View Full Version : (M&M) RWBY One-Shot IC: Welcome to Beacon!

2014-11-10, 02:22 PM
It's a beautiful sunny day in Vale with not a cloud in the sky, this gives a near perfect view of the Emerald Forest below as you and your future schoolmates are each directed to stand on one of the launchers by Headmaster Ozpin and the stern Professor Goodwitch. Once you are all in position he clears his throat with a cough to gather your attention "For many of you today represents the end of a long road but the beginning of something far more challenging, today each of you will be sorted in to teams that will last for the rest of your time here at Beacon. I am sure you have heard the rumors and these are correct, the first person you make eye contact with upon landing will become your partner for the next four years. Once you have been partnered make your way to the western end of the forest, the entire area teems with the creatures Grimm, do not hold back or you will die."

Suppressing a sigh at her colleague's dramatic pronouncement Professor Goodwitch shakes head, pushing her glass up in to place "We will be monitoring and grading you until you return here but we will not intervene no matter what. In the forest you will find several relics, you may return only when you and your partner have each claimed one of them."

"Now are there any questions?"

2014-11-10, 04:57 PM
Odessa simply grins as she drops into a ready position, bow raised, shaking her head slightly as her ears perk while she listens for any hint of Grimm creatures nearby.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-11-11, 12:11 AM
George stands at ready, lance drawn as he listen attentively, prepared to be launched into the Grimm infested forest.

2014-11-11, 01:49 PM
As Goodwitch finishes her explanation, Arthur takes up a ready stance on his platform, tensing to leap off as it fires for maximum distance. With his left hand, he reaches into one of his belt pouches and withdraws a small air crystal, cut about the size of a ping-pong ball. He turns it in his fingers absently as he scans the forest below. "Is there a time limit?" he calls to the teachers, holding his stance rather than raising his hand.

2014-11-12, 12:55 PM
"Not as such." The Headmaster responds "Though your time will be factored in to your grade." Hot on Arthur's heels several other students are quick to ask questions of their own before Professor Goodwitch silences them with a wave of her riding crop before the students start being launched in to the air one by one.

((No dice just yet, best landing strategy gets a hero point :smallbiggrin:))

2014-11-12, 01:47 PM
Odessa swears as she's launched into the air, but quickly regains composure, calculating where she's going to aim. Once she knows her trajectory, she fires several arrows into a tree that she'll be passing close to and, in a display of Prince of Persia-esque acrobatics, catches onto the top one and swings around it a few times to kill her momentum before clambering down the ladder she made for herself.

2014-11-12, 02:20 PM
Taking a deep breath and swallowing his nerves as the girl next to him is launched skyward, Arthur springboards off his own platform as it fires, hurling himself as far into the forest as possible. Keeping his limbs close to his body to stay aerodynamic, he clutches his crystal tightly and tries to estimate his landing site. As the ground rushes closer, he flips over to land feet-first and focuses his Aura, simultaneously raising his barrier and holding another, unshaped charge of energy at the ready. Just before landing, he forces the extra energy into the crystal, shaping the released power into a cushion of air beneath his feet; the spell slows his fall just enough to allow his barrier to absorb the remainder of the force, and he crashes to the forest floor on one knee. He allows himself a brief, self-satisfied grin before rising--that landing strategy might be difficult, dangerous, and cost him a valuable air crystal, but it just looks so cool.
Regaining his feet, Arthur turns back to the cliffs, trying to judge the best direction to head in. Well, if they want everyone to have a fair shot at getting to the relics, they're probably just a straight shot from the start--otherwise the people on one end of the line would have a huge advantage. Turning his back directly to the way he came, then adjusting his heading slightly to compensate for being off-center, he sets off at a run, hoping he's picked the right course. Wonder who I'll run into first...

Forgot to mention, this consumes one of my air crystals, so I only have 4 uses of Wind Launch left.

2014-11-13, 12:49 AM
As the panel launched him into the air, George realised his first big mistake, his lance had insufficient impulse to halt his descent. He began improvising, extending the footrests of his lance, he placed his feet there, his left hand holding onto the handle as the tip opened up, the dust infusion core firing in bursts, providing some lift.

Looking around he picked a tree, redirecting his horizontal motion towards it and as a pike like object extended from Aegis. A blade of Aura formed around the pike as he buried it into the tree, forming a deep gash as it slowed his descent to a halt. Retracting the footrests, he points the tip of the lance at the tree, firing it once again to remove Aegis from the bark and propel him from it. He lands on his hands and feet without further issue.

Getting up, he starts slowly pushing his way forward, beginning his search for the relics.

Milo v3
2014-11-13, 07:13 PM
Amber was surprised by the force of being launched, so for the first few seconds she's pretty sure she was flailing in the air. Okay, just need to land without going splat....

She opened her eyes wider and let her semblance flow out of her, for a split second everything stopped, it used to be amazingly jarring. The girl started to look at what would be a safe area to land in, repeatedly stopping time to get a better picture of her surroundings rather than having everything be a blur. It was mainly just a near infinite amount of trees, but she could see a few clearings here and there.

The time stops helped immensely, not only was amber slowly tilting her body so it changed direction subtly, but each time she stopped her bodies momentum slowed slightly. But she was quickly realizing that as she started to drop she was still going to fast, amber started spamming her semblance to a ridiculous degree in an attempt to "not go splat".

Aiming for a clearing she hit it's edge, smashing through the canopy... she probably would've landed on her feet if it weren't for those leaves and branches.....

2014-11-15, 06:57 AM
((Okay those were all great, everyone take a hero point))

Amber's collision with the canopy is accompanied by the loud cawing of disturbed Nevermore nests. A quintet of white masked beasts swooping out of the air and circling over head waiting for the young thief turned huntress to give them an opening.

Amber roll for initiative

Unfortunately for Arthur, professors Ozpin and Goodwitch are not the only ones that saw his descent and soon the sound of several more pairs of feet join his own footfalls along with the howls of the pack of Beowolves that are hot on his heels.

At the bottom of the tree Odessa finds herself in an overgrown clearing with not a sound to be heard, no animal calls or movement in the undergrowth, nothing. It's quiet, too quiet.

Odessa make a Perception check

Pushing his way through the forest George will be able to here the howl of Beowolves off in the distance, far enough away that he would be able to avoid them if he wished and continue his way through the woods, a path well traveled if the markings on the nearby trees are anything to go by.

Milo v3
2014-11-15, 08:39 AM
On instinct she started to freeze time over and over, which let her see just how many of the grim she "disturbed"....

"....uh... this's bad..."
She knew it wasn't the smartest thing to say, but the nevermore probably don't understand anyway. Ok... Need to find a way to reach those birds...

Amber glanced around to try and find a tree that she could jump up, aiming for one with branches that look strong. Immediately the girl darts towards the best tree she could find, speeding herself with her semblance, and leaps trying to swing herself onto the top of a branch.

Initiative: [roll0]
Athletics: [roll1]

2014-11-15, 11:13 AM
George squinted as he heard the sound, turning his head towards the source of the howls as it stopped him in his tracks. He began moving rapidly to circumvent the Grimm, he was confident in his skills not suicidal. As he moved, he kept a ear out for the distinctive sound of dust weaponry.

Sorry Amaril George prefers that battles be one sided.

2014-11-15, 11:15 AM
Odessa hits the ground low, ears perking and swiveling as she mutters, "Too quiet...Something's wrong..."

Perception: [roll0]

2014-11-15, 12:49 PM
Keeping up his pace despite the sounds of the pursuing pack, Arthur starts scanning around surreptitiously--partially trying to pick out the Beowolves' positions, and partially to find a good location to turn and make this a stand-up fight. No sense in just continuing on with them hot on his heels, when he could easily blunder into more Grimm and just make things worse. As soon as he reaches a suitable clearing, he plants his heels and skids to a halt, turning back to face the oncoming attack. "Okay, uglies...let's dance."


2014-11-15, 02:49 PM
Even with the angry flurry of feathers all around her and the threat of imminent danger Amber manages to find purchase on the tree branch putting her on something of an even playing field with her soulless opponents.

Getting on the branch is a move action which leaves you with your standard action

The markings on the trees become more and more frequent as George continues on his path, the sound of the Beowolves becoming ever fainter until they fade to almost nothing. Fairly soon he'll find the path terminating in front of a large and foreboding cave.

Odessa may regret those words, her sharp faunus senses quickly picking up on the reason for the silence. A few feet away from the clearing, partially obscured by the area's wild growth is the yawning mouth of a cave made even easier to spot by what is probably another student nearby. ((If there's a description of George I've missed so if you could fill that in for me Admiral?))

In a flash the mob of Grimm are upon Arthur, a mass of claws and fangs and hatred and whilst several of them merely bounce off of the protection afforded to your by your aura a pair of the foul beasts do manage to score more than a glancing blow.

Arthur make 2 DC 19 Toughness Saves

2014-11-15, 03:53 PM
As he walked, George reviewed his knowledge of Grimm as to the creatures other than Beowolves that may stalk the forest he is walking through and as he comes across the opening, he halts his walk, looking at the cave, pondering if mayheps the relics lay there.

Grimm Lore

2014-11-15, 06:14 PM
Odessa's eyes narrow, and then she grins and whistles, trying to attract Georgie's attention.

2014-11-15, 08:05 PM
"Who's there!?" George ask as the whistle drew his attention. He turned to face the source of the sound.

2014-11-15, 08:19 PM
A young woman with black hair and green eyes emerges from the brush. She frowns, her fox ears marking her heritage as a faunus as she says in a quiet but urgent tone, "Hush! Can't you hear that?"

2014-11-16, 12:22 AM
"Hear what?" he enquired, already much quieter as he glanced at his surroundings, the girl was a faunus, it would be foolish not to trust her hearing over his own.

2014-11-16, 10:58 AM
Odessa nods and whispers back, "Nothing, can't you tell? There are no birds singing, no little rustling sounds of small animals...Something big is nearby, scared them all off. So we need to be very, very quiet unless you think it would be a good idea to fight whatever scared everything."

2014-11-16, 02:19 PM
George nods as he glanced around, cursing himself silently for not noticing the unnatural quietness. "Thanks, I was actually considering entering that cave," he replied, throwing a glance towards the foreboding entrance.

"So, any idea where we're supposed to go?" he asked approaching her as he edged away from the cave mouth.

2014-11-16, 02:41 PM
Backing up the faunus's claims you know from your own studies that several varieties of Grimm are known to make their lairs in caves ranging from your fairly run of the mill Ursa all the way up to something as dangerous as a King Taijitu.

2014-11-16, 05:32 PM
Odessa shrugs and says, "I don't know. I was hoping whoever I ran into would have a clue...I guess there's nothing to do but to search for it."

2014-11-16, 06:13 PM
"Well then first order of business is to get as far away from this cave as possible, come on" George says, gesturing to her as he starts carefully and slowly walking away from the cave.

2014-11-16, 06:31 PM
Odessa nods and says, "Indeed," as she scales a tree and hops from branch to branch, keeping an eye on the forest floor and George from above.

Acrobatics Check to stay in the canopy: [roll0]

2014-11-16, 07:28 PM
"So I guess we're partners, what's your name? I've got to call you something." he asks offhandedly as he walks through the jungle.

2014-11-16, 07:30 PM
Odessa nods and calls down, "I'm Odessa. You?"

2014-11-16, 09:20 PM
"George, George Graine, nice to meet you." he replied

Milo v3
2014-11-16, 10:46 PM
The ex-thief made sure her stance was steady, or at least steady-ish, and focused on her feathered foes. Moving her left hand behind her, she gripped her mechanical staff and readied herself to strike.

Ready a standard action, to attack a nevermore that comes within range.
Attack Check: [roll0]
Damage Rank: 8

2014-11-17, 09:07 PM
Dodging and sidestepping the oncoming Grimm, Arthur is caught by surprise when the last one manages to land a solid hit, rattling him even through his barrier. He quickly moves to readjust, taking advantage of the impact to propel himself backwards, away from the monsters. Skidding to a halt, he reaches into another of his belt pouches and withdraws another crystal--a fire one this time.
"Oh, you wanna play rough?" he calls to the Beowolves with narrowed eyes. "Well it would be my pleasure to oblige!" Focusing his Aura again, he activates the crystal and raises his hand towards the pack. Fire erupts from his palm in a wide arc, which he sweeps around to catch as many of the Grimm as possible, thankful there are no trees in his line of sight to provide accidental forest fire fuel.

Burning a fire crystal on a Fire Spray--four uses left. You said there were six of them, right?


2014-11-18, 01:29 PM
The beasts howl in pain as they're engulfed in flames leaving all but the largest of the creatures incapacitated on the ground and even the one remaining looks much worse for wear, its white markings scorched almost to the same colour as its smoldering fur. With a final snarl it lunges at you before succumbing to the lingering effects of the flames

Arthur make a DC19 Toughness Check

The Nevermore attack en masse, swooping around Amber's weapon to peck and scratch at the young Huntress.

Amber make 4 DC16 Toughness Checks

Odessa'll have trouble maintaining her path in the canopy as the trees start to become very few and far between, the standing ones anyway. Trees that have seemingly been torn out of the ground are all over the place, cutting a path through the forest out in front of her and her teammate.

Milo v3
2014-11-18, 05:38 PM

2014-11-18, 06:51 PM
Odessa hops to the ground next to George and says, "Well...This is very unpromising. What do you think left this?"

2014-11-19, 12:53 PM
He went to one knee observing the area as he spoke, "Either a Deathstalker or a Goliath, though my uncle would claim that he has slain an Ursa capable of doing this. We had better move. You want to stay in the canopy?", getting up to his feet.

2014-11-19, 04:07 PM
Odessa nods and says, "If there's something this big around, definitely. I do not want to run into whatever did this, especially at ground level."

2014-11-19, 11:00 PM
"Makes sense" he replied as he started along a path that avoided the damaged regions of the forest.

2014-11-19, 11:04 PM
Odessa follows, hopping back up into the canopy, keeping an eye out for Grimm. Especially something big that made this track.

Per: [roll0]

2014-11-21, 05:46 PM
For a moment, it looks to Arthur like his spell has done the job all on its own, even better than expected--until the largest of the Beowolves comes charging through the flames straight for him. He manages to mostly dodge out of the way, but its claw still catches his barrier, dealing another rattling blow before it runs out of momentum and collapses, smoking and charred. Arthur watches it and the others carefully as he catches his breath, wary for any sign of continued movement. His hand drifts to Calesvol's hilt as the last of the flames die down; he almost feels disappointed that he didn't get to use it. Heh, don't worry, sweetheart--I'll make sure you get plenty of exercise before the end of the day.
Checking his direction again, he sets off at a run, continuing toward his best guess at where the temple is.

Milo v3
2014-11-22, 04:58 AM
Amber's aura thankfully seems to protect her from the swarms first assault... though she did feel as though it'd weakened.

"Damn it..."

Hoping she could get them before they flew out of range, she swung at the closest of the avian grim.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Rank: 8

2014-11-24, 02:36 PM
Amber's keystaff connects with its target, sending the creature plummeting to the ground in an explosion of black feathers. In reaction the rest of the flock pull back out of her reach, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

As he cuts his path through the forest, drawing ever closer to the to the relics (I never said temple :smalltongue:) Arthur may be stopped by the sight of a girl up in a tree ((Milo feel free to slot in a description in the OOC)) perched on a tree branch, surrounded by an angry flock of Nevermores.

If Arthur wants to stop and lend a hand, roll initiative and we'll get right back to that

Though our first pair choose to avoid the path of destruction cut through the forest this does not mean avoiding trouble entirely, the sound of movement of nearby evident to Odessa's keen Faunus sense.

Milo v3
2014-11-24, 06:39 PM
She was starting to get worried she might be bird-bait if she kept screwing up. Okay, a good swing can knock 'em down... With the small confidence boost she had from the technically minor victory, she decided she might be able to hit another one down with a good leap.

Athletics: [roll0]

Not sure if this is a new turn and I can make an attack now, or if I'll have to wait till next turn in the air to attack. Then again, I could fail the roll and end up on the ground or something....

Milo v3
2014-11-25, 06:47 PM
As soon as the ex-thief got within reach of the nevermore, she swung her staff at the nearest.

Attack: [roll0]
Effect Rank: 8

2014-11-26, 02:09 PM
Another strike an another of the foul creatures plummets to the forest floor, this does nothing however to discourage the three remaining Nevermores, two breaking off to attack the newcomer whilst one remains to strike at the original target of their ire. Luckily for the to Huntsmen in training their aura holds strong and the birds leave nothing but superficial and quickly healed marks upon them.

2014-11-26, 10:21 PM
Odessa tilts her head towards the movement and whispers, "Stop. Something moving ahead...Don't know what."

Milo v3
2014-11-26, 11:29 PM
Amber's eyes followed after the two nevermore who seemed to be going aw-
... nope. They're attacking someone else....
Though, least there's less chance of being pecked to death now.

2014-11-27, 03:24 AM
George nods halting as he twists the handle of his lance, the faint humming of a dust infusion weapon activating audible to Odessea and him.

"Well then we shall wait,"

2014-11-27, 12:08 PM
As Arthur dodges the swooping Nevermores, he calls up to the staff-wielding girl in the tree. "I'll take these ones down, you keep handling the others!" As the next one comes back for another pass, he shifts into a ready stance and calls up his Aura again; just as it gets in range, he releases the energy, channeling it into his sword's scabbard. Calesvol immediately leaps into his hand, and he continues its momentum in an upward slice, toward the flying monster.

Attacking using Earth Charge.


2014-11-27, 12:53 PM
The black bird is sliced neatly in two by Arthur's blade, the two halves of the creature already beginning to evaporate before they hit the ground.

((Amber's turn))

Odessa & George make a Stealth check

Milo v3
2014-11-27, 11:10 PM
"Uh.... Akay"
She turned back to face the one Nevermore, and tried to slay the avian from below.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Effect Rank: 8

2014-11-29, 04:33 AM
Once again the foul Grimm proves no match for a promising young Huntress one on one and caws in pain as it plummets towards the ground. The sole remaining Nevermore strikes at Arthur, driven by a combination of hatred and animal instinct rather than any sort of self preservation.

Arthur make a DC16 Toughness Save

Elsewhere in the forest Odessa manages to all but vanish from sight whilst George sticks out like a faunus at an SDC board meeting offering him no safety as a large Ursa lumbers in to view.

Roll for initiative!

Odessa currently has Full Concealment against the Ursa until it notices her.

2014-11-29, 10:02 AM
George put his left foot back as he braced Longinus, it's tip opening up emitting the innate hum of a dust reaction going critical. He grinned as he twisted the handle, unleashing a blast in the direction of the Beawolf.

To Hit
DC 24 toughness crit 17-20

2014-11-29, 04:52 PM
Odessa silently curses in the bush. Already the boy had attracted attention. Alas, nothing for it. She draws back an arrow from her hiding place and lets fire, aiming dead at the Ursa's eye, following up with another and another, firing several arrows at the same spot.

Initiative: [roll0]

Attack rollm using Multiattack: [roll1]

2014-11-30, 12:51 PM
With a roar the beast rears up on to its hind legs and slams a large claw down on George, its other forepaw harmlessly swatting away his attack.

George make a DC 20 Toughness Save

From her hidden position Odessa has a much easier time striking true, the Ursa roaring in pain and surprise as her blow strikes its hide.

The Ursa fails its toughness save by 2 degrees takes a bruise (-1) and is dazed

Unfortunately for George this only serves to spur on the beast, throwing all its weight behind another bone crushing blow.

George make a DC 20 Toughness Save

George's turn! (If he's still standing :smalleek:)

2014-11-30, 02:29 PM
Focused on taking down the first Nevermore, Arthur doesn't notice the second swooping down to attack from behind at the same time. Catching him off-guard, it manages to get its talons through his barrier, scoring several shallow cuts across his shoulders. They may not be serious, but they still hurt like hell, and Arthur has to grit his teeth against the pain as he turns to engage the last monster. Whirling Calesvol around, he attempts another sweeping cut at the second bird.

Another attack with Earth Charge.


2014-11-30, 06:08 PM
Before he could fire, the ursa attacked, crashing into him like a train, his aura flared up red in response but it was not enough to prevent him from being injured by the attack.

One bruise and 1/2 of a regen ready
Continuing with the blast attack

2014-12-02, 01:14 PM
The nevermore nimbly swoops under Arthur's blade, pulling back for another attack.

Amber's up!


Once again the blast is absorbed by Grimm's boney plating.

Odessa's up!

2014-12-02, 01:58 PM
Odessa curses, drawing back another volley and letting fire, disappointed in how useless her companion seems to be.

Second volley, same as the first: [roll0]

Milo v3
2014-12-02, 06:51 PM
The ex-thief closed her eyes, exhaled, and turned to see how the boy was doing.
Damn... was hoping he'd take them down fast. Though, maybe if I take it out.....

Immediately time stopped over and over as she darted to the nevermore, effectively teleporting next to the avian, and swung her keystaff.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Effect Rank: 8

2014-12-03, 02:12 PM
The last nevermore doesn't even see it coming as the keystaff smashes in to it and sends it crashing towards the ground.

((Okay this combat is over, the pair of you can get rid of any bruises you may have))


From her concealed position Odessa's blows strike a vulnerable part of the Grimm's body causing it to roar in pain. Unfortunately for her this gives away her position, ignoring George it charges towards her swiping with one massive claw.

The Ursa fails it's toughness save by 1 degree and takes a bruise

Odessa make a DC20 Toughness Save

2014-12-03, 02:46 PM
Before Arthur can get his sword around for another attack, the girl in the tree is suddenly there, bashing the Nevermore into submission. Arthur's eyes widen at her startling appearance. No way she's that fast...must be her Semblance. Speed, or something else?
He sheathes Calesvol as the monster's body dissolves, turning to the girl and giving a slight bow. "Thanks! God, those things are annoying, huh?" He offers his hand. "I'm Arthur...guess this makes us teammates, right? What's your name?"

Milo v3
2014-12-03, 07:31 PM
YES. Didn't screw it up.

She started to speak as she shook Arthur's hand, though there was a large amount of stuttering involved...
"Yeah, very Amber. I'm annoy-"

Slow exhale.

"ugh... Very annoying birds.... I'm Amber.... "

2014-12-03, 08:00 PM
"Amber. Cool. Hi." Arthur grins a little awkwardly, thrown off a bit by Amber's stuttering. Is she nervous because of me? He cuts off that line of thought before it goes further, appealing though it is. There are more important things to focus on now, and he's probably reading way too much into it. She's probably like this with everyone. Yeah. That'll be it.
"That was a hell of a trick there" he presses on, glancing at the staff she holds--or keystaff, as is now evident. "Glad it's you I ran into first if you can pull stuff like that." He gestures in the direction he'd been going before the encounter. "Think the relics should be this way--you okay to keep going?"

Milo v3
2014-12-03, 08:17 PM
"Oh thanks."
And thank god it worked....
The girl glanced down at her body, looked like her aura had taken the most of the attacks.
"Yeah I'm fine, uh, we'll keep going where you were going."

2014-12-07, 04:05 AM
Moving on through the forest Arthur and Amber will soon come upon the same path of destruction that George and Odessa found earlier. A straight line of splintered trees and rubble leading towards their prize, nearby the sound of weapons discharge and the roar of Grimm echoes through the trees.


((Daemon? Admiral? You still here?))

2014-12-07, 04:54 AM
As the ursa charged his partner, George set his lance aside and extends the pike on Aegis. A blade of Aura is formed around it as he slashes at the creature with the pike.

Oh, Sorry also heal 1
DC 22 toughness

Milo v3
2014-12-07, 05:09 AM
It's nice travelling with someone, have an excuse to not just get everywhere super fast..... even if I am going through a forest full of grimm... Which seem to have destroyed this area severely...

Glancing at Arthur,
"... I'll try and see what's slicing up what."

Darting off , amber tried to see what the commission was. Back to freezing time... :smallsigh:

2014-12-07, 01:46 PM
Once again George's blow is deflected by a swing of the Ursa's armored paw.

((You're having some real bad rolls here Admiral, take a hero point))

Odessa's up!


Soon (although that term's rather relative for a girl that can stop time) enough Amber'll come across the a Faunus and a boy wielding a sword/shield weapon locked in battle with a fearsome Ursa!

2014-12-07, 02:44 PM
((Was waiting of Ad for...Some reason.))

Odessa is knocked back by the Grimm's claw and oofs, but draws back another set of arrows and fires, aiming at it's open, roaring mouth.

Toughness: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Milo v3
2014-12-07, 07:54 PM
Appearing back next to Arthur, the thief burst into talking.
"Ursa. Big Big Bear. Two other students are fighting it... We should help... I think.. So be quick I guess."

She hoped that her going back to her team-mate didn't cause the two already fighting to be in more risk, so she tried to get back to the battle swiftly.

2014-12-08, 12:21 AM
"Yeah, definitely" Arthur agrees as Amber relays the situation. "You keep doing that thing" he suggests as he draws Calesvol. "I'll jump in as soon as I catch up."

2014-12-08, 03:24 PM
Well I was going to ask for Amber and Arthur to roll initiative however they'll just be in time to see Odessa's arrows strike true! All of them lodging in the roof of the beast's mouth causing it to slump forward and collapse on the ground like an ugly black rug!

Milo v3
2014-12-08, 05:06 PM
"Ooh kay. Maybe we didn't need to help."

2014-12-09, 09:16 PM
"Great shot!" He exclaimed as Oddesea slayed the beast with her weapon, his semblance already healing his injuries.

2014-12-09, 09:28 PM
Odessa grumbles and says, "It would be better if I didn't take a shot to the ribs." She winces as her Aura starts slowly removing the bruise, and says, "Well...Lets carry on, shall we?" oblivious to the newcomers.

2014-12-09, 09:29 PM
"Yeah, no kidding" Arthur chimes in by way of greeting, sheathing Calesvol. "Any chance you guys want to come with us the rest of the way? Safety in numbers, right?" He suddenly feels awkward as he remembers it's not just his choice to make the invitation. "Uh, I mean, as long as you're cool with it too" he hastily adds, turning quickly to Amber.

Milo v3
2014-12-09, 09:43 PM
"oh yeah, definitely... as long as they're fine with us..."

2014-12-11, 03:08 PM
The mighty Ursa already dissolving in to nothingness on the ground, the four young huntsmen turn back from whence they came to follow the path of destruction tore through the forest by forces unknown. The path itself is remarkably quiet, whilst our heroes may get the familiar tingle of their aura warning them of the presence of danger and might even catch a glimpse of the creatures of Grimm prowling around the edge of the trees that yet stand, none dare cross on to the path.

With this lack of interruption AAGO will soon reach another clearing this one dotted with the shatter remnants of plinths, whatever once stood on them torn up, trampled to dust or equally as shattered as plinths. Up ahead of them the trail of destruction continues unabated.

2014-12-16, 02:21 PM
"Do you think this is where the artefacts should have been?" George asks as he scans the area/

2014-12-16, 03:55 PM
Odessa looks around the destroyed area and says, "Maybe. Or it could be a red herring. I'm not sure."

Milo v3
2014-12-16, 08:40 PM
"Well... if it is a red herring, it's being sorta abit obvious about not being here anymore..."

2014-12-16, 09:37 PM
Arthur scans the destroyed masonry with a critical eye. "Yeah, something tells me they wouldn't go to all this trouble for a fake-out like that. They do seem to want us to find the relics, after all." He swallows nervously as he eyes the trail of destruction leading away from the site. "I think the most likely option is to keep following this...who wants to go first?"

2014-12-16, 09:53 PM
"I shall lead" George announces, going to the front of the impromptu formation as he moves foreword following the path.

2014-12-17, 01:14 PM
((It lives! I was about to take it round the back of the barn and Ol' Yeller it...so good timing!))

With George leading through the forest they swiftly find the cause of the destruction, tearing up the trees before them is a small Goliath, small by Goliath standards of course, it's easily the largest Grimm any of you have ever seen. Sensing your presence behind it the beast turns to face you and bellows, tattered remains of the relics clear to see on its cruelly pointed tusks.

Queue up your battle music and roll initiative boys and girls! :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-17, 01:29 PM
As the Goliath comes into view, Arthur falters momentarily. He's read the textbooks, of course--he knows the few minor species he's fought so far are just the tip of the iceberg as far as Grimm are concerned, that there are creatures far larger and more terrifying than anything he or his classmates have ever encountered. Of course, that knowledge has apparently done little to prepare him for actually being confronted by one in the flesh. How the hell are we supposed to fight something like that?

His immediate instinct is to run, until he notices the broken relic pieces impaled on the monster's tusks. Looks like we don't have that option if we want to pass the test... He swallows his nerves as well as he can manage, trying to keep signs of fear from showing in his expression and body language. Panic could easily spread through a group once it was sensed; his teammates must be as afraid as he is, but if he can keep from showing them his own reaction, maybe it'll help them. "That thing has the relics..."

With his right hand, he slowly draws Calesvol, taking up a ready stance against the Goliath. With his left, he retrieves another crystal, an ice one, and holds an aura charge ready to activate it. "Looks like we only have one option, guys."

Got my music right here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRpoxfdgSUo) :smallamused:

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-12-17, 10:20 PM
Odessa's eyes widen as she sees the Goliath and hops back, saying, "Are you mad? We can't kill that!" She then realizes that their relics are on it's tusks, curses, and mutters, "I guess we don't have a choice..." as she hops back and draws an arrow.

Initiative! [roll0]

2014-12-18, 04:07 AM
George observes the beast, jumping back as it turned to face them. He smiles, readying Longinus as he braced himself, the sound of a dust core charging up audible as the tip of his lance opened up, a glow visible deep within the weapon.

"MEET MY SPEAR BEAST!" he announces boldly.



Milo v3
2014-12-18, 10:24 PM
"That Thing has the relics?! I don't think we sh-........"
Noticing everyone had already raised their weapons, Amber couldn't exactly suggesting running without seemingly like a coward.

With several clicks the keystaff shifted and was in the girls hand.

Goliath is synonymous with Titan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-M58j-vzIo)
Initiative: [roll0]

2014-12-20, 07:39 AM
Amber: 33

((Amber, George & Arthur take a hero point :smallbiggrin:))

Amber's up!

Milo v3
2014-12-20, 06:47 PM
.. Kay, gotta show these guys I can do stuff other than whacking birds. Amber let her semblance flow as she closed her eyes.

Dart at trees.
Leap at branches.
Swing fully around branch.
Launch at the Goliath.

Accuracy: [roll0]
Effect Rank: 8

Milo v3
2014-12-20, 06:50 PM
Spend hero point to improve roll.
+10 if 7 to 16.

2014-12-21, 03:53 AM
Amber's blow strikes true the creatures bulk making it an easy target, though it is this same bulk that harmlessly absorbs her strike.

George's up!

2014-12-25, 05:38 AM
George finally pulls the trigger, the dust infusion core releasing a beam in the beast's direction, the recoil digging his feet into the dirt, his aura preventing him from flying away.


DC 24

2014-12-25, 12:16 PM
George's blast hits the Goliath hard, causing it to roar out in pain and charge the assembled huntsmen.

The Goliath fails its toughness save by one degree and takes a bruise

Everybody make a DC18 Reflex save then a DC19/23 Toughess save

Arthur's up!

2014-12-26, 12:11 AM
He grunts in pain as the creature barreled into him, his aura flaring yet unable to react in time to defend him from the beast's attack, knocked off his feet, he hits the ground stunned by the force of the blow.


1 more turn to regeneration, staggered and -1

Milo v3
2014-12-26, 02:08 AM
Dodge: [roll0]
Toughness: [roll1]

2014-12-26, 01:00 PM
Reflex: [roll0]

Toughness: [roll1]

2014-12-27, 09:55 AM
Misjudging the speed of the massive monster, Arthur doesn't quite manage to get out of its way in time, but does succeed in bringing up his barrier fast enough to deflect the force of the charge. Knocked aside by the Goliath's leg, he spins around in midair and comes to a skidding halt before immediately leaping back towards the enemy. As he charges, he shoves Calesvol back into it's scabbard and channels another energy surge into the mechanism; the dust charger spins around before activating and firing the blade back into Arthur's waiting hand, trailing flames in its path. Leaping up towards the Goliath's head, he aims his strike directly for the creature's eyes.

Close attack using fire charge:


2014-12-27, 12:05 PM
The beast trumpets, more in anger than agony as Arthur's blade strikes home and dust burns across its skin, and whilst it shows no sign of slowing down yet the fire continues to smolder across its body.

Odessa's up!

2014-12-27, 12:30 PM
Odessa hops out of the way of the beast's charge, then, with a motion of her hand, activates her semblance, creating the illusion of a great pit around the Goliath, leaving it on what appears to just be a small island of stone surrounded by a long drop, hoping to try to keep it from charging again.

Using my Illusion 4 power.

2014-12-27, 02:54 PM
((What a time to roll a nat 1 :smalltongue:))

The Goliath rears up on to its hind legs in panic, falling for Odessa's trick hook line and sinker, believing itself to be trapped on a tiny rocky island.

Amber's up!

Milo v3
2014-12-29, 12:37 AM
"Come on....."
The thief darts around, pausing time to boost her speed, fast enough that the goliath wouldn't see her moving through the illusion. Once behind the beast, she swung at the back of it's left knee to stun it for a second.... and opefully it wont just stomp on me after this.....

Using keystaff's alternate power to hopefully daze or stun the thing.
Accuracy: [roll0]
Effect Rank: 8

2014-12-29, 11:14 AM
Already thrown in to disarray by the sudden and abrupt change in scenery Amber slips entirely under the panicked Goliath's notice. That is until it feels a sharp pain in the back of the leg, the sheer shock of it dropping it to one knee.

The Goliath fails its Fortitude save by 1 degree and is dazed

George's up!