View Full Version : Interesting Trap Mechanics

Tibbit Tamer
2014-11-08, 05:33 PM
So a Kobold Player of mine had made the weirdest trap I have ever seen. First off, this trap is out in an open field. Which is a weird place to put a trap in the first place, but I guess it could be hidden in the trees and shrubs. The stats for this trap are really weird. He has little to know search DC, the disarm device DC is almost non-existent and the Reflex save is really easy to get. A cripple could probably pass the DC save. But it has a really cool design. It's supposed to take an adventurer from one place to another, but the place they start and the place they end are the exact same place. It just goes out of it's way to just transport someone from one place to the same place. One thing that is really cool about this trap is that lifts the person 85 feet in the air, very slowly, and then drops them as fast as they can. But for some reason it does no damage what-so-ever. I mean literally, this trap does ZERO damage. It doesn't hurt anybody. In fact, some people actually feel better after this trap springs. The only really damaging thing this trap could do is put some adventurers in the nauseated state, but that's not due to any poisons or spells. In fact, this trap has no poisons or spells attached to it. This trap was also really cheap too. Because of how gimp it is, this trap only counts as 1/2 a CR. so that's only 50 gold, but seeing as to how our Kobold is a master Trapsmith, he was able to reduce that price down even further to 25 gold. That is a really amazing feat, seeing as to how After reading everything I realized that our Kobold had made an 85 foot tall Roller Coaster. A KOBOLD made a ROLLER COASTER for 25 GOLD.

2014-11-08, 08:04 PM
+2 Internets sir. That's pretty nifty.

2014-11-09, 12:44 AM
So, I was inspired by a certain hilarious image I saw in the Dungeonscape supplement, and spurred on to bigger and greater things.

The characters come up to a grand door, opened by the answer to a riddle about the sun and the moon , with a complex explanation making it sound like the Staff of Ra scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. The riddle has been engraved dozens of times over on the masonry walls, in addition to a Magic Mouth popping up to recite the riddle.

The riddle is merely a decoy; towards the end, though, the text lapses into Exploding Runes, and *boom*. Blows out the walls, spraying the PCs with shrapnel...and revealing dozens of chutes. Sliding down them, hooting with primordial rage, are hundreds of bloodthirsty Owl-Bears.

Of course, nothing compares to my previous entry.

You open the door, only to find yourself confronted with a wall of writhing fur. The room is skunks, from floor to ceiling. Stacked one atop the other, it is a solid mass of skunks, filling the entire length, width, and height of the room. You can only guess that there could be more skunks in here than there are now, but it would require an equal number of the original skunks be displaced to a dimension beyond those of the physical world. As your olfactory nerves catch up to the maelstrom of sensation with which your eyes and ears are flooding, you perceive an odor man was not meant to know: skunk stink compressed, compacted, purified, and heated into a pure diamond of nausea. With the door now open, the sheer pressure of the mammalian ocean before you urges the skunks outward, filling the hallway in a matter of seconds.

Make a reflex save to avoid being buried alive.