View Full Version : One Hell of an Arena: Group One

2014-11-07, 05:04 PM
It's dim; shadows dance across walls, cave walls, as your eyes finally open. The pain is gone but the memories resides. Where ever you were, you aren't there now. Your weapons, armor, equipment... gone. You're in rags and there seems to be a half dozen of you with enough elbow room to spare strewn about.

Erik Vale
2014-11-07, 06:59 PM
Zevanth groans, and then shifts with a start when he comes to, before finally quieting as his glare passes around the room, looking around for anything to get him out of these chains, or any indication of where they are, or anyone not in chains.

2014-11-08, 02:46 PM
Rokin's eyes snap open, the knockout spell finally wearing off of him. He blinks once...twice...and then sits up stiff as a board before relaxing a bit and grabbing his head and groaning out: "That hurt".

After staring into space for a moment, he stands up to check his gear, and then begins taking in the surroundings.

2014-11-08, 05:23 PM
Rokin finds no gear on his person, only that he is in clothes suited for a serf. Even his boots are gone.

He does see a male elf chained to a wall with pale eyes, a male catfolk and halfling lying about and two more humans. At least one looks it, while the female could be questionable. Maybe a half-breed of some sort. The male however sits against a wall and looks like he hasn't see the business end of a razor in months. He has shaggy, curly coal black hair and a beard to match. Compare to the others, who look relatively fresh for the surroundings, he sticks out like a sore thumb.

Erik Vale
2014-11-08, 10:43 PM
Zevanth's eyes settle on Rokin.
"So, one other is awake... Do you know where we are?"

2014-11-09, 03:08 PM
Janks wakes to the sound of unfamiliar voices. Who... Who's talking? Where am I? What the hell happened? Cautiously he opens his eyes slightly, observing the room as his wits slowly return. He plays at sleeping a bit longer to find out if the voices are friend or foe.

2014-11-10, 09:19 AM
"Shhhh! Keep quiet! We dont want them to know that we're awake for as long as possible. It might allow us the time we need to escape"

Rokin looks around moving over to see if he can shake the others awake before moving on to the unshorn man in chains. He whispers into his ear:

"are you awake? Do you know where we are?"

2014-11-10, 04:45 PM
Suddenly, the wall behind the man rises revealing an armory of a variety of weapons and armor of various sizes. What ever chains and shackles you saw were gone, as the unshorn man stands. As were the chains that held Zevanth. He moves to the weapon racks and fetches a rapier, "Do any of you wear armor? We only have a few minutes."

Erik Vale
2014-11-10, 07:22 PM
Zevanth's mouth opens then closes for half a second as he prioritises while rising to his feet.
"Yes, light chain or a chain shirt. A few minutes for what?"

2014-11-11, 12:15 AM
"To prepare..." He picks a chain shirt off a mannequin, "For combat."

2014-11-11, 12:39 AM
Sherrar was first awake, but last to stir, too busy trying to subdue the sorrow and of his defeat, and the grief of death of his most trusted companion. Eventually, though, the feline stirred and looked up, the fur of his cheeks smeared and matted with his tears. He tried to push his traumatic last memories away - of his trusted friend and steed Thealtes being cleaved asunder by a great and terrible beast, and himself impaled upon the warlord's pike, and brandished as a demoralizing banner as his surviving forces routed and were cut down by the black-hearted foe.

Standing up, the scars from that final battle still marred the feline's chest - only his legendary might and the cruelty of their captor had spared him from death... and now he was trapped in his tormentor's prison and arena. Making his way over to the armor and weapon racks, he searched for a simple but sturdy set of leather armor, and any serviceable bow. "I can take leather armor, unless they have chain fashioned of mithril," he said, voice cracking in pain and sorrow. "But at the very least, I'll need a bow and arrows."

2014-11-11, 01:42 AM
For combat? Oh Hell Janks, what have you gotten yourself into?

Hearing the others prepare for battle, Janks realizes his judgement of friend or foe will have to wait for another time. He quickly kips up from his psudo-slumber and scans the equipment racks for a rapier, scimitar, or other similar weapon and any light chain of suitable size.

"What are we fighting? Not each other I hope." He says as he the other combatants a quick once over.

2014-11-11, 04:51 PM
He moved over to the leather armors, "Mithril? Ha..." Picking one off another dummy, "Maybe if you get sponsored." He pointed to the adjacent wall, lined with crossbows, bows and full quivers of various sizes, "Over there. Load up and come over here if you want help getting into these things."

He exhaled sharply, "Hmph, not yet. I suggest you don't get too attached to one another though."

Erik Vale
2014-11-11, 07:11 PM
"Shall be easy. So what are we entertaining, assuming this is an arena."
Zevanth grabs the chain shirt, quickly slipping it on before adjusting the various straps. It lacked the proper padding, but it'd do for now. From the pile of weapons he grabs a longbow and a quiver.

2014-11-13, 05:21 PM
Rokin cracks a cocky smile as he opens his hand and summons forth a regal-looking headband inlaid with sapphires of varying colors

"We will be entertaining ourselves. I will crush our keepers beneath my boot. I'll not be caught unaware again, nor captured so easily. As for those poor souls destined to face us in the arena: woe to the conquered."

Rokin smiles, looking at the headband, before placing it upon his brow, and then snatching a light crossbow and a bolt case from the wall.

2014-11-13, 10:37 PM
Donning a shirt of chain, and holding a heavy shield before herself, the unspoken one seems to be someone apprehensive of the state of dress she's in. The dirt isn't bad, but the outfit...yeesh. Either way, she's just evaluating her comrades for now. What abilities do they have? Bow, rapier, bow...hmm. Where would she be in whatever's happening?

That remains to be seen. She pipes up, gathering herself. Her voice is calm, level...and has a sort of authoritative tone to it, like someone you would fight under in command, but also manages to be rather melodic in sound. In other words, she sounds like a holy woman. "Question...everyone has a name, right? Mine is Rachel."

2014-11-14, 12:59 AM
Raisus rolled his eyes, with a shakes of his head, "Why is it always the clerics that..."

The wall to the cell shut as the weapons racks slide behind walls and armor stands drop below the floor, accompanied by the sound of gears turning and mechincal hiss. The walls jerk back as the floor rises and the ceiling gives way to a bright light.

From the center of the large, stone gray arena that you now stand in, the roar of the crowd is deafening. Easily a hundred yards long and half it's width wide, it is flat and smooth. The walls rise several stories and the seats are filled with to capacity with creatures who populate all planes, except any of the good aligned ones.

On the east side, 50 yards a section walls rise and followed by a predatory roar (http://youtu.be/JIjNln61s4U?t=6s) that fills air and silence the crowd only for a moment.

This bipedal dinosaur's front arms seem small compared to the rest of its bulk, but its enormous head is all teeth. Covering its torso, is a shirt made up of thousands, upon thousands of interlocking metal rings and a amulet seems to be tied around its thick and powerful neck. It stands its full height as the gate closes, eyes just above the wall.

Raisus takes a moment and focuses, his rapier now emitting a soft hum and glow...

Raisus (35)
T-Rex (8)

Alright, roll some initiative and your first action.

Swift: Uses Arcane Pool

2014-11-14, 02:02 AM
Stepping forward, Rachel puts up a hand to the side of her face, making the rune of Torag glow, before pumping her fist. "Will of the gods! By my command, bring the very ground up beneath this beast!" She puts out her palm, kneeling and punching it onto the ground. Surrounding the Tyrannosaurus in a semi-circle, jagged spears of stone rise up from the ground, turning the terrain between the party and the dinosaur into a rather nice area of rough, spiky terrain.

Initiative: 27
Action: Casting Spike Stones, making eight twenty-foot blocks into jagged, horrid terrain. Every 5 feet through this makes the walker take 1d8 damage, and movement period is at half-speed. In addition, for every time it takes damage, it must make a DC 18 Reflex Save, or become permanently half-speeded for 24 hours.

2014-11-14, 03:58 AM
Having found a well worn rapier, dagger, and leather armor, Janks hastily dons his gear. He eyes the Oread curiously as he makes his preparations. "Well Rachel, the names Wilby but folks just call me Janks."

Janks steadies himself as the cell transforms and rises, shielding his eyes till they adjust to the light. Once the cell stops moving, he slowly turns around to take in his surroundings. "Whhhoooah! Thats one big, ugly bastard!" A giddy tone of excitement noticeable in his voice as the wall raises to reveal their opponent. When the beast roars, Janks puffs his chest and lets loose a roar of his own. "Come and have a taste of Halfling!" He says with a wry grin as he antagonizes the beast.

Swift: Challenge the beast +8dmg vs. target; -2ac vs. other opponents; +3 atk vs. target if it attacks his allies
Standard: Antagonize: [roll1] vs 10+target HD +Wis; Target must have Int3 and understand him (probably not going to work but Janks is excited)

2014-11-14, 09:39 AM
Rokin looks upon the dinosaur in horror for the briefest of moments before he sets his jaw.

"I'm offended! They sent in a mindless beast! ...Well, at least they gave it some armor"

Rokin turns his attention to the crowd as he begins centering himself for spellcasting.

"Suggest we spread out, and let the warriors handle keeping his attention!"

Initiative: [roll0]
Swift: Spend a point of Mythic Power to use Arcane Metamastery (Extend Spell)
Standard: Cast Extended Haste on the group.
Move: Move 60ft lateral to the group

2014-11-14, 10:38 AM
Sherrar drew his bow back, shaking his head at the suggestion to spread out. His quiver and bow illuminated with supernatural power as he nocked an arrow and pulled it back, aiming for the great beast and sending forth an arrow, transformed mid-flight into a ray of scorching wrath.

Swift action: Adopting the Stance of Piercing Rays.
Standard action: Initiating Dazzling Solar Flare.
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll]1d8+5d6. The T-Rex needs to make a DC 20 Fortitude save, or be Dazed for [roll2] rounds.

2014-11-14, 10:53 AM
"Oh, right, get out of the cleric's range! Good idea, that, why don't we all try it?!" Scowling, Rachel stays with the group where she is, after recovering from her spell. (Just needed to say something.)

Erik Vale
2014-11-14, 11:23 PM
"I'm Zevanth. And it will be interesting to see if you survive."
Zevanth looks to the cleric, his hands seemingly pushing air together before releasing it as a blast towards the animal, then shooting up into the air, disappearing.

Sorry for the Delay

Initiative: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Dam: [roll3]
CDam: [roll4]

Will then fly straight up to the roof.
Stealth [Hellcat Stealth]
[roll5] [Includes -10]

2014-11-15, 12:53 AM
Rachel immediately surrounds the giant reptile in crippling, spiky death while Raisus focused. Meanwhile, Janks has no luck antagonizing the brainless beast and his attempt is met with laughter from the audience. None the less, his challenge is met.

Even though it's just out of the ideal range, the catfolk still lands a hit, drawing oh and ahs from the spectators from the light show. It dazzles the beast but not to it's full effect. Zevanth attack is met with less hopeful results the wind is dispersed by its tough and armored hide.

Rokin arcane energies quicken his step and departs from the group while also hastening the parties.

The T-Rex, obvlious to the spikes barrells forward with reckless abandon! It tears up its sole as it covers a hundred twenty feet in a sprint and is now within thirty feet.

Now, seemingly have a deathwish, Raisus moves in with hasten steps. He gets a chunk taken out of himself for it, a wave of audible winces is elicited throughout the crowd, but he retaliates with a powerful thrust to the beast exposed maw.

Raisus 58/100
Rachel (27)
Janks (17)
Sherrar (16)
Zevanth (15)
Rokin (12)
T-Rex 87/???

Swift: Arcane Strike
Full: Charge 80 ft to T-Rex get AoO for 42 (forgot Power Attack on the roll, almost crit. Luckily, it rolled a 1) Spend 1 Mythic point for Power Attack for a 29, dealing 22 damage.

2014-11-15, 05:58 PM
Charging forward, Rachel grumbles to herself about the running. Still, though, it's not so bad - they've been sped up. "I said don't stray from the healer!" Touching her cheek, and then doing a spin, she raises her hand in the air and throws a spinning ball of silvery light at Raisus. "By the light of the gods, let your wounds be put to rest!" Hitting and enveloping him, it heals a good deal of that T-Rex to the face he just took.

Moving: 20 ft., and another 20 ft. with Haste.
Standard: Healing Raisus back up to 89/100 with my ranged Mythic Cure Moderate Wounds - eschewing Bull's Strength for it.

Erik Vale
2014-11-15, 08:41 PM
Zeventh flies higher if possible, becoming briefly visible for a moment as he launches another blast.

Hit: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]
CDam: [roll3]

Stealth Check: [roll4], moving to another spot after becoming visible so I shouldn't have the sniping penalty, just Hellcat Stealth penalty. If I can't go further up, I pick a random horizontal direction [roll5], one being towards the T-Rex, and go.

2014-11-17, 09:27 AM
Standard: Use Conjurer's Focus and 4 points from my Arcane Reservoir to summon a Mythic Hound Archon behind the T-Rex.
Move: Back towards the healer 60ft

Complex Action: Full Attack against T-Rex, +2 for flanking NOT included
Attacks: Greatsword: [roll0], [roll1]; Bite: [roll2]
Damage: Greatsword: [roll3], [roll4]; Bite: [roll5]

Also Aura of Menace on the T-Rex, which must make DC 16 Will save or be -2 Attacks, AC, Saves for 24 hours, or until he hits the archon.

2014-11-17, 01:19 PM
Janks lets loose a howl before approaching the creature. He briefly moves forwards then deftly breaks into a serpentine shuffle to close the distance.

Swift: Battle Cry: allies w/in 30ft, +1atk/+4 vs fear (morale); Can sacrifice bonus for save reroll
Move: Move to edge of threat range, tumble the rest (double move if necessary)
Acrobatics: [roll0]

If he can base the T-Rex with 1 move action

Attack: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

2014-11-18, 02:09 AM
Staying where he was, Sherrar kept the beast in his sights, focusing his solar blessings into his bow as he unleashed a volley of searing arrows at the beast.

Swift action to use Searing Break, followed by a Full Attack.
Attack Damage
[roll0] [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]+[roll8]

And, if any crit, [roll9]+15 (Does a 21 confirm?), for [roll10] more.

2014-11-21, 09:19 PM
As his wounds close, Raisus muttered, "Lucky ass reptile..."

Jank's howl invigorates the others but doesn't help him overcome the T-Rex's massive jaw and he receives its special form of weight loss. This draws another gasp from the spectators, who break into cheer for the giant reptile. Still, he is able to close the distance by exerting himself.

Sherrar rains fire and pain with two arrows, the third one clattering against its armor uselessly, furthering mesmerizing the crowd with his unique archery.

Another blast of wind buffeted against the T-Rex to no avail and the crowed snickers at the flying elf.

To the dinosaur's side, a Hound Archon pops into existence and cleaves into it with a mighty howl and an even mightier swing! The T-Rex lets out a death throe as it falls and crumbles to the ground.

The crowed is honestly shocked at how fast the group slayed the T-Rex, a mumbling silence filling the arena. Though, it doesn't last long as its flesh begins to liquefy and it stands back up! The crowd comes to life once more as the beast, with necromantic might, let's out another roar.

A voice booms throughout the arena, "IT AIN'T OVER YET FOLKS!!!"

It immediately turns and sinks its teeth into its killer, who let's out a howl of pain.

Now, Raisus charges his rapier with arcane energy and thrust, delivering a perfect aimed strike to it's tibia! Felling the beast in one, powerful thrust! The crowd is left speechless. Raisus simply sheathes his blade in response, "Thanks for the heal... It's Raisus." He quietly says over his shoulder to Rachel.

Raisus 90/100
Janks 57/104
Rokin & Hound Archon 46/78
Skelerex - 91/81 174/153

Full-Round: Full Attack, crit on the first and use 2 Arcana points to Perfect Strike for 96 damage.

2014-11-24, 12:39 PM
Rokin calls the Hound Archon back to his side, where it will remain for several more minutes

"Great shot! Given the crowd, we should guess that our foes being animated before our very eyes as the undead will continue until we are given our opportunity to escape."

"...and its still too early to tell who our captors are. I doubt any of us are significant enough to have attracted the attention of any arch-fiends. There are still too many possible theories to give any voice."

2014-11-25, 01:32 AM
Sherrar continued to amuse their captors for now, changing his stance as the beast reanimated. The string of his bow, crown of his brow, and eyes started to shine with a silver gleam, transferred to his arrows as he continued to hail death on the beast.

Swift - Changing stance to Stance of the Silver Crane, granting my bow the Holy quality and my character Protection from Evil, then I'm Full Attacking. And, this is my favored discipline's stance, so +1 to attack and damage rolls! (And CMB and CMD)

First: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]+[roll2]
Haste: [roll3] Damage:[roll4]+[roll5]
Rapid Shot: [roll6] Damage:[roll7]+[roll8]
Iterative: [roll9] Damage:[roll10]+[roll11]

If any threaten a crit: [roll12]+Relevant confirmation,
+[roll13] damage

2014-11-25, 03:00 AM
Nodding to that, Rachel watches as arrows fly past into the dead and falling skeleton. Either way, she raises her voice, calling to the crowd. "You see? That is where dinosaurs are meant to stay - extinct. The real monsters of the arena are standing here, uh...and we won! So what's your next move?" She pounds her fist against her shield, before shaking it out. Aaaagh...that hurt.

This is their arena. The more entertaining they were, the more they would survive, or at least get the crowd's support. Unfortunately...she's been cloistered a bit too long for big speeches, or big shows of strength.

A 3 on a Charisma-check, basically. >.>

Erik Vale
2014-11-25, 08:49 PM
Zevanth remains mid air, instead of speaking or returning to visibility, he instead examines the audience.

2014-11-26, 01:54 AM
The crowd laughs at Rachel's antics.

Raisus sighed at their situation, "I suggest you heal the halfllng. It's not over. We would've been sent back to others if it was."

Zevanth sees the audience is composed of a variety of beings from across the planes. Though, their is a high volume of devils to be sure.

2014-11-26, 04:08 AM
Janks wriggles is way out from under the twice dead beast in a huff. He wipes his armor and flings the gathered offal with a look of disgust and confusion before he takes in the crowd. When Raisus speaks, the halfing turns his gaze to his companions and holds up his arms to survey the damage from the bite. "It looks worse than it feels. Wait ... there's more?" He says as he pokes a finger through a bite mark in his armor.

HP: 77/104
Battle Cry: 1/6 rnds (not sure how many rounds hamming for the crowd takes)

Janks used Absorb Blow as an immediate reaction to the bite AoO to reduce the damage by 20hp

2014-11-26, 01:12 PM
Walking over, at that, Rachel takes a moment to utter a small prayer, the symbol on her cheek glowing once more. "Let the light warm all hearts, and let all aches trouble you no more..." Then she directs the ball of silvery light, letting it be absorbed by the halfling.

Mythic Cure Light Wounds, 22 HP healed.

2014-11-26, 05:33 PM
Rokin looks to Raisus, believing his advice to be sound, sets his jaw right as he was about to show off a bit.
"Thanks for the advice. I wont be caught unprepared, then."

Rokin then mutters a phrase and flicks his fingers as he weaves a set of protection spells about himself, both of which take the form as fields of force that are barely visible.

Cast Mage Armor, duration 8 hours
Cast Shield, duration 8 minutes

"Hound, stand at ready"

Rokin looks out across the arena, wondering what it is they may face next.

2014-12-01, 09:40 PM
The following round, the dino bones begin to jangle and reform into smaller T-Rexs. Also, the gate raises once more but nothing, seemingly, comes out...

Still holding his position, Raisus stepped forward, drew his rapier and landed a series of arcane charged thrust, dropping one the beast once more, "These fossils are of little concern! The true threat lies in the unseen!"

Raisus 90/100
Janks 99/104
Rokin & Hound Archon 46/78
Skelerex - A - 53/40, B - 0/??

Swift: Use Arcane Strike
Misc: Take 5-foot step
Full: Full Attack with a 27, 28, 29 (Cannot make that type of stuff up), doing 23, 23, 22 damage.

2014-12-02, 12:41 PM
"I deduced the same as well. I have a solution, but you will all have to ready yourselves."

"Hound, Prepare to slay our invisible attacker"

Swift: Spend 1 Mythic Power to use Wild Arcana and cast a spell I dont know: See Invisibility
Standard: Cast See Invisibility on myself
Move: Point out the square of invisible foes?

Ready Action to Charge at the invisible foe after it is revealed

Erik Vale
2014-12-10, 05:50 AM
Zevanth, watching the beast fall before he can react, decides to hold off on his blast, gathering the energy to throw it when an aggressor appears.

Ready Action: Throw a blast when someone new appears.