View Full Version : Optimization Binder/Mindspy/Scion of Dantalion Help Needed

2014-11-06, 12:10 AM
I will be playing in a gestalt game soon with a:

Human Binder(20) // Karsite Rogue(1) / Monk(1) / Tattooed Monk(1) / ?(15)

The game starts at 3rd lvl and before you ask, our DM is running gestalt a bit differently so each side is effectively a different person from two planes that were smashed together creating the gestalt combo in one body. Ignore normal rules for levels disparities etc. Campaign will be mostly RP focused and interaction based with a little combat here and there. Most other characters are playing more combat oriented things so I wanted to cover the face side of the party but still help in a fight. The Rogue level is for skill points explosion at 1st level and unlocking skills, the Monk into Tattooed Monk is for the Mask tattoo that gives undetectable thoughts, alignment, and +10 Bluff (as well as basic Monk bonuses since I will not normally be wearing armor but these are not important to me, just gravy really). Obviously this build is not super optimized and that is fine with me. I just want to play an idea that I like.

Set in a mix of Oriental Adventures and Eberon's worlds, I am looking to play a person who was never good enough at fighting to be trained as a Samurai in his family, so I became the diplomat while dabbling in pact magic to help augment my "lacking" abilities. One of the other players is my adopted brother who is playing a OA Samurai//Cleric that I basically grew up in the shadow of. Think of it like a Thor and Loki growing up kind of situation.

Now I've always liked the Mindspy for fluff reasons and Binder gives access to the Dantalion vestige allowing pretty easy access to qualify for Mindspy. My questions are:

1 - Is Mindspy worth taking the full 5 levels for the buffs to Detect Thoughts abilities?

2 - Is Scion of Dantalion worth taking to further increase my Detect Thought abilities and tricks?

3 - Do the Scion of Dantalion upgrades to Detect Thoughts clash or interact badly with the Mindspy upgrades?

I have 15 levels to play around with on my second side as far as I can see so basically I could take all of Mindspy and Scion of Dan... I'm just not sure if they are worth it together of if there are better uses of the levels. Mindspy is happening one way or another though so that much is set. Perhaps Invisible Blade? IDK. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Jeff the Green
2014-11-06, 12:23 AM
This might go against your current plans, but Cabinet Trickster would be awesome. Actually, you could manage it with both Mindspy and Scion of Dantalion; it would work really well with Mindspy as it gives some new functions to detect thoughts. It would require you to be a changeling; changelings can qualify for Scion of Dantalion either by DM fiat (they are perfectly able to have human ancestors) or taking the Human Heritage or Racial Emulation feats.

2014-11-06, 12:30 AM
Sorry Mr Green but I'd prefer to keep my race shenanigans to a minimum. I'm pretty sure that I'm pushing it for my DM with Karsite so... But I'll look into the Cabinet Trickster anyways.

Any advice on how Detect Thoughts would best be suited between the Mindspy and Scion of Dantalion?