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2014-11-09, 12:45 AM
5e Playable Modrons

I first saw modrons and thought they were the cutest things, and then after reading the Variant:Rogue Mordrons sidebar, I thought I had to make them playable!

On a Great Modron March, an occurence that happens once every 289 years, an entire army of modrons was lost to the powers of chaos. These modrons lost their connection to Primus, developing complete control over themselves and developing personalities, but losing some of the powers granted by their axiomatic creator. They become more self aware and capable of individual thought, and as such have no intelligence or charisma penalty. Some rogue modrons flee and become a part of the Free Ones, and if Mechanus sends out any Modrons to destroy the free ones, they often end up becoming corrupted and losing their own connection to Primus. Pentadrones, when corrupted, disintergrate immediately. The Free Ones mostly inhabit vast underground cities through out the material plane, or live in large cities.

Leaderless. While the Free Ones do have a society of their own, they accept commands from no one. The Free Ones have very few laws, and the only ones they have cover basic safety of each individual modron. Modron society focuses on freedom and art, and it encourages modrons to what they feel is fulfilling.

Individual Ideals. Since they have no need to eat or sleep, modrons devout their entire lives to whatever they want, whether it’s creating architecture, starting a succesful business, or creating a master piece. Modrons refer to their focuses as ideals. Ideals often change, but what a modron focuses on, it excels at.

Begrudging Respect. Modrons are suprisingly well accepted within most societies. They are hard working and focused, and are well admired by most folk. However, many artisans and specialists become easily jealous of the Free Ones with their ability to create things faster than an average humanoid. Luckily, there is no steady influx of them, so they do not completely dominate in every field.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2

Age. Modrons can hypothetically live for an infinte amount of time, but the chaotic corruption accelerate the decay of their metal parts. Most units function perfectly until about 200 years, when they begin decaying. They’re ability to complete difficult tasks becomes more and more impaired, until after a century or two, they become completely immobile. They have yet to find a way to repair themselves.

Alignment. Most of the Free Ones tend toward chaos, but can infact be any alignment except Lawful Neutral. Modrons can be incredibly kind, helping people every living moment, or they can be incredibly self-serving, willing to murder to succeed in their Ideal.

Size. Modrons are medium, ranging from 4 feet to 6 feet, depending on their original body.

Speed. Modrons have a base walking speed of 30 feet. Rogue monodrones and quadrones after being corrupted, lose the ability to fly, since their flight was granted by Primus.

Darkvision. After losing their connection to Mechanus, modrons lost their amazing truesight, but still have hints of their ability. The Free Ones can see in dim light within 120 feet of themselves as if it were bright light, and in darkness if it were dim light. They can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.

Metal knuckles. Modrons can make an unarmed strike as if they were proficient with it, using they’re strength or dexterity modifier on the attack roll and damage roll. The damage die is 1d4 and a succesful hit deals bludgeoning damage. A modron’s fist is treated as a light weapon, and as such can be used to attack as a part of two weapon fighting. A modron can only attack twice with your arms, no matter how many it has, unless a modron gets another attack from a class feature(such as the fighter’s multiattack ability)

Natural Armour. A modrons base armour class is 13 + dexterity modifier if unarmoured. If wearing armour, it is 10 + armour bonus + dexterity modifier.

Ashes to Ashes. When a monodrone l

Construct Traits. A unit does not breathe air, require food or water, and does not sleep. They repair themselves automatically, and ‘heal’ as any other creature would. They do not benefit from any healing spells however. Mending can stabilize a Modron but cannot heal it. Mage Armour instantaneously heals a unit 1d8 + spellcasting modifier. If you cast it in a slot higher than 1st level, it heals an extra d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Languages. A modron knows common and Modron.

Subraces. There are 4 subraces of Modron, monodrone, duodrone, tridrone, and quadrone. Pentadrones are destroyed as soon as they are touched by corruption, and as such cannot go rogue.

Ability Score Increase. A monodrone gaines +1 constitution and +1 to any mental ability, reflecting their hardiness and they’re embrace of free will.

Light Weight. Monodrones are proficient in the stealth and athletics due to the light material they’re made from.


Ability Score Increase. Duodrones gain +2 Strength.

Robust. Duodrones have advantage on saving throws to avoid being involuntarily moved or knocked prone.


Ability Score Increase. Tridrones gain +1 strength.

Many Legged. Due to their many legs, tridrones base walking speed is 35 feet.

Many Eyed. Tridrones eyes are superior and spread out than their counterparts, and as such gain a +2 bonus to their passive investigation and perception(visual only) check.


Ability Score Increase. A quadrones dexterity increases by 1, for a total of 3 points.

Weapon Proficiencies. Quadrones are proficient in shortbows, long bows, light crossbows, heavy crossbows and hand crossbows.

This is my very first homebrew, so please feel free to heavily critique!