View Full Version : Beyond the Sunset (IC)

2014-11-04, 05:03 AM
Ninth Month of the Thirty-seventh year of the Reign

“Well. The weather was stormy as we sailed for the northernmost corner of the new continent. The waves were twice as tall as ship’s masts, but our captain was a right she-devil, veteran of the Moonturn Run and she knew what she was doing. But then, as we steered around a cape to get into calmer waters, an arm shot out of the water, three times as wide around as our main mast and slammed down on-”
“Hang on, hang on…”
The young man interrupting was sunburnt to a dark reddish brown, with the spiralling blue serpent tattoo of a Moonturn Runner himself.
“Is that the same Kraken story you’ve been telling for the last five years?”
The old man grumbled at him and took a swig of his drink.
“Might be. You listening or not?”
“And I reckon”, the young man continued, absentmindedly turning the silver rings on his left hand “That there hasn’t been a proper storm for three weeks now, since before the new continent came up.”
The old man spat, then leaned back against the sun-warmed stone of the port wall.
“If ye know so much, how about you tell a better story, then?”
“Aye. We made for the delta in the south, trying to sail up the main channel to find fresh water for our casks. When night came, the mate took me and Hanari and Mimizuku, who’s a right killer with a longbow ashore to hunt some game.
All bog, of course. We were to our knees in mud and it was soaking through my boots, so we were all in a rotten mood.
Then the beast attacked.”
He sipped on his bottle for dramatic effect, eyeing the small audience of sailors and settlers.
“It was forty feet long if it was an inch, all green and brown. Moved through the mud like a snake, but it had legs, all tiny legs, along its entire body. And the jaws. Ah, ancestors, the jaw.”
Pause, sip.
“They were half again the length of the rest of the body, with curved teeth long as my hand. We never even saw it coming, it just jumped out at us and its breath turned the mate right to stone, for he fell over stiff as a board. It reared up and bit the mate right in two, dropping his leg in the mud. Mimizuku put two arrows into its flank and they just bounced right off, the thing had more armour than a tank.
Now, we couldn’t have run, of course, being in mud so deep we could barely lift our legs. But the beast apparently had enough from one of us and it turned around and took the mate back to its lair. I’ll never forget that sight, long as I live.”
“Hrm. Call that a story, do you boy?”
This sailor was bald and wrinkled, giving him the appearance of a dried walnut, his bare torso scared from swords and what must have been a fair share of lashes, too.
“Let me tell you about the wandering reefs. Now, first you must know about the mermaids. It was a foggy morning…”

The weather is fair as anything the Sundown Isles have seen. Usually, these westernmost reaches of the known world are battered by rainstorms every few weeks, but now its been sunny for almost a month, ever since the new continent arose. Changing weather patterns, the scholars say.
Finally, the wind has turned and prospects are good for travel even farther west, beyond what was formerly known as the Sunset Shores, to new worlds and new ventures.

The Iron Cathedral is a religious mercenary company that mainly relies on very advanced technology to craft impenetrable armour, as well as highly efficient siege weaponry. They have set up an office in Port Artea this past week.

Androcles Aniketos, a favoured grandson of the Empress, who has recently distinguished himself by commanding the forces beating back a massive barbarian incursion from the East has been seen strolling around Port Artea with his retinue. Most likely, he is mounting an expedition himself.

Sailors from three different ships swear on any god or ancestor one wishes to name that they have seen processions of ghosts marching across the sea westwards, in what seems like military formation.

The Imperial Revenue while not officially establishing an office in the Isles, has sent a staff of a dozen "advisors" to the Satrap. It's public knowledge that he doesn't like the increased imperial scrutiny.

A night-time fight in the docks has left three people dead. They were all suspected of being low-ranking members of a local gang, the Sundown Fist.

Amestris and Arinna

Red Firuzeh, called the Pirate Queen by overimaginative bards, has been spotted sailing westwards from her former haunts in the Icecoil Archipelago, making good speed towards the Sundown Isles. It can only be a matter of weeks before she arrives.
Whether the rumours that she is the daughter of a disgraced satrap living in exile are true or not, Firuzeh is a highly effective pirate, evading Imperial Justice for near a decade now and the bounty on her head is staggering.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Strix Company, well-known organizer of caravans and convoys, is likewise hiring mercenaries of all kinds, to man their new fleet. You were among the people contacted about possible contracts.

The two men are very polite, when they arrive, bearing messages, their clothes finely tailored from expensive silks, their manners exquisite. They carry no weapons, but they bring you a flower, a red Chrysanthemum, and a scroll, bearing the same device.
It is the symbol of the Red Chrysanthemum Society, an artful arrangement of curved lines, from master calligraphers. Generally, they are called criminals, but rarely to their face. They prefer “businessmen”, claiming descent from ancient, now deposed, royalty.
They have come to suggest, in most careful terms, that a business venturing into dangerous new territory might need protection. Accidents might happen.

The Strix Company has always been one of the largest and most successful of those running along the Imperial coastlines. Their galleys are second to none in speed and it seems they are now trying to establish themselves in intercontinental trade as well.

For whatever reason, the Firey circle is buying up enormous amounts of valuable gemstones. Specifically, fire opals and carnelians. Prices are soaring.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

The Vela Union
The two men are very polite, when they arrive, bearing messages, their clothes finely tailored from expensive silks, their manners exquisite. They carry no weapons, but they bring you a flower, a red Chrysanthemum, and a scroll, bearing the same device.
It is the symbol of the Red Chrysanthemum Society, an artful arrangement of curved lines, from master calligraphers. Generally, they are called criminals, but rarely to their face. They prefer “businessmen”, claiming descent from ancient, now deposed, royalty.
They have come to suggest, in most careful terms, that a business venturing into dangerous new territory might need protection. Accidents might happen.

The Strix Company has always been one of the largest and most successful of those running along the Imperial coastlines. Their galleys are second to none in speed and it seems they are now trying to establish themselves in intercontinental trade as well.

For whatever reason, the Firey circle is buying up enormous amounts of valuable gemstones. Specifically, fire opals and carnelians. Prices are soaring.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Imperial Geographer's Society

The Iron Cathedral, apart from being a fanatical warrior-cult, are peerless in the creation of new alloys. The armour of their knights and heavy infantry is all but unbreakable and no known fortification can withstand their gigantic clockwork cannons.

They are not the only ones, however, as Artificers across the Empire are talking in hushed tones about the alchemical wonders recently developed by a young scholar in a far-away province that could revolutionize many aspects of daily life and warfare. There is, however, an entire list of rare and valuable ores and chemicals necessary for his processes...

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Empress has sent two of her personal circle of Troubleshooters to Port Artea to keep an eye on developments. As is traditional, they have animal motives as their code names and are going by Fox and Owl.

First surveys seem to indicate that there might be indeed something to the rumours going around some of the sailors at the docks: it does indeed seem as if some of the reefs and rocky islands to the far north of the continent are slowly moving around.

The Way of the Word

The two men are very polite, when they arrive, bearing messages, their clothes finely tailored from expensive silks, their manners exquisite. They carry no weapons, but they bring you a flower, a red Chrysanthemum, and a scroll, bearing the same device.
It is the symbol of the Red Chrysanthemum Society, an artful arrangement of curved lines, from master calligraphers. Generally, they are called criminals, but rarely to their face. They prefer “businessmen”, claiming descent from ancient, now deposed, royalty.
They have come to suggest, in most careful terms, that a business venturing into dangerous new territory might need protection. Accidents might happen.

The Strix Company has always been one of the largest and most successful of those running along the Imperial coastlines. Their galleys are second to none in speed and it seems they are now trying to establish themselves in intercontinental trade as well.

For whatever reason, the Firey circle is buying up enormous amounts of valuable gemstones. Specifically, fire opals and carnelians. Prices are soaring.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources.

Meanwhile, the Water Circle’s Hydromancers have declared that the new continent will disrupt vital ocean currents and that the lands of the empire will become barren and lifeless within the year, spelling the end of all civilization. However, it is well known that the Highest Hydromancer has long been fond of such doomsaying.

Shalatai the Thunderer is a spirit of storms and rockslides that inhabits the sacred Mount Kangra near the capitol. She only wakes every 77 years to demand a sacrifice, traditionally of emeralds and exotic flying animals of all kinds. But rumours say that she has been stirring uncharacteristically early, a full 30 years before her time.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Anarak's Magic Circle

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources.

Meanwhile, the Water Circle’s Hydromancers have declared that the new continent will disrupt vital ocean currents and that the lands of the empire will become barren and lifeless within the year, spelling the end of all civilization. However, it is well known that the Highest Hydromancer has long been fond of such doomsaying.

Shalatai the Thunderer is a spirit of storms and rockslides that inhabits the sacred Mount Kangra near the capitol. She only wakes every 77 years to demand a sacrifice, traditionally of emeralds and exotic flying animals of all kinds. But rumours say that she has been stirring uncharacteristically early, a full 30 years before her time.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.


The two men are very polite, when they arrive, bearing messages, their clothes finely tailored from expensive silks, their manners exquisite. They carry no weapons, but they bring you a flower, a red Chrysanthemum, and a scroll, bearing the same device.
It is the symbol of the Red Chrysanthemum Society, an artful arrangement of curved lines, from master calligraphers. Generally, they are called criminals, but rarely to their face. They prefer “businessmen”, claiming descent from ancient, now deposed, royalty.
They have come to suggest, in most careful terms, that a business venturing into dangerous new territory might need protection. Accidents might happen.

The Strix Company has always been one of the largest and most successful of those running along the Imperial coastlines. Their galleys are second to none in speed and it seems they are now trying to establish themselves in intercontinental trade as well.

For whatever reason, the Firey circle is buying up enormous amounts of valuable gemstones. Specifically, fire opals and carnelians. Prices are soaring.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources. The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Kel’ranu the Hound, a most famous bounty hunter, has been spotted in Port Artea. It is unknown who his prey is this time.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Empress has sent two of her personal circle of Troubleshooters to Port Artea to keep an eye on developments. As is traditional, they have animal motives as their code names and are going by Fox and Owl.

Scions of Zelus

A strange vibration surrounds this entire new continent. Har'amani and many of the spirits agree that the feeling is tense, like the air before a storm. It is as if a gigantic awareness was lurking just outside your magical senses, a spirit like none you have ever seen.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources.

Meanwhile, the Water Circle’s Hydromancers have declared that the new continent will disrupt vital ocean currents and that the lands of the empire will become barren and lifeless within the year, spelling the end of all civilization. However, it is well known that the Highest Hydromancer has long been fond of such doomsaying.

Shalatai the Thunderer is a spirit of storms and rockslides that inhabits the sacred Mount Kangra near the capitol. She only wakes every 77 years to demand a sacrifice, traditionally of emeralds and exotic flying animals of all kinds. But rumours say that she has been stirring uncharacteristically early, a full 30 years before her time.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

The Iron Cathedral, apart from being a fanatical warrior-cult, are peerless in the creation of new alloys. The armour of their knights and heavy infantry is all but unbreakable and no known fortification can withstand their gigantic clockwork cannons.

They are not the only ones, however, as Artificers across the Empire are talking in hushed tones about the alchemical wonders recently developed by a young scholar in a far-away province that could revolutionize many aspects of daily life and warfare. There is, however, an entire list of rare and valuable ores and chemicals necessary for his processes...

Red Aurora Company

The two men are very polite, when they arrive, bearing messages, their clothes finely tailored from expensive silks, their manners exquisite. They carry no weapons, but they bring you a flower, a red Chrysanthemum, and a scroll, bearing the same device.
It is the symbol of the Red Chrysanthemum Society, an artful arrangement of curved lines, from master calligraphers. Generally, they are called criminals, but rarely to their face. They prefer “businessmen”, claiming descent from ancient, now deposed, royalty.
They have come to suggest, in most careful terms, that a business venturing into dangerous new territory might need protection. Accidents might happen.

The Strix Company has always been one of the largest and most successful of those running along the Imperial coastlines. Their galleys are second to none in speed and it seems they are now trying to establish themselves in intercontinental trade as well.

For whatever reason, the Firey circle is buying up enormous amounts of valuable gemstones. Specifically, fire opals and carnelians. Prices are soaring.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources. The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Kel’ranu the Hound, a most famous bounty hunter, has been spotted in Port Artea. It is unknown who his prey is this time.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Empress has sent two of her personal circle of Troubleshooters to Port Artea to keep an eye on developments. As is traditional, they have animal motives as their code names and are going by Fox and Owl.


Red Firuzeh, called the Pirate Queen by overimaginative bards, has been spotted sailing westwards from her former haunts in the Icecoil Archipelago, making good speed towards the Sundown Isles. It can only be a matter of weeks before she arrives.
Whether the rumours that she is the daughter of a disgraced satrap living in exile are true or not, Firuzeh is a highly effective pirate, evading Imperial Justice for near a decade now and the bounty on her head is staggering.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Strix Company, well-known organizer of caravans and convoys, is likewise hiring mercenaries of all kinds, to man their new fleet and have approached you about possible mercenary contracts.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources. The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

Kel’ranu the Hound, a most famous bounty hunter, has been spotted in Port Artea. It is unknown who his prey is this time.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Empress has sent two of her personal circle of Troubleshooters to Port Artea to keep an eye on developments. As is traditional, they have animal motives as their code names and are going by Fox and Owl.

Carneval of Shadows

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Earthen Circle needs to prove itself after this last incident. Failing to detect an entire continent can be called nothing but a massive failure on their part. Their new leadership is moving very aggressively, though they have lost much magic potential. Rumours are they are activating some very dangerous and potentially unstable resources.

Meanwhile, the Water Circle’s Hydromancers have declared that the new continent will disrupt vital ocean currents and that the lands of the empire will become barren and lifeless within the year, spelling the end of all civilization. However, it is well known that the Highest Hydromancer has long been fond of such doomsaying.

Shalatai the Thunderer is a spirit of storms and rockslides that inhabits the sacred Mount Kangra near the capitol. She only wakes every 77 years to demand a sacrifice, traditionally of emeralds and exotic flying animals of all kinds. But rumours say that she has been stirring uncharacteristically early, a full 30 years before her time.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Kel’ranu the Hound, a most famous bounty hunter, has been spotted in Port Artea. It is unknown who his prey is this time.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Black Jack, a criminal organization known for its creative brutality and utter ruthlessness, has started to apply their talents to the local gangs, bringing them under their heel. The struggle is vicious, but in the long term, the locals probably stand no chance.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Androcles is not especially popular in court with anyone other than the Empress herself. In the most polite and evasive terms, he is called a showy, ostentatious, vainglorious braggard who, if it comes down to it, is all but incompetent but likes to play the charismatic hero.

The Empress has sent two of her personal circle of Troubleshooters to Port Artea to keep an eye on developments. As is traditional, they have animal motives as their code names and are going by Fox and Owl.

Sons of Sornai

Red Firuzeh, called the Pirate Queen by overimaginative bards, has been spotted sailing westwards from her former haunts in the Icecoil Archipelago, making good speed towards the Sundown Isles. It can only be a matter of weeks before she arrives.
Whether the rumours that she is the daughter of a disgraced satrap living in exile are true or not, Firuzeh is a highly effective pirate, evading Imperial Justice for near a decade now and the bounty on her head is staggering.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Strix Company, well-known organizer of caravans and convoys, is likewise hiring mercenaries of all kinds, to man their new fleet. They have indicated they might be interested in hiring some of your men for escort and guard duties.

The Black Expedition

Red Firuzeh, called the Pirate Queen by overimaginative bards, has been spotted sailing westwards from her former haunts in the Icecoil Archipelago, making good speed towards the Sundown Isles. It can only be a matter of weeks before she arrives.
Whether the rumours that she is the daughter of a disgraced satrap living in exile are true or not, Firuzeh is a highly effective pirate, evading Imperial Justice for near a decade now and the bounty on her head is staggering.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Strix Company, well-known organizer of caravans and convoys, is likewise hiring mercenaries of all kinds, to man their new fleet. You were among the people contacted about possible contracts.

The Earthen Circle, after the humiliation of the new continent and the loss of some of their greatest leaders, are aggressively pushing new legislation. Apparently, they want the Imperial Administration to declare the new continent unsafe and closed for expeditions, until it has been properly investigated by the Circle.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

Edward Black has met his cousin Androcles only a handful of times, the size of the Imperial Family being what it is, but his opinion is one that is shared by most of the court, if in secret:
He's a swaggering braggard, a blowhard, showy, ostentatious, vain and, most damningly, utterly incompetent in all but two things: surrounding himself with lickspittles and appearing charismatic to people who don't know him well. It's not entirely sure how he managed to stumble into a military victory, but from talking to some of the officers who served under Androcles, it seems that their main strategy was keeping him far away from any strategical decisions with wine and drugs, while letting him produce a nice speech from time to time so he could feel important.

2014-11-04, 05:49 AM
The Imperial Geographers Society:

A foghorn sounds, a engineer garbed in bright yellow waves a pair of lamps, signalling for the area to be cleared. The fires flare again, hot air filling the mighty vessels of the geographers. There is a moment of tense patience, before before balloons lift off the ground, carrying their full load.

Alicia pulled herself over the edge of the cliff, taking a moments pause before she pulled out the last of the pitons. She'd been getting soft on the journey here, and needed a workout. Plus, she didn't trust this local climbing gear. Apparently it worked okay. Alicia let her legs dangle over the cliff face, spotting the pair of balloons rising up into the sky. Alicia could never understood other geographers obsession with these things, and had jokingly hoped they might fail to work. No matter, there was an entire continent to explore, enough fun for everyone.

To the Vela Union

The Imperial Geographers has noticed that you among the other factions to have sent an expedition to the new world. Of them, you seem the most trustworthy. The Imperial Geographers has need of a base of operations, and for the sake of efficiency we would prefer it to be in an populated settlement. Would it be acceptable for us to sail with you to the new world, and establish ourselves in your territory? We will be constructing an airstrip on arrival, which we imagine could be of great use to you for trade with the homeland.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Robert Knight

2014-11-04, 10:37 AM
His Imperial Highness, the High and Noble Prince Androcles Aniketos to his Imperial Highness, the High and Noble Prince Edward Black [2]

Hail Cousin!

I'll have a secretary put in all the proper titles later.

Fancy meeting you here. I was thinking of doing a spot of exploration myself, dashing heroics, subjugate the natives, that kind of thing. Maybe get a mountain named after me. Seems you brought an army with you. Doesn't seem quite sporting to me, but I'm sure it's most pragmatic.

Anyway, just wanted to say that if you wish to meet me, have a chat over some wine perhaps, or accompany me on a monster hunt, I'm sure we can come up with something.

All the best
Androcles Aniketos

2014-11-04, 11:54 AM
The Black Expedition
Morale: 5

"Hmmm. Most interesting."

That was all the reaction that the letter elicited from the raven-haired young noble, sitting at his writing desk as his dark eyes roved across the parchment sent to him by his vainglorious royal cousin. For his part, Edward of Black contented himself with amenities which would be considered spartan by the majority of his many kin, yet provided an appropriate backdrop for the militaristic aura which he had earned in the Valois Campaign, and had never left him ever since. For one such as himself, who had spent some of the most critical of his formative years in the trials of war and the chains of command, the charge to stake his own territory on the new continent was less of a banishment, and more of a blessing; for he had exchanged the stifling confines of an Empire that had little room left for his skills and ambitions, for the promise of new frontiers where he could truly make a mark for himself.

But to come across not just one of his distant kin, but that particular cousin... in hindsight, it was probably something he should have seen coming.

It was a few more minutes, before he made his decision. No, associating with Androcles Aniketos in this exodus to the new continent was not something Edward Black looked forward to, but it may be worth doing so all the same, in more ways than one. "After all, every man has his use. All that differs is in what way this is so..."

Hail, and my greetings to my esteemed kin.

I would be glad to accept an invitation from yourself. All that needs doing is the arrangement of a time and place; I look forward to sharing drink with yourself soon enough.

Edward Black

2014-11-04, 12:15 PM
Arinna and Amestris

Arinna lies on a divan, looking at her surroundings. It was such a romantic idea, to overthrow her father, execute her siblings and take the satrapy. But of course those traitors got in her way, and now she was in this place. The walls are bare, and the tapestries on the floor are of rough and simple design. The divan is hard, and even worse, slightly worn. The squalor of this place is terrible, and she has so few servants. But that's not all. Amestris is with her troops again, leaving Arinna all alone with some papers and letters. She thinks of Firuzeh, a pirate queen. Which is so romantic. But maybe she will soon also be known as a queen, if the rumors of this new continent are to be believed.

Her boredom is relieved when she finally has visitors. A few fine gentlemen from the Red Chrysanthemum Society, which is interesting, she hasn't had the pleasure before. Unfortunately, he funds are rather stretched at the moment and she has found herself agreeing to their proposed cooperation. If only the guns had been there, then she would now sit on a throne of marble, instead of a run-down sofa.

2014-11-05, 03:47 AM
Anarak`s Mage Circle

Archmage Anarak stares off in the distance as he stands on the deck of the ship. With this mist it is impossible to see the new continent. But he can feel the spirits of the land calling. So much potential, so much to learn. The Earth Spirit in the hold is restless, it does not like being on the ocean.

On the mainland the circles are competing again. Let them. The new continent is where my circle will grow and will eventually be able to rival the other circles. I can feel it.

2014-11-05, 03:18 PM
Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce
Morale: 3

Millian Roene's world was made of paper these days. The administrator of the High Imperial House of Commerce's Sundown Office had never really expected his position to amount to anything more than an excuse to live a luxurious life with minimal work in the mild climate of the Sundown Isles, and for many years that was exactly what the job had afforded him. The IHIHC Sundown Office was a small enterprise, but it was Iossau, and thus kept to a comfortable standard by the House of Commerce. The House had a sort of peacock tendency with its far-flung offices, making them bastions of luxury and civilization to try and make people forget about the harsh mountains and swamps that had birthed the company, and Roene had taken full advantage of that habit in feathering his own nest. He'd been, if not completely happy with his life, then at least content.

When the new continent had appeared, the entire staff of the Sundown Office could be counted on one hand. It had included Roene himself, Mala (his wife and the office mage), a secretary, a brute squad of House Regulars and Roene's cousin Balko, who had mainly spent his days sitting in taverns spending the House's coin and listening for interesting rumors. They were, one and all, entirely unprepared for suddenly becoming the focus of the House's expansionist ambitions.

And now? His secretary had been sent on a ship to the new continent to verify personally that it was there, and hadn't yet returned from scouting the coastline. His wife had been secluded in her meditation chamber for weeks talking and arguing with spirits, emerging only to deliver messages given to her by elementals with orders straight from Iossau itself. Balko was a decent enough spy but essentially useless when it came to administration, and Roene would have been surprised if any of the House Regulars even knew how to read. So all the decisions came, inevitably, to Roene's desk, where he drowned in a sea of paper and ink, praying that the House would send him someone, anyone, that he could delegate things to, or--better yet!--who would take over for him and let him return to some semblance of his previous, relaxing life.

Instead, the House sent him a full division of Regulars and a battery of cannon. Roene saw them come into port from his office windows, and sighed. They were large windows, meant to let in light and air, but he'd been forced to keep them closed so the wind wouldn't disturb his papers. He pressed his fingers to the glass, wishing he could just push it out of the frame and breathe in the sea breeze, and watched the next wave of his additional responsibilities sail towards the dock.

Open Message

The Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce is willing to pay good money for information regarding sources of valuable commodities on the new continent, especially any interesting spices or gemstones.

2014-11-05, 04:06 PM
The Vela Union
Morale: 4

Lord Ceril Duvon of House Duvon, thirty-third in the line of House succession, stood on the slightly swaying deck of the Seaswept, a large trade ship serving as part of the Velani expedition to the new continent, and a ship he was rather familiar with. The ship was moored at port for the time being, and the noble youth was leaning against the railing looking out to sea. He idly stared at the horizon in the direction of the new continent while he idly mused about the days ahead. It was through Shari's blessing that his sister and he were in charge of this expedition, and little else. They lacked in experience and had little wealth to their names other than this single trade ship, but through sheer luck, the noble twins had been the only members of the House both present at Vela, capital of the Union, and available to go overseas. The other unattached members of their house had been busy with their own trading expeditions and had been away from home for at least several weeks, and not wanting to miss a potential prime landing location by waiting for these members to arrive, the twins had been chosen instead.

So now, here they were, a mere handful of days from departing from the Sundown Isles to this new land. This was an opportunity like no other, a once in a lifetime chance, the beginning of a new era of exploration and trade, and they were going to be on the forefront of it. Ceril could not help but feel a bit of excitement, tempered with nervousness and a hefty dose of pressure. His entire nation, the entirety of his people, would be eagerly awaiting news of this expedition, and expecting success. Failure was not an option. So despite his excitement, Ceril could not help but feel a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach, something his sister seemed much more immune to. Ceril couldn't help but wish that he was the same in that regard, but he had always been a bit timid as a child, and it had taken a lot of work to not let his anxiety hold him back. His sister was the ambitious one, not he. He simply wanted everything to go smoothly.

To the Imperial Geographer's Society:
Greetings and salutations,

I hope this letter finds you in good health, Professor. The Geographer's Society is more than welcome to accompany us to the new continent and set up your base of operations alongside our settlement. We appreciate the fact that you find us trustworthy, and would of course be pleased at being allowed access to your airstrip, though we may not have much immediate use for it. We should likely arrange a meeting in person in the near future to discuss possible landing sites.

Best Regards,
Lady Feria Duvon

To the Black Expedition:
To His Imperial Highness, Prince Edward Black,

On behalf of the Vela Union, I would like to propose a partnership of sorts as part of this expedition to the new continent. While my people are looking to expand our own holdings on this new land, and from what I understand, you yourself are looking to claim part of this land to create your own Satrapy, I see little reason that we could not align our efforts together as partners once we land. It would likely be difficult to form a joint settlement, given our goals, but we could certainly land in the same region, and support one another through whatever trials may lie ahead. I propose this deal as both of our expeditions are smaller than many others, which may increase the difficulty of our initial trials, but we both have great support from our respective backers, and I believe that you are a man of honor and can be trusted once we set foot on the new continent.

Lady Feria Duvon

To GM:
To activate the plant spirit pact, do I need to wait until EoT/once we're actually on the continent, or is it possible to use it beforehand to determine a good landing location?

2014-11-06, 05:28 AM
The Way of the Word

Morale: 3

Felix was in a flutter. The ship had to be readied, the cargo loaded. This would be a momentous occasion and not a moment could be wasted. And yet, he found himself trapped behind a desk with a quill in hand. It seemed to be the way of things Felix mused, the higher your position the less you actually did.


We are honoured by your concern however we find ourselves curious as to the services you might be able to provide to us. While protection is of obvious benefit, surely an organisation of your capability would have a wide range of options all reasonably priced. As you would surely know there are many ships heading to the new lands. It might be of benefit to us to know how they fair, where they land, and possibly what they find when they get there.

Obviously such journalism would be protected as a trade secret of the society and your reporting methods compensated, but we would be curious as to what you could offer.

If you could provided a costed itemised list of services you could provide for us, we would happily investigate the cost/benefit of such an agreement.

Yours in good fortune,
Felix Waters,
Way of the Word.

Greetings and well met,

We have heard you are showing an interest in trade from the new lands. We of the way are also interested in this new wealth. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement that profits us both. If you know of lands, goods or metals that would produce considerable profit, but lack the resources to gain them, we of the Way might be able to free these resources for trade with your company.

Alternatively we could explore the new lands uncover new resources and trade them with you en mass. With us controlling the lands, and you controlling seas we could quickly develop a monopoly over any new goods that are discovered.

We look forward to hearing your reply,
Yours in trade,
Felix Waters.


We have heard your warning about the sea currents and we have become curious. What signs should we look for if what is predicted does come to pass? Would there be anything else we should be mindful of?

Yours in magic,
Felix Waters

2014-11-06, 07:21 AM
Anarak`s Mage Circle

Morale 4

I, Archmage Anarak, greet you as a fellow friend of the spirits of the known world. Excuse me for being direct but word has come to me that you respect the spirits like we do. We are somewhat concerned about what technology might do on the new continent in regard to the spirits there and I think it is wise to seek like-minded individuals to explore the new continent together. We would like to hear from you and if you please work out a cooperation.

May the spirits be with you,

Archmage Anarak

2014-11-06, 02:32 PM
The Black Expedition
Morale: 5

To the Lady Feria Duvon,

This is a most agreeable proposal to me, and you do indeed have my interest in this matter. Perhaps we can arrange a rendezvous of some sort, and work out the details going forward.

Edward Black

Greetings to the Lady Vermont,

It has come to my attention that you will be leading your august Society's expedition to the new continent. As that is my destination for the foreseeable future as well, it has occurred to me that the task of safekeeping the lives of Her Imperial Majesty's most skilled geographers may end up resting on my shoulders. Such would be a duty I would feel bound to observe, and so I write to ask if my patronage, temporary or permanent as it were, would be one thatwould be welcome to your Society. I look forward to your response.

Edward Black

2014-11-06, 03:53 PM
House Hyrcanis [GM]

Red Firuzeh, called the Pirate Queen by overimaginative bards, has been spotted sailing westwards from her former haunts in the Icecoil Archipelago, making good speed towards the Sundown Isles. It can only be a matter of weeks before she arrives.
Whether the rumours that she is the daughter of a disgraced satrap living in exile are true or not, Firuzeh is a highly effective pirate, evading Imperial Justice for near a decade now and the bounty on her head is staggering.

For whatever reason, the Satrap Machartes has substantially increased the size of his private guard. It is not quite certain where he got the money for it either, but he’s paying well for skilled officers as well as willing recruits.

The Strix Company, well-known organizer of caravans and convoys, is likewise hiring mercenaries of all kinds, to man their new fleet. You were among the people contacted about possible contracts.

A new political movement is smuggling slaves and indentured servants away from their masters and to the Sunset Isles, hoping to bring them to the new continent, where they can hide away from the Imperial Justice.

The last three Archmages have all been from the Earthen Circles. But now the Firey Circle, traditionally tasked with warfare, have been pushing for one of their own to take the seat, claiming that after the recent losses and the shame of missing an entire continent, the Earthen Circle is no longer worthy of the position.

The Red Chrysanthemum Society to House Hyrcanis [5]

A polite and very well dressed young man appears on your door, bearing a single red Chrysanthemum flower, perfectly cut, with not a single petal out of place. His master wishes to meet, he says., at the earliest convenience.

Only a scant few days later, a pair of gentlemen appear at your door, one tall, heavy-set and muscular, with scarred knuckles, with a shaven head and red flowers and serpents tattooed on his arms and chest. The other is a little old man with an impressive mustache, constantly smiling.

"A good day", he says. "As you will no doubt have guessed, I represent the honourable Red Chrysanthemum Society. I think that I will be blunt:2 our two organizations have a lot in common and I think that at least informally, we should talk about an alliance. We are both the last scions of royal houses and lost cultures, swallowed up by the Empire. And we are both looking to regain a bit of what should be ours, don't you think?"

Prince Androcles to Prince Edward [2]

"Wonderful, wonderful! Are you still in the Isles? I have taken lodgings at the Red Heron in Port Artea, if you wish to visit."

Vela Union [GM]

Feel free to activate it now. That's what it's for.

Red Chrysanthemum Society to the Way of the Word [4]

"We are not yet ready to offer that kind of service, sadly. Mainly, we are in the insurance business: if you pay us a very reasonable amount of money or services, we can assure you that there will be a considerable reduction in tragic accidents."

The StrixCompany to the Way of the Word [4]

Your second offer is exactly the kind of opportunity we are looking for. Strix does not produce or mine or farm, we merely ship goods across the empire. If you have anything you wish to sell to us, we will buy almost anything, in any amount, for a reasonable price.

-Director Basilachus Strix"

The Water Circle to the Way of the Word [3]

Mainly, we are worried about the climate in the empire. Already, the storms that are usual at this time of year are delayed or missing entirely. Changing landmasses will change the ocean currents, which will change the weather. We predict regular droughts, windstorms, maybe floods, across the Empire."

2014-11-06, 06:22 PM
The Vela Union
Morale: 4

To GM:
Okay, then the Union will activate the Plant Spirit now.

2014-11-07, 08:55 AM
The Imperial Geographers Society:

To the Vela Union:
Dear Lady Feria Duvon,

Thank you for your swift response, and well wishes. I am in good health, as is our expedition, and we are most excited to begin our work. Thank you for accepting our company. We await details of the location and time of this meeting.

Thank you again,
Professor Robert Knight

To the Black Expedition:
To Edward Black

Thank you for contacting me, but I do not usually handle these kind of managerial decisions myself. I have spoken to the rest of the expedition, and they are grateful for your offer of support. We have arranged already to travel with the Vela Union, which we imagine will afford us a degree of safety, but it is always good to have another. I'm sure the metals, and other resources we find on the new continent could be of use to you in your endeavours.

Ms Alicia

P.S. Lady doesn't really suit me.

2014-11-08, 12:15 AM
The Red Aurora Company [Morale 2]

The Tundra Kestrel squawked indignantly from its cage in a cramped ships cabin hung crazily with sharp implements and mechanical odds and ends. It had a name, Monvisious, given by a much younger version of the grizzled veteran who sat on a barrel full of rope in front of another, larger barrel full of salt pork which served as his writing desk. Gunther had never been taught his letters, or how to read them, but he had picked up a little here and there, and had asked Master Mathas for a lesson or two.

Leeving tooday from the Eyles -check that one with levi- lots of people -why is it spelled like that?- milling about on this big boat -boat like oat with a b-.

What the hell was he even writing? Who was going to read the memoirs of a simple trapper? Likely enough anyone reading would have a laugh at his incompetence and then go read something that had discovered punctuation. And spelling.

"I promised myself I would do this. Old dogs a'gotta learn some new tricks."

Birdie is not hapy about the trip. but one of the other trapers has a hen, maybe it will cheer him up when we land.

Gunther thought of the rolling sea and uncertain landings ahead.

If we land

To the Imperial Geographers Society
I am Levi Mathas, colonial representative for the Red Aurora Company. I am under the impression that your purpose in the new continent is primarily mapping, but if you happen to find a bounty of animal herds or habitations in your travels I can offer good money to know their whereabouts. The RAC also intends to do a bit of mapping when we land, perhaps we could consolidate efforts?
Master Levi Mathas

To the Red Chrysanthemum Society
A pleasure as always gentlemen. Good to see businessmen such as yourselves looking into the New World as well. What are your going rates for Protection these days, and what can we expect from your... services in those fabled lands?
Master Levi Mathas

To Kel'Ranu
Greetings good bounty hunter, I have an offer should you wish to hear it. Would you care to meet in a trusted location?
Master Levi Mathas

To the Iossau House of Commerce
I am Levi Mathas of the Red Aurora Company, I represent our companies interests in the New World. I read the open message and was curious, is the House of Commerce entering the new stage in the New World? If you are perhaps we could help each other. My company is also after the natural resources of the continent, though blessedly different than those you have set your intentions on. If I were to let you know of any spices we may find on our expedition, would you in turn alert us to any large herds or abundant animal habitation?
Master Levi Mathas

To Ametris and Arinna
My name is Levi Mathas and I represent the Red Aurora Company in the New Continent, at least I will when we reach these fabled lands. I have a few questions for you about your own intentions in the new lands and perhaps some cooperation between our expeditions. Would you care to meet in person?
Master Levi Mathas

2014-11-08, 08:32 AM
The campsite erected by the Charter on a slightly elevated plain was brought up quite hastily but with method. Lines of tents sprout from the ground orderly along the way leading from one end of the wooden palisade to the other, more sparsely so around a central area where a well has been excavated.
"so I unbuckle my swordbelt, climb the tree, and snatch the old lady's cat. Easy." "Yah, way to get rich fast there. What you got for reward, an apple?" "joke's on you, she gave me her apple for a reward alright" "Yeah well, I had no idea you were such a crypt raider!"

Rough voices and bawdy laughs steal over each other as Tavee Varsane makes his way to the command tent. Inside, the finest adventurers of the Charter discuss around a rudely drawn map pinned to a sturdy tentpole. The sudden draft caused by the flaps opening makes quite a few heads turn to him. "Ship's safe and sound boys." Tavee states, pulling the black hood off his head. "Is it now. 'nyway, we were just discussing about the after-landing. Looks to me like the easiest route to find something important would be along the river, following the course to wherever. It's gotta start somewhere." replies a towering bald man. "good for them fat merchants sitting on a barge, ay. we go that way, we gonna get a whole tail of 'em right after us" retorts another, a lean elder with tanned wrinkled skin.

[The message is stamped with an intricate seal depicting some sort of anthropomorphic spirit holding a paper]

Name the service you want and we can talk price. Within reason, of course. We're not common mercs to be ordered around and spent on garrison duty, but you'll find our expertise useful for more challenging tasks.

2014-11-08, 05:32 PM
Carnival of Shadows

To the Sundown Fist (5)

I'm new to the city and I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the Black Jacks. I've never had any interactions with them before, but their reputation precedes them. Have you had any encounters with the gang?

Internal (GM)
Rough plan is secure power in the underworld of Port Ardea while attempting to get some funding or backing from the Satrap for my service of cleaning up his city. The goal of Father Mara is to maneuver himself into political administration while having deep ties to the criminal elements, eventually becoming either a Satrap himself, or having one in his pocket. Since I find having an actual motivation behind power helpful in roleplaying, I'll probably try to figure out his backstory the first few turns. At the least, he wants to keep the Empire intact and prosperous.

Since my info indicates the local gangs will be crushed by the Black Jacks, I'm hoping to prevent that, as I would rather be the pre-eminent crime ring. But we'll see.

Strix Company appears to be naval power based in the old world hoping to make deals with the new. Trading/Shipping company.

Red Chrysanthemum Society seems secret society esque, focused on espionage and running some manner of protection racket, at least on the Way of the Word.

2014-11-08, 06:30 PM
Amestris and Arinna

Arinna yawns as she reads more messages, and starts to write another.

It would be a great pleasure to receive you at our accommodations.
Arinna Sadit

2014-11-08, 07:55 PM
The Way of the Word

Morale: 3

Red Chrysanthemum Society

This would bring us great pleasure, however we are curious as to what resources you could bring to bear against those we might like to see accidents occur to?

The StrixCompany

We would be very pleased to engage in this business opportunity. We intend to try to strike inland some what down the river, our trade vessel can meet yours to make the longer crossing. We look forward to this profitable arrangement.

Earthen Circle

We are excited to see your recent efforts, we agree that this new world is strange and dangerous. We would like to invite your circle to join us on our exploration and engage in information sharing agreement. It is our desire to come to understand this new world, much like yourselves we are aware that there are others who might play with powers they cannot understand. By working together perhaps we can help prevent the wide spread destruction that would come if these forces were allowed to spread unchecked.

Anarak`s Mage Circle

Nothing would make us happier, perhaps we can settle together and pool resources for our common ends. Perhaps if you share your goals and ideals with us we can see how common our ideologies are.

2014-11-08, 08:40 PM
The Red Aurora Company [Morale 2]

To Amestris and Arinna [PM]
Master Mathas arrives in a burgundy carriage and waits politely with his hands crossed behind his back. When he is received he bows to one knee before straightening and getting to business.

-OOC, not sure whom I'm talking to here, I'm gonna write like its Arinna, but if it winds up being Amestris I'll change it later-

"My Lady, apologies if I give any offence during this conversation, I am unfamiliar with Hattusan courtesy."
He pauses for breath and looks out the window towards the sea.
"Many people are seeking fame and fortune in the new world. I am contracted to fall beneath the second group, but I know many people are also making their way to the mystery continent for a new start. And some, like the Chrysanthemums are trying to make others miserable for their own gains. The RAC wants to extend the offer to you and your expedition to build a trade post, hell a town together with our help. Together we can make a secure home for your people, and a safe trade post for my company."
Levi turns back towards Arinna.
"This is a land of opportunity, but if we stream in one at a time we will get eaten by beasts like the Red Chrysanthemum and Iossau. Together, we can be so much more."

2014-11-10, 03:06 AM
Anarak`s Mage Circle
Morale: 4

Our short term goal is to settle and study the spirits of this continent. Our long term goal is not yet clear except what we want to permanently settle on the continent and grow and see to it that the spirits on this land are not driven away or abused by anyone. I might try and contest the other circles for the position of Archmage although my followers already call me that way.

If you wish to join, we are heading north and settle there.

2014-11-10, 03:30 AM
Sons of Sornai
Morale: 5

Good tidings, brother! Our peoples may not be bound by any politics, but I think we share a common passion among all those who have flocked to this new land. You understand what this opportunity truly means - not a mere expansion to feed the damnable Empire, but a chance to reforge our proud nations and make a name for ourselves. As free men, not subjects. I doubt many of the imperials will allow us to do that easily, so perhaps an alliance would suit us well. Would you seek your freedom alongside my people?

2014-11-11, 04:58 AM
Red Chrysanthemum Society to the RAC [2]

We try to be reasonable with our rates. For now, I think, we should simply agree that we will get a small share of whatever trade goods you discover on this fabulous new continent.

Kel'Ranu to the RAC [2]

I am quite busy at the moment, following a very important and personal bounty. But I have time for a short meeting.

Strix to Faerock

Currently, we are looking for two things. First, we wish to establish warehouses and an office in the Sundown Isles, that will need guarding. Second, we want to hire soldiers for our ships, both to guard against pirates and, once we land on the new continent, to guard our traders during interactions.

Sundown Fist to the Carneval of Shadows

You could say that, chief. An interaction mainly involving knives. They killed three of ours and they are trying to put their drugs on our streets. We'll show them the meaning of "home advantage" very soon.

The Earthen Circle to teh Way of the Word

This is exactly what we want to avoid. Sharing whatever we find about this new continent is far too dangerous and we can not allow anyone to tap into its spirits.

2014-11-11, 11:46 AM
Amestris and Arinna

To The Red Aurora Company [PM]
Greetings, master Mathas, it is kind of you to visit me on such a dreary day. This new land sounds like it would be an absolutely thrilling place to visit and potentially settle, far away from those unpleasant parties that would otherwise intervene with a serene life. In an endeavour for settlement it always is a good thing to be accompanied by kind souls, boredom is the most terrible fate of all after all. The lands on which I intend to enforce my titles will of course require connections to the rest of the world for purposes of trade, so I believe that a cooperation can be most fruitful to us.

2014-11-11, 02:20 PM
The Red Aurora Company [Morale 2]

To the Red Chrysanthemum Society
The cuts of trade are a nebulous and volatile manner of payment, but I think for the service you are offering it is a fair deal. Shall we say a 4% cut? Or are you looking to haggle somewhat higher?
Master Levi Mathas

To Kel'Ranu
-OOC, I don't actually want a PM here I just wanted to 'meet in person' for fluff reasons. GM if you want me to have this use up the PM for Gunther, just let me know in the response.-
Gunther Furth, dressed in a smart travel jacket and boots that were once rather expensive, arrives at the Black Dog Taproom looking for Kel'ranu. When they eventually meet up Furth offers a bone crushing handshake before sitting down to business.

"Kel'Ranu? Furth, Gunther Furth. I don't have much to say here but I do have an offer for you. I have no idea who you are after but if you've chased him here, there is a pretty fair bet your charge is gonna jump ship and head for the New Continent. I propose that you accompany my expedition to the new continent, you use our spy network for your chase, and in exchange? You set up your center of operations in our landing zone, your reputation would go a long way towards keeping crime away and investors interested. Whaddaya say? Free room and board, and a ride across the pond for a couple of public smiles?

To Amestris and Arinna [PM]
Then we have an accord? Given the rough maps that have been made so far my expedition is aiming for the Northern portion, near the marshy island. Shall we set sail together?

Open Message to those setting sail
We at the RAC are looking for sizable herds and habitats of animals in this new world, and can pay handsomely for information that leads to a sizable find.

2014-11-11, 05:34 PM
Carnival of Shadows
Morale: 5

To the Sundown Fist (5)
Is there anything particularly bad with their drugs, or are they just muscling into your territory?

Whatever the case, thank you for the information. Your candor is appreciated.

Midturn (GM)
I'm not actually leaving Port Ardea, but I want to put this here for tricky reasons.

I guess I will say set up shop somewhere in the city where I'm relatively under the radar and safe, if you'll let me do that in this action.

2014-11-12, 04:48 AM
Kel'Ranu to the RAC [2]

The man is conspicuous, as he walks in. Not his appearance, necessarily. Average height, greying hair, scruffy beard, leather boots and jacket, pistol and a saber in his belt, nothing unusual for a sailor or mercenary in any port. But it's detached the way he behaves, the cold look in his eye. How his eyes check out anyone he meets, then go back to roaming the room constantly. There are scars and scabs on his knuckles. Something is moving under his coat, along his sides and near the shoulders. A small animal, maybe.

"I know she's taking a ship from here. But there aren't so many and I will find her. The offer of a spy network is appreciated, but I have my own sources, and I could not afford the time to stay in your settlement for more than a few days. Nor would I want to.
If you want to use my name, I could take one of your ships to make the crossing, if you sail soon."

Red Chrysanthemum to Red Aurora [2]

"That is an entirely reasonable offer. Pleasure doing business with you."

Sundown Fist to the Carneval [4]

"Wouldn't know about worse, as such. Just stuff from the continent we don't have much access to, out here. New and exotic, the sailors are eating it up."

2014-11-12, 05:43 AM
Amestris and Arinna

To the The Red Aurora Company
"We are in agreement. We have a few things to prepare before leaving, but we will be ready soon. When will you depart?"

2014-11-12, 08:05 AM
The Black Expedition
Morale: 5

To the Lady Feria Duvon, and Miss Alicia Vermont,

I have recently received word from the IGS, that they have arrangements with the Vela Union to travel in joint cooperation with the Vela Union. This is most fortuitous, as I too am seriously considering entering a similar agreement with the latter, and as a kinsman of Her Imperial Majesty, considers the safeguarding of Her most skilled geographers until they make land on the new continent at the least, as a form of noblesse oblige. To that end, I do believe it would be to our mutual benefit, if we were to carry out our respective expeditions as a joint venture. I await your respective favorable responses, as well as a time and place where we may meet to discuss the details in further depth.

Edward Black

2014-11-12, 03:44 PM
The Way of the Word

Morale: 3

The Earthen Circle

So your intention is to attempt to uncover and contain all the new knowledge of the new world, by yourselves?

Good luck.

Anarak`s Mage Circle

We support your goals and mission, it is similar to our own, however we intend to attempt to explore up the great river until we either find a great lake or the start of it.

We shall endeavour to share our knowledge with you, if you will reciprocate.

Firey Circle

The Earthen circle has become old and stagnate, we would be prepared to support your move for leadership if you would support our efforts in the new world.

2014-11-13, 12:59 PM
The Vela Union
Morale: 4

To His Imperial Highness, Prince Edward Black, and to Professor Robert Knight,

A joint venture would certainly be of interest to us as well, and I would be happy to accept on behalf of the Vela Union. Our plans are to depart sooner rather than later to establish landfall before many of the other expeditions. We have a pact with a spirit that will help us with deciding a location to land, so we would suggest following our ships as we depart.

Best regards,
Lady Feria Duvon

2014-11-14, 07:01 PM
Carnival of Shadows
Morale: 5

To the Sundown Fist (5)
I would appreciate if you were to inform me of the results of your efforts. The Black Jacks do not seem to be individuals that play well with others, and that is a rather unfortunate trait in my eyes.

2014-11-15, 04:09 PM
The RAC [morale 2]

To Amestris and Arinna [PM]
Excellent, I wish to leave soon in hopes of getting there ahead of competition, and securing the bounty hunter Kel'ranu to our cause. Though it may be that he is just a passenger this time. Perhaps in future.

To Kel'ranu
Excellent, let us leave as soon as possible.

To the Earthen Circle
Greetings, my name is Levi Mathas. I come in good faith from the Red Aurora Company. I am sure you have your own sources, but I should warn you, not everyone offering their help and advice is trustworthy. One of my agents intercepted a message bound for the Fiery Circle, it contains some pointed remarks about your organization, and an offer to support them should they attempt to supplant you. While you may already know of the message, may I offer the identity of the conspirator in exchange for a morsel of information from your archives?
Levi Mathas

2014-11-16, 04:32 PM
Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce
Morale 3

Red Aurora Company

My apologies that it took so long to reply to your missive, sir. Things have been very busy around the Sundown Office of late.

The Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce is, at least for the initial wave of exploration that we anticipate is soon to engulf this new continent, interested in commodities that have a very high value for their weight, in order to justify the expense of transporting said goods across the sea back to buyers in the Empire (thus, spices and gemstones in particular). If you are interested in herd animals and the like, we would be happy to direct you their way, in exchange for the same courtesy from your organization towards our own interests.

Millien Roene

2014-11-19, 10:59 AM
The Black Expedition
Morale: 5

To the Lady Duvon, and Professor Knight,

That sounds like a stellar plan of action to me. Lead on, dear Lady, and my ships shall follow.

Edward Black

2014-11-24, 05:43 AM
Sons of Sornai:

For a while, it seems the North end of the continent will get crowded, as you spot ships from the RAC, Faerock and Anarak's mage circle sailing in a similar direction, but soon, their course changes and only the RAC seems willing to settle in the same bay.

The Northern end of the great bay makes a good anchoring spot, near the open sea, but still protected by the outlying islands. The bay is shallow, shallow enough that at a low tide, one can walk out from the shore for almost a mile, if one is careful to avoid the few deeper holes in the rocky ground. As one goes further west, the sand vanishes, leaving flat, rocky beaches that seem to stretch farther away to the northeast.
Beyond the bay, the land rises to a high plateau that seems to make up most of the continent. Most of it is forested, but the ground in the forest is swampy and treacherous, the trees broad-stemmed, with thin root filaments hanging off the higher branches and heavy curtains of moss that cut visibility to a short distance. Travel further inland will be slow and arduous.
You soon notice that the fauna here is very different to that on your home continent. You notice a great many amphibians and reptiles, some growing to the impressive size of bulls or horses, but most small and quick, frogs and lizards nesting between the stems. Crustaceans, too, are everywhere, tiny red scuttling crabs that cover the beaches and the trees in impressive numbers. There are more exotic things, too: octopodes, hanging from the low-hanging branches, their tentacles lazily hanging in the waters to fish for crabs. There are slimy things, like hagfish or lungfish or eels, slithering in stagnant ponds between the trees. But you have yet to find a mammal, or a bird anywhere.

Anarak's Mage Circle:

You are not the only one making your way to the northern end of the continent, as you see ships of teh Sons of Sornai, the RAC and Faerock making their way in the same direction. Soon, however, they split off from your course, the RAC and Faerock making their way to the islands or the large northern bay.

Using your Earth spirit, you ascend a valley higher into the mountains, to a spot where a broad valley between the peaks overlooks both the dark forest of the continent's interior and a bay where your ships are anchored. Overnight, the cliffs shift their shapes, becoming steeper, the entrances to the valley narrower, until it is a natural fortress, a cauldron between steep cliffs, cut off by two sheer walls across the pass that only leave narrow pathways. There is fresh water, here, too, from springs between the rocks, though the vegetation is sparse, mostly flat-lying thorny bushes, broad-leaved herbs and mosses.

Gained Asset: Fortress 1

Faerock Charter

You are not the first to make your way north: Anarak's mage circle, the Sons of Sornai and the RAC are making their ways north as well, though Anarak and the Sons seem to change their course for the mainland earlier than you do. The RAC, however, seems determined to settle opposite you on the mainland, overlooking the same straits.
The place, at first, seems far from ideal. Most of the island seems to be swamp of one kind or another, from a salty coastal marsh rising to a stagnant bog with bushes and a few crippled trees to wet, muddy heaths before finally ending in low, mossy mountainsides. Your outpost will have to be built almost entirely on pilings.
There are, however, two advantages here: first, it is an ideal vantage point to control passage into and out of the broad sandy bay that surrounds the island. At low tide, it seems, the water in that bay is almost low enough to walk across to the mainland...
Second, there is the animal life. The swamps and marches are home to heavy, slow tortoises that slowly chew the thick swamp grasses. that are taller than a man's hips, their meat rich and succulent. There are frogs and toads, the alrgest the size of a head, there are molluscs, mussles and octopodes. The hunting, here, will be very fine indeed. The plant life, too, is rich: there are reeds with starchy tubers and wild rice that stand in the swamp, ready for harvest. No one here will go hungry any time soon.

Red Aurora Company

There are four expeditions making their way north. Anarak's mage circle and the Sons of Sornai don't make their way quite as far north, but the Faerock charter is setting up on the island just across the narrow strait. The bay to teh south, it seems, is almost shallow enough at low tide to walk across, the water only perhaps ten feet deep at most points.
The luck spirit must have held its promises, however: though the ground is swampy where you set up, there are plenty of other advantages: first of all, if there is ever shipping into that bay, you will control one way out of it, to the open ocean to the north.
More importantly, there is good lumber, here: the mangrove trees that line the beaches have some of the hardest wood you have ever encountered and they are teeming with life. Small, wine-red crabs scuttle over the stems, only to be picked off by tree-hanging octopodes and larger, hairy crabs that sit waiting among the roots. The best find, perhaps, is what might become a herd animal: a plodding, four-legged amphibian, in size somewhere between a large pig and a small cow, that chews the thick swamp grasses and the tubers of the reeds that grow between the mangroves. They are slow and quite dumb, it seems, barely reacting even if humans almost trip over them. There is some danger: there are serpents between the trees that are longer than a man and hard to sea and, as some soon find out, the tiny, jewel-coloured frogs that hide between the leaves are deadly toxic.
Your outpost is soon set up a bit further inland, where the ground becomes barely stable enough to build on. Water is plenty here, and lumber, too.

The Way of the Word

Two expeditions are making their way to the river delta, yours and that of Iossau. But where you immediately try to move inland, theirs first seems to set up a small outpost directly at the coast, on pilings and floating platforms.

The ground here is treacherous, with dozens of small river arms constantly shifting and moving prodigious amounts of silt and mud to the sea, depositing it into ever-changing banks. The water is often not deep enough to accomodate larger ships and you spend a long time just seeking channels for the ships to move along, so that you have not yet found either a source or a lake, and not even and end to the delta, which seems to stretch for several day's journey inland.
At least the delta seems rich in life, even if quite a bit of it seems hostile. There are alligators and serpents twice as long as a man, lying in the treacherous muddy waters, just waiting for a meal to walk by. But there are other creatures, too: flat toads the size of dinner plates and curious reptilian creatures with two long, stilt-like legs that wade through the shallows to peck at small fish and frogs with their long snouts, similar to wading birds in behaviour. There is an amazing variety of fish, too, the largest at least the size and weight of a pig, their scales in bright stripes.

House Iossau:
There is only one other expedition making its way to the delta: the Way of the Word. Unlike yours, however, they seem to be trying to head right up the shallow rivers with their ships, making little progess.
You settle instead on a rocky outcrop that rises sharply from the surrounding river and provides some much-needed stable ground.
The delta seems rich in life, even if quite a bit of it seems hostile. There are alligators and serpents twice as long as a man, lying in the treacherous muddy waters, just waiting for a meal to walk by. But there are other creatures, too: flat toads the size of dinner plates and curious reptilian creatures with two long, stilt-like legs that wade through the shallows to peck at small fish and frogs with their long snouts, similar to wading birds in behaviour. There is an amazing variety of fish, too, the largest at least the size and weight of a pig, their scales in bright stripes.
The plant-life, too, is rich and with some research, one could surely find edible plants: starchy reed-tubers, heavy broad leaves, grains from the many grasses that grow in the shallow water.

The Vela Union:

Yours seems to be the only expedition that, after some debate with the plant spirit, makes straight for the main continent. Though the mountains seem foreboding, your spirit leads you to a broad valley between them that rises steeply, the ground soon becoming much drier than the coastal mangroves and swamps. There is a quick-flowing, river of clean and cold water here and loosely-spaced, broad-leaved trees on rich meadows. An amazing richness of bushes and herbs grow between the trees and the plant spirit promises you that not only is the soil here very well suited for farming, but that the herbs have many interesting alchemical and medicinal properties, if carefully studied.
The animal life here seems sparse: there are some small, silvery fish in the rapids and the occasional insect or spider, of course, there are some few frogs, lizards and snakes, but you see no mammals and no birds.

Gained asset 1: Rare herbs

2014-11-24, 08:33 AM
Anaraks Mage Circle

Morale: 4

After the fortress is complete, Anarak checks the results. "Prepare the Oculus, we have need of a spirit of nature to negotiate a pact so that we might grow food near the fortress. Im also curious about what other spirits might be nearby.

GM: I would like to make use of my asset The Oculus to find a spirit of nature to possibly make a pact. If need be I`ll use my magic supplies asset.

Imperial Psycho
2014-11-24, 12:58 PM
House Hyrcanis
Morale: 6

To the Red Chrysanthemum Society
Alexander receives the men graciously. He is an impressive figure, looking like something from a lost age. He carries a sword at his belt and wears a tunic interwoven with gold. "I am honoured to have reached the notice of your society. But my people seek freedom, not revenge. Safety, not a new Empire. But perhaps a day will come when the boundaries of Empire reach even to this continent. Where even our new Home will not be safe from that which destroyed the old. When that day comes, we would be happy to count your people as allies."

To the Sons of Sonai
Your aims and mine seem to share much in common indeed. We have little, and there will be hard days ahead. But nevertheless, we accept your offer of friendship. The long arm of the Empire will no doubt seek to swiftly turn the new world into a repeat of the old, and snuff all hope of freedom. They must be resisted.

Written in the Light of Tir
Alexander Hyrcanis

2014-11-25, 03:05 AM
The Way of the Word

Progress was hard, but life always is. The word would continue its march towards success.

House Iossau

Greetings friends,

It seems we had a common thought in where to set up. It is our intention to travel further up stream yet, although our progress is slow. We mean you no threat, nor do we expect our trip to the waterway to impact on your outpost. Perhaps in time we could form trade relations that would benefit us both. But for now, we must push on.

Kind Regards,
The way of the Word

2014-11-25, 09:04 AM
The Black Expedition
Morale: 5

To the Lady Duvon, and Miss Vermont,

A good place you have chosen for our landing, Lady Duvon. Teeming with life, and full of promise. A good omen for our respective expeditionary efforts; for that, I thank you for your wise guidance.

May I suggest that we extend our cooperative efforts from this point onwards? With our differing fields of expertise, I do believe it would be wise for each of us to focus on our respective strengths, for the good of all. For my part, I will take it upon myself to secure the defenses of our colonies, and bringing in more military material and manpower to that effect. Perhaps the valley between the mountains, that we passed by on our journey here, shall make for a good defensive position.

Edward Black

Edward Black: with his military background, is the valley really as promising a potential defensive chokepoint as I mentioned above? Or is there some other spot that's even better? Also, what kind of, and how much resources does he think he should acquisition with his Support in order to set up some basic defenses for all three colonies?

2014-11-25, 02:16 PM
Sons of Sornai
Morale: 5

I'm glad to hear it - we surely will have our share of enemies in the future, so it is good to first meet a friend. We've just made camp in the northern bay, and though we plan to move to the highlands of the west, it seems the journey will be treacherous. We may begin our colonization here on the shore first. There is water here, abundant wildlife, and access back to the sea if that is needed. An ideal site for our new beginning.

Do you plan to set out for the continent soon? The bay is large, and though the Red Aurora Company has also chosen to disembark nearby, there is surely room for your expedition as well.

-Rorik Bykron

Greetings, fellow travelers. We noticed your ships sailing into the bay alongside ours - a wise choice from what I've seen today, as this place seems rich with life. The Sons of Sornai have disembarked on the north side of the bay, and given the resources here, it seems ripe to host the first colony of our reborn nation.

Do you and your company plan to settle this bay as well? If so, perhaps we could forge a pact of cooperation. There is much we could gain from each other's strength.

- Rorik Bykron

2014-11-25, 03:14 PM
The Earthen Circle to the Way of the Word [3]

"We are a large organisation and very well suited to this. After all, speaking to the Land is our profession and our duty. This is merely more land."

The Firey Circle to the Way of the Word [3]

What kind of support are we talking? So far, you are merely one Satrap among many, though we recognize that you may soon have more power on your hands.

The Sundown Fists to the Carneval of Shadows [3]

We can do that. Or you could just count the corpses in the harbour.

The Earthen Circle to the RAC

If we can be quite frank, we doubt that anyone on the new continent has, so far, enough political power to move much of anything at all in the wider Empire. Nevertheless, your warning is appreciated. What information would you be interested in?

House Hyrcanis

As you notice that others are making their way north, you sail a bit further along the coast, where the mountains recede and the coast becomes swampy mangroves. The RAC had much the same idea, it seems, and after you see them settle, you move on by, setting up a respectable distance away.
There is good lumber, here: the mangrove trees that line the beaches have some of the hardest wood you have ever encountered and they are teeming with life. Small, wine-red crabs scuttle over the stems, only to be picked off by tree-hanging octopodes and larger, hairy crabs that sit waiting among the roots. The best find, perhaps, is what might become a herd animal: a plodding, four-legged amphibian, in size somewhere between a large pig and a small cow, that chews the thick swamp grasses and the tubers of the reeds that grow between the mangroves. They are slow and quite dumb, it seems, barely reacting even if humans almost trip over them. There is some danger: there are serpents between the trees that are longer than a man and hard to sea and, as some soon find out, the tiny, jewel-coloured frogs that hide between the leaves are deadly toxic.

You have to search for dry land, however. While the ground rises further inland, it will be some distance between any stable outpost and enough open water to moor ships.

The Black Prince [GM]

The valley is potentially quite valuable, as you haven't seen many passes that can be easily traversed. Apart from that, yes, it is defensible with not too much effort. You'd just have to find a part that is lined by steep enough cliffs on both sides.


You see a ship of house Hyrcanis passing your outpost, heading further Northwest.

2014-11-25, 04:15 PM
Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce
Morale: 3

Way of the Word

Mr. Felix Waters,

It is good to hear from you, especially in such friendly terms. Perhaps the two of us might consider a joint expedition up the waterway, to visit the interior and uncover its secrets in force? I had hoped to uncover some exploitable commodity that I could use to fund expansion of a base of operations on the delta, perhaps beginning with draining some of the swamps so that the outpost will have a sturdier foundation.

Millian Roene
Sundown Office, Administrator

Red Aurora Company

Are your people interested in alligator or snake hides, by any chance? We seem to have stumbled upon quite a collection of such creatures.

2014-11-27, 02:05 AM
The Red Aurora Company [Morale 2]

To House Iossau
Thank you for alerting us, crocodiles could indeed be interesting. We have found little in the way of spices or other light materials, though this land does seem to hold great riches nonetheless. Good luck with your search and I shall keep your house informed.
Levi Mathas

GM internal
Oh boy, so much cool stuff. I guess we shall start setting up right away, but that is for EoT I suppose. Meantime I had a quick question, there is an earthen circle and a fiery circle, is there perhaps a water or air circle? And would any of these have any sort of interaction with the sky, and in particular with the Aurora?

2014-11-28, 05:50 AM
Way of the Word

House Iossau

Dear Millian Roene,

We intend to progress through the channel as soon as possible. However we would be open to work performed to ensure the mouth is kept open. We are very keen for continued good relations and shared benefits. We would be open to furthering our relationship to providing mutual support to each other in case of environmental or military hostilities.

Yours in exploration,
Felix Waters

Firey Circle

We are prepared to work with you, in doing what is required to ensure true leadership is returned. Our faith in the Earthen circle is broken, and we believe the time for change is now. All we ask is access to information you might gather about the spirits in the new lands.