View Full Version : Way of the Daimyo (L5R 4th edition IC)

Maugan Ra
2014-11-04, 03:30 PM
The Road to Moyayama

You have been on the road for a week, though at times the ground underfoot barely deserved to be called as such. This far from the major centres of power and culture, there has been little cause to upgrade the rough path of mud and stone into something capable of carrying any kind of major traffic, so the primitive attempts at roadwork have largely been left alone from generation to generation. Quite a shock, for those among you more used to the fine quality of courtly life, one hardly mitigated by the crude quality of the villages you have passed through en route.

Still, the region is not without a kind of rustic splendour, and beauty excuses many sins. Wide fields of verdant grass ripple in the breeze, interrupted by pockets of majestically tall woodland trees and rugged slopes of granite and shale. The air is alive with the sound of birdsong, and the gentle touch of the sun serves to counter the chill from increased altitude.

As you approach another slope, the samurai walking alongside your carriage turns towards you and inclines his head deeply - the closest he can come to a proper bow without stopping the entire procession every time he wishes to show respect.

"Moyayama lies beyond the next rise, Doji-sama." He says respectfully. Little more needs to be said - it is up to you to decide how you will arrive in your new domain.

While the post largely revolves around Akira, the others are with the convoy as well. I have assumed that you are being transported via carriage, since I don't think anyone has Horsemanship, but feel free to state otherwise in your opening post.

With you are an indeterminate number of servants and guards - the military compliment will be specified once Deadline allocates his Duty Points. You have a reasonable number of supplies, though nothing truly excessive.

Anyway, let's get this started. Go ahead and introduce your characters.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-04, 04:05 PM
Doji Akira

Doji Akira holds up his hand, indicating his desire that the procession come to a halt. He climbs out of the carriage, and takes a moment to survey the land, breathing deeply. The air is crisp and clean, the smells of the forests and mountains so different from the odor of perfumes and parchment that he had known his entire life. Though he publicly proclaimed that such an honor was beyond him, that he would serve out of duty and loyalty to his clan and respect the wisdom of his lord, Akira could not suppress the feeling of great pride that he had been chosen to govern Moyayama. Failure was not even a possibility; with Akira's skill, Etsuko-san's knowledge, and Daidoji-san's strength, they would succeed.

Akira takes a bit of water, and splashes it about his face. He straightens and brushes off his kimono, and runs a comb through his hair. Rather than go back into the carriage, he mounts one of horses. He had to look like a proper lord to these people; while the bonge should respect him simply out of his status, their uncomplicated minds could greatly be influenced by something as simple as appearance. To complete the effect, he makes sure his wazikashi is prominently visible. The sword was the symbol of the samurai, and these peasants had to know that their new lords were true and proper samurai. Being on the horse instead of hiding away in the carriage would give let the people see their new governor.

He calls out. "Etsuko-san, Daidoji-san, please attend me. We will ride at the head of the procession."

Steel Mirror
2014-11-04, 04:40 PM
Etsuko was sitting in her carriage, as she had been for pretty much the entire week. The accommodations thus far had been frightfully rustic, a fact that she had known ahead of time on an intellectual level but which had proved entirely a different thing to actually experience. Cold, dirty bathwater, greasy boiled grain for breakfast, roads that were barely worthy of the name, villagers who at times seemed like they might never have seen a shugenja, much less a Phoenix priestess.

Fortunately she had weathered such obstacles by looking forward to their destination: the lost shrine to Fukurokujin in his guise as no less than the great Shinsei himself. She knew that it, too, has been subject to a certain amount of neglect over the years, but the prospect of having such a significant and historical site under her own authority and responsibility had been enough to keep her spirits up so far. That, and the fact that her travel companion, Doji Akira, had proved to be as pleasant a companion on the road as he was back in civilized realms.

Etsuko stared down at the wooden tablet that she has been painting calligraphy on, considering which character she should paint next. After a few minutes of consideration, she gently wet her brush in the tiny well of ink, and started on the delicate and graceful brush strokes. With a practiced hand, she paints once, twice, a third stroke...and then the carriage hit a rock, jolting her hand and streaking ink across the wooden tablet.

"Ugh! Will there be no end to this intolerable jostling?" She threw the wooden tab in a pile of such ruined talismans at her feet, almost a dozen in similar states of incompletion. Each had a number of elegant characters painted on it, with a single clumsy streak that ruined each entire work.

She opened up the curtain that looked outside of her carriage and blinked in the sun. Doji Akira was riding on a horse nearby. "Driver san," she said, addressing the man driving her carriage. "is there no way to make this journey smoother? Have your beast take more careful steps! I should soon be shaken to pieces if this goes on much longer!"

When Akira called the caravan to a halt, she pursed her lips, shot another suspicious glance at the animals who were responsible for dragging her around, and then let the curtain fall again. She took a moment to arrange herself and her garments to make her presentable, took a deep breath to exhale the frustration she had been feeling thanks to days on end on the road and a futile afternoon of failed calligraphy, and then put on the pleasantly neutral face that a priestess of her station was supposed to adopt.

She finally emerged from her carriage looking a bit more dignified than she had been when she was complaining to the driver a few moments ago. "Ah, Akira-san," she said, with a respectful bow to acknowledge the soon-to-be realized station of her friend. "We are finally getting near our destination? I was just making offerings to the spirits so that we could burn a tribute in thanks for our safe journey." Then a shadow of annoyance passed over her features. "I was trying, anyway. I think that perhaps a life on the road does not agree with me."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-04, 04:50 PM
She opened up the curtain that looked outside of her carriage and blinked in the sun. Doji Akira was riding on a horse nearby. "Driver san," she said, addressing the man driving her carriage. "is there no way to make this journey smoother? Have your beast take more careful steps! I should soon be shaken to pieces if this goes on much longer!"

"My humble apologies, Isawa-sama." The driver, one of the servants, calls back to you. His tone is contrite, though he does not take his eyes off the road - neglecting his duty in such a fashion would be a worse offense than any show of insufficient respect. "I shall endeavour to comply, though I humbly entreat you to tolerate my clumsy efforts for a short while longer. We shall be at Moyayama within half an hour."

Steel Mirror
2014-11-04, 04:56 PM
Etsuko graciously accepted the man's apologies with only a quirk of her eyebrow. "Yes, I am sure you were doing the best that you could. I imagine these roads haven't seen a traveler of my station for many decades, and the Crane seem to have allowed them to fall into shameful disrepair." She remembered herself, as always, a split second after she had spoken, and turned to Akira awkwardly. "Not that is any reflection on you or your family, Akira san! I am sure that you will soon have matters well in hand, and will reconstruct the roads in order to make future journeys far more comfortable for the many important travelers it will soon be transporting."

Space Lawyer
2014-11-04, 05:55 PM
Akira feels a small twitch of annoyance at the suffix, but lets it pass. After all, he had known Etsuko long enough to necessarily expect her to abide by the rules of courtesy.Using -san in front of all these people; what will they think? I'll have to remind her that in public, it is -sama. At least this time she had thought to amend her potentially insulting statement instead of forcing Akira to publicly take offense.

"Yes, Etsuko-kun, I hope that we will soon be able to greatly improve the roads. It will make the journey much smoother so that others may do as they see fit in unjostled peace."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-05, 03:05 PM
If your attendant guards and servants notice the interplay between Akira and Etsuko, they give no sign of it, discipline and experience schooling their expressions into professional neutrality.

With carefully controlled speed the convoy makes its way up the slope, the hooves of your horses clattering out a simple rhythm on the hard ground. Crossing the ridge, you find yourselves with an excellent view of the terrain ahead, able to take in the entire vista with a single glance.

The land here slopes down to form a natural valley, the gentle contours giving the whole area a deceptively smooth appearance. A river flows from one end to the other, mountain water as clear as crystal splashing over pale stone, flashing where it catches the light and flows over a series of minor cliffs, turning one end of the valley into an extended series of small waterfalls. Such an abundance of water supports a great deal of plant life - you can see thick woodlands stretching along the valley floor, and many of the slopes have been turned into carefully managed fields and rice paddies. The rest have been used for natural gardens, hosts of wild flowers bringing a dash of colour to the landscape.

And overlooking it all is Moyayama, your new dominion. The village lies at one end of the valley, the outlying buildings just starting to spread down the slopes, and from here you can get a decent enough look at the place. The buildings are constructed in typical Rokugani style, wood and paper woven together to form simple but effective designs. That said, you can also see rather more stone incorporated into the buildings than might be expected, and each looks somewhat... sturdier than most examples of their kind you have seen elsewhere in the Empire. A concession to the colder temperatures, perhaps? It looks very small, though perhaps that is simply in comparison to the towering expanse of the mountain range that dominates the background. Fortunes know that entire castles can look minuscule compared to the Spine of the World...

The village is also ringed by a simple wooden fence, likely built using materials harvested on the valley floor. As your convoy turns along the road and begins it's approach, the small gate nearest to you opens and a small group of peasants emerge, hurrying to greet your arrival.

2014-11-05, 04:22 PM
Daidoji Etsuya rode at the head of the column of ashigaru spearmen and samurai archers, quiet footsteps and muffled clinking of metal providing a steady beat. The Iron Warrior rode in his armor, a simple banner attached to his saddle mounted yari whipping in the breeze. His gaze was alert, but his mind wandered just a bit as a result of the idyllic nature of the setting. He found himself thinking of Winter Court two years ago. The scent of jasmine, faint laughter, the rustle of silk sheets...

His reverie was interrupted when Doji Akira called for he and the Phoenix. His lord had chosen to ride into the village, which was most wise as the people would see him not as a pampered courtier, but as a proper lord. He nodded his head to Asahina Tomoe, the unit commander of the samurai under his command, and one of Etsuya's friends. The two had spent some time in the army together, and when Doji Takumi granted him command of the Moyayama garrison, Etsuya could think of no one else he'd rather have join him. Tomoe nodded back and moved to take Etsuya's position as the Daidoji maneuvered his horse over to ride at the head of the procession with Doji Akira and Isawa Etsuko.

He caught up to them at the top of the ridge overlooking the village. Doji Akira was responding to something the Phoenix had said, but Etsuya paid it no mind. He looked out over the valley and village beyond, and he smiled as a look of relief was painted plainly on his face. "My lord Doji-sama, it would appear that you govern the most beautiful valley in the Spine of the World mountains. I must admit, given its remote nature I had my concerns as to what manner of post this would be."

He pulls his gaze away from the valley in general as the small group of villagers approaches. He makes sure that he is to Doji Akira's right, but otherwise remains quiet and still.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-05, 06:02 PM
Etsuko was clearly uncomfortable on the pony, requiring the assistance of a few attendants to mount. Once in the saddle, she managed just fine, though realistically her ride was more following Akira's lead than responding to her own amateur guidance.

When the Daidoji commander of their military contingent arrived, she remained demurely out of the conversation. She did follow his gaze to take in the beauty of the valley, admiring how the natural splendor was gently enhanced by the counterpoint of the idyllic country village. Moyayama. It was far more gentle in its contours and hills than she had imagined. At some point, she would have to arrange an expedition around the valley to find the most advantageous viewpoints for painting the scene.

"An auspicious first view," she said, agreeing with Daidoji Etsuya about the panorama. "The fortunes must be smiling on us after our journey."

Of course, natural beauty was one thing, civilized living standards another. Judging from the state of the approaching peasants, she could look forward to continued discomfort until she managed to reclaim the shrine and rebuild it into something approaching acceptable levels of refinement.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-05, 06:32 PM
Akira smiles and nods, a haiku already forming in his mind, extolling the beauty of mountain valley. He would include it in the letters to be sent back Kyuden Doji. Maybe he would even see to it that a few were sent on routes that they were sure to be intercepted on; whoever was curious could read and report to their superiors that Moyayama seemed to be a place worth visiting. It would be splendid if one of the soldiers that Daidoji Etsuya commanded had some artistic skill so a picture could accompany the letters.

"Your concern was not unfounded, Daidoji-san, but I am glad to know that you find comfort in this visage. As are all things that are worth the effort, our efforts may will be great but our reward even greater. As Etsuko-kun has said, our hands are guided by the Fortunes themselves."

He gives an almost imperceptible nod at the approaching peasants, and beckons them forth. "Come without fear. You may speak."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-06, 07:28 AM
There are six peasants approaching, though judging by the way that most of them hang back it could be more accurately described as 'two peasants and their staff'. The first is an elderly man, his hair naturally white and his weathered skin heavily wrinkled, though his body is evidently still spry given the speed with which he moves towards you. The second is somewhat younger, though the first flecks of grey are appearing in his dark hair and the scars on his exposed arms are obviously old and well healed. All of the group are wearing the traditional garb of their class, tough and practical cloth suited for long days of physical labour and lined with wool to ward off the chill. You also note that each has taken pains to wear something that at least approaches Crane blue in colour, even if it is just a strip of cloth tied around one arm.

"Lord Samurai-sama." The old man proclaims, stopping a short distance away and dropping to his knees, head bowed low. "Welcome to Moyayama.I am Kouta, village headman. How might we serve you?"

As a general guide, assume that whatever Kouta says is evidently intended to be highly respectful, but also reflects a lack of direct experience at actually speaking to Samurai. This is a man giving it his best try, but still operating largely on family stories and guesswork.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-06, 12:05 PM
Akira notes with appreciation the efforts the villager have gone to in showing their loyalty. A small part of him is impressed that Kouta has managed to perform his function so well; he makes a note that this man may be unusually clever for one of his station. He ensures that a hint of the approval is shown in his eyes, though his face remains impassive.

"Well met, Kouta-kun. I am Doji Akira, son of the Champion of the Crane Clan, Doji Hiromasa, direct descendent of the Kami Doji and Kakita, and student of Doji Fuyuki of the Doji Courtier Academy. I am here as your new governor, to rule in the name of the Emperor Haneit XXXIII, and to see Moyayama become great and prosperous." One of the retainers shuffles forth with a scroll-box, containing a copy of the official proclamation of Akira's newly-given authority. Hopefully, Kouta or one of the other villagers could read enough of the extremely traditional kanji to actually understand the document, though it didn't particularly matter either way. Akira gestures to his right, the hand of war and the ultimate cause of the samurai's authority, at least to the cynical. "This is Daidoji Etsuya, master of Moyayama's new garrison that will defend us from jealous enemies. He has been chosen by my honorable brother Doji Takumi, hero of the Crane armies and next lord of the Crane. Know that you are protected by a strong wall of steel and honor." Akira then gestures to the left, the hand of culture and civility. "And this is Isawa Etsuko, a mighty shugenja of the Phoenix. Heed her wisdom, for she is blessed by Fukurokujin-sama, and she will rebuild your shrine and guide these lands towards enlightenment."

Steel Mirror
2014-11-06, 12:32 PM
Etsuko smiled at the introduction, pleased. It wasn't vanity to profess the blessings of one of the fortunes- she had been told so by no less than the leader of her temple herself. It surely meant that she was destined for great things, and she could not wait to see the grand temples of the forgotten shrine to Fukurokujin here in this place. She unfolded a bright red fan (of course it was bright red, she was a Phoenix) and cooled herself as she observed the villagers that would be instrumental to her responsibility to rebuild and enhance her temple.

I'm going to play it that Etsuko is expecting to find an abandoned, dusty, maybe slightly haunted, but mostly intact grand temple up there in the mountains. When she realizes that mostly what's there is ruins and a couple tiny shrines that survived because they were too small to fall apart, she's going to be upset!

Maugan Ra
2014-11-06, 02:15 PM
Kouta just blinks in surprise. It is something of a novelty, to meet a man who shows his feelings so openly - but of course, the headman is not a Samurai, so he has never been taught to hide such things. You can almost read the thoughts evidently going through his mind, purely from the way he looks at the scroll-box and then back to you.

Such an important personage, for my sleepy little backwater? What could have drawn such attention to Moyayama? Ah, Kouta you fool, figure it out later, they are waiting for a response!

"As you say, my lord. We were told to expect guests of high station, so we have prepared a house as best we can, and accommodations for your soldiers." He says hurriedly, evidently still mentally reeling from the sudden change his life has just experienced. He gestures to the scarred man next to him. "This is Hayato, a veteran of the Ashigaru. With your permission, Daidoji-sama, he shall act as intermediary and guide for your forces as they... as they settle in to Moyayama."

The old soldier deepens his bow for a moment, his eyes drifting over Etsuya and the assembled soldiery, though his gaze does not linger long enough to be interpreted as disrespectful. Unlike Kouta, Hayato is evidently reasonably accustomed to dealing with Samurai.

"What is your will, Doji-sama?" The headman continues, still not daring to meet anyone's eyes. "I could show you to the accommodations and prepare a report on the current state of Moyayama, if it pleases you..."

Space Lawyer
2014-11-06, 02:48 PM
Akira nods in affirmation, and motions with hand to indicate a desire that Kouta rise to his feet. "Indeed, that would please us greatly. Our journey has been long and arduous. We will take a meal prepared from your products in the local style. Feel comfortable in preparing what you eat yourselves; a people's food reflects a people's life, and it will tell me much of you."

He calls forth the man Etsuya-san had introduced as his second-in-command, Asahina Tomoe. It had struck Akira as somewhat curious that one of that pacifistic family served in such a martial capacity, but he had quickly been informed the family's archery tradition, and he would certainly not gainsay the choice in such matters of one who had been selected by Takumi. "Hayto-kun will show this man, Asahina Tomoe, and the rest of the soldiers to the prepared accommodations. Daidoji-san, I trust you will have further instruction for your soldiers beyond what I may conceive of."

2014-11-06, 04:54 PM
Etsuya bows his head respectfully to Doji Akira, "Yes, my lord Doji-sama. If I may have a moment to confer with the troops, I will rejoin you for the ride shortly." He maintains his bow until Akira dismisses him, then gestures to Hayato to join him. He rides a few paces away to briefly speak with Hayato and Asahina Tomoe.

"Hayato-kun, I trust you will have much to show us of this beautiful valley in the coming months, but for this evening we just need to see to it that the troops are settled into the barracks and fed. Tomoe-san, I want a regular watch posted in the village, with some men keeping an eye out for possible issues there ... and there." He points out the ridge where they rode in, and the other end of the valley. "And tell Reiji, Nobu, Wataru and Gen to report to me, they will be serving as guards to our lord this evening at his new dwelling. Hayato-kun can show them the way once they are settled in."

After issuing his orders, he rides back to his position at his lord's right side and follows him in to Moyayama village.

Maugan Ra
2014-11-06, 05:11 PM
The headman glances at one of the other peasants that accompanied him to greet you, a younger man with a distinct familial resemblance - Kouta's son, perhaps. The young man nods to his father, then turns and sprints for the village, moving like a galloping horse to convey your wishes to the townsfolk.

Hayato follows the Iron Warrior to the side while the rest of the delegation fall in around Akira and begin proceeding towards the village. The ex-Ashigaru listens to the instructions quietly, and then nods.

"Hai, Daidoji-sama." He says crisply. "We have barracks prepared - regrettably crude, but they were built to be temporary, and there is room enough."

Meanwhile, Kouta takes the opportunity to speak as he walks beside - never in front of - Akira. "I apologise for the lack of full details, Doji-sama, but I can give a first report now. Moyayama holds one hundred and seventy two souls, of which eighteen are children too young to work. We are mostly farmers and fishermen, but there are a number of herbalists and craftsmen as well. We have a silk workshop, though I am afraid it has never produced material as fine as that which you bring."

He falls momentarily silent, evidently waiting to see if you have specific questions.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-07, 12:43 PM
Akira does his best to remember the information Kouta provides while trying not to look like he is doing any such thing. It was best to look like any information was seamlessly integrated and processed, that the new lord was one who could adapt to anything new without difficulty.

"It is as I expected. We did not assume that this was a large or prosperous place; changing that is why we are here, after all. Tell me about the lands. What sort of terrain is this? Are there any interesting or unique features? What will I find if I venture into the mountains? Is this land fertile, or does it grow only through extraordinary effort? What sorts of things grow here? What of your climate; do the mountains shield you from winter snow and summer rain, or is there always a chill in the air? I see that your buildings look remarkably sturdy, and use much more stone than is common. tell me of your building practices." Akira can hear himself speaking faster and faster, growing more animated as he goes, but cannot stop himself. He is simply too excited and too eager, and wishes to know all he can about his new dominion.

Maugan Ra
2014-11-07, 02:22 PM
Kouta is evidently taken aback by the deluge of questions, but after a moment spent rebalancing himself begins to answer. "The terrain here is... mountainous. Everywhere are hills and valleys much like this one, growing steeper and less passable as you journey north. I am told this has been a boon in the past."

He glanced back at Hayato, who nods. "It is so, Doji-sama. There are few routes through the land that are easily travelled - going off-road means contending with sharp gradients that slow travel enormously, where it remains possible at all. This has been greatly useful for my duties - much less ground needs to be covered when searching for the tracks of bandits or smugglers."

The ex-Ashigaru hesitates for a moment before continuing. "I know only those military tactics I have observed my commanders using in the past, but I suspect a skilled General could make great use of the defensive nature of the terrain, should it be necessary."

As the peasants speak, the group continues moving, following the road around the edge of the valley and approaching Moyayama from an oblique angle. Reaching the river, you find it bridged by a simple wooden crossing, little more than rough planks lashed together and anchored in the surrounding stones. The constant rumble of the waterfalls on either side does not quite drown out conversation, though the air is damp and you can see droplets of moisture forming on your hair and clothing.

"We have found the land to be quite fertile - our farms allow us to pay our taxes and feed our population comfortably." Kouta continues, gesturing to the converted hillsides now to the south of you. "I expect many of the other hills could be worked as these ones are, but we lack enough farmers to effectively convert them while also maintaining our existing ones. We grow rice and mountain wheat. It is possible other plants would grow well here, but we have never had cause to make the attempt."

The headman is evidently more comfortable now, speaking of what he knows, and you suspect that your show of interest and willingness to ask questions has already gone some way towards allaying any half-formed concerns he might have. "The weather is... variable. Moyayama itself is sheltered most days, but other valleys can vary a great deal due to relative landscape. If you travelled into the mountains, you would find harsher lands and narrower passages, though the view can be excellent. There is also the forsaken shrine, but we do not go near it."

Ahead of you, the gates of Moyayama hang open, and your small procession passes into the town itself without incident. This close, you can see that the interior appears somewhat ramshackle, the product of disorganized growth rather than regulated city planning. Kouta pauses for a moment to touch one hand to the stone foundations of someone's house. "We build with stone because it is plentiful, though we are always careful to give the Mountains due thanks for their gifts. To build with wood demands that we haul it up the slopes or across from other valleys, so we restrict it's use to the lighter frames and use stone for the foundations. At first we built wherever the ground was flat - later we carved platforms out of the rock to build upon, or else built houses with stairs between different rooms."

You have come to an intersection between what passes for two of the village streets, and Hayato pauses. "The barracks are this direction, Daidoji-sama." He addresses Etsuya respectfully, gesturing down one lane and away from the group's current direction of travel. "With your leave, I can guide your men to their assigned billets and get them settled in while Kouta-San leads you to the house."

Steel Mirror
2014-11-07, 03:21 PM
Etsuko spoke to Kouta as soon as the military men stopped to discuss the barracks for the soldiers they had dragged along with them. "You say that nobody visits the shrine. How far is it? Do you have any monk or wise man who knows the spirits of the valley, or have any scrolls or stories from the old temple been preserved?" Her tone was precise and respectful, but certainly different than the one she used when speaking with other members of her class. She didn't use any honorifics, for one, or even his name. In truth she preferred dealing with those of lower class for precisely that reason. Sorting out all the possible ways of offending someone could be a huge bother, and one simply didn't have to worry about that with farmers and ashigaru.

"I would like to organize a trip to the shrine as soon as possible, and a guide capable of showing the way would be most helpful. Once I have a chance to ascertain the condition of the temple, I can determine what is needed to refurnish it and make it ready for a permanent delegation, and visitors."

2014-11-07, 04:05 PM
You have come to an intersection between what passes for two of the village streets, and Hayato pauses. "The barracks are this direction, Daidoji-sama." He addresses Etsuya respectfully, gesturing down one lane and away from the group's current direction of travel. "With your leave, I can guide your men to their assigned billets and get them settled in while Kouta-San leads you to the house."

Etsuya simply nods his assent to Hayato, and continues to ride along with Doji Akira. His troops were trained well, they didn't need him to supervise their arrival or set up basic watches. And there would soon be time enough for surveying the surrounding area and pouring over any maps the village had. The area was defensible enough with the troops at hand given its size, but Etsuya knew that Moyayama would not remain a forgotten mountain village with one of the sons of the Crane Champion as its governor.

His thoughts turn to Hayato. The old man knew his way around samurai, and had clearly seen his share of battle. Not only that, he was keenly familiar with the village and its countryside. Etsuya made a mental note to get to know Hayato better. Who knows, perhaps given time and resources, Hayato would be an excellent addition to his network of "business contacts"?

Maugan Ra
2014-11-07, 07:41 PM
Etsuko spoke to Kouta as soon as the military men stopped to discuss the barracks for the soldiers they had dragged along with them. "You say that nobody visits the shrine. How far is it? Do you have any monk or wise man who knows the spirits of the valley, or have any scrolls or stories from the old temple been preserved?" Her tone was precise and respectful, but certainly different than the one she used when speaking with other members of her class. She didn't use any honorifics, for one, or even his name. In truth she preferred dealing with those of lower class for precisely that reason. Sorting out all the possible ways of offending someone could be a huge bother, and one simply didn't have to worry about that with farmers and ashigaru.

"I would like to organize a trip to the shrine as soon as possible, and a guide capable of showing the way would be most helpful. Once I have a chance to ascertain the condition of the temple, I can determine what is needed to refurnish it and make it ready for a permanent delegation, and visitors."

"I... nobody has been there since the time of my grandfather, Isawa-sama." Kouta says slowly, evidently uncertain. "We have had nothing to do with it for generations, so aside from the location, I cannot say much about it."

He lowers his eyes to the ground again, obviously reluctant to speak. "I can ask for volunteers, but I fear you will not find many willing to go near. The Mountain does not tolerate visitors."

Space Lawyer
2014-11-07, 09:24 PM
Akira looks off into the peaks. "To respect the mountain is wise, but to fear it is a greater folly still. As Shinsei said "Lose your fear, and gain the world." It is only right that fear of such a place be well and truly lost, for we have a wise priestess to guide us, and we seek to gain a new world in this valley."

As for the buildings themselves, Akira regarded the building style with a bit of trepidation. The buildings he had seen, and the buildings he had learned some of the methodology behind, had been constructed primarily of wood. Surely some of the same principles had to apply, right? At least the construction of a proper castle would proceed much more quickly with stone nearby. However, it might require a favor from the Crab, masters of stonework. That carried its own set of risks. Akira could find himself at their political mercy, or even worse, end up with a castle that displayed the aesthetics of the Crab.

Maugan Ra
2014-11-08, 07:55 AM
Kouta hesitates for a long moment, then nods. "As you say, Doji-sama. I will find you a guide." He says softly.

The headman is obviously deeply unhappy about this prospect, though he tries to hide it.
He is also considerably more afraid of the mountain than seems logical for one who has lived in it's shadow all of his life.

Without further word, the peasant leads you through the winding streets of Moyayama. You can see other inhabitants of the village peering at you curiously from doorways and side-streets, though they all look down if you deign to notice them and are careful to avoid barring your path in any way. Hayato leads your soldiers away down the streets towards the barracks, leaving just your small group to continue onwards.

After some minutes, you find yourself outside a surprisingly large house near the centre of the town. Unlike most buildings in Moyayama, this one is constructed primarily of wood, and seems to be much more traditional in design. A small wall encloses a garden and yard around the main house, and it actually looks reasonably comfortable and civilized. In fact, there is even a small out-building that seems likely to contain a heated bath!

"We hope this serves as an adequate place for you to stay while in Moyayama, Doji-sama." Kouta says politely, and it strikes you that this was probably his house before you came. "If it pleases you, I shall begin working on your instructions and leave you to rest from your journey."

Space Lawyer
2014-11-08, 08:34 PM
"The accommodations please me, though I intend to be staying in Moyayama for some time, and I would like to give you your house back as quickly as I might. I should very much hope to be staying in a castle fit for the Crane quite soon. But for now, you may take your leave, and attend to the tasks set forth for you." Akira makes no mention of the fear he saw in the man's demeanor until Kouta is out of sight; it was unnecessary to comment on the man's shame to his face.

2014-11-10, 11:08 AM
Daidoji Etsuya waits for the village headman to leave them before he voices his thoughts. "My lord, it is clear that the shrine will need to be investigated. We cannot allow superstition to leave any bandits in the area a stronghold of their own. I would be happy to take some men and depart for it in the morning." He thinks for a moment and adds, "I will set Hayato the task of familiarizing the troops with the surrounding area, and we can produce new maps of your lands at the same time. The area looks to be very defensible, but it will take several weeks before I can give you a full detailed report."

Space Lawyer
2014-11-10, 11:42 AM
"Yes, it would be very wise to investigate this temple as quickly as possible. We will either show why there is no cause to fear the place, or find out why the locals regard it with such dread and correct the situation." Akira gives a sly smile. Etsuko-san and I will come with you and your men, of course. It would be wholly inappropriate to enter such a holy place without our priestess, and a good governor should see his lands for himself."

2014-11-10, 01:10 PM
Daidoji Etsuya blinks for a moment and then gives a respectful nod of his head. He looks almost as though he were about to argue the point, but quickly masks it. "Of course, my lord. Do you and Isawa-san wish to leave in the morning?"

He is the son of the Clan Champion, surely he has battle training, Etsuya thinks to himself. But it wouldn't do to have him felled by a bandit arrow in a needless engagement only a day after arriving. He will be safe under my protection, I'm certain.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-10, 01:39 PM
"Yes, Daidoji-san. It is imperative that we reclaim the temple as soon as possible, and I will certainly allow your men to accompany me into the mountains to do just that. Provided, of course, that I have your assurances that they will not defile the home of the fortunes with violence or other disrespectful conduct. If indeed it is only superstition that keeps these villagers in fear of the temple, then any such displays of martial vanity will be unnecessary. If, on the other hand, the villagers are correct and there is something to be afraid of in the mountains, then thoughtless violence is precisely the wrong thing to do. It would only provoke the spirits further."

Etsuko gestured to the attendants who had been in charge of her wagon, and instructed them to park it behind the estate house where she could begin unloading. "I will bring offerings and scrolls to placate the spirits of the mountains. Your men may participate in the cleansing, if any of them have a desire to broaden their spiritual development. But force of arms do not build a temple."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-11, 02:01 PM
The first night

Your staff of servants proves quite capable of getting you installed in the house with minimal fuss, bustling around with discrete efficiency even as the three of you discuss plans and objectives. A message less than an hour later confirms that your military forces are likewise properly quartered, and that they have begun identifying and performing their duties.

The house itself is about as nice as can be expected, given your location. It is not especially large, but there is room for all of you to have your own rooms, and the interior is cunningly arranged to keep the sleeping chambers away from the outer edges of the building and thus at a consistent and comfortable temperate. The walls are decorated with artwork, generally featuring the natural beauty of the surrounding regions - nothing to match the work of a true Artisan, of course, but evidence at least that the peasants of Moyayama are not completely ignorant of the value of art.

The bath-house is actually something of a marvel, considering your distance from what most would consider true civilization. A cunning network of stone channels and pools have been used to harness a natural hotspring, offering a wide variety of different temperatures and facilities for anyone important enough to be granted access.

Dinner that night is roughly what you would expect - a fairly simple combination of rice and other vegetables served alongside various forms of bread. The region, it seems, does not have a distinctive style of cuisine.

Visiting the Mountain

The next morning, your selected retinue of troops await you just outside the walls of Moyayama, along with Hayato, who bows deeply when you approach.

"I am to be your guide, if it pleases you, Samurai-sama." He says politely, and you notice that he is armed. A small wood-axe hangs from his belt, and a spear is strapped across his back. He is also wearing the armour of an Ashigaru - judging by the unit markings, the same equipment that he wore when in service to the Crane's army, lovingly cared for ever since.

The air is crisp, and the sky clear of any clouds. It is an excellent day, and already you can see the peasants making their way out to the fields, all of them giving you a wide berth out of respect.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-11, 08:31 PM
Akira smiles and and motions his consent. "Yes, that will be fine. One who has done such a fine job of caring for his armor is obviously a man who is trustworthy and knowledgeable. I must say that I am surprised to see you so heavily armed though. What manner of creatures inhabits these mountains that requires such a fearsome outlook?"

He looks off into the mountains, the great grey and white peaks biting into the clear deep blue sky. It was such a wild and rugged terrain, so unfamiliar and suddenly foreboding.

2014-11-11, 10:39 PM
Daidoji Etsuya nods approvingly to Hayato. He had selected a small group of troops, only four ashigaru spearmen, to accompany them into the mountains. Isawa Etsuko had said that she could handle the spirits, and of that Etsuya had no doubt, but he had to ensure that his lord was properly defended in the event there were more than just spirits on the mountain. When Doji Akira asked Hayato about his armament, Etsuya adds respectfully, "Perhaps a fearsome outlook will keep us out of trouble on this journey, my lord. Some creatures only prey on those who appear weak, after all. I must admit, however, I too am interested in what manner of trouble we might expect." He looks expectantly at Hayato.

Maugan Ra
2014-11-12, 07:23 AM
"Bears are wolves would be the most dangerous natural threats here, Samurai-sama." Hayato says respectfully. Then his expression changes to something both nervous and vaguely embarassed. "In truth, it is not such things I am most concerned about. When Kouta-san told you that 'the Mountain does not tolerate visitors', he was not speaking of wildlife or bandits. He was speaking of the Mountain."

The Ashigaru glances at Etsuko for a moment. "I am no priest, Samurai-sama, but even the most uneducated peasant could not miss the signs. The Mountain is alive, and it hates us."

Steel Mirror
2014-11-12, 01:13 PM
Etsuko nodded at Hayato's words, accepting them at face value-mostly. It was a fool who employed a guide but then did not listen to his guidance, after all. But while he might be correct about the disposition of the spirits of the mountain, he was no priest, and Etsuko had no doubt that she could discover the roots of the discontent and pacify the spirits.

"We shall proceed carefully, then," she announced. "Do you know of any traditional offerings that the mountain prefers? We can bring food, and festival treats, and I have offerings ready to be burnt and incense to cleanse any negative energy in the area. If you know anything specific about the local spirits, though, that may prove an advantage."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-12, 03:12 PM
Hayato shrugs helplessly. "I am afraid I do not know, Isawa-sama." he says regretfully. "We have little cause to go there, and less still to experiment with ritual offerings, especially without a priest to make sure we did not give further offense. I have crossed the Mountain twice, in pursuit of smugglers and a lost child respectively, and each time I survived merely by moving fast and touching little."

He looks aside, shifting his weight in evident discomfort. "In truth I should prefer never to set foot on it again while I yet live, but if the other option is that Doji-sama venture there without a guide..."

Most peasant-warriors like Hayato have a fairly simplified view of the tenets of Bushido, which they would have been exposed to by military service under Samurai commanders. In his case, Duty comes above all else, especially duty to the Samurai. You needed a guide, so he will guide you, even though he's pretty sure it's going to get him killed.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-12, 05:21 PM
Etsuko pulled out her fan once again and used it absently. So, the spirits were that unhappy? Well, even if it turned out to be true, she was an Isawa tensai. Neglected spirits from an old mountain were an obstacle, but not one that daunted her.

"I shall commune with the local spirits once we reach the base of the mountain," she told the the guide, attempting to be reassuring. "If they have grievances, we shall discover them. If they need devotion, we will placate them. If they prove hostile and unclean, we will gather what information we can about them and perhaps find a way to rededicate the holy place anew. Whatever the case, though, I shall protect you. Follow what I say, and I will protect you from the spirits. In return I shall heed your warnings. Once we reach the mountain, please do not let station or etiquette stay your warning if you think I am about to do something foolish. We asked for your guidance, after all. It would be folly for me to ignore it."

Etsuko made sure to gather her supplies, including any charms that she had managed to complete during the trip or over the night, as well as her spell scrolls and other ritual implements. She carefully assembled the robes that were most suited to travel, and after a moment's thought she even packed her wakizashi into a box with her other supplies. She had no intention of using it in a fight, but it was a pure blade and might be useful in a ritual or to prove her caste to any spirits lingering in the area.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-12, 07:10 PM
Akira sweeps his hair back, and ties it with a thread of blue silk. "I would like to begin as soon as possible then. However, if the mountain is as dangerous as you say it is, I shall refrain from riding. One never knows when horses will turn skittish and flee." In truth, Akira did not particularly trust his own riding abilities in the rough terrain, but it did not seem like a particularly good idea to mention that. "Hayato-kun, show us the way."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-13, 06:06 PM
Hayato looks vaguely stunned by Etsuko's words, as though he cannot quite believe that she - clearly a Samurai, and a priestess of the Kami no less - is putting in such effort to reassure one such as him. Akira's words snap him out of it, and he bows his head.

"Of course, Doji-sama. This way, please."

With that, the Ashigaru sets off, the rest of your contingent falling in around you with professional discipline.

The path that the local traces takes perhaps an hour to travel on foot, though much of that is due to the rough nature of the terrain. Following him, you are once again reminded of the incredible beauty of the land surrounding Moyayama - rolling valleys and sharp ridges dot the landscape, punctuated by small forests and bubbling rivers of clear water. And framing it all are the mountains, their snow-capped peaks dominating any view, as though the very bones of the world thrust up to meet the sky in a line hundreds of miles long.

Eventually, Hayato stops, and gestures up the slope you stand on to one mountain in particular. It stands apart from its fellows in the range, proud and distinct as it reaches high into the air, though not as tall as its great cousins that twist the horizon. Even from here, you can feel what the peasant spoke of earlier - the Mountain seems to loom ominously above you all, the numerous ridges that cover the surface casting long shadows that look oddly like scars. There is a kind of menacing pressure resting against your shoulders, and you cannot help but feel that something great and terrible is aware of your presence.

"This is as close as we can freely come, Isawa-sama." He says, having evidently judged that this mission is reliant upon the priestess more than his new lord and conducting himself appropriately. "The Temple is... there, you see?"

And indeed, following his pointing finger you do see. What at first you took to perhaps be a secondary spire or unusual rock formation abruptly resolves itself into the form of a great construction of stone placed on a natural plateau just below the peak of the Mountain proper. You can see what must be steps winding their way up the side of the slopes, and the foundations of numerous buildings artistically arranged around a central point. No surprise that the architects favored stone over wood here as well - light-weight construction would never have stood the test of time in such an exposed location. Of course, it also means that whatever is within the temple has likely survived in reasonably good condition as well, provided it has not been disturbed by living hands in the intervening years.

"I cannot say exactly, but we are likely to face more opposition the closer we draw." Hayato continues, eyeing the Mountain warily. "I will lead you closer if needed, but it would be safer to remain here if possible."

He falls silent, evidently expectant and believing the reassurances given of the priestess's great skill and power.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-13, 11:45 PM
"Safety is rather pointless if it does not help achieve a goal. Our current goal is to see this temple restored, and to do so, we must obviously venture to the temple." The constant warnings of the peasants were becoming tiresome. Takumi had warned him that the bonge would openly show caution to a level that could be interpreted as fear, but Akira had thought it to be an exaggeration. After all, the bonge Takumi had encountered were those were preparing for war, and it was only natural that those who had not been trained for war or to give their lives without hesitation for their lords would show such trepidation in the face of battle. However, these peasants showed fear that seemed to defy that easy explanation.

Takumi had also told Akira that the peasants were substantially more superstitious, trying to shield themselves from they did not understand. It was an appropriate thing for a peasant, who needed to know little more than what his role in the Celestial Order had dictated, but it was a samurai's role to be knowledgeable. A samurai could not be a protector and leader without knowledge, after all. Of course, the Lion seemed to think that the code of Bushido and how to fight were the only things worth knowing, and the Crab seemed to value only the latter, but of course that was why they were the Lion and the Crab, and Akira was of the Crane. No samurai would let the superstitions of the bonge from carrying out his duty, and no Crane would be ignorant of something so important as his own lands.

"Therefore, we will continue," he says, in a tone that clearly warns against opposition. "However, it would be prudent for Etsuko-san to tell us what she can of the mountain's temperament first, and to see if we might obtain a blessing to go forth."

2014-11-16, 12:45 PM
Etsuya nods at his lord's words and adds to Hayato, "When we are ready to continue, you will show us to the base of the stairs and then fall in." He nods to the man in a gesture meant to reassure the man, and then turns to gaze up at the mountain, trying to discern how it might harm them once they approach.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-19, 01:23 PM
Etsuko's eyes gleamed as she beheld the temple for the first time. Never one to be especially worried about decorum, here in the mountains far from gossipy courts and disapproving superiors, she smiled. "Yes, Akira san. I will commune with the mountain's spirits."

She began preparations for the ritual immediately. First, she needed to determine what kind of spirits were most active on the mountain. Earth spirits and air spirits were the most obvious and the most likely targets to consult, but if she was very lucky there might be some fire spirits nearby, beneath the earth. This was a land of hot springs, after all. And fire was her most powerful discipline.

Settling down at the very base of the mountain, she centered herself in quiet meditation for a moment before reaching out her senses to embrace the elements. She ran her hands through the earth to connect with the earth spirits, raised her unblinking eyes to the sky to seek out wind, and held her palm unflinchingly above a lit stick of ritual incense to seek out fire.

Ok, sense for air and earth is 3k2, so I'm going to make those with no raises.

Air: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
total: 18+, easily made it
Earth: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
total: 16, made it

Fire is 5k3 with a free raise, and I'm going to add another 2 raises on top of that.

Fire: [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10]
total: 24, made it

I'm just trying to find the most powerful spirits and maybe get some basic insight into them, I'll be casting commune to actually contact the most powerful element in a moment here!

Maugan Ra
2014-11-19, 01:51 PM
Hayato says nothing in response to Akira's words, merely bowing his head in compliance and waiting patiently.

As Etsuko begins her ritual, the world seems to come alive around her. She can feel every light caress of the wind upon her skin, feel the heat of the fire far below the earth, feel the slow heartbeat of the land itself mirrored in her own flesh. The training of a Shujenja includes considerable time spent teaching young novices how to sense the presence of the Kami and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the sensation, and it is probably just as well. Collapsing in a catatonic trance here would be most embarrassing.

The presence of the Air Kami is easy to detect, as is often the case. There are an indeterminate number of them present, somewhere between a dozen and several hundred, all coiling around each-other and racing down over the mountain slopes with joyous laughter. Several have already begun to circle the small group of humans, practically glowing with curiosity.

As she focuses, the Phoenix is equally able to detect the traces of Fire far below. There is no open flame to call upon, but there are enough steam vents and hot-springs in the area that the ground is full of Fire Kami, most of them fairly quiescent. Some of them are actually surprisingly close to the surface, held in check by only a thin layer of mountain stone.

Finally, she turns her attention to the Earth... and finds the attention of the Earth already upon her. The spirit of the Mountain is, quite simply, vast, an endless wellspring of elemental power that dominates the spiritual world much as the physical form of the Mountain dominates the landscape itself. Curiously, the Earth Kami here (and it is difficult to tell if the Mountain is home to one or many) seem rather more energetic than most examples of their kind. Something has evidently disturbed it, but there have been no humans here for years...

Steel Mirror
2014-11-19, 03:40 PM
Etsuko raised her head from her ritual, still feeling energized by the mental contact with the spirits. "The mountain is indeed awake, and already aware of our presence. He is agitated by something. I will take a few more minutes to appeal to him directly."

She then returned to her ritual, running her hands through the earth and clearing her mind of anything but that feeling of being near to the mountain. "By the Fortunes and Kami, a daughter of Isawa seeks an audience with thee, oh honored spirit of the mountain. She comes in peace to honor thy name and restore harmony and devotion to thy lands. Hear me, and be present."

Etsuko put everything she had into her spell, knowing that she was a stranger to this land and so would need to be as polite and persistent as possible to honor the spirits. Soon enough, if all went according to plan, she would know the spirits of the mountains and valleys like her own family. But an inferno began as a single spark, and these first steps were vital.

Rolling a Commune spell with two raises to try and coax the Mountain into granting her request for an audience. It's TN 20, so I'm spending a Void Point for an extra 1k1. Fingers crossed!

Space Lawyer
2014-11-19, 04:04 PM
Akira did not have great training in the ways of the kami, but he knew enough to show the proper respect. It was obvious that Etsuko was communing with something powerful indeed, and such beings demanded a certain level of reverence. He summons forth a porter that had accompanied them. "Place the tatami mats upon the ground so that we may sit."

When the porter has done so, Akira sits in a seiza pose and commands the others to do the same. "Bow yourselves as befits your stations. Do not speak unless given leave to do so by Isawa-san." It was entirely uncertain as to what would give offense to such a powerful spirit as the mountain itself, and Akira did not wish to run any risk of someone saying or doing the wrong thing.

Maugan Ra
2014-11-19, 04:24 PM
For a long moment, nothing seems to happen. The porter places the mats out, and the small band kneels appropriately on them while facing the Mountain, but there is no reaction to the Shujenja's prayers. Many would take this as a sign of failure, but Etsuko knows better. The Earth is slow to rouse at the best of times, showing little signs of impending motion until the moment of action arrives. But when it does...

There is a roar like thunder, setting the ground quivering underfoot and causing loose stones to rattle fiercely as they are sent skittering across the landscape. Just in front of you, the hard stone of the mountain splits apart with sudden and incredible violence, forming a deep fissure that resembles little more than a wound carved into the Earth itself. And from that fissure comes the Kami.

It is, quite simply, massive. Perhaps nine or ten feet tall and broad as three men, the Earth spirit seems to consist of living rock formed into a vaguely humanoid shape. It has no face as such, but a pair of glittering diamonds sit where a man's eyes might, and they burn with an internal fire as they stare down at the kneeling Samurai.

"Daughter of Isawa." The spirit says, in a powerful voice that you feel deep in your bones. "One Who Listens. Will you bring Peace at last?"

For the record? No, most spirits would not actually materialize like this, especially those of the Earth, and certainly not just because a relative novice asked politely. Etsuko is quite sure now that something else is going on here.

And yes, everyone else can see/hear this.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-19, 05:24 PM
Etsuko switched out of the strictly formal and archaic speech that she used in her summons in favor of a tone that was merely very respectful. She kowtowed carefully, touching her forehead briefly to the earth and holding the position for a moment. If the kami meant her harm, there would be nothing she could do to stop it in that position, but that was part of the give and take of contacting the spirits. Especially one as powerful as this. "As it is written, one cannot make peace in the world without peace in her heart. I bring only peace in my heart. If there is some trouble haunting your mountain I would be honored to do what I might to alleviate it."

Then, because she was not the only one present and it would serve them well to introduce themselves to the mountain rather than fear its wrath, she extended a graceful hand to gesture to the rest of their small party. "My companions are honorable and true, children of the kami Doji and of Daidoji, her son. Whatever small service we can do to the kami of these great and enduring mountains, it would be our honor."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-19, 05:41 PM
"There is Blood." The Earth Kami says with the typical bluntness of its kind, largely ignoring the other Samurai - though it's inhuman eyes do rest upon them for a brief moment, assessing them by whatever alien values the Earth itself holds as worthwhile. "Blood and Scars, carved with cold hate by a light-footed man with hidden face. They BURN."

Maho. Even the least educated among the Samurai would recognize that vague description in an instant. Someone has used blood-magic to deliberately torment and enrage the spirit of the Mountain. That would likely also explain why it is so active - passive endurance is unlikely when faced with constant pain, even if you are a spirit of the Earth.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-19, 08:09 PM
Akira bows to the spirit, his head only a handspan from the ground . He could only remember bowing so low to one person, his father, and had only bowed lower during the Imperial Winter Court, to the Emperor himself.

In formal and stilted language of the kind used in the Imperial Courts, he says "Great kami of the mountain, will you allow us to venture upon these lands, so that we may discover the Hidden-Faced Man and exterminate him? We will relieve your suffering, and bring bounty to this land. Your desire to be free of this pain is our desire as well."

Sincerity, to convince the Earth kami of our good intentions: [roll0]
Courtier (Manipulation), to convince the Earth kami to allow us to pass, or even be helpful if that is possible (perhaps the free raise?): [roll1]
Exploding 10s or re-rolling 1s on Courtier:[roll2]

Maugan Ra
2014-11-20, 07:22 AM
"He is gone long since." The Kami responds, turning towards Akira, and there is a sense of incredible wrath in that tone. You get the impression that returning here would not be even remotely healthy for whichever Maho-Tsuki first tormented the Mountain. "Only the wounds remain. Cleanse them, and know gratitude."

That, it seems, is all the spirit has to say. Like a falling tree, the avatar topples backwards, sinking beneath the surface of the Mountain again like a rock thrown into a lake. You are left alone once more, though the sense of oppressive hatred is significantly lessened - it appears that you have permission to advance.

The Ashigaru you brought with you, including Hayato, are all bowing as low as they can go and desperately attempting to halt the trembling in their limbs.

2014-11-20, 11:05 AM
Etsuya bowed low like the others, though it was more done in an effort to placate the spirit than anything else. He remains quiet during the exchange, but raises back into a kneeling position when the spirit leaves. "So we must find these 'wounds' and heal them? I am not well versed in the ways of the kami, but this seems a simple task." He is uncharacteristically blunt on the matter, but quickly puts a more respectful look on his face before he turns to look at Isawa Etsuko and asks, "Can you find these wounds and heal them?"

Space Lawyer
2014-11-20, 11:24 AM
Nothing is ever simple when it comes to the kami. Akira was likewise not well-versed in the ways of the kami, but one thing had been made abundantly clear to him: they were not human. They did hold the same values as humans, they did not perceive things the same ways, and they could not be counted on to react to things in the same ways as humans. That was why shugenja were trained as shugenja, and were not simply courtiers who happened to have the gift of speaking to the kami.

He looks back towards the ashigaru. Etsuya had apparently chosen his soldiers well, and it was obvious why Hayato had survived his service. They had felt fear, but had mastered and overcome it. Akira made a mental note to give recognition to these men at the appropriate time.

Akira waits for Etsuko's answer as to how the wounds may be found and healed.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-20, 05:11 PM
Etsuko stared pensively at the ground where the mountain spirit had just been standing. When Akira and Etsuya questioned her, she snapped out of her momentary reverie, but still wore a distracted frown. "Perhaps. A 'wound' could mean any number of things, just as a wound on a man could require any number of treatments. Some wounds get better with time, some require treatment. Some wounds . . ."

She trailed off, still a bit lost in her own thoughts. Maho. The dark opposite of her own calling. It frankly terrified her. She'd been taught about it, studied it, but never encountered it. She shouldn't allow her uncertainty to show in front of the others, though. She was a Phoenix shugenja and she had given her word to the mountain. Even more than that, it was her duty to cleanse the mountain and re-establish the shrine. If it had been profaned, her responsibility was all the more urgent.

She pitched her voice so that only the two Crane samurai could hear her. "I shall have to explore the mountain to determine the nature of the desecration, and it will be dangerous. Maho always is. We might be better to leave the heimin here, at the base of the mountain. There is no guarantee that their spears would be of any use against a foe we might face, and more importantly, the will behind those spears is a brittle metal that has not been tested. If they panicked or acted in ignorance they might prove a hazard more than a help, or might even open themselves to possession or spiritual influence. It is, of course, your decision, Akira-sama." She was still speaking in the slightly more formal cadence.

I'd like to roll a couple knowledge checks, I'll just roll a couple here and you can decide which ones are relevant! And yes, I'm rolling a bunch because my character has 2 advantages to do with knowledge skills and I want to use it while I can. :smallwink:

Lore (Theology) [7k4]: [roll0]=27
Lore (Spirit Realms) [6k3]: [roll1]=24
Lore (Maho) [4k3]: [roll2]=24
Lore (Spellcraft) [4k3]: [roll3]=13
Lore (Ghosts) [4k3]: [roll4]=25

2014-11-20, 05:31 PM
Etsuya's brow furrows as Etsuko casually insults his soldiers for the second time in as many days. He tries to hold his tongue, but the words are out of his mouth before the thought of holding them in fully forms. "I assure you, Isawa-san, the armies of the Crane have been well trained and forged in the heat of battle. Perhaps you are more accustomed to the famed pacifism of your brethren, but the soldiers you see here have not been fortunate enough to walk the path of peace." His brain finally catches up with his mouth, and he quickly offers a slightly stilted statement of contrition, "I ... will of course defer to your expertise in this matter. If you feel that the mountain will better tolerate a fewer number ..." He looks back to the ashigaru and Hayato, "Make camp here and await our return."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-20, 05:52 PM
- The principle reason why Earth Kami is likely feeling tormented has to do with basic theology. The Mountain is strongly connected to Ningen-Do, the world the mortals, and the Kami that represents/embodies it is naturally connected to several other Realms as well. Maho draws on the power of Jingoku, the Realm of Evil, and is thus utterly antithetical to the spirit's very being. Even setting aside whatever effects the blood magic itself might have, merely casting it is going to make the Mountain react poorly.

- If the spell is still in effect after any length of time, it is almost certainly a Ward of some description, probably with a physical component - the 'scars' the Kami mentioned might well be literal trenches or grooves cut into the rock. Disrupting whatever pattern is formed will banish the spell, though it might not do so particularly safely...

- Maho draws at least some of its power from sheer blasphemy against the Celestial Order. For a powerful spell like this... looking in the Temple itself would seem the best starting point.

The Ashigaru look only too happy to obey Etsuya's command rather than venture onto the slopes of the Mountain proper. They move a short distance away and rapidly establish something resembling a perimeter, keeping watch in all directions.

Steel Mirror
2014-11-20, 06:56 PM
Etsuko gave the Daidoji a raised eyebrow. Even under normal circumstances her own etiquette tended to be lacking, but with the threat of Maho on the horizon and the drain of facing such a powerful spirit so recently, she spoke without even a thought for propriety or the possibility that she was the one who was giving offense in this situation.

"I am sure they are ready to fight, Daidoji-san, but I would no more use their spears to bring peace to the mountain than I would use a sword to write a poem. However, if you feel you need the assistance of these ashigaru to fulfill your duties as yojimbo to our lord governor, then perhaps I could persuade the spirits to tolerate them. For your sake." Holding back her tongue had never been a strong point of hers, and unlike a courtier she didn't even have the common decency to hard her barb behind a fake smile and a sweet tone. She simply spoke bluntly and directly, a habit which had gotten her assigned to this distant post far from her homeland in the first place.

2014-11-23, 12:58 PM
For a moment, it looks like Etsuya has taken offense at the implication of his cowardice and his hand twitches as though he is about to reach for his blade, but he quickly reigns himself in. He is no prideful Lion, after all, and the motion is subtle enough that only those trained in the blade would likely notice anyway. Through notably clenched teeth he says quietly, "That is a gracious offer, Isawa-san, but unnecessary. I'm sure that Lord Doji-sama will be quite safe under my protection." He visibly relaxes some of the tension in his shoulders and adds, "You seem well versed in the way the kami speak, and it is not a way I am accustomed to. By all means, lead on."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-23, 04:01 PM
With your disagreement settled for the moment, you press on. Fortunately, it appears that the Earth Kami are willing to allow you to proceed, and you make good time towards your destination over the rough ground. Here and there you can see telltale signs of the fate that awaits those who do not obtain permission before venturing forth - broken pieces of equipment, piles of rubble and, most worrying, the unmistakeable sign of old earthquakes.

The climb is long, but not especially arduous, thanks to gentle slopes that become a winding staircase cut into mountain rock. Along the way you pass several lesser shrines, each bearing a graven image intended to represent one of the Fortunes or illustrate some philosophical concept, and despite the mountain's wrath it has evidently not disturbed any of these. A hopeful sign, perhaps.

Eventually, you reach the temple itself, set on its own plateau just shy of the Mountain's summit. Closer, it is a much more impressive place, more of a sprawling complex than a single building.


A place like this should feel... serene, sacred despite the passage of years. But something is wrong. There is an oppressive taint to the air that only magnifies the feelings of hostility from the surrounding area, until you feel as though you stand before the lair of some great beast rather than anything built by man.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-23, 05:13 PM
Akira looks at the passing reliquaries of those who had attempted the same journey with discomfort. Had the kami not granted them passage, it would have been a short and inglorious rule indeed.

The temple though is quite impressive. It was no wonder that the Phoenix had acquiesced so easily to the proposal that Etsuko be sent as a hostage. Having one of their own in charge of such a place could only bring them honor. However, it could only do well for Akira to be known for having such a large and hopefully well-run temple in his lands.

That is, if they managed to cleanse the filth of maho from these lands. Akira shuddered to think of such blasphemies. He had known such things existed, of course, but they were never studied and absolutely never spoken about. He worried about what even being in the presence of such a powerful curse as this one clearly was could do to his soul. Even if nothing happened, just being around maho could tarnish his reputation. Still, it was his duty as lord of these lands to keep them safe and pure, and this was the first step to accomplishing that task. Nonetheless, he fingers the protective jade hanging around his neck.

"Etsuko, what are we looking for in this place? What should we expect to encounter, and how may we protect ourselves from it?"

Steel Mirror
2014-11-23, 10:28 PM
At each lesser shrine, Etsuko makes sure to stop and pay brief respect to the spirits symbolized in the images. If she had more time, she would clean each stone individually, leave offerings, bless the area with a prayer, and perhaps commune with the spirits in the vicinity to ensure that they were pure and satisfied. In fact, that would be one of her many priorities once she had taken residence in the temple. For now, however, she had to content herself with a few simple words of devotion and a respectful bow at each shrine.
Lore: Theology [7k4]

I don't know what the difficulty is, but if it's important I want to take enough raises to aim for TN 25. I'm just making sure that Etsuko makes the proper (though very basic) observances, but also trying to see if she notices anything out of sorts about the various shrines she sees. Anything . . . Maho-y.When the temple finally came into view, Etsuko's heart soared. She had always felt that Fukurokujin had something special in mind for her, and the temple was far more than she had dared to hope for.

In response to Akira's question, she pursed her lips thoughtfully. The artful Doji courtier could almost certainly see the tension in her bearing, the hints of uncertainty in her expression. But the view of the temple ahead had redoubled her determination to overcome the challenges before them.

"For the mountain to be this enraged for this long, I suspect that there is some enchantment carved into the very stones of the mountain, or formed somehow upon the surface of the temple. It would have to be very pronounced to torture the kami so. It should be noticeable. If we can disrupt the scar and destroy the ward, we should be able to abate the hold that the blood magic has on the spirits. After that I can begin the process of healing and rebuilding."

The second part of his question bothered her somewhat. There was never any telling what one could expect from blood magic. "As to what we might encounter, I am afraid that I cannot be certain. Unclean or angry spirits are certainly possible. Stay close to me and look out carefully for anything out of the ordinary. I can protect us from them if we see them, and Daidoji-san's blade might be necessary if some of the spirits are truly enraged beyond reason. Whatever we encounter here though, the ward is the center of the problem. Destroy it and success should follow."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-28, 10:23 AM
Assuming that you proceed...

Making your way inside through one of the large gates, you find yourselves in the middle of what must be a kind of central courtyard. The stones underfoot are worn and cracked, but still reasonably intact, and from here it seems to be a relatively short walk to any of the Temple's main buildings.

Only one of them really catches your attention immediately, however. In appearance it is not that impressive, being a single-story building of traditional in the corner of the complex - likely some form of living quarters. Of more interest is the condition that it is in - the wooden planks that make up the walls are all horrifically rotten, while the stones that form the foundation are shot through with dark cracks and covered in a thin layer of gruesome looking slime. It surely should have collapsed long ago, and yet it remains standing in defiance of natural laws.

You can smell the coppery tang of spilt blood, and the air against your skin feels greasy.

A long-lasting Maho ritual would likely taint the land around it, with increasing severity the closer you happen to be to it. Whatever has happened here is centred around that building - presumably selected for an out-of-the-way location where the problem would not be noticed until it was too late.

Space Lawyer
2014-11-28, 03:11 PM
Akira makes a cutting gesture with his hand to ward off the malignancy that lingered in the air. "What foul magic is this?" he asks, the disgust plain in his voice. "That building should be burned to ashes. I am sure Fukurkujin will forgive us for such destruction of his temple if it cleanses this taint."

Maugan Ra
2014-11-30, 01:29 PM

The sun in the sky casts long shadows from each of the Temple's buildings, and it is from one of those that the figure emerges. Dressed in white and blue, pale hair pinned back away from an aristocratic face, the stranger appears to be in every way a perfect mirror of Doji Akira.

"There is no taint here, little Crane." He says, and it is in his voice that the uncanny mirror of the courtier fails. There is no honour in that voice, no respect or piety, just a kind of dark charisma entirely at odds with everything the Crane have raised him to believe. "Only strength. What you see before you is the will of man triumphant over Kami and Fortune alike."

2014-12-01, 01:24 PM
Instinctively, Etsuya's hand moves to his blade. He takes a couple of slow steps to guard his lord so that Etsuya is ever so slightly between Akira and his dark reflection. Once positioned he stands, poised and still amidst the stretching shadows. What manner of creature was he facing? It seemed to simply be a copy of Akira. Etsuya took a moment to study him, noting where his appearance differed from Akira's, and assessing the threat he posed. Had it not been for Akira's previous command to heed Etsuko's advice, Etsuya would have already challenged the man for his insolence.

Not sure if you need a roll for Etsuya's actions. I'm guessing Investigation would be most appropriate, if needed. I'm assuming that because of Akira and Etsuko's previous commands and warnings, Etsuya's Overconfidence doesn't trigger here.

Investigation(Perception) - 4k3 - [roll0]
Exploding Dice (if needed) taken from left to right: [roll1]

Total: 18

Space Lawyer
2014-12-01, 04:07 PM
Akira places his hand on his own blade, readying it. His instinct was to immediately strike down this foul thing, but he held back. If he knew anything about maho, it was that the dread magic was deceptive and insidious. This thing would not have shown itself so openly without cause and confidence. "Be gone from this place, abomination. We will cleanse this land, and will tolerate no interference. Our way is blessed by heavens and the kami. There is no possibility of your victory."

Maugan Ra
2014-12-01, 04:24 PM
"Oh, but there is, little Crane." The apparition says gloatingly. To Etsuya, the resemblance to his lord is almost uncanny, except... the creature before him does not seem to be casting a shadow. "You bring it closer with every word and motion. Look at you, so noble, so proud... so arrogant. "

It turns its attention upon Etsuya, and chuckles with a malicious kind of amusement. "And look, the noble hound steps forward to defend its master. Do you think mere steel will harm me? Perhaps if your heart was true and your conviction unwavering... but I think we both know you are not nearly as virtuous as you would have others believe."

Space Lawyer
2014-12-02, 12:57 PM
Akria gives a sharp laugh. "Ha! You only see arrogance because you do not know your place in the Celestial Order. You stand outside of it, opposed to the very will of Tengoku. I humble myself before my father, my brother, and my Emperor. It is my place to serve them, and I do so with honor." He grips the wazikashi at his side. "It is with this blade that I would commit seppuku, without hesitation, if commanded to by those who sit above me." He then gestures to the samurai and ashigaru around him. "It is my place as daimyo of this land to lead this brave men and women, but I may only achieve success with their support. As Shinsei said to the Emperor, who claimed not be bound as he was the Emperor, "A contradiction in itself". I only lead because they will follow. I must bear this responsibility, and I am bound my duty." He glares at the thing. "You though, you show true arrogance. You believe that you can stand against the will of Heaven, when every other before you has failed? The most despicable Iuchiban was defeated. Do you truly think you have greater skill than he? The Kaiu Wall stands strong against the forces of the Dark One and Jigoku. Do you believe yourself more powerful than that? Evil such as yours has always met with failure, and so shall it always be."

Maugan Ra
2014-12-02, 01:58 PM
"Then strike me down."

The nameless man steps closer, into sword-range, and spreads his arms wide. "Draw your sword and cut me down, or command your retainer do it for you. I stand against the very heavens you claim descent from - blood and honour compel that you slay me or die in the attempt. Is that not what you believe?"

The mirror-Akira smiles mockingly at you. "Make your ancestors proud, Doji Akira."

2014-12-04, 06:11 PM
As the mirrored form of his lord moves closer, Daidoji Etsuya steps fully between Akira and the abomination. His left hand grips his katana's saya, and his thumb pushes the tsuba free. With quiet confidence, he says, "A samurai's blade is more than mere steel."

In a practiced, swift motion, Etsuya draws his blade. It practically leaps into his hands, and he holds it resolutely. He stands in a defensive posture between Akira and the abomination. His voice sounds clearly among the stone buildings of the courtyard. "My lord has commanded that you leave. Begone, or you and I will find out exactly what can harm you."

Simple: Draw Katana
Simple: Guard Akira (-5 to Etsuya's Armor TN, +10 to Akira's Armor TN)
Move: Between Akira and the abomination
Stance: Defense (+5 to Etsuya's Armor TN)

Maugan Ra
2014-12-05, 04:43 PM
"You are welcome to make the attempt."

The stranger takes another step forwards, placing itself well within striking distance, still smiling. "Shall I make it easy for you, Crane? I wonder, how much would it take to drive you into true rage? Shall we experiment?"

The mirror-Akira seems to contemplate things for a moment. "You are Daidoji, are you not? 'Defender of the Doji'. A pretentious name indeed, but I suppose it is typical of your founder. Do you know how she died, the Lady Doji?"

It smiles maliciously, clearly goading you. "She gave herself to the sea, if I recall. Drowning is a terrible way to go - those who watch from the shore might think otherwise, but they don't see all of it. They don't see the struggling, the futility, the way the face contorts when the air starts to run out, the way even the most 'honourable' soul will break and struggle for the surface as death approaches and the fear sets in."

It shrugs. "Maybe the Lady Doji was different - who knows? But how many Crane have followed her over the years, seeking to emulate her manner of passing? How many noble samurai have given themselves over to a painful, terrifying end because they wanted to be like their idol? How much suffering and torment did your founder unleash upon this world because of her short-sighted vanity?"

Space Lawyer
2014-12-07, 03:43 PM
Akira smiles. "You reveal your ignorance. Lady Doji did indeed go into the sea, but she did not drown. She was there, then she was not. Even now, she sits in Heaven with her mother. Her purity and righteousness guides us." He pulls the finger of jade from around his neck, holding it forth. "What if I were to touch you with this? What if we were to sever your limbs, and I held this against your flesh? How long would you hold out, how long until the fear sets in, how long until you struggle and break?"

Maugan Ra
2014-12-07, 05:14 PM
Without a moment's pause, the mirror-Akira steps forwards, extends his arm and touches the finger of jade. There is absolutely no reaction - no sign of pain, no burning flesh, nothing at all.

"Did you not hear me?" He asks with a smirk, stepping back once more. "I told you, there is no Taint here. What have I to fear from a pure expression of Earth?"

With deliberate care, the false Akira reaches for his saya and draws the Wakizashi sheathed there. "Your stubborn blindness begins to bore me. Perhaps I should simply cut you down, and end this farce."

When the mirror Akira touched the jade, it did not move or sway as you might expect, as though his touch failed to exert any pressure at all.

If you passed:

Combined with the lack of a shadow, the evidence would seem to imply that Mirror Akira is not actually here at all. A projection or illusion of some kind, perhaps.

2014-12-08, 10:27 AM
As the mirror Akira approaches his lord, Etsuya does not hesitate. He strikes at the man, a single clean cut arcing across the area that should be his abdomen.

Stance: Attack
Complex: Attack mirror Akira

Attack: (7k3) - [roll0]
Exploding dice (if needed, left to right) (7k3) - [roll1]

Total: 21

Damage: (6k2) [roll2]
Exploding dice (6k2) [roll3]

Total: 14

Maugan Ra
2014-12-09, 05:23 AM
Sun flashes on steel, and Etsuya's blade cuts straight through his target's torso and out the other side. There is no blood - instead, the wound emits thin tendrils of black smoke, as though from some kind of internal fire.

The mirror Akira staggers back, and then smiles viciously. In an instant, his body dissolves, forming itself into a dark cloud of unknown gas that hangs in the air for a long moment. Then, with sudden speed, it rushes forwards to engulf Etsuya, surrounding him...

Only to vanish a moment later, leaving you alone with nothing but the faint sound of mocking laughter for company in the abandoned Temple.

2014-12-09, 10:38 AM
Etsuya holds his blade up as if to ward off the cloud of black smoke, and is left with little but a bewildered look on his face when the cloud suddenly vanishes. Slowly he lowers the blade and looks around for the mirror Akira. What did that spirit do to me? he wondered. Could it have tainted me in some way? I ... no, I must see to my lord first.

The lengthening shadows amidst the courtyard appear more sinister now, but he sees no further sign of the man. With a well practiced motion, he sheathes his katana and turns to Akira. "My lord, are you hurt?"

Maugan Ra
2014-12-21, 01:02 PM
Isawa Etsuko has been silent throughout the entire confrontation, her expression pensive as she observes it all with the detached interest so common to her Clan.

"Not real..." She murmurs softly, though to herself.

OK, just NPC'ing Etsuko for a bit in hopes of getting this back on track.

2014-12-22, 02:06 PM
Etsuya glances from Akira to Etsuko and steps back. He looks around nearby and digs through his pack to find something that will work as a torch or lantern, and lights it. He stands with the torch outstretched, the light from it's flames barely playing off the dusk-touched walls. "My lord, I agree that we should purify this building with fire at once. Do I have your leave, or should Isawa-san speak with the spirits first?"

Space Lawyer
2014-12-22, 03:29 PM
Akira comes to a decision quickly. "Make ready to burn this place to the ground, but let Etsuko-san speak to the spirits first. It is with their power that the temple may be fully cleansed. Perhaps the spirits of earth will lend us the power of jade, and those of fire will lend us their fury, so that we may ensure that whatever scar of maho is upon this holy site is fully removed."

Maugan Ra
2014-12-24, 02:34 PM
Etsuko acknowledges the implied order with a nod, kneeling to press one hand against the ground. She seems to concentrate for a moment... then staggers back, hissing in pain.

"Too close." She says after a moment, having controlled her initial reaction. "I cannot hear them over the sound of... that."

The Shugenja turns to face Doji Akira. "I can call the fire, but I do not know if I can control it here. We may wish to run once the fire starts."

Space Lawyer
2014-12-27, 07:25 PM
Akira nods. "Do what you can. In this case, control may be more important than overall raw power. I am sure the fury of the spirits will provide all the force we need, and a longer burn may seek out the taint more fully. We will ask the spirits to assist our mundane measures, rather than relying only on their power."

He looks out over the site, trying to determine the best place to light the fire so that the befouled building could be completely destroyed while posing less risk to the buildings that remain pure. We must hope this is is successful, and not another trick of maho.

Maugan Ra
2014-12-29, 04:25 AM
Akira's gaze sweeps over the area, identifying the best places to set fire for maximum effect. The Crane lord knows all too well how destructive an unleashed inferno can be, knows the price for getting this wrong... but it must be done regardless.

After a few moment's survey, he identifies a likely location for ignition. The prevailing wind should keep the flames from spreading to the rest of the compound, while causing them to consume the tainted building with great speed. There is only one problem - the temple grounds are long uncared for, and there are many patches of hard mountain grass poking up between the stones. If they are still here when the fire begins, it is possible they will burn and allow the destruction to pass to other buildings nearby.

Space Lawyer
2014-12-29, 02:15 PM
The grass swaying in the wind gives Akira an idea. "Soldiers, clear this grass in between the cracks, but go no closer to the fouled buildings than a spear's throw." He turns to Etsuko and says "If the pain of the earth is too great, and the fury of the fire too intense, perhaps we can persuade the air to be our ally? In the forge, it is well known that the air feeds the fire, as the Air kami stir a greater frenzy in the Fire kami. Perhaps we may beseech the kami of air to surround the foul buildings like a wall, and to direct their breath inwards, keeping the fire contained while driving it to greater intensity. In this way, we may protect ourselves and the rest of the temple, while surely scouring the taint."

2014-12-31, 01:36 PM
Nodding at his lord's command, Etsuya hurries down to the base camp where the ashigaru soldiers await, gathers them up, and brings them back to the temple to carry out Akira's will.

Maugan Ra
2015-01-01, 04:24 PM
The Ashigaru obey promptly, and set to their tasks with a will. They tear up the tufts of grass, and before long there is a distinct gap between the building and the rest of the complex, one that should be safe to expose to the flames.

Etsuko nods. "Such a relationship is known to us as well. It should work..." She studies the building before you, wrinkling her noise at the sight of it. "I will call the fire and the air. Please, stand back. And... I will have difficulty defending myself, should there be further defenses in place. Please, be vigilant."

Space Lawyer
2015-01-02, 06:39 PM
Akira nods, and takes a step back. He keeps his hand on his readied wazikashi, and ensures the ashigaru are at his back. He looks out over the dilapidated temple, thinking of the poetry he will compose about this situation. Such will be useful in his report to his father and brother, to give a sense that he is calm and composed even in the face of adversity, and will be good fodder for Winter Court if he could avoid mentioning the exact nature of the adversary.

Maugan Ra
2015-01-03, 07:31 PM
The Phoenix Shugenja bows her head and begins to chant. At her urging the fire kami grow more active, long ribbons of flame weaving themselves out of the air to wrap around her outstretched hands. A gesture sends them streaking forwards and into the Tainted building at the locations Akira indicated.

Almost immediately, the rotten old wood begins to burn, great plumes of greasy smoke rising into the air. Etsuko moves her arms through careful ritual gestures, calling upon the wind and the skies to control and magnify the flames. The air around you grows restive, whipping at your clothes and running invisible fingers through your hair, and the blaze consuming the building grows ever-brighter.

As you watch the burning flames, there is a faint chuckle from behind you, and the sound of a smooth and cultured voice whispering in your ears.

"Do you think removing my work will be so easy, little Crane?" It says mockingly. "If mere fire could remove the taint, then the sons of Hida would have burned the shadowlands to ash centuries ago. I was here before you came, and I will be here once you are gone, whispering in the minds of all who come after. Perhaps I will even speak to your lovely wife, in the cold hours of the night..."

The flames surge higher as you watch, illuminating the area in vivid shades of orange and red. As the light washes over you, there is the sound of a faint chuckle in the mind of your mind, and a smoothly cultured voice whispers in your ear.

"Looks pretty, does it not?" The voice says, smooth tone filled with gloating triumph. "But you are too late, Defender of the Crane. Fire cannot touch what is hidden in a man's soul, not without searing the flesh first. I wonder... will you walk into the flame, loyal to the last? Or does your arrogance extend so far as to think you can resist?"

Space Lawyer
2015-01-05, 05:41 PM
There is a flash as Akira draws his wazikashi and turns. "What sorcery is this?" he hisses. "Do you think that you can frighten us with such obvious ploys? If fire does not work, then we shall try something else. We will keep trying until we succeed."

2015-01-06, 01:57 PM
Etsuya's hand reaches instinctively for his blade, but he does not draw it. Instead, he looks to Akira with a mixture of concern and apprehension before swallowing hard and responding out loud, "You will find that I, like all Daidoji, have the iron will to resist your words. I ... I will not fail in my duty." He says that last sentence with slight hesitation, as he peers into the shadows looking for the "illusion". It's clear that what the thing is saying is upsetting him, and his normally cooler demeanor has slipped a bit.

Maugan Ra
2015-01-07, 02:11 PM
This time, the sound of the voice is clearly audible to all, though distinctly fainter, as though the speaker had moved some distance away.

"Ah, how very brave noble of you. You cannot stop me, Samurai. I will..."

"You will be SILENT."

Etsuko's expression is twisted into a fierce mask, her eyes fixed upon the burning building as she moves her hands through ever more elaborate gestures. "You are nothing but an echo, heretic, the faintest shadow held in mockery of life by blasphemy and blood magic. I will not tolerate your existence any further. Burn."

At the Shugenja's command, the flames roar higher, increasing in heat and violence until they burn with a white hot fury that makes your eyes water to look upon. The sound is incredible, a terrifying dragon-roar that drowns out anything else the shade might have to say.

A full minute passes, and then the fires die down once more, their fury spent at last. Where once there was a building, now there is little more than a fine layer of dust, covering stones charred black by elemental power.

"Not real." Etsuko says slowly, her face beaded with sweat and her breathing heavy. "Air magic. Scorpion magic. Illusion and insight, twisted by the Maho, whispering in our ears because it cannot do anything else. No match for... a child of Isawa..."

With that, her eyes roll back into her head and she collapses to the ground, a puppet with her strings cut.

Space Lawyer
2015-01-08, 01:30 PM
Akira rushes to his friend's side, but is careful not to touch her. Who knows what had happened to her? "Soldiers! Make a stretcher and take Isawa-san from this place. You may touch her. Take her to whoever in the village is most knowledgeable about healing, unless one of you has such training." It seemed unlikely that whatever was going on her could be resolved easily today. Without Etsuko, the mysteries of magic were outside Akria's comprehension.

Maugan Ra
2015-01-10, 08:06 AM
The Ashigaru move quickly, rapidly improvising a stretcher with their spears and the resilient cloth of their tunics. With great care they lift the unconscious Isawa onto it, and begin to lift her back down the mountain.

Barely have you passed the gates of the temple when the mountain shakes, the stones under your feet trembling violently. There is a harsh crack, and then part of the ground ahead of you falls away, revealing a crude passage into the depths of the mountain.

"Bring her." The voice of the Kami echoes across the broken slopes of the mountain, deeper and more resonant than any mortal words. "Earth will heal. Gratitude."

2015-01-12, 12:59 PM
Etsuya is left staring at the scorched stones, a mocking echo of the spirit's voice slowly fading from his mind. He isn't shaken out of his reverie until Doji Akira shouts out orders. His body is in motion even before he shakes the last vestiges of what he saw from his mind.

When the Earth itself opens up before them, Etsuya immediately puts a steadying hand on Hayato's shoulder and speaks with a confidence that he knows his men must hear, even if he doesn't feel it fully himself, "My Lord, it would seem the Mountain wishes to thank Isawa-san for cleansing this place of evil. What are your orders?"

Space Lawyer
2015-01-12, 02:13 PM
Akira bows his head and offers a short prayer of thanks to the Mountain. "Take her into the mountain. Though I do not think our trials are over, we must have Isawa-san to achieve victory, and there can be little place safer than the heart of the Mountain."

Maugan Ra
2015-01-12, 05:11 PM
The Ashigaru seem deeply reluctant to venture into such an obviously supernatural place... but even less willing to disappoint their masters. Together, they heft the unconscious Shugenja between them, and your group ventures into the Mountain.

The tunnel allows you passage, but the Kami evidently have quite different perceptions of what is adequate than humans, and the journey downwards is slow and difficult. Hayato improvises a torch with a piece of flint, a stick and a torn piece of fabric that he is carrying with him, and the flickering illumination is just about sufficient to avoid toppling over on the uneven ground.

You venture onwards for perhaps twenty minutes, though how far you cover in that time is impossible to tell. The tunnel winds back and forth through the body of the mountain, and were it not for the deliberate invitation of the Kami you might begin to suspect that this goes nowhere at all.

Then, in the space of a few short paces, the tunnel widens significantly and ends at a massive cavern. The Ashigaru stagger to a halt at the sight, mouths dropping open in utter shock.


That this place was once inhabited is undeniable - the stone walls of the cavern have been carved into crude buildings, long since fallen into disrepair, while the narrow channels filled with spring water are too regular to have been carved by nature alone. That there is architectural value in this site is undeniable, but that is not what grabs at the attention the most.

The caverns are absolutely covered with Jade.

Massive deposits of the precious stone are scattered all around the cavern, rich veins that no doubt extend far into the earth itself. They glow softly with an inner radiance, filling your very souls with a kind of sublime peace, and in that moment you begin to appreciate the magnitude of this discovery.

Space Lawyer
2015-01-13, 11:47 AM
Staring about in wonder, Akira once again mumbles out a prayer of thanks and reverence. "What sort of place is this?" He slowly approaches the jade-covered walls, reaching his hand out and placing it softly on the holy stone. Once Etsuko-san had awakened, he would question her about this place; perhaps she would have information that he did not. Surely his beloved Aiko would know what sort of beings had created this place, if only she were here.

"Dreadful enemy
Benevolent kami
Safe haven is found."

After a moment, Akira orders that Etsuko be carried to the greatest concentration of jade that can be spotted, and placed in direct contact with the stone. "We must let the kami heal her, and ask if the temple has been cleansed."