. Better go rescue her, hmm?
The subtle pressure of holiness against your selves fades from the room. You're certain Aemon - if information from a succubus can be trusted - has just fled the room invisibly.

In another part of the city, a shadow concealed within shadows creeps closer to the tower on which the corpse of the Lady of Drezen is on display. He's about to enter through the wall - why use the door if you don't have to - when his insubstantial flesh literally catches fire, seared by silver flames down to his soul. As the warding against demons on the building no longer presses against him he drifts weightlessly through the base of the tower and into its interior. Still hidden amid shadows, he's also incapacitated and his very essence is still fading. If he cannot endure this most hideous wound, he might even die soon enough...

Erik Vale
2014-11-12, 06:54 PM
Kakanlour breaks off his 'kiss' as the man slumps, first into a pitiful wreck, and then into unconsciousness.
Then curses in Abysssal as a blast blows a tiny chunk from his already healing shoulder.
"Enough! Halt your attacks now, and I'll offer you a deal to spare his life! Do not, then his soul is forfeit!"

2014-11-13, 11:32 AM
The crusaders have continued being distracted, so Culsu targeted the sphere again. This time it went down. The babau promptly got off the building to the side opposite to the hovering wizard, pressed himself against the wall and pretended he is not there.

Telesend "Hey, you! Any plan? I don't like the casters."

A dispel magic check of 26 should be enough against caster level up to and including 15, which is probably as high as it could be, so I'm assuming the sphere is dispelled. Will edit if it's not.

Could you remind me current lighting conditions? Normal light?

Just walking out of a window or a hole in the wall or some such. Presumably no real falling damage.

Acrobatics: [roll0] (moving through a threatened area presumably)
Stealth: [roll1] (this is hellcat stealth, on the building, if applicable; might come into effect before acrobatics against some or all of the opponents)
Stealth: [roll2] (this is normal stealth, ground level)

2014-11-13, 11:42 AM
"Damn him! I knew he would escape! You, do you have knowledge where he may have fled? I want to finish him for daring to interrupt me... But... I suppose if you could heal me more, that would probably be beneficial..." Hesph says, coming down from his rage and bloodlust in battle. Finally he realizes just how close to death he had been.

2014-11-14, 08:06 AM
Nixiel flies over to the pair. And speaks to them telepathically "I am not as badly beaten up as him, but I could use some healing as well. That holy magic hurts. Do either of you have a way to counter invisibility? It makes it substantially harder to land my powers. Though thinking about it, how come you know so much about the two of them? Did you see my fight earlier? If so, why didn't you answer my call for Aid?" Nixiel is guarded, though she would still let the other succubus touch her with the wand if she tries to. Nixiel tries to read the other succubus' mind to get answers to her questions.

The wording on Seducer's Bane has lead me to believe spells are not noticeable without somatic or verbal components.
Detect Thoughts (DC 26)
Sr [roll0]

2014-11-14, 01:01 PM
Culsu manages to jump off the ruined tower before the five crusaders can react; they're too busy being enraged at the other demon at the base of the tower. In a practiced, coordinated maneuver, they each take out a polished, long-necked glass bottle from their kit, backpack or other container. From the looks of them, they must have once been wine bottles - but now have been pressed into service in the war as a weapon. Throwing the bottles from their long necks comes almost naturally to trained warriors, two of them whispering benedictions that make the bottles shine with silver light. And when the bottles rain down on Kakanlour and his captive, the fragile glass shatters to unleash the burning death within - liquid that sears away at Kakanlour's flesh like taking a bath in strong acid but has no effect at all on the unconscious crusader. Even the stray droplets from those bottles that break against Crusader armor or the hard ground can strip skin from flesh and those that strike dead-on burn to the bone...
We don't negotiate with your kind, abomination! a crusader shouts. We fight to the bitter end!

In another part of the city, two succubi and a brimorak are recovering from a fight in a temple of the Dawnflower. And however that might sound, their recent fights were no joke. Yes, yes, healing you is precisely why I am here the succubu wielding a healing wand stolen by the crusaders says dryly. She touches the other demoness and healing energy pours into Nixiel's abused body. Oh wait, that's not it. She pauses for a moment to let the silence linger, then touches Hesph. I was actually trying to gather a powerful group that could mess with the Crusaders' plans before they can cast us back to the Abyss. She stares at the wand for a moment, considering its diminishing charges before continuing with the healing. I've met the twins before. If you aim for immediate gratification and pursue them, you'll lose. They work too well together and you don't. She looks at the other two demons critically. His sister would have Aemon physically overpower you. It will be less fun than it sounds. she says to Nixiel. Which would free her to use her magic to defeat you. she points out to Hesph.

So I'm claiming a favor for saving both your hides; head towards the Lady of Drezen's stronghold now. Once I bring in a few others, we can deliver a blow to the Crusade much worse than killing a couple of their commanders. She rolls her eyes. If you're still interested in where the Twins and their little strike group is based after that, I can send you there. She scowls threateningly now. But I will get something out of you first. Chances are, they'll decide to follow in their so-called Heroes' example and be merciful, capturing you alive. The succubus the "Heroes" got to is now one of them, paying lip-service to some silly human god. She glances at Nixiel. Rumor is, she's also celibate in penance.

2014-11-14, 01:55 PM
Culsu gets some distence away from the building and the alley, trying to use whatever cover there might be on his way, turns back looking up at the crusaders, concentrates...

Move 30 feet. Then cast Telekinesis to hurl 10 targets (totalling up to 250 pounds) 90 feet up, 30 feet along the walley and to just above the center of it (which should be 100 feet straight line distance). Will DC 20 if thrown bodily or the item is held. The targets are the non-hovering wizard and 9 items in 10 feet diameter roughly centered on him, preferably including the detection gadget, the staff (separately from the wizard), and the bow, but bottles, swords, shields, arrows and whatever are also valid targets. Non-held (e.g. sheathed) targets preferred.

Stealth: [roll0] (with -10 for hellcat stealth if there is no cover nor concealment)

Erik Vale
2014-11-14, 08:44 PM
Kakanlour howls as the holy water splashes him, his mind lashing out with it's own shout.
"Fine! Catch me if your can before his soul is mine!"
With that, Kakanlour turns and runs, tossing Joren over his shoulder and fleeing.

Kakanlour runs, trying to loose to crusaders.
When he feels safe, he'll duck into a building, finish draining Joren, and then loot him. He'll spend at least 2 minutes and 33 seconds out of combat if he can, as by then he will have healed to full again.
Unless Joren is over 437lb he's a light load... And if he's that heavy, than I am very surprised.

Of course, Kakanlour can't detect magic and isn't trained in spellcraft, so he won't be able to quickly identify what's magical or not.

2014-11-15, 01:55 PM
Nixiel's face goes pale on the last comment. "Celibacy? Oh the horror. I certainly don't want to end up like that. As for banding up, I could see the benefit of that. It would be nice to have someone to deal with the mental defenses of these people so I can dominate them. Taking out some of their commanders or even better turning them against them would be sweet. I do not like what those twins have done, but this is but a small piece of the puzzle. If we can win this war, they will suffer one way or another." She daintly holds out a hand to the brimorak. "I am Nixiel, it will be a pleasure to work with you... I hope." She says with a wink of her eye.

After getting a response she turns back to the succubus. "You never introduced yourself either, though you've been nice already. I trust you got more of a plan than gather a few people and send them in a common direction. What should we look for heading there, have you gathered any others? Do you have any initial tasks for us?"

2014-11-16, 06:55 AM
"Hesph" he says coldly. He doesn't readily open up much to either of them and rather stands back and waits for more orders.

2014-11-17, 01:26 PM
The other succubus smiles winningly - and Nixiel gets a strange feeling she's missed something important. A good initial task would be not getting killed. I already sent a fairly competent shadow-demon towards the tower. If you can find him, gather together. Then again, if you found him it would only prove his competence had its limits. Her smile fades a bit. You may call me Red. As for a plan, I'm a demon. I either have multiple contradicting ones, or I'm improvising. My current improvisation includes a stolen ressurrection scroll and a certain recently slain demonic leader. The results ought to be fun but seem to require quite a bit of running around. Speaking of which... She dashes out of the ruined shrine, wings flapping. Apparently, she has somewhere she needs to be in a hurry...

Culsu's telekinesis fails to send the wizard he was aiming for flying to his death. On the other hand, it does send a couple of the crusaders' weapons, the wizard's staff and spell component pouch and the glowing, amulet-like magical detector they'd been using to trick him down flying away from them. And despite the chaos he'd just caused, the Crusaders fail to find his exact position amid the ruins.

A wounded Kakanlour runs all-out away from the Crusaders. The spellcasters among them might have caught him with a spell and the other archer fired a few arrows his way, even if the melee combatants could not reach him. But suddenly, a wave of telekinetic force washes over them, sending them all in disarray and throwing their weapons and items left and right...
Kakanlour manages to break away. Running in the open might have him bump into another group of crusaders so he sneaks into a buinding and stops to catch his breath and examine the loot. The now dead crusader's armor feels uncomfortable to the touch somehow, as does his bow. Using them doesn't feel like a good idea to Kakanlour. As for the man's backpack, he finds a wand, a pack of rations that are obviously mundane, a large waterskin that is oddly warm to the touch, and a glass bottle that feels the same - and looks exactly like those the other crusaders hurled at him.
Having Crusader-related problems? a musical voice asks from a mere five feet behind him. As he turns, he sees a red-clad demoness of unearthly grace and beauty waiting for his answer with a small smile. Her red dress is a bit dusty from fighting in the ruined city and might sport a few bloody spots difficult to discern against the fabric's color but otherwise she's as perfect as the more competent succubi usually are.

Erik Vale
2014-11-17, 08:50 PM
The wand being potentially useful Kakanlour stuffs it in a pocket of his pack immidiately, feeling the bottles he immediately throws them to a wall, that none can use their contents. The Sucubi enters to the view of repairing flesh, as well as Kakanlour looking slightly confused for a blade or arrows. He responds telepathically.
'I was blessed with the toughness of a Quasit, so not in a minute.'
Confused in having found no quiver or blade, Kakanlour concludes the bow likely creates arrows, and the crusader likely thought himself that skilled with one. He then shifts his form to that of Jonathan, and lays his lips upon Jorens forehead, draining his life until he dies, before turning his head to the succubus a moment.
'Hmm. So who are you, and why do you seek he who stole the kiss? Telepathically, if you please, lest one has stolen your thoughts.' Kakanlour asks of her telepathically.

I should have checked energy drain, it gives me Temp HP.
On that note, how many levels did he have left, noting I had already drained two?

2014-11-18, 11:30 AM
The succubus laughs. I steal the thoughts of others. She responds telepathically. They do not steal mine. She looks at the dead crusader critically, then nods. Interesting. Given your wounds and what he was carrying, are you certain your problems with Crusaders are over? You might not be so lucky in your next encounter with them, if on your own. She pauses for a moment and touches the drained corpse's forehead. Starting from the point she touched, flesh flows and reshapes, the corpse becoming once more a living human. There's something disturbingly off about him, something subtly wrong Kakanlour can feel but not directly observe. The succubus gives the now standing Crusader with the vacant gaze a bag full of copper coins.
You don't mind me using the corpse, do you? I have a mission for it. Admittedly, not as important or glorious a mission as the one I would offer you, but then you're more useful than a corpse. Even one the crusaders are still searching for as a lost comrade.

2014-11-18, 11:51 AM
Culsu attempts to throw some more stuff around, this time including a prospective archer, more backpacks, whatever else that seems like it might contain the bottles, backup weapons and other stuff. Then moves 30 feet further away and looks around in search of some lesser demon(s).

Telekinesis to hurl 10 targets (totalling up to 250 pounds), 70 feet in the direction opposite to that of first throw and 70 feet up. Will DC 20 if thrown bodily or the item is held.
Move away from crusaders keeping an eye on first pile of items (which should be on the ground by now, with shatterable things shattered).
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2014-11-18, 03:06 PM
"Well. We should get going to the stronghold I guess." Hesph says, still not really striving to open up a great deal. He pokes his head out the door and starts looking around to see if the coast is clear, before making his way carefully down alleys towards the stronghold. He peers cautiously behind each corner he comes to and does his best to keep aware of any crusaders in his path.

Erik Vale
2014-11-18, 08:04 PM
Kakanlour glares at the corpse a moment, before turning to the succubus, projecting again.
'You wish to ask me questions, you would best answer mine... But yes, you can have it, as much as I would enjoy rending it's weapon and armor.'
Taking a moment, Kakanolour shrugs his shoulders, less a feat now that he stands as Jonathan, but clearly concluding some line of thought.
'In any case, I have a way out, one that I merely need to track down. Unless you can offer me better, I've no use for you. But, I am Gallu, so I'm sure a way out would be very useful for you...' Kakanlour's thoughts take a teasing tone as he projects them.

'Stupid whore, I am not one of her peers to be talked around and this is no time for a riddle, sorry Aresh. I need to find that Babau quickly, I'm not sure how far away it allows one to leave but it can't be to far, and with the rest of those crusaders after it... Two shots left, it wouldn't survive one. Wounds still hurt, I'll need to be careful, but too much caution and I'll be trapped with the rest of these rats. I bet I could get the whore down on knees that it doesn't usually rest upon, she'd even manage to be worth a good price at the bazaar, and pay my way back."

2014-11-18, 08:12 PM
Ah men, sooo talkative. Nixiels thinks to herself before flying after Hesph low above the ground. She is a bit sad that she can't pretend to be human together with the demon, but it feels good to be in her own body as well. In her own form, she really prefers to fly rather than walking, even if it is more noticeable. Due to the nature of her fantastic wings, she doesn't have to exert the rest of her body to do so, leaving it free to pose suggestively. That is, try to as best she can given that she is carrying a huge chunk of metal and wearing another one hiding her fabulous breasts from view. At least she does as best she can with her hips in her snug leather pants and bare arms. She sends telepathically to the brimorak. "Let's speak telepathically to avoid notice by humans. To be able to deal effectively with what we face it would be great to know some of your abilities. You've already seen the tentacles I can produce. I also excel at taking control over mortals. Using themselves to fight each other is quite effective. Sadly, some of them have pesky protection from my magic. I don't suppose you have something to help with that?" The succubus looks around for any signs of activity, though she is letting Hesph move ahead of her and peak around corners.


2014-11-18, 08:40 PM
What I offer is victory over the Crusade today. And a greater demon being in your debt. The demoness produces a scroll in her left hand as if by magic - Kakanlour doesn't see where she could have hidden it, given her sheer dress. The scroll pulses with divine magic like that of the crusader's weapons, only a lot more powerful. The marilith warlord of this city's armies lies dead. This is a scroll of ressurrection stoled from the crusaders. The demons that use one to bring back the other will turn the tide of the battle and be greatly rewarded. She shrugs prettily. The plan requires several demons that can avoid the crusaders' overt notice but still powerful enough to finish the task. I've been thinking of recruiting both you and that Babau you've been tailing. If the plan doesn't pan out, you could still flee.

She now stares at Kakanlour intently. Alas I cannot tell you who I am. Her gaze is now that of a predator having spotted a juicy morsel. But I can show you. Do you still wish to know?

2014-11-18, 09:02 PM
Citadel Drezen appears in the horizon as Nixiel and Hesph arrive. An once impressive fortress, it has been considerably damaged in the recent battles for the city, with all but one of its towers shortened and half-collapsed. Upon that still-intact tower the body of a marilith has been impaled upon a long pike and left there like some obscene banner - and yet a highly effective one in casting the demon ranks into retreat. Visible from much of the city, it appears entirely undefended and yet no demon has gotten close.
At the ground level, crusaders and lesser demons are fighting fiercely, competing for possession of the lower levels of the castle itself. The crusaders seem to have the upper hand, with the demons limited to a loose besieging ring around the castle proper. Many demon corpses all but block the castle's main gate, most of them burned by some sort of magic. The crusaders are slowly organizing as more of them arrive from the battle at the city's walls, and slowly pushing the demons back. Hundreds of combatants from both sides are engaged into the melee; the cacophony is indescribable...

Meanwhile, inside Citadel Drezen itself, a shadow with the shape of an elf recovers from its painful immobility as healing magic courses through his body. Luthron looks around for its benefactor and sees a young elf woman in the vestments of a priest of Sarenrae. Her eyes are glowing silver - apparently some divination that allowed her to see him despite his concealment. The shadow demon that was once an elf feels he's heavily wounded still, but not about to expire any more.
I don't see any taint of wickedness in you. Are you some elven spirit sent to help? the young elf woman asks. Did some demon cross the forbiddance and hurt you? Do you need any more healing?

2014-11-18, 09:05 PM
Culsu is still engaging the crusaders, if indirectly. As soon as he tries his telekinesis again though, the floating wizard with the glowing eyes creates a cloud of fog around him, making it impossible to hit anyone with magic and forcing him to move more slowly than he'd like. While the cloud is an excellent hiding place, Culsu is certain he has to flee as soon as possible - somehow that floating wizard can detect him when he uses magic... and will be able to guide the other crusaders as soon as they get off the tower.

Erik Vale
2014-11-18, 09:42 PM
Kakanlour's brows furrow slightly at the succubus' plan, his surpise showing in his first spoken words to her.
"You are bold, perhaps overly so... I would have no clue as to how to use such a scroll, but I know such magics don't work..."
He then shakes his head, before continueing mentally.
'I will aid you, and allow you to show me in the manner you would, in exchange for a truename fragment of a demon you know is still alive as well as it's breed, be it yourself or another... As to your previous question, yes. They did not bother trying to find me, they are chasing the Babau, and from his pack, that is not a trick they can repeat more than twice more, while I am already almost whole."
Kakanlour motions to his almost restored physical body

2014-11-18, 09:45 PM
"I hit things. A lot. And can cast a few dispel magics. ...it looks like that's it up ahead. It's pretty fortified. What should we do?" Hesph tells the succubus. He leans out from a building peering at the pile of dead bodies.

2014-11-19, 08:06 AM
Luthron dismiss his invisibility and says(speaking not telepathy): Huh, oh, yes, something like that. Technically not a lie. He looks around with a confused look Have you seen the others? Others like me? He is well aware that the elf haven't but questions gives him time to clear his mind and bring forth an expression of sorrow and guilt(which he gets from thinking of when he realised he was unable to ressurect his love). Assuming the elf says no he'll continue We, I, they attacked us on the way here. I barely survived. His gets an impression as if he just steeled himself off. Yes more healing would be appreciated. What is this forbiddance you talk about? Oh and where are my manners, I am Luthron Melantris, what is your name?

I carefully avoided lying, mostly just as an exercise in avoiding spells that spot lies since Luthron don't have anything against lying. Taking 10 on bluff would give 25 if you feel like I should still do it. He have after all changed his voice into a less horrifying and more pleasant tone.

2014-11-19, 10:18 AM
Being unable to hurl the crusaders and their things because of the fog, Culsu hurled one hurlable thing that was not quite out of his sight: himself. Having no opportunity to choose a landing site, he threw himself in a suitable general direction, hoping he would not end up on a spike or something. After landing, Culsu gets 30 more feet away from the crusaders, peeks at them along the alley from behind some pile of rubble, takes a look back to choose a landing site just in case, then tries to telekinese once more.

Telekinesing himself about 80 feet further away from the crusaders using a moderately high arc trajectory. Culsu has moved about 60 feet by now, but since his position is revealed, does not continue in a straight line. Let's say he gets closer to the alley. The total distance from the building should be less than 140 feet, let's say it's 120 feet at this moment.
Hellcat stealth while in flight: [roll0]
Acrobatics to land on his feet: [roll1]
Falling damage: probably reduced to zero
(this ends the previous round)

Move 30 feet for total distance of 150 feet (stealth: [roll2])
Telekinese either the same pile of stones thrown in first round (targeted at a wizard, any wizard) or himself (targeted 80 feet further away onto a building).

Assuming the stones:
5 pounds [roll3] for 1
5 pounds [roll4] for 1
5 pounds [roll5] for 1
10 pounds [roll6] for 1
25 pounds [roll7] for [roll8]
25 pounds [roll9] for [roll10]
25 pounds [roll11] for [roll12]
25 pounds [roll13] for [roll14]
50 pounds [roll15] for [roll16]
75 pounds [roll17] for [roll18]

Any lesser demons around?

2014-11-19, 01:27 PM
Nixiel answers telepathically "Dispelling certainly sounds useful when we do get to combat. If you can lower their defenses, I can take control of them to turn against each other. As for hitting things, well, I can help you hold the enemies with tentacles so you can hit them at will. Neither of those tactics help us in our immediate situation however. I would prefer to avoid the grand melee. Much greater chance of something going awry there. What sort of abilities do you have for maneuvering, hiding and blending in? The gate seems like suicide, but certainly they will anticipate someone flying over the walls too. Flying over the walls might allow us to get at them at an unexpected angle though. You don't happen to know of any secret ways into the fort do you?" She tries to remember herself what entrances she knows off to the fort.

Knowledge Local? [roll0]

2014-11-19, 06:23 PM
The brimorak blinks once or twice at the succubus. "I ... err. I can walk, and run? And umm. Hide behind things I suppose? But not much else besides that..."

2014-11-20, 07:04 AM
Nixiel keeps up a bright facade, but sighs inwardly. She then sends back telepathically. "That's unfortunate. Would have been nice to be able to fly over the outer wall, I don't think I can carry you easily. Maybe you can climb up the wall? I guess we could draw a bit closer to see if we can see other entrances than the main one." Nixiel moves closer to the corner to see if she can see any other entrances from here.

Perception to look for other entrances[roll0]
Do I understand it correctly that the main entrance with the pile of bodies is the only way into the fort? The tower is inside the fort right?

2014-11-20, 11:07 AM
Hesph lets her go ahead, waiting safely behind the corner and keeping an eye on the surroundings as she moves out. He's not above using her as bait. In fact, he's all for her going out first to look around.

"I'll wait here. Let me know what you find."

2014-11-26, 05:53 AM
No, I didn't see any others, I'm sorry. The young elven healer says diffidently. She then uses her power to heal Luthron again, the positive energy surrounding her touch reaching him despite his incorporeality. Apparently, such energy can affect the incorporeal just fine. That's as much as I can heal you, for now. But if you were attacked by the demons on your way here, we should warn someone with authority. Luckily the Heroes of the Crusade warded this tower. The way she says the phrase "heroes of the crusade" is how one would speak of demigods at least - not just mortal men, however powerful. Their Forbiddance will burn any demon attempting entry, obliterating many of them outright and weakening even their strongest warriors. And even should they cross into the citadel proper, different parts of the citadel have been warded separately; each floor and hall they assaulted would hurt them anew without warning. Not to mention the more intact portions of the castle are now hallowed ground, weakening the undead, blocking the mental powers of evil creatures and rendering any defenders invisible. The young elf smiles with satisfaction. Any assault would almost certainly break upon the wards alone and if it didn't, the weakened fiends would be easily dispatched. In the couple of days since the Heroes slew that multi-armed bitch and hung her corpse on the highest tower, we haven't even had any infiltrators, let alone full-blown attacks. With the citadel as a strongpoint set up behind enemy lines, as soon as the bulk of the crusade breaks through and sets up a base here, we'll have practically won! That last is said with genuine enthusiasm on the young elf's part. Almost as much enthusiasm as her bad-mouthing the slain Lady of Drezen. And while as all demons know mariliths are undoubtedly bitches, Luthron would not expect a young elven cleric to share the sentiment in that specific way.

2014-11-26, 06:32 AM
Several of Culsu's thrown debris find their mark on the closest wizard. This time, the other wizard with the glowing green eyes doesn't immediately pinpoint his location as soon as he works his telekinesis and Culsu realizes whatever detection effect the wizard is using, it must be limited to no more than two hundred feet or so. While the other crusaders get closer to his general direction now that they've descended the tower, none get close enough to notice his very stealthy movements and are still searching the wrong portion of the ruins.

A large group of lesser demons, from a flight of quasits to a single Babau and a few other least fiends, comes running down a nearby street. All of them are screaming about some "dreaded adversary" or the like - Culsu can't hear much over the horrible cacophony. Two voices can be heard arguing over it though, and from their tone and timbre Culsu can tell they definitely aren't demons.
Honestly brother, the guy who matched your might was a goat, on fire or not. The melodic but powerful voice belongs to a good-looking, athletic young woman with long silver hair clad in light silvery chain and wielding a sword of fire. She somehow is as perfectly healthy and wholesome as the city around her is ruined, not a speck of dust or drop of blood marring her form. I'm surprised you can show your face still, after that debacle. Her voice is teasing and playful but lacks any hints of malice. She idly gestures at the flight of quasits and least demons and a burst of silver fire as intense as a wizard's fireball and as harmful as holy water engulfs them for a moment, leaving behind it naught but ashes.
Yes, yes, because the outcome of your fight was so much better. The silver-haired man says sarcastically. His hair is very short, his shoulders broader and limbs more muscular and less graceful, his armor heavier and his sword slightly larger, but other than that and being male, he is all but identical to the woman. If memory serves, you had to resort to hiding to get an opportunity to escape that trap of tentacles. He casually jumps the eighty feet to the screeching Babau as if gravity has no more effect upon him than his sister's teasing and cleaves the demon in twain with a single two-handed stroke of his blade.
Brains over brawn, brother mine, and magic over might. She frowns as she sees no lesser demons remaining nearby then takes to the air through no apparent means of locomotion. It's not as if the temptress can flee the city and I've seen her magic now. Each time she uses it, a faint aura clings both on her and the area. We could follow those auras, like breadcrumbs. And trust me; temptresses can't resist using their magic at every opportunity. It's in their nature.
Sounds like someone I know. her brother retorts, then frowns too. Do you sense that? It feels like a soul bathing in green slime... while being devoured by maggots. Weird. I thought I killed that Babau quite thoroughly.

2014-11-26, 06:59 AM
Excellent! Those terms are agreeable. From what I can see, your new acquaintance might be needing some help shortly. He is very stealthy but bad luck happens, eventually. That is a truism of Chaos. the succubus whispers to Kakanlour mentally. Now for the agreed-upon exchange. Not all succubae are your enemies. The demoness practically wraps herself around Kakanlour and actually whispers in his ear rather than using telepathy as she presses herself against him. It is a single word that feels both familiar and alien to him, its meaning impossible to fathom, its syllables impossible to pronounce even after hearing it being spoken. It is a true name and the succubus has fulfilled his request in a way both clever and a bit scary; the name is his own. Along with it, comes an offer all succubae can make; a profane boost of his choice to his personal power. And there Kakanlour finds the other thing he asked for, at least in part; information on his new... ally. Most succubae can offer such a gift to mortals only. And most don't have knowledge of true names either.

So the redhead wrapped around him at the moment? Not your average succubus - at least in supernatural talent she easily outclasses him by a significant and unknown margin...

2014-11-26, 07:10 AM
Hesph and Nixiel have found their way close to citadel Drezen. From what Nixiel can see -Hesph doesn't seem very interested in scouting or tactics- the castle itself has several openings in its damaged state, especially in the upper levels, with most of its towers reduced in height and several breaches in the outer walls. The keep itself is intact, and its tallest tower is still standing, with a marilith corpse for an ornament too. Careful observation reveals that the crusaders are only defending the main gates and not very well either. They don't actually have a defensive line; instead they're forming kill squads to strike out at the more numerous demons then retreating back into the gates. Gates which are not securely locked in the face of apparently superior opposition.

Nixiel is no great tactician but even she can see a half-dozen ways in which the demon forces could defeat the crusaders. They could attempt to dislodge the kill squads from their positions, overwhelm the individually tiny groups with numbers. They could attack the crusaders from above using flight. They could attack the castle itself in the undefended upper layers, or use the breaches to get inside and clear it room-by-room. And yet the demons are slowly losing the battle, many blackened demonic corpses littering the more obvious approaches. And the crusaders don't seem too worried about defense. In fact, from what Nixiel can see of their actions they're practically inviting the demons to engage them...

2014-11-26, 01:15 PM
And just when Culsu started to get somewhat confident about the situation, two more crusaders. Powerful crusaders. Killing all those imps before Culsu could even order them to grab the trophies, let alone actually trying to get away with said trophies. And now, presumably sensing him. The day was just not going to get any better. Not even one tiny bit.

Deciding that enough is enough, Culsu mentally curses the newly appearing duo and tries to get out of their way. ASAP.

...jumps the eighty feet to the screeching Babau as if gravity has no more effect upon him than his sister's teasing and cleaves the demon in twain with a single two-handed stroke of his blade.
Has anything happened to said blade in the process?

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

This time, leaving for good.

Erik Vale
2014-11-28, 05:07 PM
Krakanlour starts as he hears his own name. Almost all outsiders know their own true name instinctively. While not as potent as some stories, it did have power, which is why they didn't use them as identifiers, and to hear a fragment of his own name from a demon he doesn't know...
It's more than a little unsettling.
He's used to being supernaturally outmatched, but from what he now knows...
'I know they are not... But that you know my names means that you looked to me thoroughly, and could have me bound to you with actual chains should you wish, I will remember that you chose a lighter touch... The Babau is probably my best bet at getting into the castle, unless you have a better plan?'
There's the slightest touch of fear behind Krakanlour's telepathy as he slowly relaxes again, his flesh almost finished healing.

2014-12-17, 10:30 AM
Please see OOC thread