View Full Version : How should I handle this?

2014-11-10, 08:17 AM
Recently, the BBEG of a campaign I was DMing for went up against the party. Unfortunately, the BBEG (Telepath 18) managed to separate one of them from the group, perform a True Mind Switch, then kill the party member he performed it on (who was in his body), resulting in a Telepath (max ranks in bluff) now residing in the party. How should I handle this, as the players don't know what happened yet?

2014-11-10, 08:26 AM
Recently, the BBEG of a campaign I was DMing for went up against the party. Unfortunately, the BBEG (Telepath 18) managed to separate one of them from the group, perform a True Mind Switch, then kill the party member he performed it on (who was in his body), resulting in a Telepath (max ranks in bluff) now residing in the party. How should I handle this, as the players don't know what happened yet?

How awesome are your players? If I were running this at my table, I would create a second BBEG (the telepath's partner in crime). I would then give the recently deceased player the BBETelepath's charcter sheet, and discuss with him/her the details of a short (2-4) session arc wherein he would play the double agent trying to lead the party to their doom. At the end of the arc the telepath would (assuming the party is successful) die, and the player would bring in a new character.

This sort of thing can be super fun if your players are down for these kinds of shenanigans.

2014-11-10, 11:06 AM
Hopefully the player whose character you killed is the deceptive sort, then you can collude with him to pull the wool over everyone else. If not/you know he'll spill the beans, you probably be left with the much less satisfying approach of cluing them all in ahead of time.

Either way though, that player should be running your telepath-in-sheep's-clothing for a while, so he has something to do at the table if nothing else.

2014-11-10, 11:08 AM
If the player who's character you killed can pull it off and the rest of the party are the type who will roll with it, having him do a double agent thing is definately a great way to create a memorable campaign.

If you know he'll blow it, or your PCs are the type who'd respond negatively to this sort of thing, you might just want to have the telepath ditch them at the first opportunity or otherwise continue what he's doing, and let the player create a new character right away.