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2014-11-04, 08:14 AM
Echidna's Children
and the
Legend of the Silver Skeleton

Hostel of the Sacred Stone
A tough week's journey from the nearest city, nestled in the woods along the mountain's trail stands the Hostel of the Sacred Stone -- a squat, sturdy construction with one wall and its chimney carved from a single, massive boulder. The hostel is far enough removed from civilization for travelers to appreciate the healing and respite the hostel offers, and be so inclined to step inside.

The Hostel is run by Madge Madgerson, a dwarf of inimitable reputation and hospitality. Madge, a retired rogue and dungeon delver turned proprietor invested much of her adventuring wealth into this small business. In fact, his former sword (the Mighty Cleaver) hangs above the taproom mantle and the chain skirt from his armor serves as the fireplace grate. The Hostel's distance from any major city never bothered Madge; if anything, he preferred to build here to cater to adventurers on their long treks into the wilderness (remembering his old days on the road). Years later acquisition of the sainted reliquaries only added to the hostel's reputation, and the place is often filled to capacity with a lively clientele.

@Nyarai & ~Corvus~ & Ellowryn & Draco Dei,

You know the aqueduct and the hostel are in Breland, between Starilaskur and New Cyre. The aqueduct originates in the Seawall Mountains and ends in Starilaskur.

You've met on the road from Starilaskur and have traveled together for about a day. You've heard of one anothers deeds even if you aren't well known to each other.

@Marlowe & Jbarca,

You know this hostel to be near the Eupalinos Tunnel aqueduct. It begins at a spring outside the city towards a mountainous region and runs above ground some way before becoming a tunnel through the mountain. It exits the other side of the mountains and brings water to the city of Samos.

You've met on the road to Samos and have traveled together for about a day. You've heard of one anothers deeds even if you aren't well known to each other.

& r2d2go

You know the hostel to be in the Vast, close to the Earthfast Mountains.

You've met on the road from the distant city of Ravens Bluff and have traveled together for about a day. You've heard of one anothers deeds even if you aren't well known to each other.
(As no other player characters are from Faerun you will be traveling with two wizards you met on the way here. A sick elf who constantly coughs into the crook of his arm and a hooded figure who never eats, sleeps, or removes his treebark mask.)

You've nearly reached the hostel when a booming thunderclap resounds across the mountainside. With a sound like tearing stone a roughly humanoid creature appears seemingly composed of mirrored fire. Like liquid glass that has taken the shape of a fiery humanoid. It's mouth opens and it roars at you before charging, fists swinging.

Even with all of that the strangest thing is that you can see reflections in its mirrored hide, but not of yourselves. You see other people in the reflection presumably being attacked just as you are. Even stranger, when their attacks connect with the creature's hide... Their weapons pierce its hide only to come jabbing out the other side of the creature at you! It's almost as though you could step through this creature to wherever it is these reflected persons it is attacking are... But that can't be the case. Can it?

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?381623-Echidna-s-Children-and-the-Legend-of-the-Silver-Skeleton-ECLSS-OOC&p=18356396#post18356396)

2014-11-04, 09:33 AM
The woman would have a very ordinary face were it not for the blue-tinged paleness. She assesses the situation.

Who needs protection? And are any of those weapons stabbing out of it silver? she ponders. The first is easy enough to call to mind. The two who featured stone in their construction were obviously fairly sturdy.

Her fingers twitch and she spouts a stream of nonsense with a single mystic syllable hidden inside.

Gift of Protection to transfer my +7 deflection bonus to AC to the tsochar(or rather its host body?) until the start of my next turn.

2014-11-04, 09:49 AM
Thyrak had been relatively uncomfortable for the past day or so. He bore no ill will towards Andrastele and Relentless, but they meant that he had to check his words and reactions again. Didn't matter what Mary-Anne said. How neither of them were human. How they could come to understand and accept him. The monster snaps him from his inner turmoil. This... this was new. Thyrak tilts his head and digs through his memories. Perhaps he had read about it somewhere.

Knowledge checks. Select the appropriate one. :smallwink:

K: The Planes [roll0]
K: Arcana [roll1]
K: Dungeoneering [roll2]

2014-11-04, 11:33 AM
Relentless found such events very strange, even stranger than anything he had seen in the war, but right now it didn't matter. There was a threat in front of them, attacking with a seemingly bizarre array of weapons than there were those that were less armored behind him. It steps up to meet the strange being to put itself in-between it and everyone else and with a roar starts his attack.

Not sure if there is even a point to this, but will try anyways
Movement to maintain maximum distance between the creature and our party (i have 20ft reach)
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage if it hits [roll1]

2014-11-04, 04:56 PM
"Hm. Do either of you know what this is? I am... unfamiliar. Regardless, you will not harm my companions today, creature."

Watcher looks at the strange entity, not particularly concerned about its punches, but on guard nonetheless. He interposes himself between his wizardly allies and the creature, then challenging it with his words and inhuman glare.

Position myself to protect my allies, challenge it (is that even a thing? :smalltongue:), DC 19 or it can't attack anyone but me.

2014-11-04, 06:24 PM
Axis, of course, has no reason to travel by road, but it's taken her a while to track down the wretched, vermin-infested thing with which she travels, and she's not going to him out of her sight anytime soon.

So, she lazily wheels and swoops though the skies above Grimwalt, keeping up a patter the better to disguise herself best. "Well, it might be just me, but there seems to be something weirdly wrong with a place called "Samos" being inland and needing an aqueduct. Come to think of it, are aqueducts even...WHAT IN HEL S. LOKISDATTER IS THAT THING? And why is it trying to make us look fat?" Not being at ground level, she has no trouble avoiding the things reach, but she snaps out a Grease spell to see about interrupting its advance.

Greasing the ground underneath the monster, DC 15 to not fall over.

2014-11-04, 07:42 PM
Andrastele anticipates that her fellows are going to try to distract this strange beast, and she moves into action with lightning-fast movements that belies her stony form. Withdrawing her stony bastard sword from her hip, the sword becomes metal as it leaves her side. She charge in to this creature, attacking it while fixing it with her stern, unforgiving gaze. After her attack--and the creature's return attack--she withdraws her sword for a second and claps a stony hands against her sword twice above her head, making an unmistakeable sound that all of her allies can hear, then levels her sword again to the creature.

Before attack: She is in Iron Guard's Glare stance by default, granting her a +3 to her attack before her charge is resolved.
Movement: If outside of 30 feet, she will swoop in on her wings in a charge attack, setting down on the ground just before her attack.
Attack: [roll0] | If Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Swift Action after move: Adopts Leading the Charge stance, granting allies +5 to damage against this beast if they charge in.

2014-11-04, 09:32 PM
Mary-Anne pulls the cart wide then circles back around it around to one side of her large companion, the lead mule's nose just within reach of the genderless being's chain and facing towards the enemy.
If even bringing the mules closer to the enemy requires a "Ride" check (charisma based?), then here are two rolls.
Lead mule [roll0] +2 if Dex based, +6 if charisma based
Mule behind cart on lead. [roll1] +2 if Dex based, +6 if charisma based

She then draws her alchemical silver chain.

2014-11-05, 12:07 AM
Grimald of Oenoias

Grimald had traveled in near-silence, after the girl had made herself known. He knew not what to say to her, and could feel her almost-palpable disgust, so thick was it.

He spent most of his time in the carriage, allowing his shadow-swarm to rest. He could have kicked himself for being so unprepared.

As the creature made itself known, Grimald quickly climbs out of his coach, gestures for his driver to halt, and hold out his hand. His axe jumps into his hand, seemingly of its own accord. He calls to his winged entourage, and they swarm above and around him, shielding him from the harsh rays of the Sun.

As he witnesses Axis flying about, he cringes. "Watch the reach! Don't let it touch you!"

Move Action to get off the carriage.
Free Action to draw weapon.
Swift action to activate Detect Evil (considered to be on by default, now). Is this creature evil?
Standard Action to Handle my bats, ordering them to fly above me.

2014-11-05, 12:44 AM
Though it was quick enough to see you, and roar at you, the creature seems almost disoriented as you get your attacks in before it can react.

Relentless Spiked Chain attack connects easily. The creature winces as the chain strikes through its body. The people reflected on the creature's skin flinch as the attack exits at them through their side of the "mirror" such as it were.

Andrastele's attack connects as well, and again her weapon, like Relentless' weapon before hers goes through the strange creature having a similar effect on the reflections.
The creature retaliates, using its superior arm's reach to slash one great shining hand across Andrastele's chest... to no avail. The creature's attack was too weak and flimsy to cause harm.

The strange reaction between weapon strikes and the creature's hide aside the thing does look pained. Andrastele's attack seems to have pained it greatly though no evidence of a wound mars its silvery flame-like skin.


You recognize that this creature is of otherplanar origin. Your best educated guess is that it is an Elemental of some kind.
Judging by its fiery facade you also surmise that it is likely vulnerable to Cold like the Fire Elemental is vaguely resembles.

Watcher calls out to the beast and levels his ancient gaze upon it challengingly... the creature's gaze levels and it seems that all it can see is its challenger; challenge accepted.

The masked wizard's sleeve puffs smoke and a dagger spins forth at the creature. The coughing elf wizard simply flicks his fingers at the enemy before him raining little bolts of light.
Neither attack seems to harm the creature in any way. Interestingly the dagger glances off the creatures hide without passing through.

Axis Grease stalls the creature as it struggles to catch its balance... The creature is briefly immobilized but does not topple.


You sense a portal to another realm nearby... the sense is that it is coming from that creature. But portals do not live; do they?


The creature is not evil.

~Corvus~ | Andrastele | [roll0]
Marlowe | Axis Zeon | [roll1]
Jbarca | Grimald | [roll2]
Ellowryn | Relentless | [roll3]
Nyarai | Thyrak Vrahn | [roll4]
r2d2go | Watcher | [roll5]
Draco Dei | Mary-Anne | [roll6]
NPCs | [roll7]


2014-11-05, 01:16 AM
Axis, circling the creature at about 30' up, lets go a small sigh as Grimalt cries his warning. "Man can't even catch a spot of sun without going all crumbly, and he's worried for my sake". But what she says out loud is. "It's some sort of living portal! Like that guy with the blue cloak who hangs out with the girl in white and cleavage! Careful what you stick into it!" Then thinks as she draws her bow, and adds; "Although, you being a man, that last bit's probably wasting my breath".

Flying as slowly as she can, she lines up a shot with a normal arrow from her haversack. "Well, if I'm right, let's see if I can hit one of these things on the other side."

Move action to keep circling (Gloamings only have average maneuvability. So she can't hover.)

free actions to draw bow and notch arrow. Also, to do all this talking.

Standard action to shoot at the distorted image of Andrastele seen reflected in the thing.

Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm if required [roll2]

Incidentally, Axis has one stance which gives her Scent. Can she smell anything that isn't Grimald?

Come to think of it, does she even breathe.:smallconfused:

2014-11-05, 10:42 AM
Very well, Thyrak thinks, Let's see if this works. Drawing upon the power of his mind, he channels icy energy into his fingertip and fires it at the creature.

Attack!: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation (if needed): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

4 PP spent. 25 to go.

2014-11-05, 12:01 PM
Well then. Let us duel, creature.

Charge! [roll0], on a hit deal [roll1] x3 damage.

2014-11-05, 02:36 PM
Andrastele studies the creature and feels the font of inspiration in her once again. She levels her sword at the creature, daring it to threaten anyone else. She takes her sword, and with every little movement, when the creature even seems to move, she lashes out with a brutal and quick swing, preventing it from any advantage against another party member. She advances toward the foe until she is right next to it to see what will happen.

Swift - Adopting the Iron Guard's Glare Stance. Andrastele gets +3 to her attacks (Favored by her discipline weapon) and the foe gets a -4 to all attacks not made against her.
Standard - Attacking the foe with the Douse the Flames maneuver. If it hits, the creature cannot make any Attacks of Opportunity this round.
Atk: [roll0]
If Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Move: moving into Grapple-territory to see what this creature will do or what will happen.
Balance if needed vs. some strange effect: [roll3]

2014-11-05, 04:35 PM
Grimald of Oenoias

Grimald raises his axe, shouts a word of power, and charges in, swinging his blade towards the creature's head, attempting to avoid hitting the figures seemingly within its flesh.

Swift action to Cast Rhino's Rush.
Full Round to charge, attacking the creature
Attack [roll0]
(Crit Confirm [roll1] )
Damage [roll2] (x2 damage; x4 if a crit (Rhino's Rush + Crit))

2014-11-05, 11:56 PM
Mary-Anne dismounts and moves into whatever position seems best for blocking the mirror-flame-creature from getting to his psion friend. He then casts (or appears to cast?) a blessing.
Move Action: Dismount
Move Action: Move into position
Swift Action: Gift of Protection on the tsochar. Full power for +7 deflection bonus.

2014-11-06, 01:28 AM
Andrastele's sword is a blur of motion, then it lands a blow; but becomes stuck fast! Her attack has met two reflection attacks and become... entangled? No, parried morelike; but by the substance of the reflections themselves or by the creature's strange power.
Thyrak's icy energy makes the creature flinch but does not seem to find its mark. Still, what an interesting reaction.

The creature swings, its head thrown back and silver-liquid flames flaring up, flails twice at Watcher... fruitlessly.
The sickly wizard once again fires little bolts of light. The masked wizard brings hand to mouth and blows fire from his fingertips across the creature's left shoulder. Neither attack seems to phase the mirrored beast.
Watcher's lance skewers the creature through the chest. It feels less like sticking a beast and more like sinking the weapon into thick mud. Moments before the lance pierced the creature's hide two of the reflection's attacks struck as well. The three weapons become lodged against one another for barely a moment. Maybe a moment too long.

Axis' arrow hits the creature but doesn't seem to pierce its hide, glancing off at an angle into the rock strewn grass.
Grimald's swing connects! Then passes through the creature's jaw and upper neck disturbingly only to impact two other weapons striking through from the reflected locales.


The creature seemingly recoils from attacks you can only vaguely make out in the reflections on its skin. Most of you see one of the reflected attackers getting batted at by the beasts two massive silver-fired hands... to no avail. The creature just seems too weak to inflict much harm.
It staggers as it is struck up close by two reflected attacks that coincide with an attack from your side. The beast lets loose an utherwurldly scream, like if night and day were at war while time and space tore each other's throats out. The creature slumps limp against all three weapons, obviously dead. The the world begins to fold in on itself as the ground disintegrates rapidly beneath your feet. Flying or landbound each of you experiences the most horrific vertigo, for many of you it is a novel experience never before had.

Suddenly, like a scene from a spyglass coming into focus the 'reflections' are real while everything else blurs more and more. The effect grows and grows and as it spreads first past the warriors and their crossed weapons, then beyond the mages and the airborne, then beyond the draybeasts and the vehicles... Your voices catch in your throats and your hands tremble, not from fear but from the very fabric of reality refusing to let you act, to speak, to move while it reshapes itself.

It seems this blending twisting bubble of compressed reflections made real will never stop, then it bursts! The mirrored creature had been sagging more and more, melting and becoming insubstantial. When the expanding effect caused by its death bursts it is as if all of that energy which had ahold of the region collapsed. With a hurricane howl the creature and the bubble of warped space condense into a single mirrored feather which rests precariously atop the three crossed weapons wielded by strangers, wielded by two parts reflections made real and one warrior very certain that they are the ""real"" one.

The sky has changed. Where it was day it is now night. Where once was a grassy knoll on the high foothills of a mountainside there is now blackened ash in a circle for meters all about. You can all see one another now. See each other breathing (or not!) and feel the breeze fresh against your cheeks as a storm rolls over the mountain peak. There is still a road, a path morelike, beside which lies a toppled once-tall boulder with the words, "Hostel of the Stone", carved in its top pointing you upslope. But the sky is different. The wrong shade of night perhaps? Are those your stars? 'Where are all the moons?', some of you whisper.

The feather tips and slips from its perch to drift supernaturally slowly to the ground. It is a massive feather, the length of a stout man's arm with a shaft well big enough for two hands to hold it side by side. The wizard with the mask speaks in a calming and naturally warm voice, "Well now. It'd seem we're not in the Vast anymore eh? My name's Taenor, this sickly looking fellow's Brix and I'm sorry but I've forgotten the scary guy's name. I'll be thinkin' that introductions are in order seein' as, the way I see it, we've either all just helped to save our worlds, or destroy 'em."


2014-11-06, 01:43 AM
"You can call me Mary until you know me better. I am a healer and something of a protector in the service of Dol Arrah. That part about saving or destroying worlds sounded important. I think we'd all like a much more thorough explanation of your reasons for thinking that after the introductions are done."

2014-11-06, 01:49 AM
Axis finds the change in reality somewhat disconcerting, and has to pull up sharp to avoid impacting the ground. "Great Child-Crunching Cronos.", she shouts as she swoops higher into the air, pushing her body luminescence to full so that she shines like a torch. "That's a new thing. Grimald! Mr Sword back in Mr Scabbard! This guy sounds like he think he's smart."

She shoulders her bow and lands in front of Grimald, between him and the newcomers. "Axis Zeon. Traveller. Does this mean I won't have to pretend to like olive oil with everything?"

2014-11-06, 01:59 AM
Watcher looks at Taenor as he is called a "scary looking guy", though with his eyes obscured but for thin slits in the solid plate-metal of his helm, it is hard to judge his glance. Then, he speaks. "I am Watcher, sentinel of the sands. I apologize for what discomfort my aura may cause... I was once evil. Magic changed my mind for the better, but the despair... the despair of the Waste is still felt by many. It will pass. I protect now, and travel to learn what millenia watching the barren Waste could not teach. And I am... not sure what has just occured. Perhaps we can find out." At Axis's introduction, he turns to her. "What is... Olive oil?"

So... do people save for fear now? :smalltongue:

2014-11-06, 02:06 AM
"You take this vegetable called an olive, then you crush it and collect the juices. That's olive oil," Thyrak chimes in helpfully. His smile fades slightly. Perhaps now was not the time for random minutiae about esoteric vegetables. "Oh! Uh... I'm Thyrak, and also curious about the whole plane destruction phenomenon." Okay, Thyrak, maybe don't sound so flippant about the place where you totally were born possibly vanishing into the ether forever?

2014-11-06, 02:06 AM
"A fat obtained from the fruit of the Olea Europaea. Tastes about as good as it sounds." She gives the self-declared Watcher an appraising look. "And that is hardly the most common question people usually ask when they first meet me."

2014-11-06, 02:10 AM
Watcher shrugs, a slow, grinding movement. "I have much to learn, and it was the only part of your introduction I could not evaluate fully. The word Olive was foreign. Now I understand it to be an edible plant." As he speaks, he dismounts from his skeletal horse, putting his lance aside. "My greetings. I hope we can be allies. It is much better than being enemies."

2014-11-06, 02:16 AM
"Yes, allies are much better... more on that after we've discussed the deaths of hundreds of thousands to millions of souls."

2014-11-06, 02:18 AM
"I didn't do it." says Axis automatically. "Grimalt, have you been a busy boy?"

2014-11-06, 02:22 AM
"You're jumping to conclusions," Thyrak retorts. "It's a possibility, not yet fact. Let's learn the truth before we discuss any deaths."

2014-11-06, 02:25 AM
Watcher turns to look at Grimald, the red glow of his eyes growing until it is barely visible - not so much threatening as concerned. "He is right. Does anyone have any knowledge on what has just occured? Though, the destruction of a plane is an event on a deific scale. I doubt the gods would sit idle as we inadvertently caused such a catastrophe."

2014-11-06, 02:31 AM
Axis moves to the side to keep herself between "Watcher" and Grimalt. Just casually, her hand winds up resting on the hilt of her sword. "Glad you're so sanguine. Gods are generally rather silly people. In any event, "Taenor", is it? Got any further information? Such as where exactly are we right now?"

2014-11-06, 02:36 AM
Thyrak strokes his smooth chin. Apparently, his host's face had no inclination towards fuzziness no matter how long he forwent shaving. Tragic. "I've never seen a creature of this sort before. It appeared to be some sort of elemental, but beyond that, I couldn't hazard a guess." Thyrak shrugs, then wanders up to Watcher's steed. Tilts his head. Hesitantly reaches out a hand to pat the creature's snout.

2014-11-06, 02:37 AM
"You are ab-so-lutely right of course. The gods would not leave us to our fates. Abandon us. Let us languish or curse us with... terrible bur... den...", the scrawny elf mage introduced to you as Brix's speech is cut short by fits of coughing. "Sorry, so sorry. Do continue.", he mumbles after catching his breath. Then he calls out to the masked wizard Taenor, "Say would you please explain to these poor people that you were only scaring them so as to save your own skin you devious bastard."

Taenor's response is to chuckle, as if at some inside joke. Then in that warm voice, like a parent for their favorite child, "He's not entirely wrong so I apologize for bein' melodramatic. but then we don't know he's right either. I know this ain't my world. And i reckon it's not none of your'n either eh?"

The sickly one, Brix is simply garbed as a wizard. He seems if anything underprepared for a journey into the wilderness. He is constantly rubbing his throat as though it pains him. And his coughs punctuate the night every so often, moreso when he speaks.

The other one, the masked one Taenor, is dressed head to tow in flowing clothes. Long sleeves tucked into long gloves, long pant legs tucked into long boots. His head is cowled and wrapped in a scarf. And on his face rests a simple wooden mask, seemingly carved from the bark of the last nearest tree. His hood is expertly tucked in around the mask as well.

2014-11-06, 02:42 AM
"...right." says Axis slowly. "Well, thank you for the character-establishing moment. If we're all stuck somewhere off the charts how about I get airbourne and have a look around. Grimalt, party face and good manners".

Keeping her luminescence on full, she takes to the air, trying to get an impression of the surrounding dark country, and flying low enough to illuminate the surrounds to the others.


2014-11-06, 02:48 AM
Taenor waves his hands in an exagerrated dismissive manner and adds, "Well I did read about such things once in my Master's books. But that was only theory. Flights of fancy that're impossible at best and guaranteed failure at worst. A' least that's what the notes in the margins said, most of it went right over my head." He trails off and stares as the glowing girl takes flight and shines.

@ all,
The surrounding area seems blasted and charred by the release of the extradimensional energies that brought you here. Seems that bubble of folded space did you some good after all.
The earth itself is churned and all jammed together from the terrain of three different worlds being forcibly crammed into this one. Its a mess. Attended Objects came through just fine. Everything else in the vicinity got all mashed up in the ground.

Beyond the devastation though the world seems normal enough. The stars are wrong and there's only one moon in the sky. The mountain is on the wrong side of the trail for some of you and the compass directions are wrong for others too.

2014-11-06, 02:58 AM
"My apologies for my mis-speech. I should have said 'possible deaths'. As for our location, I don't rightly recognize the place, and the stars look all wrong, although with the glow-y one so near I can't be certain. I'm hardly a navigator, I just ask directions or follow people who are far better than I at finding their way." says Mary-Anne, moving to be between as many people as possible and Thyrak.

2014-11-06, 04:07 AM
The stony statue-like being withdraws her sword from the tangle of blades and steps back. She presses her sword into her hip, whereupon it turns to the stony color of her own form. She has been listening to this banter wordlessly, content with being mostly ignored.

To Taenor's question she shrugs, looking over the mountains--or at least what she can see in the darkness. In the light, she examines the ground and shivers sightly. Reaching down, she traces a line in the dirt where the earth of the worlds has been jaggedly forced together. She brushes away the blasted soil and looks at the earth beneath.

2014-11-06, 04:32 AM
Axis swoops back over the assembled freakshow and lands next to Grimalt, dimming her glow to the point where she just provides some delicate mood lighting. "Looks like somebody took this world and that world, mashed them together and dropped them on Erebus. Probably improving this world, that world and Erebus." She gives her wrist a flick, activating her memento magika and regaining her spent spell slot.

"Well, if nobody is trying to actively kill-render completely silent anybody else; probably a good idea to figure out a direction to go."

"I can use...another form...to travel much faster and cover more ground; but it would be kind of a waste right now, since I still wouldn't be able to see much of anything unless I flew so low it would be pointless." Her gaze finds the mountain. "Still, I could have a look from the mountaintop, see if I can spot any lights."

2014-11-06, 05:18 AM
"I'm not too particular where we go, as long as my cart is in no great danger of breaking a wheel or something, and I probably will like the idea of sticking together.

First however, I really would like to hear more about this salvation or destruction idea. What was that thing?"

2014-11-06, 07:13 AM
"Some sort of humanoid...living portal. I've heard some stories of something vaguely similar." She looks uncertain. "Very strange stories, such as you might get from a Corinthian in the gutter. And aside from general concept this seems rather different." She's aware she's waffling. "What I know is that we were traveling to Samos, and now we're in a different place altogether. What I know is that you weren't with us before. So; who are you all, where are you from, and does this place look familiar to any of you?"

2014-11-06, 07:33 AM
"That stone does. Everything else... I'm not entirely sure." Mary-Anne says, pointing to the ruined boulder with the letters scribed deeply into it.

2014-11-06, 09:17 AM
Thyrak smiles softly at Mary-Anne. He tries to recall the name 'Samos'. Curiously, this situation had him at a marked advantage. His home was isolated in deep space, yet connected to all planes.

K: The Planes [roll0] (To see if he's heard of where Axis is from.)

K:Geography [roll1] (To figure out what would be the best direction to go.)

Let me know if I failed that first roll. I'll probably activate Call to Mind to try and redo it in OOC. We'll see.

2014-11-06, 10:03 AM
Seeing that discussion is winding down, and her companions have the details covered, she pulls out her chalkboard from the pouch slung about her form, and buried beneath the myriad robes covering her stony figure.

She scrawls, I am Andrastele. I'm mute.
I can fly, though. Two sets of eyes looking around cant hurt.

2014-11-06, 10:17 AM
Relentless had sat back and let the chatter go on. True this was indeed far different than anything it had seen before, but then again there were a lot of things it had never seen. Although in its hesitation it had lost its chance to introduce itself. No matter, if the blasted landscape was any indication there would soon be a need for it to fight again and there would be more time for chatter afterwards.

2014-11-06, 01:32 PM
After having spent a minute or so staring at each of the group (pausing only to give Axis an irritated look when she suggests his role in the deaths of millions), the pale man in armor nods once, seemingly in satisfaction. He slides his axe back into its loop on his back, and gestures for his bats to roost in the carriage.

"I am Grimald, Baron of Oenoias. It is a pleasure to meet each of you. I believe Axis has the right of it. We should seek out... Something."

He shrugs.

"Shall we?"

2014-11-06, 01:32 PM
Watcher bows his head at Axis' defensiveness. "I am sorry for any unease I may cause. Again, it is in my nature... what was a blessing for war is now a curse. In any case, it seems the hostel is the constant factor among this chaos. Perhaps we should enter."

2014-11-06, 01:48 PM
"...What was that thing?"
"Some sort of humanoid...living portal. I've heard some stories of something vaguely similar."

Taenor interjects, his voice providing the smile that his mask hides, "Nah, no homunculus. An elemental more like would be my guess. I remember a word... Ill, nah. Umm, uh... ILIASTER! That was it! 'That which is made of movement' or some such. Wish I could remember more but its been a very long time an' I don't like thinking of my time with my Master much."

Brix goes over to the signpost boulder and runs one hand across the lettering. He murmurs almost to himself, "I wonder... Could it be that there is a parallel in this world to the Hostel in our own? How strange." He then coughs contemplatively, if one can even do such a thing.

2014-11-06, 02:04 PM
Watcher, remembering the feather that had fallen, walks over and picks it up, then puts it on his mount. "This seems important... Any objections to my carrying it?" Assuming no objections arise, he begins walking up the path.

2014-11-06, 02:23 PM
Watcher, remembering the feather that had fallen, walks over and picks it up, then puts it on his mount. "This seems important... Any objections to my carrying it?" Assuming no objections arise, he begins walking up the path.

Andrastele walks over to Watcher when he asks, and looks longingly at the feather. She holds out her hand, with a posture that one might make when asking if they could hold onto it instead.

Andrastele comes to find that the disruption of the ground happened in a spherical shape. In looking about she even sees two boulders that would appear to have been bonded together by the forces involved, as though through great heat or pressure.

She looks over to Axis, and walks into the creature's field of vision, pointing to the boulders that have been fused together. She points out the solid boulder that is very clearly fused together, as if it were confirmation of her statements about the worlds being fused together.

2014-11-06, 02:29 PM
When you lift the feather it is far heavier than it seemed. In fact the weight and heft make it feel like you're wielding a blade. A shortsword maybe? A scimitar. It definitely feels like a scimitar.

Blade has stats of a scimitar except that it has a constant Feather Fall effecting itself when it isn't held or carried.

2014-11-06, 03:07 PM
Watcher tests the weight of the feather, then hands it to Andrastele before speaking again. It seems to function as an unusually light scimitar. Not my weapon of choice, but perhaps one of you can use it.

2014-11-06, 03:19 PM
"Wait. Wait. Wait. This makes no sense. We're from Eberron, and those two are from Gê, and those three are from-" Thyrak shakes his head. Begins to scribble several planar diagrams on his chalkboard. "It doesn't really matter where. That's still at least two, if not three, completely separate planar systems all converged on a single point. That's... not supposed to be possible. That's really not supposed to be possible. And yet, here we are. I wonder if this is permanent, or if there are other creatures like that one, or-" He pauses for a moment. "I'm talking to myself again, aren't I? Apologies." Thyrak falls silent save for the tapping of chalk against the board.

2014-11-06, 03:30 PM
"Our world is Faerûn. It seems we are not there anymore."

2014-11-06, 03:36 PM
More scribbles fill the chalkboard. "Correct. We're not there. I'm not sure we're anywhere yet." Thyrak looks up the road. "Maybe a native of wherever we are would know best." He stands next to Brix, tilting his head at the sign. "Were you headed to the Hostel of Sacred Stone? It's weird. The one on our plane had an aqueduct next to it and a city nearby it too."

2014-11-06, 04:25 PM
Watcher tests the weight of the feather, then hands it to Andrastele before speaking again. It seems to function as an unusually light scimitar. Not my weapon of choice, but perhaps one of you can use it.

The Caryatid takes the feather, hefts it, and shakes her head, noting that the sword she has on her hip works just fine. She hands it back to watcher with a gesture of thanks. When he takes it back, the caryatid takes bursts up into the air, looking to see if Axis is going to join her.

2014-11-06, 04:37 PM
Mary-Anne reads the chalkboard in short bursts, careful not to get too distracted from the tactical situation... just in case.

"Quite the contrary my good man. That is one step closer to discovering if we need to make it our lifes' works to see a suitable monument erected on this spot to the dead, if we should be thanking our respective deities for aiding us in preventing such a cataclysm, neither, or somewhere in the middle between all three. But yes, out loud would be better."

2014-11-06, 04:40 PM
Watcher accepts the feather and puts it back on his mount, then speaks to Thyrak as he walks. Yes, we were headed there... but there is no aqueduct, or at least, was none. We were in the Earthfast Mountains.

2014-11-06, 05:24 PM
In the dim light provided by the Gloamling, Andrastele is hovering about 60 feet in the air. She is looking around, slowly turning about to see if she can spot anything in the surrounding area.


2014-11-06, 06:53 PM
Axis slowly pushes her luminescence back up to full, and also pulls out her everburning torch and plants it in the ground. "If I do go scouting, I might need a beacon to get back" she says casually. "OK, so this Inn appears to be a point of connection to all of us. That doesn't mean we should seek and enter it blindly. Hostels that exist everywhere and nowhere turn up a bit in stories, and often can be quite terminal places. You're calling that thing an Illiaster? Well, nice to have a name."

She inspects the others with an appraising look. "OK, so that's two of us that can fly. One of us who cannot speak. Any other interesting talents and weaknesses we might like to share? Ability to see in the dark? Issues with sunlight? Interesting and difficult-to-meet dietary requirements? Pathological fear of organised religion? I'm just asking so we can get a plan going here. In particular we'd get a lot more done scouting by daylight, but some-" It's really noticable how she avoids looking at Grimalt. "-might have issues there."

Axis, a planeswalker of some experience, is less phased at finding herself somewhere other than a lot would be, but still doesn't like the randomness.

2014-11-06, 08:26 PM
"I require no sustenance or rest, but water is like acid to me. Also, contact with me will desiccate your flesh - a touch can kill an ox. For that reason, I do not take off my armor. But if it is possible, do not be afraid - I am compelled to protect." Watcher looks at the group, then sighs - a dusty, tired sound.

"When I was turned into this horror against my will, my soul was corrupted, and I became a terrible, evil being. Then, a Helm of Opposite Alignment was placed upon me by heroes attacking those who converted me. Now I am wholly good. Those who can analyze alignment can confirm this. I only wish to redeem myself for the evil I have helped, and to experience the life I was denied."

2014-11-06, 08:36 PM
Taenor, the masked wizard, remains silent as he becomes very busy inspecting his equipment and clothing.

Brix, the sickly wizard, raises a hand as though in a schoolroom, "Not to worry, this cough is a personal affectation. Or so all of the healers I've been to insist. A mental affliction they called it. Not a curse or an actual illness. I was on my way to the hostel to seek the healing powers of its reliquaries when I encountered these to and began traveling with them."

2014-11-06, 08:40 PM
. "OK, so this Inn appears to be a point of connection to all of us. That doesn't mean we should seek and enter it blindly. Hostels that exist everywhere and nowhere turn up a bit in stories, and often can be quite terminal places."
"Well, perhaps we might knock and explain our concern? ONE of us, unarmed, so they don't think we are robbers trying to nab a hostage. Anyway, my major point is that asking someone to step outside and talk might prevent problems."

"OK, so that's two of us that can fly. One of us who cannot speak. Any other interesting talents and weaknesses we might like to share? Ability to see in the dark? Issues with sunlight? Interesting and difficult-to-meet dietary requirements? Pathological fear of organised religion? I'm just asking so we can get a plan going here. In particular we'd get a lot more done scouting by daylight, but some-" It's really noticable how she avoids looking at Grimalt. "-might have issues there."

Axis, a planeswalker of some experience, is less phased at finding herself somewhere other than a lot would be, but still doesn't like the randomness.[/QUOTE]
"Well, well, well, it seems you have guessed a few things about me... or were talking about someone else and some level of disclosure on my part might still be in order. Yeah, I can see in the dark. I've more issues with sunlight than a dark elf, but less than a vampire. Very interesting dietary requirements, namely willingly given blood, and magic to alter someone's mind doesn't count as 'willing'. I only get trouble from the bad religions. Shoot, where I come from it was my own god, Dol Arrah,-" she holds up the holy symbol hanging around her own neck "-who set up the whole thing with the sun and vampires. My own problems on that issue are best described as collateral damage from that entirely necessary protection for all who bleed red.

I dabble around the edges of flight, both for myself and others, but, quite frankly, I don't quite trust you enough to give the details on that particular point just yet. Let's just say that I can manage in a pinch. Give me long enough to want a change in my diet and I'll get a lot more talkative. *brief, hearty laughter*

I would be willing to be the one to speak at the inn, since I'm stronger than I look, so if they try to drag me inside of a hypothetical pitcher plant, they might have a nasty surprise on their hands. On the other hand, good as my people skills are, when a pale-faced person with razor sharp canines asks you to step outside... a wise man might decline forcefully. A true sage, on the other hand would know that the threshold of a public building like an inn would be no protection anyway. So, we'd be betting on them being real dumb, real smart, or willing to talk through the door."

2014-11-06, 08:42 PM
Relentless watches on as the group conerses amoung itself, pondering Mary-Anne's statement before finally speaking.

Why must you make a monument to the dead here? The dead are dead, and all you living creatures will eventually die.

2014-11-06, 08:58 PM
Axis gives Watcher another long look. "Well, don't take this personally, but that is going to put a damper on future romantic possibilities. Also, means we need to find some form of shelter. Grimalt has a problem with sunlight. His mother was bitten by Proxima Centauri." She takes out her metamagic rod, an innocuous-looking length of steel with simple geometric jet inlays.
I paid 3000gp for the thing, I'll decide what it looks like.:smallsmile:

"Keep my torch with you if you move", she indicates the everburning torch. "Or else stay with it. I can only see in the dark so far. I'll take a longer-range scout."

Alter Self into a Spinagon (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/mainlist2.pl?name=Spinagon). Extended to 100 minutes duration.

It's just the 120 flight speed she wants. Note that there's another link that lists a Spinagon's flight speed as only 50. No sure about that, but 120 appears to be correct.

Her hands move in a vague, brilliant but lazy Bardic fashion. Her flesh warps and grows spines over her body, and her velvet black wings turn twisted and leathern."Quail, brief Mortals--ahem. Sorry. Morphic resonance. I'll go up and take a long, hard look at whatever can be seen. Yes--I now register as Good, Evil, Chaotic, and Lawful. Have fun with that. See you soon."

There's a beat of wings, and she's gone.

She'll fly out from their location in a gradually expanding spiral, staying 50' from the ground. She's especially looking for movement or light, specifically signs of civilization.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-11-06, 09:05 PM
"Romantic possibilities?" Watcher slowly turns to look at Axis for a few moments, and despite his helm, you can feel his confusion - not due to lack of vocabulary, but at the idea of him being romantically involved. Then, he laughs, a somewhat happy, if hollow sound. "Well, I am... flattered that I was previously considered capable. Once I have redeemed myself, I hope to be resurrected. Perhaps once I am free of this cursed body..." He chuckles again, but picks up the torch and continues walking.

2014-11-06, 11:44 PM
Thyrak smiles enigmatically at Relentless, mind racing. Now would be the best opportunity to reveal his true nature, but... it could end very badly. This was not a place to lose allies. Even if it meant having to stay hidden. The chalk scrawls vanish with a wave of his hand. He returns it to his haversack with a sigh. "The hostel should be fine. Planar anomaly or not, they presumably require guests to make their living." Thyrak smiles slightly. "I could make the approach, if you want, being the most human of all of us." Least in flesh anyway.

2014-11-07, 12:12 AM
"I will stay back - my presence frightens people, and it would be contrary to my morals to ruin other guests' experience. Taenor, if you could inform the host of this situation and ask of any potential solution, I would be most grateful. Until then, I will be outside, slightly more than sixty feet away from the door... call upon me if you need assistance."

2014-11-07, 01:39 AM
Relentless watches on as the group concerns among itself, pondering Mary-Anne's statement before finally speaking.

Why must you make a monument to the dead here? The dead are dead, and all you living creatures will eventually die.

Andrastele lands after hovering around near the Construct and waves for his attention. She takes out her chalkboard from her bag and erases her chalkboard and writes, I lived with Dwarves for some time, and got to see how they treated death, as well as Gnomes and Humans. Many civilized mortal creatures have a desire to respect or acknowledge the passing of other mortal civilized people. It is not logical, it is emotional.

When Axis turns to speak, she listens intently:

Axis inspects the others with an appraising look. [FONT=Times New Roman]"OK, so that's two of us that can fly. One of us who cannot speak. Any other interesting talents and weaknesses we might like to share? Ability to see in the dark?[/QUOTE]

Andrastele snaps her fingers loudly, drawing attention from Axis when she asks about being able to see in the dark. However, Axis continues on, and then morphs into a creature that has an incredible speed at flight--To which the marble-like creature jumps, thinking for a second that the charismatic creature was really a demon--and she realizes that she is making a joke, as she isn't really one. It all makes sense when she starts flying away at an incredible speed in circles: scouting efficiently in a large area.

2014-11-07, 01:46 AM
The blasted landscape goes of for some meters before giving way to mountainous hilly terrain dotted with sparse copses of scrub trees and tangles of boulders. off in the distance upslope Axis sees the glow of what could be a campfire over the horizon of the hilltop. Flying higher/farther to get a better view she spies points of light on the horizons along what must be the valley floor as well. Probably cities and towns and the like. They are distant enough that their light seems not much more than landbound stars.

Looking upslope again she sees that the glow was from a well lit building or buildings of some kind. Probably a half day's travel on foot for a dwarf and they'd be there. Though that would be if the road went straight there... More likely the road wound and twisted through the hills and it could take upwards of a couple days to get the vehicles to their destination.

2014-11-07, 02:00 AM
Axis is not going to be silly enough to approach a populated area looking like a fiend. Not unless she's absolutely sure it's Casual Friday. But she does approach the campfire to get an idea who might be around it, landing as quietly as possible nearby and approaching on foot.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2014-11-07, 02:51 AM
Though the light source seemed close it was in fact quite distant. It must not have been a campfire at all but was more likely the hostel itself. The light was certainly coming from the correct direction. It would likely take her the rest of the night to reach it even going as the crow flies.

This was my error in overestimating the in-game illumination of distant light sources and underestimating the fly speed of your character's current form. Apologies.
Ignore the distances from the previous post, this post contains the correct information.

2014-11-07, 03:05 AM
"Damn relativistic effects" says Axis inaccurately and swoops around in a long arc to rejoin the party, dismissing the Alter Self and pumping her natural luminescence (are we bored with me mentioning it yet?:smallbiggrin:) to full as she swoops around the torch below.

"Significant population centers downslope!" she calls. "But distant. Several days travel. A couple of lighted areas upslope. At least one within a couple of days travel. But nothing close". She lands in the middle of the party. "Those of us with flight could get there sooner, but since some of us are slave to their baggage, not really a plan."

2014-11-07, 09:03 AM
Turning to make sure it can read Andrastele's chalkboard, it heaves it's shoulders up and down, imitating a sigh.

Emotional. That word often comes up when describing living beings. Such a confusing word that has many yet no meaning. Perhaps i will understand in time, but living beings have been around for longer than i have and they do not understand it so the probability is low.

2014-11-07, 12:57 PM
Watcher looks to Relentless, giving a feeling of understanding from beneath his helm. "Emotions are complex. I was without them for two thousand, one hundred and eighty seven years, and am just beginning to 'feel'. It is essentially part of their nature to be illogical... I believe understanding this is the first step to understanding this."

Then, he turns back to Axis. "I can ride, and perhaps carry one other who is not uncomfortable with riding on such a creature. As I do not tire, and it seems there are some who are likely similar, perhaps we can move faster than expected."

2014-11-07, 01:01 PM
Thyrak brightens considerably. Snaps from his sullen mood. "I'm not! I think your horse is fascinating. Does it have a name?" He extends a hand for assistance.

2014-11-07, 01:33 PM
Watcher hesitates, saying "I keep a fingertip exposed in my right hand, for combat. Be careful.", then pulls Thyrak up and continues to speak. "It has no name, though I would not be opposed to it gaining one. It is the skeleton of a dire horse - not war trained, but faster, stronger and more durable than other options." He looks at his hands, then picks up the reins.

2014-11-07, 03:10 PM
"Hmm. I've never named a horse before. Just a snake. This is Zak, by the way." He extends his right hand at Watcher's eye level. A small brown snake coils around his wrist. Flicks its tongue in and out. "I wonder if it's a male or a female skeleton. I'd have to check the pelvis. It can wait. Still, very nice mount you have."

2014-11-07, 07:05 PM
Sticking to ground level and muting her glow, Axis quickens her step and passes Watcher and Thyrak and Floggy the Dead Horse. "Well, you didn't wait too long to jump his bones." she remarks conversationally. "I don't think just hitching rides is going to help with this unlively wagon train. Forests and winding racks ahead. But I have this feeling--call it acquired instinct--that we should not split up. I'll take the lead and scout ahead anyway."

She half-walks, half-jogs ahead of the party before slowing down to a more stealthy pace, keeping to The Shadows and keeping her nose high for the scents of the night. Those that aren't coming from the withered and grave-rotted flesh of the party anyway. Occasionally, tiny vocalism imitating the moan of the wind, the rustle of branches, and the assorted music of night-things come from her throat.

Using Mimicking song to give +4 Hide and Move SIlently to herself and all allies within 30. This is not Mind Effecting.

According to the handbook, This Bardic ability is best fluffed by singing "With Cat-Like Tread" from "The Pirates of Penzance". But I think that's too silly even for Axis.:smallwink: And besides, somebody else thought of it first.

Hide [roll0]
Move SIlently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]
And of course, using scent.

2014-11-07, 08:00 PM
"Andra, Relentless, 'Rek what do you three think? How much should I trust these people with your safeties at this time?" Mary-Anne asks, directing the question, but not her eyes to the only people she has known longer than a few minutes.

2014-11-07, 09:04 PM
Andrastele shrugs and wipes off her chalkboard in answer to Mary-Ann's question and begins writing. I'm not worried about safety. If it helps you, I will protect you for this journey. I am used to trusting others until they prove themselves unworthy of trust.

2014-11-07, 10:38 PM
I have no problems with this 'trust' issue you speak of, as i have always protected myself and protected others. We are in a strange place that may not be our own, and they appear to be in the same situation as us. If they intend to do us harm then they will try and i will crush them, if they do not then they will not and i will help them. There is safety in numbers, so let us be off to try and get to our destination and if that place happens to be the same place they are going then so be it.

Relentless had never been one to worry about betrayal, and it was not about to go around trying to second guess the motives of living beings. So what comes will come and it will deal with it then it concluded.

2014-11-07, 10:51 PM
The caryatid nods her head in agreement upon hearing what the construct has to say. It seems she feels a similar way.

2014-11-07, 11:39 PM
Thyrak nods along, but Mary-Anne hears a voice in her mind. "I'm not worried. After all, I'm probably the least trustworthy out of all of us."

2014-11-08, 12:59 AM
"Well, it appears that my prior companions are not concerned about their safety from the rest of you. Since I was concerned about their safety, and not my own, I now trust you all enough to explain my capabilities in further detail. When I said I could fly, I meant as mist or a nightingale. Both of which have their own disadvantages however. I can also provide various protections and gifts to others. When I was returned to animation after my death, I gained certain powers that were not expected. I'm now what is known as a Grace-Gift. Dol Arrah grants me strong protections, but with the expectations that I grant them to others who need them more, rather than keeping them to myself. Among these giftings is the ability to grant flight to another provided they do not go TOO far from me, else they drop like a stone. Speaking of stone, if you are partially or totally made of it, you can forget about that particular possibility in all but the most dire of emergencies. It would crush me to the ground and injure me severely to take the weight of gravity in your stead. I'm sturdily built, and can heal in minutes, but I'm no masochist. I can also heal you, and unlike a paladin or cleric, my powers in that area care naught for the distinction between living flesh, undeath, or animation and soul granted to crafted materials. If you are injured, I can heal you, though not as well as a cleric should they decide to bend their full power in that direction reserving no spell but those of their especial domains of influence for other applications, save that I need not waste a single drop of my potential.

I can make even tainted water safe to drink, and lay a blessing on a blade so that no infection is likely to result from its wounds provided the blade itself is not touched by any other object err it draw blood. Naturally this is most useful when I perform surgeries, or request a cup of food from a barely-trusting person who I have influenced with the siren call of bright gold.

I can ward another so that blade and bolt bend away from them, protecting as well as a suit of field-plate.

I can grant any and all I wish who stay close a great defense against magics and other things that rend the body directly, such as poison and disease. Alternatively I can similarly ward the mind, or allow the defense of quick action against the arts of an evoker. I am not yet skilled enough to trade one for one in such defenses. I must sacrifice two to empower a single kind.

I can take upon myself half the wounds suffered by an ally while I ward them in that particular way. It is a slightly more difficult spell, but I can combine it with another warding of the same or other personage.

I can provide myself with a continuous ability to monitor a scout before they depart, knowing if they take any harm. It lasts about 6 hours, but, unlike almost all else I can accomplish, I may perform that spell but a single time a day.

As for my own needs, hunger has never been a madness to me yet, and I could go days before I began to take harm in that way, and trust me, my will is as the strongest steel when I'm not granting its strength to another so that they may resist things that twist the mind. On top of all of that, the blood of the unwilling is a poison to me. In short, you need not fear for your blood.

Sleep I need like a mortal, and upon the soil of many widely scattered places, for my home is upon the road. The direct touch of coursing water burns me like acid, though rain is no fear to me. In similar fashion the sun might prevent me from acting, but it burns me like fire, rather than destroying me outright. I've a very few potions for emergency use to ameliorate each of those burnings.

I'll explain more upon the journey. Be considering questions you would ask to clarify what I have said. The knowledge could save your life."

Mary-Anne puts up her silver chain, and draws her cold iron one, then mounts the cart and brings it closer so as to continue the conversation.

2014-11-08, 01:23 AM
Watcher ponders Mary's words for a silent minute, then speaks. "Interesting, though I have no questions for you. I suppose I should speak of my abilities as well... I am first and foremost a protector. I can almost supernaturally goad enemies into attacking me, though this effect is broken if they are attacked by one other than myself, so be warned. I also have an... extraordinarily long reach, when considering my lance's length and my naturally tall build. Those within my reach will find it very difficult to move past me. Lastly, I am skilled at putting myself in harms way over another... Similar to your described sharing of wounds, but nonmagical." He glances at Mary, almost smiling. It seems that in this role, we are rather similar.

He pauses for a moment before continuing, as if remorseful. However, I am also quite capable of using my lance for... offence. Using a lance with a mounted charge tends to be effective. I will likely only do so at the beginning of a combat, and afterwards simply use my abilities to protect, but it is there if needed.

2014-11-08, 01:57 AM
"Don't mind me. I can't do anything!" comes Axis's voice from somewhere up ahead. "Just to get us all on the same plane, are we moving stealthily or boldly? Because if the latter I can probably stop sneaking about and if the former we should probably stop giving long speeches."

2014-11-08, 02:04 AM
Long speeches? I apologize if I was overly verbose... In any case, I believe we are, as a group, ignoring stealth at this point. I find it unlikely that anything that would like to notice us has not... then again, simply having unseen allies is helpful in its own, so continuing to be stealthy may be a good decision on your part.

2014-11-08, 02:09 AM
"I..." He falls silent when Axis voices her frustration. "Nevermind."

2014-11-08, 02:29 AM
Brix remains quiet while others are sharing and trusting. If asked what he brings to the table he'll reply, "I have some small training in wizardy. It is not much but it gets me by."

Taenor appears to have vanished while you travel. Though when the time to make camp came around he would appear again to share old campfire tales in that warm voice of his. He's particularly fond of a tale about a foreign thief who tricks a young dragon. His tales are adventurous and rich, though he often fails to include the traditional happy endings that are often associated with the more well known ones.

2014-11-08, 02:36 AM
"Please don't get your shrouds in a twist." Says Axis from a different spot. "If we want to make our progress while proclaiming loud our talents and I light the way glowing like a Priestess of Aphrodite and singing "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" from the night sky; that would be fun. I'm just trying to get with the plan."

2014-11-08, 08:57 AM
So you are a Priestess of Aphrodite? You don't look like a priestess.... And what is "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse"? Relentless looks at Axis inquisitively, or about as inquisitively as a metallic being can look.

2014-11-08, 10:49 AM
Grimald of Oenoias

The heavily armored man sighs, then reaches up and pushes back the visor on his helmet, revealing deathly pale skin, fangs, and red eyes.

"You now know the only thing about myself that truly matters. I am an abomination, and I have trained for most of my life to be able to destroy others like me who need it. I am a skilled warrior and possess enough magics to ensure I can survive to complete my task. My god empowers me to destroy Unlife wherever I find it.

As the other figures being mounting their steeds or flying, Grimald walks to his carriage. As he approaches he offers an apologetic smile and pat on the knee to his doubtless-terrified driver, then climbs into the seating area.

"If any other of you is of noble birth, I would be happy to offer you one of the seats in my carriage. It's not the highest quality of vehicles, naturally, but it serves its purpose."

2014-11-08, 05:06 PM
Thyrak smiles softly once the man has gone. "Bit overdramatic, that one. There are a lot worse things to be than a vampire."

2014-11-08, 06:18 PM
"Indeed. I am not sure if 'soul-impaired withered husk animated with dark magic' is one of them, but that is technically what my body is."

2014-11-08, 06:23 PM
Axis winces as Bardic banter classes right against construct literal-mindedness. "No. I'm not a priestess of anything. Much less Aphrodite. I don't have the body for it. That was what we might call a simile. Big on similies on Ge."

""Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" is simply an ominous-sounding choral piece in Infernal that uses the word "Darkness" rather more than you might call strictly necessary."

2014-11-08, 07:37 PM
"Doesn't even make my top ten," Thyrak replies with a shake of his head.

2014-11-08, 07:43 PM
I understand, a simile is it? If you could provide a definition i will commit it to memory to try and avoid misunderstanding you in the future. Relentless pauses for a moment, pondering. I understand very little about songs, but how can a word be repeated more than 'strictly necessary'? From what i do understand it is common to have words and phrases repeated periodically throughout the piece?

2014-11-08, 07:47 PM
"You lot really enjoy tempting fate don't you?" Says Axis from the darkness. "Very well; ZETTAI, UNMEI-" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3e2GwpZ7ug) Her incongruously contralto voice fills the night as small forest animals flee in utter confusion.

2014-11-08, 07:47 PM
"Semantic satiation," Thyrak chimes in. "Basically, if you hear a word enough in a short enough time frame, it ceases to mean anything for a bit."

2014-11-08, 08:15 PM
Mary-Anne listens appreciatively to the singing, unable to quite bring herself it interrupt such artistry but still alert for danger.

"While this is all very interesting, I rather think that pondering our situation as we walk might be a more constructive use of our time. Getting to know eachother personally can wait until we are in more tactically or even strategically secure circumstances. For one thing I'll note that the majority of us are of unusual natures. It is almost as if we were collected by a curator of the bizarre... let's make sure not to become porcelain dolls on a shelf, figuratively speaking? Or to put it more plainly, locked in cages or frozen in time, or killed, stuffed, and mounted.

On a happier note, perhaps we have simply been gathered to destroy some threat that could lay low anything with a normal anatomy with great ease... in which case I'd have to say that two of us don't fit the bill, and thus should proceed with great care.

Sorry, I'm not actually a pessimist, I just find that sound tactical thinking involves a good deal of worst case awfulizing at times." Mary-Anne says.

2014-11-08, 08:33 PM
Perform (sing) [roll0]

"I quite agree. Which is why I'm a little leery of heading for this one place that seems to be common to all our worlds."

"Extraordinary performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 3d6 gp/day. In time, you may draw attention from distant potential patrons, or even from extraplanar beings." :smalleek:

2014-11-08, 08:48 PM
"I as well, but I don't think that simply getting NEAR it will cause a problem, and from there we may be able to gather more information to make an informed decision."

2014-11-09, 03:16 AM
Due to the needs of certain members of your party you travel mostly at night taking rests when the living require it. Your gloaming companion's natural luminescence helps greatly in preventing night travel related mishaps, as does the specialized dark adapted vision of many of your group. The road is long and winding and the storm which rolled in never really abated. It just blew itself into a fizzle wherein the occasional thunderclap could be heard from far off and the rain became a mist which couldn't quite soak the road to mud nor rinse the dust from your clothes.

It would seem that you are all farther from the hostel in this world than you were in your own. Brix and Taenor posit, after much discussion, that either the silvery-portal-creature, which Taenor has taken to calling an Iliaster Elemental, dropped you all farther away in this version of the world or the average distance was much greater than that of any of your individual worlds. In reality there is no real way to know, there just isn't enough information.

Your journey comes to an end when you come upon the hostel itself after passing several fields of hops and even a small private vineyard. The building itself seems to be short and squat. Perhaps built mostly underground? An idea that becomes more likely when you note the fact that the place has been carved partly into a very large boulder right beside it. The aqueduct spans overhead at its highest point here where it begins reaching up into the mountaintop for the fresh mountain springs that feed it.

There is a small stable nearby and a barn of sorts. Both barely more than pole-buildings with tarps drawn around them. The yard in front of the building is cobbled with clean cut stones that some of you instantly recognize as dwarven make, amateur but still better than what an expert of another race could manage. The masonry too is clean and well fitted, the bricks adjoining the boulder most excellently. The stone here is grey and brown, granite and corundum mostly, and these colors are used in repeating patterns throughout the stonework of the place.

Your group approaches cautiously enough. The hostel is inquired at and the inquiree is informed that their paranoia isn't unusual this week as three other travelers have come through complaining of strange creatures on the road and otherworldly goings on. you are all made welcome within the walls of the hostel so long as you can and will pay your bill. "This place was established for adventurers after all!", Madge explains. "C'mon in! C'mon in! Get in here out of that sodden weather; I insist! Dry your road-clothes by the fire and have some of the house special! Try and like it and I might just give it to you for free!" Madge's smile is infectious and the place seems lively enough.

The interior (https://app.roll20.net/join/575495/hjGPBA) is spacious enough but portions are built for dwarf height so even average height humans have to crouch a bit to keep from bumping their heads. Most of the hostel guests are local woodfolk, adventurers and the like, though an occasionally exceptional guest is also known to pass through; these include Ellith’rin, a half-amethyst dragon/iridescent naga, and Lady Bestine, a half-gold dragon/pixie. "They havn't been about much lately though.", as Madge explains. You get more the impression she's missing friends than tallying lost clients.

Travelers can easily re-supply at the hostel, though Madge encourages this be done through trading amongst guests. With odd patrons about and adventurers returning from expeditions, travelers can often find items beyond the basic selection of goods, including masterwork weapons, tools, and minor magical items, "Though guests prefer to trade for items of similar value rather than sell anything for cumbersome gold.", Madge explains. If there’s a specific need, Madge himself will sell supplies, with the caveat that in addition to the cost of goods the players also sample whatever “house special” he has on tap.

Travelers can also rent beds in the hostel, "1sp/night!" Madge insists, though there are no private rooms—Madge encourages a dormitory atmosphere, where guests share 8-bunk rooms.

While the ceilings of the hostel accommodate medium-sized guests, the bar in the taproom was specifically built to dwarven height—a conceit on Madge’s part that he prefers to keep. Despite any discomfort, his beer is nevertheless renowned for a number of reasons. First and foremost is the stone wall of his basement (one of the Reliquaries). Second, Madge keeps on hand an extensive variety of exotic beverages: everything from fiery orcish whiskey to fine elven wine.

Finally, the “house special” is offered at discount, "If a normal pint costs 4cp, house specials cost but 1cp!" Madge intones, largely because Madge instills his special ingredients into the brew.

Even more prominent than its beer, the hostel hosts the sacred reliquaries of Saint Sonnlinor Stoneheart, the stone giant paladin. The hostel holds two reliquaries: a piece of Stoneheart’s bone and the largest of the giant’s throwing rocks. Years before, Madge convinced the group of dwarven pilgrims carting these reliquaries down from the mountain to stop in for a beer; the reliquaries have resided here ever since.

Stoneheart’s Bone: Worn smooth by countless hands, touching the bone (a piece of the giant’s skull) gives the effects of a cure light wounds spell to any good or neutralaligned character, cure serious wounds to any dwarf, cleric or paladin, or cure critical wounds to any dwarven cleric of Moradin (or dwarven god appropriate to your campaign). These effects are granted once/week.

Stoneheart’s Rock: This massive rock was originally set against the side of the hostel; Madge later worked into it into the hostel itself, carving out the ground beneath so that it formed one wall of the basement and exterior side of the hostel, including the hostel’s chimney. To anyone of good or neutral alignment spending an hour before the fire, the rock provides the effects of remove disease and neutralize poison spells.
In addition, any dwarf, cleric or paladin touching the rock gains the effects of stone tell, which may be used at any time within the next 3 days. These effects are granted once/month.

*limits are per person

And all of this information is given via the 'grand tour' as Madge calls it, much of it without being asked. As the 'tour' goes by some patrons you can hear them muttering along with the dwarf's rhetoric. It would seem this place is popular enough that the locals have memorized Madge's sales pitch as well as Madge has.

There is an upstairs and a downstairs to the place but I am still learning the roll20 and they aren't needed for anything tactical. Just thought you guys would like a map finally. :smallsmile:

Oh and I did take the liberty of skipping the sneaking up part because none of these folk detect as evil and Madge is genuinely welcoming.

2014-11-09, 03:37 AM
"I take it back", mutters Axis to the rest of the group when they get a private moment away from their chatty host. "This place does not exist in all realms at once because it's some nexus of weirdness and evil, but because utter banality creeps in everywhere."

She shrugs. "Could be worse. I haven't had a decent drink since Ysgard. Well, I'll go chat up the locals and see what we know about other settlements, civs, and manifestations of extraplanar activity in the vicinity."

Gather Information:[roll0]
Diplomacy (to generally improve relations with the locals):[roll1]
And a much belated K/The Planes:[roll2]
Subtracting 3 gp from reserves to get locals sufficiently lubricated.
Axis does not need to eat or sleep, but will partake cautiously.

2014-11-09, 03:43 AM
Indeed. Our host is... enthusiastic, to say the least. I will also ask around while purchasing necessary equipment.

Gather Information: [roll0]
I'll go ahead and update my character sheet with items, thanks for the shopping :smallbiggrin:

2014-11-09, 09:30 AM
It took a few minutes for Relentless to work his way in the door without damaging it, unfortunately the low ceilings prevented it from moving from main room. Finding an unoccupied corner it will sit down and begin observing the guests and keeping an eye on who comes and goes.

2014-11-09, 11:22 AM
Thyrak wanders the common room in a daze. So many people from who knows where in the multiverse! Where to start? He eventually gravitates to a blond man in a back corner pondering a game board. "Hi. Can I play with you?" Thyrak waits for a response before claiming the other stool.

K: Local (to see if I recognize the game) [roll0]
Gather Information (to see what I can learn from this guy in conversation) [roll1]

2014-11-09, 02:27 PM

Carefully leaving his carriage near the stables and properly secured, Grimald ventures into the hostel with his companions. After the "grand tour," he nods graciously to Madge.

Grimald takes a moment to straighten his garments and his jewelry, then looks about for the richest looking individual in the building. He approaches, bows, and introduces himsef, "Greetings. I am Grimald, Baron of Oenoias. Would it be too terribly unpleasant if I joined you? My companions and I are a bit lost, and, while I hate to impose upon another's generosity, a moment of your time would be most appreciated."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-11-09, 07:22 PM
Okay Gather Info checks take several hours so we'll be working in two timeframes here. When you arrive and a few hours later. Header you IC responses with these two timeframes like I did when you were in different worlds. And yes you can act in both timeframes.

When we're in different rooms or worlds we'll use a similar system.
Will repost in the OOC for visibility.

When You Arrive
Axis attempt to befriend the locals doesn't do any harm. But her strange ways seem to put a damper on her helpfulness.
She does hear about a local legend from Madge though. That of a silver skeleton ensconced somewhere within the aqueduct. "The nearby aqueduct tunnels are infested with kobolds, accessed by the hostel’s well. Usually, the kobolds have stayed clear of the hostel grounds; this year, however, their fishing season may not be going so well, and their chieftain has encouraged bolder actions. Kobolds have started rifling through the hostel trash at night, which is normally fine enough, but have also fired crossbows at workers interrupting them or trying to draw water from the well."
"If your companions and you are interested, I would like them to deal with the kobolds one way or another. Ideally, this would involve meeting the kobold chieftain, and delivering an offer of a barrel of beer every other month, to be placed at the edge of the well, until the fishing picks up. However, I'm isn’t opposed to strong-arm tactics against the kobolds, if that’s what it will take to stop their attacks."
"The silver skeleton resides somewhere in the tunnels as well, if you and your friends come across it—and if they manage to recover it, all the better." "In fact", Madge says, "I have a good silver agent in the city whenever you're looking to broker a deal."

Relentless casts about for an unused corner of the room, noting that the only large-ish space by the bar was occupied by a squatting ogre. With a shrug Relentless settles in by the entryway. Madge seems to have made good use of available corner space in his establishment.

Thyrak's introduction is greeted by an introduction in kind, "Haill hearty traveller! I be Harold the Mighty! Bard and alll around grand hero of these parts! Would you dare to pllay me a game of Mage & Dragon!?" He appears to be drunk or quite full of himself. probably both. It is explained to Thyrak that the game is simply chess with the addition of two extra pieces, the Mage and the Dragon. There is a coin toss to decide who gets to claim which piece, then the new piece replaces any piece on it's controllers side. The Mage moves like a diagonal Knight and the Dragon moves like a doubled King, only it can fly over other pieces.
Strangely, even with the oddly specific rules Thyrak recognizes the game and know he could likely play it well.
Harold attempts to goad the Thyrak and his companions into a little exploration, hoping their exploits will help fuel the legend. "I proposes that the first person to leave the game will be the next one to go in search of the skeleton."

Though Madge is likely quite wealthy Grimald was seeking someone of a more noble bearing. No one here is overtly wealthy, well no more so than any adventurer, exadventurer, or woodcutter anyway. He does notice a woman off to the side of the main room, a woman dressed simply but in clothes of a greater quality stitch. Her bearing too speaks of power and majesty. She seems sad though. Sad and mournful...

The guest, a comely human woman, claims to be a representative of an angelic patron, the lover of a redeemed Succubus Paladin by the name of Eludecia, and states she has been sent to request their help. The angel would like them to recover the silver skeleton, believing it once belonged to the angel’s dear Eludecia. At some point, Eludecia departed on pilgrimage to visit the hostel. So far as anyone could ascertain, she never arrived.

A Few Hours Later
Axis learns exactly what Madge had already told the group, but this time in bits and pieces and without Madge's practiced ease. Employing the persuasive power of gold however earns her more success than her pure skills alone would have garnered this evening.

The aqueduct was an elaborate feat of engineering, originating at a nearby mountain lake. Taking centuries to complete, the dwarven workers eventually retired to the monastery built around this lake. Sadly, the monastery was destroyed by stone giants, but these events also led to the rise of Saint Sonnlinor Stoneheart.

The aqueduct eventually leads to a Temple of Moradin. Although the water has reduced to little more than a trickle (especially in the dry months— no thanks, in part, to the aqueduct's resident kobolds), it is enough to run their magnificent fountains and is blessed for use as their holy water.

Watcher speaks to several patrons but mostly Madge at the bar. He learns the following with ease and very little expenditure of coin.

Before Saint Sonnlinor Stoneheart defeated it (and caused his own demise), the aqueduct was also used as shelter against the ravages of the mountain's blue dragon. Some of the aqueduct tunnels were collapsed as part of the dragon's hostilities.

At some point, the kobold trapmaster Yin Yensine wandered up the aqueduct, leading his pack of kobolds from the city in search of a new and better home (and for a new place to establish his own workshops).
The aqueduct provided the perfect environment; the descendants of these first kobolds remain in the aqueduct to this day, while many of the tunnels are still filled with the results of the kobold trapmaster's devices.

Thyrak's game partner Harold regales him loudly with a slurred oration of, "The Legend of Sonnlinor Stoneheart!"

Ages ago, a monastery dedicated to Moradin was constructed in the nearby mountains near the massive lake which fed a massive aqueduct system.
Many dwarven workers, having dedicated themselves for centuries to the aqueduct project, retired to the monastery to spend the remainder of their days in quiet contemplation of the mountains.
Unfortunately, the mountains were otherwise occupied.
Roving packs of stone giants attacked and eventually destroyed the monastery, filling its tunnels until nothing but the courtyard of its entrance hall remained, open to the stars and surrounding rock.

Even still, dwarven pilgrims continued to come pay their respects to the fallen monastery, camping in this courtyard—a shrine where, it was said, they received oracles from the monastery’s blocked tunnels, whispered from the spirits of its former monks.
As the pilgrims came, so the stone giants remained to attack them. That is, until they ambushed one group, killing them all save for a dwarven cleric of Moradin. Sated on the flesh of the other pilgrims, one of the stone giants challenged the cleric to explain why his god was stronger than the giants’. This the cleric was proud to do, offering a display of his spell magic…which he used to shape the surrounding stones, facilitating both his escape and the giant’s capture. At this point, the cleric gave a further display, this time of his god’s mercy, allowing the giant to live if he would swear to abide by Moradin’s tenants.
The stone giant agreed, eventually to the point of complete devotion. He took the name Sonnlinor Stoneheart (“sonnilnor” being dwarvish for “those who work stone” and for the clerics of Moradin), and became the protector of the shrine, sheltering all pilgrims from his former giant tribesman. In time, Sonnlinor Stoneheart gained favor with Moradin himself, earning the status of paladinhood.

However, things worse than stone giants lived in the mountains. A blue dragon had slumbered in its living roots for countless years, until—perhaps drawn by the prospering shrine and the offerings of gold—it awoke and attacked. The giant defended the shrine as best he could, casting stones from the courtyard as his sanctified throwing rocks. Still, he knew the dragon would best him, and in a final moment of sacrifice, the giant pulled down the surrounding mountainsides in a massive avalanche to crush and bury them both.
A final group of pilgrims, already on the road, arrived at the shrine to find it destroyed. That night, a final, whispered message came from the former monastery, telling the pilgrims that the giant had become a saint of Moradin, and that his remains should be taken to a suitable resting place en route to the nearest city, so that others would hear the tale and know the power of Moradin, that could bridge the enmity between the races.

Yet all that could be excavated of the remains was a fragment of the stone giant’s skeleton and the largest stone they could find from the former courtyard.
These, the dwarves carted from the mountain, stopping after many long days at Madge’s fledgling hostel. Enjoying the hostel’s taproom and truly wondrous beer, they knew the hostel to be as good a resting place as any, with travelers who would come from far and wide to hear the tale of Sonnlinor Stoneheart, and agreed to leave his holy reliquaries with its owner.

Your Knowledge of the Planes confirms only that neither this world nor this building is some strange demiplane. Also evident is the fact that this hostel isn't unique in any way whatsoever, extraplanarly speaking. There just seems to be more than one of it in the multiverse.


2014-11-09, 08:07 PM

"Madam, my, er, mind is moved by your plight. I will do as I can. I will depart tonight, if my companion is willing. Or, rather, my companions it seems. I had approached you looking for information, and have instead been given a quest. It shall be done, and I wish you well and peace during your stay here."

Grimald turns, and, noticing that most of his travelling companions are now engaged in discussions of their own, frowns. He begins to ask around, looking for information regarding his location, both geographically and planar-ly. While doing this, he asks around, looking for a ring maker, seeing as the Grace-Gift seems to think it worthwhile to own one.

Planarly is totally a word.

Is this woman being honest/hiding anything? Sense Motive [roll0]

Do I know anything of this Eludecia?
Knowledge History [roll1]
Knowledge Nobility and Royalty [roll2]
Knowledge Planes [roll3]

Gather Information (regarding the last two sentences of IC) [roll4]

2014-11-09, 08:29 PM
When He Arrives

"Oh! Thank you! My name's Thyrak. It's very nice to meet you." Thyrak happily claims the stool and hangs on Harold the Mighty's every word, which seems to do wonders for his ego. Very symbiotic relationship there. Despite never playing before, he's able to hold his own against the dwarf. All in all, Thyrak has a great time.

Several Hours Later

"That's terrible. Poor guy..." Thyrak frowns a bit. Brave non-human hero sacrifices himself for the greater good... He shakes his head with a soft smile. "Thank you for the story, and for the pleasure of your company. I'm curious... Where are you from?"

2014-11-09, 08:49 PM
Watcher thanks those he has been talking to, then sets off to notify Taenor and Brix, as well as whoever else in the party he bumps in to. "The aqueducts are apparently filled with kobolds, and their traps. It also used to be a shelter against a blue dragon, and as a result some parts are collapsed... I would not be against searching for the 'silver skeleton'..." He offers to go with any of the people he's been travelling with, since, after all, "The more people we have, the better our chance of success."

2014-11-09, 09:38 PM
"I wouldn't be adverse to dealing with a situation in a way that does not necessitate wanton violence and encourage intolerance and suspicion between races" says Axis, almost keeping a straight face. "However, do any of us speak Draconic? Granted, I've a spell that lets me communicate in any language, but I can't go round using magic to do everything. Makes you lazy."

2014-11-09, 10:00 PM
I do not do well with tight spaces, As Relentless shifts in his little corner to emphasize the point, but otherwise i would be happy to offer my assistance if my other companions are willing.

2014-11-09, 10:09 PM
"Likewise, I prefer a little air around me." says Axis, flexing her dark wings for good measure. "But we can't argue with arrows in flight--that was what we call a metaphor, by the way. I don't literally mean we're getting shot at--If it becomes necessary I could always adopt a more appropriate form for a short time."

2014-11-10, 02:20 AM
Several hours later
Mary-Anne listens carefully, obviously following, but it isn't until the end that she shows her strongest reaction.
"A dealer in silver? I would like to hear more on that point before we seek such a fellow out. If he is simply a man who can handle that much metal at once then we should avoid him and seek a different buyer. To render raw silver into a full skeleton sounds like the work of either an extreme eccentric or a master artisan. In the second case it would be poor value, and a travesty against art to turn such a thing over to one who would simply render it down in a melting pot."

When Relentless speaks up she says:
"Yes, that would be an issue. Especially if the kobolds have dug tunnels suited to their own size as a defensive measure. Perhaps best to obtain further information on the architecture in question. Still, you could remain at the furthest point in that would give you room to strike well, thus keeping us from being outflanked...

I must say I mislike this mission though. Returning violence with an offer of tribute is rarely something that ends up being a short-term affair from what I have heard. Instead, tribute tends to grow with time. I've no problem with showing charity however, so perhaps a sound thrashing, but with as few deaths as we can afford to inflict, and a clear statement of the beer as charity, rather than tribute would suffice to keep things headed in the proper direction? My hands can not fail to save the dying given a handful of seconds to tend to them except if the circumstances should be unusually dire. Something like having to work in magical darkness, while hanging upside down from a rope without tools on a patient whose clothing was soaked through in unholy water and I would actually have much less than an even chance of doing it. I'm not so much amazingly skilled as I am utterly reliable in things that my actual level of skill would otherwise make merely a reasonable challenge. That is all separate from my overtly magical healing abilities mind you...

SOMETHING is odd however. If the kobolds are in possession of such a treasure and are desperate, I would have expected them to show up with a hand or something and try to outright BUY food here. They are either xenophobic, stupid, not actually in possession of the skeleton, but rather merely inhabit the area where the one controlling it lives, it is inaccessible despite being technically without owner per se... for instance, at the end of a long tunnel continually filled with flames that burn alternately hot and instant frost-bite cold combined with bone-cracking sound, or it is some sort of power or object of veneration to them. Or, the most obvious answer: it is merely a rumor and doesn't actually exist. I'm not enough of a gambler to wish to name any one of those options as the most likely though."

2014-11-10, 02:44 AM
Axis shrugs. "Or it could simply be that Chicken-Lizards are so used to being treated like inconvenient Vermin that it never occurred to them to make the offer. When was the last time you saw a Kobold invited to a solemn conclave of the Great and the Wise?

"If worst comes to worst; I've got a form that can burrow through earth. Albeit it's even more hideous than Grimalt. But we should probably avoid knocking holes in the walls of their house if we want a peaceful ending."

She looks thoughtful for a moment. An ominous sight. A thoughtful Gloaming. "A silver skeleton does sound a little strange. Maybe it's another metaphor." Abruptly, she looks chirpy. "Maybe it's actually a construct! A specially-designed golem made to smash Undead! Yes, if I was going to commission an Undead-Smashing Engine of Destruction; that's exactly the shape I'd want. Irony and violence is a classic combination."

2014-11-10, 01:31 PM
When You Arrive
"Madam, my, er, mind is moved by your plight. I will do as I can. I will depart tonight, if my companion is willing. Or, rather, my companions it seems. I had approached you looking for information, and have instead been given a quest. It shall be done, and I wish you well and peace during your stay here."
The well dressed woman, "my name is aishapra by the way.", cheers right up, "oh thank you! thank you! i'm sure the mourning angel will guide your hand to his beloved!" She bows her gratefulness before retiring to her room for what remains of the night.

Grimald can tell the woman is being honest and earnest in her desire to see you search for Eludecia.
Grimald hasn't a clue who Eludecia is.

A Few Hours Later
Grimald asks about concerning the region and where he might obtain the ring he's told he needs.
The ring is easy to obtain, especially for one of his bearing. The information about your location however, that is proving most frustrating.
He does learn that you are in a country or region known as Veluna, between the Lortmils mountains and Veluna City. The aqueduct originates in the Lortmils and ends in Veluna City.

He also learns that the world is known as Oerth. Planar-ly he is told, by a rather insufferable little bookish woman with a sniffle and ten too many warts, that this is the Prime Material Plane and that any good for nothing would know THAT. Her manners could use some work too.Though just awful, the bookish woman does reveal that there were other confused travelers spouting some nonsense about this not being their world a few days prior. They left, headed off to Veluna City no doubt. They were convinced they needed to find what they called the City of Doors.

While Thyrak is having a wonderful time Harold is not. Harold is losing and as Harold loses he gets closer and closer to having to take himself up on the bet of going to retrieve that silver skeleton. As much is easily gleaned from his drunken mutterings, though as the danger looms he drinks less and sobers up that little bit more.
Harold pales at the question before retrieving his composure from his beverage, "Oh um... Say you're not here colllecting for Big Louie are you? Cuz y'know we worked that out. Promise!" The poor drunk is obviously lying. He and this 'Big Louie' equally obviously never worked anything out.

Watcher finds Brix aggravating some locals with questions about the reliquaries powers and, "Well just how strong are these things then? Do they ever misfire or get it wrong somehow? Well why don't one of you go and get diseased or poisoned and lets see the thing at work so I can tell for myself?!" He is irritated at being interrupted but the locals seem happy to be rid of him. His hair is a mess and his sleeves are disheveled. The lack of information about the upper limits of the reliquaries powers seems to have him quite out of sorts.
Taenor, much the opposite of his friend, is quietly regaling two drunks with tales and stories about fine drink and finer adventure. In the short time Watcher has traveled with the man he has noticed that Taenor will always seek to entertain the most hopelessly inebriated people in the room without fail.
Brix heads off to the bar to speak with Madge while Taenor gladly accompanies Watcher to inform the others.

Madge listens equally intently to Mary-Anne. She responds on the point of her friend the silver merchant, "Oh no, no! He's just a skilled merchantman who has contacts best suited to dealing in silver, be they coins, bars, or artstuffs." Madge punctuates her sentence with a smile.
On the talk of constructs and undead Madge chimes in, "Now I don't know about all of that. I just know that at some point someone strolled in here claiming that there was a skeleton up there made of silver and ever since that legend has sold more beer. Speaking of, anybody for a drought of the ol house special? First sip is free but the rest of the mug will cost you full price up front in advance." Madge's grin is sincerely joyful, if mischievous at her little bit of barkeep humor.


2014-11-10, 01:51 PM
When we arrive
((General conversation starter))
"I'd make some comment about the weather, but given recent events I'm going to instead say 'So... interesting spacial mechanics we are having, do you think we will be in for more melding of pre-existing planes of existence, or do you predict being able to stare off into the distance and see yourself facing away if one is keen-eyed enough?'" Mary-Anne says in a joking tone.

2014-11-10, 02:03 PM
A Few Hours Later

Thyrak shakes his head and moves another piece. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you in some kind of financial trouble? Anything I can do to help?"

2014-11-10, 02:30 PM
A Few Hours Later

Having purchased what he needs, and gotten as much as information as he feels he can, Watcher informs the people who have expressed interest in the Silver Skeleton that he is going outside, to watch the road. He then seats himself atop his mount and watches, ever vigilant - the position he would know by heart, if it weren't stored elsewhere.

2014-11-10, 11:48 PM
Axis places her orders for the glittery ring and a small-sized glaive and joins Grimalt outside. She doesn't require sleep here, and she could do without the politics of the dormitory.

"I seem to be the only one here who hasn't tripped over somebody interesting," she declares has she flits about the sky. "We doing this kobold thing, or we all just sitting around on our acquaintances?"

2014-11-11, 02:52 AM
I am prepared to "do this kobold thing" whenever needed, assuming you mean search the aqueduct for the silver skeleton. I look forward to protecting you, and anyone else who would like to join. Watcher, who now looks somewhat better-equipped with an enhanced lance and shield, as well as some sort of magical bracers and the much-loved Handy Haversack, glances up towards Axis as he speaks, then returns to his watch.

2014-11-11, 03:50 AM
"Awfully big on "protecting", you are," says Axis from somewhere above. "For somebody who can't fly, and can't face the rain. Still, you and Grimalt should make a nice pair. Put the both of you in front and watch the Chicken-Lizards flee out of sheer embarrassment at having to be seen with us. Me, I'd like a bit more info on what "strange creatures" have been stalking these roads. I distrust vagueness." She absently circles the area of the hostel, getting used to the strange stars."We get any info yet on what towns are nearby? Most people I talked to just made excuses and walked away stammering something about "White fangs and Night-lights".

2014-11-11, 10:59 AM
When You Arrive
"I'd make some comment about the weather, but given recent events I'm going to instead say 'So... interesting spacial mechanics we are having, do you think we will be in for more melding of pre-existing planes of existence, or do you predict being able to stare off into the distance and see yourself facing away if one is keen-eyed enough?'"
An ugly, wart covered woman peeks her head out of a back room and snorts derisively at this but the other patrons just give usual local greetings as they would to any new foreign traveller and continue with their evening. This is the point at which Madge ambles up and gives the group the 'Grand Tour'.

A Few Hours Later
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you in some kind of financial trouble? Anything I can do to help?"
Harold's relief is almost tangible, "Oh no, no! I'm fiiiine. Just got to win this game then I'll be off to find my fortune up in that aqueduct.", his slurring has worsened and he seems to be at the end of his night as he raises his glass shloshingly, "Here's to the silver sk..hic skele..hic. That great expensive silver thing out there!" With one last sip he collapses from too little sleep and too much drink. He snores quite peacefully as another patron and a barmaid heft him and start dragging him to his bunk.

"... Me, I'd like a bit more info on what "strange creatures" have been stalking these roads. I distrust vagueness."
"We get any info yet on what towns are nearby? Most people I talked to just made excuses and walked away stammering something about "White fangs and Night-lights."
Taenor wanders outside at about this time and adds his smooth voice to the conversation, "I've been asking about on that front an from what I've heard there ain't nobody here who knows nuthin. It's not their fault really. Most of the folk here are huntsman and woodcutters. Farmers and staff of the hostel. Seems the more heavy hitting adventurous folk have high tailed it to their adventures such as it were."
He straightens his clothing and checks that his sleeves and cuffs are tucked in straight. "I even did some asking about that silvery feather thing we picked up and about the phenomenon that brought us here. The local 'expert' on such things, a horrid little lizard of a woman by the way, just laughed about how such things were impossible. It's no wonder she never mastered anything and is stuck in a place like this using magic to repair broken pottery. No imagination in that one." "The nearest city is said to be Veluna City, so named for the nation of Veluna which we are apparently standing in. The world is called Oerth from what I gather."
He looks to each of the two of you in turn, "Will either of you be visiting the reliquaries hoping for a miracle? I know that I and at least Brix were headed here to find a cure for what ails us. How about you?"

Brix slumps up to the bar, obviously dejected by his lack of success in learning the intricate cosmic details of how miracles work. Madge's attempts to cheer him up seem not to work until Brix gets to asking again about the reliquaries.
To avoid answering questions he doesn't have the answers to Madge instead announces that the taproom will be closing for the night so anyone who wants a drink will have to, "...speak now or until tomorrow hold your own! Last call, and in welcome of our strange new guests, y'all can each have one mug of the house special er well, half on the house! That's right folks, come and pay only one copper for two drinks! Limited offer expiring immediately! C'mon now, lets not leave this fine brew till tomorrow; it'll be flat as cakes by then." Dawn is fast approaching and Madge has obviously had a very long night.
Brix waves his acquiescence and agrees to buy two drinks, "Fine, but only if somebody else comes and drinks the other one. I've no belly for the still." A couple of the regulars groan at Madge's enthusiasm so late in the night (early in the morning for others) and wander up to the bar with their coppers and halfpence in hand.


2014-11-11, 01:31 PM
A Few Hours Later

Grimald of Oenoias

Seeing a few of his companions head outside, the noble follows, joining them as Taenor finishes speaking

"Will either of you be visiting the reliquaries hoping for a miracle? I know that I and at least Brix were headed here to find a cure for what ails us. How about you?"
"Not for me, thank you. I sincerely doubt there is any cure for what ails me."

He stands a moment, watching the sky, then,

"I would request that we seek out a skeleton held beneath this hostel. It seems to have belonged to the fair lady of an angel, and said angel would have it back. Such a quest is the perfect use of our time, I think. Axis? Taenor? Watcher? Are you interested?"

2014-11-11, 01:40 PM
A Few Hours Later

Thyrak pats Harold gently on the arm. "Take good care of him, and tell him... tell him not to worry about our bet. I'll tell him all about it when I get back." He wanders outside in time to hear Taenor discuss what he learned from the woman. "Wait... we're on... Greyhawk? Curious. The iliaster elemental took us from three separate planes and transported us to a different plane entirely." Thyrak shrugs. "Well, Mary'll be pleased to hear we didn't destroy Eberron. You know, probably. Can't really be sure until we find our way back." Thyrak pulls his cloak tighter around him. "My friend told me about a silver skeleton, but that can wait. We should help your fair lady first."

2014-11-11, 02:36 PM
"My friend told me about a silver skeleton, but that can wait. We should help your fair lady first."

"I think perhaps our goals may well be aligned. The skeleton of which I spoke is, in fact, silvered."

2014-11-11, 02:59 PM
"That is in fact the same endeavor I have notified most of. I will join you."

2014-11-11, 03:04 PM
"I think perhaps our goals may well be aligned. The skeleton of which I spoke is, in fact, silvered."

"Oh. Well then. Harold's gonna be disappointed. But I imagine he'll survive." Thyrak furrows his brow. "You're... sure that she wasn't lying? Because it's kinda funny how the wildly valuable thing happens to be hers."

2014-11-11, 03:43 PM
If value is what you are concerned of, surely such an object's ownership could be easily confirmed with magic, and even if it is hers, surely we could get a suitable reward for it's return.

2014-11-11, 03:55 PM
"I don't need money. Just... thought I'd ask... about the possibility." Thyrak frowns a bit. Scrapes the toe of his boot in the dirt.

2014-11-11, 03:55 PM
"You're... sure that she wasn't messin' with you? Because it's kinda funny how the wildly valuable thing happens to be hers."

"I will not suffer this poor, distraught woman's honor being impugned! Besides, the skeleton is not for her; it's for her patron, the lover of this Eludecia."

As the vampire speaks, he noticeably tilts his head back slightly, flaring his nostrils a bit as though he were trying to sniff.

2014-11-11, 04:00 PM
I will not make assumptions either way, but will say that regardless, if we recover this skeleton, people are sure to try and take advantage. We should be careful... But first, we should be on our way. Does anyone object to setting off now?

2014-11-11, 04:28 PM
"Sorry," Thyrak mutters. He sits down against a tree and scribbles in his journal. Anyone who bothers to look sees that he's writing in some sort of cipher, a series of fluid, alien symbols.

2014-11-11, 05:18 PM
A Few Hours Later
"I'll try the beer then, though it will do me neither good nor ill." says Mary-Anne. She drinks the beer, trying to be extra-verbose, but not effusive in her praise, since, indeed, all of its taste, however good or bad, speaks to her pallette clearly, but her spirit registers it as "water when I'm not even a bit thirsty".

"Relentless, should we look into getting some extra-thick rope in case there is climbing to be done, or do you already have that covered? You know i can't carry you into the air without taking harm."

2014-11-11, 11:10 PM
Axis gives Grimalt a look. Then Thyrak. "This person claims to be the representative of the Angelic lover of a Succubus Paladin and it's the ownership of some oversized jewelery we're finding unlikely. Fine".

She checks her weapons. "Well, I'm set to fly where angels fear to tread. Possibly literally. And to my embarrassment I failed to uncover any avenues of employment myself. Is there any reason why we should not get going now?"

2014-11-11, 11:35 PM
Watcher nods towards Axis. I have none. Let us be off.

2014-11-11, 11:45 PM
Axis gives Grimalt a look. Then Thyrak. "This person claims to be the representative of the Angelic lover of a Succubus Paladin and it's the ownership of some oversized jewelery we're finding unlikely. Fine".

Thyrak smiles to himself. "Look at who you travel with, then tell me how unlikely a demon paladin is compared to them." He rises to his feet and returns the journal to his bag. "I'd like to wait for my friends, but beyond that, I have no objections."

2014-11-11, 11:58 PM
Axis frumps."The "Succubus Paladin" thing is not weird. It's the "Sapphic Seraphim" that pushes it. Let me guess; she owns a Katana? Maybe she is also a vampire? Woooo. Spooky." She flaps her wings in brief mockery. "More seriously, don't you think it's odd we go the name of the contact's employer's girlfriend, but not the name of the employer herself?"

2014-11-12, 12:04 AM
A few hours later
Mary-Anne comes out of the Inn just in time to hear...
"A succubus paladin huh? I'd like to meet that one. Compare notes on the arts of long-term romance building and maintaining, both in the area succubi are famous for and others. Plus the whole 'how to escape from an angry mob without hurting anyone' thing... not that I often have that problem. For me the trick is making ones ordinariness shine through ones oddities and obvious preparedness for violence, but I'd be interested in what techniques she used. For all I know she just stayed disguised as much as possible, and avoided situations where she would need to lie."

2014-11-12, 12:25 AM
"Well, given what we're looking for, she's... she's probably dead. Or very floppy." Thyrak shrugs.

2014-11-12, 12:40 AM
"Fiends don't know "death"" mutters Axis. "She "dies"; she wakes up back in the Abyss. Where doubtless her former masters will have words with her. And doubtless she'll talk her way out of it by claim she's trying to bring about the fall of her celestial girlfriend. Maybe she'll fall for lying and atone later, maybe lying to Demons doesn't count, or maybe she's smart enough to phrase the whole thing so she's not actually lying.

"And doubtless her masters will fall for it, because Demons aren't that bright, or if they do see through it will be having too much fun wondering what's going to happen next to stop her. And so she'd just wind up back up here. Where-ever here is. No. If she's vanished, it's because she's being held somewhere or because she's found something more important."

2014-11-12, 12:43 AM



2014-11-12, 12:53 AM
Hours later
"How do you mean? I only heard part of what...

Oh, so it is her skeleton that was covered in silver?

Yeah, that would kill, unless the surgeon were beyond any normal persons conception of the concept of 'skilled'.

Still, there are spells that may regrow missing bits... still, almost certainly died, and those spiritual sorts are harder than usual to bring back from what I seem to remember..."

2014-11-12, 09:22 AM
Am doing away with the timing headers at this point, seems we're all done with the first arrival events and have moved on.

Those assembled outside hear a muted shout of surprise and a roar of laughter from those assembled within. Seems they've made quite the crowd of themselves all about the bar proper. Seems too there's some spectacle that you just can't quite make out.
Upon rushing inside you find Brix and about half a dozen of the hostel regulars all suffering strange magical effects! Though the regulars seem much more amused than in any kind of suffering. Madge himself upends a mug and enjoys the consequences greatly.

Are here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18392358&postcount=141)

It doesn't take long to figure out that the 'house special' is Madge's proving ground for potion admixtures and that out of each new batch of visitors to the hostel at least a couple get pranked into buying some unawares. The damage is usually minor and wears off before morning. But for those few effects that do linger the reliquaries never fail to put things right.

Taenor shakes his head, palm pressed into his brow, "Well then I suppose that's wha we get for wandering into the first tavern we saw in anew world eh? Hey Brix, lets get you down to the cellar and try out this miracle already. You wanted to see it work for yourself right? Well lets go!" Nodding as best he can Brix asks the worst afflicted of the regulars to show them the way. your guide is a fraction of his former self, shrunk down to the size of a doll or pixie he runs just to keep up with regular steps. Taenor however seems to be afflicted with bouncing feet. His every step he has to cling to something or he leaps right off the floor... and into the ceiling.

Through a trapdoor in the main floor of the tavern is another trap door, this one made of fine dwarven stonecraft. With a whistled note your guide opens the way to a cramped spiral staircase of the same stone. "It'll open up further down. Big enough for our ogre even, just this part's a tight squeeze is all.", your guide intones. And indeed it does open up. Madge has outdone himself here, the stairwell goes down and around an ever widening pillar a good twenty feet before you touch ground. Magical light sources make this room bright but solemn and from the staircase you can see that the far wall is made entirely of the giant's throwing rock turned sacred object. The floor at the base of the stair slopes upwards to get to the reliquary. The 'bottom' end of the room is stacked with the barrels and other accumulated stuff that one would expect to see in a tavern cellar.

A small bonfire is kept burning before the sacred wall, a chimney carved above one assumes connecting to the hostel's own hearth chimney somewhere above. There's room enough for a banquet ball down here but only a single padded mat lies before the fire. your guide adds, "It'll take us each an hour and before ya ask yeah yeah it can do more'n one at a time. Just sit and pray or meditate or do whatever it is you need to do to sense the power of it and it'll do what it can to heal ya up right good and well an good."

Taenor hangs back at first, but eventually goes and claims a space on the floor where he folds his legs and sits. Brix walks right up to the stone and begins examining it as best he can. He does everything but chip off a sample before a groan from Taenor brings him back from the stone to sit as well. Not many of the patrons have come down to have their ills cured. One assumes some of them are even enjoying their odd potion effects.
As they sit an incenselike fog begins to drift off the reliquary-wall. It drifts about and around each person like a thing alive. The regulars breathe it deep. Brix holds his breath comically and tries to get some into an inkwell from his pocket. Taenor just sits there and lets the stuff drift behind his mask.


After an hour is passed those who remain see Brix's potion effect fade; but the man seems hardly relieved. He looks at his hands and spits a curse at them, clenching his fists in futility at some inner demon or another. He mutters to himself, "Of course not you fool, that isn't how it works now is it." He stands and stomps out of the cellar, "To get some of that... *cough* night air you lot were... *hackcough* enjoying. And another beer, and something harder perhaps." With that he coughs his way upstairs.

Taenor on the other hand sits stock still his head bowed and his back bent. Like a man collapsed. In fact, he's stopped moving altogether. By the look of him he isn't even breathing! As someone moves to check on him he stirs, his chest moves and his voice echoes across the room, "I am... unharmed. Though for what I've just done I should doubt I will remain that way for long." It is then that he begins sobbing. Silently sobbing. His chest heaves and his arms squeeze his ribs until you can hear them cracking but he makes not one sound. He just sits there silently shaking. He remains so until morning, and naught that you can say seems to move him.

It seems neither of them are in any shape to go anywhere until tomorrow. And with the deals you've made to get the supplies you need taking at least a day to come to fruition, some of the equipment has to be fetched from people's houses in the hills that sort of thing, waiting the day out and leaving the next sunset would seem prudent. When pressed Brix insists he's, "Not going on any fool's errand; at least not right now." And that he, "Has other business if you'll excuse me please."
The most you can get from Taenor in his state is a broken and mumbled, "Tomorrow. Tomorrowtomorrow!"

When questioned Madge shrugs, not unconcerned just not surprised, "Sometimes folk bring in some real demons with them when they come here. Looking for the reliquaries to save them. Most often from themselves. I get the impression that not a few of you have got some personal burden or another that it would be real nice if the sacred stone could relieve you of, yes? Well not everyone is wise enough to know that their burdens are theirs to carry." His tone is solemn and tolerant. You get the impression this isn't the first time someone has spent the day in that cellar wracked with misery.

Both Axis and Thyrak recognize that the spell the reliquary cast for Taenor was a Heightened Remove Curse raised as far as it can be to do whatever it did to him.
Taenor really wasn't breathing at all. In fact when he 'started again' it seemed more like a performance than breath.
(And wow guys, remind my NPCs never to lie to you lot again, those are some steep steep modifiers! :smallamused:)

2014-11-12, 04:25 PM
Thyrak nods solemnly, then lays a hand on Taenor's shoulder. Waits a few moments. He smiles softly at the masked man before wandering back to the others. Thyrak scribbles down a few notes about what he observed. The reliquary. Its power. Taenor. What he could possibly be.

2014-11-12, 08:55 PM
Axis gives the two in the reliquary room a long look. "I'll admit I haven't given those two much of a thought. Seems we might have been walking around with sparks about to rain down on us." She joins the others. "Under a curse then? So. Aren't we all. Seems it's over for him anyway."

2014-11-12, 10:46 PM
I've gotten a bit muddled. This assumes I'm in the basement at the right time or at least heard about it.

"Well, as long as he didn't clue the kobolds in to attack the Inn as soon as we have left, and that was what he meant by 'tomorrow'... well, we can deal with it later. It all comes down to what he has 'done' that he expects to result in harm to him. Chalk up one more for the 'probably immune to poisons and diseases' club too. This just makes me count my own blessings, including the one that comes with the pointy teeth all the more. Thank you lady Dol Arrah, and may I be able to help these others."

2014-11-13, 01:10 AM
Narrowing his eyes at Taenor's response, then Mary's admission, Grimald utters a few words of Divine power and glances first at Taenor, then Mary.

Casting Detect Undead. Focusing the first round on Taenor (Is he Undead?). If positive, continue to focus (2nd round - Strength of Aura (based on HD). If Negative, turn to Mary (Is she Undead?). If positive, see above. I know other actions can easily take place in there, that's just the order I want things done from my end, assuming no interruptions.

2014-11-13, 01:17 AM
Mary smiles mildly at the spellcasting. It is unclear if she recognizes the specific spell however.
That will specifically detect me as Deathless, and NOT Undead... if Deathless don't exist in your setting this might be as confusing as getting a negative reading on a Geiger Counter would to someone IRL.

2014-11-13, 01:25 AM
"Ow." mutters Axis, putting a hand to her forehead. "Ice cream headache. Where's the ice cream? No fair..."


Of course Axis is no Undead...but she's not exactly normal.

2014-11-13, 04:37 AM
Thyrak tilts his head at the spellcasting. "Well, that's one way to do it," he mutters.

Psicraft: [roll0]

2014-11-13, 12:28 PM
Grimald tilts his head curiously, glares at Taenor for a few moments, shrugs, and returns upstairs, content to wait for the man to be vocal again.

2014-11-13, 07:35 PM
The day passes uneventfully enough. The locals return to their homes or hiding holes for the various equipment you've been promised. If all goes as planned you'll be headed out by sundown. Andrastele suddenly decides not to accompany you on your journey. She insists that there is much good she could do right here and that she would like to keep an eye on Brix, who has also decided not to go.

Brix nabs the few hours of sleep he needs and spends the day mostly fiddling about with his parchments and inks. Most of his work is in an arcane code taught to apprentices in their first year. It isn't hard to read for anyone with any arcane skill. He seems to prefer not to share though. There are strange schematics among his papers though, drawings of the internal workings of metal golems if the hollow insides were replaced by flesh. He tucks these away quickly when he sees someone looking at them.

Taenor continues to rock and shake his head in the cellar for most of the day, sometimes muttering to himself loudly enough that he can be heard from the stairwell. The stone trapdoor is blessedly enchanted to quiet any noises crossing its threshold.
Eventually Taenor returns from the cellar and asks to meet Madge in private. they speak for a time in the cellar before returning to the hostel proper. Lines of worry line Madges face briefly after they get back and Taenor seems dejected. For his allies he has but one message which he delivers personally to each of you one by one, "I have had my memories restored and remembered my terrible past. My old master is likely aware that I know again from whence I came. This may put you or the hostel in danger, it may not. I dare not speak of the danger specifically for fear of drawing its ire. Just trust that there are things about me that even I should never have known."
Teanor's woe is almost palpable. Where once he was insufferably cheerful and warm he now is equally insufferably forlorn and withdrawn.


Sunset arrives and the last straggling local bearing the larger half of you equipment draws near, some local handyman who evidently hoards various knickknacks and bits of equipment. Your gear divvied up Madge gathers you together to give you directions to the kobolds. "That...", Madge points up at the masonry aqueduct constructed above, "...is the new aqueduct built by the nobility of Veluna City to water their primroses in the summer months." Then points behind the hostel at the old well, "That is the old aqueduct which supplies Veluna City proper with proper water all year round."
It is explained that the old aqueduct is the important one, where the silver skeleton is said to lie and where the kobolds make their homes. The dwarves built the old aqueduct. The new aqueduct was a political gambit by some guildheads and nobles in the city. Both bring water to the city but the new one freezes up during the winter months. The subterranean aqueduct flows all year long.
"The two should meet upslope somewhere. There's even talk of a stairwell connecting the underground waterway up through one of those pillars to the top of the new aqueduct.", Madge adds with a wave at the support pillars for the aerial aqueduct and a disbelieving shake of his head.

Behind the hostel, trash is collected into neat bins (though evidence of its displacement can be seen). Further into the woods, a stone circle marks the lip of the well, "A former service entrance to the old aqueduct.", Madge had said.

As you approach the clearing you all detect at least a few whispers in draconic and clanking equipment etc from across the edges of the clearing and around the trash bins especially.

Grimald and Watcher can confirm for certain there are at least thirteen creatures hiding in the area.


2014-11-13, 08:22 PM
Mary-Anne makes a series of complex gestures and words, which may or may not do anything as she moves forward. The chanting repeats as long as the situation continues to develop peacefully, save for a single variation.

Every round until and unless initiative rolled:
Swift: Transfer my +7 deflection bonus to AC to Thyrak.
Standard: Transfer half damage from whoever is in the lead to myself.

Any round I'm not moving, I'm using my move action to give someone (preferably a meleeist) within 10' of me +20' to all movement modes.

((If anyone else in the party has a weapon drawn, she has her cold-iron chain out.))

2014-11-13, 09:32 PM
Careful. There's more than a dozen.

Watcher advances carefully on his horse.

2014-11-13, 09:44 PM
Axis quickly slips out her Rod of Extending {:smalleek:} and casts "Comprehend Languages", then flits her away over the heads of the party to the front. "Greetings, little sisters of the dragon!" She calls out in Draconic, making no attempt to hide. Yet. "I am Axis Zeon, and these are my droogs. We're here to negotiate. Or else kill you all. Whichever one is up to you really, totally horrorshow with us either way."


I've got no idea why Axis is suddenly using Russian expressions.:smallsmile:

2014-11-14, 01:27 AM
When Axis flies forward, Grimald quickly hurries after, whispering loudly at her, "What are you doing? There's someone hiding nearby!" When she begins talking, he pulls up short, hesitates, then whispers again, "What are you saying?"

Glancing at his companions and doing his best to stay near Axis, Grimald readies his weapon in a cautionary, though non-threatening, manner.

2014-11-14, 10:57 AM
So there is to be combat then? Thinks Relentless before one of the little ones that likes to use words that don't mean what they are supposed to mean begins to chatter to the unseen foe. Supposedly we are to chatter with them and only attack if that fails, such a confusing place, it thinks, chattering doesn't stop wars and fighting and killing. It then moves forward to place itself before most of the group in case the strange hidden things attack.

2014-11-14, 04:26 PM
Thyrak raises an eyebrow. "You know you're not- Oh dear." Well, time to show off his totally normal abilities again. Then again, they were a credulous bunch. Closing his eyes, Thyrak projects his mental voice to everyone within a hundred feet of him. "Um... she's Axis Zeon. We're not. You can either negotiate with us, or we can have a protracted bloody conflict that will most likely end badly for you. Your choice."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-11-14, 05:03 PM
After Axis's announcement there is some whispered, and none too friendly sounding, conversation from the various hiding spots. "...offered food...", "...fishing... is... terribly...", "...chieftain...", "...blames silver...", are all that can be made out in a slang dialect of both draconic and common. Once Thyrak's mental voice hits them though the sound of the voices turns fearful and a minor rain of little fishbone bolts erupts from around the other edges of the clearing followed immediately by the sounds of retreat on all sides. The kobolds, for it is clear that is what they are, run in every direction as far as they can. You notice that these kobolds are filthy and near skeletal.

It would seem your enemy was too skittish to be parleyed with in such intimidating manners.

crit 19/20 [roll1]
dmg [roll2]
crit 19/20 [roll4]
dmg [roll5]
crit 19/20 [roll7]
dmg [roll8]
crit 19/20 [roll10]
dmg [roll11]
crit 19/20 [roll13]
dmg [roll14]
crit 19/20 [roll16]
dmg [roll17]
crit 19/20 [roll19]
dmg [roll20]

crit 19/20 [roll22]
dmg [roll23]
crit 19/20 [roll25]
dmg [roll26]

crit 19/20 [roll28]
dmg [roll29]

crit 19/20 [roll31]
dmg [roll32]
crit 19/20 [roll34]
dmg [roll35]
crit 19/20 [roll37]
dmg [roll38]

2014-11-14, 05:55 PM

Considering for a moment, Watcher rides after the kobolds, putting himself near as many as possible.

Double move after the kobolds (I have enough movement to reach them on the map with 90 feet, so should be enough), putting as many as possible in my 20 foot reach.

2014-11-14, 06:25 PM
Seeing they are pursued, and so pursued by an obviously dead horse, the kobolds let out terrified shrieks of fear and redouble their efforts to get away.

The kobold attack was a surprise round, normal combat rounds from here.
The immediate edge of the forest is covered in 'light undergrowth' (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm) which costs two squares of movement to get through.
The forest here is brief but thick here at the clearing. Lets say there's roughly a [roll0] foot radius of 'typical trees' and 'light undergrowth' and another [roll1] foot radius of 'light undergrowth' beyond that moving out from the edges of the clearing seen on the map. The trees are close set requiring large creatures to squeeze (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) between them.
(Edit: Wow those are some piss poor rolls. Lets add a x10 to the end of each of those numbers so they actually matter.)

Outside that the terrain reverts to 'Mountainous terrain' with the equivalent of 'Massive trees' in the form of massive boulders and largely upright slabs of stone. Plenty of places to hide for those kobolds who do get out of sight.

All of the above is also IC knowledge too so your characters can act accordingly.

Kobolds Init (from party's left around circle with the kobold to the party's immediate right being listed last),
The kobolds will have moved from their positions 30 feet as of this initiative roll.

Party Init (in the order they're listed in the OOC OP, with my NPC last),
Axis [roll15]
Grimald [roll16]
Relentless [roll17]
Thyrak [roll18]
Watcher [roll19]
Mary-Anne [roll20]
Taenor [roll21]

Here is the terrain each kobold will be running through, high numbers are better for the Kobold but worse for you.
the terrain starts at 50%. Better or worse than that is what we're looking for. Yes, this is entirely my adhoc adjustment so I don't have to map anything.
(Note, when I roll random d100s for random stuff beware. Rolled ones cause bad things to happen to everyone involved. *insert evil laugh here*)

And here are some Tumble checks for those poor scared kobolds,

And some Hide checks just in case,

2014-11-14, 07:40 PM
Relentless stopped and looked at the attempt to attack it, 2 not even coming close and one not even scratching its adamantite plate. Looking up it sees them all running away.

That was supposed to be an attack? It asks out loud, quite confused. Turning to Axis, Are we done with the chatting now? While combat is probably pointless they did attempt to engage us, i think...

2014-11-14, 11:02 PM
The array of bolts hits Axis like leaves in a breeze. And with as much damage. "I think we are morally and ethically justified in responding. We might even be permitted harsh language." She gives her wings a beat, and sets out after the Chicken-Lizards, gaining altitude to put her above the treeline and any possible traps. "Hey! Running in terror, while understandable, was not a listed option! I hate it when people just don't listen."

I'm presuming none of those attacks were silver or magic?

2014-11-14, 11:06 PM
Mary-Anne takes the weight of gravity in Thyrak's stead as she dashes forth, skillfully avoiding tangling her weapon in the undergrowth.

"Stay in sight, or stay low. I can't promise I won't drop you if I lose sight of you! Everyone, knock them out if you can! They are probably too weak for me to save if you strike normally!" she calls to him.
Swift Action: Carry the Burden[Fly]
Full-Round Action: Double Move, one square NE, then due north, while drawing weapon if necessary. Think I got the square count right, but if a single diagonal into rough terrain still counts as 2, rather than 3, then I'd be more more square northward.
"Everyone, knock them out if you can! They are probably too weak for me to save if you strike normally!"

2014-11-14, 11:24 PM
Thyrak frowns slightly. "Why do we have to chase them? They're away from the thing we want. Let's just go get it." Nevertheless, he follows his allies. He had some subdual abilities in his wheelhouse.

2014-11-14, 11:37 PM
"Bargaining chips, unwilling diplomatic envoys, and fewer to shoot us in the back in the tunnels."

2014-11-15, 01:34 AM
Thyrak forges a private link to Mary. "Your tactics remind me a little of home." Based on the disappointment in his mental voice, it's clear that he's not talking about Eberron.

2014-11-15, 02:08 AM
"Bargaining chips, unwilling diplomatic envoys, and fewer to shoot us in the back in the tunnels."

Watcher has gone fairly far ahead, but his supernaturally keen lich-senses help him hear the words said, and he chuckles, dry but not as emotionless as usual. Perhaps. Though, I have not thought that way since I was a thrall under my former masters. You remind me of them... In any case, I will soften my blows - perhaps we can make some friends.

2014-11-15, 10:11 AM
"Only trying to help them in the long-run. Talk about it later." says Mary-Anne with confusion.

2014-11-15, 10:27 AM
Upon hearing the order Relentless springs into action, taking a mighty charging leap at the group running away to the north of him. Battle it is, even if only to subdue them! It thought, although all anybody heard as he crashes down next to the group was STOP! right before it brings its large spiked chain to bear.

Charge at the group of kobolds, targeting the far one (the one to the upper right of my character model)
Attack roll, taking a -4 penalty to deal subdual damage [roll0]
Confirmation if a crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] x2, plus another x2 if a crit confirm

2014-11-16, 05:15 AM
"Do what you will. I will not be a part of it." Thyrak flies to the mouth of the well. Bracing one foot on each side, he stares down into the darkness.

2014-11-16, 05:28 AM
Much as killing things is fun; the whole experience of chasing terrified little (for they are incapable of flight and therefore but worms in her eyes) creatures through the undergrowth makes Axis feel a little like, well, like a bad guy. She joins the otherworldly abomination at the well.

"Of course, who ever heard of a well that led nowhere? Shall we see what lies beneath?"

2014-11-16, 05:33 AM
Thyrak nods. "Yes, let's." He climbs down from his perch and gestures for Axis to go first. Thyrak would need light, after all, if he were to keep up this charade.

2014-11-16, 06:16 AM
"Not nimble enough to fly down there--hang on." Axis produces her rod again and extend-casts her favourite spell, transforming into an angular, pale-blue winged form. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mephit.htm#iceMephit). "You best take this", she adds as she passes over her everburning torch, and descends into the well.

2014-11-16, 12:58 PM
Thyrak accepts the torch with a smile. Strapping his quarterstaff to his back, he withdraws some rope from his haversack and ties it to the nearest sturdy object. After a few quick tugs to test the knot, Thyrak climbs down after Axis.

Climb: [roll0]

2014-11-16, 01:41 PM
The well opening itself is large enough for a dwarf or human to climb down into comfortably. There is a simple crank system, operating a bucket that dips into the lake below. Furthermore, a ladder composed of iron rungs leads 15 feet down to the side of the aqueduct.

The main aqueduct is a round tunnel, slightly flattened along the bottom, with a diameter of 25 feet. South of the lake, flows an icy stream of mountain water, roughly 3 feet wide and 11/2 feet deep. This water can be used for drinking. There are no light sources within the aqueduct.

Someone had long ago all but dammed the flow of water coming down the aqueduct from the mountain lake; this project took advantage of a widening of the tunnel around the service entrance to create an artificial lake from which the kobolds fish (and from which the hostel draws its water). The dam wall rises 4 feet, and provides sluice gates for run-over water to continue past (and to prevent dwarves from the old city temple coming to investigate why their water supply has completely stopped).

Evidence of the kobold’s fishing nets and gear can be seen around the edge of the dam. A thin (less than 2 inches wide) crumbling ledge against the wall leads from the bottom of the ladder to the dam wall. A single, rickety kobold sized boat is moored to the bottom rung (looks to be hard to balance in, and to fit 2 kobolds or 1 normal sized creature). Otherwise visitors will likely need to wade through the lake water to cross.

2014-11-16, 03:35 PM
Mary-Anne sighs, and abandons her pursuit. She moves over to the well, she looks down it and considers her options. She then removes most of her equipment carefully wrapping her chains in her armor and then her bedroll before stowing them in her pack.
"Relentless, could you take that with you when you come down?"

She climbs most of the way down the ladder then:

"Time to practice my singing. Don't expect any help from me until we get to dry land." she says softly.

She turns into a nightengale a bit testily, and swoops down to land on the prow of the boat. She gives a few melodic, if not particularly well-composed chirps.

Spot, I retain my 60' Dark Vision [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

EDIT: "Normal" vampires can turn into bats, wolves, and mist. Eripmav (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=14148899&postcount=1) gives me those same basic options (two Alternate Forms (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#alternateForm), note the capitalization, and the mist-form) although there are differences. For one thing, the mist-form makes me more vulnerable to certain types of attacks, and I get knocked out of it, rather than into it when I hit 0 hp. So one avian, one canid, plus mist form. I picked nightingale for my avian form when I made the character. I was assuming we would use raven (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/raven.htm) stats for the nightingale. Now that I look more closely Diminutive might be better than Tiny, but I'll leave that up to you.

2014-11-16, 03:39 PM
Seeing the Kobolds flee, Grimald scowls and moves forward with his allies to look into the well. When he sees the ground at the base, he glances at his allies and begins to climb down.

2014-11-16, 03:58 PM
Thyrak lands in the water and glances about. Smiles as Mary-Anne makes her appearance. "I'll leave the boat for those who need it. See you on the other side!" With that, he sloshes across the lake as best as he can, torch gripped in his left hand.

2014-11-16, 04:33 PM
As Grimald descends the ladder he hears a light mechanical *click* as the rungs flip forth from the wall! One rung wraps and snaps around his ankles while the other goes around his wrists!

@Jbarca, A trap was sprung and the ladder rungs transformed into manacles. Your wrists are bound together with one transformed ladder rung. The other has grabbed your ankles.

Need a Balance check from you please.











2014-11-16, 04:47 PM
Noting the rest of the party giving up the chase, Watcher rides back, and pauses at the challenge of getting his horse into a well. However, noticing Grimald's plight, he simply brings a palm to his helm and sighs dustily. Apologies... I cannot enter water safely. Until the way is clear, making my way down will be impossible.

2014-11-16, 05:24 PM
Relentless strides forward, dragging one of the little lizard things by its tail and presents it to watcher. Bargaining chip or unwilling diplomatic envoy secured it says before dropping it. Looking at the mouth of the well, it tilts its head I do not know if i am physically capable of entering this hole, nor could i descend slowly even if i could.

2014-11-16, 09:48 PM
Grunting in surprise, Grimald attempts to maintain his grip and not fall into the water below.

You said lake, right? As in "not running?" I guess that would've been important info.

Also, Balance (stupid full plate) : [roll0]

2014-11-16, 10:18 PM
Axis is about to go flitting across the lake to investigate the far shore when she hears the tell-tale click of something very dull happening. She rises on little wings of frost to investigate, then sighs. "Of course it had to be you. Hold onto something." She draws the recently purchased glaive, and directs a careful blow at the manacles holding Grimalt in place.

To hit [roll0]
Damage(USING MOUNTAIN HAMMER, Ignoring object hardness) [roll1]+[roll2]

2014-11-17, 02:53 PM
Grimald flails awkwardly struggling to maintain his balance but falls splashing into the pool below. What seemed shallow turns out to be an underwater pit, or so Grimald finds as he disappears completely beneath the surface.

As Grimald falls past her Axis takes the opportunity to chop at the binding at his wrists, her blow connects but does not destroy the manacles.

Almost like a dinner bell was sounded, a fraction of a moment after Grimald disappears a tentacle-like arm bursts from the water and snatches at Mary-Anne's songbird form... and misses wildly. It seems her new form is too small for the clumsy elongated arm.

Across the pool Thyrak is attacked as well... the writhing arm bursts from the water and closes its barbed hand fast around Thyrak's throat; its toothy protrusions digging into the flesh of his neck almost all the way around.

-10 to swim checks while manacled.

There is also a pair of creatures in the water with you, one of which reaches out with elongated arms and grasps your throat with taloned tentacle-like fingers... pointlessly. It scratches against you armor to no avail.The other form undulates through the water towards the boat.

The pit you've fallen in is 10 feet wide by 10 feet wide by 15 feet deep. And from the fall it looks like you're getting a great big whopping [roll0] damage.

The water is murky and fouled by some algae or fungus or mucus of some kind. Meaning you'd have to be adjacent to the surface in order to see out of the water from below.

Oh and I need a Grapple check from Thyrak. And you took exactly 1 damage from the attack.

The monsters are getting a surprise round because the water isn't clear enough here to see into from above; the monsters make sure of that.

At this juncture we are between player actions a bit. Traps and monsters lying in wait will do that. So Watcher, Watcher's undead horse, Relentless, and Taenor are all still topside.

We will be going to Initiative and combat rounds after this post.

The water being 4 feet deep will make it count as difficult terrain at the least. Movement through the water will be at half speed. You can choose to swim instead if you like.
The rules for Underwater Combat can be found here. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm)

The ladder descended 15 feet total from the surface to the edge of the well. The room's ceiling is 5 feet from the water. meaning Axis will be flying almost adjacent to the surface of the water (which is 4 feet deep) and the Large creatures will be able adjacent to the ceiling while wading through the water.
The well is 5 feet wide for the first 10 feet down. So the large characters will have to squeeze and crawl straight down before dropping that last 5 feet.
So the area is assembled like this,
- Surface
- 10 feet of well
- 5 feet between ceiling and water
- 5 feet of watery space to the floor of the pool.
- and 10 feet more underwater space to the floor of the pit.

Edit: Oh yeah, there's a new map up on Roll20.

Party Init:
Axis Zeon | [roll1]
Jbarca | Grimald | [roll2]
Ellowryn | Relentless | [roll3]
Nyarai | Thyrak Vrahn | [roll4]
r2d2go | Watcher | [roll5]
Draco Dei | Mary-Anne | [roll6]

Taenor | [roll7]

Enemy Init:

Grimald's Attacker [roll10]
Mary-Anne's Attacker [roll11]

Thyrak's Attacker [roll12]


2014-11-17, 05:10 PM
Grimald sighs a bit as he descends into the water. When he hits the bottom and is assaulting, he quickly strains at his bonds, hoping to break them off before the creature manages to get a grip on his armor.

Strength Check? [roll0]

2014-11-17, 11:30 PM
Thyrak chokes as the tentacle digs into his skin. Ironic. Wait, was that how irony worked? Mortals seemed very hazy on the whole concept. He'd figure it out, eventually... if this monster didn't kill him first. Spots fill his vision. He tries to pry the tentacle away with his hands. "Guys, little help?" Thyrak thinks to his allies.

One point of damage taken. I assume that takes into account my DR. Ouchies!

Now to make my daring escape! [roll0]

2014-11-18, 04:07 AM
The creature gripping Thyrak slashes fruitlessly with a second appendage then pulls, hard, and drags him beneath the surface of the water.

The creature drags Thyrak over the lip of a pit! Both he and the creature sink 15 feet to the bottom. The bottom of the pit is littered with fish and kobold bones.
Once under the water Thyrak is attacked by another creature! It too reaches for his throat, this time with both of its 'hands', it misses as he struggles against his original captor.

The creatures are small size but have tremendous grip and strength for their size. They are humanoid, though their arms and fingers are more tentacle than limb. They are hairless and have sharp toothed mouths built for tearing flesh from bones. They are obviously aquatic and move with the grace of squid but the speed of the fastest fish.

Knowledge Dungeoneering check please.
Grapple check please.

Axis is slammed by one attack from beneath the water which grazes dangerously close to her wings, the second attack connects and the creature grasps her throat just like Thyrak's throat was grabbed.
And again two attacks bursts from the water! Both grasp at Axis's wings, the bony protrusions scraping across the ice of her current form to no avail.

5 damage
Grapple check please.

Mary-Anne's bird form is attacked from the same spot as before, this time by two grasping hand-tentacles... She dodges the first flail, but the second connects! The tentacle's barbed hand envelopes her upper bird body almost completely, then it begins to pull...
And then two more attacks erupt from the other side of the boat! These seem the reverse of the first. The first flailing arm hits, and envelopes the lower half of her bird body. The second misses wildy.
It would seem that her current form looks quite vulnerable to these creatures; however it is they are able to see her outside of the water while she cannot see into it.

16 damage.

Mary-Anne is nearly crushed by the surprising strength of such small creatures. Their tentacle-barbs digging past her feathers and into her flesh relentlessly. They drag her bird form over the prow of the little boat and under the surface of the water. She gets a good clear look at them though now that she's joined them in their watery habitat.

The creatures are small size but have tremendous grip and strength for their size. They are humanoid, though their arms and fingers are more tentacle than limb. They are hairless and have sharp toothed mouths built for tearing flesh from bones. They are obviously aquatic and move with the grace of squid but the speed of the fastest fish.

Knowledge Dungeoneering check please.

In her current form Mary-Anne cannot defeat either of the enemy monster's grapple checks even with a natural 20 but if you do wish to roll them anyway and hope for a 20 I'll let her escape if you roll one.
As it stands though she's being dragged underwater. If it matters this water is not 'flowing water' unless she becomes adjacent to the northmost or southmost edges of the pool.

The bottom of the pit is littered with fish and kobold bones.
Axis's attack on the manacles definitely damaged them, but from what Grimald can see she may have just bent them into a tighter, less escapable shape. His attempt to simply break them had proven unsuccessful, or it had the first time anyway. Perhaps if he just flexed harder?

Another of the creatures swims down onto Grimald from above, it reaches to tear at Grimal's face and arms with both of its rubbery grasping toothed hands...
Grimald can feel the creature that already has ahold of him squeezing his throat and neck trying in vain to crush the breath from him...
Both sets of attacks glance harmlessly off of Grimald's armor.

The creatures are small size but have tremendous grip and strength for their size. They are humanoid, though their arms and fingers are more tentacle than limb. They are hairless and have sharp toothed mouths built for tearing flesh from bones. They are obviously aquatic and move with the grace of squid but the speed of the fastest fish.

Knowledge Dungeoneering check please.
Grapple check please.

Axis turn will occur here right before Taenor acts. Axis turn also happens before the above second attack on Mary-Anne.

Taenor rushes to the edge of the well, "What's goin' on down in there then?!? An attack by the sounds." He glances at Watcher and Relentless, "You boys had best get in there and lend a hand, I'll stay up here and keep a look out for those yipping vermin who ambushed us so gracelessly. I've dealt with kobolds before. You could even say I've, er, employed a few." He chuckles wryly at that last, 'employed' comment; as though it has special meaning to him.
"Hey Watcher, you said you can't do water right, well by the looks of it you're going to have to order that horse of yours down to do your dirty work for you. Ain't nothing stopping it from doin' what you shout at it to do, right?"

Mary-Anne, Grimald, Relentless, Thyrak, and Watcher's turns happen here.

You do not have to post in that order so only wait for someone else if you require their actions to be able to act yourself.

Non-baddie creatures can see [roll0] (D20srd Wilderness: Stealth and Detection Underwater: murky water (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm)) feet in this water for this encounter. This number would change were we to change encounters. The creatures you're fighting are immune to the murky water and treat it as clear.

P2C1 - Mary-Anne

P4C1 - Grimald

P1C1 - Mary-Anne

P2C2 - Grimald

2014-11-18, 04:26 AM
"Well, well. Isn't this going to get fun" mutters Axis in a slightly choked voices, squirming to escape the thing's grip.

BAB +4, Str +3. size -4, slippery +1=Total +4

2014-11-18, 04:40 AM
"Very well then." she mutters, as her squirming is without avail. "Die." She swipes at the tentacle around her throat with her icy claws.

Using Emerald Razor-hits touch AC.
Attack (-4 for grappling) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2](cold)

2014-11-18, 10:34 AM
Doing his best to ignore the tentacles, the Vampire tries yet again to pull the metal around his arms and legs apart.

Grapple: [roll0]
Strength: [roll1]

2014-11-18, 11:59 AM
Thyrak recalls what these creatures are. They are sentient, if only just, which means he might be able to turn one to his side. A chime rings in everyone's mind within five yards as Thyrak tries to befriend his fellow aberration.

Expending my psionic focus to Overchannel without damage thanks to Talented (feats (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm) listed here) Psionic Charm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/charmPsionic.htm) to 5 PP, thereby allowing it to affect aberrations as well. This also increases the DC to 20. Hope this works!

Depending on if my new friend can let me go as a free action, I will either swim away or regain my psionic focus as a move action.

2014-11-18, 01:06 PM
"Thyrak, if you are getting this, I'll be with you when I can although there is a limited amount I can do against these things even then. I got grabbed, but it turns out that this water isn't moving quickly enough to hurt me. Too bad don't breath, so I can't do that for you."

No longer needing to maintain her form for fear of the water. Mary-Anne considers trying to shift back, hoping that this will break her free of the monster in the process.
Standard Action: Reverse Alternate Form.

Grapple check without modifiers. [roll0] BAB is 3, so grapple modifier for the raven form is -10 and modifier in human shape is +8.

If she is in Human Shape:
Fast Healing 3.

If she escapes:
Swift Action: Carry the Burden[Fly] on Thyrak, putting me at medium encumbrance, but not reducing my speed.
Move Action: None, assuming I can turn into mist and be ejected upwards from the water. If not, I'll move 15 sound, probably provoking AoOs.

Standard Action: Escape Artist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/escapeArtist.htm) [roll1], yes, this can be done untrained.

2014-11-18, 02:10 PM
Watcher looks at Taenor and nods slowly. Very well. He lifts the skeletal horse and shoves it into the well, telling it to start killing the strange, tentacled creatures.

Since I'm not mounted, the horse and I have separate actions, so:
Whatever action it takes on my part: Shove the horse down the well :smalltongue:
Horse - Presumably it's prone, so:
Move action: stand up
Standard action: hoof attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
If it's not prone (somehow), Full Attack instead: [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]

2014-11-19, 12:02 PM
Watching the skeleton get shoved into the well Relentless turns and gives Watcher a stare before attempting to move down the tight well opening himself. Once through it will drop into the water while drawing its weapon and attack any enemy it sees.

Moving through the well, costs me double movement but as far as i can tell id does not require me to make any checks. Once in through will draw weapon as part of move action and attack the closest one.
Attack roll (piercing weapon so no penalties fighting underwater, 20ft reach) [roll0]
Confirmation if a crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2] x2 if a confirmed crit

2014-11-20, 04:06 AM
Spoilered info separated for the players who're witnessing it underwater.

Currently only Mary-Anne has seen all four pits under the water. Grimald and Thyrak are aware of the pits they are in and Relentless is aware of the pit it is standing on.
(I guess technically Watcher's dead horse is aware of the pit it is standing on too, but it's pretty tight lipped for a creature lacking lips altogether. :smalltongue:)

Need to resolve some rolls before can finish, will edit in the results momentarily. Resolved and done.

Axis claws bite into the offending tentacle with more vigor than she'd thought possible. The cold of the claws and the wet on the arm combine freezing the thing to her claw. Disgusted she pulls away and... the arms comes too! It dangles there still barely frozen to her claws, half a tentacle arm dangling lifelessly from her throat.
She sees a trail of black-red ichor pool up and rapidly move away off to the north end of the pond.

Mary-Anne, sensing that this water was not moving fast enough to do her harm, changes back to her humanoid form surprising the aquatic creatures which thought they had a hold on an easy meal. She leverages that surprise to shake off their clinging tentacles, though the barbs leave nasty raking marks across her skin.

As they drift away from her in confusion Mary-Anne watches as several sets of attacks from above the water strike down into the water at the creatures... The creature to the south of the boat is bitten and crushed under heavy bone hooves until only sticky pulped remains adhere to the bottom of the pool. The second creature too is obliterated by an attack, it's head and most of it's torso impaled and destroyed in a cloud of inky black-red bloody ibrains and ichor.
Relentless and Watcher's undead mount have definitely joined the fray.


Reversing Alternate Form is not legal by RAW (especially not in a grapple) but I'll allow it because in this case the RAW is dumb. However, when she changes back she'll be prone under the water with the creatures. She was pulled off the boat and fell to the bottom of the pool with her attackers.
This is good because she'll have Line of Effect to them and be able to see them to attack them. This is bad because she's prone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#prone).

For future reference, Gaseous Form is not possible underwater because the monster special ability inherits from the spell. Which is also why the ability doesn't contain any text explaining what happens when it is used underwater.

There is no line of effect to Thyrak because Thyrak is at the bottom of an underwater pit. Mary-Anne does see four underwater pits. Apologies for forgetting to include that in the last IC post.
Mary-Anne is the first to not have fallen immediately into one of the pits while being distracted by grapples, so she gets this info first.

Mary-Anne has escaped both grapples.
Also still need that Knowledge Dungeoneering check for her.

Grimald succeeds in shaking off the offending tentacles but fails once again to break his bonds. He could feel them give some though, like he'd gotten close but hadn't pushed quite hard enough.
he has managed though to struggle and writhe enough that he can plainly see some shiny bauble or another glistening where it is buried under bones and refuse here in the bottom of the pit.

The two creatures attacking, infuriated at his apparent indifference to their attacks scream unintelligibly and flail at his face and eyes. They seem intent to maim if they cannot kill, and bound as he is he certainly seems easy enough prey... But even these attacks, cheap shots though they are, are ineffective against Grimald's superior armor and reflexes.

Their onslaught is interrupted when a familiar set of skeletal horse hooves nearly slips into the pit on top of the three of them.

Thyrak suddenly realizes that he can understand his attacker's speech. Some aquatic dialect of underspeak, it was dreadful to listen to; but he understood it now.
From somewhere else in the pool he hears a hissed scream of foul namecalling. Someone was being promised a good eye-gouging with some face-eating for dessert.

The creature Thyrak bespells doesn't release its grip right away, though it stops choking him immediately. Eventually it whispers to its kin, "Its-es friend. Nots-es food. We-es helps it! Go-es! Go-es away! Shoo-es! Me-es not let bite friend. Friend-es good friend.", it's voice becomes a shout as it pulls its once ally's tentacle hands away and shoves the other creature up towards the top of the pit.

Save vs Thyrak's charm:

Watcher watches as his undead mount climbs down the well, splashes into the water, and repeatedly attacks at something on the northern side of the ladder... The horse scans about looking for another opponent, it's first one apparently dispatched with gusto.

Creatures underwater have total cover and are functionally invisible so here's the miss chance for those attacks, above 50 and it is a hit:[roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Relentless steps down from the well-tunnel and notices that there is no bottom beneath one of its feet. Just empty space. It swings at the nearest ripple in the water; the ripple over near the boat... and impaled the thing with such force that the little creature's head bursts and it's chest splits down the middle. It would seem that when confronted by a full on attack these sneaky water beasts were quite frail and underwhelming.

Creatures underwater have total cover and are functionally invisible so here's the miss chance for that attack, above 50 and it is a hit:[roll4]

Taenor skulks off into the trees presumably to lie in wait for returning kobolds.













2014-11-20, 06:31 AM
As the unseen creature slinks off in a splurge of gore, Axis flitters off to the east in flurry of icy flakes, looking for a patch of undisturbed water.


Her claws quickly make the motions of a spell, coating her icy form in slick conjured grease. "Anyone ask where I learned this trick. I'll lie outrageously. But they want to play net; I play eel."

Axis is moving for a clear spot to cast (though she can't see through the water), and not casting defensively. She's gambling that any attack she does provoke won't hit (AC currently 26) or get through her damage reduction. Bit more Gloaming-esque than trying to cast defensively and risking a 20% chance of it just not working.

2014-11-20, 12:38 PM
Can I effectively make a slam attack with my hands bound? Taking actions assuming I can. If I'm not able, then this Strength check is to break manacles. Strength Check [roll0]

Grimald grimaces, moves toward his opponents, and swings his manacled hands directly into the body of the nearest, intending to drain its life force.

Move action: Move toward nearest enemy
Standard Action: Slam Attack

Attack: [roll1] (+7 if Evil)
Confirm (if necessary) [roll2] (+7 if Evil)
Damage [roll3] + 2 Negative Levels + ([roll4] if Evil)
Recharge for Smite: [roll5]

2014-11-20, 11:20 PM
Thyrak smiles at his fellow brothers in tentacles. Thinks to them, "Thank you, my friends. You are too kind." Lungs starting to burn, he kicks off the pit floor towards the water's surface.

Should be able to move freely out of this pit I'm in towards dry air.

Swim: (to do this less terrible-like) [roll0]

2014-11-21, 12:53 AM
Watcher speaks to his horse, as clearly as he can but without shouting. Continue to attack those creatures. Listen to those around you to help find the creatures.

2014-11-21, 11:35 PM
Untrained Knowledge[Dungeoneering] (I think this only works if the DC is 10 or less?) [roll0]

Mary-Anne tries to stand up. Assuming she manages it she moves towards Thyrak activating one of the charms on her necklace to speed her on her way. Along the way she points out the pits to those on the surface.
Standing move action that provokes but I don't think I am within the reaches of any enemies.

Another move action to wade 15' west (or 20' west and 5' south on the faint chance that the water isn't slowing me to half speed, which I think you said it is).

Swift Action using Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker to wade 5' south (or 10' if not slowed) without provoking AoOs.

Intent is to join the grapple... might get surprised to see him free.

Knowledge Religion to be sure that Grimald will be OK in this water.

2014-11-21, 11:36 PM
Knowledge[Religion] [roll0]

2014-11-22, 12:12 AM
While struggling to surface, Thyrak notices Mary-Anne - and was that Axis? - swimming towards him. "I'm okay. Managed to get one of them to see the error of its ways. The other may prove... recalcitrant."

2014-11-22, 09:28 AM
So, you don't need any more help for the moment?

2014-11-22, 05:36 PM
"I... Maybe. I am... not exactly the strongest swimmer, as it were."

2014-11-22, 06:00 PM
Unable to acquire additional targets, are there any more? Relentless bellowed as it tried to peer through the water looking for signs of more enemies.

2014-11-22, 06:06 PM
"Get your head under the water and look in the pits Relentless!"

2014-11-23, 03:18 AM
Axis is unaccosted as she flies.

Mary-Anne stands and wades through the water towards where Thyrak disappeared under the water pointing out the locations of the other pits to her comrades as she goes.

Knowledge Religion tells Mary-Anne that Grimald will remain unharmed by the water.
Knowledge Dungeoneering passed, Mary-Anne knows these creatures are Aquatic Chokers, the non-aquatic variety hide in dungeon ceilings and reach down to snag unsuspecting prey with their elongated arms and extended reach. They speak Undercommon and are so quick they can attack twice as often as normal creatures of their ilk.

Grimald slams his manacled arms into the closest of the two creatures... the manacles slam into the creature with enough force that had the tentacled thing a firmer skeletal structure the manacles might have burst. As it is the creature bursts instead. It's blood and vital fluids mix with its shredded remains in a cloud of bloody fluids and bits. Only its elongated fingers, a few unidentifiable organs, and its feet remain intact.
Seeing its compatriot so obliterated the remaining creature's eyes go wide with fear and it flits upward through the water with one smooth undulation and disappears over the lip of the pit northward. The dead horse seems not to be able to see the creature weaving past its leg even though Grimald can see the horse quite clearly.

Moving underwater would require a Swim check (currently at a -10 due to the manacles) but Grimald is adjacent to the enemy so in this case no check necessary.

Thyrak flails in a failed attempt to swim free of the pit. If only the other creature weren't still there he might be able to take his time and focus all of his energies on escape. As things are that other creature is still trying to get at him past it's former ally.

As for the charmed creature, as soon as the aggressive one starts hitting back it flees over to behind Thyrak, using him as a cover of a sort.

The uncharmed creature comes right back at Thyrak's throat with a wicked look in its eyes. It easily grabs Thyrak and again tries to restrain him at the bottom of the pool.

5 damage before DR etc.
Grapple check please.

Watcher's horse skeleton stops and stares about the room milling confused. Watcher's called command coincides with the others conversing about the location of pits and the need to put one's head beneath the water to see enemies. Something connects in its undead lack of consciousness and it begins dipping its head beneath the water and gazing about in search of new opponents. it wanders off to the south edge of the pool with its head beneath the water as though grazing on pond moss.

Here's a roll to determine which direction it searches at random as no one mentioned which pits exactly have enemies in them. OOC currently the only creatures left are the charmed one and the other one over by Thyrak. Could get interesting if the horse hops down on top of them in the pit.
[roll0] (1 is N, 2 is NE, 3 is E, etc.)

His opponent dispatched Relentless seeks more enemies but is disappointed. These creatures are not visible from above the water.

From the surface there is a distant kobold voiced scream of pure terror. Taenor's voice can also be heard, but muffled as though from a good distance away from the edge of the pit. Taenor's voice laughs cruelly, though in an overblown fashion. As if it were exaggerated somehow.


2014-11-23, 03:36 AM
Axis raises her voice in song;

""If an Eel lunges out
and it rips off your pout
That's a Moray.
If it starts in surprise
And it tears out your eyes
That's a Moray...."

She dives into the water near Thyrak's location, hoping to strike at whichever thing was being recalcitrant.

Using Mountain Hammer
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]cold+[roll3]
Critical Confirm if necessary [roll4]
No sure if I get a flank there or not--if so, please add +2 to attack roll.:smallsmile:

2014-11-23, 11:06 AM
"They are blazingly fast with attacks able to strike multiple times like a master swordsman with two weapons, like to grab, and speak undercommon." Says Mary-Anne.

"Oh, and I THINK Grimald is in that pit." she adds, pointing to her southwest.

2014-11-23, 12:14 PM
"If I can get a spell on you, try flying straight up to get to where you can breath and maybe it can't if you can lift it."
Mary-Anne tries to move southward and help Thyrak.
I believe that is three turns, for 9 regeneration out of 13 damage (All from a single hit while in bird form)? Leaving 4 damage?

Move Action: Try to move 15 southward, Sinking into pit, because why not? Will, if that would provoke where I haven't already provoked then I'll stay near the surface, just with my head ducked under. Swim if needed to stay near surface after getting LoS to Thyrak. [roll0]

Standard Action if not grappled: Gift of Shielding on Thyrak. Concentration [roll1] Counts as a 1st level spell if it matters. This means I take half of the damage he does, and said half is prevented without limit to Thyrak, because I think he has a ring. Otherwise the damage I take is still not capped, but the damage prevented is capped at 30 per round (at it is a 1 round duration spell).

Standard Action if grappled: Try to free Thyrak. Grapple Check[roll2]

Swift Action if not grappled: Carry The Burden[Fly] on Thyrak. Concentration [roll3] Counts as a 3rd level spell if it matters. As a Fly (www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fly.htm) spell with the following changes:

The casting time is a swift action.
The duration of the effect is one round, or until the target exits the range (including by force or voluntary movement of the grace-gift or the target). (((I probably should clarify if this actually requires continuous line of effect... for now we will assume it does.)))
The target falls at normal speed if the effect ends rather than slowly. This means they may (and in fact are quite likely to) take damage. NOTE HOWEVER that if the grace-gift continues to renew the effect every round, and does not delay their initiative, then the effect is considered continuous as long as the target remains in range.
The range is the aforementioned amount, not touch.
It requires no focus or divine focus, and the somatic component is waived if the grace-gift is only renewing it on targets he used it on the previous round.
It is a divine spell (still of 3rd level) instead of an arcane spell.

The weight transfer works as normal for Carry the Burden, in other words, Mary-Anne now is encumbered by the weight of Thyrak and all he carries, including the choker if he manages to lift it.

2014-11-23, 02:20 PM
Grimald glares as the tentacled beast flees beyond his reach and once again tries to free himself from his constraints so that he might aid his allies.

Standard Action: Strength check to break the manacles (AGAIN): [roll0]
If successful, Move Action: swim to get out of this pit: [roll1]
Fer cryin' out loud...

2014-11-30, 01:19 AM
Watcher goes to investigate the screams.

Not sure exactly where to go, so I'll just go in the direction of the scream.

2014-11-30, 09:13 AM
Hearing about the pits in the water Relentless moves forward to drop into the nearest one, weapon at the ready to strike.

5 ft step into pit.
If there is an enemy then attack it.
Attack [roll0]
Crit Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll]2d6+14[roll], if confirmed crit then + [roll2]
If there is no enemy, and a hapless manacled ally instead, then it will lift it above the water line (relentless is 10ft tall with 10ft natural reach).
If there is nothing in the pit will continue its movement and climb out.

2014-12-01, 07:48 PM
Axis assesses the social situation and determines that the creature at Thyrak's throat is the enemy. But her swing goes too far afield of center and she misses wildly. All the same the creature's eyes go wide with fear as both she and Mary-Anne make their appearance.

Mary-Anne, not wishing to become part of an already crowded knot of creatures in the pit, stands at the edge of the pit and dunks her head under the water then casts at Thryrak.
Across the pool Relentless takes one step and drops into the northmost pit. Its bulk is such that it makes a wave, before she knows it Mary-Anne is pushed from behind almost into the pit! She flails her arms and swims against the wave for the moment it takes to pass and maintains her position at the pit's edge.

OOC:The pit is rather crowded. It would not provoke to jump in and enter the creature's threatened spaces but it would provoke to cast while adjacent and threatened. Technically the one grappling doesn't threaten spaces but Mary-Anne would need to Sense Motive to tell which is hostile just like Axis. All of that taking more IRL time and Carry the Burden not working underwater I just used the listed actions of not entering the pit.

Even managed to work in that Swim check. :smallsmile:

Grimald tries once again to break his bonds, this time they don't budge at all. Failing that he wriggles awkwardly in an abortive attempt to swim. His movements have finally kicked up enough dust and slime from the bottom of the pit to obscure visibility. He can no longer see the surface clearly. Whatever was glinting in the refuse pile disappears into a swelling cloud of floating grime. Redacted, DM error.

OOC: I have been assuming that Grimald is attempting to break the bonds about his wrists as it will take an altogether seperate attempt to break the other set of manacles.

Thyrak... unable to free himself of the remaining combative creature's grip, waits until he knows if Mary-Anne's attempt to free him succeeds.

Before Axis or Mary-Anne appear the still hostile creature continues its assault squeezing and twisting its hand-barbs into Thyrak's throat even as its other hand comes in for a better grip...
After they appear it begins to look panicky and mutters something to the effects of, 'There-es too much moving meat for my taste.'

The docile creature continues to try to talk down its previous ally, to no avail.
When Mary-Anne and Axis appear it too becomes afraid and reaches out to Thyrak for safety.

OOC: Not sure how to handle the lack of an action for you the previous round. From now on please either officially delay or ready an action so I can fit your actions into the IC post.
This time however you will have to post two sets of actions, one for this IC post and whatever Thyrak is doing for the next one.
Edit: 4 damage before modifications and I'll need two Grapple checks please.

Watcher's dead horse continues its search for opponents in it's 'grazing the pool floor' position...

Watcher, no longer able to see his horse, and not particularly worried for its safety, moves off to the south edge of the clearing towards where the scream came from. What he sees is confusing to him. He witnesses Taenor hastily adjusting his mask, as though he'd just put it back on. In front of Taenor are three kobolds kneeling on the ground prostrating themselves and begging for their lives.

Watcher listens as Taenor instructs the kobolds angrily, "You vile little things. Obey and be rewarded. Disobey and I will have your insides become your outsides. Do you understand!?", with nods of assent from the three, "Good. Now, take this rope and bind each other. Whoever ties the worst knots will have a little bit of their flesh devoured from as painful a spot as I can imagine. And be quick about it!"

OOC: Need a Sense Motive check from Watcher please.

Random directional roll for the horse, [roll0] (1 is N, 2 is NE, 3 is E, etc.)

Relentless steps into the nearby pit with ease. It's bulk displacing so much water that a wave is generated which rolls across the pool.

Though there are no enemies present, Relentless does find a metal grate built into the bottom of the pit. Beyond the grate can be seen the beginning of a tunnel sealed with a metal door. The door has no hinges or handle though. it must be opened from elsewhere. The bottom of the pit is also strewn with bones and refuse which simultaneously crunch and squish underfoot.

Relentless tries to climb out of the pit but the walls prove too slippery.

OOC: The grate, tunnel entrance, and metal hatch are all built for medium sized creatures at best. The grate is built into the masonry of the pit-bottom. The metal hatch doesn't seem to have been opened recently, though it does appear to have been opened in the past.



2014-12-01, 10:27 PM
Attempting whatever passes for a sigh among the dead, Grimald sighs and consigns himself to wait for someone to come down and rescue him. Remembering something that caught his attention earlier, he bends down to look for the item. I may as well do something mildly useful while I wait. These infernal bonds are apparently beyond me.

Just to be clear, the Swim check was only happening if my bonds were broken. As they remain intact, the swimming did not occur and the item is still visible, I assume. If that's false, then not much changes, I suppose.
Search Check (find the loot!): [roll0]

2014-12-04, 10:17 PM
Irritated, Axis lashes out with her icy claws at the tentacle-thing still oppressing Thyrak.

Right! [roll0]
Dam [roll1]+[roll2]cold

Left! [roll4]
Dam [roll5]+[roll6]cold
CCR: [roll7]

Maneuvers refreshed

2014-12-05, 01:51 AM
Thyrak rolls his eyes. Humanoids were so pathetic at times. No tentacles. Not even a decent set of barbs. It was unconscionable to force someone to work under these conditions. All right, focus. He might not be in his normal body, but Thyrak had other ways to escape. With the power of his mind, he summons a gooey ectoplasm to facilitate his freedom.

Remembered that I too have delicious grease, all the better to get out of this mess. Spending one PP to cast Psionic Grease on myself. :smallsmile:

2014-12-05, 05:14 PM
Mary-Anne casts a spell or two on Thyrak then joins the fray to try to pry him loose.
Free Action to attempt Sense Motive on the charmed creature to REALIZE it is charmed. [roll0] (Did Thyrak mention this to me telepathically?)

Swift Action: Gift of Protection to transfer my +6 (since I'm without my charisma-boosting cloak) deflection bonus to Thyrak. And here is a Concentration check vs DC 16 for a 1st level equivalent spell effect if I don't realize (including through being told) that the charmed one is charmed... Oh, wait, I have a +15 modifier, so I do believe I make it automatically, since, among other factors, concentration checks don't auto-fail on natural 1s. Here it is anyway, just in case I'm forgetting something. [roll1] (Oops! Without my cloak I WOULD fail these on a natural 1)

Move action: IF I don't need this move off the edge and fall into the square with Thyrak THEN Gift of Time increase all his listed movement speeds by 20', which then increases unlisted movement speeds (such as swimming and climbing...) by extension. ELSE I move into the square preparatory to joining the grapple. And here is another probably pointless concentration check for for a level 1 effect for if I fail the Sense Motive, etc etc [roll2](Oops! Without my cloak I WOULD fail these on a natural 1)

Standard Action: Join Grapple with the intent of getting Thyrak free.

Touch Attack (if necessary) [roll3] Probably vs Dex. Denied AC.
Grapple Checks (probably only need to roll one per round, in which case just use the first one for that... and I guess the second and/or third one against offensive grapples directed at her if it makes your life easier) [roll4][roll5]

2014-12-09, 12:37 PM
As the underwater pit becomes more and more crowded the two creatures become more and more distraught. Their normal mode of operation was definitely not to brawl against superior numbers, they preferred stealth and as many unfair advantages as they can get. The charmed one breaks first, it flits up and out slipping over the top edge of the pit with a sickening grace. The still aggressive creature forgoes its barbed assault on Thyrak's throat and tries to disentangle itself from its prey... Which works out nicely as at just about that moment Thyrak becomes especially slick and hard to hang onto. Now free the still aggressive creature tries to flit upwards and out of the pit too.

Axis claws manage to get one good swipe in on the thing's hide as it passes so that it leaves a quickly dissipating cloud of blood in its wake.

Feel free to roll some AoO on either creature if your characters so desire. I can edit in any lethal results after the fact.

The battle done with Relentless search of the pits reveals that all of the tentacled creatures have fled.

Relentless finds 300gp divided evenly among the three pits Grimald isn't in. The money isn't hidden, just buried under bones and grime, which Relentless displaces as it falls into each pit to search.

Grimald is eventually retrieved no worse for wear, though there is a startling amount of gore and entrails wrapped around the manacles at his wrists.

Grimald finds 100gp and a small idol fashioned as a choker (the monster not the necklace) with an obsidian gem for its eye. These were not hidden, just buried beneath bones and grime.

Once free of the pits everyone gets to watch as Watcher's dead horse continues to search beneath the water for enemies with its absurd 'grazing the bottom of the pool' method.

Watcher and Taenor can be heard returning to the edge of the well topside as well. By the sound of it they would appear to be dragging something. Something fairly large and bulky.

Taenor, noticing Watcher well.. watching him, waits for the kobolds to bind each other before dragging them by their rope back towards the well. "Hail Watcher, sorry 'bout all that. Have to keep a stern hand with these little buggers don't you know. Shall we to the well and our companions?"

He has some difficulty getting the knot of kobolds through the trees and asks Watcher for help.


2014-12-09, 01:31 PM
Wiping the worst of the water and grime off of his armor, Grimald gestures to his pack.

"Thank you for your assistance. This armor is not built for underwater engagements, I'm afraid! I found some gold and a trinket at the bottom of the pool, by the by. When we have some time, if someone would remind me, we can divvy up our spoils."

Turning to look around in the sewer, the Vampire shrugs.

"Where to, now?"

He stops for a moment and looks down, obviously a bit embarrassed.

"Oh. Yes. Hm."

He strains at his bonds again.

Strength Check. Again.
If this doesn't work, I may end up just taking 20 on this. It's getting ridiculous.
EDIT: forgot about the editing rules with rolling. Check will be in OOC thread.

2014-12-09, 01:32 PM
Watcher looks at Taenor for a long moment before responding. ...I will ask you of what has happened later. But very well.

Watcher helps Taenor back, then tells his dead horse to come back to the well opening. Then, he carefully climbs down, landing on his horse to keep himself out of the water.

2014-12-10, 06:23 AM
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]cold

Axis flails at the more aggressive critter with claws of ice, then breaks surface as the water clouds with blood. "We done with this snake-squashing? I suppose we could carry some of the...bits topside and try to use as a peace offering to the chicken-lizards, since they're obviously no friends." Then she remembers the screams from above. "That is, if that walking cadaver upstairs hasn't ganked that up for us."

2014-12-10, 11:05 AM
"I acted MOST foolishly by taking my bird form... I'll need to get my equipment back on, preferably after my natural recovery has returned me to the blue blush of health. I do suggest that anyone who can get topside and help out. Anyone who needs healing... well, I suppose I could get started on that while I'm waiting for my own wounds to take care of themselves." says Mary-Anne, electing to willfully ignore the fact that she is unclothed.

Fast Healing 3.

Also, do tell us if we ever come across a PRIVATE dwelling. Those give vampiric types problems. Mary-Anne can freely enter, even if not invited, but she has her ability to cause harm limited while within such an area uninvited.

2014-12-10, 02:27 PM
Thyrak takes a huge gasp of air as his head breaks the water's surface, and he eventually manages to thrash his way to dry land. Wringing out his ponytail, he notes how very clingy wet clothing is. Hopefully, everyone would be too busy dealing with their own problems (like Mary Anne's lack of pants... or anything else) to pay much attention to him. "Hi Mary-Anne." He barely notices her nudity. His brain wasn't wired that way.

2014-12-10, 06:06 PM
"You two are nude. Grimalt's in chains, and I'm greased up" comments Axis. "Good thing nobody's looking at us. Hopefully the next fight is a little less suggestive. Checking topside" She flits back up the well-shaft to check on what exactly Watcher and the other thing have been doing while the fun was taking place.

2014-12-10, 10:53 PM
Watcher's words make Taenor hang his head briefly but he raises his head and nods affirmation after a moment.

Once at the well Taenor adds the kobold Relentless had captured to the knotted pile of the others then glancing down the well and seeing Grimald's predicament, "Hey there noble Grimald. I have a.. er, spell for those if'n you'd like some assistance. Shame to shatter somethin' that can hold one of your kind there eh?"

2014-12-12, 09:37 PM
Grimald glares at Taenor for a moment or two. "I'm more than capable of freeing myself from these, I'll have you know."
With that, the Vampire braces against the well and works at his bindings for a couple of minutes, straining with all of his strength until they break or he is certain they're beyond his ability.

TAKING 20 ON THESE, DANGIT! Result = 29 on the Str check.

2014-12-13, 02:39 AM
Success! Grimald rends the ladder-bars-turned-manacles at his wrists into three shattered pieces. The set at his ankles shatters into six or seven pieces.
Both were stronger than they looked like they should have been.

Within their rusty exterior shines a solid core of purest iron, fine craftsmanship in their day. It is obvious that this was no jury-rigged kobold trap but some master craftsmanship from a bygone era.

2014-12-13, 02:52 AM
"There you go. Destroying a priceless work of craft. Blood-sucking brute" remarks Axis as she swoops up the well shaft.

2014-12-13, 06:32 PM
By the time the shackles break, Martha has just finished healing up and climbing very carefully into the boat, fearful of the faster moving water down-stream. She puffs into mist and flies over to her equipment, alert for threats. She starts putting it on, muttering prayers to Dol Arrah thanking her for the mercy all her companions surviving the fight despite her mistake.

The armor along will take me a full minute. Probably several more for the other clothing and items.

What do I see around me?

2014-12-13, 07:04 PM
Thyrak lays a hand on Mary-Anne's shoulder and offers her a smile. "Thanks for the rescue. Could have gotten ugly if you hadn't scared them off. Literally." He shudders as he thinks about what could have happened instead. Thyrak rather liked this body and the life he'd carved out in it.

2014-12-15, 09:27 AM
Axis flies up to the surface and finds Taenor holding the tether for a knot of four tied together kobolds, three of whom have a look of grim fear on their faces directed right at Taenor.

2014-12-15, 08:40 PM
Axis crosses her arms over her chest and hovers in mid-air, looking piqued. "Can you offer to your satisfaction, let alone mine, an explanation as to why you are playing bondage games with Chicken-Lizzies?." She flits over to the kobold that isn't staring up at Taenor and places a claw upon its shoulder, trying to look unintimidating. "My hovercraft is fill of eels. I am no longer infected." she says very clearly in Undercommon.

Just trying to get them to start talking. Comprehend Languages should still be on and let her understand what they say.

On an amusing note, it seems that the playground spellchecker doesn't consider that "unintimidating" is a word.

2014-12-18, 06:15 AM
The confused kobold, having just now gotten over the braining Relentless gave it in the course of its capture, tilts its head quizzically at Axis. It responds in pidgin draconic/common, "Svabol wux yenta bvecko austratir youwe? Wux thric xurwk sense. Ti jaunus sjek coi wux usv sjek coi muansi bump shafaer noggin." Its voice is high pitched and nasal, even for a kobold.
Its words slur some and one of its eyes doesn't seem to quite know whether to roll up and backward or not.

Did Axis ever change back from being an Ice Mephit?

Kobold translation: "What you say strange flying thing? You no make sense. Not sure if it you or if it large bump on noggin."

2014-12-18, 08:54 AM
She extended her Alter Self casting, so she should be an Ice Mephit for another 90 minutes or so.

"'Twas brillig; and the slithy todes did gire and gimbul i' the wade", she says reassuringly. And "This one has a concussion" she remarks to Taenor, not sounding especially happy. "How about you play a little more gently in future? Well, I'll leave them in your hands and they'd better have their lives and innocence intact later. Thinking I've got some skulking to do."

Not happy at all with how the negotiations have turned into yet another pointless display of senseless brutality and needless violence--especially since she doesn't seem to have gained anything out of it personally--she flits back down the well shaft and over the edge of the dam, peering around cautiously and sniffing the tunnel air, hovering between floor and ceiling.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Hide [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]
And using Scent.
She'd like to deal more w/ the kobolds, but with everyone already downstairs she doesn't want to hold them up.

2014-12-18, 03:02 PM
As aXis reenters the well, Grimald starts. Are you quite done buzzing about? I believe we have some tasks that need attending to, if you don't mind?"

When she continues her flight deeper into the tunnel, Grimald sighs. Never stops...

2014-12-19, 02:51 PM
((Tentative Post, very worried I'm making an incorrect assumption.))

Mary-Anne finishes putting on her gear and goes over and starts to treat the kobolds.

2014-12-21, 04:58 PM
"Just a concussion, this will be no problem." says Mary-Anne.

2014-12-28, 01:57 PM
Thyrak looks after Axis, absentmindedly rubbing his neck. The choker hadn't been able to break the skin, but that didn't make it a comfortable sensation. He's learned the lesson. Wait for the big guy to go first.

2015-01-06, 08:50 AM
Axis flight is uninterrupted.

The aqueduct leads south from the lake, at a gradual downhill slope to the distant city. An icy stream overflowing from the dam, roughly 3 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep, runs down the middle of the aqueduct. Five feet above the floor level, alcoves have been carved into the wall, most of which contain a statue commemorating one of the dwarven masons that helped construct these tunnels. These statues run as far as you can see along the aqueduct, a testament to the artistry the dwarves chose to invest in this place despite the expected lack of visitors.

As she flies by she sees one statue-alcove has a corridor behind it. Behind this statue runs a service corridor. It ends at a makeshift chamber, likely a former storehouse for the aqueduct’s dwarven workers.

2015-01-07, 03:25 AM
Axis flits back to the group. "Looks and smells clear, at least for a short distance. We've got a side-passage we might like to look at before we press on. Somebody want to fish out my torch?"

2015-01-07, 02:57 PM
"Where is your torch?" asks Mary-Anne
If it is in her pack or something then I will get it. If it is in the water then I won't do so alone, although I will be willing to do so with someone else perhaps.

Cold iron spiked chain ready. Gas-form, landing/reverting 10 feet away (IE two squares behind me for the squishy types to stay in... or even the not so squishy types who don't rely on charging, since my AoOs and defenses are pretty nice) from the running water on whichever direction we are going.

Will reposition myself on the map when the time comes.

2015-01-07, 03:07 PM
"I have it," Thyrak chimes in, waving the aforementioned torch. "Good thing it's magic. Probably wouldn't have held up so well otherwise."

2015-01-08, 05:46 AM
"Excellent. I don't need it. Does anyone need it? Well, I'll take it in case we need to make a signal". She stuffs the torch into her pack; "I'm going to check that side passage first; clear our flanks and all that. Someone want to back me up?"

Without awaiting an answer, she flits off to investigate the service corridor more fully.

2015-01-08, 05:21 PM
Mary-Anne falls in with Axis, using mist-form as appropriate.

2015-01-09, 12:09 AM
"Axis, why don't we-" Grimald stops short as she flies away again, then sighs.

"Alright. The rest of you; let's follow them, I suppose. Stay behind me."

Grimald begins to walk down the tunnel.

If needed to cross moving water, Grimald will take on his Gaseous Form. Otherwise, he stays tangible.

2015-01-09, 01:08 AM
Thyrak can't get a word out before Axis flits away with the only light source. He panics, but only for an instant. They might not even notice, and even if they did... maybe they wouldn't care? Just maybe. He follows Grimald without a word.

2015-01-11, 10:28 AM
Stone cutting tools can be found in the former storehouse, dating back to the original construction, clustered around a stone workbench positioned in the middle of the little room. All at dwarven proportions of course. Other than the general disarray the room looks largely abandoned.

2015-01-11, 03:42 PM
Watcher rides his horse towards Axis and Mary, taking care to keep his body above water level. As he rides down the hall, he looks and listens in an attempt to find any threats present.

Listen: [roll]1d20+16[roll] Edit: Dang it :smalltongue:
Spot: [roll0]