View Full Version : [3.5] Designing a BBEG

2014-11-04, 02:38 PM
So I'm running into a bit of a snag here when it comes to building a certain NPC. The guy's not the end-game villain for the entire campaign but I AM intending him to be the big bad at about the level 14-15 mark, before the Real Bad Stuff starts happening. The problem is that, within the class constraints I put on my party (which I'm regretting, but until someone dies (if they even do) I'm playing by the same rules), I'm finding it hard to create a character to do exactly what I want.

Tome of Magic: Binder and Shadowcaster
Heroes of Horror: Archivist
Complete Arcane: All
Complete Adventurer: All
Complete Divine: All
Expanded Psionics Handbook: All
Tome of Battle: All
T.G. Oskar's Reworked Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?226857-3-5-The-Retooled-Monk-Strikes-Back-now-with-150-more-complexity)
PRCs are wide open, I didn't touch any of them, so that's one angle.

I'm trying to avoid giving the character spellcasting, 'cause he's a high-up cultist of Vecna and has essentially his own take on the Hand available to him which will give him a decent amount of in-combat spellpower. I'm planning on giving him a handaxe just for the brutality of it, but I'm looking to try and avoid MADding him out on concept - he's running a huge cult and also playing heavily into the politics games, so his Cha and Int have to be fairly high. I kind of want sneak attack or something like it, but don't want to spread it too far. He started out as a minor NPC in my head, a Swordsage, but then I realized he was vastly more interesting than the other BBEG I was working on so gave him a huge promotion. He's also Vecna-blooded, as far as templates go.

<Name> is possibly the worst kind of evil - utterly impersonal. He's presently trying to set up the conditions for a genocide not because he has any feelings one way or another about the victims, but because it is both politically convenient and expedient, and it provides his organisation with easy victims for magical experimentation. His entire worldview is one of assets and liabilities, and he doesn't even really see anyone but himself as even a person. Everything else is just either a benefit to him to be leveraged or an obstacle to be overcome. Nothing is personal, everything is business, and the only thing that can even shake him out of this viewpoint is a direct threat to his own life. He has no moral compunctions about any action and arguably might lack even the barest semblance of a conscience. He's actually more vile by orders of magnitude than my end-game villain, he just doesn't have the ability to play on the sort of cosmic level said other villain does.
I realize this isn't much to go on, so if there are questions I'll clarify. I mostly just want to reconcile his need for high Int and Cha with a primarily melee combatant.

2014-11-04, 02:51 PM
Are feats and other things from the banned books available?

2014-11-04, 03:05 PM
Political Game sounds more like Wis(Sense Motive!)/Cha than Int/Cha. Why not a Psychic Warrior* as the base with dips in Swordsage and Warblade? Pick up some Slippers of Battledancing to reduce MAD(Use Cha rather than Str for Atk/Dam if you move 10ft). Throw in a level of Monk and have the BBEG practice with the Sparring Dummy to get 10ft steps instead of 5ft steps.

*Suggesting buffing powers not suggesting acting like a caster.

PS: What Arcane class are you thinking of to qualify for Vecna Blooded? :smallsmile: DM Fiat right?

2014-11-04, 03:12 PM
You said he has a customized Hand of Vecna? How about looking at Libris Mortis's Undead Grafts (pg 80) for inspiration and giving it something like...

"Can deliver a slam attack as a zombie of his size, +4 inherent bonus to Strength, and twice a day can (choose one) bestow a negative level, paralyze, or inflict strength damage"

Then, you can use the handaxe and slam attack for a kinda neat kinda unique TWF angle that might be memorable.

2014-11-04, 03:24 PM
...ahaha, crap. I didn't see a prereqs thing and just totally glossed over the bit at the start about how it requires casting second-level Arcane spells. That kind of throws a wrench in the works, but I AM honestly tempted to fiat it. This guy is presently in the middle of a scheme that could pay off dividends on the level of 'Vecna literally becoming an overdeity' so I think he'd be willing to fast-track the guy. I might swallow the temptation tho and throw in a few levels of Wu Jen or Warmage just for the sake of legitimacy, even if he probably wouldn't use those abilities at the level he's fighting at.

Wis and Cha I'd totally be fine with and actually fits better, honestly, so that would work. I always forget every Bluffer should also have a high Sense Motive when roughing things out, heh.

Psychic Warrior was one of the things I was looking at. The Initiator dips would be post-level 8, I'm guessing, for access to higher-level maneuvers? Class dipping is one of the things I don't have a decently good head for.

I suppose I should mention the party makeup, to avoid creating a dude who can just flatten everyone at will. I've presently got a Goliath Scout, a Mephling Warlock and an Aasimar Warmage. Op levels will probably be low, as two of them are new to 3.5 (though both have Pathfinder experience). Flavor over efficacy is totally acceptable, in this case.

2014-11-04, 06:38 PM
Yes you should Fiat it. If you decide against fiating it, then throw a (Precocious Apprentice feat+ Dread Necromancer 1) on it.

I would go for a Swordsage dip at 5th(2nd level SS manuevers are nice!) and a Warblade dip at 9th. A 2nd Swordsage dip would be fitting at 8th(3rd level stance). You would then return to them at high level for strikes.

You could even jump into War Mind at 6th

So Psychic Warrior 4 / Sworsage 1 / War Mind 2 / Swordsage +1 / Warblade 1 / Warmind +3 / mixture of Swordsage and Warblade +2 to 3

I would handle the OP level by focusing on horitzontal optimization(options not power) for the BBEG. Feel free to splurge on unoptimized stats, skill ranks and feats.

2014-11-05, 01:06 AM
You said he has a customized Hand of Vecna? How about looking at Libris Mortis's Undead Grafts (pg 80) for inspiration and giving it something like...

"Can deliver a slam attack as a zombie of his size, +4 inherent bonus to Strength, and twice a day can (choose one) bestow a negative level, paralyze, or inflict strength damage"

Then, you can use the handaxe and slam attack for a kinda neat kinda unique TWF angle that might be memorable.

It's not so much customized as his own take on the concept - it's literally his hand that he chopped off, had magic'd, then had re-attached. I intend to give him a few thematic SLAs on a 1/day or 2/day thing, so he has those options, and since he won't be encountering the party just once, it'll give him some versatility to scare them in the prior moments. That said, I won't discount giving him the ability to hurt things physically with it either, and will definitely look into the grafts from Libris Mortis. Thanks!

And OldTrees, that honestly looks nearly perfect. I'll have to rough it out and see what shape it takes, but that should give me the capability to make him just the sort of threat he needs to be. The Psionic powers will also give him the ability to shore up his defenses, since I don't really plan on him running around in armor much for thematic reasons, which might be a nice balance point on its own.

Thanks for the help, guys! I'll take a look at things and see how they come together, then possibly post back here with some more details if I run into snags or want to take a look in other directions.