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2014-11-05, 08:49 AM
This is the IC thread for continuing the game Perilous Reclamation. The old IC thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?334254-Perilous-Reclamation-IC).

The OOC thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?382060-Perilous-Reclamation-2-%28OOC%29).

Landing (Pop: 2000)

As the boat sweeps into the harbor, passing under the imposing tower on top of the point, you can see the freshly built docks ahead of you. Wooden pilings are still being replaced by stone and the town itself is still mostly ramshackle wooden buildings but there is a feeling of industry and prosperity. The scent of fish mingles with unfamiliar spices and the sounds of the busy market reach you as stallholders hawk their wares.

The wooden walls around the Old Town still stand and have been extended upwards, but the main defenses are now a set of grand stone walls surrounding the New Town, an area four times as large. Atop the walls you see platforms and mounted on them unfamiliar weapons made of metal, for all that Landing has never seen war it is clearly prepared should that moment come.

As you disembark, you push through the throng towards a large building that is currently being rebuilt in stone. A large anchor hanging over the door advertises the inn and you gratefully step inside into a common room packed with people of every race you ever heard of, and probably some more as well. A pair of large half orcs stand by the door and a large staff is constantly running around keeping tankards filled and serving bowls of stew to those looking for something more solid to fill their stomachs.

Once you've eaten and drunk you head out to the walls and are able to climb one and look out over the lands of Pyreal beyond. You see a vast open plains land, which is starting to be covered in a patchwork of fields and farmhouses.

Stoneforge (Pop: 500)

There is a well-worn road forming across the plains, passing under the shadow of a massive tower and then winding through hills that have been cut to allow easier passage.

The road itself is mostly a dirt track but has been repaired and improved in places to help with the large quanties of stone and metal goods being shipped to Landing.

As you approach the site of Stoneforge you can see the quarries working into the cliff on both sides of the village. The village itself is nestled against the base of the cliff and surrounded by a solid stone wall. Atop the wall is a smaller area also surrounded by a wall and with a watch tower that must provides a wide view across the plains.

The main feature that draws the eye though as you approach is the large Temple standing in the heart of the settlement. Crafted from stone and elegantly carved it is a visible symbol of the way the dwarves of Pyreal have once more embraced the faith that they nearly abandoned.

As you approach you can see that not just Dwarves but Humans and many other races are all entering and exiting the temple, some on business, some just curious, and others coming for counsel or to make offerings to the gods.

Durnstand (Pop: 300)

The roads to Durnstand are less well formed than that between Landing and Stoneforge. There is less travel in both directions and the lumber and other goods that Durnstand produces are mostly sent down the river rather than over land.

The settlement itself is not thriving in the same way as the other two, there is an air of dirt and depression and you notice the large numbers of orphans and widows thronging the streets and being supported by charity. Clearly working the forests near here is dangerous, unusually so, and you don't need to talk to many people to discover that even large groups working in the forest regularly disappear without trace.

The Shallows (Pop: Unknown)

Beyond Stoneforge a new road has formed, steadily being paved by the dwarves who travel it regularly. The road cuts through the wooded hills around Stoneforge towards the mountains and then stops outside the vast mine complex that the dwarves have claimed and are now working.

Inside the mine the sound of hammers and mining ring constantly as the dwarves ring metal ores from the rock and perform basic working and refining on them before sending them on to Stoneforge to be finished.

For those brave souls who dive down further into the mine the mysterious settlement that the Deep Gnome Svirfneblin call The Shallows can be found. Very few visitors are allowed inside their tunnels but they trade Mithral and gems to the dwarves in exchange for food and other surface supplies and so far the arrangement has been mutually beneficial.

Luckfalls (Pop: 100)

The most recent settlement, founded by the gnome Franklin aided by his companions, is set inside the 300' cliff leading up to the vast Plateau at the head of the river Waterbrook.

The river plunges down a vast shaft and then tunnels through caves until it emerges into the sunlight at the base of the cliff. The settlement itself occupies the caves around the river and then spirals around the vast central shaft with the waterfall plunging down the center. The conditions tend towards dark and damp but use of continual flame torches and clever stone working have made comfortable accommodations available for most visitors.

Luckfalls is mostly supported by trading with the native Sentisaurs upon the plateau and by hunting both on top of the plateau and on the plains beneath. Brave individuals are also starting to work on domesticating some breeds of the enormous dinosaurs living on top of the plateau. The prospect of something of that power being used to haul trade goods, work fields, or march to war has breeders and trainers flocking to the fledgling town although the beasts are proving tricky to train.

2014-11-05, 08:51 AM
These maps have not yet been updated with changes over the past two years of IC time.

A Map of Landing

Click for larger
Map Key:

The Anchor
Graceling's Compound
Roschdale's Compound
Trevail's Compound
Ironbeard's Compound
The Market
The Wolf's Head
Milestone's Shop

A Map of Pyreal as explored so far

Click for larger

Scale: Each Hex is 25 miles

Locations of Interest:
0905: Pixies!
0906: Silvercrown Hill (All the woods around 0906 are called the Twilight Woods)
0805: Sunken City
0806: (North) Landing
0806: (South) Durn's Stand
0806: (Southwest of town) A strange sealed tower
0608: The "Lost World" Plateau
0706: Cave with DDoD, Stoneforge & Quarry
0705: Giant Ant's Nest
0606: On the border with 0706 - The Mine
0506: Possible site of a manticore nest
0406/0407/0306: A massive roughly circular lake with a single enormous mountain in the center

The Village of Stoneforge


Thanks to Talvara for drawing this map as his character had been involved in the design of the settlement.

The Village of Durnstand


2014-11-05, 09:01 AM

The timeline from PR1 can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17092794&postcount=4).

253 AP Novemeber - Temple Complete

Thoriks grand project is finally completed, with a temple to the Dwarven Pantheon standing proudly in Stoneforge. Shortly before the opening a dwarf he recognizes arrives, a fellow student of his old mentor. He carries a letter saying how proud the mentor is of what Thorik is doing but saying that he is unwell and both too old and too set in his ways to face such a long journey over water. Instead he has asked Brother Heltar to come and to help Thorik in his grand undertaking.

Brother Heltar proves to be a devout and humble dwarf, with a vast knowledge of both the dwarven pantheon and others having spent many decades hunting down lost lore. He is an able administrator, although his sermons tend more towards instructional lectures than anything that carries true passion or devotion.

254 AP January - Luckfalls construction begins

Many of the workers from the temple are hired to work on Luckfalls, the new settlement. They start by working on making the caves inhabitable and then work on carving out a vast spiral causeway around the shaft.

254 AP August - Luckfalls construction complete

The new settlement is essentially complete, although more rooms are constantly being added as required for expansion. The causeway allows travel from the plateau to the floor and cautious trade with the natives is bringing a wide range of new and exotic produce to the markets of Landing while also introducing the natives to new technologies and materials such as metal.

254 AP December - Skirmishes

There is a flair up on tension between the Free States and King Peter and a number of skirmishes on the ground. The Countess returns home to help deal with it and there are tensions throughout landing, and a number of fights between Free States Rangers and King Peter's Soldiers. Most of the Rangers relocate to Stoneforge and Durnstand, while most of King Peter's Soldiers garrison at Landing. The Dwarves and Elves have to work hard as intermediaries and neutral parties keeping the peace.

255 AP February - First Sacred Forge uncovered

The first of the Sacred Forges has been reached by the dwarves who labour to reclaim them. It is damaged but repairable and the discovery has been a huge boost to those who support the return of the old gods.

255 AP March - Peace Treaty Signed

The trouble was caused by the discovery of silver in a mine near the border of the Free States. King Peter had tried to claim the mine as his as several of the seams passed over the border, whereas the Free States contended the entrance to the mine was their and the ore had been found by their citizens.

After a number of skirmishes and increasing tension a treaty was signed agreeing that the mine be worked by the Free States but a percentage of the silver be given to King Peter if it was extracted from lands within his kingdom.

255 AP May - The Countess returns

With the signing of the treaty tensions began to reduce and The Countess returns to Pyreal, the separation of the settlements continues though with Sir Roschdale essentially ruling in Landing, The Countess ruling in Durnstand and Aylee Ironbeard ruling in Stoneforge. Durtan Ironbeard, Countess Trevail, and Lady Graceling all still live in Landing and have a number of men in their compound but their influence is much reduced.

Sir Roschdale and The Countess make a number of public displays of unity and clamp down hard on friction between their forces but it's open knowledge that the two have been seen shouting at each other on several occasions.

255 AP August - Sacred Forge Lit

The first sacred forge has been lit, and a second is mostly uncovered. Runesmiths and Theologians from the dwarves are flocking around and interest in the old beliefs is growing amongst the younger generation of dwarves although most of the clan leaders are still firmly against the project. The actions of a few progressive Dwarves do manage to block any open interference although it's open knowledge that there is

255 AP November - Purity Activity

A warning is received from both The Countess and Aylee Ironbeard that the Purity order have been trying to rouse the kingdoms against the Temple. There have been attempts to swing the Mountain Halls into denouncing the project, although so far the Ironbeard clan has been able to block that. Rabble rousers have been active in many kingdoms but The Free States people have been working to keep them under control and with the income King Peter has started to see from taxes on Landing he has been acting to discourage any such activities.

A letter arrives for Thorik from his old mentor, echoing the warnings already seen. He also warns that now the attempt to to rouse the kingdoms to march on Stoneforge has failed they're raising a private army of their own. Mobs and mercenaries are being gathered from all across Eronia to purify Pyreal, wipe out the stain that is the temple, and reclaim the land for honest magic-fearing folk everywhere.

256 AP February 3rd - Trouble in the north

A number of farms had sprung up providing supplies to Stoneforge. That night a cry goes up from the watchtower, one of the farms is burning. A squad of guards accompanies by volunteers goes to assist but finds the farm already burning fiercely, and all the animals slaughtered or missing. The flames are too fierce for anyone to enter the building but there is no sign of survivors.

256 AP February 4th - Farmstead Investigation

Dougal, The Mountain, Thorik, Snips and Herion head out to investigate the burning farmstead. They find the farm deserted but searching it finds only two bodies when the farmhouse had many more people living there. Finding the tracks of prisoners being taken away they follow in a forced march.

256 AP February 6th - Vengeance and Freedom

After force marching for two days they finally catch up with the Ogres and take them down, rescuing the captives. The Ogres' heads are mounted on their own spears with the exception of the leader's head which is taken back to Stoneforge. One of the captives had been eaten but the other five are rescued and taken back to safety.

256 AP February 8th - Return

The party returns to Stoneforge with the rescued farmers and begins making arrangements to set them up near Luckfalls where they should be safer.

256 AP February 12th - An expedition leaves to travel around the outside of the plateau

Thorik, Garrett, Aklo, The Mountain, Snips and Herion set out to circumnavigate the plateau and discover if there are any potential threats nearby.

256 AP February 23rd - The expedition returns to Luckfalls

They return, all alive but with many new scars and telling tales of undead crows and scorpions the size of houses.

256 AP February 26th - Durnstand

Dougal, Herion, The Mountain, Aklo and Snips are gathering in Durnstand to investigate the missing when a distress flare is seen in the forest. Alerted by the flare they rescue a paralysed forester and then track the spider that paralyzed him back from its lair and rescue a second victim who was still alive but had had spider eggs implanted into his torso to eat him as they hatched.

256 AP March 4th - Dwarf Rescue

The Mountain, Aklo, Herion and Thorik joined later by Snips and then Dougal return to the dwarven ruins where they captured the Shy Maiden searching for a missing group of dwarven explorers. They find a pair of cave giants and defeat them, to discover that there is a whole clan of giants living in the ruins and they are holding 100 Dwarves and 30 Svirfneblin as slaves.

Our heroes circle around and cause a distraction at the southern end of the city, while the dwarves organize a break-out attempt. This plan is mostly successful, with most of the slaves rescued.

256 AP March 10th - A worrying meeting

The Mountain, Aklo, Herion, Thorik and Dougal head towards the Ogre lands to see what the Ogres have been doing. At the location of the two ruined towers they find an ambush waiting for them but dispatch the 6 ogres in the ambush easily enough. Finding evidence of some Ogres going to a meeting with an unspecified person they follow the lead to the old abandoned Ant Hill. There they find the Ogres and Cave Giants in a tense meeting. An Enlarged Lance crashes the party, disrupting the negotiation with an improvised stink bomb. They then discover that the Ogres are led by an Ogre Adept who potentially reports to an Ogre Mage and retire to Landing to warn and consult with the leaders there.

256 AP March 15th - Scouting for Spiders

Dougal, Thorik, Garret, Herion, The Mountain, Aklo and Maurice head into the Twilight woods and slay a pack of ravenous Ogre Spiders.

256 AP March 18th - Continued scouting

Garret returns home while the others continue, finding a ruined castle occupied by spiders and a smaller building where Ettercaps appeared to be farming Giant Aphids. They fought the spiders in the castle and finally killed an Aranea.

256 AP March 21st - The group return home

256 AP March 22nd - A visit to the Pixie Queen

Aklo, Snips, Lance and Thorik head into the Pixie lands to ask for advice. They receive a prophecy as to the location of a Hand of Glory and also some insight into the nature of Aklo's dagger and his recent strange dreams.

256 AP March 25th - A voyage east

Aklo, Maurice, Sir Theodore, a mysterious hooded elf, Marr, and Amber head into the swamps following the guidance of the Pixie Queen and a solution to Aklo's vision.

256 AP March 28th - The Leader's Council

Thorik, Dougal and Franklin are all invited to attend a meeting of the Leaders of Pyreal.

256 AP April 5th - The voyage returns

The voyagers return, with news of fractures in space and with Aklo holding a freshly crafted bow of a magical nature.

256 AP April 7th - Scouting for Ogres

Dougal, Thorik, Snips, Herion, The Mountain and Maurice head out to scout the Ogres. They are attacked by Ogre special forces in the night and then move on to find the two towers occupied by a force of at least 20 Ogres.

They lure a group of the Ogres away from the towers and kill them but decide to then withdraw rather than facing more.

256 AP April 12th - The party returns

The adventurers return home.

256 AP April 14th - Into the Pit

Thorik, Snips, Herion, The Mountain, Aklo and Maurice delve into the pit near the Ogres southern border and find a complex magical lock and significant numbers of undead. They finally release all the locks and defeat an undead horror but return to the surface to rest before going into the final room.

256 AP April 16th - vs the Deathheart

Joined by a mysterious Hooded Elf the 6 adventurers move into the final room of the crypt and there successfully destroy the Deathheart, removing one threat from the lands of Pyreal forever.

Afterwards a small group pushed on to scout the Ogre's, finding a deep ravine with a bridge crossing it and a tower occupied by Ogres. They leave without being seen and wait in ambush by the pit. After a few days they successfully capture an Ogre.

256 AP April 18th - The return

The 7 adventurers return to Landing, where after speaking to Lady Graceling Maurice hands over the captive Ogre for questioning.

256 AP May 3rd - Trouble at Durnstand

Thorik, Snips, Herion, The Mountain, Aklo and Maurice head into the Twilight Woods to investigate Silvercrown Hill. While there they are attacked by an incredibly tough Obsidian Spider which bits and poisons both Snips and Thorilk before it succumbs. The group then manage to negotiate an arrangement with Quicklings who've been enslaved by the spiders. The Quicklings warn them that an army is gathering to march on Durnstand. The Mountain uses his speed in animal form to take Maurice to Landing to get help while the others move to Durnstand to prepare defenses.

256 AP May 5th - It was all a dream

The Obsidian Spider's venom works its magic, pulling Thorik and Snips into a deadly dreamworld. The Mountain, Aklo and Maurice also enter the dream to try and help them and are able to defeat it together, breaking the Obsidian Spider's curse.

256 AP May 6th - Gangs in Landing

Marr, Sir Theodore, Maurice, Amber, Traril and Connor look into a murder and other criminal activity in Landing.

256 AP May 6th - Siege of Durnstand

Dougal, Thorik, Lance, The Mountain, Aklo, Herion and Snips wipe out the incoming spider army, successfully defeating them all.

256 AP May 15th - A visit to the pixies

Franklin, Marr, Aklo and Maurice go to visit the pixies.

256 AP May 21st - The Fall of Copper

Dougal, Herion, The Mountain, Maurice and Aklo defeat the Copper Tribe in their Stronghold and kill both The Mother and The Ogre Adept in the process. The stronghold is occupied by a joint force of Soldiers, Rangers and Dwarves with the intent that it become the new base for the Order of Pyreal - should the state of the order finally be decided.

256 AP May 21st - Robbery in Landing

Lance, Marr, The Hooded Elf, Amber, Traril and Connor foil a robbery in Landing. Thieves had broken into Cabal's workshop and made off with some of his stock, however after a rooftop chase all but two were apprehended and all the stolen goods were recovered. Lance spotted two old enemies in the chase and ran them down, ending up fighting the two of them atop a roof. At first the fight goes badly with the two working together well to strike several solid blows, however in a rage he finally cleaves one of them in two and then on the reverse swing wounds the other so badly he loses consciousness.

The surviving leader is hung, the other criminals are sentenced to two years of hard labour and sent to Luckfalls.

256 AP May 23rd - Don't open that trapdoor!

Under a trapdoor in the Copper Mine Dougal, Thorik, The Mountain, Herion, Davri and Maurice find a maze of rooms and secret passages occupied by strange constructs. Mirror Men striking from secret passages and trying to isolate members of the party force them to retreat with several serious injuries but with a few Mirror Men slain.

256 AP May 24th - Still don't open that trapdoor!

The party returns the following day and manage to defeat the remaining Mirror Men and the Flesh Golem, although Lizzie is caught away from the main group and surrounded by Mirror Men gets slain in the darkness before the others can rescue her. Through more secret doors the party find laboratories and other facilities where the adept was performing experiments attempting to unlock magical potential. Caught in one of those experiments Dougal finds himself filled with mystical energy that flows through his veins but also drives him into a rage, during the first berserk rage he injured Thorik but since then he managed to mostly keep control.

256 AP May 26th - Parley!

The Red King meets with Dougal, The Mountain, Thorik and Maurice. Negotiations do not go well and the meeting ends with him dropping a fireball on the entire meeting and declaring war. Copper keep is razed and the forces quickly retreat east and then south towards Stoneforge. Ten of the copper tribe slaves were taken away though and used as graphic examples of The Red King's displeasure as the army marches.

256 AP May 28th - Temple Pyrotechnics, Rhino hunting

A dwarf immolates the temple in Stoneforge, and then kills himself at the temple entrance.

The army makes it back to Stoneforge at the end of the forced march, sighting Rhino-riding ogres approaching behind them.

Despite their tiredness Dougal, Snips, Thorik, The Mountain, Lance and Herion head out to stop the Rhino Riders from doing too much damage. They find two dead men but rescue a woman and her 4 children, taking out 3 of the rhino riders in the process and taking them back to Stoneforge safely.

They set out again immediately but only make it a few hours before tiredness overcomes them and they rest overnight.

256 AP May 29th - Rhino Roundoup

The 6 adventurers engage the remaining 10 Rhino-riders and manage to slay them all, although Snips nearly dies in the process. Saved only by a vision from the Tome of The Palid Seer which allows him to dodge the killing blow at the last moment. They return to Stoneforge with a captive Ogre, 2 captured Rhinos, with Dougal and The Mountain moving to warn people of the coming attack.

256 AP May 30th - Expedition to the Rat Kings tower departs Stoneforge

Thorik, Dougal, The Mountain, Aklo, Maurice and Amber leave Stoneforge into the teeth of a storm in order to breach the Rat Lord's tower and look for a Hand of Glory.

Ogres Around 60 Ogres from Flint Tribe arrive at Stoneforge, 5 of them mounted on the Giant Rhinos. They set up a camp around two miles north of the town and seem to be waiting for something.

256 AP June 1st

Ogres A large force of Ogres armed and armoured in Steel arrives at the entrance to the mine, forcing the dwarves to fall back towards the Svirfneblin hold

256 AP June 2nd

Heroes Our heroes arrive at Luckfalls and get the runes and key needed to open the tower from Franklin. The Mountain makes contact with a new Animal Companion, although he does not consider it ready to bring into combat yet.

Red King The Red King attempts an attack on Landing but is driven away by a prepared Lady Graceling and massed archers.

256 AP June 3rd

Heroes Our heroes arrive at the Rat Kings Tower and trigger the magic that keeps it sealed. The magic fails half way through the process, although it has revealed the main doors. The incredibly powerful magic rips a temporary rupture into the very fabric of the universe although fortunately the rupture seems to repair itself after a few minutes. Within the tower they find friendly mice, unfriendly gargoyles, Ratacid Skitterthiss (twice) and some strange experimental creatures and an otherworldly creature from the plane of shadow. The Lord of Rats is found still in statue form and is smashed to pieces, with the fragments scattered. A hand of glory and other magical treasure is retrieved and then they use mundane stone to seal the tower up again and head back to Stoneforge.

Ogres A large force of Cave Giants emerge from below the Svirfneblin hold and start carving themselves a way up towards the hold from beneath.

256 AP June 4th

Heroes The party arrive back at Stoneforge, to find the Ogres camped two miles outside the walls.

Red King The Red King attacks Durnstand, burning the village to the ground and killing over 50 people while the rest fled.

256 AP June 5th

Marr, Traril, Amber, Connor and Sk'lak travel out to the ruined city and rescue the fire elemental trapped within.

256 AP June 6th

B Team Marr, Traril, Michael, Connor and Sir Theodore head out to explore the crater lake seen from the ocean east of the spider forests.

A TeamStigma (the Elder Fire Elemental) attacks Flint tribe from the north while the defenders draw away the rest of the Ogres from the south. During the confusion The Mountain, Herion, Aklo, Dougal, Thorik and Macey strike at the Flint Tribe leadership, taking down two messenger birds they tried to send out and slaying them. The surviving ogres fleet north pursued by Stigma.

256 AP June 7th

A fire giant called Onel parleys with the group. He wants to remove his tribe from the war but his father who rules the tribe will not let him. He will help them lure his father into a trap if he is allowed to retreat with his tribe afterwards.

256 AP June 8th

The Mountain, Thorik, Dougal, Snips, Herion and Macy ambush the Fire Giant who leads Steel Tribe and capture him alive, killing his bodyguards in the process.

256 AP June 8th

A parley is held with Onel, the new leader of Steel Tribe and they agree to a peaceful withdrawal, Steel Tribe lift the siege and march away from the mines.

256 AP June 10th

Marr, Traril, Michael, Connor and Sir Theodore find the lake frozen over and a strange building made of ice in the center. The building is occupied by Hobgoblins and contains a strange pool made of water colder than ice and cold flames. They rescue Whipal who was a prisoner of the Hobgoblins and kill the garrison then return home to report.

256 AP June 11th

On their way back the explorers see Ettercaps clearly training Giant Spiders to be ridden as cavalry.

256 AP June 14th

The explorers return home.

256 AP June 15th

There is a murder in Landing and Traril, Whiphal, The Hooded Elf, Michael and Marr investigate. They find the culprit, a halfling rogue and his gnome sorceress girlfriend. They capture them but through sleight of hand and trickery the rogue manages to escape. He agrees a deal for the release of his girlfriend in exchange for him leaving and persuading Trollmouth not to send people to Landing again.

2014-11-05, 09:03 AM

There are no formal laws of Pyreal. The four leaders of the expedition use their forces to keep the peace and transgressions are handled on a case-by-case basis. Crime is punished harshly and swiftly and so far the criminal element that plagues many larger towns hasn't really formed. Crimes tend to be defined as assaults against persons, theft of property, and anything that threatens the safety of Landing. Magic is far more accepted than in Eronia and some people even openly ply the trade, although still treated with suspicion they are mostly left alone and the law protects them so long as they are careful.

Notable People - The Expedition Leaders

Sir Roschdale, Knight of Renown

Sir Roschdale is a skilled swordsman and cavalier, instrumental in putting down several rebellions and border skirmishes. He's the nominal leader of the expedition but does not have absolute authority as each other leader has command over their own people.

Sir Roschdale has:
200 humans garrisoned at Landing

Durtan Ironbeard

A veteran of many battles Durtan Ironbeard was at the forefront of reclaiming the Mountain Halls for his people. Skilled in both battle and in construction he was the natural choice to lead the expedition in that capacity.

Durtan Ironbeard has
25 dwarves garrisoned at Landing
75 dwarves garrisoned at Stoneforge

Countess Eloise Trevail

The Countess was an adventurer herself in her younger years, a talented Bard her adventuring party formed the Free States of Trevath, with each free state being led be one member of the party. Rumor has it that after years of action and adventure the life of a sedate noblewoman did not agree with her so she leaped at the chance to regain a taste of adventure while still sleeping in a comfortable bed.

Countess Trevail has
50 humans and half-elves garrisoned at Landing
50 garrisoned at Durn's Stand
20 garrisoned at Stoneforge

Elgan Graceling

Tall, slender, and blonde Elgan Graceling is very much the stereo-typical elf. A silver in her hair and lines on her face show her advancing age but her eyes are still as piercing as ever. More than one person in Landing has found themselves begging for her forgiveness after nothing more than a look. Little is known of her past, but the elves with her hold her in high esteem.

Elgan Graveling has 50 elves garrisoned at Landing

King Hailrog

The King of the Svirfneblin rarely leaves The Shallows, although he has been seen at Stoneforge a few times. He wears heavy armour and carries himself like a capable warrior but other than this little is known about him. His people are cautious and secretive so even after several years few people have seen even the first parts of their hold.

The Svirfneblin have an unknown number of both Deep Gnomes and Earth Elementals in their hold.

Brother Heltar

A dwarf of average height and build Heltar is a studious and bookish fellow. He is an expert on religious lore and loves any opportunity to share and spread those teachings, although unfortunately he tends to go into such length and detail that everyone else grows bored long before he has finished.

Brother Heltar has 20 priests and acolytes studying and working at the temple

Notable People - Commoners

Henry Butterfield - Innkeeper at the Anchor

With his growing girth and permanently red cheeks Henry is constantly running around as he tries to keep his cobbled-together Inn from falling apart. Cheerful and boisterous he welcomes all his regulars by name and keeps the Inn as well as he can without raising his prices.

Cabal Milestone - Shopkeeper

Cabal's small shop contains powders and herbs reputed to treat upset stomachs and other similar ailments. He is a scrawny nervous little man, with a rat-like nose and long greasy and straggly hair.

Old Meg - Healer

Old Meg is the expedition's healer, a half elf from the free states she's been a healer (of the non-magical variety) for most of her hundred years and is a dab hand with the sewing kit. She's patched up more wounds than most people on the expedition have had hot dinners. She runs a stall on the market where people can come to her with questions and she sells healing supplies on the side.

Irkan Irongrip - Mastersmith

Irkan is an average height but extremely powerfully built dwarf and the master-smith for the dwarven compound. He's an expert on metals, forging, refining and both weapon and armour smithing.

2014-11-05, 09:07 AM
Reserved in case I need to add more... :)

2014-11-07, 11:40 AM
Over the past two years Franklin has been very busy. As the most visible mage in Pyreal he took it upon himself to make sure that the reputation of magic is favorable. He has been doing this in a number of ways, partly by working on construction projects using his magic to help where he can, but also by actively promoting the knowledge of how magic works, even if it has been in a general way.

He is also the architect and leader of Luckfalls, more commonly known as Luckfalls Library. In addition to being a trading post, it is also a center of learning, various workshops, training yards and lecture halls have been carved into the caves and materials brought in for people to work with. There are very few private offices, those there are rooms where noise is expected to be scarce. The educational process works in two ways, firstly the experts (or more often their apprentices) are encouraged to travel from settlement to settlement during the quieter times of year to give instruction on the basics of their craft to any folk who wish to learn. Secondly, any who wish to learn a trade can come to Luckfalls where if they prove able, a mentor can be found for them. While Luckfalls has no formal requirements on those there to contribute their knowledge to others, those who appear to be avoiding their duties tend to find themselves on the fringe of the community that is being built there.

The other strange thing about Luckfalls is that the practice of magic is not held in disdain. Those who are mages are expected to pull their weight like any other and are not afforded any special privileges. Franklin has made efforts to make sure that the various professions are not encourages to group together, such as shares workshops, communal dining and social manipulation where needed. This oversight also allows him to help guide the studies of those who learn magic (and keep track of those who deal with riskier subjects). There is a small tax, mostly gathered from the use of workshops and those who wish to use the spiral ramp to reach the plateau. The records of accounts are public knowledge for any who wish to know where the money is being spent.

Oh, and a well hidden passageway that leads from Franklin's office to a vault that contains various artifacts that the group wanted looking after, with an illusion of a wall making the room seem a lot smaller than it actually is.

Previous players, feel free to insert yourself into positions of relative power here

2014-11-10, 02:00 PM

For the last two years, Lance preferred to mainly stay in the background, working closely as a mercenary and trainer for new soldiers of the local leaders. As he figures, politics have never been his strong suite, and so mainly concerns himself with ensuring that what is ordered to happen does so in the right manner, namely his.

Eventually, this ensued in him ending up in his first position of actual power, albeit a rather lowly one. After Luckfalls was finished, his presence in the community and efforts to ensure that all were treated well in this new town, eventually made him an ideal candidate to semi-permanently oversee the local guard, made mostly of other mercenaries. Despite the fact that his position earns him little more than (admittedly rather luxurious) housing and (admittedly rather lavish) food, he seems to be very much content with it, enjoying his stable position and chance to give to the small community.

However, life has not become easy for Lance, as still the injury he sustained years ago at the hands of a wraith continues to worsen even now. While his physique is still as strong and agile as ever, his skin has taken on a noticeable pale- and gauntness, and he has developed a peculiar weakness against large heat. He is unable to feel warmth still, yet now it seems to damage his body far more than it would a normal person. Lance has undertaken many efforts counteract these effects, and taken the opportunity of living near the plateau to gather sunleaf plants on many occasions, but nothing has helped him permanently.

2014-11-13, 03:51 PM

Snips spent time watching the various lycanthropy survivors to ensure they both survived and did not pose a risk to anyone else for the first few months, only stepping away when they seemed acclimated enough to do without his babysitting. Promises to both dwarves and gnomes had to be kept regarding learning the art of gunpowder. That was perhaps half a year, and then he was out of things to do. Well, mostly out.

He went back to experimenting. With some assistance, he came up with a few new technological designs he intended to test out in his efforts to learn the surrounding area. After gearing up one day, he headed off westwards on his own, to test his mettle against Pyreal.

2014-11-13, 03:53 PM
Batch #1
Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Stealth: [roll2]

Batch #2
Perception: [roll3]
Survival: [roll4]
Stealth: [roll5]

Batch #3
Perception: [roll6]
Survival: [roll7]
Stealth: [roll8]

Batch #4
Perception: [roll9]
Survival: [roll10]
Stealth: [roll11]

2014-11-13, 09:49 PM
Acrobatics: [roll0] (+5 if Jump related)

2014-11-14, 11:47 AM
After being missing for the better part of two months, Snips returns. He looks a bit worse for wear, and has collected two large spears of unusual make during his voyage - to all appearances, the hard way. He drops the spears off with the armory, and makes it known both to allies and leadership figures his findings.

"The mountain in th' middle of the lake's new and conical.. Entire region's one big hole what's only a few hundred years old, with that spec in the water. There is something big with wings that lives in on the mountain, and the area around is right inhospitable. Ogres claimed the territory north and east sides of the lake, with manticores and other beasties wandering the rest of it. The water's a touch salty, but drinkable. The Ogres hunt in packs, so I don't reckon anyone else should go near their territory unless they're ready for that kind of fight.

2014-11-16, 04:42 AM
Dougal Badrick

Dougal couldn't help feeling uneasy following the defeat of the Rat King. The immediate threat dealt with his thoughts often dwelt on what future threats loomed just beyond the horizon, or indeed across the sea. The growing number of people living in Pyreal needed protection, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving it all to people with political affiliations. The settlers still needed someone to drive away the wolves even if the bigwigs in the north were arguing about who they should pay taxes to.
After making sure that Daria, Rike, and the other lycanthropy survivors were all right he devoted his efforts to arranging patrols around the edges of the wilderness and scouting the previously unexplored lands to the south and east.
Seeing as the rangers from the Free States seemed to have similar aspirations Dougal cooperated with them whenever he could, often joining them in patrols when they were short-handed. He also spent whatever money and influence he had on hiring and equipping his own patrols through the Exploratory Company. Together with the rangers Dougal attempted to set up a network of safehouses across the wilderness a days journey apart. Each safehouse was barely more than a defensible location with firewood, a flare, medical supplies, and emergency rations usable by anyone in need of shelter for the night.
Ashwin had largely taken over the running of the daily business of the Company, roughly breaking even by hiring out guards for goods shipments and guides for settlers. The company had around thirty dependable regulars ready to take on such jobs for a fee. They operated out of Landing, eventually buying their own building having outgrown the back room at the Anchor.

Dougal first became aware of the trouble between the king Peter and the Free States when he was pulled into a tavern brawl back in Landing. He'd just returned from a patrol and was relaxing at the Anchor with a couple of rangers when some of Peter's soldiers started picking a fight. The brawl ended quickly and without fatalities, but the participants were still dragged in front of their respective leaders. Dougal found himself standing in a row with the rangers, receiving a talking down from the Countess. As the others filed out, the Countess asked Dougal to stay. She told him of the situation in the north and of her decision to return there to deal with it. To Dougal's surprise, she asked him to accompany her to the north as a personal bodyguard. A little hesitant to leave his duties, he nevertheless agreed. Dougal took the dino he had been riding back south, to Luckfalls. None of the animal trainers there were willing to take on the challenge of continuing the training of the allosaurus, so Dougal had little choice but to take it past the stairwell and set it free.
A week later Dougal and the Countess were on a boat north.

Six months later, the Countess returned to Landing, sans Dougal. After the treaty was signed the Countess had another surprise in store for him. Instead of heading back south the Countess led their entourage to Academie Drouvoie, one of the more prestigious military academies in the world. Certainly the finest in the Free States. On her orders, Dougal was to attend the academy for one year's time, attend every lecture and follow every instruction. Dougal was still stunned by the order when they unloaded his equipment from the cart an laid it all out neatly in the courtyard. Dougal had never felt as lost as when he the gates of the academy swung closed behind the Countess, surrounded by nobleborn sons ten years his junior. This was going to be an interesting year.

Over a year has passed when the merchant vessel Kingfisher reached the port of Landing. The man who disembarked was barely recognizable as Dougal. He was certainly better dressed, and carried himself with a hint of reserved dignity that had previously been absent. The boisterous rowdiness was somewhat diminished and his demeanour was that of an officer rather than a foot soldier. A warhorse disembarked after him, clearly anxious to run after the cramped weeks aboard the ship. Dougal patted it's neck as they went out in search of lodgings.

2014-11-16, 06:45 AM
Dougal Badrick

Dougal made his way past the half-orc guards at the Anchor. He'd left the horse in the adjoining stable with a warning that he's a biter.

"Hi Henry. Got any rooms for rent? I'll need stabling as well. Looks like you're doing all right for yourself. A lot has changed around here. How's the old gang doing?"

2014-11-16, 11:18 AM
Henry blinks at the man in front of him for a moment and then suddenly gapes in amazement, "Dougal? By all the beards below is that you? I see life in the north has agreed with you, not seen you in threads that fine before!"

He turns to bellow to the bar, "Hey everyone, Dougal's back! A round on the house to everyone here!"

There's cheering from all around the room (and not just because of the free booze) and loud conversations as those few who've arrived in the last year and not heard the stories get told exactly who Dougal is.

Over the noise Henry winks at you and shouts "Your old room has been let but I'm sure they won't mind moving. I'll get them shifted in ten minutes then it's all yours!".

2014-11-16, 04:17 PM
Dougal Badrick

Henry blinks at the man in front of him for a moment and then suddenly gapes in amazement, "Dougal? By all the beards below is that you? I see life in the north has agreed with you, not seen you in threads that fine before!"

Dougal suddenly looks a bit uncomfortable in his academy uniform. "Well, glad to be back. Been too long."

He turns to bellow to the bar, "Hey everyone, Dougal's back! A round on the house to everyone here!"

There's cheering from all around the room (and not just because of the free booze) and loud conversations as those few who've arrived in the last year and not heard the stories get told exactly who Dougal is.

Dougal raises a glass to the room for some more cheers, then turns back to Henry looking a bit weary.

Over the noise Henry winks at you and shouts "Your old room has been let but I'm sure they won't mind moving. I'll get them shifted in ten minutes then it's all yours!".

Dougal looked a bit taken back by the suggestion. "Nah, nah, don't go throwing anyone out on my account. Any room is fine, it's not like I'll be sleeping in it a whole lot. I expect I'll work's been stacking up in my absence. So, what's going on in Pyreal? We didn't get a lot of news back north. I hope the fighting's died down at least?"

2014-11-17, 05:15 AM
Henry nods, "Of course, of course, whatever you like. We've got a few rooms up the top free, I'll get you set up there."

He scratches his belly and hmms, "well it was tense for a few months but it's been easing off a bit now. For a while we spent a lot of time keeping the Free State's and King Peter's men apart but we've not even had a brawl for the last few weeks. Things have mostly been quiet since the Purity idiots were run out of town, although if you're looking for trouble then Durnstand's certainly had its fill. The village itself has been doing fine but anyone goes too far into the woods and they don't come back out, at least a few people go missing every month and its got to the point where people only work near the edge of the forest and Darkwood supplies are starting to dry up. The Countess was talking about mounting an expedition to investigate but is reluctant to go in without knowing what they are up against and trackers and scouts either don't come back or find nothing."

"Other than that your friend Franklin has his settlement up and running, we get trade goods down the river most weeks from there. Stoneforge has been doing plenty of work too, I'm sure you saw our new walls and they even have stone for us to start building up my Inn here now. That temple of the Dwarves' has been popular too, we even have people traveling all the way down from the north to go visit it then travel home. Just a shame that dwarf they put in charge isn't a better speaker. I went over there once out of curiosity and the building was pretty damn fine but he near put me to sleep!"

2014-11-17, 09:56 AM
Dougal Badrick

Henry nods, "Of course, of course, whatever you like. We've got a few rooms up the top free, I'll get you set up there."

"Sounds good. I'll have my things brought up."

He scratches his belly and hmms, "well it was tense for a few months but it's been easing off a bit now. For a while we spent a lot of time keeping the Free State's and King Peter's men apart but we've not even had a brawl for the last few weeks. Things have mostly been quiet since the Purity idiots were run out of town, although if you're looking for trouble then Durnstand's certainly had its fill. The village itself has been doing fine but anyone goes too far into the woods and they don't come back out, at least a few people go missing every month and its got to the point where people only work near the edge of the forest and Darkwood supplies are starting to dry up. The Countess was talking about mounting an expedition to investigate but is reluctant to go in without knowing what they are up against and trackers and scouts either don't come back or find nothing."

Dougal's expression darkens. "That doesn't sound good. I'm supposed to go see the Countess today, I'll have a word with her about it."

"Other than that your friend Franklin has his settlement up and running, we get trade goods down the river most weeks from there. Stoneforge has been doing plenty of work too, I'm sure you saw our new walls and they even have stone for us to start building up my Inn here now. That temple of the Dwarves' has been popular too, we even have people traveling all the way down from the north to go visit it then travel home. Just a shame that dwarf they put in charge isn't a better speaker. I went over there once out of curiosity and the building was pretty damn fine but he near put me to sleep!"

Dougal grins at that. "Don't tell Thorik, but that stuff puts me to sleep as well. Ain't no point in asking for help from up above if you ain't willing to help yourself. But I'm glad to know they got things up and running. I'll go and see to the Countess though, need to get started on the Durnstand situation. Someone'll be along from the boat with the rest of my things, just tell them to take it to the room. It was good to see you, Henry."

Dougal heads on down to where the Free States compound used to be, hoping to find it at least partially manned.

2014-11-17, 10:06 AM
The compound is still there, although unlike the rest of Landing it's still the same size it's always been. The pair of guards at the gate salute when they see your clothes, although you don't recognize them and they obviously doesn't recognize you.

"Newly arrived sir?", one asks, "anything I can do for you?"

2014-11-17, 10:53 AM
Dougal Badrick

Dougal hesitates for a fraction of a second before returning the salute. No need to correct their mistake. "At ease. Dougal Badrick, here to see the Countess. Is she in?"

2014-11-17, 11:46 AM
Dougal Badrick

Dougal hesitates for a fraction of a second before returning the salute. No need to correct their mistake. "At ease. Dougal Badrick, here to see the Countess. Is she in?"

The Guards look at each other for a moment, this is obviously over their pay grade, then one ducks his head into the tower. "There's a Dougan Baldrick here to see the countess" he informs whoever is inside.

A moment later a sergeant you recognize although you couldn't have said his name bustles out, and looks at you. "Dougal!" he says, slapping the one who called him over the back of the head. "His name's Dougal Badrick and you'll show some respect, he dragged more than a few of our boys away from deaths door and he's acted as bodyguard to The Countess herself!"

Turning to Dougal he continues, "Sorry about that, we've got a few new faces and we keep them here for a while to let them get used to the place. The Countess is over with the dwarves, her and Roschdale are having a meeting and these days they tend to do it over there rather than visiting each other. I reckon she'll be glad to see you though once she's done, you're welcome to wait here or if you head over there I imagine they'll be wrapping up soon."

2014-11-17, 12:01 PM
Dougal Badrick

"No need to chew them out. They had no way of knowing who I am, they did exactly what they were supposed to do. If they'd let some chuffer they don't know come in from the street in just 'cuz he was wearing the right color coat, that's when you chew em out. I'll head over to the dwarves then. Keep up the good work."

Dougal heads out towards the dwarven compound, requesting to wait outside the meeting room while the business between the two faction leaders is concluded.

2014-11-17, 02:34 PM
Dougal isn't waiting for long before The Countess storms out of the room, in the room behind her you see Sir Roschdale looking noticeably older than just two years ago still sitting at the table while Durtan Ironbeard at the head of the table is just standing up and sighing.

"I don't care what your precious King said" she calls back behind her, "either you're here to protect the people of Pyreal or you aren't and we have nearly a hundred people missing from Durnstand!"

She stops as she sees you and smiles. "Dougal, finally some good news! Welcome back to Pyreal, you're a sight for sore eyes I can tell you. How was the training? I got good reports from the Academy."

2014-11-17, 03:55 PM
Dougal Badrick

"Good to be back. The training, well, it wasn't a complete waste of time. Just... I would've rather been here. Maybe this Durnstand situation wouldn't have gotten so bad if I was around. Roschdale's not lifting a finger, huh?

A hundred people? Damn, if I'd know it was this bad I would've been here sooner. I'll round up some people to go after them. Do you have a map of where they've been going missing? The rumors were a vague at best."

As they walked back to the Free States compound Dougal reached into his pocked and pulled out a letter. "Before I forget, master Drogan sends his regards. I fear he may be a little cross with you for saddling him with me for a year."

The envelope contains Dougal's credentials from the Academy and some personal correspondence between master Drogan and the Countess.

2014-11-17, 07:14 PM
She sighs, "Well we don't have an exact count but there's somewhere between fifty and a hundred people gone missing over the last year or two. Maybe some just packed up and left so it's hard to be sure. We've sent scouts in and they either find nothing or don't return. I took in a quad of 40 rangers, searched the whole area and we found nothing apart from a half-chopped tree and lots of rusted woodcutter tools. Whatever is in there seems to be smart enough to avoid a large force and very dangerous to a small one. Pretty much anyone heading more than a few hours into the Twilight Woods seems to be at risk."

When Dougal hands the letter over she takes it with a smile. "Thanks, I'll have to read it later. I got occasional updates from him but I'm sure this will hold the details." she turns to look at you. "So far you have no official rank, would you like one or do you prefer remaining outside the chain of command?"

2014-11-17, 07:45 PM
2 years ago...
When hearing the glad news of the Rat-king's death, Herion joined the festivities. And as he had promised, upon the first work-day thereafter, he joined the templeproject of Thorik, more precisely, its guard duty.
As part of the "lantern-free-squad", he and the others surprised and chased away, countless of intruders and possible saboteurs during the night watch.

A Project and idea takes form
Inspired by the growth and the greatness of the temple, yet challenged by the complexity of the construction's planning, Herion started raising funds for a project of his own. A project which would empower himself and as a bonus do the same for Landing's people as well.
Landing would become his new tribe.

His morning and afternoon laps were replaced by lectures, classes and drills where he taught how to run faster and endure marches for longer. Which would offer the new arrivers better chances of escaping and surviving encounters and difficulties beyond their capabilities.

Full-time working was both funding and part of his research towards his goal of finding the best method in aiding his new tribespeople. Herion held swim-classes, martial-arts swordplay and endurance courses came next. It became enough to raise the last funds needed for Herion's project:
- A Martial-arts Academy & Dojo!

The construction process
With the aid & expertise of Stoneforge's sharp builders they could sketch the blueprints and plan for the construction of the Dojo.

The Dojo was settled where the woods met the open ocean, looking towards the horizon. Just northeast of Landing, on the spitz of the pincer that made out the bay. Herion, intentionally, made his marathon courses run past the construction site, filling his runners' minds with curiousity about the project. By repeatedly running the same way, they created a hardened path toward's the Dojo.

At first, it all seemed like a scheme, like it had a false fasade, but step by step as the workers continued constructing, the fasade, interior and whole business grew respectable. 74 days after the first shovel had burried its way down into the ground, the Dojo stood finished, along with a lavatory and a courtyard for combatdrills.
(the stinking pit for the lavatory's waste need not be mentioned, but was placed beyond stenchreach)
The whole project stood done on the 10th of August 255AP, about 2 years after the rat-king's death.

The Organization "LIFE-MAD"
The organization is currently made up by its three employers and the drill instructors the organizing employer put together, varying as on customer demands.

- Jaime Notepad is the receptionist, administrator, economist and organizer. He has been a go-getter. He had taken the opportunity to expand with his company across the sea, but due to bad management it was forced to declare bankruptcy after failing to see to Landing's needs and customers demands. Without fretting, he joined some adventurers headed beyond Landing's walls. But the misery of traveling during poor conditions pushed him towards returning to Landing. Effectively, he continued searching work and did find employment at "LIFE-MAD". He is more than often seen with his notes, paper and pen writing something down, professionally diplomatic sitting behind the business's counter.

- Suniaura Warsinger is a happy-propelled, vivid storyteller, with a curious nature. She is the marketing manager. She was curious of the unknown and exotic beyond the sea and made up her mind to set Landing as her next journey's destination. She could always be heard exchanging tales, jokes, songs and laughter with the crews, swapping ship at every chance to broaden her perspectives and experiences. Just miles from Landing, did her ship get caught in a storm. As her ship concussed with each wave, Suniaura performed her valorous warsongs for her shipmates, boosting morale and focus while the ship plowed and thrashed through the sea. This earned herself the nickname "Warsinger" on the ship, and the local word spread fast once in Landing.
She declined, when asked by a straight-forward Half-Orc, about working for "LIFE-MAD". Instead, eager to dance through more perils, she joined a scouting party. Wealths seemed to appear wherever the party went as they scouted. The discoveries earned themselves loud cheers when recounting the stories in the inns they visited between adventures. But the sixth trip became a disaster since two jealous groups banded together, ambushing them on their way back home. Even though, that peril was handled and all survived (manhandled, unconcious, burned, blinded, but yet alive), that trip became the second last. Her final trip became a justified hunt after the thug who stole her treasure while she'd been ambushed. The ambush, born out of spite and jealousy, had put her on the brink of death, using her last strength to plunge her Longspear through the last bandit she dropped unconcious. The small marginals between death and life became a troublesome thought. The experience made her reconsider the job offer from the Half-orc. She joined "LIFE-MAD" and is now working as the marketing manager of the organization. She is spreading the word of its existance to friends and new arrivers, so they as well, may return from an expedition to tell their tales.

- Juviar Windtime was employed last. He sought Landing with a purpose and grasped the opportunity to aid the newly founded city gain stability and order. However, finally on site, he quickly found the politics had gotten itself tangled up even beyond expectations and decided to withdraw from the spectacles for now. He is dedicated towards seeing his conviction through, making Landing's chaotic lawinforcement and hierarchy orderly and safe. Reasons for why he gladly accepted to become part of "LIFE-MAD". Juviar is the stationed guard. Known for his charismatic & helpful nature and his quick reflexes.

Somehow, even though they all embarked on different lifejourneys, they eventually came to work for "LIFE-MAD", which stands for: Landing's Introductive Fighting & Endurance Martial-arts Academy & Dojo.
On the streets also referred to as "LIFE" or simply "MAD".

Leaflets, posts, placards and playbills about it have been put up outside and inside of every inn and outerwall-gate of Landing as well as on the closest board in port for new-arrivers. Every ship of New-arrivers will face and hear the feminine, outgoing and always so curious Suniaura playing her lute, singing a spirited portsong or vigorous war melodies in stormy dusks...

Visit the OOC-thread to view the Playbill of 255AP and the new Playbill of 256AP.

Administration Issues -> Rhyson's Training Hall
A few months after opening up business, on the 1st of January 256AP, due to higher authorities complaints and administration issues, LIFE-MAD changed name to
Rhyson's Training Hall.

2014-11-18, 11:11 AM

Over the course of the last two years Thorik has been taking a sabbatical on the adventuring life, instead focussing on three things.

With the temple complete and its head priest present in the form of Brother Haltar, Thorik spent a good portion of his time helping his old acquaintance (they had both studied under the old Gruniyar, although Haltar was always the more diligent when it came to the studies).

Training the acolytes, securing the goodwill of the community and begrudgingly doing the occasional ceremony.

Although Thorik had worked hard to bring this temple into reality he was happy to hand over the accompanied responsibilities to Haltar. Thorik had always preferred to be an exemplar rather than a preacher or theologian. Regardless Thorik maintained close ties with the temple and its high-priest

Having worked closely with the (former)Pyreal refugees on the temple construction Thorik was happy to keep working with them and with Franklins Luckfalls project there was plenty of work to be done.

during this time Thorik also spent a significant amount of time contemplating his service to Trud, The dwarven cleric refocussed the aspects he'd try to represent. being a leading figure of the community is something he had been growing into. He had also practiced some new techniques and spells.

Thorik has ever been growing closer to Aylee, and in the second year the two set out for the mountain homes back in the northern continent.

it was time for Thorik to meet Aylee's parents and close kin. out of all the activities during the downtime this one was the one the Dwarven cleric was most anxious about. He'd like to think he made a decent impression. but closing in on middle age, being an open cleric and training the Ironbeard daughter in the clerical ways were all potentially troublesome aspects of the relationship. (that Gray-flame flail made for an excellent party trick though)


--Stoneforge temple--

From where our story continues, it hasn't been much longer than a week or two since the dwarven couple had returned to Pyreal. The letter his old master had sent regarding the Purity order was unwelcome news.

First the information was shared with his confidants in Stoneforge (Aylee and Haltar).
"I doubt those white robed loudmouths will be able ta raise an army capable of overrunning all the combined forces here in pyreal... but I fear an actual takeover isn't what they'll have in mind. they'll likely nay operate under a common banner but instead work against us at every chance they see... an if they do take to tha field under banners they'll only have ta be sizable enough that our human friends in landing cannay justify standin by our side."

the dwarf frowns.
"While times are changin' and our ways are once again being refound an accepted. we mustn't forget that many had rather we weren't out in tha open... we can count on tha support of most of tha people here in pyreal. but fer those back in the northern continent tha hold a stake in this frontier the same cannay be said"

2014-11-20, 05:21 AM
Dougal Badrick
Before departing from Landing

She sighs, "Well we don't have an exact count but there's somewhere between fifty and a hundred people gone missing over the last year or two. Maybe some just packed up and left so it's hard to be sure. We've sent scouts in and they either find nothing or don't return. I took in a quad of 40 rangers, searched the whole area and we found nothing apart from a half-chopped tree and lots of rusted woodcutter tools. Whatever is in there seems to be smart enough to avoid a large force and very dangerous to a small one. Pretty much anyone heading more than a few hours into the Twilight Woods seems to be at risk."

"Were all the missing people cutting trees? But yeah, I was planning on going in with a smaller group. I think I know just the people."

When Dougal hands the letter over she takes it with a smile. "Thanks, I'll have to read it later. I got occasional updates from him but I'm sure this will hold the details." she turns to look at you. "So far you have no official rank, would you like one or do you prefer remaining outside the chain of command?"

Dougal pauses to think for a while. "I'm honored by the offer but I don't think I can take it. I just want to keep the people living in Pyreal safe. I can't afford to be tangled up in politics from the north."

2014-11-20, 06:29 AM
Dougal Badrick
Before departing from Landing

"Were all the missing people cutting trees? But yeah, I was planning on going in with a smaller group. I think I know just the people."

She smiles grimly at that, "Yes, I thought you might. All the missing people have been in the forest, so it's mostly woodcutters. There's also been scouts and hunters disappeared though. At first people thought it was just the usual hazards but then the numbers kept rising and no bodies were found. People went in larger groups and at first they were safe, but then a group of ten woodcutters just didn't come back one day."

"That's when I took a squad of rangers in, forty of us swept through the whole area. We found where the cutters had been and there was some disturbance of the ground and tracks where some of them had tried to run but no sign of the attackers. No tracks leaving the area either and not much blood, the victims were just gone. That was a month or so ago and since then no-one has gone in further than the edge of the forest, but without that Durnstand is sitting idle. The small amounts of farming that people have started doing just can't support the size of the village without the hunting, gathering, and lumber it was formed around."

Dougal pauses to think for a while. "I'm honored by the offer but I don't think I can take it. I just want to keep the people living in Pyreal safe. I can't afford to be tangled up in politics from the north."

She nods, "Actually that's something I've been thinking about. Some of us are more independent than others but Durtan still needs to listen when his brother calls, I have to consider the good of my people in the Free States, and Sir Roschdale is oathsworn to his distant king. Even Lady Graceling is here for her own reasons, although I do not think she answers to anyone but herself."

"I think we need something here in Pyreal that is not a part of any of the existing factions, that can act for the good of everyone here and not be answerable to northern politics. Perhaps an order 'The Knights of Pyreal' or similar that answers to the council, not to any one member of the council. They would be able to request aid from us but they would be sworn to protect all our peoples. What are your thoughts on us trying to establish something like this?"

2014-11-20, 11:29 AM
Dougal Badrick

She smiles grimly at that, "Yes, I thought you might. All the missing people have been in the forest, so it's mostly woodcutters. There's also been scouts and hunters disappeared though. At first people thought it was just the usual hazards but then the numbers kept rising and no bodies were found. People went in larger groups and at first they were safe, but then a group of ten woodcutters just didn't come back one day."

"That's when I took a squad of rangers in, forty of us swept through the whole area. We found where the cutters had been and there was some disturbance of the ground and tracks where some of them had tried to run but no sign of the attackers. No tracks leaving the area either and not much blood, the victims were just gone. That was a month or so ago and since then no-one has gone in further than the edge of the forest, but without that Durnstand is sitting idle. The small amounts of farming that people have started doing just can't support the size of the village without the hunting, gathering, and lumber it was formed around."

"We'll scout out the area, hopefully luring whatever's been taking people into attacking us. We'll check out Silvercrown hill as well."

She nods, "Actually that's something I've been thinking about. Some of us are more independent than others but Durtan still needs to listen when his brother calls, I have to consider the good of my people in the Free States, and Sir Roschdale is oathsworn to his distant king. Even Lady Graceling is here for her own reasons, although I do not think she answers to anyone but herself."

"I think we need something here in Pyreal that is not a part of any of the existing factions, that can act for the good of everyone here and not be answerable to northern politics. Perhaps an order 'The Knights of Pyreal' or similar that answers to the council, not to any one member of the council. They would be able to request aid from us but they would be sworn to protect all our peoples. What are your thoughts on us trying to establish something like this?"

"That sounds like a fine idea. The thought has occurred to me before. In principle I have no problem with answering to the council, but there needs to be a code, a charter of some kind, that even council orders can't violate. And exactly what the council means and how they can issue orders needs to be codified. A certain degree of autonomy is needed for effective functioning, as well. I could draft a proposal if you'll present it to the council."

2014-11-24, 08:28 AM
Word has reached Landing and Stoneforge with the latest shipments of goods that Franklin is a little concerned that even though a year has passed since the construction of Luckfall's Library there is very little known about the surrounding area. It is common knowledge that they are making preparations to start farming the surrounding plains in order to become less reliant on trade and tolls to survive and the idea that a troll camp or hydra nest could be just around the corner is starting to worry the small leader.

While there is no mention of a reward, there is talk about being provided logistics and supplies for the duration of the exploration period. Any adventurers interested should contact Franklin at Luckfall's Library for further details.

2014-11-24, 12:39 PM
(On the trip back, accompanied by the abducted people)

Herion will attempt to wake up during the darkest hours of the night, in an attempt to spot wheather Thorik actually is awake and guarding or not.

(On the morning as the party break up camp (halfway back to the burnt house))
"Snips! ...and was it the Mountain?"
"You should both know, I found the road continueing from the Ogres' camp. It must be the Ogres using the road as it is too far away from Landing..."
"I say we take the fight to them! We teach them a lesson or simply knock them out so no more farmers gets taken again."
"But first we will need Franklin, I heard he was summoning platoons of platoons of his elementals back when you fought the Rat-king. We will need his assistance if we are to strike a big camp of the Ogres."

(Herion will propose that they head to Luckfalls and contact Franklin.)
((whilst there, Franklin might ask for assistance in scouting out the area around his settlement in return for his assistance in attacking the Ogres.))

2014-11-24, 04:21 PM
Encounter report

Dougal had been on the way south to catch up to old friends and request for some guidance on some personal matters. His first stop had been Stoneforge. A man calling himself the Mountain had been heading in the same direction so they had banded together for the journey. Once in Stoneforge they met up with Thorik, Snips, Lance and Herion and had set off to investigate rumors of burning homesteads.

The party made haste only to find one of the homesteads burnt, with two bodies inside and the small herd slaughtered and eaten. One of the corpses inside the still-smoldering hut had been cleaved clean in half, and tracks suggested a large group of humanoids had taken the rest captive. The party raced after them, and after two days of forced march they finally caught up. A raiding party of ogres had ventured into the plains and taken the settlers captive. The ogres had split into two camps within the ruins of two towers. The Mountain proved himself a valuable new companion by transforming into a large bird and scouting out the area before battle was joined. The party attacked the tower holding the captives and the ogre leader. Under the protection of Thorik's prayer of silence the first group was dealt with before the other fully realized what was going on. The remaining prisoners were unharmed, and the ogres were systematically beaten down. The Mountain proved himself a stalwart companion once more, wrestling ogres with his bare hands.

The captives were extremely grateful for being saved. Dougal went back ahead of the group to find the farmers wife before she returned to the burned cottage. She wasn't hard to find, and the farmers were also happy to find that one of the cows and four calves had survived the raid.

As a first measure the rescued settlers were taken back to Stoneforge, but Dougal for one was of the opinion that they would be safest settling near Luckfalls. He (and anyone else willing to make the trip) headed over to talk to Franklin before dropping off a bunch of refugees at his doorstep.

Dougal Badrick

Luckfalls had grown since Dougal had last lain eyes on it. The settlement itself had been mostly finished by the time he had left for the north, but it was good to see it bustling with activity. The guards had spotted the approaching party a good way off, and were welcomed in.

Dougal stepped into Franklin's study, to find him industriously poring over a new addition to his library. Lucky was dozing on the floor around his feet. "Franklin! I hope I'm not disturbing."

2014-11-24, 06:40 PM
" No no, of course not. " he says, looking up from his current book for a moment. He is looking pretty similar to how he was when last you saw him, though the cut of his clothes is a little better. The enchanted goggles of course remain a permanent feature over his forehead. " Is that... Dougal? Good to see you old friend. " He stands up, which actually makes him shorter as he drops out of the chair down a few steps and head over, looking at Dougal's new attire. " Don't you look fancy these days. A real officer, eh? Let me get some water on the boil and I'll make us a drink; take a seat and fill me in. "

2014-11-25, 08:34 AM
(In Luckfalls)
Herion will accompany Dougal past the waterfall and all the way to Luckfalls. He will leave the group to go and explore the premisis of Luckfalls settlement, learning its layout; the small alleys, climbable walls and easy accessable rooftops.
Herion jumps up on a few barrels and continue on by grabbing a rooftop, heaving himself ontop of it.
For a few minutes he just stands there, taking in the landscape, trying to pinpoint the location where he met the local natives.
With a final sweep, covering the distances betewwn the settlement's cracks (between rooftops), he jumps down again. A bit more prepared, in case the settlement should ever be infiltrated or attacked.

2014-11-25, 11:18 AM
Herion enters the outer settlement of Luckfalls with Dougal, who continues on into the cave, a second entrance now built near the stream to allow wagons to enter the tunnels without having to walk in the stream. The entrance where the stream is based now has bars across it, which appear to be made of adamantine upon closer inspection.

The outer settlement is what you might expect from a basic village at the moment, there is a stables for general use and a number of houses. Herion leaps from one to another but there isn't particularly anything special. The layout of the village appears to for streets leading off the the main path to the cave entrance. Looking up, Herion can see the 300 feet of cliff that leads up to the top of the cliff that Luckfalls is built into.

Heading into the cave and past the thick wooden doors the there is a large open area through which the stream runs. Amazingly for a cave it is nowhere as dark as would would expect. Running along the ceilings there seems to be a number of vines, except they appear to be glowing with what appears to be a natural light, keeping the place as bright as it was outside. People are coming and going from this place and there are a number of doors in this place. If you ask, someone standing around will probably tell you that those doors lead to the training rooms and general barrack like sleeping compartments for military types who wish to stay as well as the quartermasters apartment. Continuing along there is now a bridge across the river which leads into a short tunnel to where the adventurers previous fought toads and rattle-thorns. The first large area has been turned into a place to eat and drink, with a bar hewn from stone and a serving window for food to be passed out through. Continuing on the ...

** will continue later when I've had a chance to look at the map again, suffice to say, library and lecture halls and such.**

The tubes of light flow into and out of all the major public areas, though not into the rooms, which instead use Eternal Torches.

Moving on again to towards the smaller waterfalls, there are the usual facilities to clear and purge oneself as well as an area for washing. The air around here is damp from the constant fall of water. One of the rooms appears to give off heat from inside, and smoke flows out from near the ceiling.

Back along towards the main waterfall, as you enter the enormous cavern you see that a giant spiral has been cut into the sides of the rock, wide enough for two carts to pass one another in places (though few travel up and down here) with doors off in all directions. This is the accommodation and offices of those who live in Luckfalls. Groves have been cut into the floor, aiding any water in running off the path rather than gathering as puddles, as well as assiting with gripping the floor. As you near the top of the great slope you come to a large flat room with one side. In a room off to one side there is gear stored in the dry, and a think portcullis with bars of sturdy adamant, with a ramp that leads to the surface over the next 30 feet. A couple of archers are stationed here, and they refuse permission to head up onto the plateau. Apparently you need authorisation from Franklin or Benjamen (who runs Luckfall's day to day business) to go past this point.

2014-11-25, 03:12 PM
"So yeah, you heard 'bout righ'. I'm headin back north for a bit. Gods know I don't partic'ly wanna go, but the Countess asked me."

"Think of it as a free holyday! You'll not be risking your life for a while now." Lance chuckles, pouring himself a drink.

"Righ'. 'cuz facin off against em Peter's men ain't dangerous business."

"Don't be so sour, now. 'Sides, I'm here to offer you an excuse to avoid them for a few days more."

Dougal gives Lance a questioning look as he pours himself a drink as well. "You got much family, back in the north?"

"Nope. Sophie was the only one I'd call family. Pox took the parents o'course. Closest thin' to a sister I ever had." Lance nods, mulling over the answer for a few seconds. "Sorry to hear it. Hope that Sophie lass's alright.

"I keep hopin, but I know she's probly dead in a ditch somewhere. Not like her to disappear. Couldn' blame her though, I did the same thing to her when we were kids."

"Anyway. Remember what I told you all when I first came here? About the troubles I had back home?"

Dougal nods at Lance's question. "Yea I remember. You weren't too specific an I never did ask, figured 'twas yer business an you'd talk if an when you wanted to."

"I made some people angry. You know, the kind who tell you to give them money or else they're gonna put a corkscrew through your finger."

"Sounds like comin south was the righ' idea, mate."

"Not like I had much of a choice. But that's not why I need your help. See, I've still got lots of family back home. Siblings, parents. And I'm here sitting on my arse getting rich enough to buy a small village."

"You reckon the folks you made angry are gonna be comin after your family?"

"Nah. They think my family's fine." Lance pauses, unsure how to explain this. "They think my brother's loyal to them."

"Who exac'ly are these people? If you don' mind me askin"

"Criminals. The city type. You know, organized folk, with half the town guard in their pocket. My brother's got no choice but to play nice with them, alright?"

"I reckon I know the type, yea. An' I don' blame yer brother o' nuffin, you play the hand yer dealt, 'sfar as I can see. 'Specially when you got a family to look after."

"Thanks. Not everyone would understand this kinda stuff."

"Sometimes good people gotta do evil things, 's just how things are in this world."

"And sometimes we can help put a stop to it. See, I've been thinking, ever since I heard you were heading north sooner than later. Guy like you, with a good bit of rank and skill to kick the behind of any robber stupid enough to face him could maybe get to my family without too many questions being asked. And maybe help me, you know, pay up some depts."

"Wha' exac'ly did you have in mind? I can't imagine how people like tha' would like someone like me pokin around in their business."

"They most simple mean of help in the world, Dougal! Gold! I've got plenty of it, and my family's ain't got none. And it's just about what they need to get out of that hellhole. Out of that hellhole and somewhere safe. Well, along with a little help from you, maybe."

"I still don' know exacly how you reckon I can get this done without raisin all manner o suspicion. But lemme get this straight, just so we're clear: You want me to take yer money an deliver it to your family, an help em out of the city an... where? I don' know many safe places. Landin' maybe?"

"If you don't have a better idea......I Never claimed it was a good plan."%

"So, sorry I gotta ask, you reckon yer brother will take the money an come with or will he take the money an turn me in to his guild cronies?"

"Geoffrey's not an idiot. He knows that if I can send him that much, he can get more where I'm at. Or do you think he'd rather put his money on the arse who sent his brother to Pyreal?"

"Dunno. I ain't met yer brother."

"I know people change over time, Dougal. But he's risked more than enough already by helping me out. Without him, I'd have come here with only the clothes on my back. He'll jump at the chance to stop those guys from punishing him for it."

"All righ'. I believe yer. So I find yer brother an get him an the rest o yer family on a boat to Pyreal, 'sthat the plan?"

"Pretty much. Lure 'em in with some gold and proof that you got the message from me, and if anyone unsavory asks, tell them off. Best case scenario, everyone thinks I'm dead until it's too late and my family's on the boat."

"So... Basically come into town with news o' yer death in the south an say you're carryin the last will an testament or somesuch?"

"I'll not lie, Dougal. This would be one hell of a bluff to pull off. But at this rate, it may just about be my only hope."

"You got anythin to prove yer death? Like a pers'nal item o some kind tha you'd never part with?"

"Matter of fact......"

Lance opens a drawer on his desk, getting an old, scratched up compass. "It's not much of a trinket, but it's unique enough and I got it from another brother. Wouldn't part with it in a place like Pyreal, now would I?"

"I guess not. All righ'. Now, wha' city are ye from?"

"Bladesburrow. And the ugliest part of town, too. Here."

Lance hands over a piece of parchment. Dougal leans over to see better. "I wrote the adress down for you. On extra resilient paper, too. Redgrass street. You can't miss the place if your nose is working, though." The paper is a tad bit more precise in its direction.

Dougal nods, folds the paper and puts it into his pocket. "I'll do my best to find em."

"You've got my thanks. Paying this one back has been a long time in the waiting."

Dougal claps Lance on the shoulder. "Think nothin of it." Lance raises his glass to Dougal, gulping down what remains of his drink.

"If it means less depts for me, sure! Anyways, I'm not gonna hold you up any longer. You probably need to get your lizard somewhere before you go."

"Yeah, I'll have to let him out. I tried talkin to the beast trainers but none o' em wanted to look after him."

2014-11-25, 05:11 PM
((The previous post by Theoboldi took place before Dougal went to Eronia for a year))

Dougal Badrick
While back in Eronia

Dougal will travel to Bladesburrow dressed up as a common mercenary and playing the part, head on to the address provided and try to locate Lance's family. If they're not there he'll ask around the neighbors where they may have gone.
Once he does get a family member somewhere private he will let them know what's really going on, if someone else starts asking he'll use the excuse that Lance has died and he was trying to bring the news of his death to his family.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Subterfuge (I'm assuming you meant bluff): [roll1]

2014-11-26, 06:11 AM
Dougal manages to find Lance's family still living in the same house and just about scraping a living. They're happy to hear that Lance is alive and doing well and absolutely stunned by the enormous sum of 400 gold.

Given the option to get away from the gangs and troubles in Bladesburrow they agree to take a ship to Landing as soon as they can all get together and immediately start making plans for getting out of town.

While they are planning Lance's older brother Geoffrey returns home, he's a big fellow and obviously well used to handling himself in a brawl. When he sees the heavily armed stranger in the house he is wary at first but when he hears the news that Lance is doing well in Pyreal he breaks into a big grin and says "I'm glad the stuff I got on board for him worked out." He sobers up quickly though, "We should get out of here fast, if Trollmouth hears about this money he'll be after us for it. Ever since Therion messed up that job last month he's been after us for fifty gold he knows we don't have. If we pay it he'll just want to know where we got it, but if he hears we're leaving he'll take it out of our hides."

He turns to Dougal and asks "Would you mind helping us? I'm worried carrying this sort of money will have every thief, highwayman and mugger in the country chasing after us if we aren't careful."

After Dougal agrees to escort them safely out of town they split the gold between themselves, hidden carefully about their persons. They gather essential belongings (they don't have much) and then head out into the streets, agreeing to meet by the south gate.

Less than two hours after Dougal knocks on the door he finds himself, Lance's four brothers, and their parents, all heading away from town at a good pace.

Once they are a few days travel away from the town and have spent some of the money to buy chainmail and swords for each of the brothers Dougal takes his leave. They are planning to head overland to Petersville and catch a ship there to Pyreal, as they are worried that trying to take a ship from Bladesburrow will draw too much attention to their newfound fortune.

((Around 6 months later they did arrive in Landing and make contact with Lance, knowing nothing about farming they turned down an offer to homestead but they do get hired on as guards and security at Luckfalls. Lance's parents also move in with his mother working as a seamstress and his father as a general odd-job-man while his brothers prove reasonably reliable as guards, even if they do try and push their luck from time to time. Geoffrey in particular sometimes forgets that Lance is in charge now but he's installed as second-in command and overall things work out pretty well.))

Red Moldova
2014-11-29, 04:43 AM
After returning from scouting out that rather large colony of ridiculously sized ants, Garret took a look at his savings and decided to sit back and enjoy himself for a little while rather than risk life and limb for more gold that he didn't need, what he only intended as a few days rest ended up turning into weeks and then months. He was shaken from this lethargic state when news of the newly constructed Stoneforge temple openly honoring the dwarven pantheon reached him. Ashamed by his laziness and deviation from his original purpose Garret decided to return to his home and renew his faith. For a little over a year he walked the hidden ways and lived a meager life (I like to picture this time as a series of scenes set to Hillsong United's Oceans (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy9nwe9_xzw)), putting himself more in touch with the divine gift he took for granted. Having reconnected with what he believes is his true purpose, he aims to return to the new world and seek out a refuge for those that share his beliefs.

2014-11-30, 06:55 AM
--- Cabals shop ---
after trying to get an estimate on the various magical loot items obtained on the last trip. the dwarf nodded at Cabals disapointing but understandable offer.

"Aye I dun think theres anyone left alive who can use the power contained within some of these scrolls an wands. I'll give selling em myself a shot first but ya can be sure I'll be back if I fail"

--- Elven compound ---

With the scrolls tucked away Thorik will patiently wait for an audience with the Elder.

assuming Graceling will have some time to speak with the dwarf:
"I hope everything is going well for you an yours"

after some basic pleasantries Thorik will get to the point of his visit
"We just returned from a trip ta gather some information about the area around the plateau, an we've come across a few scrolls. From what I can tell they're powerfull beyond what any hidin mage can muster but I recall you keep a personal collection of these types o' things."

He'll give a description of what he believes the scrolls contain but also give the elder plenty of time to scrutinise for herself.

"we found em in some sort of crypt... a pair of nasty Murder crows had made the place their home, tis a small miracle we all made it out of that fight alive. Garret cought some disease that wrecked havoc on 'im for a few days till we managed ta get rid of it, Snips had his eyes nearly ripped out an a new lad... has some elvish blood I reckon had plenty of it spilled on the floor"

"if this little encounter is any sign of what the lands south of the plateau have ta offer in hospitality than we're in for... Lets say I'm glad we're nay expanding southwards in a hurry"

After a rejection or acceptance of the offer. (Thorik is fine with letting the elder offer a fair price. anything beyond the quarter of the costs is already a win and Thorik isn't particulary greedy or competative) Thorik will ask a bit about the purity order.

"Have the elves heared annay rumors or information on what the purity order is up to? I've had some unsettling reports myself. from what I've heared they're nay happy about the state of pyreal an are trying ta get together a band of mercenaries an fanatics.

I've nay any information on what they're plannin. but if you have any information ta fill in some of the blanks I'd rather learn about it rather than be surprised later"

--- Free states compound ---

Thorik will make a simular offer to the countess when it comes to the wands brought back. He's not expecting anything to come out of it nor is he pushy. Its simply offering her first refusal. and that the diplomatic value of the wand of tongues might be of interest to her.

He'll also share what hes learned on the purity order and try to consolidate any missing information the countess may have.

2014-11-30, 07:18 AM
--- Cabals shop ---
after trying to get an estimate on the various magical loot items obtained on the last trip. the dwarf nodded at Cabals disapointing but understandable offer.

"Aye I dun think theres anyone left alive who can use the power contained within some of these scrolls an wands. I'll give selling em myself a shot first but ya can be sure I'll be back if I fail"

--- Elven compound ---

With the scrolls tucked away Thorik will patiently wait for an audience with the Elder.

assuming Graceling will have some time to speak with the dwarf:
"I hope everything is going well for you an yours"

after some basic pleasantries Thorik will get to the point of his visit
"We just returned from a trip ta gather some information about the area around the plateau, an we've come across a few scrolls. From what I can tell they're powerfull beyond what any hidin mage can muster but I recall you keep a personal collection of these types o' things."

He'll give a description of what he believes the scrolls contain but also give the elder plenty of time to scrutinise for herself.

"we found em in some sort of crypt... a pair of nasty Murder crows had made the place their home, tis a small miracle we all made it out of that fight alive. Garret cought some disease that wrecked havoc on 'im for a few days till we managed ta get rid of it, Snips had his eyes nearly ripped out an a new lad... has some elvish blood I reckon had plenty of it spilled on the floor"

"if this little encounter is any sign of what the lands south of the plateau have ta offer in hospitality than we're in for... Lets say I'm glad we're nay expanding southwards in a hurry"

After a rejection or acceptance of the offer. (Thorik is fine with letting the elder offer a fair price. anything beyond the quarter of the costs is already a win and Thorik isn't particulary greedy or competative) Thorik will ask a bit about the purity order.

Lady Graceling examines the wands and then sets them to one side, clearly not interested. When she starts examining the scrolls though her eyes light up. "This is powerful magic", she says, "beyond the power of anyone born since the pulse. A glimpse of just some of the spells that once upon a time people could perform before the magic was shattered. I'll give you 350 gold each for these scrolls."

"Have the elves heared annay rumors or information on what the purity order is up to? I've had some unsettling reports myself. from what I've heared they're nay happy about the state of pyreal an are trying ta get together a band of mercenaries an fanatics.

I've nay any information on what they're plannin. but if you have any information ta fill in some of the blanks I'd rather learn about it rather than be surprised later"

Lady Graceling nods, "Yes I'm aware of their rabble. So far it is not a cause for concern but in a few months they could become so. I've corresponded to the rulers of the Elven nations and they have agreed not to support the mob and are also quietly putting pressure on King Peter to make sure that he does not give them permission to come to Landing. If they put to shore elsewhere then Pyreal will thin their numbers nicely for us."

"I suggest you speak to your contacts in the Dwarves and suggest they also approach King Peter. If he knows that both the Elven Kingdoms and Dwarven Halls are opposed to something then he will most likely either comply with the request or leave it in Sir Roschdale's hands, he needs both Dwarves and Elves to stay neutral in the arguments between him and the Free States. After all we all remember what happened last time when everyone started getting dragged into the war and saw the entirety of Eronia burst into flames as everyone decided to pursue their own petty grievances or greed."

--- Free states compound ---

Thorik will make a simular offer to the countess when it comes to the wands brought back. He's not expecting anything to come out of it nor is he pushy. Its simply offering her first refusal. and that the diplomatic value of the wand of tongues might be of interest to her.

He'll also share what hes learned on the purity order and try to consolidate any missing information the countess may have.

The Countess examines the wand carefully, then nods to you. "I can see how this could be valuable, but I'm not sure how much real use I could get from it. It's certainly a rare item though and there are unlikely to be many people around able to make more. The best I can offer you is 3000 gold, which is a shame as I'd really like to offer more but with Durnstand struggling Pyreal is costing me a fortune."

2014-11-30, 07:32 PM

Herion is curious and eager to find out what treasures he has in his sack, vial and flasks. As he reports to Franklin, he will (among other things) show him a broken-off bodypart as proof of what is out there.
"...yes and the Deadfall scorpion was the biggest threat we got rid of. A strong but traped and cornered beast!
Also, the ambush we ran into was set up by things like this'.. (Herion opens his sack, revealing the dead body part) .. with sticky glue pouring out of their skin.
Got my Hammer stuck in it more than once."

He lets Franklin inspect it, willing to sell it, would he be interested.

Later, while still in Luckfalls, Herion will ask around... He is searching for requests about magical ingrediences and wheather the glue or anything he has found is a valuable magical ingredient, exploiting these sparse times.
Finaly, he will take the all the glue, the Deadfall Scorpion poison sack and the broken off limb (of the dead 'glue'-beast) to Cabal's shop (should Franklin not claim anything first).

Herion will accompany Thorik to Cabal's shop, carrying his odd merchendises.

He will take the opportunity to buy a few supplies while visiting Luckfalls and Cabal's shop.

Herion will stock up on supplies before joining the next expedition;

Herion will buy 2 new alchemist fire flasks, 1 ghast retch flask and 1 Burst jar.
Herion shall also replace his glue-destroyed sack, his 1 vial and 2 empty flasks.
He will further expand his equipment collection, buying a flask of oil and replacing used sheets and paper. (2x20+50+35 +0,1+1+2x0,03 +0,1+1)

2014-12-01, 05:24 AM
Cabal wrinkles up his nose and scratches at his straggly hair "What are you bringing me this for?" he pokes at the congealed and solidified lump of glue and then the severed arm with a look of distaste on his face. The venom he's more interested in but after running a few tests he sighs and shakes his head, "Sorry this has lost its potency, it looks like it doesn't keep for long outside the beast you harvested it from."

2014-12-01, 11:10 AM

As a fresh arrival from the Northlands, the promise of activity in a place where his faith wouldn't be taken as an insult to the populace was a boon for his mood, though the fresh scars from the now-known threats of this land were reminder enough that he should measure his excitement more readily. When the chance presented itself, he found his way to his most recent employer, a fellow by the name of "Franklin" according to the group he had traveled with. He was quite eager to meet this Gentleman, with the longing talks of "Crazy Horses" he had heard, and the cart he walked along-side through conditions he'd seen no other vehicle even attempt to brave before, there was clearly powerful magics at work here, the sort he felt he might be interested in.

Aklo did his level best to be presentable, his sage-green monastic garb freshly washed, the curious new bracers he found himself in possession of neatly polished, his cloak freed of burrs and snags from his recent trip around the plateau... Just, cleanliness in general was his aim at this point, as he waited for an Audience with the leader of Luckfalls Library. Landing had treated him well, his traveling companions had accepted him, so he hoped this trend of acceptance would continue.. He could see himself coming to quite like the "Untamed Wilds" of the south, even with all the dangers considered.

2014-12-01, 12:47 PM
The venom he's more interested in but after running a few tests he sighs and shakes his head, "Sorry this has lost its potency, it looks like it doesn't keep for long outside the beast you harvested it from."

"... ... Then... you are telling me it will not be sold for alot of gold?", Herion says, disbelieving Cabal's words.

(Herion reappraises the sliced off carcass and the destroyed flasks and vials).

"So.. fifty gold for the whole kit? You can use the car.." (correcting himself)"..The cute limb as a walltrophy, and experiment with the glue."

2014-12-01, 01:42 PM
Cabal just laughs. "Tell you what, how about I give you a bargain and only charge you 5 gold to dispose of it for you before it becomes a health hazard?"

2014-12-01, 04:11 PM
Cabal just laughs. "Tell you what, how about I give you a bargain and only charge you 5 gold to dispose of it for you before it becomes a health hazard?"

Feeling cheated and laughed at Herion considers wreaking havoc in the little man's shop. He sees no reason for why he wouldn't but while he considers it his rage decreases and the moment passes. Figuring he will need to go about it quicker next time, if he wants it done properly.

Looking back down at the small shopkeeper, Herion finaly says:
"Here, please do dispose it. I am sick of carrying it around. Should I bring the whole beast next time or will you take a vial of poison less exposed to air?"

(After recieving an answer or response from Cabal)
"Oh, I see. But for now, I shall buy some supplies."

Herion leaves Cabal's shop once he has stocked up on supplies, bowing his head as to not hit his head as he steps outdoors. His bandolier has a new alchemical flask and two empty ones.
(The rest of his new alchemical equipment is in his pockets and the more mundane stuff are stored in his backpack.)

2014-12-02, 04:29 AM
Cabal shrugs, "It's hard to say. In general beasts are not useful for me unless they have really special properties. I don't deal in poisons so venom is only useful for when it can be brewed into antidotes or potions and for that I need specific venoms and often need it fresh." He pauses for a moment, "Let's see, what would be useful is the liver of an owl bear, I can give you 100 gold for up to 4 of them. I can give you 50 gold each for up to 10 giant spider venom sacks if you run into any more of those and they are less than 3 days old. Oh, speaking of spiders. Giant spider egg sacks I can give you 500 gold for one. Doesn't matter what sort of spider. Hmmm, what else? Dinosaur teeth would be useful although it would need to be from a carnivore. Price would depend on the tooth though. I don't think I need anything else at the moment."

2014-12-02, 02:09 PM
Dougal Badrick
Franklin's office

Dougal looks a little abashed at Franklin's comments. "Thanks. It's good to be back. I see the place has grown a bit since I've been gone."

" It certainly has. We even have lecture halls and workshops now. Travelling lectureres and the like. Mostly survivine off the Sloth Viper poison, the meals we provide and the tax off the trade with the Sentisaurs. The occasional good will towards us doesn't hurt. We try to keep costs down where we can, and magic is good at that. Plus, we can get the students to do some of the work and call it 'character building'. Have a look around sometime, you are welcome to a permament apartment, and we have barracks for any troops that we aquire. " Franklin says, summoning a small fire elemental and having it to sit under the kettlle, while tossing some coal its way. "Ah yes, the perks of magic..."

"I think it'd break Henry's heart if I moved out on him. Besides, it's not like I get to spend too much time resting on my laurels anyway."

" He is welcome to come down here and run things if he wants. I'm sure we could do with a good innkeeper as we become busier. " Franklin smiles " Well, its closer to the front lines, if that is where you want to be, you are always welcome to a bed here anyway. "

"Well, this place is further from the front lines than I'd like. That's actually one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. A raiding party of ogres burned a homestead and took the settlers captive. We rescued who we could. I was hoping we could relocate them to near here, they still got pairs of working hands and a few cows. Would you be able to help them get back on their feet?"

"I can offer then some land near here and assistance with building a new home, as well as some food while they get back on their feet. Luckfall's isn't designed to be profitable and bringing over cattle is very expensive still, so I can't increase their herd for them. " he says, dismissing the elemental and pouring some of the water into cups. " The food isn't conditional on them starting up near here, though I suspect they might want to be somewhere a bit safter now? "

"To be honest, near here is probably as safe as it's going to get. At least they'll have a safe place to flee to if there's an attack."

"They had one cow and four calves. Don't ask me what gender calves, I'm not a farmer."

"How safe are the lands around here, actually?"

Franklin hands a cup of something hot and herbal over to Dougal. "Safe enough that we don't fear to live outside the settlement, though I'm concnered that we don't know anything of the lands to thr west or past where we met that Hydra, that was what I put out the request for. As we build more and more outside Luckfalls, we expose more and more people to potential danger. I'd like at a minimum to know of whats within fifty miles of here, though heading all around the plateau would be nice. I'm kind of hoping that we can find some resourses to make some money out of. The Darkwood and Mithral has already been claimed and I'd rather see the money that is made go to the people of Pyreal, rather than back to the Eronia and sit in someone's treasury. Lets face it, everything current goes to the Dwarves, King Peter or the Free States. "

"I know. I've been thinking the same thing. But anyway, the choice of where they'll move will be theirs. I'll tell them that they're welcome here if they like. The other thing that I'm worried about is Durnstand. Have you heard about the missing people?"

" Yes. Its disturbing news. Makes me even more concerned about whats going on around Luckfalls. You planning to go investigate? " Franklin asks as he sips at his drink.

"I am. Figured I'd come talk to you first in case you had any ideas on what we may be facing in there. No signs of attackers and fairly little blood. Signs of struggle though. Right now I'm suspecting quicklings or something from Silvercrown Hill."

" I'm afraid nothing has gotten back to me, that is more the Countesses area, though I suppose I could contact the faries and ask them if the know of anything in the area? Alternativly you could. If it's Silvercrown Hill, then we are all kind of screwed. I'd suggest inviting the Order of Purity over to do some noble sacrifice, but I doubt they are interesting in that kind of thing. "

"Do the fairies have an Aspect Mirror?"

"No, to my knowledge we have one here, there is one in Stoneforge, one in Landing, one in the Free States back in Eronia... I think the last one is currently in the Shallows, which is the Svirfneblin's home under that Mithral mine. We can always reallocate the last one, but this setup works for us at the moment. Might be worth aquiring a few more of those, though I doubt the faries would want one. "

"I suppose I'll have to go talk to them directly then. The Countess had no idea what was hunting the woodcutters, she would have said I'm sure. Could you perhaps do some research on the Silvercrown hill in the meantime? In case it turns out to be the cause?"

"I can, I'll talk with the Elves back in landing as well, I'm sure it is something that is worth looking into. "

"All right. I'll head out tomorrow. There's one more thing that I'd like your advice on. The Countess made an interesting suggestion when I last saw her. She wants to create a knightly order to protect the people living in Pyreal. I rather got the impression that she wants me to lead it."

"But that's where it gets complicated. I don't want it to become something that people could manipulate to fit their political needs, so I need to come up with a code. Something to prevent it from becoming just another private army. I'd like your help in writing up the code."

" It sounds like an idea position for you, you're large, loud and are good at hitting things that get in your way. You're also not a lacky or a toad, nor afraid to stand up for what you think is right. If you want my input on the code then we can take the afternoon to do so, or however long it takes. I suspect you want it to be based around protecting the people of Pyreal? Talking of that, I'm willing to offer two horses and the cart for use in scouting out the area around Luckfalls for me, as well as letting you guys use it whenever you want after that; though replacing the horses would become your responsibility if you lost them while out. "

"I'll find some horses to replace yours. And I'm thankful for the help. Here's what I had in mind..."

2014-12-02, 03:22 PM

Herion is curious and eager to find out what treasures he has in his sack, vial and flasks. As he reports to Franklin, he will (among other things) show him a broken-off bodypart as proof of what is out there.
"...yes and the Deadfall scorpion was the biggest threat we got rid of. A strong but traped and cornered beast!
Also, the ambush we ran into was set up by things like this'.. (Herion opens his sack, revealing the dead body part) .. with sticky glue pouring out of their skin.
Got my Hammer stuck in it more than once."

He lets Franklin inspect it, willing to sell it, would he be interested.

" Impressive to be sure. I'm glad that you were able to handle such a beast and that the lands surrounding the plateau are relatively safe. No tribes of Ogres or the like. " He looks at the creature with a glue covered arm with interest for a moment. " Hmm, I wonder where those things came from. If they were around, it explain why there would be little dangerous wildlife, you are sure there are no more where they came from? Either way, thank you for your work out there, I know how dangerous it can be, and thank you for looking after the newer arrivals who went out with you. The cart and horses are available for use any time you wish to head out to explore further. I feel a little better about setting up settlements further from Luckfalls knowing there is nothing just around the corner. "

Aklo did his level best to be presentable, his sage-green monastic garb freshly washed, the curious new bracers he found himself in possession of neatly polished, his cloak freed of burrs and snags from his recent trip around the plateau... Just, cleanliness in general was his aim at this point, as he waited for an Audience with the leader of Luckfalls Library. Landing had treated him well, his traveling companions had accepted him, so he hoped this trend of acceptance would continue.. He could see himself coming to quite like the "Untamed Wilds" of the south, even with all the dangers considered.

Franklin invites Aklo into his office, roughly halfway up the giant spiral ramp around the waterfall and lake. The ground is slightly wet as you might expect from living near a waterfall, but not overly dangerous. Franklin opens the door and looks up at the half elf, gesturing for him to come inside. Wearing goggles across his forehead as usual, Lucky dozing off near a small fire. " Good afternoon, Aklo is it? Welcome to Pyreal and specifically to Luckfall's Library. How are you finding everything so far? " he asks, picking up the kettle and hanging it over the fire.

2014-12-02, 04:31 PM
Franklin looks at the creature with a glue covered arm with interest for a moment. [COLOR="#800080"]" Hmm, I wonder where those things came from. If they were around, it explain why there would be little dangerous wildlife, you are sure there are no more where they came from? Either way...
... explore further. I feel a little better about setting up settlements further from Luckfalls knowing there is nothing just around the corner. "

(Influenced by Franklin's contagious charismatic intellect.)
"Now Thorik might be the man to ask about what these gluemen really are.
I found no tracks from their camp and no wealth either and you should know I sweeped the whole place, even checked under a few suspicious pebbles..."
(Herion realizes he is somewhat trailing off)
"But the point is, they can not have expected us to be coming, so.. who did they expect? ..."

(Herion allows the last question of mystique to float into Franklin's mind before adding)

"Now those gluemen were things we could handle. I am only guessing but they seemed to be outlaws from whatever tribe or city they once belonged to."
Herion crosses his arms, then wrinkles his forehead while nodding concuring as he continues speaking, now in a somewhat buffled tone;
"See, after watching his kin getting slain, the last glueman still approached and tried fighting me, instead of running!"

With an evil grin, he finishes;
"He must have known there was no more place for glue like him."

(Herion also shares with Franklin about the corrupted terrain nearby the encounter with the Undead. The terrain seemed to lead into a dark and hostile territory.)

2014-12-03, 05:40 AM
--- Dwarven compound, Landing ---

Having taken care of his buisiness on behalf of the adventuring party, Thorik headed for the Dwarven compound to speak with Durtan about the impending whitecloak problems.

After two years there will surely be plenty of new faces mixed in with the ones that had braved the serpenthand siege. Acknoledging nods and greetings are exchanged and eventually the dwarven cleric will find his way to Durtan Ironbeard.

assuming Durtan is available Thorik will fill him in on the latest expiditions.
The ogres growing bolder in the west and the findings in the south. The... 'corrupted' terrain beyond of the graveyard in the south is of certain concern to Thorik but its a concern for another day, "I'm afraid catchin up is nay the only reason I come round, I've come ta ask if you would be able an willing ta throw some weight around when it comes to the whitecloaks an their force musterin ta march on stoneforge, while I doubt they can be succesfull in puttin Aylee, me an the brothers in the temple to the pire. twould be best if there'd nay be a legitimised mob callin fer fire an blood on our doorstep."

Thorik pauses for a moment "The biggest blow we can strike on the whitecloaks now is ta deny them the legitimacy of an official landing in pyreal, for this King Peter needs ta know that granting the mob a landing will have consequences... the free-states have already outlawed the order, an from what I've heared from the elder Graceling the elven rulers are puttin subtle pressure on king peter to deny the order a landin aswell, If the dwarven holds do the same. the mob will be without indirect support from a country an forced ta land in the... less civalised parts of Pyreal."

"Tis my hope they'll disband rather than landin in the wilderniss, but if they insist on commin here fer a bloody rampage then let them experience what we're up against here in pyreal first hand an let the wilds thin em out fer us"

2014-12-03, 07:26 AM
Durtan nods,"Aye , sounds like a good plan to me. Clan Ironbeard has already been pushing for that but most of the leaders in the Mountain Halls are favorably inclined towards the order, or at least towards its aims. We need a few more clans willing to stand up and speak with us before the halls as a whole will move."

He hesitates and then speaks more quietly, "I'm glad you came to see me, as I was going to ask for you soon anyway. We have a potential problem. I hope Aylee's covered this by now but in case you don't know Clan Stonedelver are the strongest Clan in the Mountain Halls, the only clan more numerous and more prosperous than Clan Ironbeard. Ballin, their eldest son and their heir is quite progressive in his thought and it was he who persuaded his mother as the current clan leader not to oppose the work to find the sacred forges. When he heard of your discovery where the Shy Maiden was found he grew curious about the ruins."

"He arrived in Pyreal with a group of 20 followers a few months ago and against my advice went to investigate the ruins and asking us to keep his presence quiet to avoid attention. For a few weeks we heard from them regularly as they came to pick up supplies but we've not had any word for 4 weeks now and I start to grow worried for their safety. If he finds anything of worth in those ruins it could be a great help, but if he has come to a bad end then his mother will most likely return to her own more traditionalist viewpoint and the entire clan will turn against us".

"If you could gather some of your more discrete friends and go investigate I'd appreciate it. Hopefully it's nothing serious but if he comes to a bad end in Pyreal then the fact we offered guides and assistance but were refused will do little to appease his mother. On the other hand though if Ballin Stonedelver is in trouble and you rescue him then that would provide us with a great deal of influence, since where Ironbeard and Stonedelver lead many more will follow."

He sighs, "I fear some of the more conservative clans, particularly Clans Hammerforge and Deepiron, will be slow to change their path no matter what we do but we can clear that rockfall when we come to it."

2014-12-03, 10:46 PM
[COLOR=#800080][B]" Good afternoon, Aklo is it? Welcome to Pyreal and specifically to Luckfall's Library. How are you finding everything so far? "

Aklo gave a nod, saying "Thank you, if I hadn't wound up stumbling into your caravan going around the plateau I'd have come and introduced myself sooner... Come to think of it, most of my time here been spent on the move so far, but it's a refreshing change of pace from the Monastery." while a smile crept across his face.. Between the giant flying lizard, and the blue hair, he almost couldn't take Franklin particularly seriously, but, he kept the laughter down, though he expected someone... Taller, when he heard of Franklin's magic.

He realized, after a moment, that while he was doing a decent job of keeping his composure, he wasn't saying anything, finally clearing his throat a little and saying "So, considering where I came from, it should be no surprise to you that I'm impressed by the cart."

2014-12-04, 04:42 AM
" Thank you for the complement, but I just came up with the idea, someone else enchanted it for me. I had the cart built and commissioned the wheels, supplying the idea for the enchantment. Its a different take on an existing spell, which warps the ground just before it is run over by the wheel, making it nice and smooth. " Franklin says, explaining. " As for the horses, it is a relativly simple spell to summon some for a number of hours, and if they get tired you can simply dismiss them and summon another pair. One of those useful spells that we teach to the new students of magic, should they want to learn it. " Franklin pours the tea into a regular sized cup for Aklo and a smaller one for himself, handing Aklo's over. " So you have been around the plateau then? Seems a little tough for your first journey out. The further south and west you go, the more dangerous the foes you will meet. And avoid heading into the land of the purple pumpkins, they knock you right out and you never see them before you step on them. They are off to the east of landing. "

2014-12-05, 03:23 AM
(From Durnstand to Landing)
With the freshly caught spidereggs from Thorik's operation in his bag, following the instructions of his 'contact', Herion hustled towards Landing. He brought them to his 'contact' the very same day.
Anxious to further delay the delivery, Herion had decided to evade a discussion on the ethical aspect on selling eggs by simply not yet sharing with his partymembers about the transaction.

(After shopping)
With some new flasks from Cabal's shop, Herion sought contact with Thorik, Dougal, Snips, The Mountain and Aklo. With the income split evenly between the 6 of them he explained his need to rush away from Durnstand in such a hurry. See, the last delivery had been destroyed and rendered worthless before he could sell it. Also adding how monstrous and disgusting everyone must have thought the eggs to be after retrieving them in such a grotesque manner. (<- not Herion's words.)

"To me, they are just ingredients."
Hoping he can avoid going to the same extent when selling stuff next time, Herion will try to understand more about his partymembers opinions. Herion will repeat a question he has heard earlier in his life, asking (with his recently found business - voice):
"Though, can you take this money and cherish it, fully knowing what it came from?" (adding a frown)

Herion is thoughtful enough to ask Thorik about how well the patients seem to feel.
(But Herion's heart is not big enough to volenteer to sit by the patients bedcounters until they are healthdeclared. He is also not enough of a treasure hunter to be around and claim any eggs from the emergency operation)

Rhyson's Training Hall
On the evening, Herion will make his way to Rhyson's Training Hall. Reaching it as the final course of the day ends with the clang of swords and strikes of wooden sticks growing more absent.
He will call a short meeting on recruitment with his administrator and Suniaura, his marketer.
After discussing recruitment with his closest staff (mostly them lecturing Herion on what he can, should and cannot do), they decide to start looking around, recruiting for a top-post within the business.
On the evening, Herion will set up a note / poster, requesting a Master of Combat. Offering fair pay for employment in Rhyson's Training Hall.
Visiting the Inns, market and talking to locals and newcomers in a way of spreading the word and gathering tips.

2014-12-06, 02:19 AM
" Thank you for the complement, but I just came up with the idea, someone else enchanted it for me. I had the cart built and commissioned the wheels, supplying the idea for the enchantment. Its a different take on an existing spell, which warps the ground just before it is run over by the wheel, making it nice and smooth. " Franklin says, explaining. " As for the horses, it is a relativly simple spell to summon some for a number of hours, and if they get tired you can simply dismiss them and summon another pair. One of those useful spells that we teach to the new students of magic, should they want to learn it. " Franklin pours the tea into a regular sized cup for Aklo and a smaller one for himself, handing Aklo's over. " So you have been around the plateau then? Seems a little tough for your first journey out. The further south and west you go, the more dangerous the foes you will meet. And avoid heading into the land of the purple pumpkins, they knock you right out and you never see them before you step on them. They are off to the east of landing. "

Aklo accepts the cup with a bow of his head, saying "To say the least it was a far departure from the Monastery, but things of that nature are helpful for keeping humble... Especially those crows..." while thinking over some tidbit that popped into his mind, taking a sip of the tea and blinking a few times, before sticking his tongue out of his mouth and fanning it, mumbling "Ow ow ow.. Too hot." and shaking his head a bit, then clearing his throat and saying "At any rate, like I said before, I've been constantly on the move since I arrived in Landing, so, I figured you of all people would be most helpful in pointing me towards things I'd need for continued field work." He didn't bother questioning the purple pumpkins at this point, that might as well be the reality he was living in at this point.. He saw friggin' dinosaurs above Luckfalls Library, giant humans that leak glue from their skin and crows that burst into smaller crows within his first month. Purple knock-out pumpkins wouldn't be the weirdest thing he'd seen.

2014-12-12, 05:15 PM

After receiving the search and rescue assignment in Landing from Durtan Ironbeard, Thorik hitched a ride on one of the first transports heading to Stoneforge. it had been a while since he had been 'home'.

"Hoi Luv," he begins somewhat cautiously after having found Aylee, maybe even some subtle signs of regret shimmer behind his usual stoic demeanor "Tis been far too long since I've been home, Between the scouting expidition south an the troubles in Durnstand, Tseems like tha troubles on this continent never end", signs of frustration rumble behind the stoic expression "I'm afraid I cannay stay long this time either. I need ta visit Luckfalls an refer with the books on Pyreal... I'm takin a group down into the dwarven ruins I spoke about sometimes, Tseems a dwarven company led by Balin Stonedelver sgone down there an hasn't reported in back, I'm hopin the records we've collected on Pyreal might shed some light on what they've stumbled into"

he'll smile "I was hopin ya could help me with some of the preparations for this expidition an theres another thing on my mind tha I think ya could maybe give some guidance too"

"ya've been teachin me a few things 'bout the dwarven nobility an all, but I think I could use a little crash course on Balin in particular. Physical description... what kinda dwarf the lad is an if hes got any enemies that may have followed him here, From what I understood off yer uncle he was quite adamant on 'is presence being kept secret."

"Tha other thing is Durnstand... the people there aint in good shape an without being able ta make a living from working the forest a few of em are getting desperate. I've been thinkin about sending em some aid in the form of food an other basic necessities. I think tis important tha its clear this aid is comming from the temple rather than the ironbeards... we've gotta be carefull about infringin on the other leaders charges. an tha temple here could stand ta... win some hearts over from the people here in pyreal... now tha the whitecloaks are makin their preperations ta wipe us from the continent"

Thorik pauses for a moment "I'm gonna ask Haltar ta get this relief effort rollin but I figured he could use some help with the logisitics an... political subtleties, can I count on ya ta give our brother some counsel?"

Stoneforge markets
in Stoneforge Thorik will also endevour to pick up a new platinum ring worth 25GP (incase the party is succesful in locating Balin but a little extra protection could be important for the dwarven noble.) and to track down a Moledog trained in tracking, He wouldn't mind trying to acquire such a beast for Aylee and the home in Stoneforge but their rarity makes purchasing one unlikely. The dwarven cleric will likely have settle for lending or renting one for the 'exploration of the dwarven ruins'. Aylee is welcome to join on this little shopping expidition, the company would certainly be welcome.

Stoneforge Temple

"Haltar!" With open arms Thorik aproaches his old fellow student and clasps him on the shoulders "I've heared you an tha acolytes did a fine job on fishin out the spiders from that unfortunate human fellow." the cleric sighs a little "I really thought I had gotten all the eggs out of him. I'm fortunate ta have brothers ta catch my mistakes" He pauses for a moment "is the lad still around by chance?"

"I've come ta ask yer help in a few matters, first... theres Durnstand tha village our patient came from the reason hes set out into the woods while twas known ta be unsafe was of desperation... the lads got mouths ta feed an I suspect theres many like him, I was thinkin tha temple could perhaps do some things ta aliviate the desperation a little, hopefully that'll keep more lads from trying their luck in the woods while we're still tracking down the dangers there"

"I can provide some financing fer this endeavour but as the head of the temple I think you should take the lead on this. if ya think this is a good idea ya should contact the Countess, we wouldn't want ta step on any toes... (incase Aylee agrees to help) an if ya need any help I've asked Aylee ta give ya some counsel" ((Thorik can finance up to rougly 800gp, Though I'm guessing it will be much cheaper to provide the basics))

"Theres another thing I could use yer insight in aswell... theres some dwarven ruins west of landin that I'll be headin down into... an well... you've always been the better student of tha two of us so I was hopin ya might know some history on tha place"

Thorik will either pick his own brain or qid Haltar in picking his.
Knowledge history [roll0] (+2 more if the dwarven Lorekeeper trait applies)

with his buisiness in Stoneforge conducted the dwarf left for Luckfalls to consult the Pyreal books with a somewhat heavy heart.

Arived in Luckfalls Thorik will seek out Franklin to ask for help in combing the books for information on the Dwarven ruins.
Having made his way to the Gnomes office Thorik takes some time to look around, "Ya've carved quite the place fer yerself here" The dwarf will accept the inevitable tea offering an sit "I hope the information brought back from round tha plateau is valuable, theres some dangerous lands down south... an the corrupted grounds we spotted has me concerned aswell, perhaps when things calm down in Durnstand we aught ta gather some samples ta study" he looks into his teacup "but thats nay why I've came... I'm takin a group down into the dwarven ruins we found when we took tha shy maiden. an I was hoping ta find some clues on what we're walking inta from the books, Would ya care ta give me a hand my friend?"

2014-12-12, 06:59 PM

After receiving the search and rescue assignment in Landing from Durtan Ironbeard, Thorik hitched a ride on one of the first transports heading to Stoneforge. it had been a while since he had been 'home'.

"Hoi Luv," he begins somewhat cautiously after having found Aylee, maybe even some subtle signs of regret shimmer behind his usual stoic demeanor "Tis been far too long since I've been home, Between the scouting expidition south an the troubles in Durnstand, Tseems like tha troubles on this continent never end", signs of frustration rumble behind the stoic expression "I'm afraid I cannay stay long this time either. I need ta visit Luckfalls an refer with the books on Pyreal... I'm takin a group down into the dwarven ruins I spoke about sometimes, Tseems a dwarven company led by Balin Stonedelver sgone down there an hasn't reported in back, I'm hopin the records we've collected on Pyreal might shed some light on what they've stumbled into"

he'll smile "I was hopin ya could help me with some of the preparations for this expidition an theres another thing on my mind tha I think ya could maybe give some guidance too"

"ya've been teachin me a few things 'bout the dwarven nobility an all, but I think I could use a little crash course on Balin in particular. Physical description... what kinda dwarf the lad is an if hes got any enemies that may have followed him here, From what I understood off yer uncle he was quite adamant on 'is presence being kept secret."

Aylee smiles back at you "Aye, my uncle said ya might be getting roped into that.", she pauses in thought for a while, "Balin's a serious minded dwarf, similar age to yourself and well experienced at field command. Normally he's very level headed but it's said that in battle he goes into a berserk rage in which he once ripped a foe in two. He specializes in hunting down large beasts that threaten the mountain halls and his status as heir hasn't saved him from some tough fights."

She pauses in thought, "he's no enemies I know of more than the usual that come to anyone with power and influence. I wonder what he could be doing here that he felt the need to keep it quiet? All I know was when he heard the description of the ruins he dropped everything to come here and asked us to keep his presence quiet while he looked into them. We weren't really in a position to object, we've no real claim over them at this point."

"I've only met him a couple of times, he wears his beard braided into long strands and platted with orange thread, his hair and beard are both quite dark and his weapon of choice is the Axe."

"Tha other thing is Durnstand... the people there aint in good shape an without being able ta make a living from working the forest a few of em are getting desperate. I've been thinkin about sending em some aid in the form of food an other basic necessities. I think tis important tha its clear this aid is comming from the temple rather than the ironbeards... we've gotta be carefull about infringin on the other leaders charges. an tha temple here could stand ta... win some hearts over from the people here in pyreal... now tha the whitecloaks are makin their preperations ta wipe us from the continent"

Thorik pauses for a moment "I'm gonna ask Haltar ta get this relief effort rollin but I figured he could use some help with the logisitics an... political subtleties, can I count on ya ta give our brother some counsel?"

"Of course, I would be happy to."

Stoneforge markets
in Stoneforge Thorik will also endevour to pick up a new platinum ring worth 25GP (incase the party is succesful in locating Balin but a little extra protection could be important for the dwarven noble.) and to track down a Moledog trained in tracking, He wouldn't mind trying to acquire such a beast for Aylee and the home in Stoneforge but their rarity makes purchasing one unlikely. The dwarven cleric will likely have settle for lending or renting one for the 'exploration of the dwarven ruins'. Aylee is welcome to join on this little shopping expidition, the company would certainly be welcome.

Aylee does indeed come with you and helps you find the ring, Moledogs though are not for sale and asking around you discover that none have yet been trained to track. Until their numbers have increased the dwarves caring for them are focused more on breeding them and some light work around the mine than on training them for anything more.

Stoneforge Temple

"Haltar!" With open arms Thorik aproaches his old fellow student and clasps him on the shoulders "I've heared you an tha acolytes did a fine job on fishin out the spiders from that unfortunate human fellow." the cleric sighs a little "I really thought I had gotten all the eggs out of him. I'm fortunate ta have brothers ta catch my mistakes" He pauses for a moment "is the lad still around by chance?"

"We sent him home yesterday, after we were sure all the eggs and spiders were gone. You've just missed him, sorry. He was fully recovered, although he was talking about moving his family here or maybe to Luckfalls, doesn't really want to go back into those woods with the spiders there and he's no way to make a living without entering them."

"I've come ta ask yer help in a few matters, first... theres Durnstand tha village our patient came from the reason hes set out into the woods while twas known ta be unsafe was of desperation... the lads got mouths ta feed an I suspect theres many like him, I was thinkin tha temple could perhaps do some things ta aliviate the desperation a little, hopefully that'll keep more lads from trying their luck in the woods while we're still tracking down the dangers there"

"I can provide some financing fer this endeavour but as the head of the temple I think you should take the lead on this. if ya think this is a good idea ya should contact the Countess, we wouldn't want ta step on any toes... (incase Aylee agrees to help) an if ya need any help I've asked Aylee ta give ya some counsel" ((Thorik can finance up to rougly 800gp, Though I'm guessing it will be much cheaper to provide the basics))

Haltar nods, "Aye, that's a good idea. I'll speak to Aylee and see if we can set up something, I know The Countess provides some food as well but I imagine she'll welcome the help. 300 gold should be enough to get things moving if you are sure you can spare that much?"

"Theres another thing I could use yer insight in aswell... theres some dwarven ruins west of landin that I'll be headin down into... an well... you've always been the better student of tha two of us so I was hopin ya might know some history on tha place"

Thorik will either pick his own brain or aid Haltar in picking his.
Knowledge history [roll0] (+2 more if the dwarven Lorekeeper trait applies)

Haltar listens carefully to your description of the ruins and hmms thoughtfully. "There's nothing there that would let me put a name to it even if it wasn't for our limited knowledge of Pyreal", he says scratching at his beard, "although they do sound fascinating. You're sure they used a Stanish pattern with a clockwise lay? How strange I've not heard any instances of that particular pattern being used before the last few hundred years, it was just coming into fashion when The Pulse hit and was very popular for a while. We really must study these ruins sometime, when it's safe of course I'd not want to risk any of the acolytes in a dangerous area."

2014-12-13, 06:10 AM
With his buisiness in Stoneforge conducted the dwarf left for Luckfalls to consult the Pyreal books with a somewhat heavy heart.

Arived in Luckfalls Thorik will seek out Franklin to ask for help in combing the books for information on the Dwarven ruins.
Having made his way to the Gnomes office Thorik takes some time to look around, "Ya've carved quite the place fer yerself here" The dwarf will accept the inevitable tea offering an sit [/B]"I hope the information brought back from round tha plateau is valuable, theres some dangerous lands down south... an the corrupted grounds we spotted has me concerned aswell, perhaps when things calm down in Durnstand we aught ta gather some samples ta study"[/B] he looks into his teacup "but thats nay why I've came... I'm takin a group down into the dwarven ruins we found when we took tha shy maiden. an I was hoping ta find some clues on what we're walking inta from the books, Would ya care ta give me a hand my friend?"

" Herion reported the corrupted ground to me, it sounds troubling. If you are down that way again, it might be worth collecting a sample plant or three for Davri and I to study, maybe to show to the Pixies to see what they make of it. A sample of the ground as well. I would make sure you wear gloves however while touching such things. " Franklin says in response to the talking about the lands down south. After Thorik has brought up the subject of the books he agrees to help. " Of course I'll take a look at them with you, forewarned is forearmed, and all that. Talking of books, I'll give you the book of the Seer to pass on to the new members of the group, if they want to read it. "

With that, Franklin and Thorik head off to the library and gain access to the books on Pyreal from the slightly more private library, and spend the hours reading them.

2014-12-13, 06:20 AM
Reading the books finds no references to any extensive Dwarven settlements in this area. Unless the Pulse moved geography around a lot more than people thought then you are confident that none of the information you have contains any record of these ruins. You do find references to dwarven labourers and slaves being used in several places including some being brought over from Eronia but nothing about constructions.

2014-12-13, 06:32 AM

"well... I spoke with Haltar an when I described the patterns used in tha ruins decoration he mentioned t'was a style that only emerged around the time the pulse happened... so with tha lack of information 'ere I think tis safe to say this place was built after the pulse!"

Thorik will comb his brain once more on anything he might remember of dwarven history regarding the Stonedelver clan and pyreal now that he has this clue in hand.
do they have some sort of history here in Pyreal? is that why Balin suddenly dropped everything to come here in secret?
(the history of the Stonedelver clan in particular) Knowledge history [roll0] (another +2 if dwarven lorekeeper applies)

2014-12-13, 06:35 AM

((since I messed up the roll tags I'll roll again down here.))

Knowledge history [roll0]+2 if Dwarven lorekeeper applies.

2014-12-13, 09:20 AM
((Dwarven Lorekeeper does apply))

Thorik racks his brain for anything that might apply, and suddenly realizes something.

When the dwarven clans surrendered to the conclave four centuries ago they collapsed the sacred forges, preventing their destruction. The conclave were angered by this and demanded an additional price from the surrendering clans. Each clan had to provide 200 healthy and able-bodied members to the conclave to serve as slaves, those slaves were sent to Pyreal.

Most clans sent volunteers, although there are rumours that some volunteers were encouraged to do so. All sent the 200. What they didn't know though until after the slaves had left was that the King of Clan Stonedelver who agreed to the surrender terms felt so much shame that he shaved off his beard, renounced his name, and joined as one of the 200. Known only as the King-That-Was his last sealed order left behind was that his name by removed from all records everywhere.

2014-12-14, 05:23 AM
After detonating a couple of gunpowder barrels and killing several giants and large numbers of their lizards the group is confident they have a lot of attention from the giants. They manage to hold the chokepoint for a surprising amount of time but then the giant's unveil a little surprise for their unwelcome guest, a huge stone pillar that must way several tonnes rolling down the corridor towards them pushed by angry giants behind.

After a few seconds trying to work out if they had any way to stop several tonnes of stone hurtling towards them at speed the party decides that running is the smarter option Aklo, Lizzy, Thorik and The Mountain sprint west towards the river, while Herion, Dougal and Snips just manage to stay ahead of the roller running back to the fountain and then west on the road.

Moving faster Snips reaches the exit first and waits, lighting the fuses on the prepared gunpowder just as his companions reach the exit, you run on through and begin to follow the river downstream accompanied by the sound of a huge explosion and the ceiling collapsing behind them.

Following the river downstream they rejoin the others just ahead of more pursuing giants and together you all hustle back towards safety. Fortunately the narrow winding passages slow the giants down and soon you open up a bit of distance.

Coming back to the docks you find Balin with his soldiers supported by pistoliers from the ShyMaiden holding the line against more Giants while refugees stream towards the exit. You join the fight there and drive the giants back, before you all make it safely to the surface, with the weaker people being put onto the Shy Miaden.

On the surface Balin nods to you and smiles weakly, "We heard the explosions from where we were, it was an effective diversion. Nearly all the giants went to investigate. Unfortunately they didn't go very far though so we were still getting people out when they turned back towards us. I think we killed 4 giants and quite a few lizards but I think we lost some of the slaves and I've not seen all my men yet.

Doing a quick headcount you confirm that:
Of the 30 Svirfneblin [roll0] made it out.
Of the 100 Dwarves [roll1] made it out.
Of Balin's 20 soldiers [roll2] made it out.

Balin himself is covered in blood from his foes and limping from a blow to his leg but otherwise in decent shape.

2014-12-14, 07:30 AM
--- on the surface ---

The dwarven cleric will do what comes natural to him, Tough the battle of the chokepoint did drain some of the strength Trud had lent there were still two channellings and a handfull of healing spells to hand out.

Thorik looks grim when the headcount comes to a conclusion. "we took out their forward guards without the camp hearin even a squeek an soon after that Snips made quite the explosive introduction, we managed ta hold a chokepoint fer a few minutes. but when they pulled back I was gettin worried they had spotted the ruckus in the slavecamps. but fortunately t'turns out they formed an effective plan ta clear us from our chokepoint instead."

he shakes his head "at that point we had ta start pulling back. if they'd gotten us out in the open t'would have been a massacre"

he frowns. "Three free dwarves gave their lives so their brothers in chains may once again take charge of their own destiny, I can imagine little Torag being more proud of than he'll be of this day"

the Stonewell will lay his hand on the Stonedelvers shoulder discharging one of his more potent healingspell.
"Tough I feel terrible about movin yer actions ahead by our appearance... Twas an honour ta play a part in yer daring resque"

surveying the fruits of the sacrifice and battle he'll add "Tonight we've got drinkin ta do, Ta celebrate an ta remember"

2014-12-14, 07:35 AM
Upon seeing that they weren't entirely successful, Aklo hung his head a bit, deciding that his bragging was inapropo, giving silent thanks to his deity for giving him the chance to prove himself and the drive to do as well in the Halls as he did, but an assurance that if a similar situation occurred in the future, he would do all in his power to be more successful. With that settled in his mind, he promptly pulled his dagger from its sheath and destroyed yet another Blanket to be used as bandages for the wounded, in case there wasn't enough medical supplies on the Shy Maiden to treat the injured survivors.

When the chance presented itself, Aklo took it upon himself to personally apologize to Balin for not doing more, saying "I am deeply sorry that I couldn't do more to contribute, if there is anything I can do to amend my mistakes, please tell me, and I will be more than happy to do so." and bowing his head.

2014-12-14, 08:31 AM
Balin turns to Aklo and reaches out to clasp his hand. "Nay lad, be not despondent. Those who died did so knowing that through their sacrifice they saved their kin. All of ours who fell today died well and in valiant service of our people, and if that friend of yours is right about the gods then I'd like to think they're being rewarded as we speak."

Balin sighs. "I have lost 3 fine soldiers today, who have stood with me for many years but still this was a great victory and at far smaller cost than I had feared. 'tis a shame you could not draw the giants further from the prisoners but still you did well, six of you against a horde of giants and their lizard pets. When I asked you to do it I feared I'd never see you again and that weighed upon my conscience. I am impressed at your bravery in agreeing and I'm relieved to see you all made it out safely."

"We rescued the son of the King-That-Was, we abated the shame of surrendering our own to the foul conclave by rescuing their descendants. We gave giants who think they can keep Dwarves as slaves a smashed kneecap. For that Clan Stonedelver owes you and all your companions a debt of gratitude."

2014-12-14, 09:56 AM
Aklo still didn't smile, but he nodded his head, saying "It was my pleasure. If ever another situation like this should occur, I would like to be informed so I can prepare more effectively." and with that, grew a bit of a devilish grin, adding "And I can see the appeal of slaying giants, now. It's great fun to watch them tuck their tails between their legs and run from something half their size." as he shook Balin's hand.

2014-12-15, 10:17 AM
Balin chuckles, "Aye, only thing better than seeing the oafs fleeing before you is seeing them lying bleeding at your feet".

The next few days pass in a blur of activity as the freed slaves are escorted into Stoneforge. The Svirfneblin are very wary and seem to be expecting a double-cross at any moment, but when they make contact with their kin they are overjoyed. Some of them even almost smile! You do not follow much of the conversation but it seems the two groups were members of the same city deep underground that was struck by some sort of cataclysm and got separated while fleeing.

A few days after their rescue the heroes are invited down to the Svirfneblin hold and personally thanked by King Hailrog. You are each presented with a finely cut gem worth 100GP and as a group are presented with a headband that will "help you see in dark places, that you may bring more allies to safety".

Most of the dwarves are dazed to be released from their long captivity, having been kept as slaves for nearly fifty years. They hung onto their faith though and were eager to visit the temple and seek the blessings of the priests there. None of them had anything but their lives to offer in thanks, however Balin Stonedelver disappears into long talks with the Dwarven Mastersmith Arkan. A week after you return he presents each of you with a masterworked dagger of dwarven make engraved with the symbol of Clan Stonedelver, the name of the person it was presented to, and an image of a giant cowering away from you while behind you chains are smashed from a prisoner's wrists.

2014-12-15, 01:17 PM
A week after you return, Balin Stonedelver presents each of you with a masterworked dagger of dwarven make engraved with the symbol of Clan Stonedelver, the name of the person it was presented to, and an image of a giant cowering away from you while behind you chains are smashed from a prisoner's wrists.

Herion is curiously fascinated by the gift, turning it over, studying the symbol and its inscription. A heartsome determined smile spreads and his face lights up at the sight of the vivid historical image.
"Thank you Balin. .. I see.. Anchored as this inscription is, so is our determination and will to defend our families. Herion nods, unfamiliar with the bowing-gesture but still acknowledgingly accepting the gift. While holding the Dagger up high towards the light, getting an even better view of it, a spark of interest ignites. With epic histories and deeds in mind he continues... "After celebrations and once all have settled in, would you want us, we could see if we could clear that city. Perhaps there is more dwarven history laying dormant."

2014-12-15, 01:53 PM
Balin nods, "Aye, that would be fitting. It does not sit well with me that Giants inhabit a town built by dwarven hands. For now though I need to take the elder Niald and one or two others who feel they can brave the trip back to Eronia. I feel most of those we have rescued will settle in Stoneforge but some have a yearning for the homelands and would like to see the Mountain Halls their parents and grandparents spoke of". He sighs, "and I have to tell three families that their sons and daughters will not be coming home. In a week's time I'll be on a boat once more heading home but I will return when I have time, and hope to hear good word of progress from here until then."

2014-12-16, 02:59 PM
Balin nods, "Aye, that would be fitting. It does not sit well with me that Giants inhabit a town built by dwarven hands. For now though I need to take the elder Niald and one or two others who feel they can brave the trip back to Eronia. I feel most of those we have rescued will settle in Stoneforge but some have a yearning for the homelands and would like to see the Mountain Halls their parents and grandparents spoke of". He sighs, "and I have to tell three families that their sons and daughters will not be coming home. In a week's time I'll be on a boat once more heading home but I will return when I have time, and hope to hear good word of progress from here until then."

"I have heard some about the great Mountain Halls, but not yet seen them, but perhaps one day, even I will.
But I can see it in front of me, the deeds of the dwarven soldiers will make their families proud! Not every man can brag about freeing fellow brothers from Giants' enslavement.
I believe that neither Giants or the widespread sea can stop our curiousity. Look forward to it,.." Herion turns his gaze beyond the settlement, confident in what he says he stands anchored to the ground, meeting Balin's eyes once again. "..you will hear stories from us soon!"

2014-12-17, 01:41 PM

With a small measure of pride Thorik replaces the plain old dagger that has served him for two years with the masterwork dwarven dagger.

Herion turns his gaze beyond the settlement, confident in what he says he stands anchored to the ground, meeting Balin's eyes once again. "..you will hear stories from us soon!"

"We'll be headin down there soon ta make sure they're nay preparing a retaliation strike." Thorik adds.

"if you an yer lads learned anything more about the giants that may help us I'd love ta learn it aswell, We've seen a few wielding large axes but between the mass of giants we couldn't make out any leaders or magic users"

"Before you head back to the mountain halls theres one more thing I need ta ask" The cleric pauses for a moment considering his words "As you might have heard the purity order has began amassing a band of mercenaries an the like ta wipe the temple in Stoneforge from tha rock tis built upon, I'm hopin that if king Peter isn't going ta allow them ta land in the civilised lands of Pyreal the mob should lose much of its steam"

"Our ancestors collapsed the sacred forges rather than sundering them to the cabal, this last act of defiance has cost all the clans much, But I know it cost the Stonedelver clan tha most... now that we're beginning to reclaim our heritage... I'd ask yer help in keeping the whitecloaks from our walls. If yer clan can join its voice with the Ironbeards in denouncing the mob an influencing King Peter nay ta grant em an official landing, the other clans should start ta follow suit an much grief can be avoided"

unsure if he struck the right tone Thorik hides his troubled expression behind his beard.
"We'll nay surrender our heiritage again ta men in robes"

2014-12-17, 01:51 PM
Aklo takes his dagger and inspects it, noting the quality and testing the balance of it across his finger while saying "Truly an historic moment." with a grin, "A dwarf giving an elf a gift. I will treasure it always." He added, bowing his head in turn.

2014-12-17, 06:37 PM

With a small measure of pride Thorik replaces the plain old dagger that has served him for two years with the masterwork dwarven dagger.

"We'll be headin down there soon ta make sure they're nay preparing a retaliation strike." Thorik adds.

"if you an yer lads learned anything more about the giants that may help us I'd love ta learn it aswell, We've seen a few wielding large axes but between the mass of giants we couldn't make out any leaders or magic users"

"Before you head back to the mountain halls theres one more thing I need ta ask" The cleric pauses for a moment considering his words "As you might have heard the purity order has began amassing a band of mercenaries an the like ta wipe the temple in Stoneforge from tha rock tis built upon, I'm hopin that if king Peter isn't going ta allow them ta land in the civilised lands of Pyreal the mob should lose much of its steam"

"Our ancestors collapsed the sacred forges rather than sundering them to the cabal, this last act of defiance has cost all the clans much, But I know it cost the Stonedelver clan tha most... now that we're beginning to reclaim our heritage... I'd ask yer help in keeping the whitecloaks from our walls. If yer clan can join its voice with the Ironbeards in denouncing the mob an influencing King Peter nay ta grant em an official landing, the other clans should start ta follow suit an much grief can be avoided"

unsure if he struck the right tone Thorik hides his troubled expression behind his beard.
"We'll nay surrender our heiritage again ta men in robes"

Balin nods and clasps Thorik's hand. "Aye, you've done a great thing for my people this past week but I think bringing back our heritage may yet be a greater thing. The Mountain Halls will oppose any action by the Purity Order and I'll personally let King Peter know, although I should warn you that certain clans believe very strongly in the cause of purity so will most likely continue to support them and cause what trouble they can."

2014-12-18, 08:18 PM
After traumatizing the magical female spider with fire, sickness, quaking escaperoutes and Hammercuts,
Herion will walk back to town with 6 well maintained corpses in the cart. he will plan on putting up a poster by "The Anchor" declaring the party's intentions of brining dead bodies back with them to town.
So he writes the post on the road back.

'Dead, rottening corpses in nice
condition found.
Best friend of yours?
Collect against founder's fee!'

Halfway back to Landing...
"Hey Thorik! I started making a note to make people aware that they could find closure, saying their goodbyes. The message needs a closer inspection so people don't missinterpret what we want or our intentions.
He hands the post to Thorik.
Perhaps you could fix the error of this post and take care of the whole "body dealing" thing, you see how they might missunderstand our intentions?"

'Dead, rottening corpses in nice
condition found.
Best friend of yours?
Collect against founder's fee!'

When Herion notice Thorik finish readin it he'll snitch it back from his hands..
"Ah! Found it! How could I have missed it? Imagine if people had seen this post? Everyone would have misunderstood and completely forgotten our intent and message with this whole deal!"

Herion quickly scribbles down some words seemingly correcting the error he found. Holding it back up so Thorik can see.
"See! No missunderstandings!"
..Pointing to the buttom..

'Dead, rottening corpses in nice
condition found. Best friend of yours?
Collect against founder's fee!

Clasping his chest he laughs out loud for the better part of a minute. His chuckles dies out with a silence.
... ...
"Tha' litt'l spid'r got me all worked up for nothing!
Sorry, had to get it out of my system.
I'm sure you can write together a post we can use. I've given you a headstart.
See I've written down all the things to avoid."
Pointing at the post he smiles seriously.

Bluff DC 23
Vs Thorik's sense motive in disbelieving Herion's entire "Selling bodies" charade.

2014-12-19, 02:34 AM
SenseMotive [roll0] against the intent to sell bodies joke.

2014-12-19, 03:03 AM

The dwarf looks dubious, "you've got a weird sense of humor Lad." shaking his head with disapproval.

he looks onwards to Durnstand with a hint of grimness "I suspect we'll nay need a note or flier though. usually at-least a few curious sorts will come ta see our cart returnin. an this ain't no fancy metropolis like they have a few up north. News will travel quickly through this small community"

He throws a glance back to the bodies in the cart. "theres nay reason ta say anything really... if theres folks with questions we can answer them but otherwise we aught ta just let these folks collect their kin an let them grieve in their own ways, tis a personal affair an if they need our help they'll let us know"

2014-12-19, 05:27 AM
The people in Durnstand are grateful for the return of the bodies of their missing kin, there is sadness and commiseration but at least they have closure.

The three elven bodies are a bit of a mystery. After asking around though some people do remember three elven adventurers heading into the woods about a month previously to investigate the disappearances.

2014-12-19, 11:59 AM
When Landing is visible from the cart, Herion will run ahead, straight for cabal's shop, slowing his pace to a hustle once passing the citygate.

"Hey Cabal! How are ya old champ? Got some new juice for you."

He sells the 1+2=3 poison sacks
And restocks his alchemical supply, buying; 1 Alchemist Fire and 1 Ghast Retch Flask.
Then expands his arsenal by buying a Tanglefootbag.

On the evening he'll hit the pub, drinking and sharing his latest adventure as well as informing folks about the charming spider. Recommending a doubled watch during trips through the Twilight woods. Following up his story with an inquiring question: "So what's been going on here, since we've been gone?"
(Allowing the inquiring question to unfold itself into whatever stories he can uncover).


During the proceeding days, Herion continues recruiting.

2014-12-19, 12:16 PM
((Rolls on the forum only work with one modifier, you need to roll that as 1d20+3))

2014-12-20, 10:24 AM
When Aklo returned from the second trip out to Durnstand, he came back with three conclusions. 1. He wasn't sure which was the weaker part of him, the Elven side, or the Human side. 2. He hated Spiders, especially magical ones. And 3. He needed to learn more about the local elf population. With those conclusions in mind, Aklo went about searching for more information on the elves of Pyreal and eventually found his way to Lady Graceling, using whatever influence he might have gathered in Pyreal to try and get an audience with her so he could find out about the symbols he collected from the dead elves' various articles of equipment. Once more, he cleaned himself of the grime from the trail (And spent some time making sure the falling log didn't do permanent damage to him.. Damn Ettercaps..) and got himself as presentable as his cut-up clothing would allow, folding in torn sections.

Once he got this audience, he was prompt to take a knee before her, setting aside his weapons (Assuming they weren't collected at the door) and presenting the symbols, saying "It is a great honor to meet you, Lady Graceling. It would be quite rude of me to assume that you know of me, so I will introduce myself. I am Aklo Kulaxos, Half-Human from the content of Eronia, and Disciple of Irori. I was out in the field recently, and I found some symbols on equipment of deceased elves that might be of interest to you.. I could only make a bit of sense of them, I recognized them as family crests, though I could be wrong. All of my research lead to the conclusion that you would know more." in as fluent of Elven as he could muster. He hadn't had much reason to speak Elven here.

2014-12-20, 10:32 AM
(( To explain the "Half-Human" thing, elves tend to see more of the human side in half-elves than the elven side. Also:
Knowledge, Local: 1d20+0
Knowledge, History: 1d20+0
All done at the biggest Library Aklo can get to on Pyreal. ))

2014-12-20, 01:57 PM
The Elven compound is still placed in the center of Landing, with the few trees still standing within the walls placed around it.

Aklo is shown into the compound and up to a room inside the tree. Within it he finds a cloaked and hooded figure sitting cross-legged atop a small stone pedestal. When Aklo finishes speaking she inclines her head and steps down from the pillar, moving to examine the gathered artifacts.

"I know of these," she finally speaks. "They came to visit this compound when they arrived in these lands although they did not seek my advice. They planned to hunt monsters in the Twilight Woods I believe, they are famed for their monster hunting prowess and have brought down many beasts in Eronia. It seems Pyreal was too much for them though, as it has proven too much for many others. A shame, for they were noble in purpose and deed, if unfortunately rather arrogant by nature."

"Thank you for showing these to me, I will have word sent home to their family. What manner of beast brought them down and how did a newly arrived half human survive when three experienced monster slayers did not?"

2014-12-20, 03:40 PM
"I know of these," she finally speaks. "They came to visit this compound when they arrived in these lands although they did not seek my advice. They planned to hunt monsters in the Twilight Woods I believe, they are famed for their monster hunting prowess and have brought down many beasts in Eronia. It seems Pyreal was too much for them though, as it has proven too much for many others. A shame, for they were noble in purpose and deed, if unfortunately rather arrogant by nature."

"Thank you for showing these to me, I will have word sent home to their family. What manner of beast brought them down and how did a newly arrived half human survive when three experienced monster slayers did not?"


"Myself and the party I have come to travel with found their remains in web cocoons, and... To be quite honest, m'lady. I have nothing but an unfair share of dumb luck, and a rather capable group of similarly experienced adventurers to thank for my survival. At some point, we seek to avenge their passing, but for now, I thought their families should be informed." He remained on one knee the whole time he spoke, though his head rose as he went, a little furious flare in his eyes when he mentioned avenging his half-kin, which was quickly extinguished.

"If I may offer a suggestion to pass along to future hunters who seek to enter the Twilight Woods, I heartily recommend bringing along some source of flame and any equipment that may be helpful in curing envenomed wounds, my guess is that the owners of the weapons I collected the tracings from were killed by the oversized spiders that have taken up residence in those woods. They work alongside Ettercaps, which I must confess I mistook for hybrid spawn of gnomes and trolls at first glance."

2014-12-21, 07:08 AM
Lady Graceling almost smiles at your description of the Ettercaps but settles for a slight nod instead, "Please rise young Aklo, you have done well."

She continues "I am aware of the spiders, the pixies tell me that there is a large nest of them in an old ruined city deep in the Twilight woods. They described Ettercaps controlling broods of lesser spiders, with intelligent spiders in turn ruling the Ettercaps. Their usual range does not extend as far as even Silvercrown hill though and their past expansion has been slow so I had not expected them to be causing us trouble so soon. Perhaps something spurred them into action."

She looks seriously at Aklo for a moment then continues "I need eyes and information, I am here watching for threats that could destroy not just us here on Pyreal but reach over the sea and touch our kin back in Eronia as well. Pyreal is littered with relics of a bygone age and few have the knowledge or experience to deal with them, although I must say your friends have shown wisdom so far in most cases. I am too old to roam the wilderness as once I did so I rely on those younger than me to be my eyes. Brave adventurers with the speed and strength of youth, but with the insight needed to see below the surface of things. Would you help me in this regard?"

2014-12-21, 10:45 PM
Lady Graceling almost smiles at your description of the Ettercaps but settles for a slight nod instead, "Please rise young Aklo, you have done well."

She continues "I am aware of the spiders, the pixies tell me that there is a large nest of them in an old ruined city deep in the Twilight woods. They described Ettercaps controlling broods of lesser spiders, with intelligent spiders in turn ruling the Ettercaps. Their usual range does not extend as far as even Silvercrown hill though and their past expansion has been slow so I had not expected them to be causing us trouble so soon. Perhaps something spurred them into action."

She looks seriously at Aklo for a moment then continues "I need eyes and information, I am here watching for threats that could destroy not just us here on Pyreal but reach over the sea and touch our kin back in Eronia as well. Pyreal is littered with relics of a bygone age and few have the knowledge or experience to deal with them, although I must say your friends have shown wisdom so far in most cases. I am too old to roam the wilderness as once I did so I rely on those younger than me to be my eyes. Brave adventurers with the speed and strength of youth, but with the insight needed to see below the surface of things. Would you help me in this regard?"

Aklo rose to his feet when it was requested of him, taking in the information she offered and saying "I will do my best, M'lady. In but a month's time here I have already learned much.. I will make a point of collecting quills, ink, and parchment while I am in Landing, but, in the meanwhile, I do have some information that might be useful to you, though one of my friends has likely already told you of it." Then giving pause for a moment, wriggling his nose a little as he thought, before asking "Does this task require any degree of Secrecy? Or am I free to inform who I may about my assignment?"

2014-12-22, 05:25 AM
Lady Graceling smiles, "A good question. Secret, no. Discrete, yes. There is no sense stirring up fear and doubt when should we perform our task well most people will never face these threats. Choose those you tell wisely but you may tell them should you need to do so."

2014-12-22, 10:45 AM
Lady Graceling smiles, "A good question. Secret, no. Discrete, yes. There is no sense stirring up fear and doubt when should we perform our task well most people will never face these threats. Choose those you tell wisely but you may tell them should you need to do so."

"Of course, M'lady... Should I return every time I discover something new? Or should I collect knowledge until I have to restock my parchment?" Aklo asked, figuring she would go for the latter, but asking just in case.

2014-12-22, 10:47 AM
"I will leave that to your own best judgement. If you think it is important then pass the news onto me as quickly as possible, if not then it can wait."

2014-12-22, 05:31 PM
Dougal Badrick
Landing, the Free States compound

Immediately on his return to Landing Dougal will report back to the Countess, bringing ill news.
"Sorry to barge in like this. I have some bad news. Me, Thorik and the others were scouting out the ogre territories and we ran across something reasonably major. Thorik's all rattled, he's been putting on a stony face but I can tell he's very disturbed.
There's an ogre mage up in that tribe. Possibly someone giving him orders as well, judging by this." Dougal sets the ogre scroll on the table. "They were trying to forge an allience with the cave giants.
We put a stop to it this time but the ogre mage knows of us, and is probably going to making a move against us soon."

The countess whistles and actually seems slightly disconcerted. "An Ogre Mage? You're sure?"

"It was flying around invisible, so yeah. Thorik got some divine assistance in figuring out exactly what we are dealing with as well."

The Countess nods, "If it's allright with you I think we should take discussion of the Ogre Mage to Lady Graceling. Her expertise could be valuable. Is there anything else to discuss or shall we head to the elven compound immediately?"
"The situation in Durnstand is at a standstill at the moment. We've made two excursions into the forest, but the damn spiders keep eluding us. There's at least one ettercap and one spellcasting spider still on the run. I was meaning to come and ask for advice on how to hunt down invisible enemies, which I guess just became more relevant.
I've been putting a lot of thought into your suggestion about forming a knightly order as well, and I think I have the proposal largely sorted out now. I was planning on coming to you about it soon, but Ashwin was still working on the final draft."

The countess replies "Yes, invisibility is hard to deal with. There are some spells and devices that break it but they are rare and powerful. If it is a spellcaster then you could try to interrupt their casting and prevent them from becoming invisible in the first place. Not a solution for every occasion but something to keep in mind."

"Thorik says he can "purge invisibility" now. So maybe we'll have better luck next time. But we've at least driven them back further away from Durnstand.
I hate to say this, but this new threat might be what's needed to convince the other leaders to go ahead with the order."

The Countess nods, "Invisibility Purge, yes that's effective but only in an enclosed space. You need to be close to them but still I can see it being very useful"
The Countess agrees, "you're very right. An Ogre Mage with a whole clan of Ogres behind him, trying to form an alliance with a substantial force of Cave Giants. That's trouble, big trouble".

"I hate the thought of asking others to come fight the ogre mage, in a way. I don't mind risking my life but asking others to face that kind of a foe seems too much.
Makes you wish you could be everywhere at once, doesn't it?"

The Countess actually laughs at that. "Oh I've thought that many times I can tell you. Many many times."
"More seriously though, whether you ask people to face the Ogre Mage or not - it most likely will come for them. If not now then at some time. They're spirits of evil interested only in spreading pain and suffering."

"I know that. We can't really waste time with this, as far as I can tell. We should go see lady Graceling first, then call the council members together. The others must at least be warned.
I'll bring the proposal with me to the latter meeting."

The Countess nods, "Agreed", with that she turns and the two of you head over to the elven compound where you are both admitted imemdiately and taken to see her.

Lady Graceling is not at her customary meditation when you arrive, instead you find her deeper in the compound. You glimpse her studying from a large book as she pulls a cloth over it and turns to the two of you. "Dougal, Eloise. Welcome, although I see from your faces you do not come with good news. Please, sit down, have a drink, share the ill tidings." With that she takes you through into a side room with a few chairs scattered around and gestures for you both to make yourselves at home.

Dougal takes a seat, feeling a bit awkward in the setting. "You're right. The news are bad. There's an ogre mage in the western mountains. The ogres are seeking an alliance with the cave giants. We put a stop to that attempt, but the mage knows of us. We made our escape but it will no doubt be coming for us sooner or later."

The Lady Graceling's eyes widen slightly. "An Ogre Mage? That's a serious foe."

An elf stops at the door and bows slightly. "My lady, two more visitors saying they have urgent news. A dwarf and a half elf. Shall I admit them?"

2014-12-22, 06:36 PM
Dougal, Aklo and Thorik
Landing, the Elvish compound

Dougal stands up, looking towards the door.
"Thorik and Aklo? Let them in!"

Thorik looks around the room. "T'looks like we've had tha same idea an sense of urgency"

Thorik and Aklo are shown into a small side room, there are a number of comfortable chairs around and Lady Graceling and The Countess are each sitting in one. They nod to you both and the lady speaks "Welcome, please come join us. Take a seat and a drink".

The dwarf will pull up a chair, he looks more grim than usual.

Aklo took a moment at the door to compose himself, making sure his rather distressing news was sorted properly by relevance, events from the previous month following after the most recent news, him bowing his head and saying nothing as he sat down.

The Lady Graceling says "I hear you encountered an Oni - an Ogre Mage, describe it to me."

"I dinnay get a close look, but I did catch enough of a glimpse as it shimmered inta sight while in full flight. but twas enough fer me ta confere with tha gods an ancestors on"
Thorik will share the insights he was passed from the divine rather than the limited physical discriptions

Aklo, meanwhile, takes some time to think on what he saw and does his best to pass along a physical description. It was definitely an Ogre-ish Magical flying thing.

"theres no mistaken it... twas an oni" the dwarf grits his teeth "the bastard could be here watchin silently right now"
"technically speakin ofcourse"

Lady Graceling shakes her head, "That at least I can promise you is not so. No mage, invisible or otherwise, enters this compound without my knowledge"

Thorik looks curious for a moment before his stoic demeanor takes over

"Is that ability something that you could grant to someone else? Like, protect some other area as well?"

The Countess smiles "I guess hundreds of years hunting relics has its advantages."

"aye... this is power I'm nay familiar with"

Lady Graceling sighs, "That power no, it requires formidable experience with the arcane arts. Few could control it. I will think on what I do have that can help though."
The spells Glitterdust, Invisibility Purse, Dispel Magic are all helpful but you need to know where to point them.

Aklo remained silent for the moment, wishing he had more arcane Know-How to spread around in this instance.

"We'll need more people capable of casting them. Perhaps I should contact Franklin, he may be able to train us some adepts of our own."

"That's certainly a better idea than I have at the moment."

The Countess stirs, "Do any of you have access to the spell See Invisbility? It would not reveal the target to everyone but it would for one."

"I could be wrong, but it seems like something of that nature could be put into a wand?"

Thorik frowns "I do have a trick or two I know... but tis only sensible ta try if ya have a clue its nearby. with the flying theres nay even footsteps ta warn"
"Tis all advanced stuff... I'd never thought I'd be able ta tap into this.... maybe Haltar can aswell but im certain none of 'is acolytes can"

Lady Graceling considers the question, "Wizards, Witches, Bards - all can master that spell. I don't believe it's granted by divine powers although my knowledge of those is limited by comparison. My eductation on such areas was rather lacking."
She continues, "There is an item - if you can find one...The Hand of Glory. It allows it's bearer to see invisible creatures for 50 minutes each day"

"That sounds like an excellent idea. Do you know of any in Pyreal? Once we can see it, we'll also need a way to force it to land. Arrows may not work against a spellcaster, unfortunately."

"Oh nonsense, all we need is a rope attached to it and someone strong enough to pull 'em down."
Aklo snickered a bit at the idea, saying "It's like fishing.. Only for Onis."

The Lady Graceling smiles. "Dispel magic. That will end both his invisibility and his flight, although he would be able to recast it on himself given time."

"Is this "dispel magic" a complicated spell to learn?"

Aklo continued to snicker for some time, before getting ahold of himself and clearing his throat, saying "You'd think a spell like that would effect an area."

Lady Graceling nods, "It's at the limit of their power for anyone learning their craft since the pulse. I expect your friend Thorik here has sufficient power but few others in this land will."

the dwarf nods "aye... tis something I can tap into, but tis nay something I could" he pauses to find a word" teach"

The Countess leans forwards, "I may be able to help on that. I have a wand of dispel magic with a few charges remaining. If you're going after threats like this I can give you the wand to use, although I'd rather keep hold of it unless you have a specific need"

"with luck a casting or two will do the trick if theres just the one... he'll reveal the strip of leather parchment on the strap of his small shield. tis a good place ta keep something vital like that"

He gave a soft "Hmm..." and drummed his fingers on his legs, before pulling them into his chair and settling into a cross-legged posture, thinking in silence.

"We must look into this Hand of Glory. Once we have that, we can go after the ogre adept. We'll have need of the wand then."

"the problem is mostly detecting the blasted thing in the first place... if I know its there I can sap its might if I prepared properly"

the dwarf considers something...
"I do have some of its handwriting..."
"perhaps theres means of tracking the owner" he seems unsure

"I am not at all certain that the paper we found was written by the mage."

Aklo starts to snicker again, saying "Well, short of someone swinging a bag of flour around on a rope, I can't think of anything."

"twas written with fine penmenship, I doubt any of the regular ogres could manage"

The Countess leans forwards with interest. "May I see this paper?"

"I'm willing to bet that the regular ogres can't read."

Thorik will rummage around his pack to produce the hide

The Countess and Lady Graceling both examine the paper, looking worried. Finally The Countess speaks, "You're right, Ogres are not known for their reading or writing skills and yet this calligraphy is flawless and elegant despite the size of the writing apparatus. This instruction was written by one Oni for another to read."

"So.. One of the Giants was an Oni as well?"

"I hope not."

"nay, twas left with the ogre camp"

"I expect that this ogre adept has a master. A fully-fledged ogre mage."

The Countess nods grimly. "That would be my suspicion too"

Thorik rubs his temples

The Graceling inclines her head slightly, "We should try to find out the name of this Oni. They are called Magi but they are not true wizards. Their selection of spells and powers is limited, often to only 3 or 4 spells beyond their invisibility. Knowning his name will not give us power over him but I may be able to say what spells he has. For both master and adept."

Aklo thought for a moment, not liking any of the prospects that were coming up, finally saying "Well, it seems like we weren't far from the Ogres'.. Den, I guess. If we could find that, we might find more information about the Adept."

"If I had a drop of its blood I could... perhaps try"

"Clearly we'll need a lot of time to plan and prepare. In the meantime, we should inform the other leaders of the threat."

Aklo nodded, saying "Clearly." and set his notes out, figuring someone smarter than himself might be able to find connections that he wouldn't.

Thorik nods "I actually expected they'd all be here, but tis better if we can speak openly about the less... mundane approaches"

The Countess nods, "I agree. We'll notify everyone, it wouldn't hurt to include the Svirfneblin as well since they may have some experience fighting invisible foes"

"We should ask Franklin to join us as well."

Thorik looks over the document written by the adept. against all hope that the thing was signed in a bloody thumbprint or something cliché

The Countess nods, "Franklin as leader of Luckfalls will be notified"

"I am sorry to admit that you have all thoroughly lost me." Aklo said, thinking on what he might be able to do to help gather more information regarding this.. Maybe if he could graze the Mage with an arrow next time they saw him.. Assuming there was a next time."

Lady Graceling stirs, "I have one suggestion, though it's a long shot. The Pixie Queen is a seer, she may be able to present clues as to the location of a Hand of Glory should one exist in the region. Creating one used necromanctic power so no-one would have openly owned one when the conclave ruled, but lots of things went on out of sight that should not".

"Sounds worth an attempt at least. One thing does come to mind. If the ogre mages were truly powerful enough to conquer the land by themselves, surely they wouldn't need the regular ogres to assist them. "So one important step in this fight is keeping the ogre tribe itself at bay."

"If nothing else, it would be interesting to meet The Pixie Queen." Aklo said with a shrug.
"You know what they say about assumptions, but I think the Giants have very thoroughly made the Ogres mad, regardless of whether or not the Adept tried to settle things down."
"So we've at least made it so relations between the two groups will be shaky."

Thorik shakes his head "we can only hope our little ruse an disturbance impacted the talks negatively, fer all we know it may have solidified their hatred over us"

"It'll only be a matter of time before they reopen talks."

The Countess nods, "Still, it was well done to try. Ogres and Giants will not make natural allies so anythign that sows dissension is to our benefit".

"I should've shot that damn Ogre at the entrance.. If we could've killed him then, it'd have been the Adept's word versus a whole bunch of angry Giants."

"yer arrows would have made a fine talkin point, nay we did what we could"

He sighed a bit and nodded, silently wishing his weapon of choice was more effective on a single shot than as a flurry of wood and feathers.

"Do we have anything else that needs to be discussed or should we reconvene at the council meeting?"

The Countess shakes her head. "I think we've done what we can"

Lady Graceling nods, "I'll do some research, see if I can find anything to help".

Thorik looks troubled "if the ogres do march on landing or stoneforge..." he shakes his head "tis a shame we wont know of it till its much too late"

"Those seem to be popular words in Pyreal. "We've done what we can." Aklo said, sighing once more. "If there's anything I can do to assist in that research, let me know, M'lady."

The Countess smiles, "Neither are known for their subtlety, I think we'll see them coming. And we build stout stone walls for a reason"

"I will see you all as soon as we get everyone together."

Thorik will say his bestwishes and retire.

The countess inclines her head. "Yes, I think that woudl be best. Thank you for bringing this to us so rapidly Dougal, Thorik, and I'm sorry. Aklo was it?"

Aklo nodded and bowed his head, saying "Yes, apologies for not introducing myself sooner, urgency and all. It was a pleasure to meet you."

Dougal nods to the Countess. "Of course."
"Aklo here has proven a most capable archer. Glad to have him on board."

The Countess smiles. "You've chosen your companions wisely Aklo. Few have survived as long or as well here in Pyreal as they have"

walking out thorik will nudge dougal "a silver says tha lord of rats had one of those hands of glory"

"I think I'll lose money on this, but I'll take that bet."

"I have been told before I am a good judge of character.. And it certainly helps that most things I've met here have been slower than a heard of galloping snails." Aklo said with a snicker, "But in all seriousness, I owe them my life many times over."

Lady Graceling rises to her feet, "Thank you once again to all three of you, troubling news but at least we are forewarned"

With that settled, Aklo rose to his feet as well, taking a knee and lowering his head, then rising once more and saying "It was our pleasure." and giving the two leaders a warm smile.

As the elves show you out you see Landing bustling about it's business, oblivious to the new threat looming on the horizon.

2014-12-23, 12:28 AM
Aklo took a short stroll through the city of Landing to De-stress a bit, the whole time wanting to climb to the roof-tops and scream to the people of Landing that all hell could break loose at any time, and that they needed to prepare.. But, he didn't know how they even could, so, he bit that back and took a deep breath, figuring that there was little more than what was done to be done... "We've done all that we can." coming up again. He figured he might as well restock on parchment and ink.. Maybe a few new toys for the field. Off to Cabals he went.

When he made his way to Cabal's shop, he straightened up a bit and took a moment to at the least slip on a fake smile, saying "Hello, my friend. It's good to see you now that I have more time to chat." as he walked into the shop, getting a bit of a wild hair and asking "This may be a weird thing to ask, but do you have a Common to Giantish dictionary for sale?"

2014-12-23, 04:48 AM
Cabal blinks at the request a few times. "Common to Giantish dictionary? Why I've never heard of such a thing. What's a dictionary?"

When you explain he runs his fingers through his long greasy hair and then absently scratches his nose as he thinks about it, "No, no, I can't help you on that. I could brew you up a couple of potions though. Potions to let you understand anything they're saying, wouldn't let you speak back mind but at least you'd know what they meant, hmm?"

2014-12-23, 05:25 AM
Aklo thought for a moment, patting his pouch of coins and figuring out about how much money he was sitting on, asking "How much would such potions cost?" As he did so... He probably couldn't afford it anyways, but it was a worthwhile goal to work towards, especially with recent news in mind.

2014-12-23, 08:12 AM
"50 gold each for the potions, I'll brew a couple up yes yes. If you've asked about them I'm sure someone else will too. Drinking one will let you understand or read any language for 10 minutes. Good yes yes?"

2014-12-23, 09:50 AM
Later that day an elf knocks on Dougal's door. He hands him three potion bottles and says "From the Lady and The Countess, all they've found so far that might be helpful".

Turning the bottles over Dougal sees that one is labelled "See Invisible", the other two both labelled "Invisibility Alarm".

2014-12-23, 12:27 PM
"50 gold each for the potions, I'll brew a couple up yes yes. If you've asked about them I'm sure someone else will too. Drinking one will let you understand or read any language for 10 minutes. Good yes yes?"

(( Changing to a Darker Green for this stuff from now on. ))

Aklo smiled a wide, warm smile and nodded, saying "Good to know I can always count on fair prices from you. I would like two of those when they're ready, another vial of ink, and some more parchment.. Also, can I ask you about some people who've come in here before?"

2014-12-23, 12:46 PM
"Yes, yes. Two will be ready for you tomorrow. Come back then yes?", he pauses and squints at you, "I don't normally talk about my customers. What's it you're wantin' to know?"

2014-12-23, 01:07 PM
"Yes, yes. Two will be ready for you tomorrow. Come back then yes?", he pauses and squints at you, "I don't normally talk about my customers. What's it you're wantin' to know?"

"Me and my friends went out into the Twilight Woods a while back, and found a group of dead elves that had potions that were labeled, which I've heard is something you do.. Did you get names from any of them by chance?" He asked hopefully, "I've asked around about them a bit, and haven't found much. Figured you might know something?"

2014-12-24, 04:28 AM
Cabal shakes his head, "Sorry, no, no. There were some elves bought potions but also dwarves and gnomes and gnomes and more elves and dwarves again and many humans. I have a good business now, yes yes? Very popular my establishment, many people need my elixirs."

2014-12-24, 02:57 PM
Aklo twitched his nose a bit, before nodding his head and saying "Alright, thanks anyways. I'll be in tomorrow for the potions and the like." and offered a hand, looking over bruises from the string of his bow as he shook Cabal's hand.

2014-12-26, 04:26 AM
For the last few weeks Aklo's been having disturbing dreams while he meditates. Dark thoughts and visions invading his trances, images of darkness and strange beasts marching on towns. At first it seemed to be nothing but they grew more vivid and darker over time. In the most recent images Aklo himself appears for the first time, holding a torch and using it to drive back the beasts.

2014-12-26, 06:24 AM
Aklo had been keeping notes on his odd dreams and visions, a few sheets of parchment decorated with crude drawings of what he'd seen, with notes based on what he might have learned from his visions.. A vision had guided his path thus far, who's to say visions wouldn't guide him now? He had nearly slid off the roof he was on that night when he woke up, but, he caught himself and wrote everything down that he could remember, before packing himself up and heading to the edge of Landing. When he got there, he made a small camp fire with his last tinder twig and stared deep into it, fiddling with the fletching from a broken arrow and letting his mind make sense of what it might.

2014-12-26, 06:31 AM
(( Wis Roll to try and interpret his visions for himself. [roll0] ))

2014-12-26, 06:34 AM
Despite his meditation the visions do not become any clearer.

2014-12-26, 06:44 AM
Aklo remained deep in thought 'til the sun rose, sighing and putting out his fire, figuring that, if nothing else, he'd at least make sure he had those damn torches when whatever he might have seen would come... So, he went to acquire those, and more tinder twigs, and debated his options with the notes he'd gathered.. If he was just going insane, then Lady Graceling would gain nothing from his rambling, scrawling waste of parchment and ink, and he'd just worry people unnecessarily... But if he wasn't... Tough decisions to make...

2014-12-27, 04:57 PM
After he ate breakfast and thought for an hour or two more, he decided to go visit Franklin, figuring he might have insight that Aklo himself wouldn't. He gathered up once more, checking to make sure he had stopped by Cabal's shop for those potions.. He hadn't. He swung by Cabal's shop for those potions, the recent lack of rest apparent via the bags under his eyes, him shaking awake as he made his way in.. If he was gunna be having nightmares like this, coffee might be a good investment as well. "Hey, Cabal? Do you have coffee in stock?" He asked, figuring Cabal would be the one to ask about that.

2014-12-27, 05:27 PM
Cabal peers at you through long strands of his hair and scratches his head, "Coffee? I figure I can get hold of it from somewhere, it's got no real alchemical properties or potency though. Doesn't the inn serve it already brewed up if you ask yes, yes? Or plenty of people will sell you the beans if you visit the market I'm sure, yes, yes."

2014-12-27, 05:53 PM
Aklo gave an embarrassed laugh, saying "Right.. That probably makes more sense.. While I'm here, are those potions ready?" and starting to count out coins for two of the potions.

2014-12-27, 06:29 PM

The dwarf will don his holey (as in with a hole) stone amulet, make sure he has the ogre adepts writing in his backpack aswell and fasten his cloak.

While Thorik is convinced in the innocence and goodness of the fairies. he had trouble understanding their aloofness and trickery. Franklin had always been much more in tune with them but recent events has urged him to visit.

The dwarf will begin his journey to the fairy grove. he's willing to act as a guide for anyone he's been working with.

After a good while Thorik will say "We'll be entering the fairies domain soon, can expect some pranks ta be pulled I reckon." he pauses for a moment. "tis usually good natured an harmless, Though we've ran inta evil fey aswell, but our little friends keep their domain quite secure... regardless keep yer eyes open aye?"

2014-12-28, 09:24 AM
Assuming Aklo was quick enough to catch that metaphorical train, he eagerly accompanies Thorik into the lands of the Fey. He'd always found the tales about them quite interesting, but he never thought they'd be real.. This disturbed Aklo. Regardless, he nods his head in response to Thorik speaking, saying "Yessir." and staying close to him. He figured that if Thorik could see things he couldn't, then it'd be wise to follow the Dwarf.

2014-12-28, 02:27 PM
In the halls of the fey queen, Part 1 : The journey

Aklo, Lance, Snips and Thorik all gather by the east gate of Landing and head into the forest, heading Thorik's warnings

Aklo was still thinking over his deranged scribblings the whole way, but kept it under his cloak in favor of his normal, happier demeanor, occasionally lagging a bit behind, but beaming as he said "I've never met Fairies before, this should be quite exciting."

As the group passes deeper into the woods they can't help noticing how much more peaceful things are than further south, everything seems slightly cared for and organised. It still looks natural, but considerably neater than they might expect.

"I heard they play mean pranks on you. Turn you purple and make you gawk like a chicken in front of the whole town." Lance teases, himself on edge about meeting the fey folk.

"they can see yer aura too, an their lifespans are forever or close to it from our perspective anyway" The dwarf adds.

The group turns a corner in the trail and before them, they see a huge crevice cutting through the ground, with sheer cliffs on each side. A single branch lies bridging a canyon, seeming rather narrow to even hold its own weight across that span let alone yours.

The dwarf turns to snips "did we take a wrong turn somewhere?"

Snips looks over the crevice in the canyon, bending down to inspect the wood for rot. "There are too many strangers in these lands fer their liking, I reckon. This might just be to deter people what ain't certain they belong here."

with a large branch Thorik will tap around the crevice making sure its actually real.

"Well.. That might make the going difficult." Aklo mumbled, thinking over possible solutions for this problem and eventually deciding to sit down and tie a rope to one of his arrows, noticing Thorik's probing and deciding against testing the crevice himself.

"S'also a good deterrant fer ogres or giants, I reckon." Snips adds.

Lance hangs back, quietly reciting some old prayers he heard warded against these kind of creatures. He is not convinced it actually helps.

Thorik's branch pokes solid ground, peering closely and blinking a few time's he is able to see the ground beneath the illusion.

The dwarf takes a cautious step onto the ground before continuing along the trail.

A figure shimmers into sight out of thin air, a tiny winged figure sitting on the branch with her arms crossed and pouting at Thorik. "Well that's just not fair Thorik, I wanted to see their faces when I pushed them off!"

Thorik recognises Lottol from his previous visits

"ahh my apologies... if its worth anything twas a good illusion, even seeing through it I was still unsure if the step was safe" Thorik replies.

Lottol Hurumphs in response.

Aklo looked his rope and arrow over, putting it away and giving the winged creature a wave and a warm smile.

Snips looks over as Thorik starts walking on air, giving a small shake of his head. He glances over the others, as though making sure no one is hostile enough to attack the fairy.

Lottol sighs then smiles, "Well I suppose you have the holey stone so it's not really for you. Are all this lot with you or can I shoot some of them?"

Lance just nods towards Lottol. Better not to anger it.

"aye, they're all people snips an I have worked with, good folks asfar as I can tell "

Aklo nodded his head in agreement, saying "I try my best."

With the evidence before them everyone manages to see through the illusion and you all proceed down the trail. Lottol flits up into the air and then says "right, so next time real pit for second half of illusion. Must get someone good at digging"

"Lance 'ere ain't got a stone yet, betcha could put him to work ta earn one."
Snips gives a small smirk towards Lance.

Lottol smiles at Snips. "Oooo. Good idea. Lance was it? How big a hole will you dig for me if I give you a holey stone?"

Lottol stage-whispers to Snips, "I don't have a Holey Stone, you think he'll mind? Maybe he'll find one digging"

"Full disclosure, I was just gunna climb a rope across the pit." Aklo said with a little snicker.

Lance nearly stumbles in his step, unsure how to proceed without accidentally losing his soul to some fairy creature. "Well, I can dig a hole big enough.....for a pit......if you give me one of those stones?"

"just remember ta feed him an let him rest every now an then, hes a mortal afterall" Thorik reminds the pixie.

Another voice comes out of thin air "And there's Lottol, being all", the voice sounds scandalised, "visible around strangers again"

Snips steps away from the group a moment to conceal his grin.

Lottol waves at thin air, "oh hush Plorolp, these are old friends. Though I've not seen them in years. They've been neglecting me...". She turns to frown at Thorik and Snips.

Aklo turned towards the voice and gave hailing them in Elven a shot, smiling in the direction of the voice and giving the source a hearty hello.

The invisible voice replies again "Yes, and have you even asked them what they want? What they're in our forest for?"

Lottol draws herself up to full height "Of course I asked them." she turns to Thorik, "tell Plorolp what you told me when I definitely absolutely asked you."

Snips turns back, giving a small grunt. "Ain't been that long. Last time ya got the slingshots, if'n you fergot. He's been cleaned up, but Lance is the other fella that helped with that."

Aklo was feeling a little lost in this mix, so he kept silent. He wasn't purple yet, so that was good.

Lance thinks back to time, when he also didn't know how many invisible fairies were around him at any given time. "You all did some pretty nice work there."

Thorik clears his throat "there are two things I would like to discuss with your wise queen, we've got somewhat of a spider problem in the woods, an we've ran into a dangerous foe in the shape of an oni shaped like an Ogre"

Lottol turns serious at the news. "Hmm, well what are you all dawdling about here for then? Come on. Chop chop", with that she turns and flies off down the trail, clearly expecting you to follow.

Thorik will break into a jog to follow.

Aklo remained silent as he stayed with the group, save for a soft "I like them." And a bit of a hum as he speed-walked after Thorik.

Snips lets Aklo and Thorik take the lead, before saying more quietly to Lance. "Next time, let em prank Aklo. It'll be good fer 'im."

Lance replies, as quietly as he can "I'm sure they're gonna have something in store for him when we leave."

Tratart says from thin air right next to Lance, "Or maybe for you. That elf Likes Us, I heard him say so. I think I like him too."

"Hah! He he." Lance tries to laugh it off, rather badly. "I like you too! I'll even bury a hole for that other one. A big one, right in the ground!"

"Uh, which she asked me to do."

Tratart giggles, briefly becoming visible to wink at Lance then disappearing again and flying away....you think

Aklo debated correcting them on his lineage, but figured things were going well enough that he wouldn't do himself any favors by lecturing fairies (Which up to this point he wasn't aware were real creatures) about the differences between elves and half-elves.

"Plus, they probably already know." He thought aloud, before promptly slapping a hand over his mouth, saying "That was talking voice, not thinking voice, wasn't it?"

In the halls of the fey queen, Part 2 : Answer me these questions three

Lottol doesn't actually make you run the whole way, eventually she comes and settles down next to Thorik chatting about everything and nothing as you proceed. After a few hours walking you come out into the fabulous glade, full of shimmering lights and flowers. The Gazebo stands in its usual place, empty at the moment.

Lottol strikes a dramatic pose in front of the Gazebo and waves you forwards. "Come forwards and greet Queen Elantheona, Pixie Queen"

Lance makes sure to copy Thorik's every move.

Thorik will make a steady aproach. and sort of just stop before the gazebo.

There is a shimmering sparkle of light within the gazebo, gathering from all corners then slowly condensing down to form the shape of a pixie dressed in green and gold with shimmering golden wings.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v193/Talvara/notmine/u0-weu-d3-4ae6611a714a4b6b8b2418b304f85774pimgt2_distr_zps29 444758.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Talvara/media/notmine/u0-weu-d3-4ae6611a714a4b6b8b2418b304f85774pimgt2_distr_zps29 444758.jpg.html)

Aklo followed along, letting his hand drop to his side and watching the light show with no small measure of awe, thinking aloud again as he said "It's amazing what magic can do..."

Elantheona seems to share little of the flightiness of the other pixies, she stares at you with eyes that seem to look straight through you and into every shadow of your soul. "Welcome fey-friend and guests", she says.

Aklo made sure the hood of his cloak was pulled back, bowing his head and saying "It is an honor." Before letting Thorik speak on the groups' behalf.

Elantheona turns to look at Aklo, "Why are you wearing that half-elf?" she asks.

There's a moments pause and then she continues, "Ahh, as you wish. I will speak no more on it".

Aklo looked at his cloak for a moment, starting to say something, before being cut off and falling silent.

"It has been far too long since my last visit... though for you the flow of time feels much different than it does for I. we've been pushing the boundaries of what we know and have discovered much in this magical land... there are troubling sights on the boundaries of our knowledge, it is my hope you would be willing to share some of your knowledge with us" Thorik explains.

Elantheona inclines her head. "Very well, for the friendship you hold you may ask three questions. Choose them well."

Thorik seems to take some time considering what to ask.

He'll reveal the hide that the Ogre addapt has used to write his message "Wise queen, What is the name of the oni that wrote this message?"

Snips sighs, shaking his head a bit to himself but not interjecting.

Elantheona shudders as she views the hide. "An Evil Spirit shaped those words, an Oni indeed clothed in the flesh of an Ogre. He's known as the Red King although his true name is hidden from me."

having heard Snips sigh, Thorik will bow his head in thanks and says"I will speak with my companions for a moment"

"Snips?" the dwarf asks.

Snips speaks quietly to Thorik. "Don't it seem more important to know where to find 'em so we can get rid of 'em, than the name? We ain't sendin' them birthday cards."

Thorik will turn to Snips "the elder Graceling asked me to find the name of our adversary... it could give us much insight of its power and the power of its apprentice"

Snips nods a bit to that, before giving a shrug. He doesn't seem interested in arguing it further. Instead, he looks towards what Aklo has.

Aklo took a deep breath himself, before pushing aside his cloak and digging some sheets of parchment from his pack that have almost been ripped in places by frantic writing, saying "I haven't been wanting to bother anyone with this, but it might be a bigger deal than I'm thinking it is... Also, you should ask about the hand of Glory."

"aye the hand of Glory is definitely something we should ask, the last question I would have used for insight into our spider problems, but I know not what to ask" Thorik looks at the franticly written parchment "what is this?"

"You found somethig of your own?" Lance tries to catch a glance of the papers Aklo is holding. "Don't tell me you're going on as many secret missions as Snips."

Every one of the three sheets of parchment has front-to-back descriptions of shadowy figures descending on the settlements, rough sketches of familiar creatures to the group scrawled onto it as well, Aklo saying "These are visions I've been having during my meditations." After collecting his thoughts a moment.

"Dreams?" Thorik raises an eyebrow at Aklo.

"Those visions ya got, why'd you not bring them up before?" Lance asks.

"Not just dreams. I see them when I'm resting, or.. Trying to, at least. I also kept seeing them when I would try to clear my mind.. I didn't think they were anything major, Pyreal has been a whole flood of new experiences, but.. I figure with how much more of them I'm seeing, it must be something worse than I thought before." Aklo explains.

Snips squints at Aklo, as though something were coming into focus. "So why /are/ ya wearin' that half-elf?"

"It makes a handy blanket, I keep cutting up my other ones." Aklo replied in a bit of a huff. "And before you ask, mostly bandages." Aklo quickly added.

Snips looks at Aklo flatly, frowning. He seems decidedly more suspicious of his companion right now.

Lance appears to be strangely accepting of the whole thing. He's used to stranger things by now.

Thorik will give Aklo a once over aswell, Snips and the pixie queen clearly see something he does not.

"To be honest, when I first started getting these visions, I thought I was just going insane." Aklo began, "But every time they get more real, more detailed."

"So, uh" Lance directs his question at Snips, careful not to adress the queen. "What is he wearing?"

"This ain't the time and place, but we'll sort this 'fore we return to town." Snips replied.

"Right." Lance shrugs, quietly accepting the whole affair. One day he'll need to learn a bit of that magic for himself.

"We're talking about my cloak, right?" Aklo asked, he figured it was the cloak.

Thorik shrugs and shakes his head "I know not the significance of visions and dreams... but if anyone could tell you more it would be a powerfull seer. do you really think this is important lad?"

"Just tell me this. When exactly did it start?" Snips inquired.

Aklo racked his brain for a moment, before saying "I don't remember exactly when they started, but I know I've been having them at most a month now."

Thorik will look to the two humans "asfar as I am concerned the last question is his if he desires it"

Snips grinds his teeth slightly. It isn't a pleasant sound. He looks over to Thorik, giving a small nod and saying nothing more.

"I kept it to myself because I thought it was just the stress from nearly dying twice getting to me, but.. I don't think it's just that." Aklo replied, kinda letting his head hang a bit and mumbling "I should've said something sooner..."

Thorik will pat the half-elf on the back as he turns around back to the pixie queen.
"my apologies for the delay, another question I must ask is where we can find an artefact that may arm us to deal with the red-king and his aprentices, The hand of Glory. where can we obtain one?"

Elantheona scowls, "A nasty business, the Hand of Glory. Even the conclave did not approve so they'd be hidden away. Lottol. After the audience is finished have the archivist check for any references to a Hand of Glory. Your final question?"

"the last question will be asked by Aklo here" Thorik will motion to the half-elf.

Aklo shook off the fresh slump he'd fallen into, before presenting the Pixie Queen with his scribblings and asking "Can you make any sense of my visions? I will answer any questions you may have regarding what's there, and if there is no sense to be made, is there any task I can perform to earn more of your insight?"

The Queen looks at you, "I thought you did not want me to speak of it? Oh I see. It's the other one now." She pauses and looks at the drawings.

Aklo was still VERY CONFUSED regarding what other thing she was speaking of.. Maybe it wasn't his cloak after all...

The Queen looks at Aklo "The visions are nothing to be concerned about, they are messages from one who has trouble communicating as we do. There is a tree known as the swamp willow. A very rare golden kind can be found in the swamps two hundred miles east of here. Find the tree and follow the visions, and some things will become clearer."

This didn't really settle the unease Aklo had regarding his visions, or the now growing feeling of having wasted their third question on starting up a vision quest to figure out if he was actually going insane or not, but he nodded regardless, saying "Thank you for your time." And bowing his head.

Thorik smiles "thank you, Elantheona. you've given us much to halt the ogres looking eastwards. Are there questions you would desire to ask of us aswell?"
the dwarf suddenly feels a little uneasy realising he asked another question by mistake

Elantheona smiles, "Would you have a fourth answer from me? And yet my first answer was half an answer so I answer this one too, I have no need of further knowledge from you. I see Lottol returns with the archivist. Fare well." with that she shimmers out of sight.

Lance breathes more easily with the queen of the fey gone. "Well, at least we've got one concrete target now. That's something. And we might get more."

Aklo took a deep breath and focused on not making eye contact with ANYONE else, his gaze locked on the ground for now.

Lottol comes flying over holding a large book bound in plant leaves of some kind, panting slightly she drops it inside the gazebo, turning it to a page marked with a bookmark. "I asked the archivist for you. He said the thirty seventh prophecy of the year of the blue elderflower"
She turns the pages then says "Ahha". It says...she pauses and looks confused then shrugs and says "And the dead mans hand shall light the way and that which was unseen shall become seen while the beardless pays the bearded with a coin of silver."
With that she picks up the book again and staggers back in the direction she came from.

In the halls of the fey queen, Part 3 : The journey home

Before you leave Lottol takes Aklo to the stream and tells him to find a stone with a hole in it. She looks at Lance then shrugs and says "You might as well get one too, when I need a big hole dug I'll find you. You owe me one hole anywhere I say, ok?"


On the way back to town, Snips hold out his hand to Aklo. "The dagger."

"Which one?" Aklo asked, still carrying both the Dwarven dagger and the glowing one.

Thorik actually looks a little annoyed that Aklo would think the dwarven dagger might contain trickery.

Aklo's expression made it clear that the whole affair was kinda lost on him, before it all clicked and he said "OH. The magic one. Okay." And handed it to Snips.

Snips lifts the magic dagger up in front of him, squinting at it a long moment before tucking it away. "S'far as I can figure, the dreams started when we found this dagger stuck in a tree monster's armpit. Guessin' those monsters were once people or somethin' like it, and the dagger what won over their senses."

"If'n I'm right, they'll stop."

"Meaning it's a bad choice to go visit that tree?" Lance interjects.

Snips grunts. "Ain't anything here entirely safe. Pixies may be nice, but if'n they're of a mind they could be right deadly. Tree and the pixies seem ta have an agreement of some kind.." He eyes Aklo, doing a few strange gestures before reaching out to touch him on the shoulder. "This'll help."

"I take it this also means that we weren't talking about my cloak, then.." Aklo said, lots of pieces falling into place in his mind.. At least enough that he was content to be free of the dagger.

The Protection from Evil spell seems to have no effect. For no real reason you all get the feeling that the dagger is both sulking and offended.

Snips watches Aklo a little while after he invokes the magic he somehow picked up, squinting at them. Seconds tick by, before he is finally satisfied. "Ain't lookin' like yer posessed, good ta be sure."

((Talvara : Thorik did prepare aura sight to test on the pixies with their consent... but the opertunity did not arrise to ask))

((Zarch : Thorik now gets a wtf moment as he sees Snips casting spells...))

((Talvara : Snips could have just done a placebo. *shrug* hes weird and secretive))

And with that, Aklo was confused again, saying "I'm a damn shame of an elf.."

"hmm snips, let me have a look" holding out his hand. casting aura sight and inspecting both the dagger and Aklo.

Snips offers the dagger to Thorik without hesitation.

Aklo piped up a bit, asking "Is it a bad thing that I named the dagger "Cap'n Cutty?"

"Only for yer pride, kid. Only for your pride." Lance mocks.

Aklo has a Lawful aura, the dagger has a strong Good aura.
Or to be more accurate, just the dagger's handle does. The blade doesn't have an aura.

"well... that's peculiar..."

Aklo gave Lance a sideways Glance, starting to say "I don't have pride," but pausing and looking over at Thorik in an inquisitive manner.

with glowing eyes the dwarf begins to explain "The hilt of this dagger has a strong aura... tis bright... and tis nay malicious... I'd even go asfar as ta say tis good"

Snips may look the tiniest bit smug at having correctly called the dagger as being the cause.

Lance eyes the dagger, as though an examination by his eyes could reveal any new information. "Are you sure it couldn't be faking something like that?"

Without it in any way moving you are all absolutely sure that the dagger is horribly offended by Lance's comment.

"objects like this shouldn't be havin auras at all... I have nay clue on what it is... can do... or isnt"
the dwarf looks at Aklo "Maybe tis a good idea we visit this Willow tree of yers sometime soon"

"Alright, maybe I AM going crazy, but that Dagger does not seem happy about all this." Aklo said.

Snips lifts an eyebrow, looking at the dagger with even more suspicion now that Thorik has identified it at good. He leans in, examining the join between the blade and the handle. "Anyone else gettin' the feelin' the dagger knows what we're sayin'?"

the dwarf shrugs "I haven't a clue. tcould all just be between yer ears" Thorik will offer the dagger back to Aklo. not seeing the harm in him keeping it.

Aklo took the dagger back, looking it over in a curious fashion and saying "REAAAALLLY need to get a handle on this magic stuff." as he put it back in its sheath.

The hilt is silver and gold wire bound together in intricate knotworks.

"S'far as I can tell, and I ain't a craftsman, but that hilt don't look like it is made ta go ta that particular dagger." Snips rubs his nose.

Lance takes a glance over his shoulder, back in the direction of the fairies' home. "You think this thing could be alive, somehow? Like those stone people down in the mines?"

look closely you can see that part of the design looks almost like a stylized sun. When it's given to Aklo you all feel a sort of satisfied happiness radiating from it.

"Or those things Franklin summons up?"

"The crown had a mind of it's own." Snips frowns faintly. "And I reckon this thing ain't no different, Cept fer not being evil. Apparently."

"I'm all for having a thing like the crown that's actually on our side." Lance thought out loud.

"if ya want ta know more of its make or craftmansship, ya might want to drop by the dwarven compound an ask fer Irkan ta have a look at it." Thorik suggested.

Aklo looked at the dagger again, saying "Well, I'm glad you're happy, Cap'n Cutty.. If you're responsible for the nightmares, it'd be much appreciated if you'd stop those." and patting the scabbard a bit.

"Oh my gods, I am going insane." Aklo muttered to himself, shaking his head a bit.

Snips grunts. "Ya wouldn't be tha first."

"But here is somethin' fer yer dagger ta give ya visions of.. If'n it is good, and the last owner what was good.. Have it show ya where their body is. So we can give em proper rites."

You feel a sense of sadness and loneliness from the dagger.

2014-12-28, 04:04 PM
-The elven compound-

together with making his presence known Thorik will say "I may have uncovered a bit of information the elder graceling asked me about during our last meeting"

As usual the dwarf will wait patiently till the elder has time to meet with him.

when she does meet with him he'll explain the journey to confer with the pixie queen.
"so she said the real name of the Oni that wrote the message is nay know ta her, but she did give us a pseudonim he's known by 'The red king'" Thorik says menacingly "is tha enough ta get some more clues on what we're dealin with here?"

"She also permitted us ta read a prophecy regarding tha hand of glory, Tsounds like a nasty relic of an age gone by" the dwarf shakes his head for a moment "tha prophecy was criptic, I'll need ta think more on its meaning..."

He'll slowly repeat the prophecy "And the dead mans hand shall light the way and that which was unseen shall become seen while the beardless pays the bearded with a coin of silver..." he pauses thoughtfully "were there dwarven wizards of renown... or just bearded wizards?" the dwarf shrugs... "it'll be on my thoughts fer a while"

2014-12-28, 04:27 PM
"The Red King", Lady Graceling muses. I do have something on him, give me a few minutes. She glances to a waiting elf "Gariant's Tales of the Unseemly please Erabethian". The elf nods and withdraws, a few minutes later he returns with a book and hands it to her.

Lady Graceling flicks through the tome and says "ahha, here we are, then begins to read from the book".

"And on the third day of our captivity we were brought before one who wore the guise of an Ogre but was no Ogre. A far fouler beast, a spirit of evil and destruction clothed in his form he was. Called the Red King he sat in judgement upon us and sent each of us to our suffering. His apprentice was also clothed in the skin of an Ogre but was no Ogre. Unto him the Red King said Onmyuza, you have pleased me so take one of these to be your plaything. And the apprentice stepped forwards and pointed to my squire and then took him away and there was much screaming but the squire was never seen again."

Lady Graceling looks at you seriously. "I already did some research on possible Ogre Adepts, Onmyuza was on that list. Beyond his invisibility and flight he has little other power, although he is known to be able to cast his foes into a deep sleep."

2014-12-28, 04:37 PM

the dwarf looks grim, "so what you're telling me... not only could he track us invisibly and silently when he spots us... he could put our night watchman asleep and slit all of our throats..." Thorik sighs deeply. "Tis a good thing enchantments have a hard time grabbing hold ta me... an I can keep the watch up all night with no need ta be relieved... but still. pethaps tis a good idea ta keep two watchmen from now on"

"Tis bad news... but still tis good ta know before this 'Onmyuza' brings his full arsenal of power ta bear"

2014-12-28, 05:06 PM
Lady Graceling nods, "Yes, his power is similar to that of the Mage's spell sleep but more powerful. It would be able to affect you, and possibly one of your weaker companions as well. Alternatively two of your weaker companions together would both succumb should they fail to resist the spell. The spell is called Deep Slumber should you wish to research it in more depth."

2014-12-29, 05:10 AM
That night Aklo's visions start off with the darkness and the vague monsters all looming around a small walled village. Then Aklo appears atop the wall with a bow and starts firing burning arrows, driving back the monsters. The vision ends with Aklo striking a dramatic pose atop the wall and holding his bow aloft, while behind him the sun is rising and the last of the monsters is melting in its light.

2014-12-29, 05:22 AM
Of all the visions brought upon Aklo, this one was probably the most pleasant, though he still questioned the connection that Cap'n Cutty was drawing between him and the Sun.. He didn't take notes this time, he had his answer regarding what to do with these visions, but he still took some time to reflect on the presented outcome (( Wis Roll to try and interpret this dream: [roll0])) and did his level best to return to his rest.. He was damn tired at this point, might as well try to make the best of the remaining night. As he went back into his trance, he pat Cap'n Cutty and whispered "Making Progress."

2014-12-30, 09:43 AM
The Anchor, Landing.

After meeting with the elven elder, Thorik retired into Henries inn for some alcohol and some thinking.

the dwarf sat alone, quietly nursing his mug all the while mulling over the words of the blue elderflower prophecy.

"the beardless shall pay the bearded with a coin of silver" The words spoken silently and slowly only for himself to hear.

another sip with furrowed brow, Suddenly a look of realisation formed, Thorik sprung up and looked around the room (not unlike a prairie-dog)
"Dougal!... Dougal!?" he shouted in excitement unsure if pyreals first knight was around!

with a content and rather smug grin hiding behind the dwarven beard Thorik finished his drink.

2014-12-30, 10:21 AM
(While waiting for the scattered foes to return.)

It was silent out by the Stoneruins, *silent aside from Herion's investigation. With alot of time to spare Herion sweeped the cave the Ogres had used as their hideout when ambushing the party a few days earlier. The search didn't bear fruit but the rope- and chaintraps Herion set up wore coated in dirt and gravel, camouflaging them as part of the terrain. Though the tripping traps never saw an opportunity to trip any foe into the dirt.
After 12 uneventful hours of staking out Herion started growing impatient, wondering why the Ogres hadn't managed to catch up with him and the party yet.

A disturbing gutfeeling gnawed inside of him and it wasn't caused by the faul smells from the stinking ex Ogre cavequarter. If the Ogres wouldn't turn up soon then something must have changed, and less likely for the better.
The surviving Ogre or Ogres and that flying invisible Magi should have been able to report back by now. But hopefully, the next Ogre group has already left for this place to releave these dead Ogres of their posts.

When the question arose on how long the party should hold their ambush Herion didn't have enough conviction to start argue about it and didn't bother going into detail explaining it but said: I believe, we shouldn't stay here trying to ambush them, any longer than thirty-six hours.
Thinking that anything might happen given enough time he preferred having a short deadline but accepted the group's decision to stay about 2 days. As the hours passed he started thinking up reasons for why the Ogres still hadn't appeared...
'Perhaps they died before returning to camp'
that seemed very unlikely since one leader, apparently, could fly and be invisible.
'So they must have reached their camp unless the distance is long.
-They might have been able to recall or delay the Ogres supposed to relieve these dead ambush Ogres.
-Hm.. They might have surprise-attacked the Giants since negotiations failed.
-Or they are regrouping a bigger squad to hold this area!
-Or their hierarchy is time-consuming.
-Perhaps they have higher priorities...
-Or perhaps...' Gulp! 'they are assemblying their forces and moving towards Landing!'

He sees the vivid image of an Ogre army walking towards Landing in his mind as he unties his tripwires, packing together everything. He can finally stretch his legs properly as he and the party heads for Landing after ambushcamping for about two days.

Herion rushes ahead of the group to get a better view of Landing as they return. Seeing its strong walls' siluette as he pushes through the forest he changes tactic and starts sneaking through the surrounding forest, searching for an army or Ogre scouts.
Finding nothing but trees after hours searching and tracking he heads to Rhyson's Training Hall to check on his team, follow up on the recruitment and overlook it's fortifications.

Cabal's Shop:
Eventually, he finds his way to Cabal's shop to restock all the alchemical flasks used as part of the bomb. The bomb which dissapointedly went off with nothing more than a little fart sound.


2015-01-02, 03:37 AM
After a day or two spent practicing with his bow on the outskirts of Landing, Aklo found himself thinking over the visions he'd had again, not entirely content with.. Everything, really. He'd heard that it was easier out east, and that the Pixies were a tricky sort.. Something didn't sit right with him. He looked over his notes again, trying to make sense of them all himself again, even though the path to follow was laid out before him. (Wis Roll to try and interpret dreams from his notes [roll0]) Assuming he could make no sense of them, he re-wrote his notes on fresh parchment, using the dwarven dagger to cut the sketches from the parchment, before gathering all of his notes up, and thinking on who he should talk to about these... Lady Graceling seemed wise, she might be able to help him make some sense of these? (Will roll for that, [roll1]) Regardless, he had notes to bring her, so he would visit her once he'd packed up his arrows.

2015-01-02, 06:45 AM
The knowledge that it's the dagger trying to communicate with him makes some sort of breakthrough, it's not speech but Aklo manages a form of communion with the dagger. He's able to sense that the visions are not specific events but the dagger trying to get to know him, see how he would react in different situations and what his intentions would be. It may even be trying to steer him towards decisions that it would like.

When he decides to go see Lady Graceling he nearly changes his mind several times, but his new awareness of the dagger's influence realizes that it's the dagger doing it not him. Gritting his teeth against the resistance he proceeds to her compound.

She's back in her usual room, although looking out of the window rather than meditating. As she turns towards Aklo he feels a wave of sheer terror coming from the dagger and then even while waking he sees a brief vision of a young elf wreathed in fire flying through a burning building casually throwing a fireball as she does so.

"Aklo?", she says, "What's wrong? You look terrified."

2015-01-02, 09:56 AM
Dougal Badrick

Dougal was at the stables tending to Illinica when Henry's stablehand came by. "Hey, uh, mas- I mean Dougal. Master Thorik is looking for you, in the long hall." "Tell him I'll be right there."

A few moments later after cleaning himself up, Dougal appears at Thorik's table, gesturing for Henry to bring him a pint.

"You were calling for me?"

2015-01-02, 12:29 PM
--- The Anchor ---

Having secured a fresh drink Thorik was in pretty good spirits by the time Dougal arrived.

"You were calling for me?"

Technically the dwarf had called for him, but he hadn't gone as far as send out a runner himself.

"what?... oh Dougal! aye! I was hoping ya were around I dinnay see ya there" Thorik practically shoves his fresh drink onto Dougal and motions for another himself. With a merry Grin he'll face Dougal "I think I've got a lead on where we can get a Hand o' Glory."

"Yesterday, Me, Snips, Aklo an Lance went ta see the pixie queen ta ask about the ogre magi an the hand o' glory, anyway she let us read one o their prophecies regardin the hand o' glory but't dinnay make any sense ta any o' us, but I think I've figured it out"

The dwarf repeats the prophecy of the blue elderflower "And the dead mans hand shall light the way and that which was unseen shall become seen while the beardless pays the bearded with a coin of silver."

He smiles at Dougal "get it!? Tis rock bashing nuts but tis a pixie prophecy afterall, but I think tis talking about us" He'll motion to Dougal and himself. "We'll find the glorious hand down in the ratkings tower! an you'll be payin me a silver coin fer it"

the dwarf grasps his new drink and says "I'm feelin' pretty good about our bet lad" before he takes a swig.
"Feelin pretty good" he repeats.

2015-01-02, 12:35 PM
Dougal Badrick

(Yeah I figured that was just Henry taking initiative)

Dougal raises an eyebrow at Thorik's hypothesis. "Dunno, seems to me that prophecies ought to be about important things, not two blokes making a bet. It could be nearly anyone. Or suppose I grew a beard or you lost yours? Seems a bit sketchy to me. I mean, if I paid you a silver right now would the hand pop out of somewhere? Don't think so."

Dougal takes a drink from his ale, noting Thorik's furrowed brow.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I'm glad you found this prophecy and all that, and if nothing else it gives hope that the hand will be found this year, but to take it to mean that the hand is in the tower? I think that's taking it a bit too far."

2015-01-02, 12:40 PM
Dougal Badrick

(Yeah I figured that was just Henry taking initiative)

Dougal raises an eyebrow at Thorik's hypothesis. "Dunno, seems to me that prophecies ought to be about important things, not two blokes making a bet. It could be nearly anyone. Or suppose I grew a beard or you lost yours? Seems a bit sketchy to me. I mean, if I paid you a silver right now would the hand pop out of somewhere? Don't think so."

Dougal takes a drink from his ale, noting Thorik's furrowed brow.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I'm glad you found this prophecy and all that, and if nothing else it gives hope that the hand will be found this year, but to take it to mean that the hand is in the tower? I think that's taking it a bit too far."


Not letting Dougal rain on his good evening he'll just give him a nudge "we'll see lad, we'll see. yer just worried you'll lose our bet"

2015-01-02, 01:19 PM

Not letting Dougal rain on his good evening he'll just give him a nudge "we'll see lad, we'll see. yer just worried you'll lose our bet"

"Ha, you're on short stuff."

2015-01-02, 01:41 PM
The knowledge that it's the dagger trying to communicate with him makes some sort of breakthrough, it's not speech but Aklo manages a form of communion with the dagger. He's able to sense that the visions are not specific events but the dagger trying to get to know him, see how he would react in different situations and what his intentions would be. It may even be trying to steer him towards decisions that it would like.

When he decides to go see Lady Graceling he nearly changes his mind several times, but his new awareness of the dagger's influence realizes that it's the dagger doing it not him. Gritting his teeth against the resistance he proceeds to her compound.

She's back in her usual room, although looking out of the window rather than meditating. As she turns towards Aklo he feels a wave of sheer terror coming from the dagger and then even while waking he sees a brief vision of a young elf wreathed in fire flying through a burning building casually throwing a fireball as she does so.

"Aklo?", she says, "What's wrong? You look terrified."

The fresh lump in Aklo's throat made it a little hard for him to speak, but, with a bit of focus, he was able to get through to himself with the thought "Even if that's the reality, people change over time. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.. But I'll keep that in mind." and saying "It's a minor issue, m'lady. Easily addressed later on." as he brought out his notes about the group's trip out east, explaining "I come bearing more information about the world around us."

Lady Graceling glances at the notes but then looks at you, "I can tell there is something more than nothing, what's on your mind? Something to do with the dagger on your belt from the way your hand just moved to it?"

Aklo sighed a bit, saying "Tact and Guile were never my strong suit.. The dagger on my belt is sentient, it communicates with me through visions, and it gave me... Distressing visions when I first came in to see you today." and set the notes down, figuring she'd want to address the fact that his dagger was alive first.

She raises an eyebrow. "Sentient? That's rare indeed, and could be dangerous. Please set it on the table then step back slightly."

Aklo hesitated a moment, saying "Thorik has advocated for the good morals of the weapon, but, if you insist." and pulling it from the sheath, trying his best to prepare for the mental onslaught this would likely summon up as he set it on the table.

Aklo feels the dagger's fear, and a momentary urge to throw himself across the table and stab the elderly elf. He resists both feelings though and places the dagger down. Lady Graceling asks "What investigations have been done so far? You mentioned Thorik had done some divination?". As she finishes the question she begins to murmer the words of a spell, her fingers moving in complicated gestures.

"I wouldn't be the most knowledgeable about what investigations were done, but, I'm starting to realize that the Pixie Queen was speaking to the dagger and not me when I visited her recently regarding visions it was giving me in the past." Aklo explained, staying a touch closer to the dagger than a step would bring him, before focusing on reassuring the dagger as best he could about this, adding "I recently figured out that the visions were the dagger testing my reactions to various situations."

Lady Graceling seems to concentrate for a moment, "Fascinating, most fascinating. It's masking it's dweomer. Pretending to be a simple dagger with the ability to cast light. However beneath the mask, I see power. Only it's unfinished. This item was still being crafted when the creator died, some of the creator has flown into the unfinished item. A craftsman loyal to the elven gods creating an...". She suddenly stops and staggers.

"M'lady? Is something wrong?" Aklo asked, going around the table and supporting her with an arm.

"Thank you young man", she says, taking a deep breath and then slowly straightening. She closes her eyes for a moment and leans on the table. "It seems the sins of my childhood have returned to haunt me. This is the final work of the Rising Dawn. A movement that tried to keep divine magic and goodness and hope alive even through the rule of the conclave." She pauses with a strange expression on her face. "Ironically, it also saved my life."

Aklo was curious about what she was referring to now, asking "May I describe what I saw when I came to see you?" as he stood by in case something else happened. "I already planned giving you the benefit of the doubt regarding the vision, but... It still is distressing."

She shakes her head, "I think I know what it showed you. It's most likely true. I was so young, barely five decades old. I was precocious and gifted though, already a favoured apprentice of The Magester. He was not like some from the Conclave, he did not glory in pain and suffering for its own sake but he was still ruthless and ambitious. You do not rise to the position of archmage without those qualities. When word reached him that the Rising Dawn was active on his lands he sent me and another apprentice to kill them. Wipe out them and anyone who might be followers of them, their families, everyone."

She reaches out towards the dagger then drops her hand again. "I did not want to do it, but I had no choice. So I went after the leaders but I made sure my work was loud and visible. I burnt the building to the ground with them inside but it gave the others a chance to run. Most of the families escaped. My master was very angry with me. So angry he set out a punishment. He sent me to walk from one end of Eronia to the other without my spell books or any of my magical items."
"And that is why it saved my life, because when the pulse hit I had nothing. No rings or staffs or wands of power, no books, no potions. It felt like my head was splitting apart as that energy shattered the world around me but physically I was unscathed and eventually I recovered."

Aklo took all this in with a touch of stoicism saying "With time comes change, and I believe that you have changed for the better since then." and calmly recollecting his dagger, before saying "If part of one of the members of the Rising Dawn is in the dagger, this might be a chance to make amends to some degree? Irori teaches that regret prevents transcendence of the self, now is the time to put some of those regrets behind you for good."

Lady Graceling sighs, "Metal is not known for its forgiveness, and some things cannot ever be forgiven. No, let us move onto other things. I shall continue to do what good I can and maybe someday the weapon you hold will judge me worthy to continue the life its creator inadvertently gifted me... or not."

Aklo sighed a bit and nodded, saying "Very well.. I knew I was right to give you the benefit of the doubt." and offering a smile as he brought his notes regarding the party's scouting expedition into the Twilight Woods back over.

With that settled, the two discussed Aklo's notes on the Scouting Expedition.

Lady Graceling nods, "Interesting, so it seems the spiders are more organised even than we feared. If they are farming then they have a well established society and potentially a substantial population. They are potentially a large threat to us all, especially if they have designs on conquest or claim some land that we also wish to claim."

"If they're Organized, they could be reasoned with?" Aklo offered. "Maybe there's a sentient spider in the hierarchy? Slim chance, but not impossible."

She nods, "Possible I suppose, Aranea are sentient sorcerers. They are cruel and take a delight in eating others and the Ettercaps take the same pleasures and compound it by setting traps though". She sights, "No, I do not think they will make good neighbours, no matter what agreements they purport to make."

"If you'll pardon my language, Aranea are ****ing demons.. Blinded me twice." Aklo grumbled a bit with that comment.

She just smiles tolerantly at that and then moves on.
"As to the half drow, I was not aware of him as such although there is a new witch of moderate power in the area, that could be him. Keep an eye on him but let us not judge him based on his heritage but his actions. Plenty of people here in Pyreal have unfortunate pasts, myself included"

"I've had good luck in advocating for people in the past, and I'm willing to vouch for him." Aklo replied, starting to relax a little more as they spoke of something other than spiders.

"The Golden Willow interests me, it does indeed exist. It has no properties relevant to communication though, as I recall it's fairly rare and was prized for it's ability to accept enchantment. Perhaps things will grow clear when you approach, after all Pixies often send you in search of one thing and you find what you really needed along the way."

Aklo thought a bit and nodded, saying "I was hoping you would know if there was any threats along the way to it, I know these lands are too dangerous for me to make the trip alone, but barring that, I'd like to at least be aware of what would be along the route so I wasn't bringing others in blind."

"Your new friends have a ship, I'm sure they'd let you use it to get down the coast safely. That will be your wisest course. Beyond that my divination over the area is difficult. Not blocked, but it's like looking through a shattered mirror. In fact if you can take some people able to detect magic some readings from the area would be useful. There is something strange going on although I've no idea what."

"I will keep that in mind." Aklo replied, "If I visit the Pixie Queen at some point in the future, would you like me to pass on your regards?"

The old elf gives you a sharp look, "No, I don't think that will be necessary, now if there is nothing else I need to get back to my work."

"Very well, M'lady. Thank you for your time." Aklo gave a bow and recollected his notes, putting them away and making his way out with a wave and a polite smile.

2015-01-02, 04:52 PM
((After his first expedition with the group of adventurers, Maurice sets out to Luckfalls to accomplish one of the goals for which he came to Pyreal, and learn to be an alchemist.))

Asking around it's clear that most of the people at Luckfalls have only limited knowledge, although there is still a buzz of energy and people finally getting to express their interests. He is directed to a gnome called Darrell, a small wiry man who seems to be constantly sweating as he pokes at a weird collection of glass tubes and beakers on the bench in front of him. "Whaddyawant?"

Maurice edges into the room nervously, seeming most concerned of all not to accidentally bump into any of the valuable equipment. "G-Good morning, sir. My name is Maurice, and I am, eh, a magician. In training, sir. Self-trained, sir." The gnome grunts at that. "Wassittome?"

"I heard about your alchemical experiments, sir, and was wondering if you ever thought about taking an, you know, apprentice."

The gnome looks him up and down again. "Huh. An apprentice? Neverthoughtofthat. Watchadoforme?" At that, Maurice breathes a sigh of relief. It's is a good start. Either Darrell has no problem with drow heritage or is too focused on his work to really care about anything else. "Oh, I can do all sorts of things, sir! I can help you in the lab, help with mixing reagents and going out into town to buy new ones! And I can even cast a few helpful spells, if you'd be all alright with that.

Of course, uhm, if it's not too big of an hassle, you would teach me about alchemy in return. Let me take notes and explain your work to me." The gnome listens with his head cocked to one side then replies with his characteristic uneven speed, "Hurrumph. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to have someonetocarrythings around. Dunnoaboutteachingthough. Nevertought. And dun want someone takingmycustomers".

"Oh no sir, I'd never take your customers! I wouldn't dream of doing something like that!" Maurice flips into a near panic, hastily backpedaling. "For now, I'd uh, actually work for you. And that'd help you get more customers. But If I struck out on my own, I'd never do it to compete with my teacher!"

The old gnome jumps down from the step he was standing on to see over the bench and walks over to Maurice walking around him. "Hmm. And whatdyado then? Gotanyskills?"

Maurice calms back down, allowing himself a bit of a smile now that everything seems to be going well. "Oh, I know all about magical theory, spellcraft, and natural components! I spent the last few years of my life travelling, sir, and picked up a lot of knowledge! I can, uh, also speak most of the common languages, if that's useful at all.....

And then there's my magic, of course." He adds after a moment's pause. "Hmm, travelling. You travel hereinPyreal?"

"A bit, sir. With that group of mercenaries under Mr. Thorik's lead. We, uhm, do some scouting in the nearby area."

"Hmmm, I tellyouwhat. I don't really needmorehandshere most of the time. Buttherearesomeplants I need flowersandseedsandherbs. IfIgiveyoualist you look whenyouabout. Then you bring me stuff and I teach you." Maurice nods. It's not like he has that big of a choice. "Of course, sir. That's a very generous offer, thank you. There's uh, just one more question, though. Are you alright with pets?"

He rummages around in his draws for a moment, then produces a stained parchment. "Right, you go nearswamp? Ineedswampplants! Pets? what pets?"

"I've got this monkey, sir. But he's well trained and really smart. He'd never ever make trouble for anyone!"

"Hmmm. Monkeybrainsbegoodforpotion."

"Of course, sir." Luckily enough, Maurice will be getting into the swamps on business anyways, very soon. "I'll get you your plants really soon! Thank you!" He picks up the parchment from the gnome, carefully placing it in his pocket.

"Ok, youbringplants, Iteachyousomestuff" Maurice nods for a last time, before heading out of the office, anxious but happy with this outcome. That could certainly have gone worse.

2015-01-03, 12:33 PM
The air is moist and the sun setting as the ship carrying a distant, sturdy, small gnome sails into Landing's port.
The sturdy character is clinging to the rail, figuring on her past and future plans she will act upon once setting foot on new solid ground.

The fables the sailors, explorers and shipmates tells all top eachother in which danger lurking outside of 'Landing's' gates is the worst. Every two in three tales having a glittering treasure as the motivation for the fable's heroes to seek it.

The distant character in explorer's outfit regains awareness, her exploring, curious, longing flame-red eyes sweeps the military waterfront of Landing, appraising the fables accuracy.

Though the journey has been long, the company have been diverse. The first boat carrying the loudest and most cheerful lads but unfortunately also the sickest as the sea grew stronger. At first chance, Amber had swaped ship, finding adventure seekers in numbers with experiences seemingly far exceeding her own.
The third boat, carrying her the last quarter of the distance brought many tales and happy seasoned shipmates, serving as Amber's entertainment.

2015-01-04, 09:41 AM
Maruice Ardelean
---Luckfalls (Darrell's Workshop)---

Maurice returns to his potential mentor as swiftly as he can, after the ship has carried him back to Landing and he has returned the magic wand to Thorik. That last mission has been a frightening affair, with more than a few close calls, whether they were a monster swinging a sword far too close to his face, or reality itself unraveling before him. Thankfully, his training and magical talents allowed him to make it through without a scratch, and now he carries with him a carefully preserved bundle of assorted plants.

With the bundle in hand, and Tatle sitting on his shoulder, he knocks on the door Darrell's office, softly opening the door once he is called in. Anxious, he puts down the plants on a free table. "Good day, Mr. Darrell. I brought you those plants you asked for. The ones from the swamp, I mean. You'll find everything on your list in that bundle, sir. And, uhm, a few extras I happened to come across..."

2015-01-04, 09:46 AM
The gnome blinks at Maurice in astonishment. "Really? Youreallygotthemall?"

He jumps down and starts looking through the bag, "You did, youreallydid! Yesyoudid!" he jumps up and down clapping his hands together, "wonderful, yesyesyes. Wewillbegin immediately. Fetch that pestleandmortar and startgrinding these stoneflowerseeds, I need to process this yellowvane. YesIdo."

And with that Maurice's introduction to alchemy begins.

2015-01-04, 09:53 AM
--The Fey Bog--

when the party passes the fey toads hidey place the mischievous halfling looks in her coin pouch with a conflicted look on her face. it takes a good thirty seconds of internal strife but eventually she'll pull out one of the gemstones she got from the bog stalkers and still with some hesitation she'll slowly place it on the floor roughly where she had placed the apple. when the grasp on the stone is gone so seems the internal conflict.

with a wide smile she does another curtsey for the toad and skips away.

((leaving behind a gem worth 10.2 GP .2 from the divy and 10 GP from her own stash))

2015-01-04, 10:01 AM
The toad's tongue shoots out and it scoops up the gem, swallowing it and making a contented rumbling sound as it settles back down into its burrow.

2015-01-04, 10:28 AM
When all was said and done with the trip in pursuit of the Golden Willow, and Aklo had made his way "home", he made a point of burning the notes he'd previously kept on his visions. For all the distress Aklo had felt because of these scraps of parchment, it was relieving to destroy them. He watched the smoke rising from the beginnings of the fire and sighed contently, smiling as kindling crackled and the flames grew in his campfire outside of town. With that started, he ran his hands along the arms of the new bow in his lap, feeling the engraved vines and settling into his thoughts for now, but being mindful of the fact that he'd let everyone he'd traveled with previously know that he was available to talk if they were interested, and roughly where he would be.

2015-01-04, 04:57 PM
Council meeting
---Rochdale Compound, Landing---

there was some debate about where to have the meeting, in the end Sir Rochsdale is hosting it at his compound.

Thorik will try to arive together with Durtan.

Dougal will arrive with the Countess, looking nervous.

Durtan and Thorik arrive together, shortly followed by Dougal and The Countess. Sir Roschdale is already waiting as is Lady Graceling.

Franklin arrives at the compund of Sir Rochsdale on Lucky's back. Landing in the courtyard he slips off Lucky's back and thanks him for the journey, before dismissing him from the material plane. He strides inside and greets those already there.

Sir Roschdale takes his feet. "Good, I think we have everyone." He nods to one of his men and servants bring in refreshments for everyone and then they leave, closing the door behind them and leaving you all alone together.

He looks around the room, "I have a number of items to discuss but does anyone wish to raise any urgent business first?"

"As long as the ogre threat is on the list, no." Dougal replies.

Sir Rochdale nods, "Yes that is on the list."

"First thing, the Order of Purity have petitioned me asking for permission to land here at Landing. They claim they wish to make a peaceful settlement for themselves somewhere on Pyreal but I think we all doubt that. My last orders from King Peter were to accommodate reasonable requests from them but this does not seem reasonable so I've told them I need to wait for word from my King and have sent messages to my Liege asking what he wishes me to do in this case."

He looks around the room. "Personally I think we have enough troubles here on Pyreal without importing new ones from Eronia but I should hear back from my King within the month."

Thorik is supirised this is at the top of the list "tis good ta hear the entire raving mob buisiness is no longer on the table atleast"

Franklin frowns. " I agree that we don't need any more problems and that they are likely to bring problems with them and solve few. I doubt that they would have a friendly welcome or much assistance from those who now call this place their home. "

The Countess leans forwards, "I think the raving mob is still a reality. What they claim in order to be allowed to land is not the same as they will do once they are here."

Thorik looks around "would they really risk their standing by deceiving king peter like that?"

Durtan shrugs, "We're far from his lands here lad. Even if he were angered what could he do, most of his barons support the order and they have no country he could declare war on."

"Often the truth is not what matters, but who reports it and when it gets reported. " Franklin looks to Sir Rochsdale and asks " How likely is it that they will get their way, even with our protests? "

Sir Roschdale shrugs his massive shoulders, "I cannot speak for my King on this. They have a great deal of influence in court but equally the dwarves could take an attack on Stoneforge as an act of war and I know he would not want that. I recommended refusing permission but I only know the situation here, not what is best for the Kingdom."

Franklin chimes in "There is also the problem of authority, while you lead this expedition, King Peter does not own Pyreal. While he can give his permission for them to come across, there is a great deal of difference between his support and his protection. "

Dougal doesn't look to happy about Roschdale's position on the Order but decided that is a fight for another day.

Sir Roschdale continues, "I thought it best to keep you all informed on the situation, I would not want unfortunate rumours to spread as to my meeting purity order members. Moving on to more pressing issues, we have the Ogres, Cave Giants, and also reports of a potential alliance between them."

"Not to mention the ogre mages." Dougal adds.

Thorik nods "Ogres are ferocious but nay cunning, being led by an Ogre mage though... they end up being both"

Sir Roschdale nods, "Armies on the fields I can handle, magic is not my area though. Are these beasts a serious threat to us here at Landing? And how about the smaller settlements?"

"they've been testing our response I think... they hit farmsteads supplying Stoneforge an sadly we've already lost farmers to em" Thorik begins.

"From what I understand, they do pose a serious threat to us. Now that they know we exist." Dougal adds.

" I think we should should consider advising thouse who have set up on the western boarder of the land to relocate until this threat has been dealt with. The only other alternative is to greatly step up the patrols in those areas. " Franklin concludes.

Durton nods, "Aye, we've got reports on the giant's numbers being around 30. Tha's no threat to Stoneforge or Landing but ah'd be worried for Durnstand or Luckfalls should they strike there. Farmers as well, they're always vulnerable. The Ogre's I've seen no numbers for." He looks enquiringly at Dougal and Thorik

"The ogre's probably have far greater numbers. But that is largely irrelevant as the ogre magi themselves pose the greater threat." Dougal begins.

The dwarven cleric looks thoughtfull "tis impossible ta tell their numbers from what we've seen thusfar... everytime we've faced them we've struck down a few only ta encounter more the next time"

"the fact that they thought it was worthwile ta ally with the giants should provide some clues though"

Franklin looks over to Durtan. " Not something I had considered... I will start to store more food inside the caves so that we can move everyone inside and collapse the entrace to Luckfalls should we be attacked. Do you think that would buy us a few days for suport to come from Stoneforge or Landing? "

Durtan shrugs, "Aye, and nah saying how long it'd take us to reinforce each other if attacked. It would take at least 4 days for men to reach Luckfalls from Landing fer example."

The Countess nods to Thorik, "Very true. If their numbers were overwhelming they'd have no need for alliances."

"They could have been after for something other than numbers." Dougal interjects.

Sir Roschdale nods at that, "True. There are many reasons to form alliances, lets hope they do not manage to repair this one after the damage you all did to it."

Dougal says "That's my hope as well."

"while I doubt they can bring up a threat large enough fer our walls... theres danger fer the roads an those outside the walls... aswell as the threat of invisible flying Ogre mages... while opening doors or the like would give em away, they could easily pick off our watchmen from the walls night after night" Thorik surmises.

" It would be sensible to focus on one target or another. If we put enough pressure on one, they should be unable to provide support. Since the Ogre's have a an Ogre Mage, would it make more sense to hit the giants again? " Franklin suggests.

Thorik shakes his head "if our raid on the diplomatic talks worked, the giants are better left alive, let the ogres worry about their response were they to move passed them"

Lady Graceling nods, "I think getting hold of a way to defeat the Ogre Magi and also getting some idea of the size and extent of their holdings and forces would be wise to have as a priority."

Sir Roschdale shrugs, "True, but eliminating one enemy completely before it has chance to either repair the alliance or come after us on its own sounds good to me."

" Do they know that it was you who raided, or do they believe it was the giants? You say that the Ogre mage can go invisible and fly, is it possible that he knows it was you? Since they were the ones attacked, rather than the Giants, they would be the ones deciding their response surely? " Franklin asks.

"I... I think tis pretty safe ta say they know twas us" Thorik begins, "if we had known one of the ogres could fly an be visible at will, we'd likely have considered a different approach"

The countess flicks a hand at that, "You did well considering what you knew, you disrupted the talks and you brought back valuable intelligence. There's not much more we could expect of you."

Sir Rochsdale says, "Very well, to recap we have three priorities to consider. Eliminating the Cave Giants. Determining the Ogre's number and disposition. Finding a way to deal with the Ogre Mage. I suggest we move on from this subject now and we can all consider ways to achieve these objectives in the future."

"there is something ta say... I do believe we may have a lead on a way ta deal with the invisibility, an artefact I believe is down in the ratlords tower" Thorik suddenly adds.

Lady Graceling looks intrigued, "The Pixie Queen gave you a lead then?"

"aye, if Pixie prophecies hold water then I believe ta have figured out the one shes given us. tis all vague an crazy though" the Dwarf responds.

" The last one she gave us caused us to gain the Shy Maiden and take out a horde of wererats. I suspect that we can trust them, even if their meaning only becomes apparent at the moment of action. " Franklin reminds the group.

Lady Graceling nods, "Well I've done some more research into the tower over the past years and so far as I can tell the command words and runes we have to open it are genuine. We can remove the lockdown although I've no idea what would be inside."

"aye, thats what worries me... we'll be opening up tha place, an I cannay say we'll be able ta shut it down again" Thorik confesses.

Sir Rochsdale sighs, "This is why I hate this stuff. Risk releasing an unknown foe to help defeat a known one. If you all think it's wise I'll not forbid it but I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea."

Thorik nods understandingly.

" If Lady Graceling is ameinable, I would be happy to work with her to see if we can find out about the nature of the tower from the from archmage's journals. Hopefully we can get a better idea of what is inside to help us decide if it should be opened or not. " Franklin offers.

Lady Graceling inclines her head, "A wise idea, I suggest we do that and make a final decision once we have done so."

Sir Roschdale says, "Right, moving on then. I have one more subject to discuss and then I believe The Countess had something to raise. The other threat we are aware of at the moment is the spider activity in the Twilight Woods. They've been growing more aggressive and I know Durnstand has been struggling. Do we believe they are a threat outside the woods or just to those who enter them? How large and organised do we believe them to be?"

" They are led by Ettercaps. Not that smart, but certainly cunning. They know how to use traps, and are able to command spiders to do their bidding. This menas that if we do go after them, they will have the home advantage. They appear to be doing more raiding now that we have settlements nearby, providing a source of food if people go into the woods. So I doubt the threat will go away quickly or quietly. Food that doesn't fight back much is good food. " Franklin shares his knowledge.

"the ettercaps certainly controll the lesser spiders... but they inturn follow the Aranea... Tseems ta me they have chain of command of sorts" Thorik looks to the countess "I believe Lady Eloise has learned of some sort of ancient city in the woods they hold as their seat of power"

The Countess shrugs, "Only what the pixies told me, the spiders lived deep in the woods and originated at an old ruined city there. They have been spreading slowly for centuries until now most of the woods are infested with them. The pixies have killed a few scouting intruders and they stopped coming." She hesitates. "The Queen also said something about Quicklings falling to the Spiders. I'm not sure what she meant though."

Thorik looks like hes cought a headache, "evil Fey... they're a right headache ta deal with moving at impossible speads and striking for yer weakspots"

Sir Roschdale grunts at that, "I remember you describing them before. Sounds like trouble."

" I believe that you need Cold Iron to deal with them. Would it be worth speaking with Lady Eloise and asking her for her assistance in pushing back the spiders? It should like she and her people are no more as fond of them as we are. " Franklin remembers.

Sir Roschdale looks around the table. "We need to decide, do we abandon Durnstand or do we clear the woods near it, or do we declare war on this spider empire even while Ogres and Giants wait to strike at our other side."

"We clear the woods near Durnstand. We need the darkwood exports." Dougal says decisively.

" It makes something to focus on while we research what we can about the Tower. Unless you think we should apply pressure to the Ogres and Giants exclusivly? " Franklin reasons.

"theres also the silvercrown hill, I'd rather nay see a hostile group hold the area around that place" Thorik adds with furrowed brow.

Lady Graceling nods, "That's a very good point. Should the spiders release the abominations within there we have far larger problems to deal with."

"I have a suggestion for keeping the ogres off our doorstep." Dougal brings up.

" Are the spiders capable of releasing the demons within that area? Those trees suck the souls out of anything that comes nearby, are they really demonologists as well? I guess they could try and destroy the trees, but would they not have to get close to do that? " Franklin asks.

"playing a guessing game with such a dangerous subject is unwise" Thorik chastises.

The Countess shrugs, "Spiders are mindless. Would the trees be able to influence them if the Ettercaps were to send them in?"

Thorik looks more tired with all these considerations "moving on both east an west at the sametime is madness. I think the spiders are a bigger threat directly. but the ogres cannay be allowed ta raid the caravans an outlying hovels with impunity..." the dwarf looks to Dougal "what is yer suggestion lad?

"We take the fight to them. Deny them entry to the plains." Dougal begins.

Thorik responds "can such a thing be done?" he'll look to Rochdale "Dya have recent maps here Lord rochdale?"

Sir Roschdale nods, "Of course", he goes over to a desk and pulls out a collection of charts and maps.

Once a map of the area is laid out Dougal will point out the key area where the ruins of the two towers are.

"There was an old fort there. We could take it, shore it up some, and with a dedicated group of horsemen we could control this whole area, denying the ogres an easy walk to the settled areas."

Thorik furrows his brow "they have been taking this route everytime we've met them... but I also believe they consider the ruins their own"

"I wouldn't mind concinving them otherwise. But as a less agressive option would be to build a fort at the old ant hill." Dougal says defiantly.

Sir Roschdale slams his hand on the table, "By my Axe I like the way the lad thinks. A proper military solution to a problem"

"The ants previously prevented the ogres from spreading east, and a mounted rider can travel further than a giant ant." Dougal continues.

Sir Roschdale nods, "I'm not sure how many horses we can procure but even foot patrols might be enough, with a decent watchtower to spot them coming."

Thorik will glance to Durtan "well... a good foundation ta work with. might be worth some strife"

"The ogre mage will not travel east without an escort, I don't think, and the escorts we can deal with. It's a bit of a gamble, but it's better than doing nothing." Dougal hopes.

Sir Roschdale smiles for the first time this conference, "We build a fort there, and we deny them access to our lands. Either location you suggest has its merits, standing as it does in the center of the lowlands."

Durtan nods to Thorik, "Aye, true that. A fort at the ruined towers would have the advantage of protecting more area and giving more warning, perhaps with signal beacons to alert people. It would be harder to build, defend, and reinforce though."

"I am willing to take on the task. I would need funding from the council, but I can get it done." Dougal offers.

"Luckfalls will support what it can. this plan sounds good." Franklin offers.

The Countess nods, "In fact this leads into my final order of business. All the leaders here have some common purpose, and support each other where we can. We all answer to other obligations though, none of us are here only to protect and serve the people of Pyreal. I've already broached the idea with each of you but I'd like to formally propose that we found the Order of Pyreal. An organisation dedicated to protecting all of the settlements here equally and supported by all of us. Perhaps this fort could be the first base for this order?"

Sir Roschdale grunts at that, "I heard the idea, and don't know what to make of it. Jointly funding this fort for all our benefit I can agree to. It will need men to hold it and defend it, who should also come from all of us. Why would we form it as an order though? Who would this order answer to?"

Franklin nods. " There is something else that it could be used for. At the moment each leader is the final arbitor of what happens within their ranks. With the whitecloaks coming that idea will be tested as they push their ideals on those around them. It would be useful to have an organisation that can claim to be impartial in these matters, to preemptivly remove power from their hands. It also gives you something to respond to King Peter with other than 'You shouldn't send them' for when he gives his support. "

" I do not want them to be able to choose to hang any accused of 'witchcraft', even in their own settlements. "

Thorik frowns "... Aye, tis safe ta say the temple will oppose such behaviour aswell"

The old Knight looks sceptical. "And who would lead this order? I've heard Dougal suggested and while I respect his abilities in the field he can hardly claim to be neutral. He fought in the Kings War wearing the blue, now he rides with the Free States and guards The Countess. He's no more impartial than the rest of us."

"Elect a council to oversee them if you want; I do not propose neccecerily putting all the power in the hands of one person. It is certainly something worth considering though." Franklin suggests.

the dwarven cleric shrugs "hes fought fer both of ya... tha makes him more impartial then most I reckon"

"Ultimately the order would exist to safeguard the people of Pyreal. Who leads the order internally is inconsequential, as they would be governed first and foremost by their oath and charter."Dougal suggests.

Sir Roschdale grunts, "I tell you what, draft up the oath and charter and we'll take a look at it. The fort is a good idea so work out what you need for that. At the least we'll jointly fund and man the fort and then we'll see what develops from that. How's that sound?"

"Actually, I have a draft ready." Dougal interjects.

Sir Roschdale raises an eyebrow, "I should have known. Very well I suggest we all take it away from here. We can consider the draft and how to organise manning of the fort. Dougal and his team will come up with a proposal for the fort location and layout. Durtan will sign off on the fort construction, myself and the Countess will discuss how to garrison it and I guess the Lady Graceling will do whatever it is she does?"

He looks around, "All agreed?"

"Agreed." Dougal replies.

Thorik nods thoughtfully.

"Lady Graceling could perhaps assist us in devising some way to ward off invisible ogre magi from the immediate vincinity of the fort?" Dougal suggests.

The elf nods, "I shall think on what I can do assist, at the very least there are a few architectural choices that will help against both flying and invisibility."

"The one good thing that comes to mind about the ogre mage and it's apprentice is that the apprentice seems to be in charge along their eastern border. And I doubt he will be able to report a failure to contain our expansion west. They don't seem the type to be very forgiving of failure." Dougal continues.

The Countess nods thoughtfully, "An interesting point Dougal, although that may just make him more desperate to stop the construction of the fort."

"I'll organize an expedition to scout out the area and survey the site for construction." Dougal suggests.

"constructing the temple was an interesting task, I'll see if I can call upon seme of those that've helped in Stoneforge" Thorik offers.

Durton scratches at his beard, the iron beads within jangling slightly. "So, just how big a fort are we talking here?"

Dougal scratches his skin.
"Enough space to house maybe ten horses and thirty men. To start with."

he turns to Franklin, "Franklin, do you think you could perhaps provide us with an apprentice of yours? Are they getting any good?"

" Some of them are. If you let me know what you need after this meeting we can look into what we have and can provide. Might even be able to train one of them to help provide what we need " Franklin replies.

"Something to help detect raiding bands from afar would be good, as well as sending messages back to Landing." Dougal explains. "But we can talk about that later."

Sir Roschdale grunts, "I suggest a tower fort, no walls to defend should also help with invisibility and flying I reckon. Housing 30 men would be no trouble, I'm not so sure on the horses though."

"We'll need horses. I can pay for them myself. Just give space for as many as possible, Durtan." Dougal brings up.

Sir Roschdale thinks, "I can provide 5 cavalary and 10 infantry. If The Countess can provide 15 of her crossbowman that should be a solid force to hold the tower and patrol the area."

The Countess nods, "I can do that. I've even had some people training with those new gunpowder weapons, so could provide a few people familiar with those as well."

"Excllent news. I've seen Snips in action, those guns are deadly." Dougal says.

Sir Roschdale nods, "Then I think we have an agreement. Is there any further business?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Dougal responds.

Thorik and Franklin hold their tongues about the seemingly corrupted ground to the south beyond the murdercrow graveyard. Landing has enough to worry about with its current neighbours for another vague threat to rear its head.

Sir Roschdale nods, "Very well it's settled, thank you for your time everyone."

As you leave The Countess nods to Dougal, "Excellent idea with the fort, a military solution to a military problem. Just the sort of thing to get the old knight on board."

"I worry he'll turn around when it comes time to actually found the order." Dougal confesses. "But I guess it's too late to worry about that now."

The Countess nods, "One step at a time."

Franklin will be sticking around to work with Lady Graceling, taking rooms at the Inn for a while.

2015-01-05, 06:46 AM
The Mountain has headed off to Luckfalls where he has taken on work as an escort up to the Plateau. He is spending time up there getting to know the kind of creatures and plants that are native to the area, and studying the way that they fight (when he gets the opportunity to watch)

2015-01-05, 08:18 AM
The day after the meeting everyone receives a piece of parchment from Sir Roschdale on it is written:

Potential Targets:

Clear area around Durnstand of Spiders - how do we keep it clear?
Find suitable location for a tower fort to hold back the Ogres - Dougal is taking this on
Scout Ogres to get some idea of location and numbers - Also Dougal
Scout spiders to find the location of their city and get some idea of numbers
Eliminate the Cave Giant Threat
Find a way to defeat the Ogre Magi
Look into whether it's safe to open the Rat Lord's tower - Franklin and Lady Graceling are looking into this

He's blissfully unaware of the Anomalies and the Blighted Land :)

2015-01-06, 08:59 AM
---Dwarven compound---

After the meeting Thorik will accompany Durtan back to the dwarven compound.
"Whats yer take on this Order of Pyreal buisness? Tseems ta me it could be good fer tha people ta have someone ta look out fer their wellbeing tha doesn't have ta worry about stepping on the toes asmuch as our human friends seem ta have... nobody 'ere can make swift moves without potentially infringin on the authority of the others."

"thinkin of the western fort the humans seem keen ta assure an even split in their representation there... while I can understand the symbology behind that... I have my doubts about a human infantryman being able ta hold tha line against an ogre or giant" the cleric shrugs "tseems ta me a dwarf would fare much better in such a confrontation"

Thorik looks troubled "though I sepose an order of Pyreal is just a first step in Pyreal becommin a power in its own right... an while I have nay doubts tha Dougal is a good man, there will be a day when hes gone. either from a lucky blow or old age, Who'se ta say the next man will strive ta do whats right."

2015-01-06, 10:17 AM
Durtan nods, "Aye, humans are vigorous but their lives are short and they do not get the sort of perspective a dwarf or elf can bring. Ah thought of offering to put some of our people at the tower but our deal here was to contribute building skills, not armed forces and Ah'd rather not risk my troops unless Ah need to. With stout dwarven walls to stand behind those humans should be able to hold for long enough. It depends how much trouble they stir up though." He hesitates then continues, "Mayhap some of our youngsters could be encouraged to join this Order of Pyreal, both to help defend the fort and to provide some dwarven thinking."

He sighs and rubs thoughtfully at his chin, "As to the order itself, Ah know the Countess and Franklin are keen on it, the Knight is not so keen. Graceling seems to be offering tentative support, which is further off the fence than she usually gets. What's your thoughts on this? We can stop it being founded. We can allow it. Or we can not just support it but get enough dwarves into it both to make sure it's a success and to make sure we have some influence within it should it become a power in these lands."

2015-01-06, 10:18 AM
As Aklo is walking through the streets in Landing a hooded man in sturdy but battered leather armour falls in alongside him. "Psst", the man says, "I hear you're good with that fancy bow of yours. Feel like earning some easy money? We need a message delivered."

2015-01-06, 11:30 AM
Durtan nods, "Aye, humans are vigorous but their lives are short and they do not get the sort of perspective a dwarf or elf can bring. Ah thought of offering to put some of our people at the tower but our deal here was to contribute building skills, not armed forces and Ah'd rather not risk my troops unless Ah need to. With stout dwarven walls to stand behind those humans should be able to hold for long enough. It depends how much trouble they stir up though." He hesitates then continues, "Mayhap some of our youngsters could be encouraged to join this Order of Pyreal, both to help defend the fort and to provide some dwarven thinking."

He sighs and rubs thoughtfully at his chin, "As to the order itself, Ah know the Countess and Franklin are keen on it, the Knight is not so keen. Graceling seems to be offering tentative support, which is further off the fence than she usually gets. What's your thoughts on this? We can stop it being founded. We can allow it. Or we can not just support it but get enough dwarves into it both to make sure it's a success and to make sure we have some influence within it should it become a power in these lands."


"Theres much ta consider, by allowing the temple in Stoneforge the dwarfs have already aligned themselves more with the Freestates than with king Peter I suspect, being too vocal in supporting tha order when Lord Rochdale does not may push king Peters share in this colonisation inta isolation which goes against the goal of the cooperation we've all entered inta here in Pyreal."

The cleric strokes his beard slowly "Having said that... having the order more able ta respond quickly than the other factions could do much fer tha protection an prosperity of those that've made Pyreal their home. Tis my hope tha any costs the order drains in fundin an loss of sovereignty will pay fer itself this way. Tseems foolish nay ta seek influence in such an organisation though."

"aye, I'd support the order of Pyreal an make sure some dwarven thinkin goes inta it aswell. Though tis important ta keep Rochdale an King Peter in mind aswell"

"I'll have ta talk with Haltar, but I believe it makes sense fer tha temple to support the order if it came ta be. We'll need them should the whitecloaks manage ta land or if things change in tha mountainhalls"

2015-01-06, 04:43 PM
As Aklo is walking through the streets in Landing a hooded man in sturdy but battered leather armour falls in alongside him. "Psst", the man says, "I hear you're good with that fancy bow of yours. Feel like earning some easy money? We need a message delivered."

Aklo looks over the hooded man a moment or two (Untrained sense motive [roll0]) and says "Depends on what type of message it is, and where it's going." in a low tone, continuing to walk. He'd started to learn the layout of Landing fairly well (Though he couldn't give you directions to the nearest tavern without a map and ten minutes of puzzling with it.) and remembered that if this started to go south, he had escape routes available.

2015-01-06, 05:57 PM

"Theres much ta consider, by allowing the temple in Stoneforge the dwarfs have already aligned themselves more with the Freestates than with king Peter I suspect, being too vocal in supporting tha order when Lord Rochdale does not may push king Peters share in this colonisation inta isolation which goes against the goal of the cooperation we've all entered inta here in Pyreal."

The cleric strokes his beard slowly "Having said that... having the order more able ta respond quickly than the other factions could do much fer tha protection an prosperity of those that've made Pyreal their home. Tis my hope tha any costs the order drains in fundin an loss of sovereignty will pay fer itself this way. Tseems foolish nay ta seek influence in such an organisation though."

"aye, I'd support the order of Pyreal an make sure some dwarven thinkin goes inta it aswell. Though tis important ta keep Rochdale an King Peter in mind aswell"

"I'll have ta talk with Haltar, but I believe it makes sense fer tha temple to support the order if it came ta be. We'll need them should the whitecloaks manage ta land or if things change in tha mountainhalls"

Durtan shrugs, "And if the Order claims the Order of Pyreal is obligated to protect them too? I think you're right though. We need Roschdale and his Liege to sign up to this and King Peter is notoriously loath to give up sovereignty. He'll need to see a clear benefit before he agrees. I think the trick would be to make the order start off limited enough that Sir Roschdale can sign off on it himself without needing to involve his King. If the order's influence grows over time, well that's the way these things go."

2015-01-06, 06:02 PM
Aklo looks over the hooded man a moment or two (Untrained sense motive [roll0]) and says "Depends on what type of message it is, and where it's going." in a low tone, continuing to walk. He'd started to learn the layout of Landing fairly well (Though he couldn't give you directions to the nearest tavern without a map and ten minutes of puzzling with it.) and remembered that if this started to go south, he had escape routes available.

The man looks around again and keeps his voice low. "There's some fellas living over in that Luckfalls place that owe my boss money. We're wanting an arrow with a token attached fired into something near one of them. I could do it myself but they know my face, and anyway I'm as likely to hit them as to miss. A skilled archer like you though, you could deliver this message much more safely for both you and them. A few minute's work, and you're going home several gold richer..."

Sense Motive result:
The man is telling the truth so far as you can tell, but he's definitely an unsavory character.

You feel the bow twitch on your back and then a sense of dislike and warning rising from it directed at the man talking to you.

2015-01-06, 06:30 PM
Aklo decides that listening to the bow is a better idea, asking "And if I was to offer to settle this debt in the debtors stead?"

2015-01-06, 06:35 PM
The man blinks and looks confused. "What? You know them do you? Never mind."

With that he turns and ducks into a side alley.

2015-01-06, 06:37 PM
Aklo shrugged and made his way along, keeping a description of the man in mind to pass on to the nearest thing Landing had to constables.. That wasn't a good man.

2015-01-06, 11:41 PM

Snips has been spending a great deal of time in the pubs at the various settlements, traveling between them and doing his part to keep the roads safe in between pints. When he heard of the new offerings at the training academy however, he opted to head there and see what they could do for him.

Whatever he may be working on, he clearly is dodging the politics of late. It is almost as though he'd rather be under the radar.

2015-01-07, 06:21 AM
As the day wore on, Aklo found himself questioning the odd actions of the man he'd reported to the constables, and thought he'd look into things a little further, make a point of informing ALL the peace-keeping forces of Landing about the Gentleman he'd met earlier that day, and do his due diligence and find some way to figure out if Franklin is, in fact, in Luckfalls... But who would know? He found a quiet place to communicate with the bow, remembering that Lady Graceling could scry and discover Franklin's location, and giving the bow forewarning of what was to come, and letting it know that Lady Graceling had become a different Elf than the one it once knew.

2015-01-07, 07:09 AM
The various forces take down the man's description but don't really seem interested in doing more than promising to keep a vague "eye out for him".

As you approach Lady Graceling's compound you feel reluctance but also resignation from the bow. The fact that she doesn't detect as evil seems to be confusing it but it is still not happy to be near her.

As soon as you describe the incident with the man she frowns, "Sounds like mundane mischief to me, you're right to warn people though. Franklin's here at the moment studying some information I have, I'll take you to him. Luckfalls is his place so he'll want to know about this."

As you walk she says, "I got a full report from the elf who went with you but I'd like your impressions too, both of the swamp and of the anomalies. What do you make of it all?"

2015-01-07, 07:18 AM
The various forces take down the man's description but don't really seem interested in doing more than promising to keep a vague "eye out for him".

As you approach Lady Graceling's compound you feel reluctance but also resignation from the bow. The fact that she doesn't detect as evil seems to be confusing it but it is still not happy to be near her.

As soon as you describe the incident with the man she frowns, "Sounds like mundane mischief to me, you're right to warn people though. Franklin's here at the moment studying some information I have, I'll take you to him. Luckfalls is his place so he'll want to know about this."

As you walk she says, "I got a full report from the elf who went with you but I'd like your impressions too, both of the swamp and of the anomalies. What do you make of it all?"

Aklo shrugged a bit, saying "The swamps were.. Beautiful, honestly. In an otherworldly way. For a bog, the colors were so vibrant, and the creatures were exotic.. Strange.. And in regards to the Anomalies, I was too focused on trying to keep my recent meals down and get my party away from them to really form an impression of them." as he walked, his new bow slung across his shoulders, adding "OH. Also, I made this new bow while I was out there." and patting the bow's stave.

2015-01-07, 07:55 AM
She listens to your description of the swamp with a slight smile, a smile which fades when you move onto the anomaly "The effects you describe are similar to those experienced after the Pulse, it seems that the damage done to the fabric of the universe is more severe in that area than it is elsewhere. We should definitely investigate, apart from anything else we need to know if the damage is getting worse over time or not. The universe does tend to repair itself so let us hope that whatever damage the Pulse did here is not beyond recovery."

When you mention the bow she nods, "Yes, I heard. Fine work I must say. Would you like me to take a look at it?"

2015-01-07, 04:02 PM
Aklo thought this over for a moment, saying "It's partially made from the dagger I had before, the hilt was the sentient part, and it's been made part of the bow." and sending off mental reassurance as he collected the bow from his back, before offering it to Lady Graceling.

2015-01-08, 04:42 AM
She casts the same spell as before and stares intently at the bow. After a while she looks up at you, "Yes, fine work indeed. It's more complete than it was before. You already know that it can mask or alter it's magical aura? It can also detect evil in beings nearby and of course it will enhance the aim and penetrating power of any arrows fired from it. You've done well there."

2015-01-08, 05:20 AM
Aklo grinned a bit, saying "I still need a name for it.. I was considering "Rising Dawn Bow" in honor of the cause the dagger's creator stood for. And I know not to let pride in my craft get to my head. I still have much to do before I can settle down to a humbler working man's life." In response to Lady Graceling's comments on his work, watching her inspecting the bow.

2015-01-08, 05:57 AM
She sighs and nods, "The name seems fitting but I have no right to speak on that subject, come Franklin is just in here.", with that she turns the corner and opens a door, revealing the gnome with a huge book open in front of him.

2015-01-08, 07:59 AM
Aklo sighed a little as well, recollecting his bow once it was offered back to him and setting it back in its seat of honor on his back, making his way inside and saying "Hello! It has been some time since we last spoke." in a warm tone towards Franklin, his attention slightly split as he waited for a reaction from the bow. He knew Franklin was pleasant company, but he didn't know how a partially-holy-man-possessed bow would react to an odd duck of Franklin's sort.

2015-01-08, 08:06 AM
You still sense anger within the bow directed at Graceling but it seems to have no particular opinion with regard to Franklin.

2015-01-08, 08:53 AM
With that settled, Aklo just left the bow alone for now, giving it a mental lecturing regarding giving the benefit of the doubt, and innocence until guilt is proven and the like as he made his way over to take a seat near Franklin.

2015-01-08, 09:14 AM
Franklin looks up from the book he is studying when Aklo comes in and greets him. For once he is wearing the goggles that are normally always over his head over his eyes instead. " Oh hello there. I didn't realise we were having guests, though I suppose I could do with a break from studying. " he says, pushing the goggles back up over his forehead, placing a bookmark on the page he was on before closing it and placing upon a small pile next to him.

" Anything I can do for you, or have you just come for a chat? "

2015-01-08, 02:39 PM
Franklin looks up from the book he is studying when Aklo comes in and greets him. For once he is wearing the goggles that are normally always over his head over his eyes instead. " Oh hello there. I didn't realise we were having guests, though I suppose I could do with a break from studying. " he says, pushing the goggles back up over his forehead, placing a bookmark on the page he was on before closing it and placing upon a small pile next to him.

" Anything I can do for you, or have you just come for a chat? "

Aklo thought for a moment, saying "Well, pleasantries are pleasant, but, this is an issue of a bit of importance." and describing the incident earlier, with the man asking him to deliver a message of an unsavory sort to a debtor in Luckfalls Library, making a point of passing along the description while he was at it.

2015-01-09, 05:26 PM

With the Giants halfbeaten and the Ogres raging with hatred Herion will reroute his random afternoon forestruns to cover 120 ft of the closest treeline.
One can spot him running through the rich greenbrown vegetation which fades by the beauty of the sunset in the distance.

For Herion, these last weeks have felt rather monotonous in their composition with every day commencing with breakfast at the Anchor with smalltalk followed by recruitment until afternoon, with a small break for lunch. But finaly, the time spent prove to be worth its effort as he comes across a decisive, prideful, seemingly experienced but defenately spirited lord.
After some training together the Lord's spirited nature takes on a more coaching aspect, readying him for his task to make Landing's population a stoic and strong people!

Rhysons Training Hall
As a ship sails in to port, Suniaura makes the final adjustments on the last post. Taking a few steps back, studying the result of her work, not completely satisfied correcting it and setting off to spread the word at the Anchor.
She sneaks in her gossip in the middle of a few selftold adventure stories about strength, endurance and a life's true value.

Like the channeling of a cleric, the knowledge quickly spreads in a burst throughout Landing about Rhysons Training Hall's new Martial combat Master 'Sir George Highwater of the Western High Hills'.

Retraining 1 HP always takes 3 days and costs gold. But the cost may vary.
See the OOC thread or http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/campaignSystems/retraining.html for more info and other things to possibly retrain.

2015-01-12, 09:22 AM
(In the wilderness somewhat closeby the Ruined Stone Towers)

Herion speaks his mind, starting off slow.
"I see three ways we can defeat the Ogre camp and take the Ruined Stone Towers."

He stands up, gesturing and explaining as he goes on talking to the party on the mission.
"-We hit a sleeping Ogre group and retreat befor' the rest can react!
-Or trick a squad out with a lure to ambush them. We could light a campfire closeby and set our ambush in their path.

Herion doesn't leave much room for breathing and continues.
-The third choice would be to set an ambush or trap for their supplies, weakening them, lowering their morale, making them desperate, perhaps even turning on eachother, eventually forcing them out in groups for us to kill.

Taking three breaths he continues summarizing and knotting together what he and the party has been throwing up for the discussion.
"Eitherway, we will eventually need the help from Landing's military for when we decide that we can take down the base by storming it!

We should send word to Landing about.."
He quickly calculates; 'three days for planning, three days for marching and a day for buffert.'
.."a week prior to when we are ready to storm the Ogre camp at the Ruined Stone Towers."

Even though feeling a little bossy, he pushes the feeling away and continues. It may be a bit off topic, especially as he can't remember the geography of the area without taking another look at the map.
"Thorik, you also made a valid point earlier! We need to make sure they cannot circle our future fort by heading through that dark undead place."
Looking around, he awaits pointers, arguments and for the discussion to evolve.

2015-01-12, 12:32 PM

Thorik will reply to Herion.
"aye,ta take the towers we'll need ta lure out or harass their numbers down before we can even consider an assault..."

The dwarf frowns "Though I doubt they'll be eager ta chase us again after what we did to tha ten that came after us tha last time"

"tha bigger problem comes after we clear out the ones holding the towers, if the amount of fire we saw an the size o' the group tha came after us is any sign. they'll have a sizeable force there... provided we even can chase em out we'll need the levy right behind us ta hold the place... rudimantary defences an a way ta protect our lads from the oni... we'll need materials an workers fast aswell."

"an evacuation plan'll be important aswell... if the counterattack is simply toomuch ta deal with"

Thorik turns to Dougal "Ya should try ta coordinate with Sir Rochdale an tha countess, though I imagine they'll need more detailed information before they're ready ta commit"

the dwarf strokes through his beard "I'll head down ta stoneforge... see if I can get some buildin supplies rounded up"

finally he'll turn back to Herion "Aye... these things take a while ta get organised. in the meantime it'll be a good idea ta check on tha southern pass... that crypt we found there also had some connection to tha ogres if I'm nay mistaken... with luck it'll still be a dormant place... ha... imagine that spiders, Ogres an an undead army" the dwarf shakes his head while he chuckles.

2015-01-15, 09:30 AM
It's late in the afternoon as the Hooded Elf is called into Lady Gracelings rooms, as she enters she notices a large table with an uneven shape and a velvet cloth thrown over it. The old elf is drawing lines on a map.

"Thank you for coming", she says calmly, "there's been a source of necromantic magic in the mountains west of Stoneforge for a while. I've been monitoring it as its grown slowly stronger over the past few years but have not had time to send anyone to investigate."

She hands you the map, marked with a location, "this afternoon there was a sudden spike in activity and in light of the necromantic energy's proximity to the Ogre Magi I think we should investigate urgently. Unfortunately though all my agents are busy. Are you able to look into this for me? I just need someone reliable to look into the area, see if you can find out if anything is happening there, then return. Do not take any risks."

2015-01-15, 09:49 AM
The hooded elf

"I will inspect the area immediately. I will assemble some volunteers to go along if I can. Is there anything else you have neglected to inform us of?"

2015-01-15, 10:00 AM
She smiles wryly, "There are many things I have not shared, but it is hard to know which are important and which are not. This land is littered with magical remnants of all kinds. At the time of the spike I may have seen a hint of divine magic as well, so its possible there is already someone there."

"It's hard to read details at this distance though and whatever is happening seems to be underground, making divination very unreliable, so this matter is somewhat urgent. I can get one person there quickly and will send reinforcements to catch up with you and make sure you return safely. Can you be ready to leave within the hour? I can have you there by tomorrow and the reinforcements will arrive within a few days."

2015-01-15, 11:39 AM
"I'll be ready. I have some items to requisition. I will see you in one hour."

The elf wastes no time in packing what little belongings she has, then heads out to see the alchemist, Cabal. The elf had spent a good while observing the man after her arrival in Landing, as the alchemist was the closest thing to a peddler of magic that Landing had. The man had shown no signs of suspicious activity, nor any particular ability in magic, so the elf had deemed him harmless. Nevertheless, she felt uncomfortable announcing her presence to the man.

"You are the one they call Cabal, yes? The one who sells alchemical solutions?"

((Provided he will say yes))

"I will require the following, three vials of oil of magic weapon, three flasks of holy water, one jar of alchemical cement, one jar of alchemical glue and one of solvent, one antiplague vial, one antitoxin vial, one tanglefoot bag if you carry them, one thunderstone, three flasks of alchemist's fire, three flasks of the strongest acid you have, something to repel vermin, and if you can provide it some stonechipper salve. Can you provide me with them? I can pay in gold."

2015-01-15, 12:03 PM
Cabal blinks at the imposing elf as she reels off the list, then he shakes himself and nods, "Yes, yes. Not a problem. I have most. Not the cement or stonechipper but I have the rest. Gold is good, yes gold is good to buy with."

With your purchases complete you heads back to the elven compound, to be greeted by Graceling and an escort of 10 elves coming out. You all head together into the woods west of town, nodding to the guards as you stride out through the gate together.

Once you are a reasonable distance from Landing the elves spread out and scout the area. Soon one nods to Lady Graceling, "It's clear".

She nods and begins moving her hands and speaking, intoning the words to the spell. As you listen the spell grows in intensity and complexity, she begins moving slightly as she shapes the magic to her will. The casting process continues, for a minute, then another, till finally after what must have been ten minutes she stops casting and claps her hands together.

There is a silent reversed explosion in the air and strands of shadows fly together until suddenly a stallion rears where only open space stood a moment ago. It has a black head and body, gray mane and tail, and smoke-colored, insubstantial hooves that make no sound. It has what seems to be a saddle, bit, and bridle. The hairs on your arm stand up at its presence and birds take flight from the nearby trees.

Lady Graceling inclines her head to the hooded elf. "This steed will carry you over both land and water far faster than normal horses. It will tire eventually and the spell will not last forever but it should carry you close to your destination. I recommend getting to within an hour of the site and sleeping so you can approach refreshed and alert the following day. The horse will last until half way through the night but do not press too far as should it disappear while you are riding it the fall would be most painful."

"Six of these will follow you on foot, they should reach you in a few days and will help you as they can, please take care out there."

Once mounted the steed does indeed live up to her promises, moving over twice as fast as any horse you've ever ridden it gallops silently across the landscape, on several occasions running down the bank of a river and running along atop the water, seeming to enjoy the smooth and flat surface which allows it to really gallop.

The rest of the day passes in a blur as you cross the plains, dive through the forest and then follow the mountain trails towards the location on the map. When night falls you have to slow down slightly but the silence and speed of the horse give you confidence to press on until finally you are close to your destination, by which point both you and the horse are starting to feel the strain of the rapid pace.

2015-01-17, 07:43 PM
As Aklo dreams he sees the vision again, the peaceful clearing and he is standing in the center.

In front of him are three orbs, one silver, one gold, one red. Besides him stands a statue of a young elf, it carries a bow in one hand and has the other reaching out and upwards. Its hand is positioned as though one of the orbs could be placed within it.

2015-01-19, 07:46 AM
Aklo inspected each of the orbs, considering what symbolism could be associated with the orbs and thinking about them as long as he felt he could... It felt obvious to him that the statue was representative of him, so, he thought on the colors and how they'd connect to his life. He didn't see himself as the sort who was worthy of a Golden Orb, for he had much work to do to reach what he'd consider the standards that Gold would imply, but Red was such a vicious color, symbolic of anger, but also of fire.. Fire connected with him.. He put his hand near each orb, feeling for heat or energy to give him some hint of what the orbs meant in this case.

2015-01-19, 08:15 AM
The red orb radiates warmth, and when Aklo reaches out towards it flames start to lick over the surface, although they do not burn him.

When he turns to look at the silver orb he sees that it is actually clear, but within it silvery fog swirls blocking his view of something in the center.

The third orb starts to glow as he looks at it, the same golden glow as the Bow of the Rising Dawn, but brighter and stronger.

As Aklo finishes looking at the orbs the dream shivers and fades away.

2015-01-19, 08:18 AM
When Aklo awoke from his dream, he wasn't content to see his dream end on that note, settling down to try and pick up where he left off from his visions. (Wis Roll for Lucid Dreaming, using a crackling fire as a REM indicator (Makes it so he can tell he's dreaming) [roll0])

2015-01-19, 08:25 AM
Aklo briefly sees the dream again, and gets the impression that the bow is trying to offer him a choice. To ask him what he wants. The whole thing is frustratingly vague though and he doesn't manage to step properly into the dream. Perhaps with time things will grow clearer.

2015-01-19, 08:36 AM
While not entirely satisfied, he was willing to accept going into the next dream with more knowledge of what it meant when the time was right. With that settled, he went on with an average day. Practice with his bow, eating, offering assistance in Landing and looking into stuff that crossed his path and caught his interest between trips into the field... The posters around town regarding training were of interest, but he already learned a lot from being in the field, so, he left that thought towards the back of the Metaphorical Stove-top, saying "Huh, interesting." to himself as he continued on with his day, in a Long-Time haze of more or less thoughtless effort.

Despite his haze of casual activity, he was still thinking, though less about the world around him and more about recent events, and recently made friends... One in particular frequently coming to mind, especially when a draft of wind struck a patch of skin that was once covered in cloth. Totally worth it to him.

2015-01-19, 12:35 PM
(During discussions about priorities and appropriate actions to take)
Aside from bringing up the idea of storming and claiming the 'Tower by the ford', Herion will point out the importance of holding key military strategic positions.

"We should quickly check on the Ruined Stone Tower camp. Maurice translated something the Ogre-prisoner said about his mother's clan being weakened and possibly withdrawing!"

Herion is explaining and implying the withdrawal to be the result of the weakened state & risk of internal battles for the Ogre-family who hold this region.

Steel family (fairly close, most likely)
Copper family (is the family we've fought)
Flint family

2015-01-19, 02:55 PM
Steel, Copper and Flint. You've been fighting Copper and yes from what the captive Ogre says they've been substantially weakened.

2015-01-20, 01:42 PM
Aklo downed one of his stashed potions of Comprehend Languages at the start of the exchange with the Ogre, listening intently to Maurice and the Ogre exchanging words and just lingering nearby, an arrow knocked, but held at bay. He figured he wasn't gunna be as helpful as Snips in intimidating the beast, but damnit did he wanna shoot that Ogre... Once the exchange was finished, he hung close to Maurice and Brough, wanting to be ready to act if he tried to do anything. Though, the whole "Maggots eating his insides" situation was probably quite the limiter to that, and made Aklo wonder how far Brough's lack of magic understanding could get them in using their Ogre Captive as a resource.

2015-01-21, 11:05 AM
A few days after his return Home, Maurice makes his way to Landing to seek out Aklo.

When Maurice found Aklo, he was in the process of meandering towards the outskirts of Landing, a fresh set of clothing folded over his arm in response to the fact that he was bordering on rags with how much he'd cut off in the past. A wide smile grew on his face as he saw Maurice, and he was quick to jog over, asking "Hello, come to Landing to meet up for another trip into the field? Or...?" Despite how dismissive his series of questions might have sounded, his tone was warm and pleasant.
Maurice greets Aklo with a happy grin, waving his hand to him. On his shoulder, Tatle copies this action, as though doing some kind of trick. "Mr. Aklo! I've been looking for you all over town!" He runs up to the fellow half-elf, stopping to catch his breath once he has closed some distance. "I-uh, no, I'm not here for another trip. I'm just, uh, I'd actually wanted to ask for a, you know, favor. If that's alright."

Aklo closed the rest of the distance as Maurice caught his breath, saying "Absolutely, but I do need some time to change clothes before I address the favor." and gesturing to the monastic garb he'd been hacking away at over time. "I hope it's not time sensitive."

"No, no! Not at all! This has all the time in the world." Maurice gestures away from himself. "Do, uh, dress yourself in peace." On his shoulder, Tatle nods enthusiastically.

Aklo nodded his head, saying "Alright, I'll be back shortly." and took off in a sprint to get changed quickly, grabbing a post and using it to take a sharp turn into the open door of the nearest Inn, coming back out in a fresh set of Navy Blue clothing, his hair all pulled back, and a generally cleaner look to him after five minutes.

Maurice welcomes him back with a warm smile, glad that Aklo now looks rather presentable. Even though he wonders just what the people inside that inn just saw. "Mr. Aklo, you remember that spellcaster we fought a few weeks ago? And those scrolls we found?"

Aklo thought for a moment or two, before asking "The Spider that blinded me? Or the Ogre that turned invisible?" as he folded up the remnants of his previous outfit and put them into his pack.

"The latter!" From his pocket, Maurice fishes out one of the scrolls. "I took one of those scrolls for myself, one with a powerful healing spell! You know, the kind Mr. Thorik can cast! And I've been working on learning it myself!"

"Ah. Delightful! How has that been going for you?" Aklo asked, looking at the scroll, then at Maurice with a lazy smile on his face.

"Oh. Uhm. Not so good, actually." Maurice's head slumps downward, as he doesn't want to look Aklo in the face right now. "You see, this scroll is all written for the purposes of divine magic. I can see a few of the basic formulaes for the spell in it, but I cannot actually exchange it into an arcane form that I could use."

"If that makes sense to you..."

'Well, that won't do.' Aklo thought to himself, kneeling down and looking up at Maurice's face and giving him a reassuring smile, before thinking on what was said a moment or two and finally asking "Kinda like trying to read a language you don't know?" and changing his position a little so he was more comfortable in his new shoes, saying "That's hardly your fault, it just means you either need to get it translated, or need to learn the Language."

Maurice's face brights right up at his understanding. "Exactly! And that's why I thought, well, I thought, I should ask someone who knows a lot about magic, and you...... Could you, uh, maybe introduce me to that Lady Graceling, or her associates? They seem like they know a lot about it."

Aklo nodded his head side to side a little as he thought for a moment or two, before saying "Absolutely!" as he stood back up to his full height. "I've been meaning to go and report on the Destruction of the big, evil, necromancy heart, and I've told Lady Graceling a bit about you already."

"You did?" Maurice clasps his hand, looking almost delighted, but quickly dialing it back down. "Oh, you shouldn't have! I've only been helping you guys out. You're the ones who are doing all the work."

"That doesn't mean you aren't worth being discussed," He replied, "Another Half-Elf in Pyreal is something I didn't think I'd see, and one with magical ability would certainly be of interest to the resident Leader of the Elven people."

"I-If you think so." By this point, even Tatle seems to be shrugging in exasperation at Maurice's hesitation, though it is difficult to tell with a monkey. "But, you know, I'm not a half-elf. I'm a drow. I cannot walk up to her highness and just ask for an audience. Her guards and friends would never let me near her...."

Aklo dug into his pack and pulled out a piece of candied fruit from one of his trail rations, offering it in an open palm to Tatle and saying "And that's why you need my help, which I'm happy to offer."

Tatle shoots his tiny hands forwards, grabbing the fruit and munching it down eagerly. His owner gives him a gentle pat on the head. "Th-thank you. Can we, uh, go now? I don't want to keep my teacher waiting too long, and Brough isn't easy to keep track of......"

"Speaking of Brough.. If he ever gets out of hand, let me know." Aklo said, his distaste for Ogres plain in his tone, before starting towards Lady Graceling's compound and waving for Maurice to follow along.

The elves at the entrance look askance at Maurice but being accompanied by Aklo seems to prevent any sudden responses

One of the elves raises an eyebrow. "Aklo? And who is your... ", he pauses a bit, "... friend?"

Maurice stays nervously silent, letting Aklo do the talking.

Aklo clears his throat a little, before beginning to speak to the elf who had stopped him in Elven and saying "This is another half-human, a close friend of mine by the name of Maurice. We would like to meet with the Lady if she has the time for a visit."

The elf inclines his head slightly. "Very well, follow me." With that he turns and leads the two of you into the compound.

Aklo gestured for Maurice to go first of the two of them, smiling and mouthing "It'll be fine." as they move into the compound.

As you are led up to a room high up in one of the trees that surround the compound Maurice gets a few strange looks from the elves but nothing more. Finally you are led into a room where a robed and hooded figure is setting cross legged on a small pillar. "Aklo", she says, "and I expect this is the one you spoke to me of?"

Maurice bows down to one knee, erring on the side of caution.

Aklo bowed as well, saying "Yes, M'lady. He comes with an inquiry about things of a magical nature.. As I'm sure you can understand, such matters are over my head."

The robed figure within the hood regards you coldly. "And yet you saw fit to inform him that I might?"

"He came to this conclusion on his own, M'lady." Aklo replied. "I simply agreed to escort him to meet you."

"If I may, your highness...." Maurice speaks up, using the most polite sounding elven he can muster.

The figure waves a hand slightly, acknowledging Maurice and asking him to speak in one economical gesture.

Still on his knee, Maurice continues. "I've been travelling a few times with a group of adventurers under the command of Thorik Stonewell and his associates. Mostly on expeditions into as of yet unexplored areas. On several of those..." He pauses, pointing at Aklo. "I was in the company of people who either worked for or with you. And one in particular seemed to have a affinity for arcane magic."

"I don't wish to assume much, but given everything that I had seen, and the fact that you are the de-facto most prominent elf authority in the area, I assume that you have at least some information on arcane magic."

She inclines her head slightly, lifting her hands to pull back the hood relying an aging but still attractive elf. "Please rise, I am no lord to delight in seeing people crouched before me."

Aklo remained silent, rising to his feet and rolling his shoulders a bit, his smile having faded a little bit, but was still present.

Maurice follows her wish, rising to his feet in a still mostly held back posture.

"It is common knowledge amongst those you travel with that I have knowledge of such things, although I do prefer to keep my knowledge private. Too many people still mistrust any knowledge of such things. You understand?"

Maurice gives a polite nod, her point making perfect sense to him. "Of course. I-I'd not have come all the way to Pyreal if it wasn't for all that mistrust and danger towards magic users."

"I have not shared any of my conclusions with anyone else except Aklo."

Aklo nodded his head in agreement, saying "I also have notes collected from my time in the field, but I feel as if addressing the concerns regarding magic would be a better first step."

She nods slightly, "Good, so long as everyone can remain discrete, everyone remains safer. Can you be more specific on these concerns?" she asks calmly.

"Yes, uh, perhaps concerns may be the wrong word, but, uh, you see." Maurice stops himself for a moment, getting his words back in order. "What I mean is, we fought and k-killed a magically gifted ogre on an expedition a few weeks ago. On his person, we found a few magical scrolls, one of which contained a strong healing spell. I know that my magic is arcane, and his was divine, but according to my understanding and the facts that I've collected over the years, I should be able to learn an arcane variant of that very spell if I just figure out all of the components."

She listens curiously, "An Ogre with scrolls? Most unusual. May I see the scroll?"

Maurice takes the scroll back from his pocket, handing it to her.

She scans the scroll briefly, pursing her lips, "Crude work, but effective. You are right though, this would be no use to you.". She smiles slightly, "can't say I ever thought I'd see the day where the son of a drow comes to me seeking to learn healing. Pyreal truly is full of strange things."

"If you were offered the chance to learn such a wonderful spell, wouldn't you take it? I just want to learn as much as I can, your highness....."

She looks at Maurice with piercing eyes, "Methinks you are not quite so meek as you pretend little drowling, but Aklo and his bow both seem to trust you so I shall extend the benefit of doubt. The spell you are seeking I cannot help you with, however there is one here in town who can. I shall enquire as to whether that person is willing to help you in this matter." With that she hands the scroll back to Maurice.

Maurice shrinks back, not entirely certain what to say, but eventually takes his scroll. "Thank you, your highness. I promise you won't regret it!"

"Now, you had some other subjects the two of you wished to discuss?"

Aklo had kind of been startled by the idea of Maurice having presented a false front, but shook it off quickly and started collecting his notes from the trips into the field, saying "I have more information for you regarding the continent." and presenting his notes to her.

She peruses the note efficiently, asking questions to clarify anything that seems unclear. The Deathheart, the fact that the Ogres were feeding it, and the manner in which it was destroyed seems of particular interest to her. "Deathhearts are a terrible thing, I've heard of them but fortunately never faced them. They were particularly hard for the conclave to deal with thanks to their banning of the divine magic which is so essential to their safe destruction. You and your companions have done a good thing here." She also asks Maurice a few questions, about the aura. It's strength, and anything else he detected.

Maurice answers to the best of his abilities, recollecting everything he has seen nigh perfectly.

Aklo answered any questions she offered to him eagerly and honestly, still smiling, and ignoring the low-level "Not-good" buzz his bow was giving him.

Finally she smiles, "I'm impressed. You've both done well and Maurice clearly has a fine mind, I was worried when I detected the necromantic aura growing in that spot and it is good news that one of the many threats in this land has been dealt with once and for all."

Aklo was going to give a sort-of "I told you so." look to Maurice, but, he decided against it for the time being, saying "It's an honor to stand for a land that has accepted me, M'lady."

"Now, I hear you captured one of the Ogres. What is your plan for him? I imagine Sir Roschdale would welcome the chance to question one and we could all use more intelligence on the Ogre's intentions and capabilities."

"I've currently been taking care of him. He's, uh, how do I put this....." Maurice hesitates to find the right words for a moment. "He seems to have become my servant. Mr. Snips, the, uh, human with the gun told him that I put a curse on him, and now he thinks he needs to obey me. The fact that I interrogated him didn't help, exactly..... If you want, you can have him...." Maurice has fully realized the ridiculousness of the situation.

She raises an eyebrow and waits to see what Maurice is going to say next.

"I'm not asking for anything in return, your highness. Only that, if you get anything out of him, you tell me and Mr. Thorik and Mr. Badrick. We're all working together against the ogres, right?"

"This is true, and yet what would I want with an Ogre? I expect either The Countess or Sir Roschdale, or the Ironbeards would all be glad to question him. Though if Thorik was on the trip and did not claim him then maybe the dwarves are less interested than I might expect."

"Then you suggest I ask either Sir Roschdale or the Countess?"

"If you do not wish the responsibility then yes, that would be wise. You would make yourself popular with one, although possibly less popular with the other."

Maurice glances aside for a moment, turning back to her slightly more seriously. "I'm just an alchemist's apprentice, your highness. I can't keep an ogre around as my prisoner or servant. The offer for you stands, but otherwise I'll have to see that he gets put somewhere secure."

She sighs, "very well. Bring him to the west gate tomorrow, I'll speak with the other leaders and sort out what we're going to do with him."

"I will do so, your highness." Maurice bows in answer.

"Whoever handles future interrogation might do well to find someone who speaks the language of Giants to assist, M'lady." Aklo explained. "He understands some Common, but does not speak it."

She nods, "That can be arranged, but my thanks for the warning." She then turns to look at Aklo, "It's come to my attention that you do not seem to have a place to sleep. Would you like a room here in my compound?"

Aklo thought on this for a moment, before saying "I have found plenty of places to sleep, M'lady, just none that are permanent. I spent so much time in my youth in one place that I can't imagine going to the same space every night now that I have the freedom to choose where I go. That said.. If the public has an issue with my arrangement, I am willing to accommodate the desires of the many."

She smiles, "I've heard no complaints, but you have done good work here in Pyreal and I would not see you mistreated. If you change your mind let me know." She turns a far more piercing look onto Maurice, "and as for you, you too have done well so far and have chosen your companions wisely. I need more people who can go look into things for me, or just report on things they have found. If you would be willing to help me keep this land safe then perhaps you can help Aklo some more. Your abilities with regards to magic will help keep him safe and will enable his reports to be far more detailed."

"I'd not want to see anything happen to him. He's a good man."

"Apart from a few, uh, incidences." Maurice looks at Aklo, thinking back to a certain debacle with an undead monster.

Aklo did a not-entirely-crap job of hiding a dopey smile with that comment, before frowning a little at mention of the undead, saying "If you're referring to the incident with the coffin, I was trying to get a clear shot at the archer."

"I was thinking of that hidden door I opened." Maurice adds with an amused smirk.

"I hold no grudge." Aklo replied, his dopey smile returning to him.

Lady Graceling stands, "Very well, I think we have covered anything. Is there anything that you require from me? Aklo in particular has been working for me for a while. Is there anything you need?"

Aklo wriggled his nose a bit as he thought on that, before saying "I have been interested in learning some magic. But, I don't know if I have any qualifications for becoming an apprentice to any Magic-User."

Lady Graceling looks Aklo up and down carefully, "Not everyone has the aptitude for such things, but there are many routes to magical power so perhaps there are ways. If you wish I can have one of my apprentices run some tests. See what gifts you might be hiding?"

"If it's not too much trouble, M'lady." Aklo replied.

She smiles, "no trouble for me, I'm not sure Flavien will appreciate having her studies interrupted but a chance of pace will be good for her. She gets too single-minded sometimes. After you bring the Ogre in tomorrow come to see me, you should plan to spend a few days to a week here if we want to be thorough."

"I haven't heard word from my companions regarding plans to go into the field, so I'm fairly sure I'll have at least a few days of time to spare." Aklo replied with a bit of an eager grin on his face.

She inclines her head, "then it is agreed. Now, unless there is anything else I should go check on some things."

Maurice bows her goodbye, glad that everything went so smoothly. "I have nothing else to ask of you, your highness. I will see you tomorrow, when we decide about the fate of the ogre."

With that the same elf that brought you up appears at the door in response to some unseen signal. "Please, come with me. I'll show you out." he says politely, leading you back out of the compound.

Aklo nodded his head to the Elf and bowed to Lady Graceling, before gesturing for Maurice to go ahead of him once more.

2015-01-22, 08:04 AM
As Aklo and Maurice approach the west gate of Landing the Ogre starts hanging back nervously. At your approach 2 mounted soldiers, 4 foot soldiers and a covered wagon come out to meet you.

Broug takes one look at the approaching soldiers and turns to make a run for it despite your shouts for him to stop, the riders quickly run him down and trip him then all the soldiers pile on, applying manacles and dragging him into the wagon. At the gate of the city you can see Sir Roschdale and The Countess, both also mounted, waiting. As the wagon moves into the city the two of them ride over to you.

"You've done well", the Knight says, "he should be able to give us valuable intelligence on the enemy.".

The Countess nods in agreement. "Yes, if there's anything we can do for you then let us know. Which reminds me", she looks at Maurice and holds out a roll of parchment, "Lady Graceling said you would find this useful".

It's an arcane scroll of Cure Medium Wounds.

Behind the leaders you see the wagon driving away, you get a brief glimpse of the Ogre shouting in Giantish, "Please master, please, I be good slave for you. Please master, help me!" then the cover is pulled into place hiding him completely and the wagon disappears through the gate.

2015-01-22, 10:08 AM

On the day he hands over the ogre, Maurice seems to be nearly as nervous as his prisoner, having never really dealt with such matters before. Still, he is glad to have this weight taken of his shoulder, and when the Countess hands him over the scroll he was looking for, he answers in a calm and deeply thankful tone.

"Thank you, your highness. This will do a great deal to help me. I can only hope that the ogre will do as much for you."

Memorizing the Countess' words and her ability to provide this aid, Maurice does his best to block out any screaming on Brough's part, quietly mumbling only in earshot of Aklo that he hopes the ogre will be treated well enough.

A day later, back home in Luckfalls, Maurice will spend the off-time from his alchemical studies preparing a strange arcane rituals. Circles of chalk are drawn onto the floor, candles are lit all around his home, and strange herbs and components are burned as sacrifice to some power unknown even to the half-drow. And in the middle of it all, Tatle sits quietly, waiting for whatever result may come of this. With the runes and formulas detailed in the scroll, and all the information he has learned so far, Maurice is certain that he can use this ritual to master this new spell.


2015-01-22, 11:10 AM
(Returning, out of rations.)

Hunger doesn't really bother Herion as he hits his rumbling stomach in response to its desires. 'I am in charge! You get food once we reach the anchor. But only if you remain still and quiet.'

Split up from the returning party, scouting while hustling through the second treeline outside of Landing's walls, the promised drink to Snips comes to mind. (And his stomach rumbles.)

(Business Activity)
The scouting hustle ends before Rhyson's Training Hall, which is still standing. Herion sighs from relief upon discovering all employers still to be alive and well after his extended expedition parted from them.

Apparently there had been an issue with a student who didn't have sufficient funds. So a little deabt book was created adding her name with today's date, sum and adress.

Through an agreement she paid 30% on the spot and agreed to pay 20% before the last of every month for the coming 4 months.
Though this meant Herion had to cover for the temporary missing income, just like with the early months of the business.
As if on que, when handing over the 50gp from his pouch, making it emptier; 'grummmble!'

(At the Anchor)
Tearing through a steak, after a supplyment-run past the market, Herion looks around for Snips...

(The coming days)
Swordplay, runs, exercises, sweat, growth and fulfilment become part of Herion's everyday life as he spends them training at Rhyson's Training Hall.

Before Herion leaves the Training Hall, the signupsheet for Sir George Highwater - Master-of-combat 's endurance-lessons has Herion's name written on it for the current and coming week's practices.

2015-01-23, 06:24 AM
Aklo pat Maurice on the shoulder softly, saying "Ogres are tough, I think Brough can handle it. On the plus side, they might be willing to hold him until you have space to keep him as a house servant." and offering a reassuring smile. Despite his hate for Ogres, Aklo couldn't help but feel for Brough a little, whispering "It'll be easier for him if you tell him to tell them everything they want to know, and that we'll handle "Mother" if she comes." before, in a quick motion, kissing the palm of his hand and pushing it to Maurice's forehead softly, before waving and running off to go get the Magical Testing done.

2015-01-26, 04:52 AM
Lance has just finished a hard day with the training master when one of King Peter's men leans around the corner. "You're Lance right? Sir Roschdale wants to see you at his compound at noon in two days time."

2015-01-26, 06:47 AM
A trail of dust followed Aklo as he ran to the Elven Compound, skidding to a stop at the gate and waiting for the Guards to escort him inside, as they tend to, saying "Hello. Lady Graceling offered to have one of her apprentices perform some tests on me." in elven and giving the guards a wave.

2015-01-26, 08:10 AM
The guards look at each other and then one leads you through to a building at one side of the ground. He knocks and waits for a moment, suddenly the door swings open and a figure stands there. The figure appears at first glance to be a petite human, 5' tall she has pale skin and is incredibly thin. As she looks you up and down though you see complex blue markings swirling beneath her skin. She also doesn't look happy to see you. "You'd be Aklo then."

"Don't just stand there, get in here!" she snaps, gesturing with one hand. Aklo feels a gust of wind urging him in through the door. "My Mistress thinks I should be testing you for magical aptitude. Just when I was close to getting the final syllables for my new spell organized. This interruption to my research is not acceptable. Not acceptable at all."

As she talks she ushers you along a corridor and then into a lab.

"Right, sit over there and don't move she says pointing to a stool in the corner. I need a sample of your blood, your hair, your tears, and I need to take some measurements. Can you cry for me or do I need to poke you in the eye?". As she speaks she marches over to a counter-top and then turns around with a number of glass flasks and a large knife. "Oh, and there's a bit of paper in front of you. Tell me what it says on it."

The parchment is divided in half. Each half is covered in strange writing that almost seems to wriggle and change in front of you. The writing on the left somehow seems more comprehensible than that on the right though.

2015-01-26, 03:55 PM
Aklo sat without a complaint, and was able to muster up samples fairly easily, using the dwarven dagger on his belt to cut his palm for the blood, plucking a whole hair from his scalp pretty readily, and tears weren't hard for him to supply after a while, the wiggling letters on the paper helped. He focused in on trying to read the slip of paper(Applying mental faculties, if I can [roll0]), saying "I think I can kinda read the stuff on the left, but the right might as well be blank with how much it's moving..."

2015-01-26, 03:59 PM
Aklo sat without a complaint, and was able to muster up samples fairly easily, using the dwarven dagger on his belt to cut his palm for the blood, plucking a whole hair from his scalp pretty readily, and tears weren't hard for him to supply after a while, the wiggling letters on the paper helped. He focused in on trying to read the slip of paper(Applying mental faculties, if I can [roll0]), saying "I think I can kinda read the stuff on the left, but the right might as well be blank with how much it's moving..."

(Redoing Wisdom Roll for applying brain power. [roll0])

2015-01-26, 04:01 PM
(Damnit, Forums. Once more. [roll0] for Wis.)

2015-01-26, 04:28 PM
"Interesting", she says when you describe what you see in the scroll, stopping to look properly at you for the first time. "Some innate affinity for arcane magic at least."

With that comes a long [roll0] days of poking and prodding, doing strange exercises, and helping to test the samples you have given. All the time you are being lectured on the basics of magic theory and of spellcraft.

At the end of the process she sits back. "Well, that was more informative than I expected. Maybe not a complete waste of time. You have no particular knack for wizardry, but if these tests are right you have Celestials somewhere in your ancestry. It would take hard work to unlock it since it hasn't manifested spontaneously but perhaps the possibility of sorcery runs through those veins of yours."

2015-01-26, 05:06 PM
Aklo couldn't help but smile at this, bowing his head and saying "That's incredible news. Thank you very much for your time, and more information on magic than I'd have ever gotten from my traveling companions." in... Probably one of the most sincere tones Flavien would hear in response to a 3 day lecture about Spell-craft and Magic Theory. Aklo's smile only grew as he was shown out of the compound, before bursting into a yawn at the gate and stretching as he made his way out.

2015-01-27, 05:14 AM
Lance has just finished a hard day with the training master when one of King Peter's men leans around the corner. "You're Lance right? Sir Roschdale wants to see you at his compound at noon in two days time."


Lance turns around, putting away the training weapon he's been carrying with him until now and grumbling in annoyance. Of all the times, did this have to happen now? "Seriously? Urgh, what's that old windbag want now? Can't he just ask Franklin for help with whatever he wants? He's the guy who actually runs this town."

Lance is not very smart. Surprise!

2015-01-27, 07:39 AM
The man just shrugs, "No idea, we're supposed to deliver this message to", he looks down at the parchment in front of him, "Lance of Luckfalls, Alice of Stoneforge and the mayor of Durnstand. Fortunately in Durnstand they told me you were here doing the training so I didn't need to go all the way to Luckfalls."

2015-01-27, 09:39 AM

Lance actually becomes somewhat curious at mention of such a strange list of people. "Wh-what? Why? Why are all these people supposed to visit him?" He pauses, trying to remember if there's anything that connects him with those people, but fails to come up with an answer.

"You know what, forget the question. Lemme see that parchment, buddy." A moment later, he adds "Say, would you mind still going to Luckfalls? I'm on a three week leave, and the town guard'll already be waiting for their new orders."

2015-01-27, 09:50 AM
The man hands the parchment over, it just says to invite the people listed to attend a meeting with Sir Roschdale to discuss security concerns on the date that is two days from now.

When you ask him to take the message to Luckfalls he shrugs, "Sorry man, that's a 5 day trek each way. You can always ask Sir Roschdale if he'll send someone for you but I've just been on the road for a week. You were the last person on the list."

2015-01-27, 10:01 AM

Lance sighs, not happy whatsoever with the situation. "Fine. I'll go meet him, if he really has important info. You get back to the barracks, or whatever you want to do."

Later that evening, Lance will explain what has happened to the trainers, and search for someone in Landing who can deliver a message of him arriving later to Luckfalls. Two days later, he will head for the meeting.

2015-01-27, 11:28 AM

With the mountain training and his little group of followers still slowly forming Thorik spends his time in Stoneforge. The dwarf had considered talking to Graceling about the death-heart and the... kink in the lines of communication but decided against it. she would learn of the groups actions surely and Thorik desired the stability of home for a change.

In Stoneforge the dwarf would recruit the higher ranking members of his following and begin amassing supplies and tools for Dougals towerfort.

though most of his evenings he'll spend with Aylee infront of the hearth. on one evening he'll bring a bottle of fine spirits and find Haltar instead. Thorik very much sees and treats the preacher as his brother.

Two two dwarves will remissness and slowly sip their brandy, Talking about everything and nothing. One thing Thorik will ask about is if Haltar knows of any gemstones that react to positive energy.

"Much like my flail reacts ta energy I'd think gemstones tha do something simular should exist aswell, but specifics elude my memory. Dya recall anything of the sorts?" Thorik asks Haltar hopefully.

a few sips, a few topics and a second helping later Thorik will smile contently "Who'd have thought we'd be sittin like this in an actual temple... wearin our symbols openly an proud" The dwarf smells the brandy deeply before taking another sip. "Three years ago I'd never have imagined I'd find a place that'd feel like home again... Hidin in basements an backrooms has never been much of an option fer me" he peers into the last thumb of brown liquid in his cup "I've been chased out of every place I've stayed. forced ta leave behind any friends I'd make..." he frowns "...lost a few too".

he sips another layer of the brew down and smiles again "but 'ere... things are different. Aylee makes alot of tha difference fer me I think" he pauses.

"I've been thinkin of settlin down... makin this place my last stand if it comes ta it... but, I do dangerous work 'ere... I've nay illusions about tha, Tfeels selfish ta keep wantin ta make a change out there an ta fight fer our security while at the same time wantin ta enjoy... tha fruits it brings" The dwarf has a difficult look "being selfish an greedy... I sepose theres worse sins... aye?"

2015-01-27, 01:19 PM
When Lance arrives for the meeting he is immediately shown through to a large room in the compound. Waiting there you find Alice and a large burly man with a remarkably red face who introduces himself as Bergholm, mayor of Durnstand. A moment later Sir Roschdale enters the room, "Ahh good, you all got my invitation." he opens with.

"Please help yourself to refreshments" he continues, waving to a servant who rushes over to offer everyone something to drink and eat.

"The reason I've called you here is because there have been some disturbing developments over the last few months and while we do not have any police force we all run the closest thing to it in each of our towns. Pyreal has always been relatively crime free, far too many opportunities and dangers for everyone without people adding more. Recently that's changed though. There has been a surge in muggings, burglaries, and pick-pocketing incidents here in Landing. We even had someone try to hire an archer to shoot at someone over in Luckfalls. Fortunately the archer was honorable enough to report the attempt but no doubt others will be less scrupulous."

"So that's why I've called you all together. I wanted to know whether you were seeing similar problems in your settlements and also to see if we needed to co-ordinate a response. Particularly since someone in Luckfalls was being targeted although we do not know the identity of the target."

He looks around the room at that point.

Alice shrugs, "We've had no real trouble in Stoneforge. Dwarves mostly just work hard and I never thought I'd say this but the temple tends to keep people calm and happy."

Bergholm frowns, "Well we've plenty of trouble in Durnstand but nothing worth stealing and no crime to speak fo. Maybe some of our people have gone back to Landing desperate but if they have I've not heard anything of it and they've given us no grief. Things have got a little better recently now we can enter the forest again too, although no--one dares go far enough in to find the Darkwood."

They all turn to look inquiringly at Lance.

((OOC Lance isn't aware of any trouble in Luckfalls))

2015-01-28, 01:23 PM

At the mention of someone in Luckfalls potentially being targeted, Lance visibly tenses up. Could that old bastard really have sent someone after his family so far away? Has his plan to get them to safety failed? Trying to play it cool, Lance answers the question, this moment not being the right one to bring up his past.

"Someone in Luckfalls, you say? That sounds-why, that sounds pretty dangerous. Pretty bold move too, trying to openly hire someone as a hitman." He scratches the tip of his chin, recalling as much as he can about what happened lately. "Anyways, I'd think I have to go with the rest on that one. Luckfall's been pretty quiet, apart from the occasional property damage. It's a bunch of scholars and alchemist living there mostly, not the kind to cause much trouble."

2015-01-28, 05:37 PM
Sir Roschdale nods, "Ok, well at least we know it's a local problem. I'm a soldier not a policeman so beyond cracking a few heads together this isn't really my area. I might need to send back to King Peter for some constable and sheriff types.", he looks around, "do any of you have experience in Law Enforcement?"

He sighs, "My fear is that some of the scum they send over from Eronia have decided to go back to their old ways, or even worse that some of the criminal gangs are trying to set up here. I don't want them in my city."

He stops to look at you all, "Landing is the gateway to Pyreal, if we can stamp this out here then it will help you all keep order in your settlements. Any suggestions or support we can give each other on this helps us all. We might even want to think about forming some sort of joint police force."

2015-01-28, 07:33 PM
As preparations for the Siege on Durnstand wore on, Aklo found himself a moment between watching for Snip's signal and running drills with the Rangers (Who were likely to not listen to him, but, that's why the leader of the Rangers was a good ally in this preparation) to practice some of the exercises Flavien had suggested for trying to manifest his latent abilities, focusing intently on Thorik and Maurice as they moved around, but.. He couldn't focus. Stress was getting the best of his ability to clear his mind, with spiders possibly half a day out, he almost felt he couldn't... Wait... Was Thorik glowing? Was he actually SEEING magic? He burst into a fit of laughter at this, kinda clutching his head and focusing harder. Sure enough, he could see Gods Damn magic! And it was beautiful! As he continued to laugh, he got an idea, and pulled a piece of parchment from his pack and pointed his finger at it, focusing hard and making a spark fly from his finger, striking the parchment with it, and igniting the parchment, dropping it after it'd burned to his fingers. He kept his excitement to himself, for the most part, just laughter and seeing what he could do with his magic in relative silence.

2015-01-28, 11:06 PM
Herion is all over the place, trying to coordinate all limited resources the settlement posess into effective defenses and utilities. He manages to recognice a few local workers from when recruiting, browsing and planning the construction of the Martial Academy.

By becoming an example of an enduring constructionworker, Herion gathers, briefs and discusses the situation with the woodcutters and carpenters. Carefully (as to not step on anyones toes), he apoints and distributes them accordingly to Aklo's firewall idea, Thorik's multiple ideas, and into searchunits, sweeping the houses for useful resources.

Furnitures and any available lumber laying around combined with their efforts produces enough barricades to supplement the creative minds of the party.
Later on, as Thorik has laid out the plans to position the barricades, all aids to form an inner defensive circle of the barricades.

Unsatisfied with the number of layered defenses, Herion follows this up with a final sweep through the houses, gathering the last 5 tables, all mattresses and beds.
Now fliped, the tables form the first available wall, for when the gate bursts.
Placed below the walls lies the mattresses filling the landing-function of the archers regroup-plan.
As a final preperation, but just as important, the gate gets reinforced.

All around, the townsfolk prepares and organize themselves. Some getting themselves battleready, forming a militia and others gathering their loved and deer ones to buckle up, all together, in the selected stronghold.

Eventually, the Rangers are organized into 7 units, with Aklo as commando-leader.
Through tactics and possibly equiped with some of Aklo's powerful ammunition, Herion finds no way of further improving their odds and turns his attention towards the less experienced militia.
Asking himself; 'What are they doing?'
Trying to get a feel on the morale through actively easying their burden by giving a hand.

2015-01-29, 03:31 AM
Herion is all over the place, trying to coordinate all limited resources the settlement posess into effective defenses and utilities. He manages to recognice a few local workers from when recruiting, browsing and planning the construction of the Martial Academy.

By becoming an example of an enduring constructionworker, Herion gathers, briefs and discusses the situation with the woodcutters and carpenters. Carefully (as to not step on anyones toes), he apoints and distributes them accordingly to Aklo's firewall idea, Thorik's multiple ideas, and into searchunits, sweeping the houses for useful resources.

Furnitures and any available lumber laying around combined with their efforts produces enough barricades to supplement the creative minds of the party.
Later on, as Thorik has laid out the plans to position the barricades, all aids to form an inner defensive circle of the barricades.

Unsatisfied with the number of layered defenses, Herion follows this up with a final sweep through the houses, gathering the last 5 tables, all mattresses and beds.
Now fliped, the tables form the first available wall, for when the gate bursts.
Placed below the walls lies the mattresses filling the landing-function of the archers regroup-plan.
As a final preperation, but just as important, the gate gets reinforced.

All around, the townsfolk prepares and organize themselves. Some getting themselves battleready, forming a militia and others gathering their loved and deer ones to buckle up, all together, in the selected stronghold.

Eventually, the Rangers are organized into 7 units, with Aklo as commando-leader.
Through tactics and possibly equiped with some of Aklo's powerful ammunition, Herion finds no way of further improving their odds and turns his attention towards the less experienced militia.
Asking himself; 'What are they doing?'
Trying to get a feel on the morale through actively easying their burden by giving a hand.

While the Head Ranger is up on the wall, watching for Snips' signal, Aklo makes his way over to Herion, saying "Maybe you should take it a little easier, these people are used to working for a living, and we'll need our strength for the fight." and patting him on the shoulder, offering to ease his burden some and looking out for potential to raise morale. Aklo himself wasn't hopeful for the situation, but he'd be damned if he'd be the one to let these people die without fighting Tooth and Nail to prevent it.

Aklo then took the opportunity to run some more drills with the archers, making sure the Crossbowmen have the timing for using the flaming rag bolts JUST right, and that the Bowmen have the timing for their own flaming arrows absolutely perfect. They're outnumbered, likely improperly equipped for this fight, but, they won't be fighting unprepared.

2015-01-29, 09:15 AM
While the Head Ranger is up on the wall, watching for Snips' signal, Aklo makes his way over to Herion, saying "Maybe you should take it a little easier, these people are used to working for a living, and we'll need our strength for the fight." and patting him on the shoulder, offering to ease his burden some and looking out for potential to raise morale. Aklo himself wasn't hopeful for the situation, but he'd be damned if he'd be the one to let these people die without fighting Tooth and Nail to prevent it.

Herion's body shakes with discomfort by Aklo's touch. Being so worked up and tense, expecting a combat situation. But instead seeing a friend, he listens but still can't really loosen up.
"Yes they are used to be working for a living but that could be a"..
Herion reconsiders saying 'problem' as to not make it sound as if it would be out of their hand, saying: ..."an issue!"
With a gathered tone but sounding just as alarmed Herion whispers back: "Are they used to working for their lives?"

He takes a pause, a moment to collect his thoughts.
Sighing, half regretting the decision he made, he adds: "We'v gotten Thorik's inner barricade up and while the gate was being reinforced I sent a few of the workers to get some sleep, telling the rest to also get into the stronghold once the reinforcement would be complete. Only Tydhia and Ghando remains, you know, searching for additional uses of their skills."

Herion swallows a chunk of air and continues:
"I think they will bunker up after circling the wall, possibly aiding Thorik if he has any last minute ideas."

Herion finaly interprets Aklo's inquiring look which seem to say; 'and what about you?'

"Iii.. Uh, planned to rest after inspiring Durnstand's militia. You know, telling them something like.."
Herion takes a massive breath, stretching himself into an even taller figure, standing as anchored as a tree to the ground. "Durnstand, your homes, lives and families are here. If this is not something worth defending and fight 'till we drop for, what is?"
He then relaxes back to a more normal posture.
"Then, I would have added something about this being bigger than theirselves and to work as a team. We are all in this together. And it is not over until one minute after the last spider drops."
Smiling. "Heh, and ya know, some more cheesy stuff I heard from when our Lucerne Tribe was attacked. But that is for another time. Here, you take care of them, then come and rest with me. You are right, we will need all the energy we can get."

2015-01-29, 09:25 AM
Sir Roschdale nods, "Ok, well at least we know it's a local problem. I'm a soldier not a policeman so beyond cracking a few heads together this isn't really my area. I might need to send back to King Peter for some constable and sheriff types.", he looks around, "do any of you have experience in Law Enforcement?"

He sighs, "My fear is that some of the scum they send over from Eronia have decided to go back to their old ways, or even worse that some of the criminal gangs are trying to set up here. I don't want them in my city."

He stops to look at you all, "Landing is the gateway to Pyreal, if we can stamp this out here then it will help you all keep order in your settlements. Any suggestions or support we can give each other on this helps us all. We might even want to think about forming some sort of joint police force."


"Well, I've only been doing this for the last few years. Been a way to ensure that the towns stay peaceful." Lance tries to play over any awkwardness on his part as he continues, still worried about his family. "But heck, a joint force to take down any gangs that might be rising up sounds like a fancy thing! We'd need to coordinate our efforts, of course. Have messengers give regular reports, and enough boys on hand to deploy where we need them. And at the very least, we should keep each other informed at every step. Speaking of which,"

He stops himself from talking for a second, looking over at Roschdale directly. "About that, eh, guy who tried to hire that archer. You don't mind telling me that archer's name, do ya? I've got a few questions for him. And not the happy 'what was your day like' kind. If possible, I'd like to get to the bottom of that particular threat."

2015-01-29, 09:35 AM
"Heh, and ya know, some more cheesy stuff I heard from when our Lucerne Tribe was attacked. But that is for another time. Here, you take care of them, then come and rest with me. You are right, we will need all the energy we can get."

Aklo shook his head a bit, saying "All I've been doing is the stuff I always do, jumping on walls, watching, shooting. I can practically do this in my sleep.. The most stressful part is keeping my panic to myself, to be honest. Meanwhile, you've been out here busting your hump. I'm as ready as I'll get for the battle, and I need to keep an eye out for Snips' signal." and offering a reassuring smile to Herion, adding "Besides, if anyone is qualified to smash spiders that get too close to the civilians, it's you." with a chuckle, which quickly dropped off into a shaky sigh as his nerves started getting the best of him, a mumbled "If ever there was a time for me to drink, this would be it..." escaping as he jogged around to see how preparations were going for himself.

2015-01-29, 10:28 AM
Sir Roschdale nods, "I thought you would, it being against someone at your settlement after all. Guys name is Aklo, he's a half elven vagabond, no fixed address but he's got a pretty distinctive bow, golden wood with wire wrapped around it. Seems someone tried to hire him to shoot at someone in Stoneforge, he refused and reported the attempt immediately to my guards here."

Asking around after the meeting Lance easily discovers that Aklo accompanied a group to Durnstand a few days previously.

2015-01-29, 10:45 AM

after making sure the last minute defensive works have been put in motion the dwarf gathered some soot from the local forge and recluses himself in the mayors office for a couple of hours. leaving the further organization of the towns defenses to his companions.

Between his own writing supplies and any inks Thorik manages to requisition from the office the dwarf will scribe two scrolls of Ironskin CL3. When done he'll summon Haltars' two apprentices into the office.

He'll give each a nod as they come in. "How are you lads holdin up?" The dwarven cleric exemplar has a thoughtful look. "Tis unfortunate the two of you are going ta get cought up in all this, but at the same time the town is fortunate ta have your aid in its time of need"

He'll slide the two scrolls forward, one in front of each of them. "I trust Haltar has teached ya how ta use the power contained within these aye?" Thorik strokes his beard still with a thoughtfull look on his face. "The power contained within these should help shield you against the trials ahead" He'll proceed to explain about the spells effect... duration and activation.

after a sizeable pause he'll say one last thing before dismissing the clerics. "it seems we are ta stand against the danger ahead... Twould be an honour ta have yer names"

He'll repeat their names "#1 You shall join the rangers"... looking at the other "and you #2, shall join the militia men" he gets a difficult look... "if the desire to sacrifice yerselfs fer yer brothers in battle exists... I understand but try ta resist it, when we win this battle we'll have wounded ta tend to... We'll need tha two of you fer that"

((ooc, the #1 and #2 are obviously their names))

Later Thorik will survey the progress on the defensive works and join Aklo on the wall. "Any signs o' an advance guard yet?"

The dwarf smiles dimly at the half-elf before a troubled look forms. "I've been meanin ta apologize about some things I said in... anger after that death-heart incidence. What I said about yer elven blood is somethin I shouldn't have said"

Thorik sighs a little. then mumbles some words and lays a hand on the half-elves back (discharging the keepwatch spell)... "Guess who'se stayin up allnight peerin into the woods with me"

2015-01-29, 01:34 PM
Aklo shook his head a bit, saying "I'm as ready as I'll get for the battle, and I need to keep an eye out for Snips' signal." and offering a reassuring smile to Herion, adding "Besides, if anyone is qualified to smash spiders that get too close to the civilians, it's you."
Herion intends to respond, sharing his doubts. Pointing out the sturdy nature, the number of legs and Dougal-like bitestrength these spiders posess.
As Aklo chuckles, Herion decides to keep his concerns to himself, not putting additional burden or worsening Aklo's nervosity.

Aklo's chuckle drops off into a shaky sigh as his nerves starts getting the best of him, a mumbled "If ever there was a time for me to drink, this would be it..." escaping as he jogged around to see how preparations were going for himself.
Shouting after Aklo Herion comforts:
"We can drink with Snips, once this is over with!"

Herion may have worked hard but he came out all rested up when jumping off the cart, walking into Durnstand many hours earlier. He redesides into cheering up the Militia before taking a strategic nap.

((OOC , taking a break until Monday here.))

2015-01-30, 08:07 AM

Later Thorik will survey the progress on the defensive works and join Aklo on the wall. "Any signs o' an advance guard yet?"

Aklo shook his head in response, saying "All's quiet thus far. Doesn't mean I'm not watching."

The dwarf smiles dimly at the half-elf before a troubled look forms. "I've been meanin ta apologize about some things I said in... anger after that death-heart incidence. What I said about yer elven blood is somethin I shouldn't have said"

Aklo gave a distracted nod in response to that, saying "I understand the distaste. All you've seen of Elves is oddness and secrets, which don't do well in Dwarven Culture, as far as I've gathered. There's no need to apologize."

Thorik sighs a little. then mumbles some words and lays a hand on the half-elves back (discharging the keepwatch spell)... "Guess who'se stayin up allnight peerin into the woods with me"

"I'd be honored." He said with a smile, now understanding what was being done and... Kinda feeling it, actually, swapping the torch at his feet for a fresh one and discharging a spark from his finger to light it.

2015-01-31, 05:31 PM
With the keep watch being broken by the Nightmare Venom Thorik and Aklo have to Sleep/Trance that night, trusting to the eyes of others to keep them safe.

Aklo feels the presence of the bow once more, and steps once more into the familiar clearing.

The statue of the young elf waits, and the three orbs stand before him.

Approaching the orbs he can see more clearly what lies within.

The Red Orb contains an arrow, trailing fire as it arcs through the sky. The Silver Orb is filled with mist, swirling. Within the mist is a shadowy form and as he watches an arrow curves into the mist, curving unnaturally through the air to find its foe. The golden orb contains an image of the bow, but glowing more brightly than it normally does.

The elf statue waits expectantly, one hand held out ready to take an orb.

2015-01-31, 07:08 PM
Aklo thought over the orbs for a moment, knowing he wouldn't have much time to consider the effects beyond what he saw... Red was fire, as he'd thought, Silver was... Apparently tracking, arrows following their intended targets regardless of obstructions.. And Gold was some sort of radiant effect.. Perhaps it was a more permanent version of the spell that'd made his arrows so effective against the undead? After a few moments more of thought, he remembered his accuracy issues, and, assuming this was an instance of improving the ever-present willow bow, he went for the silver orb, and put it in the Elf Child's hand with a satisfied smile at finally seeing this dream reach some conclusion.

2015-01-31, 07:21 PM
As Aklo places the orb into the hand the dream suddenly seems to pull back up into the sky. Aklo flies up into the air, seeing the continent of Pyreal laid out beneath him. He sees the plateau and the forest where he first found the dagger. In the dream he flies down, moving incredibly fast. He sees swamps and forests southeast, then fens, then a vast hot and dry desert. Flying roughly south by southeast he flies down towards the desert, diving down towards a huge crack in the ground. By the top of the crack he lands, looking down at the ground by his feet he sees a strange stone, dull grey in color. In the dream the stones seem much clearer than everything around them, the rest of the world starts to blur away until the last thing he sees before the vision ends is the stones.

2015-02-01, 11:33 AM
Maurice Ardelean

After his return to Landing, and subsequent encounter with the nightmare creatures caused by the spiders' venom, Maurice spends his time briefing the soldiers and leaders on the situation to the best of his abilities. He recounts everything the quickling has told him, and what his group has observed so far, explaining how the quickling surrendered to them after a particularly rough battle and how some quick thinking and a bluff on his part led to a loose alliance with at least some of the quickling population.

Further, he tells the leaders about the nightmares caused by the Obsidian Spider's bite, and makes sure to dispel any worries about further consequences in that regard. Whatever those creatures he fought alongside his allies were, they are dead now, even if they did nearly manage to kill him. And soon, any other spider with the ability to call them forth should be taken care of too.

With everything taken care of, Maurice will spend the next few days working on some new equipment. His thoughts lie on one thing in particular, a headband that could focus his thoughts more clearly and aid him situations similar to his dreamlike predicament in the future. In the following nights, however, he experiences a strange dream.

He finds himself moving through a strange, otherworldly laboratory, filled to the brim with magical wonders, as if taken right out of the pre-Pulse world. It seems strange to him, almost prophetic, as he feels an almost otherworldly understanding of the formulas and concepts behind everything he sees. In an almost blind panic, he jots down all he can see in a journal, only to eventually wake up, his memories of the dream already fading away.

And to his surprise, he finds all of the notes he has taken, hastily scribbled, on a pile of papers right next to his pillow. Where they came from, he has no idea, and Tatle does not appear to have seen anything either. But after reading them again, he concludes that everything written in them is perfectly correct and strangely insightful. Whatever the source of these notes, now it's only a matter of sorting them and binding them together. They'll be sure to be very helpful in his crafting efforts.

Maurice uses his dream to get an Arcane Family Workbook, paying the extra 50 gold from his own resources, as negotiated.

Further, he'll spend 2800 gold crafting a Headband of Vast Intellect. Assuming my Workbook gives me the full +4 spellcraft bonus on these crafting checks, the Headband will be created with a caster level of 7, so I cannot fail the spellcraft check to create it. Otherwise, I create it at the minimum caster level of 3.

2015-02-02, 05:23 PM

She doesn't want to head out into more dangers after experiencing the island's terrors. The massive frog could have eaten her up with nailpolish and all. The large creature might just have given it a second thought cause of the aftertaste and the harddigested chainmail.
The small woman shrugs at the mare thought of being all slimy inside of an imprisoning stomach.

Telling herself; 'Nope, much better to be free, with nature and ground all around', looking longingly towards the forest just outside of Landing.
'Just one final place.'

Amber is walking between pubs and Inns and has yet to confirm her suspicions as she enters a shady place. 'This out of all places should be the place to find her, if she has been stupid enough to follow me all the way to Landing'.
Amber is not wearing her normal adventuring gear but a dark tunic-like tight leather jacket with accessories fitting to her outfit. All dressed up in front of her mirror in her room at the Anchor where she has redressed herself and reconcealing her daggers until satisfied.
Disguised with a few additional items she picked up at the market a few days back, she heads in with her overall darker outfit, a mixture of a pick-pocketer's and an explorer's.

She opens the door without raising too much fuzz about herself and walks directly in towards the beer-tapper. Amber is paying no attention to the sitting 'customers', practicly treating them as air as she walks up, swinging herself up onto one of the barchairs by the counter, declaring;
"An Ale".

Though, she didn't come unprepared to this shady place.
Under her tunic-like tight jacket is her chainmail, her concealed pocket is hiding a dagger and attached high up on her left thigh sheet (hidden by the tunic-like, loose-ended jacket) rests a second small dagger.

2015-02-03, 06:02 PM

with the keep-watch spell interrupted and forced to claim a bed for the night Thorik lumbered off reluctantly to get some rest.

The next day would be bloody, no matter how hard the defenders will fight good men will be forced to lay down their lives. Even though the dwarven cleric laid down with a troubled mind his dreams however were less objectionable than the nightmare the obsidian spider forced him into.

The dwarf dreamt of Stoneforge not on fire and standing strong, of the progress the temple was making, and most of all of a certain female dwarf.

Just before dawn broke Thorik rose from the bed. the sound of small metal objects clattering on the floor seemingly falling from his chest.
the dwarf would find two magnificent platinum rings set with peculiar gemstones and decorated in fine iron bands of dwarven design.

With a furrowed brow the cleric studied the rings before tucking them safely into his coin pouch. After his morning prayers Thorik makes a vow to survive the battle ahead.

2015-02-05, 03:50 AM
In his usual fashion, Aklo had found himself a roof to trance on for the night, assuring the people of Durnstand that they needed their beds more than he did as he went up, and found himself having an oddly pleasant dream in spite of things to come.. He was young again, his Sensei finally approving the transition from a suitably small shortbow to a more proper piece of archery equipment, and giving him a small box wrapped in silk, the Middle-Aged, elven man smiling a paternal smile and patting a young Aklo on the head, before turning him around and, with a soft pat on the back, sending him off to play.

Aklo snapped awake once he'd reached that point in the dream, staring at the night sky, and the wooden walls around him, then sighing heavily... It wasn't daylight, and it wasn't even close, so he put his hand to the bedroll and stared up at the night sky, slowly reclining back, before letting himself drop the last few inches with a soft thud, and a grunt as something hit him in the back of the head, quickly gaining a quiet stream of elven curses as he adjusted so he could see what he'd rolled onto, before finding a small... Silk-wrapped box, where his pillow would normally be, and his pillow not far away. He looked the small box over, turning it this way and that, before nodding softly at his discovery, whispering "Only in Pyreal..." with a soft laugh as he put it into his pack, before returning to his rest.

(( OOC: Puzzle Boxes range in price from 1 GP to 1,000 GP, and range in weight between 1 and 5 pounds, this particular puzzle box is about 1.5 pounds, and costs 250 GP, including the cost of the silk wrapping. ))

2015-02-11, 10:42 AM
Shouting after Aklo Herion comforts:
"We can drink with Snips, once this is over with!"

Herion may have worked hard but he came out all rested up when jumping off the cart, walking into Durnstand many hours earlier. He redesides into cheering up the Militia before taking a strategic nap.

(The afternoon/evening of Durnstand's preperation day.)
With his comforting words, meant for Aklo behind him, Herion lays his ear against the militia's housewall. Trying to hear their conversations and understand their mood from the outside.
Before making his move.

2015-02-11, 03:23 PM
(The afternoon/evening of Durnstand's preperation day.)
With his comforting words, meant for Aklo behind him, Herion lays his ear against the militia's housewall. Trying to hear their conversations and understand their mood from the outside.
Before making his move.

Hearing nothing but cheerful couragous voices, Herion finds himself a quiet but easy-gate-accessable sleeping corner, falling asleep, dreaming of great deeds of the morrow.

2015-02-11, 06:04 PM
When all is said and done with the Siege of Durnstand, Aklo puts himself to work in helping restore some semblance of normalcy to the town, letting the Villagers in the Town Hall know that it's safe to come out and see that the Rangers and the Militia-Men are all still standing, saying "The good news is, we've all survived. The bad news? The Town's a bit of a mess, and the wall MIGHT be on fire... I'm not sure if it is or not." and leaving the door open so they could step out, starting to collect the mattresses and such for being returned to their owners' houses.

2015-02-11, 07:07 PM
Miraculously, Herion catches up with the professional trackers through a five minute long aimless running struggle, using the last of the Mountain's offered goodberries as part of the march to recharge through the fatigue.

Practicly running past them, he spots the dead magical spider they must have been tracking and the half-trustworthy Quickling, the party had formed a temporary alliance with against the spiderarmy.

Suddenly Dougal lowers his weapon with a threatening pose, the tension rising between him and the Quickling.
"...ring" is heard from the Quickling before he/she/it unexpectedly withdraws at full speed away from Herion's allies.
A low sweep later and the Quickling bites grass, having encountered Herion's faithful Lucerne Hammer.
A voice from below, on the level of Herion's feet speaks up: "Seems like I hit your hammer"
"Seems like you encountered eachother" Herion corrects matter of factly.

Uncertain whether he should apologize or demand an explenation he turns to Dougal for counsel. "Dougal. I am not certain what ju.."
Interupted! The Mountain lunges forward towards the prone little quickling, grabbing hold of the creature, shakening him/her/it up.
The Quickling pleads defiently "If it wasn't for us....
Shutting out the words of the excuse Herion responds when it's mouth has stopped throwing out words. "If it had not been for us, you would still be slaves!"

Dougal and the Mountain takes over the conversation, questioning the quickling or what they sees fit.

Back again from the lucky hunting, Herion aids the folks gather their matresses and supplies but is reluctant to deconstruct the barricades and improvised defenses. However, along with the general opinion of all people involved, Herion makes good use of himself and continously help carrying stuff around, after first getting hold of his caltrops and Acid Flask.

The next day, seeing no sign of a second wave, Herion hustles back to Landing, making a sweep of it's close forest-tree-line, ending back in Rhyson's Training Hall for a heads up on its current status and any noteworthy local happenings.
Learning a bit something about the murder and criminal conflicts within Landing's own walls.

Herion, Know Local: d20+1
Suniaura, Diplomacy: d20+6
Jaime, Know Local: (d20+3+1+2)
(can't roll on the phone)

Herion leaves his 'quilted cloth' with his 'special work unit'. "Perhaps, eventually.. You can sell it for more than what I actually bought it for, there should be someone knowing who I am!" with a comfident and certain look does he finish his spoken thought and idea, seeking an acknowledging comfirmation he speaks with a raising and darkening tone "..right?"

2015-02-12, 04:20 AM
Sir Roschdale comes marching into the town with 100 men about an hour later, and stop staring in amazement at the carnage before them and listening to whispered tales of men turning into dinosaurs, and plants coming to life and ripping spiders to shreds.

Some of the militiamen are already putting together a song about Dougal's charge against the mighty 30' long Tarantula, and how his spear sunk so far into it's abdomen that he had to leave it behind. How despite taking a hit that would have cut most men in two he still wheeled around for a second charge - drawing his sword and nearly splitting the monster's head in two. It's no great work of art but they sink it with great enthusiasm.

Lance and then Herion standing against a swarm of Giant Black widows to save them seems to be the topic of conversation for the Rangers, although several stop to compliment Aklo on his shooting prowess and to admire his bow.

Everywhere the adventurers go villagers are running up and thanking them, offering tokens of their appreciation, food, drink, and even a few hints of more intimate attention should anyone care to take up the offers.

I think it's safe to say that any reservations about magic that may have lingered here have evaporated...

2015-02-12, 06:31 AM

Noting the celebration for all his companions Thorik nodded and smiled contently behind the beard. He'll gather the Clerics Arbuck and Pilner to bestow some wisdom onto them. "Our work is often subtle an if there's nobody ta pull back from deaths door there's little glory." he'll survey the mood in the town "but the fact that these people can be merry and haven't got ta dig more graves fer their brothers, that's all that matters"

When it comes to interrogating the ettercap the cleric has little interest, instead saying he's more than happy to have it taken into captivity and be brought before the countess, Its her people it was attacking and the lady is best equipped to sort truth from fiction out of its words.

2015-02-12, 11:05 AM
The clerics nod back to Thorik and Pilner reaches out to clasp his arm. "Aye, a group of humans just accepted the blessings of our gods. Ah never thought I'd see the day that happened, and ahd rather have no need to heal than have people bleeding out around us or eaten by spiders. That was impressive work by you and your companions out there, tales of this day are going to spread."

Arbuk chuckles behind his beard, "We already have them thinking about building a shrine here thanks to our work. Maybe they'll just go ahead and do it now!"

2015-02-12, 11:59 AM
Aklo would probably mildly annoy people by being somewhat humble in response to the praise of his prowess, saying "Irori teaches that no matter how capable you become, there is always room for improvement, and this is something any of you can learn to do." and bowing his head to everyone who came and spoke to him in a respectful manner, giving the rangers praise for executing the plans laid out as well as they did, praising the Militia-Men for their bravery, and making a point of avoiding getting too lost in conversation about his bow. He could talk for hours about bow-craft, and he knew now wasn't the time.

When the chance presented itself, Aklo went to speak with the Clerics, saying "Thank you both for standing alongside us. I can only imagine how horribly this could have went if not for the blessings of the Gods you brought over us." and offering an arm for clasping to each of them.

2015-02-12, 01:17 PM
After the Hanging of the men responsible for the murder of Ralph, Traril found himself frequenting the Taverns of Landing ("In search a' trouble." He claimed.) getting fairly loaded and meandering through the town with a drunken ease to him, in search for wanted posters or other such indications that a standing society was aware that there was criminal element hiding in their day-to-day life. (Although obviously not in such flowery language, more along the lines of "Some clue that there's criminals in dis 'ere town, under their noses.. Jus' waitin' ta strike.") An occasional mumble of "Damn fools dun have a hint a' knowledge 'bout what's goes on."

2015-02-12, 03:42 PM
In rather stark contrast to how most of his friends act about their achievements during the battle, Lance does not let anything hamper his own boasting and celebration. At the very least, he seems to be just as boastful about the achievements of others as he is about his own, and is quick to join in on the crafting of Dougal's ballad.

However, once he is certain that the captured Ettercap is securely locked up, and that Roschdale's men have fortified everything securely, and he has grabbed one of those Cloaks of Resistance for himself, he'll wave everyone goodbye. Any questions from the people of Durnstand or Roschdale's men he'll answer with "I've got a little matter of security to look after back in Landing. If anyone needs me, or wants to buy me a drink, they can find me there." before making his way back to Landing.

2015-02-13, 08:23 AM
Dougal Badrick
Holding up the Quickling

"I have no patience for this. I killed the spider, it is mine by right. Hand it over or die."

Intimidate: [roll0]

If the intimidate fails or the Quickling tries to stall or escape I cut it's head off.

2015-02-13, 08:31 AM
The Quickling glances nervously back and forth, "Of course, of course. I was just keeping it safe. Here you go.". He hands over the ring. "I'll go now ok? Tell the others what happened here. We'll find out what the other spiders are doing and let you know, yes? Maybe you come hunt the other nightmare spider?"

With that the Quickling wriggles free and runs away.

The ring is a plain silver band with a 1-inch diameter pentagon made of green crystal set into it.

2015-02-13, 08:35 AM
Dougal and the others return to camp, carrying the silver ring and cloak from the final Aranea. While people go to work hauling giant spider carcases into a pile away from the river for burning Sir Roschdale finds Dougal. "Lets take a ride", he suggests, "I've got some news to discuss".

Once the two of you are away from the people in the village and riding your horses through the grasslands he seems to relax a little, "That must have been a serious battle, I'm glad you and the others were here as I really don't see the town standing without you. That Tarantula! I've never seen anything like that and I've hunted some pretty big monsters in my time!"

He sighs, "The Countess was perhaps unwise to pull people back from Durnstand to prepare for this new keep of yours, but I can see why she did it. We'd no idea the spiders could mount an attack like this and we don't have enough people to be everywhere at once. I'm starting to think you are right that we need this order of yours, a more organized force that can be proactive and keep the threats a safe distance away from our homes."

"I didn't ask you away from curious ears and wagging tongues talk about that though. We extracted some very interesting information from that Ogre you handed over to us. Very interesting indeed. It sees you guys have this 'Copper Tribe' in a bad state, they've lost a lot of people and are scared about the other tribes finding out that they are weakened. They are moving a large force up to those towers where you have already fought and they plan to fortify the towers themselves."

He stops and grins a vindictive grin, "However they have no idea that we know about the southern pass, assuming your actions at the pit have not tipped them off. And thanks to their previous losses they don't have huge numbers, so most of their fighters will be at the towers. Their home is an old copper mine, they've fortified the entrance with walls around it and they live in buildings there and back into the mine a little. It seems to me that we have a ready-made keep just waiting for us to take it, with most of the defenders already busy elsewhere. With any luck we may even catch this Adept I've heard so much about napping."

"So anyway, my proposal is that you gather up some of your team, and lead the way, aiming to get in quietly and take the place without giving them warning enough to call the other defenders back. You get inside, open the gates, maybe take out some of the defenders. We'll bring up a strong force and occupy the place. Before they know it the ones at the towers are trapped and we can pick them off over time or just wait for them to either starve to death, make a run for it, or try and attack us while we have their own fortifications to use against them."

"How's that sound?"

2015-02-13, 06:10 PM
Herion's Gestalt Expands!

Though opportunities have been few over the last two years with Herion starting a business and Davri staying off the grid, Herion has tried staying in touch with the spellcaster who aided him craft his Battle Boots. Davri, the magical man who could make arrows and attacks deflect from Herion, without even focusing.

Since they first met, Herion has tried grasping and locating the world's magic's origin!
Being a lesser being and all, he has finaly concluded his inferior search. The magic comes from the 'unknown'!

In an attempt to attract this unknown force's attention, he has offered unorthodox physycal proofs of his faith. Herion's robust nature and exceptional constitution apparently fits like a glove with this new direction.

But the magic didn't show until he found the mask in the forest while patroling. Seeing the link between his newfound magic and the mask, he uses it as a medium, comuning with it as a morning routine.

(Two days has passed since he found it on his way to Landing from Durnstand)

2015-02-14, 11:14 AM
Thorik is just leaving Durnstand when Pilner comes running after him. "Master Thorik! Master Thorik!"

Thorik turns back to him and he explains, "The people here, they said they were going to make a shrine to give thanks to the gods for their help this day. Ah said we'd love to help and we already told them about all our gods."

Pilner hesitates then continues, "One of the carvers just came to me, very proud he was, said they had made a small model of the shrine the planned to build. Well, erm, come look Master Thorik!".

When you go to look you see a small model shrine, a few feet across. Within it are expertly covered miniature statues of the Dwarven pantheon. However in the middle of them all sits an elf in a cross-legged and meditative pose, and behind the others looms a very large dinosaur. There are even tiny names carved under each statue, with the elf named as Irori and the dinosaur as Rawr.

The carpenters are both looking at you, with eager smiles on their faces. "Did we get them all right?" one of them asks.

2015-02-14, 12:15 PM

beholding the miniature heresy the dwarf scratched wideeyed and thoughfully the back of his head, the helm crooked. as he tried to grasp the situation before him.

"well..." he begins before pausing again. he gently pokes at each figure as he shares some of its deities deeds or characteristics "You've certainly got all of tha major ones. ere" with furrowed brow he then adds "even a few extra ones it seems" he'll poke at the crossedleg elf "this isn't one of our pantheon though." he pauses again to wrack his brain "Irori... Aklo that half-elf fellow with the golden bow I'm certain he's a follower of him"

the dwarf shrugs "I see nay harm in settin a place asside fer him... maybe nay as central as you've got 'im here though, but we cannay help ya when it comes to tha teachings of 'im. You'd have ta talk with Aklo 'bout that I sepose" he'll give a fatherly smile as he suggests "I'd move him ta a small shrine of is own. when it comes ta a sense of humour I'm not certain I can speak fer tha gods afterall"

still smiling he'll motion to the dinosaur "now this is some fine craftsmanship. Though I'm afraid ta say tis nay exactly a god" he furrows his brow and then mumbles only audible to himself "though I could always be mistaken... haven't seen alot of people turn inta dinosaurs afterall"

"a monument ta a tremendous battle indeed, but a god nay..." he then adds a little conflicted "he does tie the room together nicely though..."

the dwarven cleric gives a stern nod and smiles "Tis fine work lads, I'd move Irori inta his own shrine" he then considers "and I'd keep the dinosaur... though ehm... maybe dun celebrate it as a deity an all"

2015-02-14, 01:07 PM
The carpenter smiles and nods, "Yes, we heard The Archer talking about Irori. We wanted to make a shrine to all the gods that protect us here in Pyreal. We weren't sure where the big lizard should go though. Does one of the gods have a pet? Maybe it's a pet?" with that he gazes earnestly at Thorik.

2015-02-14, 08:50 PM
With so much at stake and so much power flowing around the party, none has really questioned where all this magic is coming from.

Just a quarter after the victory, with all bodies still laying around
Eager to test his newfound power, a new world opens up for him as he detects magic! Sensing the auras all around him, this time focusing on locating any magical tattoos the creatures who are dead and perhaps creatures still lingering to life might carry.

He takes a closer inspection again before the stripped corpses are to be burned, having an easy time spotting any tattoos.

Herion searches to see if he is on the right track, learning the magical Tattoos abilities or just plainly, if Ogres carry any in the first place?
Perception: 6+d20
Knowledge Arcana: 4+d20
Spellcraft: 4+d20
((can't roll. Assuming they will camp there, he will spend 1 to 4 hours investigating this))

Seconds after putting the Ogre Adept on fire
After the party had pulled through and defeated the flying, invisible and regenerating Ogre Adept, Herion stripped the burning body of all he could get his hands on. Armor, potions and so on, even trying to save some body parts that could come in handy when crafting.

He tries retrieving:
-A potion of the regenerating Ogre Adept's blood.
-Skin from the invisible Ogre.
-And the feet & fur from the flying Ogre.
But it all crumbles to dust, eaten through and blackened by the flames.
(apparently he manages to retrieve a lock of hair, and stores it in an empty flask).

((A few of them were barely knocked unconcious, (like one Dougal charged to -4HP, did they survive?))

2015-02-15, 06:40 AM
>>----> While Leaving Durnstand <----<<

As Aklo gathered up to leave the small town, he made sure to let the people know that if his apparently unique blend of abilities was needed again, he'd be available in Landing, and that the Elves would know where to find him, bidding the Rangers a fond farewell (And forgetting to return the signal horn. He was just happy to be making his way home.)

>>----> After the Copper Tribe Genocide. <----<<

Aklo found his way over to Dougal once all was said and done, asking "If I'm remembering what I've heard correctly, there's talk of starting a Knight Order of a sort, here. And seeing as everyone else seems to have their heads firmly inserted into places that aren't meant to be discussed in polite company, I'm assuming you'll end up in charge of that endeavor. Would I be correct in that assumption?" With the fiery Ogre-murder-urge still burning in his eyes, though tempered and slowly losing intensity.

2015-02-15, 07:38 AM

Herion doesn't find any magical tattoos, he does grab a lock of the Oni's hair but the rest is consumed by the fire.

By the time the fight was over any Ogres that might have been alive had bled out, been trampled on, etc.

The next time Aklo trances he has a very pleasant, happy dream. He can't help feeling that the bow is very happy with him and with having got to put arrows into an Oni. It also shows him a glimpse of the same route as before though, a reminder that the bow could help him kill evil even more efficiently if he just got it what it needed.


Searching the compound reveals that the eastern building was the slave quarters, it's basically just a big hall with rags on the floor that they sleep on. The central building seemed to be a cell for degenerate ogres, while the western one is where most of the ogres slept.

Just inside the mine on the right you find an area that seemed to be where the Oni lived, whereas on the left you find the area where Sheenan (The Mother) lived. The mine itself doesn't seem to have been worked for quite a long time. Exploring it though the Dwarves think it would still be viable with a bit of work and could produce copper again.


The defenses are primitive and need some work, but everyone agrees that it has potential to be a well defended keep.

The Dwarves also report that there is a room in the mine with a heavy stone trapdoor on the floor, the trapdoor is barred on this side but they moved some heavy rocks on top of it as well, just to be sure.

A few hours after the fight you see a group of slaves coming up the hill from the fields down in the valley. Dressed in rags they seem to be a mix of Human, Orc, and even a bit of Ogre. They seem nervous and unsure what to do, standing a safe distance back from the keep and just sort of silently watching.

2015-02-15, 08:07 AM
The Mountain will walk out to the slaves with whoever join him, leaving his weapons behind, at his height he is scary enough without them. Walking down casually towards the slaves he smiles in his best reassuring way and waves at them, taking measured paces. " Good evening. The Mountain welcomes you back from your weary days work. The Mountain is here because the Ogres that ran this mine are dead, as is the Mage who ruled them. You are now free people, tonight, celebrate with us! "

The Mountain will give the people the moment they probably need to mutter or cheer. " If you wish to stay here and continue your trade as a free people then The Mountain and his friends will help you build real homes. If you wish to go somewhere else and learn something new, then help with be yours for the asking! "

2015-02-15, 08:11 AM
Aklo takes it upon himself to collect some sign of the death of the leaders of the tribe, settling on Sheenan's Ear and the sword of the Oni, before following The Mountain out to meet the gathering of former slaves, presenting the exhibits of death and saying "You are freed now!" in a warm tone, his volume high.

2015-02-15, 08:11 AM
The slaves just stare at them, and at the ear and sword, then mutter back and forth between themselves for a while. It seems like nothing he is saying is really making any sense to them and they are not really sure what to believe.

2015-02-15, 08:15 AM
Aklo stabs the sword into the ground, before focusing his magic on making it so he can understand the languages of the world, wondering what language they speak.

2015-02-15, 08:20 AM
The Mountain looks at the people with sadness. One should earn their keep with the strength of their own back. " You appear not to know what I speak of.. then let The Mountain tell you what it is to be free.... but first, do any of you know what it is that The Mountain is saying? "

2015-02-15, 08:21 AM
They seem to be speaking a mixture of some words of giantish, some of orcish, some of common. One of them replies to The Mountain haltingly. "We know some. You want food from field?"

2015-02-15, 08:23 AM
Aklo looks at the Mountain for a moment, saying "They might be catching... Maybe a third of what we're saying. We need to get Maurice." before handing The Mountain the severed ear, running back into the Fort in search of Maurice, actually yelling for him.

2015-02-15, 08:37 AM
" Yes we want the food from the field, food is good as it lets people live. The difference is that we will not force you to grow the food. The food you grow is yours, you own it. You can eat it, you can give it away, you can trade it for other things that you want. If you do not want to grow food then you can try and do something else. "

" The Mountain knows that it is scary to be told that what you do is your choice, to have none give you orders. If you want us to keep doing what you are told then we can tell you to keep farming, until you come to understand the choices that are now available to you. Tonight we will have a big fire and will will sing and dance, come join us and be merry. "

2015-02-15, 08:42 AM
Due to his response to Aklo's screams being to yell in fear, Maurice is swiftly found inside the mine, helping with its evaluation. Upon hearing the news that he is needed to deal with the slaves, he immediately drops everything, and heads back to the fields with Aklo.

Waving the former slaves a greeting, he tries to put on an at least somewhat confident posture, greeting them with a firmly spoken version of giantish. "Good evening, dear people of these fields. As my friend over here-" he points a hand at the Mountain. "-has been trying to inform you, the people that you've been calling masters have been killed. Uh, all of them.

As for us, we do not plan on making you into our slaves, however we can offer you work, as well as new and better places to eat and sleep. All things that you create with your work from now on will be yours to do with as you please, too."

2015-02-15, 08:59 AM
Franklin has been pondering for some time on this issue of magic so unused being sent across the seas because it is too big for use. Especially for little people such as himself. Working with Davri down in the deepest darkest dankest depths of Luckfalls (a ground floor workshop) they have been trying to change the side of items of magic to fit new wielders or wearers. They research has led them to realise that in addition to the expensive magical ingredients, they need something with the right magical properties to act as the catalyst to make the change permanent.

Thus Franklin heads off on Lucky to see the Fairies by way of Landing, having learned of a fey who has exactly what they need. If someone wants to join him, let me know.

Knowledge Nature for Atomie: [roll0]