View Full Version : Magic Secrets Spell Selection Help.

2014-11-07, 04:23 PM
So, I would like some help deciding what spells to choose for my magical secrets ability. First, the situation. I am currently a Paladin (2) Bard (2) looking to the future. My party consists of a Warlock (Fiend), Ranger (Bow), Rogue (Assassin), Monk (Shadow I think), and me. Yes, you read that right, this party has pitiful heals. My paladin is a warrior scholar type, hence the paladin/bard combo. None of the following is set in stone, if I have a good enough reason to change something, I will. Here is what I am looking at. Since my DM let me invent a feat for my variant human feat to DW greatswords (with no Str added to offhand till I get 20 Str), my bonus action is pretty much taken up on each of my turns already, so I have mostly discounted the paladin smite spells as possible, but like I said could be convinced cause I've been wrong before. This is the list of the spells I think I have narrowed the list to and some thoughts on why they are there. If any other suggestions come up not on the list, I will reply with why I did not have it on the list initially to see if my concerns were valid. Thanks for the help

3rd lvl spells and below:

1. Spirit Guardians. - AOE. Unlike fireball or others, assuming it lasts for several turns, upgraded versions get more mileage out of the extra dice. The more enemies there are, the more each level of upgrade was worth.

2. Aura of Vitality - Since my bonus action is being taken up already, this would mostly be used to patch up my party for the next round.

3. Counterspell - Since I may not get to aura of protection, this will help make up for that. And helps maximize my contribution to the party since it uses a reaction. Is there currently any way to identify a spell as it is being cast so I can save this for the worthy spells instead of using it on cantrips?

4. Haste - This one seems quite good but is in direct competition with Spirit Guardians both being concentration spells. Depending on the number of enemies, Spirit guardians will almost always deal more damage, but the AC is nice. I am sitting at a 20 AC right now so I do not know if another 2 AC is really needed or not. Worth trading the superior damage for?

5th level spells and below:

1. Contagion - For the Slimy Doom portion mostly. Only thing holding me back on this one is it does not seem very paladin like to me, inflicting with disease.

2. Destructive Wave - Like Spirit Guardians, it is a smart AOE but does not require concentration. Both could be used in conjunction with one another if needed.

3. Wall of Stone - Cause building castles at super-speed on the cheap is always fun.

7th level spells and below:

1. Planar Ally - Cause in a party with pitiful heals, a paladin with a unicorn mount is not just cool, it's very very useful. If the DMG has the leadership feat in it again, and I haven't seen anything to support or discount that, then this will be unnecessary.

2. Sunbeam - Largely for the cool visual I have in my head of a paladin with a greatsword in one hand and shooting sunbeams from the other. If I read it correctly, I would be able to use my action to generate the sunbeam but then use my bonus action to attack with my offhand.

3. Planeshift - Cause traveling the planes is cool. Not to mention if we can not stop Tiamat, Im gonna need a new home :). Plus the DM made it rather clear magic items will be hard to come by. +1 armor and weapons will be purchasable in cities like Waterdeep, and one use items, but most other will be hard to find. So a Taxi service to the City of Brass may come in handy.

4. Disintigrate - Cause its probably my favorite spell ever. I know there are more powerful ones, but the utility seems to be second only to wish.

5. Prismatic Spray - cause even when you're Lawful Good a little chaos is fun now and then. Also could be handy for when you first meet the bbeg to gauge what elements he is resistant to.

6. Teleport - Cause every party gets in over their heads every now and again. Also, with no expensive material components, this would be a good service to sell to nobles and others of deep pockets. Give them say a scroll of sending, take them where they want to go and they can use said scroll when they are ready for a return trip and you can go get them. No long trips on the road dodging bandits looking to kidnap someone for ransom.

9th level spells and below:

1. Wish - This is almost a given. I may be convinced otherwise, but since this opens up all the healing spells for the lower levels, I doubt it.
2. Gate - Same reasons as Planeshift but with a little more utility. I don't know if the added utility is worth using up a 9th level slot for or not.
3. Mass Heal - Cause I am a paladin, fits the theme nicely.
4. True Resurrection - Wether or not this is justified for someone who has raise dead and resurrection or not I do not know.
5. Shapechange - An Ancient Brass Dragon that can divine smite makes me smile.
6. Imprisonment - Some enemies can not be defeated by conventional means. Like liches, for example. Best to stow them away on a demiplane, in my opinion.

Thats the list I have but I am sure I overlooked something, feels free to make suggestions, but to the list and to the proper level mix between paladin and bard. Obviously anything more than 2 levels of paladin will take away the 9th level magical secrets which is why I defaulted to Paladin 2 Bard 18. Also, I did not have many healing spells on the list because I am assuming the bard spell slots will be enough. Thoughts?

P.S. Even though I will probably have less paladin levels than bard levels in the end, (if nothing changes), I still consider paladin to be the defining class of the character.

2014-11-07, 05:21 PM
Paladin/Bard is not pitiful at all for healing. Heroism, Word of Healing, Cure Wounds, Resurrection are all Bard spells, and Bards have more slots than ever now. That being said, spell healing is also less necessary in 5E, you should be able to rely on short rests instead. Finally, consider taking the Inspirational Leadership feat to get free temp HP for everybody every short rest.

As far as magical secrets goes, personally I love Conjure Animals. You can get up to 32 wolves per cast (with a 9th level slot).