View Full Version : 3rd Ed What to do with 15680ft movement speed

2014-11-03, 03:08 PM
Hi guys,

I recently made a character for a superheroes campaign that a friend of mine is DMing. He is a flying speedster character and, through ridiculous specialization, he has a base movement speed of 15680ft. I have come up with some very silly things that he can do with his arbitrarily high speed like using the Paimon vestige to get dance of death and an attack on everybody for a couple miles or using a variant of the diving charge feat where we extrapolated the damage calculation to account for my speed and deal something in the range of 20000 damage.

But I have run into a wall and I now look to the giants for aid. Please help me think of other awesome things I can do with that much speed.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

2014-11-03, 03:09 PM
Deliver pizza in 30 minutes or less so you don't crash your souped up deliverator mobile into an empty pool and piss off the mob.

2014-11-03, 03:12 PM
That's basically the principle behind the Jumplomancer.

Fax Celestis
2014-11-03, 03:13 PM
Two words: Tornado Throw.

2014-11-03, 03:15 PM
Deliver pizza in 30 minutes or less so you don't crash your souped up deliverator mobile into an empty pool and piss off the mob.

I would only do this if I were given a twenty minute old pizza.

2014-11-03, 04:08 PM
Two things you can do:

1) Mark of Minauros feat from Fiendish Codex II. When making a charge attack, each 10' you move as part of the charge gives you a +2 untyped bonus to attack. Assuming you can move up to double your base speed on a charge, this results in a +6346 attack bonus.

2) Roof-Jumper feat from Cityscape. Get a fly speed with at least average maneuverability and a method to change direction during a charge, such as Fleet of Foot (Complete Warrior) + Psionic Charge (XPH). Flying straight up is at half speed, and flying straight down is at double speed, so....

Total distance you can charge: 31,360'
Fly straight up: 25,080'
Fly straight down: 6,270'
Absolute Height: 12,540'
Speed flying up: Mach 2.3
Speed flying down: Mach 13.4
Damage bonus: +1,253d6, or an average of 4385.5 damage

2014-11-03, 04:36 PM
wow, quick response

I'm disappointed in myself for not getting that reference

Thought about that but decided against it as it doesn't really fit the way I wanted this character to perform. It is also incredibly silly. "oh my god you can jump so high, WE LOVE YOU!". Hmmm, actually I kind of like that.

@fax celetis
is there a way to get that without taking a bunch of levels of swordsage?

Omg mark of minauros is perfect. I tried to mach 13 super punch orcus during our last encounter and was bummed because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hit him. with mark of minauros I won't even have to roll. Plus, with cheetah's speed giving me a 10x charge distance my speed is actually 156800ft I will get +31360 to my attack roll. Orcus can suck it.

I actually used to have roof jumper but we ended up just rewording the feat diving charge because it fit more thematically and my DM was okay with it because it actually scaled down my damage.

Thanks for all the awesome suggestions guys. Keep 'em coming

Fax Celestis
2014-11-03, 04:40 PM
Sure. You could get a crown of the setting sun. Check out the crown of the white raven in the back of Tome of Battle.

2014-11-03, 05:17 PM
I'm just going to leave this here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9jZ_qcxivc)

2014-11-03, 06:04 PM
Mark of Minauros requires being an actual Baatezu. Without being a dretch, or maybe Imp cohort, there is very little ways of getting that subtype.

2014-11-03, 06:12 PM
Mark of Minauros requires being an actual Baatezu. Without being a dretch, or maybe Imp cohort, there is very little ways of getting that subtype.

imps aren't baatezu sadly

Sure. You could get a crown of the setting sun. Check out the crown of the white raven in the back of Tome of Battle.

You'd need an initiator level of 17 to actually be able to use it though, which would mean 34 levels in non-initiator classes. Also 5 setting sun maneuvers. Also for setting sun, it's slippers.

Fax Celestis
2014-11-03, 06:21 PM
You'd need an initiator level of 17 to actually be able to use it though, which would mean 34 levels in non-initiator classes. Also 5 setting sun maneuvers. Also for setting sun, it's slippers.

Oh, true. Well, there's always shambling mound fake HD cheese.

More seriously, though, if your levels aren't set in stone you could dip, say, Warblade and then take JPM. That'd be 11 IL, which'd mean you'd need 12 non-initiating levels to hit 17. Still epic, but more manageable, and you lose all of two CL which you can easily make up with Practiced Spellcaster.

I don't know why I'm presuming OP is a wizard, but with a move speed like that he probably is.

I also feel obligated to link Chuck. http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1164211

2014-11-03, 06:23 PM
You'd need an initiator level of 17 to actually be able to use it though, which would mean 34 levels in non-initiator classes. Also 5 setting sun maneuvers. Also for setting sun, it's slippers.

Nowhere do these items say that they require initiator levels; they only call out prerequisites. When you look at an individual maneuver, the only thing in the prerequisites field is the number of maneuvers that one must have access to before being allowed to use that maneuver. The initiator levels, in turn, are strictly for being able to learn the maneuver in question; however, if it's coming from an item, a high IL isn't necessary.

The descriptions for these items pretty much call out non-initiators being the target audience for their use, assuming prerequisite maneuvers can be met either with other items or a few feat/class dips.

Erik Vale
2014-11-03, 06:46 PM
Also for setting sun, it's slippers.

I burst out laughing fora good minute at the thought of a hardened warrior taking to combat in their slippers. Of course, my mind also completed the picture by making it a aged man also in a bathrobe.
Perhaps there's a devil in his shower trying to ambush him and he needs to remove it?

Bad Wolf
2014-11-03, 06:54 PM
...dayuuum. How'd you get it up that far? You could probably rack up a lot of gold delivering messages. Spend the gold on a Wish scroll, wish to be immune to bludgeoning damage. Charge into everything you see.

Locked door? Charge.
Wall? Charge.
Romantic problems? Charge.

2014-11-03, 07:03 PM
@fax celetis

The speed force is such cheese. The flash makes superman look like a chump

Well that's disappointing. I talked to my dm about it and he said no. Sad day

@crake, fax celetis and kevingway
Mine and my dm's understanding of the crown of the white raven and it's variants is that they do not require initiator level or prerequisite maneuvers

@erik vale
Yeah, I'll have to change that. Can't have people laughing at me

Through template stacking primarily. And every source of bonus speed I could find combined with stacking multipliers. Movement speed is one of the few things in dnd that stacks multiplicatively. I'm currently getting my base movement asked doubled four times and quadrupled once. Also that would be a hilarious way to get money. I could be Hermes

2014-11-03, 08:17 PM
@crake, fax celetis and kevingway
Mine and my dm's understanding of the crown of the white raven and it's variants is that they do not require initiator level or prerequisite maneuvers

Prerequisite: Anyone can wear a crown of White Ravens,but to gain any benefit from it, a wearer must meet the prerequisite
of the desired maneuver.
Emphasis mine.

Part of the prerequisites are the Initiator level, as you cannot learn a maneuver without a minimum Initiator Level. Learning, as defined by Oxford, is "The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught" The Crown, and its variants, say "Gain knowledge" which also means "learn". Thus, it follows the prerequisites of a minimum IL, as noted on Table 3-1 on page 39. Additionally, it specifically calls out knowing the prerequisite maneuvers, as the maneuvers themselves state requiring prerequisites.

2014-11-03, 08:24 PM
Two words: Tornado Throw.

Dear gord... Would Improved Trip also trigger with each of those throws?

2014-11-03, 08:32 PM
You could replace the cities entire postal service and still have time to be a superhero. You could generate gigantic amounts of electricity with a treadmill/generator combo or a giant carpet and some socks.

2014-11-03, 11:57 PM
I recently made a character... he has a base movement speed of 15680ft.
But I have run into a wall

Ouch! That had to hurt! :smallcool:

Come on people, I can't be the ONLY one who noticed that.

2014-11-04, 12:04 AM
Noooooooo. How did we both miss that? Well that sucks. thanks for the calrification

favorite answer so far

Sad news everyone. I one shot a bunch of dragons and now my character has been hit with the nerf stick... hard. I went from doing tens of thousands of damage to doing less than a thousand. still respectable damage though. Dissapointing none the less.

So new goal. Kill things without doing damage. I was specifically wondering if anyone had any good ideas to make grappling effective. I was thinking I could just fly people into space or something. That or drop them from low orbit.

2014-11-04, 04:33 AM
You go so fast that you grab something, it is forced to tag along for the ride. Let it go and it takes 'ramming' damage. Better if you can flush in such a way that DM grants Dungeoncrasher damage.

2014-11-04, 12:03 PM
Emphasis mine.

Part of the prerequisites are the Initiator level, as you cannot learn a maneuver without a minimum Initiator Level. Learning, as defined by Oxford, is "The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught" The Crown, and its variants, say "Gain knowledge" which also means "learn". Thus, it follows the prerequisites of a minimum IL, as noted on Table 3-1 on page 39. Additionally, it specifically calls out knowing the prerequisite maneuvers, as the maneuvers themselves state requiring prerequisites.

I'll contest you with this, under the Prerequisite section:

In addition to meeting the class and level requirements before
you can learn a maneuver, you must meet a certain set of
requirements to be able to choose that maneuver as one you

Slight difference. That difference can't be explained just yet, but let's contemplate why the sentence is structured this way as we continue reading.

Stances are considered maneuvers for the purpose of
meeting a prerequisite to learn a new maneuver.

Alright, so in this case, learn is used the same way as "know," so you're right so far.

You can’t learn a maneuver unless you gain a level in a
martial adept class, a level in a prestige class that grants
maneuvers known, or you take the Martial Study feat.

Just went ahead and bolded this whole section. As you said, "learn" is the important word, so we're focusing on learn. ToB, the source book, says you cannot learn a maneuver unless you go about it in one of these three ways. Therefore, your dictionary comparison of "learn" with what's said in the items is falsely attributed. The items function without initiator levels because you only need those in order to learn the maneuver. With the items, you aren't "learning" the maneuver, because you can only learn a maneuver in those ways, but you can use the maneuvers from the items if you meet those maneuvers' prerequisites, which are strictly the ability to use a certain number of other maneuvers from the same school.

Maneuvers Known: Some of the more powerful maneuvers
require you to learn one or more other maneuvers in the
same discipline before they can be selected.

If we're going by strict RAW, as we're doing in this sense, maneuvers granted by items can't be used as prerequisites, since you aren't able to learn maneuvers from wearing items.