View Full Version : Battlemaster

2007-03-21, 08:44 PM
Just wondering if anyone here has heard of or plays Battlemaster. For anyone who's interested in a low fantasy text based (except for continent maps) wargame/rpg, I really recommend it. Not the game to sink a whole day in, because it's designed to be a "lightweight game," but you'll be surprised by how often you feel compelled to check it. Unlike the ton of other MMOs out there, this is entirely free to play, and it doesn't give those stupid in-game advantages that others with "premium" pay-plans give. Worth a look.


2007-03-21, 08:50 PM
The Moonseek family hopes you have a good day!

(Timarvay and Eladrel in the Colonies, Haerowin in the Far East)

2007-03-21, 09:04 PM
And the Tasartirs hope you have one as well.

(Elenar in Atamara, Linoren in SEI, Niallan in Beluaterra)