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2014-11-10, 07:14 PM
Stonefast was a dwarven stronghold on the fringes of human territory. It acted as a diplomatic center and as a trading outpost. During the Great Orc Wars, Stonefast fell under siege and was almost obliterated. The hold did not fall, however, yet only a small handful of dwarves remained. They sealed their stronghold and returned to their kingdom, leaving untold riches behind.

Over the many years since then, Stonefast’s location has been lost and until recently has remained a mystery. Rumors have been circulating that a white dragon named Kamro has found the place, and has made it his lair. You all have your own reasons for adventuring to this long lost stronghold.

After a few rough days of travel south into the top of the Barrier Peaks you finally see what looks like the entrance to Stonefast. The stone mountainside around you begins to close in as you draw closer to this entrance.

To the south, you see two brass doors. The one on your right has been ripped from its hinges and thrown to the floor. There are deep gouges in the metal that look to be claw marks. The door to your left is intact, and covered in dwarven runes. Each door leads into its own separate chamber.

The dwarven runes are clear to you saying "Welcome to Stonefast"

Can I get a marching order. The mountain tunnel leading to the entrance is wide enough at the moment to allow two characters side by side.

2014-11-10, 07:59 PM
"Welcome to Stonefast!" the half-elf says gaily, almost laughing. At least the dragon hadn't scratched that off, right? A nice little welcome before they stole all his gold and became heroes. Such was life.

"Let's go you mangy mule," Alvor says, slapping his pony before striding towards the already opened gate. If nothing else, there would probably be less locked doors if they followed the same path as the dragon.

"Hurry up Shaw! Last one in buys drinks when we're all done!" the half-elf shouts, knowing that Shaw, if no one else, would agree to that deal. He hardly knew the rest of the traveling group but, in all honesty, that probably wasn't a bad thing right now. While the half-elf might put off a confident facade, he knew fully well that there was a very real possibility that some of them might not make it out of here alive.

Alvor can take the front. I'd like Beeyore to be somewhere in the middle.

2014-11-10, 09:04 PM
Alastair can feel the hair on his arms and neck rise with anticipation as the doors into the long lost mine finally come into view. Incredible, he whispers in admiration. The group approaches the doors, one seemingly torn off its hinges by a beast from the looks of things. Alastair walks up the scored wall and inspects the gouges with one hand, rubbing his chin in thought with the other. Hmm... perhaps the rumors of this dragon hold some weight. Then again, he says, turning his head to the side as another thought occurs to him, it may be that the sight of these claw marks started the rumor in the first place. He steps away from the wall, clapping the dust from his hands, Well, I suppose the only way to be sure is... to be sure, he says with a wink, gesturing into the mine.

Alvor moves to take the lead. The half-elf struck Alastair as a reckless drunk when they first met, but that may have been a case of a bad first impression. Not that Alvor didn't enjoy his drink. He did. A lot. But something about the warrior gave Alastair the impression that there is more to Alvor than he lets on. That the wild nights, the drinking, and the boastful attitude hid something a little deeper. And seeing as Alvor is stepping up to lead the way into a long lost mine rumored to house a dragon, Alastair thinks his hunch may be right. He steps in beside Alvor, intent on taking any threats inside head on.

Let's go you mangy mule.

The half-orc takes a sidelong glance at Alvor's mule, Alvor, do you think there will be room for... Beeyore once we get deeper inside?

Alastair will take the lead beside Alvor.

Irish Musician
2014-11-10, 10:25 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan sat, silently, riding effortlessly on the back of Beeyore. He didn't take much room and he always packed lite so it wasn't a big deal to share the pony's butt with Alvor. He also knew the paladin was more than happy to share. Finnan wasn't used to the type of kindness that he recieved from his party.....nor the type of sharing that they showed him. This used to put him off from people and he would immediately take advantage of them, but not anymore, not since......

They reached the doors to the stronghold and while Finnan was quite jaded on seeing "marvelous things", the doors truly put him in awe. He, too, looked over the doors and followed the gashes with his fingers, seeing how deep they were. Finnan didn't speak much, but when he did it was to same something very important.....or to be a smartass. "It seems you are correct, my friend. There is indeed some merit to this dragon rumor. I not of many things that could do this to strong, dwarven made doors." Finnan pulls out his shortbow and knocks an arrow, "Well then....lets be sure." Finnan ended with his famous half-smirk. The Halfling rarely smiled, but he had this half smirk that made you want to love him and hate him at the same time. Usually people went with the former. And those that went with the latter didn't tend to see morning.

Seeming to blend into the shadows, Finnan followed the Paladin on the inside, doing his best to stay close to him at the front, in case any traps there may have been left over were in view. "Well, Alastair....if anything else we could distract the dragon with a snack." A very quite chuckle came from Finnan and that smirk grew across his face again, which left Alvor thinking....he is kidding, right?

Alright, I'd like to stay near the front and keep my eye out for traps and the like, shortbow at the ready and sneaking int he shadows.

Perception for traps [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2014-11-10, 11:35 PM

The journey had been a long one for Farhas. She however had gained much knowledge about the surrounding area and town folks that would be valuable.

Uh "Welcome to Stonefast... Kinda anticlimactic.

Farhas pops down on a nearby rock and pulls out her books, and starts to scribe every detail about what the entrance looks like and the surrounding area.

Farhas will be towards the back!

2014-11-11, 10:25 AM
Danny can feel goosebumps as the party nears the entrance of the ancient mystery, he thinks about how much stake he put into the delving of the ruin.

Whelp... here we go, boys.

Preparing for the adventure ahead he sticks to the middle and lets Beeyore lead Sherry as he takes the travel time to try and forage for some last minute provisions to bring in with the group. He tries to keep an eye out, but the task at hand takes most of his attention.

Survival Check: [roll0]

2014-11-11, 04:16 PM
I'll take a spot at the back.

'With the amount of ale on poor Beeyore here, I doubt there is any all left within 50 miles for me to make good on that bet, you drunken half-human.'

He gazes around at the claw marks, wondering about the dragon. Still, he knew about this dragon long before he met his companions, so he had steeled himself for this. He had been open with his compatriots, and had told them his own reasons for looking for Stonefast. It wasn't like he was hoping she was still alive, and he wasn't really one to live for revenge. But still, this was something he had to do.

He readies his own bow, and takes up his spot at the back. 'I tell you what friends. Whoever slays Kamro, I shall personally act out their part in a play written about this.' He winks at Farhas. 'Don't worry, I've had plenty of experience acting in drag if you kill it.'

2014-11-11, 04:42 PM
"Like you could ever hold a candle to me," Alvor says, shrugging his shield off his back. It couldn't hurt to be prepared.

"Leave Beeyore out in the cold, dark outside world that's probably full of wolves?" Alvor says in mock shock to Alastair, doing his best to sound offended. "He'll be fine. Nobody's going to lay a finger on my donkey, especially when he has the celebration kegs!" the half-elf says, continuing down the tunnel without a care in the world.

"And no feeding my donkey to a dragon unless you want to walk out of here half-pint," Alvor states, grinning slightly. He could use a pint, although he'd much prefer a full one.

2014-11-11, 05:02 PM

Farhas hand keeps moving taking notes of everything as she speaks.

Fasinating! Have you any experience with protraiting halflings? It seems as you might be a little bit too tall to pull it off. I doubt however with all these big warriors about you'll have to worry about it. Farhas smiles as her hand keeps moving.

2014-11-11, 09:55 PM
As the party exams the broken door and the surrounding area almost all are keen to certain observations that could pose alarming.

You notice that there has been evidence of orcs and goblins in the area recently.
(DC 10 perception)

As you continue forward through the threshold of the broken doorway you enter into a relatively large stone room. The room is lit only by what little light is entering in through the doorway. There are tapestries on the east and west walls, each depicting a dwarf that appears to have been an important figure. Both have been shredded by large claws. The door to the south has been busted down, pieces of wood scattered across the floor are all that’s left of it. Some of the larger pieces have noticeable claw marks on them. Beyond that none can be seen by the humans and halflings. Alastair and Alvor are accustomed to the dark and can see in just beyond the door in a black and white tint. Alvor notices that beyond the doorway extends 15 feet forward and stops at what looks like a wall.

Main Map and Room Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&usp=sharing)

2014-11-12, 09:06 AM
Oi, lads. Do-ya think the dragon got rid of rutting greenskins, or did they come after? Danny looks for any further insights in the area he can see. Do we light the torches and hope for the best or rely on big Al and bigger Al over here?

Looking a bit more he adds And where do we leave the animals? I'm sure we'll hit banjaxed cobble or stairs soon 'nuf, but this is pure dodgy hi.


2014-11-12, 02:20 PM
"I thought the dragon took it from dwarves?" Alvor almost states as much as he asks, slowly drawing his rapier. "I'm going to guess they're an after-effect of having a big nasty dragon here, personally. Yo, Shaw, can orcs see in the dark?" the half-elf says a bit above a whisper. "If they can, may as well light it up. If not, just rely on the Du-Als," the half-elf says, stretching the word to sound like "dual."

"If it gets too dodgy we'll light up for the animals. Otherwise the dark helps us," the half-elf says, scanning the dark with his superior eyes. "Looks like a dead end up ahead anyways. I'll go check it out though," the half-elf mutters, creeping closer to the apparent wall.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2014-11-12, 03:52 PM
The ever confident Shaw stumbles a little. 'Well, halflings? Umm, not exactly. I've seen something where people put shoes on their knees, but that might be a little tasteless. I'm not sure, is that racist or not?'

Shaw turns to look at the others, confused. 'Greenskins? Where? I don't know if they can see in the dark or not, but I sure as hell can't, so I'm all for lighting up. Traps are as likely to get us as enemies, and light helps with that. Mind if I pinch one of your torches from Beeyore?' Since Shaw was less skilled in a fight, it'd make sense to have the more experienced battlers keep their weapon hands free.


2014-11-12, 10:40 PM
Alastair's eyes narrow at the sight of orc and goblin detritus. This looks rather recent Patrick. If a dragon has claimed this place, it may have amassed a hoard and be slumbering. Its presence may keep most people away, which will make it a suitable base of operations for whatever nefarious plots these orcs and goblins no doubt have. And yes Mr. Orani, they can see in the dark.

Alastair turns to the mule and grabs one of the torches Shaw had mentioned, lighting it. That said, most of us cannot see in the dark. And those of us that can see better still in bright light. So, he said, handing the torch to the human troubadour, keep this about. After handing the torch over, Alastair draws his greatsword and peeks around the corner, Now Alvor, what do you see?

Arcran, lets say you rolled that perception check *after* the torch was lit, because I believe with darkvision you can see in the dark but it is still considered dim lighting and we get disadvantage on perception checks. I'm not sure, but I think that is how it works. With the torch it would be a regular perception check.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-12, 11:37 PM

Farhas chuckles lightly at the bards discomfort as her steady hand continues to note the surround signs of Orc and Goblin activity some what detached.

Racist? I wouldn't think so.... I mean it's not as if Halflings don't know they are short, but it sure does look silly.

2014-11-13, 09:07 AM
Danny, gob****e. Only name I know. squinting a little when the torches are lit after staring at the dark for a time Any'un got that fecking light magic for arrows? It'd be grand if we could light our way past our noses, spot dem yokes or orcs early.

Danny shifts through his goods. I got 60 between me 'n Sherry, but maybe one-na yer arrows be more suited - mine are me best defense.

Irish Musician
2014-11-13, 04:43 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan chuckled at the paladin's comback and crept through the shadows with the others. Stopping while they talked, he kept a keen eye out for any movement, but mostly relied on his sense of hearing in case any enemy should be around. Finnan couldn't help but roll his eyes at the talk of halflings, "We do, indeed, know we are short," he whispers from the shadows in his raspy voice, "But that makes us excellent thieves.....and killers. You don't even know we are there until it is too late." He gives a low chuckle and continues on his way, thankful there is a light ahead, and dropping back a bit from the front to keep out of the light. "I will stay a little farther back in the shadows," he further whispers, "my bow is as deadly as my rapier, and better shot from the dark."

Finnan is going to drop back to the middle of the pack in the shadows, as to keep out of the light as much as possible. If he is needed to trap disarming, he will gladly do it.

2014-11-13, 10:32 PM
Alastair turns and lights a torch just before Alvor disappears into the darkness ahead. With the extra light from the torches going up from the room the party is in, Alvor is able to see a bit clearer as to what his surroundings are. It's only until Alastair steps out with a torch to join Alvor that he is able to see how far this hallways goes. On either side of Alvor the hallways extends as far as he can see. Looking to the right it looks as if there is almost an end in sight. To the right Alvor also notices a door on the left hand side of the hallways. Looking to the left he notices the wall of the hallway continues uninhibited except for a 10 foot opening on the right hand side of the hallway as well as what looks like a door on the left hand side. After seeing that the coast is clear Alvor calls the rest out to share his findings. The party is now faced with a crossroads. Where shall they be led next?

The party has two torches lit currently. Alastair in the front and Shaw in the back. The torch light allows the party to see in either direction for 20 feet from a torch holder as normal. Beyond that is considered Dim light and puts anyone rolling perceptions checks at a disadvantage. So keep that in mind. I wasn't sure how you guys want to arrange on the map based on this new information so I left it blank. You can make comments on it when viewing the sheet or in the OOC or spoiler tag IC. Also if someone would like to roll a Survival check I can start identifying with North South East West which may make it a bit easier. But currently you guys aren't aware of which direction you are facing.

Main Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2014-11-14, 09:34 PM

I've always favored right turns. It's like reading a book always start on the right.

2014-11-14, 09:38 PM
"Right's as good as any other direction," Alvor says jovially, moving to take the lead as he's the one with the best chance of not getting stabbed. "Just keep going right until we reach a big 'ole dragon seems like a plan to me."

2014-11-14, 10:14 PM
'As always, I've got your back Al.' Shaw stows his bow and takes out his rapier. 'I'll take rear guard.'

2014-11-15, 08:27 AM
That's the standard maze strategy, yeah? Follow a wall and you never get lost? Danny takes his position in the middle of the pack with an arrow ready for the front or rear of the party.

Irish Musician
2014-11-15, 09:21 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan shrugs, not that anyone can see it, and follows the others keeping to the middle. He stays quiet not wanting to alert non-friendly things to his presence, but the group knows he is still there for he tends to keep quiet once they get in the thick of it. He keeps his bow slightly drawn, making sure to keep an open eye for any orcs or goblins about.

2014-11-15, 11:04 AM
Alastair closes his eyes momentarily and frowns, pinching the bridge of his nose in mild irritation. It is the custom among the Sharakim to always use a person's proper name. Nicknames and insults were considered disrespectful. He often forgets that Danny feels the opposite way, not liking to be called Patrick. Of course, Alastair does not like being called Big Al, or the Du-Als with Alvor, or gobshyte. He sighs, practicing restraint and letting the minor worry leave him.

In the torchlight, he can see the colors of the tapestry, and decides to inspect them quickly before leaving the chamber. A pity the beast could not refrain from this wanton destruction, he says, looking at the rips torn into the fabric, If he scored every wall in his path he may lead us right to him. Well, I'm sure they were quite lovely intact.


He takes his position beside Alvor again and looks back at the way they came in, Hmm... we approached the site south by southwest...


2014-11-15, 03:42 PM
Alastair pauses a moment to look at tapestries before continuing forward. He hands the torch to Shaw and takes hit place out into the hallways on the left hand side. The rest of the party shuffles out into the hallways once the coast is clear. With Alastairs knowledge of the surroundings he alerts the group that heading to the right will be West. Upon taking the rear Shaw and Farhas are able to see a bit south and that it leads to another hallway with the torch that Shaw is holding. This reveals two doorways on either side of the hallway. They can also see behind them to the east and that leads to two other doorways and a wall at the end of hallway with two openings. on either end.

Facing West the party can either walk forward or inspect closer the door that is on the lest of Alastair.

The investigation didn't factor but I rolled the History for you and gave you a +2 bonus from your succesful investigation roll
Alastair learns that the dwarves on the tapestry are identified as the two founders of Stonefast. A most fascinating discovery.

So I placed you guys on the map and identified what is revealed. In dim lighting perception checks have disadvantage, so a heads up on that if anyone wants to roll on for anything that is in the dim lighting area. Alvor and Alastair do have darkvision so they can actually see past the dim lighting and see it as bright light but for the sake of the party I kept the dimly light areas as is. In the future when we enter into rooms or move in the hallways and etc please give me your grid point on the map so I can adjust accordingly. And if you have a pony please list that location as well.

Main Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2014-11-15, 04:06 PM
Alastair muses on the tapestries as he gets his bearings on his surroundings in the corridor, Farhas, you may find it interesting to know that the tapestries depict the dwarven patriarchs that founded Stonefast. Though I hope the state of the wall hangings does not prove to foreshadow the fate of the new founders of the stronghold. He looks up and down the hall, One of these rooms may serve to shelter the mules.


This is to check the door in J-25 for traps or any other details.

2014-11-15, 04:09 PM
Alastair exams the door to his left to discern if there are any dangerous attachments in opening it. None are found by him.

2014-11-15, 04:13 PM
Seeing nothing amiss on the door, Alastair opens it to view what is on the other side.

Open door and step into doorway at J-25. Cross fingers that my crappy perception check didn't overlook a deadly trap :smalleek:.

Irish Musician
2014-11-15, 04:35 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan sees Alastair start to go through the door, but he rushes in front of him and stops him, "Whoa there big guy....let me take a look at that door as well." Finnan takes a moment to look over the door and make sure there are no traps on the door before Alastair goes inside.

Perception [roll0]

Satisfied that he doesn't see anything, Finnan backs up from the door, "Alright, doesn't look like there is anything there to me. Have at it."

2014-11-15, 05:17 PM
Finnan runs and stops Alastair so that he can check the door first. Again revealing nothing of out of the norm. Before opening the door Alastair notes that the door looks to be made of a strong oak and reinforced well with dwarven steel. The door looks in good repair. When opening the door he notices that it seals well and due to it and the thick walls he probably couldn't hear anything that was on the other side of it.

Entering into the room Alastair sees A large, sturdy oak table dominates the center of this room, roughly five feet wide and fifteen feet long. It is surrounded by broken chairs. There are tapestries hung on the wall, but age and who knows what else have damaged them beyond recognition. He sees that the room has a door on each side and that it spans 15 by 25. There are regularly placed wall sconces but none have torches. Other than that the room nothing else seems to jump out at him at first glance.

How would you like to proceed?

So currently only Alastair and Alvor can see into the room, with their darkvision. Anyone else would only see darkness until Shaw came over with a torch or another is lit. The hallway also has regularly placed wall sconces. The table and chairs surrounding it are difficult terrain (as noted on the map). Time is 12:35 PM, Torch lit at 12:30 PM

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2014-11-15, 05:25 PM

Interesting! I must see this tapestry for myself!

Farhas walks over and examines the tapestry.


2014-11-15, 05:56 PM
This may do as a makeshift stable. What do you think? Alastair calls out to the others. When the torch is brought over, he goes about inspecting the room.


This is to check around the room for anything interesting. If it is Investigation instead, the modifier is the same.

2014-11-15, 06:14 PM
Farhas takes a look at the Tapestry in the first room before exiting into the hallway with the rest. No new information was gleamed.

Alastair looks around the room and searches for anything important. There is nothing of importance in the room and the doors are all unlocked (if checked).

Alastair finds a small pouch underneath a broken chair.

Depending on how loud Alastair calls back he notices that his voice easily travels through the hallway.

Irish Musician
2014-11-15, 06:16 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan enters the room and gets behind a tipped over chair. He then starts to look from door to door, making sure none of them start opening without one of his companions opening them. He then looks around to make sure no traps and in the room.

Perception to make sure the doors aren't opening & traps [roll0]

2014-11-15, 06:47 PM
Alastair picks up the pouch and inspects it, looking up as Finnan begins to check the doors. Please be careful Finnan.

2014-11-15, 10:17 PM
Danny lights a torch and pops his head and arm into the room after hearing Alastair's comment about stables, Too many doors. Ideally we want a door we can lock or barricade to return to without something else finding our stuff.

Returning to the hallway and looking further down the hall he says, Think treasure room more than stable. Someone needs to take this torch if my box is going to be much use.

Irish Musician
2014-11-15, 10:52 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
The halfling smirks at Alastair's caution, "How do you think I have stayed alive this long?"

2014-11-16, 01:35 AM
Alastair gives Finnan's question some consideration, Traps are sized for taller people?

Danny lights a torch and pops his head and arm into the room after hearing Alastair's comment about stables, Too many doors. Ideally we want a door we can lock or barricade to return to without something else finding our stuff. Alastair frowns, Be that as it may, how far do you expect to drag these beasts along?

Returning to the hallway and looking further down the hall Danny says, Think treasure room more than stable. Someone needs to take this torch if my bow is going to be much use.

My apologies Danny, but despite my considerable strength I have yet to attain a level of skill that would allow me to one-hand my sword.

2014-11-16, 03:03 AM
I don't mind bringing Sherry until we hit stairs or rough terrain. We can bring 'er back to the best room we found by that point. Kinda pointless to take away yer eyes anyways, boyo. I'm sure one of these lighter lads might be able to sacrifice a hand to hold the torch.

2014-11-17, 01:17 PM

I'm not a lad more of a lass but I'll take that touch!

2014-11-17, 02:59 PM
"Keep an eye on Beeyore," the half-elf says, striding through the door after Alistair. "We just need somewhere we can lock them where there aren't any orcs or goblins or whatever the hell live in abandoned dwarfish fortresses," Alvor states, casually letting his rapier hang by his side.

"I'd hold a torch but, unfortunately, I don't want to get stabbed," the elf says, giving his shield a little shake. "Just make one of the minstrels hold it, they don't need two hands to sing," the half-elf says somewhat sarcastically, turning up the hall and going to the door on the left.

"Any objections?" he asks, not waiting for a reply before he pushes it open.

Door in hall at AA21

2014-11-17, 04:20 PM
'Yet by not holding a torch, YOU have to go in-front, so good luck with the whole "Don't stab me" thing Al.'

Shaw stays where he is, petting Beeyore, and waiting to see if Al was going to set off a trap or something.

I'll just stay where I am right now.

2014-11-17, 05:49 PM
I don't mind bringing Sherry until we hit stairs or rough terrain. We can bring 'er back to the best room we found by that point. Kinda pointless to take away yer eyes anyways, boyo.

Alistair maintains a smile at "boyo", even though his eye gives a little twitch. Yes well hopefully their clopping about on the stone pavers will fail to alert anyone of our coming.

He follows Alvor out of the room and to the next door beside the way they came in.

I changed my position on the map. Also, I still need to know what is in the pouch :smallsmile:.

2014-11-17, 09:47 PM
Apologies little lady, your aid is appreciated. Handing Farhas the torch he moves to the crossing of the hallways to keep and eye on on the new room and the abyss in all directions. Were we meant to be stealthy here? Between armor and talking I imagine the animals are not the first thing that'll give us away.

Irish Musician
2014-11-18, 10:01 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan smiles at all of the banter, and does not miss the twitch of the eye that Alistair makes. Having been a party for a while now, Finnan quickly learned about Alistair's "annoyance" and would exploit it from time to time. Not too often because Finnan did actually like him, though he couldn't help but press his buttons, "Don't worry ol' chum, they ponies will find a grand place to stay.....hay up to the walls and carrots as far as the eye can see." Finnan smirks and follows the rest out of the room, out of the direct light of the torch.

2014-11-18, 11:57 PM
Alvor opens the door to another room. He is able to see a small 10 by 10 room with 10 foot tall ceilings. In the northeast corner is a three foot tall stone pedestal, upon which sits a large tome. At the southwest corner of the room another door is set into the fine stonework. Wall sconces line the walls at regular intervals but lack the torches.

You found 6 gold pieces in the pouch.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2014-11-19, 01:20 PM
Shaw peeks into the room.

"Anyone object to leaving the ponies in there? We can light a torch and leave it in a recess so they're not stuck in the dark."

Irish Musician
2014-11-19, 08:23 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan shrugs, "Works for me." And walks into the room. He goes and checks over this pedestal, making sure nothing is protecting it, and if nothing is found opens the tome and flips through it, seeing if there is anything of importance in it.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-19, 08:29 PM
"No issue here," Alvor says, a small frown on his face. He knew it was far, far safer for Beeyore here than down in the dungeon with the dragon but he really wanted to have his ale immediately after taking down the giant beast.

Irish Musician
2014-11-19, 08:32 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan doesn't miss Alvor's frown and if he is as familiar with him as he thinks, Finnan knows why the frown is there. "Awww, don't worry, Al. You could always bring some ale with you for the celebration. I'm sure those kegs aren't too heavy," ending with a wink and his smirk.

2014-11-19, 08:33 PM
"Yeah," the half-elf says in confirmation, working on the straps of one as he eases Beeyore into the room. "But all of them? That's a bit too heavy for me. That's what I got a pony in the first place!"

2014-11-19, 09:02 PM
Well, this is certainly somewhat fortuitous. I've happened upon six gold coins, Alastair says, sheathing his sword momentarily to empty the small pouch into the palm of his hand. One for each, he says, handing them out, a sign of things to come I hope. For those of you with a superstitious inclination, do not spend it and it may bring you better fortunes yet.

As they enter the room with the pedestal, Alastair remarks, This seems to be the other door at the entrance to the stronghold. He opens the far door to be sure.

Shaw peeks into the room.

Anyone object to leaving the ponies in there? We can light a torch and leave it in a recess so they're not stuck in the dark.

Alvor and Finnan do not object, so Alastair keeps his peace.

2014-11-20, 12:02 AM
Danny doesn't bother with more than a quick peek when the others seemed keen on the stable, That'll do. Any way to barricade the door to the entrance easily? I'd hate orcs to come home and immediately find this room with obvious signs of intruders. And does anyone mind carrying a few arrows for me? I already have two quivers full!

2014-11-20, 12:20 AM

Sighs as she goes to collect the arrows apparently the new group pack mule.

I'll hold those for ya.

2014-11-20, 08:46 PM
Finnan flips through the pages of the tome. It seems to be full of signatures. The dwarves kept track of every non human who entered the stronghold. It looks very old and could possibly fetch a pretty coin from the right buyer. The pedestal itself seems pretty heavy and would work well to block the entrance as Danny suggested.
Whoever comes over to the book can roll an investigation check to see how much it is worth

2014-11-21, 09:14 AM
I wouldn't mine helpin', but I don't have the muscle some of you lot have. Does a barricade sound like a decent plan for our little stable 'ere? We can spill some feed on the floor and be done with it. Danny looks around the dark hallways before adding Which way next? There's a door across the hall if we just want to continue room to room.

2014-11-25, 01:09 PM
"I can be my own mule," Alvor states, pulling his bagpipes, a few days of rations, mirror, bedroll, whetstone, empty book and ink as well as a lonely gallon of ale.

"I'm good to go," the half-elf states, awkwardly positioning the saddlebag over his shoulder. "Just put something up against the door when we leave. Beeyore will be safe here," Alvor states, patting the pony on the head.

2014-11-26, 01:21 AM

Curious as ever crosses the hallway and opens the door.

2014-11-26, 11:00 AM
Danny positions himself behind Farhas.

2014-11-26, 02:11 PM
Shaw leaves all his non-essential gear with Beeyore so that he's not encumbered, then heads down to cover his allies, torch in hand.

2014-11-26, 09:34 PM
Finnan puts the book in a pack on one of the mules and makes a mental note of where it is. He then helps Alastair pull the pedestal over in front of the door to the entrance of the stronghold and room.
Seeing fit that this room was done Farhas turns to Danny and nods at the other door across the hall. They head over and Farhas waits while the rest of the party makes their way over to their location. He pulls the door open and hesitates before stepping into the doorway. Upon opening the door Farhas finds this room much similar to the other large room Alastair first looked at. In the center of the room lies another large sturdy oak table. 5 feet wide by 15 feet long. Surrounding it are broken chairs as before. At the far side of the room Farhas can see another door as well as some more tattered up tapestries. As he is doing a quick once over of the room the party hears some scuttling from underneath the destroyed table and chairs. Awoken by the new light flooding the room out comes 6 Giant Centipedes rearing up to attack with Pincers clacking!!! The party prepares itself for a fight!

Alastair: [roll0]
Alvor: [roll1]
Shaw: [roll2]
Danny: [roll3]
Farhas: [roll4]
Finnan: [roll5]
C1: [roll6]
C2: [roll7]
C3: [roll8]
C4: [roll9]
C5: [roll10]
C6: [roll11]

Shaw HP: 18 AC: 15
C2 HP: 5 AC: 13
Finnan HP: 21 AC: 15
Danny HP: 28 AC: 15
C6 HP: 3 AC: 13
Farhas HP: 24 AC: 17
Alastair HP: 31 AC: 16
C5 HP: 4 AC: 13
C3 HP: 4 AC: 13
C4 HP: 4 AC: 13
Alvor HP: 28 AC: 17
C1 HP: 6 AC: 13

At the top of your posts for your turn please list your HP and AC for your character. I'll keep track myself but it helps to have that at the beginning of every post for yourself.
I also included the HP and AC for the monsters. Please no meta-gaming in terms of which is easier to kill and etc. It is just there so we can have a smooth playing experience and you'll know if you hit and or kill something with which you can RP out in your post :). Also the map is included here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0) so please use the grid to list your location in a spoiler in your post. Happy Thanksgiving guys!

Shaw is the first to respond to the events unfolding before the party. What will he do!

*Turn 1 Begins*

2014-11-26, 10:17 PM
Shaw HP: 18 AC: 15

Shaw pulls a disgusted face at the bugs.

'Great, non-humanoids. Cos I'm sooo good at fighting these.'

He chucks a ball of Faerie Fire into the room, lighting things up with a nice blue light.

'There, pointed them out for you guys! Careful there Farhas.'

Cast Faerie Fire in the room to cover 5 of the creatures C1, C2, C3, C5 and C6.
Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue light. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Bonus Action: Give Farhas my Bardic Inspiration.

2014-11-26, 10:44 PM
*Turn 1*

Shaw throws out an orb of Faerie Fire that breaks and splashes on the centipedes. The Centipedes closest to the party light up bright with harmful fire dancing around their body.
Dex save: 14
C1 [roll0]
C2 [roll1]
C3 [roll2]
C4 [roll3]
C5 [roll4]
C6 [roll5]

C1, C2 and C3 fail their saves. Any attacks made against them have advantage. I made the notes on the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0) for each one.

The Centipede in front of Farhas reels up before moving forward and pushes its pincers out at Farhas to bite him! Quick on his feet Farhas is able to dodge the centipedes attack. The party notices a dark green colored liquid dripping from it's mouth.
Move: to AD25
Hit: [roll7]

If hit Con save for Farhas: [roll8] vs. DC 11
If Con save fails: [roll9] Poison Damage

Finnan and Danny are next up!

Irish Musician
2014-12-02, 02:50 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan moves quickly, throwing an arrow into the bow and firing it at the first monster he sees.

Attack on C2 - [roll0], [roll1], sneak attack since an ally is next to the creature [roll2]

Advantage roll I forgot was a 23 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18478984&postcount=32), pretty sure that hits.

2014-12-02, 03:33 PM
Danny AC: 15 HP: 28

Danny gets in position and lets his breath go as he aims for the eyes, all or nothing.
I am going to target C2 if it is still standing, otherwise I am stepping to AG23 and letting loose a shot using boosted damage (sharpshooter feat) against C1. Ignoring cover too.
Attack: [roll0]
Attack (advantage): [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
In case of crit: [roll3]

2014-12-02, 07:39 PM
Finnan lets loose an arrow just as it prepares to strike forward at Farhas. The arrow strikes true and takes the head clean off the centipede, flinging it backwards onto the table and that jaws snap till it's life fades. The body falls lifeless in front of Farhas.

Meanwhile Danny retreats east getting a good vantage point to shoot an arrow at another centipede. Unfortunately it flys by the creature and the one behind it and strikes the door behind it, sticking in deep.

The centipede in the back of the room moves forward trampling over the lifeless body that previously occupied the space. It reels back to attack Alastair... The Half-Orc easily side steps the poorly aimed attack.

Move: to AD25
Attack: [roll0] vs. DC 16 (Alastair)
Hit: [roll1] damage
In case of Crit: [roll2]

If hit Con save for Alastair: [roll3] vs. DC 11
If Con save fails: [roll4] Poison Damage

Farhas and Alastair's Turn.

2014-12-02, 10:32 PM
Alastair hisses in surprise when Farhas opens the door and large centipedes try to force their way out of the room. Shaw quickly illuminates several of the insects within the room, and Farhas evades a bite attempt from the foremost centipede, Farhas get back! One of Finnan's arrows whistles by and pierces a centipede, one of Shaw's lit ones, and kills it on the spot. Another takes its place and bites at Alastair, but the half-orc evades the strike and counters with his sword.

Action - Attack Centipede 6 - [roll0] Damage - [roll1]

2014-12-02, 11:52 PM

Farhas steps back and summons the power of her god to smite the creature! Delleb!

A flame comes down from the heavens to strike c1.

Scared Flame [roll0]


ac 17
hp 24

2014-12-04, 10:10 PM
Dodging the attack Alastair swings up with his great sword and catches the abdomen of the centipede, slicing it through to its head. The creature falls dead, another body to fill the doorway.

Farhas calls from the heavens and smites down at the centipede across from her. The air around the already lit of Centipede begins to crackle and flash until the whole space fills up with a bright flash of fire and light. What's left in the clearing dust is a smoldering centipede, it collapses down as the smoke continues rolling off it's body.

Crit damage roll for Smite: [roll0]
Move: AD25
Attack: [roll1] vs. 17
Damag: [roll2]

If hit Con save for Farhas: [roll3] vs. DC 11
If Con save fails: [roll4] Poison Damage
Ready: Move to AD25 if C5 is killed.
Move: AD 26
AD25 is not difficult terrain due to the bodies piling up in the square.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Alvors you are next!

2014-12-04, 10:15 PM
"Why is everybody always in such a rush?" Alvor asks, dancing across the field to stand to the left of the door, lunging forward with his rapier to try to get a lethal stab in the head of the beast, quickly retreating behind his shield as soon as the attack is over.

The half-elf is just a little to quick to drop back behind his shield and, unfortunately, the attack ends up scraping harmlessly over the carapace of the creature.

Move to AE24!

Stabbing time!
AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-12-04, 10:41 PM
Quickly rushing to the open side of the door Alvor thrusts his rapier forward to attack the menacing insect, unfortunately resulting in a miss.

*Turn 2 Begins*

Shaw HP: 18 AC: 15
C2 HP: 0 AC: 13
Finnan HP: 21 AC: 15
Danny HP: 28 AC: 15
C6 HP: 0 AC: 13
Farhas HP: 24 AC: 17
Alastair HP: 31 AC: 16
C5 HP: 4 AC: 13
C3 HP: 4 AC: 13
C4 HP: 4 AC: 13
Alvor HP: 28 AC: 17
C1 HP: 0 AC: 13

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Shaw, Finnan, Danny, Farhas and Alastair are up!

2014-12-05, 08:59 AM
Danny AC: 15 HP: 28

Danny curses his aim, before steadying his bow and taking a less wreckless shot against the final wriggling centipede he sees. After the arrow is loosed he moves by Finnan to get a better view of the room.
I am going to target C5 with an arrow and then move to AC22.
Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]
In case of crit: [roll2][/QUOTE]

Irish Musician
2014-12-05, 05:02 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan knocks another arrow into his bow and shoots at the next centipede that has crawled up. "Next in line to die.....you," and lets his arrow loose.

Action - Attack C5 [roll0], [roll1], Sneak attack dmg [roll2]
The centipede wriggles at exactly the wrong time, or right time for it, and Finnan doesn't breath correctly as he lets loose his arrow. A Halfling curse comes from behind the party as the arrow glides right over the giant bug.

2014-12-06, 03:39 PM
Alastair trusts in his companions as missed shots whir by into the doorway. He hears the arrows ricocheting on the walls in side, Careful lads, he mutters to himself. Alvor's rapier thrust goes wide and the monstrous centipede before them begins to thrash about more furiously.

Action - Attack Centipede 5 - [roll0] Damage - [roll1]

2014-12-06, 06:45 PM

Farhas summons the power of her god to strike down her enemies.

scared flame attack on C3 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2014-12-06, 10:14 PM
Shaw just shifts nervously at the back, not keen to get between the creatures and his more violent comrades. 'Umm, go get em?'

Yeah, I can't do anything useful, so I'll just ready an action to attack if they get past the bottleneck.

Useless bard is useless :elan:

2014-12-07, 09:51 PM
Danny curses to himself and prepares himself again to fire true, unfortunately his arrow misses, it hits at just an angle that it bounces off of the carapace of the beetle he was firing at. The arrow bounces back out of the doorway and flies right through the torch Farhas is holding, snatching the life out of it as if it were fingers to a candle. The hallway grows darker and momentarily causes Finnan to glance off his target as he lets loose his arrow, missing as well. However the light dimming does not deter Alastair as he is accustomed to the dark. His greatsword comes down on the centipede like a cleaver at the butcher and slays the beast instantly. It's mangled body writhes on the floor. With another boost of confidence from his companion clearing the way Farhas calls forth from the heaves again and strikes down at another centipede in the room. This time though it does not kill the insect and it is left standing, it's blood dripping from it's body. The creature certainly looks as though it will keel over with just a blow of the wind.

Wounded and looking to escape the Centipede left smoldering looks around the room for a way out. It sees no way out and blindy runs forward to attack Alastair in an attempt to thrash it's way out.

Move: Move to AD25
Attack: [roll0] vs. 16
Damage: [roll1]
Move: Move to Z24 if Alastair is not left standing in the way

If hit Con save for Alastair: [roll2] vs. DC 11
If Con save fails: [roll]3d6[roll] Poison Damage

Ready: Move to AD 25 if the space clears up

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Alvor is up next

2014-12-08, 01:32 AM
Once again Alvor lunges forward with his rapier, attempting to stab into the eye of the centipede for a swift and easy kill.

AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-12-08, 04:49 PM
Alvor lunges forward with his rapier but unfortunately falls short again.

*Turn 3*

Shaw HP: 18 AC: 15
C2 HP: 0 AC: 13
Finnan HP: 21 AC: 15
Danny HP: 28 AC: 15
C6 HP: 0 AC: 13
Farhas HP: 24 AC: 17
Alastair HP: 31 AC: 16
C5 HP: 4 AC: 13
C3 HP: 1 AC: 13
C4 HP: 4 AC: 13
Alvor HP: 28 AC: 17
C1 HP: 0 AC: 13

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Shaw, Finnan, Danny, Farhas and Alastair are up to finish off the baddies.

2014-12-08, 04:54 PM
Danny AC: 15 HP: 28

Third times the charm... Danny mutters while aiming for the centipede in the doorway.
I am going to target C3 and hope for the best.
Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]
In case of crit (doubtful): [roll2]

Irish Musician
2014-12-09, 03:33 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan lets loose another arrow as soon as the other one has missed its target.

Action - C4 vs AC [roll0], [roll1]
This arrow is luckier than the last, and finds its mark. As the bug opens its maw to try and bite his companion, the arrow flies straight through its mouth and up into its head. The centipede falls down to the ground, dead. Finnan lowers his bow, smirk on his face.

2014-12-09, 11:28 PM
In almost an instant both of the remaining centipedes are dropped. Danny and Finnan let loose an arrow each, slaying the centipedes in one hit. The silence quickly fills the air as all that's left are a few wiggling bodies. The room is now clear and free to be searched. Farhas' torch is still out.

Each member of the party is awarded 50 Experience.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2014-12-10, 08:23 PM
Well done, Alastair says to everyone. He picks his way through the centipede corpses into the room and after a quick glance calls back to the others, All clear!

I'll wait until a torchbearer comes in before rolling perception but what do I see in general in the room?

2014-12-11, 10:48 PM
Cursing loudly Danny digs through the dead bugs and searches the walls for any reusable arrows.

2014-12-12, 01:40 PM
Alastair enters the room and gives the all clear after not finding any monsters. Farhas then touches her torch with Shaw's to quickly relight it. Illuminating the room Danny enters in to find any usable arrows that Finnan and him shot. Unfortunately most missed their targets and the ones that did hit were in disrepair. Danny as only able to recover 1 arrow to use again.

There were 6 arrows shot,
Recovered: [roll0]

After a quick search of the monsters and the room what turns up is 11 pieces of Electrum.

Coins: [roll1]

Afterwords the party exits the room pile into the hallway, the door which was first opened is unable to be closed now due to the bodies piled up in the doorway. They now need to determine in which direction to head. Continue east or head back west.

2014-12-14, 11:13 AM
As Alastair walks around the table at the center of the room, he uprights a fallen chair, I wonder if dwarves would return to this place were the dragon to leave or be killed. He rifles through some old scattered parchments and other detritus, but finds nothing of interest.

The group makes their way back out through the door they had entered. Facing east, Alastair can see that the chamber splits into a north and south bound corridor. There is a door in that room on the eastern side, he says, pointing back to the room they were just in, which I imagine leads into that south-bound hallway. Let us see. He moves forward to peer down the corridors.

Move to AI-24.

2014-12-14, 02:43 PM
"Don't know, don't care," Alvor says, sheathing his all-too-clean blade. That had been a bit of an embarrassing debut. Hopefully nobody noticed but, sadly, Shaw probably noticed. He almost always seemed to.

"What do we want to do from here?" Alvor says, crouching down next to the dead bugs and attempting to discern if there's anything useful they could do with them.

Guessing Survival? [roll0]

2014-12-15, 09:24 AM
Danny still a bit sullen after the fight pulls out another torch and follows Alastair out into the junction. I don't get what the dwarves were going for. Do three doors really need to exit into hallways? I guarantee my gran would never know which door was the one she entered on, she gets lost in my parent's small place. Turning the torch to peer down the halls, he heads around the corner.
First to AT-23 and then to AJ-21

2014-12-17, 10:26 PM
'A fair few of the dwarves I've known didn't mind entering through the exits.' Shaw laughs at his crass joke. He moves after Danny and Alastair, hoping the next enemy would be one he could provide a bit more help with.

moving to AH24

2014-12-18, 09:54 AM
I can see why your here in this dungeon instead of on stage! Danny says as he walks to his final position.

2014-12-21, 03:17 AM
Alvor bends over the corpses of the centipedes. He finds some treasure to share, upon further inspection he determines there seems to be no further use from the centipedes.
Moving forward Alastair heads to the west to look down the hall. Shaw heads up behind Alasatir and Danny walks with them to the end of the hallway.

As Alastair glances south Danny heads north into the room above. While calling back to Shaw Danny heads to a doorway that is busted off it's hinges. He looks in and see's that the room appears to have been an office. Before he can take a closer look is he ambushed by a group of horrid flying creatures. The stirges stir up and race towards him to attack!

Alastair: [roll0]
Alvor: [roll1]
Shaw: [roll2]
Danny: [roll3]
Farhas: [roll4]
Finnan: [roll5]
S1 [roll6]
S2 [roll7]
S3 [roll8]
S4 [roll9]
S5 [roll10]

Farhas: 21 HP: 24 AC: 17
Danny: 18 HP: 28 AC: 15
S2: 18 HP: 2 AC: 14
Alastair: 17 HP: 31 AC: 16
S1: 16 HP: 2 AC: 14
S4: 16 HP: 2 AC: 14
Alvor: 15 HP: 28 AC: 17
Finnan: 11 HP: 21 AC: 15
Shaw: 9 HP: 18 AC: 15
S3: 6 HP: 2 AC: 14
S5: 6 HP: 2 AC: 14
The Stirges get a surprise round from Danny walking into the room.

2014-12-21, 03:55 AM
*Surprise Round*

The Stirges begin to swarm around Danny. One after one attacks him and begins to attach to his body. Four out of five stirges attach onto Danny and begin sucking the life out of him. Shaw and Alastair turn and see blood dripping onto the floor from all over Danny as the Stirges latch on. The blood quickly draining from his body is easily visible. Farhas is the first to react to everything though and begins to attempt to save Danny.

Move: AJ20
Attack: [roll0] vs. 15
Damage: [roll1]
Attach onto Danny's right shoulder.
Move: AJ20
Attack: [roll2] vs. 15
Damage: [roll3]
Move: AK20
Attack: [roll4] vs.15
Damage: [roll5]
Attach to Danny's left leg.
Move: AK20
Attack: [roll6] vs. 15
Damage: [roll7]
Attach to Danny's lower left hip.
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Attach to Danny's right chest.
Danny is down to 5 now, the Stirges are attached to his body. As a heads up they will drain 1d4+3 HP blood each at the begining of their turn until he drops to 0 (as long as they are attached). Any one of you, including Danny, can detach a Stirge using an Action.

*Round 1*

Almost dying, Danny leads the first round with Farhas!

2014-12-21, 09:40 PM
Danny HP: 5/28 AC: 15

In an instant, Danny's demeanor went from jovial to panicked as multiple proboscii plunge around his armor an into his flesh. Quickly gathering his wits about him, Danny grits his teeth and rips two of the creatures from his body and retreats towards the rest of the party (mostly to Farhas) screaming less than manly noises and cursing Stonefast. He then recovers his composure and draws a deep breath before turning back towards the open doorway and the bat-things.

Action - Remove stirge S2
Action (Surge) - Remove stirge S4
Move - From AJ21 to AE23
Bonus action - Second Wind [roll0]

2014-12-21, 09:48 PM
Danny HP: 14/28 AC: 15

Fack away aff yer bouncing, tisnae-winged ****s! I ain't some bogtrotter fer yer blue-fly snogging! Danny is clearly mad about his current predicament.

2014-12-27, 09:57 PM

Moves to AI22 and Lays her hands on Danny, and his flesh weaves itself back together.

Cure Light wounds [roll0]

2014-12-29, 08:31 AM
Being violently ripped off of Danny's shoulder left the Stirge in a shrieking rage. It drives towards the first thing it sees. The flying monstrosity attempts to pierce into Farhas' chest. Fortunately she is prepared and sees the attack coming. She is able to block the proboscis of the creature before it can reach her chest. It buzzes in place trying to find an open spot to attach.

Attack: [roll0] vs. 17
Damage: [roll1]

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Alastair takes the next turn.

2014-12-29, 08:18 PM
Your peevishness is uncalled for Alvor, Alastair remarks as he peers down the southern hallway. He does his best to ignore Shaw's disgusting attempt at humor as well, This hall leads to a wall some thirty paces away, and opens up to the right and left. I suspect it joins with the rest of the chamber to the right, but I don't know where it goes to the left.

As he comments on what he can see, Alastair can hear Danny moving behind him. Suddenly and without warning, a cacophony of shrieking and buzzing can be heard, punctuated by Danny's exclamation. Alastair turns around to see a small swarm of stirges rushing Danny and latching onto him. Danny!

Danny rips two of the stirges off of him and stumbles back toward the group. Farhas is beside him in an instant, using her magic to heal some of his wounds. One of the stirges dives at her but she fends it off momentarily, and Alastair rushes forward, Stand back! And cover your ears!

Taking a stand before the broken door where the stirges ambushed Danny, Alastair spreads his left hand and calls forth a blast of thunder, catching the three stirges in a wave of pressure and destructive energy.

Move Action - Move to AJ-23.
Action - Thunderwave [Area - 15ft Cube. Squares affected are AJ through AL and 20-22. Any creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) or take [roll0] damage and get pushed 10ft away from Alastair. A successful save halves the damage and avoids the push. Any unsecured objects completely within the spells area are also pushed 10ft away, and the spell emits a sonic boom audible out to 300ft away.

2015-01-04, 05:13 AM
The three stirges in the room pop like blood filled balloons and drop to the ground as a rattling boom echoes through the halls of Stonefast. For a few moments after the blast the party could still hear it echoing off the halls in the distance. But that is a concern for another time. Danny still has two stirges latched onto him and they both look ready to suck some more blood.

Alvor, Finnan and Shaw are next up.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-01-04, 03:06 PM
"Get the hell off you bloody leeches!" Alvor shouts, nimbly lunging forward with his rapier and hoping to spear one of the two still sucking Danny dry.

AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Irish Musician
2015-01-04, 03:49 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan smiles as he quickly puts away his bow and pulls out his rapier. "Calm down, now, Danny. Keep goin' like that and you'll blow a gasket!" With his signature smirk he starts to attack the stirges, trying to get them loose of Danny.

move - next to one of the stirges, put away my bow
Action - Attack whichever one is still alive, take our rapier [roll0], [roll1], & sneak attack [roll2]

If attack is a 1, use this roll: [roll3]

2015-01-07, 07:28 PM
With just one stirge left on his teammate Shaw quickly moves over to Danny to attack it with his Rapier.

Move: AF23
Attack: vs. 14
Damage: [roll]1d8+2

Shaw slices into the flying thing and tears it off of Danny.

Silence fills the halls as the brief encounter ends.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-01-07, 10:05 PM
Alastair looks on worried but prepared to act as his companions act quickly to help Danny. Finnan and Shaw both make quick work of the last two stirges. Danny seems to be alright, so Alastair lets some of the others tend to him. He beckons Finnan over with a head nod and proceeds into the alcove to make sure no more enemies lie in waiting.

Alastair moves to AK-18 (assuming nothing is standing there, or flying).

2015-01-08, 02:07 AM
Alvor looks at his rapier, a look of confusion crossing his face. Was the balance off? Was it just bad luck? How was it that he was so consistently missing his foes? Perhaps bugs just weren't his thing?

Of course, Danny then becomes the issue. Even if he couldn't stab anything, Alvor was still a solid shield. He creeps along the hall, shield raised, trying to make sure there are no foes coming from the other direction.

Move to AG24, look around corner.

2015-01-08, 10:08 AM
'Seek out adventure' they say, 'there be riches and danger' they say. Yet again I find meself penniless and half eaten. DAnny trudges back to his dropped bow and picks it up inspecting it for damage. Most of his confidence has come from letting someone else take the lead.

Does the torch stay burning when dropped?

Irish Musician
2015-01-08, 03:32 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan smiles as he wipes off his rapier, "Don't worry, Dan, I'm sure the Dragon will be more forthcoming with its treasures." Finnan gives him a wink and puts his sword up. He gets back out his bow and knocks another arrow. "Alright, lets see if we can't find this damned dragon.....can't be that hard to find."

2015-01-09, 01:11 PM
As the dust settles the party begins to look to their surroundings to make sure nothing else is waiting. With Alastair leading the way, Danny heads to the room where he was ambushed. Alastair enters first and see's nothing out of the ordinary but another room that seems to have looked like an office. All of the broken chairs and tables have been thrown against the north wall due to the thunderous blast from just a few minutes earlier. Danny comes up behind Alastair and walks into the doorway to pick up his belongings. The torch he dropped is still lit, laying next to his undamaged bow. Luckily enough they were a few feet apart. As he looks up towards Alastair he notices something off about the wall to the north west. Something just doesn't seem quite right about it.
Finnan approaches from behind them and looks south with his bow drawn and ready. Alvor heads to the other side of the hallway and glances down to see if anything may be approaching. Nothing is spotted except for two doors across from each other, east and west. Just to the south he sees the end of the hall open up into another hallway running east and west. No beasts or insects approach and for now it seems the party is safe. Shaw follows up behind Alvor and takes his own peak around the dark corner. Farhas stays where she is and makes sure that Danny is doing alright after the traumatic experience.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-01-10, 11:00 PM
Alastair enters what appears to be a small alcove with ruined furniture. Sword drawn, he checks the detritus for any signs of the more stirges that may be nesting here. He finds nothing. He passes Danny on the way back into the hall, How do you fare Danny? That was quite a scare.

2015-01-11, 06:37 AM
Danny searches the broken contents of the office and murmurs "It's entirely pride at the moment, don't worry about me.."

He then moves close to the hall, a lot more cautiously than before.

Perception: [roll0]

Move to AJ24

2015-01-11, 07:56 PM
Well, I am glad for that Danny. Noticing him looking at the wall, Alastair takes a look for himself, Do you see something?


2015-01-12, 09:54 AM
Before Danny exits the room Alastair catches his gaze towards the corner. He walks over to the wall to take a closer look at it and fortunately his investigations provide much as he ends up finding a secret door. Alastair is easily able to trace the lining in the wall, The Dwarven stonework is good but with a trained eye one can easily spot this. Alastair doesn't detect any traps linked to the door either.

Who would like to enter?

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-01-12, 11:05 AM
His ego still slightly hurt from having yet to do anything substantial, Alvor shoves his way past his party members, holding his rapier lightly in his hand, shield lifted high to cover his body.

"I've got this," he states, full of foolish bravado as he shoves his way into the room, believing himself to be ready for whatever comes.

2015-01-12, 12:20 PM
With some eager and more than some bravado Alvor pushes through the door into a dark dank room. The air is stale and a plume of dust blows in his face as the door fully opens. Thanks to his Elven side Alvor is able to see the room clearly as if he was holding a torch. Within it looks like another room albeit a bit dustier. It seems that this room has been sealed off for much longer than the rest. In the southwest corner lies a large chest, the rest of the room is empty save for a broken chair. The cobwebs surrounding the chest and strong, intact, padlock would lead one to believe that it hasn't been touched in a while and hopefully is carrying something precious.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-01-12, 12:24 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan's eyes light up a bit and his smirk appears again, "Hmmm, I wonder if anything is in that chest....." After a taking a second in case anything should pop out right as the door opens, Finnan walks towards the chest, making sure there are no traps by the "treasure" as dwarves are sometimes want to do. Once the coast is clear, he takes a look over the chest and does his best to pick the lock, also making sure there are no traps on the chest itself.

Perception for traps [roll0]

Slight of Hand for lock picking? [roll1]

2015-01-12, 01:08 PM
Hearing the sound of a secret door opening Finnan rushes into the room where the stirges were fought. Looking over Alvors shoulder he can barely see the chest and in anticipation brushes past Alvor to check it for traps as well as attempt to pick the lock. After some finagling, not to mention expertise in lock picking, Finnan is able to pick the lock on the chest while in the dark. . Not being able to see much he still feels it well and gives it a quick onceover to determine that there are no traps. Shaw notices the commotion and walks into the room, shedding some light into this new founds area. The chest waits to be opened.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-01-12, 01:11 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan smiles as the lock pops open. He steps to behind the chest and opens it, making sure to be behind the top of the chest, and if nothing awful jumps out...peers into the chest to see what lies within.

2015-01-12, 01:51 PM
Taking necessary precautions and with a smile Finnan opens up the treasure chest. Just as it begins to open he notices the thin wire leading up into the ceiling above him. Unfortunately it is too late and the ceiling gives way to almost a dozen spears jutting out into the area around the chest. Finnan standing behind the chest takes a couple spears, one in his leg and another in his side. Luckily his positioning provided some safety as most of the spears weren't aimed to the back of the chest. Blood begins to flow down his thigh and hip...

[roll0] Piercing

Within the chest though are gleaming pieces of sliver. Upon further examination the party will find 100sp.

Irish Musician
2015-01-12, 02:01 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan opens the chest, but too late sees the string. Spears shoot out from many places and while he is able to dodge the first couple, one catches the back of his calf and one catches him in the shoulder. A long string of halfling curses come shooting out of the rogue's mouth and he dislodges himself from the spear in his shoulder. He then finds the string and cuts it off the chest with his rapier. "Damned traps....damned dwarves......" Obviously in a rotten mood, he looks into the chest to see if there was even anything worth all this inside.

He gathers the silver and holds it out to the rest of the group, "Well....at least it is something. Can't believe they'd trap a chest with only 100s in it. Paranoid, greedy dwarves." Then Finnan gets an idea. He goes to the chest and looks it over once more, trying his best to see if there are anymore secret compartments or false bottoms.

2015-01-12, 02:58 PM
"Why the hell would they do that," Alvor mutters, completely in agreement as he walks over, turning down the meager amount of coin for now and giving the chest a lookover himself. He wasn't too concerned about Finnan; if he was well enough to curse like that he probably wasn't in any immediate danger of dying.

Perceptioin: [roll0]

2015-01-13, 11:51 AM
Alastair marvels at the nearly invisible seams in the stonework, Incredible. The dwarves really know their trade. Good eye Danny, I would not have noticed it had you not caught a glimpse of it first. He begins to brush some of the dust out of the seams to make them more noticeable.

Alvor shoves his way past his party members, holding his rapier lightly in his hand, shield lifted high to cover his body.

"I've got this," he states, full of foolish bravado as he shoves his way into the room, believing himself to be ready for whatever comes.

Alastair frowns and rolls his eyes as the paladin bumps past him, Be that as it may Master Orani there is no call to push and shove your way about as you please! He sighs, I understand tensions are high, but let's remember that part of what we are doing here is returning civilization to a place overrun by the wild and the savage. We should act accordingly.

It doesn't seem that anyone hears him as Alvor pushes the secret door open and Finnan and Shaw enter the room to inspect a hidden chest within. With the three already inside, not much room is left for the others. Alastair tries to peer over the shoulders, and gets bumped into again when they jump back after springing a trap, What happened?! Is everyone ok? His question is met with the... colorful... language of halflings.

... Finnan, are you alright?

Can't believe they'd trap a chest with only 100s in it. Paranoid, greedy dwarves.

Alastair watches as Finnan checks for secret compartments and briefly wonders if he is the only one to appreciate the irony.

2015-01-13, 04:35 PM

Oh my! Nasty! Let me help you out.

Farhas runs over to Danny to heal his wounds.

Cure Light wounds [roll0]

2015-01-14, 07:46 AM
The party has just found a secret room and a trapped chest. The chest is worked over but alas nothing else is to be found. As it's contents are split amongst the party the choice is open as to where to head next.

Shaw laughs to himself and shakes his head at his overzealous teammates. While exiting the room he calls back, "If you guys are all right I'm thinking we should either go back to the West and finish that way or see what's at the end of this hallway to the south". He then walks down next to Danny and helps to light the hallway a bit better.

Move: AH24

So you guys have a few options as to which direction you can head in. Either West to the end of the hallway or head south to the other room.

Also as a reminder, please be aware of the lighting in the dungeon. Only two members of the party can see in the dark and that is Alastair and Alvor. Everyone else needs to have a torch lit or be within the light. In dim lighting you will have disadvantage on rolls. I do my best to keep the lighting updated on the map so double check that if there is any doubt.
Currently Shaw and Danny have lit torches and Farhas has an unlit one.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-15, 12:09 AM
Very well, Alastair says, wiping the lenses of his glasses on a cloth, I spied another door down this hall here. Let us see what awaits us on the other side. Stepping over the stirge corpses, Alastair makes his way down the hall and waits before the closed door for someone better versed in eying and handling traps than he is.

Move to AI-28.

2015-01-15, 07:46 AM
Time to tell if this is another spot of bad luck. Danny follows as Alastair moves south, and checks out the door to the east.

Move to AI-27
Perception on door = [roll0]

2015-01-15, 07:49 AM
Danny seems satisfied and tries to open the door.

2015-01-15, 09:30 AM
As Danny and Alastair step down the hallway they can see how it opens up to the East and West. It looks like there is a little corridor that comes off of the hallway, small enough for single file formation. Danny notices nothing off about the door and with bravery he opens it. As he opens the door his torch illuminates the room in its entirety. All along the northern, western, and southern walls of this room are the remains of vendor stands. They have all been either smashed or have succumbed to the ravages of time. There is random rubble and refuse scattered about the floor. In the south east corner lies another solid door. It is clear that this room used to been always loud and bustling with activity. Now it is just scraps and silence.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-15, 11:12 PM
Once Danny has checked the door and opened it, Alastair insists on entering the room first. Greatsword in hand, he creeps into the room. Vendor stands, in various states of disrepair, litter the stone floor. A door leading south out of the room is at the far side. Once Shaw has entered the room to provide a little more light, Alastair makes his way to the door, checking through the rubble for anything worth rescuing. Once at the door, he opens it without fear, They would have little need to ward the door against someone leaving I wager.


To sift through the broken vendor stands for anything.

2015-01-16, 12:13 PM

Farhas lets out a sigh.

I was expecting... I don't know... Well I thought there would be some written record of what happened here. Maybe if we continue on.

Farhas moves to AN- 27

2015-01-17, 06:57 PM
With the help of Shaw Alastair brings more light into the darkend stronghold. Through the southern doorway they peer down into the adjoining hallway from before. Only this time they can see that it turns the corner and continues south deeper and deeper into more dark.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-17, 10:55 PM
Alastair looks back to Farhas and Shaw, The others shouldn't tarry. If we're to make camp somewhere in here tonight we should secure as much of the area as possible. Let us see what is up ahead.

Move to AP-31 to scope out the southern hallway and the corridor heading west.

2015-01-18, 09:19 AM
Seeing the group move through the room, Danny casually walks around the corner to stand by Alastair.

Irish Musician
2015-01-18, 10:05 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan, too, moves with the others, keeping to the shadows and keeping his eyes out for anymore damned traps. Stupid dwarves with their stupid traps that hold nothing but silver, he thought to himself. Needless to say, Finnan was now in a rather foul mood.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-01-19, 12:54 PM
With Alastair's initiative the party regroups in the south west corner. They are now getting deeper into Stonefast and that is quickly becoming evident. The air rests like the bones of the very dwarves that used to roam these halls. As the party moves further and further away from the entrance the sounds of the outside world drift. Farhas relights her torch to provide a bit more light. Unfortunately this is just as Finnan was going to hide so the very shadows he was looking for are a non existent. As the party looks south they see that the hallway continues for as far as the light of the torch provides. On the right hand side of the hallway there is another sturdy door (AO 37). As they were gathering into the hall Finnan noticed to the west that there was another door (AK 34) in a little corridor leading off of the western hallway.

Alastair and Alvor, peaking around the corner, can see a bit further thanks to their darkvision. They notice that the hallway continues for another 10 feet and then turns the corner to the west. Beyond that the walls cover.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-20, 12:16 AM
Danny's path around the corner revealed a narrow hallway different from the others. He stops and looks down the hallway keeping the group close in case something stirs again. Seeing the door he moves close to it and inspects it closely...

Move to AL34

Perception: [roll0]

2015-01-20, 07:30 AM
As Danny inspects the door he notices nothing particularly off about it. It seems just as another sturdy door, like the ones that they have gone through time and time again.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-20, 10:21 AM
Danny calls, "There's 'nother door down this hallway, wouldn't mind some help if things get hairy again." but only pauses briefly before opening the door.

2015-01-20, 10:35 AM
Danny calls back to the group before entering into an unknown room. It appears to have at one time been an office, just like the previous room with the Stirges. Only this time no Stirges await, Only a room that has long since been ransacked, and the furniture has been broken. As before Danny notices something off about the northwest corner of this room. The stonework seems to be tinted slightly different and there are cracks in the wall somewhat resembling a door.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-20, 12:06 PM

Farhas moves down to 37-ap and opens the door.

2015-01-20, 12:40 PM
Deciding to split up Farhas heads south to open the next available door. She notices that the door to this room is in shambles. The upper half is still precariously attached to the hinges, but the lower half has been busted out. There are splinters littering the hallway and the first few feet within the room. In the southwest corner of the room, a large pile of dirt and refuse has been built up, with a 2’ diameter hole in the top.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

I am posting from work so I couldn't exactly make the dirt pile all pretty like haha. Also since you guys can't see around corners I didn't show much further than what is shown.

2015-01-20, 04:08 PM
Danny opens the second door and peers in, ready to retreat if need be.

Irish Musician
2015-01-21, 12:21 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan follows the others, keeping back a bit, but also making sure he has line of sight to most everyone. He sees Danny pass behind a corner and decides to go with him.

2015-01-21, 12:34 PM
"If there's a chest here like that other office, feel free to opening it, ya? Just don't bleed on the handful of silver." Danny teases at Finnan as he opens the door.

Irish Musician
2015-01-21, 12:41 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan's face moves from a look of boredom to a look of annoyance. "Oh don't worry.....next one I'll just push you into and save myself the trouble." Finnan lets out a slight chuckle as he follows Danny into the room, putting away his bow and bringing out his rapier.

2015-01-21, 01:27 PM
Finnan welcomes the shadows as he heads off to follow Danny. Unfortunately they are just a tease for once he rejoins Danny he is once again in the bright light of the torch. The two poke fun at each other before ultimately pushing open the secret stone door. Behind it Finnan is once again met with that familiar plume of dust. The room is stale and quiet. Not much is littered on the floor except for one lone chest dead ahead, strongly resembling the last chest that they encountered. Possibly in more ways than they think..

Not wanting to leave Farhas alone and figuring the other bunch will be back soon Shaw heads south to join Farhas. Leaving the two who can see in the dark in a bit dimmer lighting.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-01-21, 02:46 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan entered the room with Danny and a look of exasperation swept over his face. "You have gotta be freakin' kiddin' me!" Sheathing his rapier, Finnan slowly and deliberately look over the chest, making sure to check every nook and cranny before trying to unlock and open it.

Perception for traps [roll0] or [roll1]

2015-01-21, 03:14 PM
Finnan takes one look at the cursed chest and his still fresh wounds instantly throbe. He can easily see how this chest is trapped just as the one prior and must now figure out how to this time disable the trap and unlock the chest. Preferably without Spears flying in his direction.

Irish Musician
2015-01-21, 05:22 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan looks back at Danny, "Well, I see the trap working this time.....that's a start. Lets see if I can't make some more holes in myself." He gives a chuckle, "I am used to killing people.....my thieving skills are a little rusty." Finnan smirks and then goes about trying to open the lock and undo the trap.

Undo trap [roll0]

Unlock [roll1]

2015-01-21, 10:36 PM
Alastair follows Danny and Finnan into the room. When he sees Farhas moving to the next door, he says Stay near. Remember this place has been settled by unsavory things.

In the room, Danny finds and opens another concealed door, revealing another secret room with a chest inside, An interesting method of storing wealth. Instead of locking it away in one large, and likely obvious vault, it seems the dwarves of Stonefast may have divided their coins into bundles and secreted them away in numerous locations. Something to keep in mind if the notion is to make this adventure as lucrative as possible.

Finnan's previous experience with the trapped chest minutes before proves educational, and he sees the device primed to trigger once the chest is open. He brings out his tools and goes to work on the trap. Alastair watches with bated breath and whispers, Careful now...

Move to AI-33.

2015-01-22, 12:21 AM
Danny makes sure he is not in direct fire of any trapped chest, but can't help a close look.

Moves to AG34

2015-01-22, 07:20 AM
As the party gathers Finnan attempts to disable the trap. Remembering what happened before he switches the mechanism off that would cut the trip wire attached to the ceiling. He then moves on to unlocking the chest and with ease the chest is open. Within is a much grander reward than last as the party finds 666 silver pieces. An odd number for the dwarves but most likely just a strange coincidence.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-01-22, 12:19 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan sees the string this time and expertly cuts it, disarming the trap. Damned tricksy dwarves, he thinks to himself. He picks the lock, and opens the chest, and pulls out 666 silver pieces. Looking down at the coins, after counting them, he says to Danny, "Huh....666 silver pieces. Bad sign? Or just a coincidence?" Then the realization comes over him that these are, indeed, silver coins. "What is it with these dwarves and putting silver pieces into trapped chests?! Who does that?!" Frustrated, Finnan pockets the silver and moves past Danny, "Come on.....lets go join the others."

2015-01-22, 12:29 PM

Thinking out loud.

My a pile of dirt in the middle of the fortress I wonder if the Dwarves went over budget. Still might be some kind of artifact in there.

Farhas starts to dig around in the dirt.

Preception [roll0]

2015-01-22, 12:55 PM
After pocketing his share Finnan rushes out and only makes it back to the main hallway before he hears the hissing and clacking of insects from around the corner.
Farhas notices nothing peculiar about the hole and heads over to investigate it. Shaw enters the room to help but Farhas begins stepping on the dirt and bending over to dig into the whole two Tiger Beetles come crawling out and reeling up to attack!

TB1: [roll0]
TB2: [roll1]
Alastair: [roll2]
Alvor: [roll3]
Farhas: [roll4]
Shaw: [roll5]
Danny: [roll6]
Finnan: [roll7]
Finnan 22 HP: 14/21 AC: 15
Danny 22 HP: 20/28 AC: 15
TB2 21 HP: 13/13 AC: 15
Farhas 20 HP: 24/24 AC: 17
Shaw 20 HP: 18/18 AC: 15
Alvor 5 HP: 28/28 AC: 17
TB1 5 HP: 13/13 AC: 15
Alastair 4 HP: 31/31 AC: 16
*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Round 1

Finnan and Danny lead us off!

Irish Musician
2015-01-22, 01:40 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan hears the clicks and clacks and immediately know something bad is happening. He yells to Danny, "Hey, Danny, come on! They others are having some fun without us!" Finnan then scurries away faster than he usually moves. He throws his rapier back in its sheath and pulls out his bow and knocks an arrow. He reaches the opening of where his comrades are and skids to a stop, seeing the beetles, and firing an arrow at them...seemingly all at once.

Bonus & Move - Dash to AP 37 and put up Rapier
Action - Shoot #2 [roll0] or [roll1], [roll2], Sneak Attack [roll3]

I get advantage for enemies that I act before, hence the double attack roll.
Finnan's arrow flies true, flies from between Shaw's legs, and it hits the beetle in front of Shaw square in the face. It lets out a screech and falls over, green blood oozing out of the wound. Finnan smirks.

2015-01-22, 01:51 PM

Farhas backs off as the beetles emerge.

Uhmmmm.... Guys! GUY!!!

Shouting out.

2015-01-22, 03:21 PM
Danny: 20/28 HP, AC 15

Oblivious to the fight starting over the bridge and through the woods Danny says,"Keep yer hat on, I'm getting tired of these ruins' 'fun' why rush?" before moving out into the hallway and hearing the sounds of a fight. He then moves quickly to the source of the excitement as Finnan described calling, "Draw them to the hallway where we can all fight!"

He drops the torch on the ground somewhere dry to keep the light up.

Move to AL32, dash to AP34

2015-01-22, 03:44 PM
Farhas 24/24 HP

Looks at the monster about to strike.

Maybe a little more rush wouldn't be such a bad idea.

2015-01-23, 05:02 PM
Finnan rushes into action with Danny fast behind him. In one quick motion he drops the beetle in front of Shaw.
With one confidence that their friends have arrived, and only one beetle left, Farhas and and Shaw are up to attack!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrMl E&pli=1#gid=0)

Farhas, Shaw, and Alvor are up next.

2015-01-27, 10:14 AM

Farhas throws her symbol in front of her and fire rips into the firebeetle.

Scared Flame [roll0] damage [roll1]

2015-01-27, 01:18 PM
Seeing Farhas fighting back and in danger Shaw moves past the dead beetle and thrusts out at the last remaining one that Farhas has almost killed. Shaw's blade strikes true and the beetle drops dead. The party is safe and with no casualty's.

Alvor comes over and joins the party to figure out what just went down.

Move: AM36
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-27, 02:25 PM
Danny picks up the torch and checks the room before saying, "Damn it, boyos you have me worried." and moving to look down the next hallway.
Move to AP40

2015-01-27, 03:14 PM
Alvor heads over and checks the dirt pile that the beetles came out of. He is able to recover 54 CP, a lousy reward for the fight. He then heads over to accompany Danny incase anything else comes out. It seems that these halls are roaming with trouble and it would be dangerous to travel alone.
Shaw decides it would be best to accompany them as well and heads over behind Alvor.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-01-27, 03:30 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan knocks another arrow and follow behind the group, out of the light, trying to keep an eye out for anymore dangers that might lurk ahead.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-01-27, 03:50 PM
While hiding behind the corner of the wall Finnan is practically completely hidden from anything down the hall.
Alastair comes from behind the group and rejoins everyone down the hall, not before he investigates the room that the beetles attacked in.
A dark and mysterious hall beckons the group, with a door down the way as well as another corridor leading south.

You guys see that the hallway ends just a few feet past where the light ends. You also see there is another door down the hall that is obscured by the darkness.
*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-01-29, 12:21 AM
Alastair rushes toward the sound of trouble, but by the time he gets there, the others had dispatched the large beetles, Is everyone well? Farhas nods, and after Avlor gives a quick search of the dirt pile, the group moves further south.

I see another portal down this corridor. Allow me to be sure no threats are lurking nearby.

He pushes his thin-framed glasses up the bridge of his nose and, with greatsword in hand, Alastair moves to the corner and peers around, then to the door down the hall.

Move to AL-41. If nothing that immediately requires my attention can be seen, move to AG-41.

2015-01-30, 03:14 PM

Farhas Looks around as she is studying the dirt. Noticing that everyone has left hurries to catchup with the group.

Move to AP-36

2015-02-05, 08:22 PM
Alastair heads down the hall and finds another door. He swiftly opens it and reveals a larger room than most of the small previous ones. There is a long bar-top that runs along the northern wall that turns and continues along the eastern wall. There are shelves on the wall behind the bar, full of old, empty bottles. The broken remains of bar stools, tables, and chairs litter the rest of the room. As the party descends deeper into the dwarven stronghold lessons have been taught that waiting for others before entering a room may be a good idea.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-02-05, 09:36 PM
Danny thinking of the stirges cautiously follows Alastair and stands a few feet away by the closed door.

move to AI40

2015-02-09, 08:22 PM
Alastair peers into the room, I see no other way in or out, he calls back to the others. And with that observation, he enters the chamber to see what it has to offer them in the way of wealth or information, though to the sharakim eldritch knight, the two are one and the same.


This is to Investigate essentially whatever is in the room. Meaning the bar, behind the bar, the shelves with the bottles, and the detritus on the floor.

2015-02-10, 09:03 AM
As Alastair enters the room the quiet sounds of moans scrape into his ears. Too quiet for his companions to hear but loud as day to him. Out from the southern part of the bar shambles out 5 figures closely resembling dwarves. But these creatures are dwarves no more, they are zombies and they only have one thing in sight, the flesh of what is in front of them.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Farhas [roll0]
Alastair [roll1]
Alvor [roll2]
Danny [roll3]
Finnan [roll4]
Shaw [roll5]
Zombie Dwarf 1 [roll6]
Zombie Dwarf 2 [roll7]
Zombie Dwarf 3 [roll8]
Zombie Dwarf 4 [roll9]
Zombie Dwarf 5 [roll10]

Alvor: 21 HP: 28 AC: 17
Danny: 18 HP: 20 AC: 15
Finnan: 12 HP: 14 AC: 15
Shaw: 10 HP: 18 AC: 15
Alastair: 8 HP: 31 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 5: 7 HP: 22 AC: 16
Farhas: 6 HP: 24 AC: 17
Zombie Dwarf 1: 3 HP: 22 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 3: 3 HP: 22 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 2: -1 HP: 22 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 4: -1 HP: 22 AC: 16

*Round 1*

Alvor, Danny, Finnan, Shaw and Alastair lead us off. Unfortunately due to the distance the other party members aren't aware of what is going on so I would prefer it if Alastair or Danny could go first just so that they can alert the party.

2015-02-11, 09:28 PM
Danny, his scars give him a roguish charm but he smells like a foot. HP: 20 AC: 15

Danny moves behind Alastair after hearing movement and calls, "Oi! We've got something over here!"

He then drops his torch and fires an arrow at the first line of zombies, trying to show off since it has gone so poorly for him so far.

Move to AG42

Fire arrow at ZD2:
Attack: [roll0] (advantage/disadvantage: [roll1])
Damage: [roll2]

2015-02-11, 09:29 PM
"Stay dead, ye bleedin' tick!"

2015-02-11, 10:55 PM
Alastair rummages through the debris on the floor and is startled by the moaning and shambling of dwarf zombies advancing on him from behind the bar, Oh my word! he exclaims. He instinctively backs up, bumping into Danny, who has entered the room behind him, Oi! We've got something over here! He lets loose an arrow, striking a well-placed blow against one of the lead zombies. The attack snaps Alastair out of his initial surprise, Stand back Danny, and please, cover your ears! His greatsword held in his left hand, Alastair thrusts his right hand forward and unleashes another blast of thunderous energy, just as with the stirges, against the mob of zombies. The noise is deafening in the small room, and debris is sent violently into the air.

Action: Thunderous Wave - Zombies must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) or take [roll0] damage and be pushed back 10ft. On a successful save they only take half damage and are not pushed.

2015-02-12, 07:37 AM
Danny jumps into action hollering back at the rest of the group to come over. He is quick to put an arrow right through the throat of one of the zombies, a blow that would drop any man, but it still begins to shamble forward. Alastair musters up his magic and like the stirges before he blasts out a thunderous shockwave. If the party wasn't aware of the situation before they definitely are now, as are anything else nearby.

The zombies closest to the walls are thrown back against it but are resilient and press on while the other two seem not even fazed by the thunderous roar. The one with Danny's arrow surely should have dropped by now but it's lifeless corpse seems to continue with unheard of strength.

ZD 1 Con Save: [roll0] vs. 12 PASS
ZD 2 Con Save: [roll1] vs. 12 PASS
ZD 3 Con Save: [roll2] vs. 12 PASS
ZD 4 Con Save: [roll3] vs. 12 FAIL
ZD 5 Con Save: [roll4] vs. 12 FAIL

ZD 2 Zombie Save: [roll5] vs. 9 on prior Con success or 14 on prior Con fail. PASS
Zombie Dwarf 2 is reduced to 1 HP on Pass.

ZD 1 HP: 18/22
ZD 2 HP: 1/22
ZD 3 HP: 18/22
ZD 4 HP: 7/22
ZD 5 HP: 7/22
Alvor, Finnan and Shaw are now up and ready to help their struggling friends.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-02-12, 10:17 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan rushes down the hallway at the sound of his friends' yells. Once again, he slides to just behind Danny, and surveys the situation. Seeing the nasty dwarves, Finnan raises his bow and lets loose an arrow.

Bonus & Move - Dash to AG 41
Standard - [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage - [roll2], Sneak Attack [roll3]
Finnan's arrow moves through his companions to the nearest dwarf. His arrow hits the dwarf right in the eye and Finnan smiles. But the dwarf does not drop and looks at Finnan with that blank stare, arrow sticking out of one eye. "Hmm," he says, "seems these are a little tougher than stirges...."

2015-02-12, 10:45 AM
Another arrow lets loose from behind Alastair as his teammates come to help. Unfortunately these zombies are resilient and nothing has brought them down yet.

ZD 1 HP: 1/22
ZD 2 HP: 1/22
ZD 3 HP: 18/22
ZD 4 HP: 7/22
ZD 5 HP: 7/22

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Alvor and Shaw are next to go!

2015-02-13, 08:23 AM
Executive DM Intervention

Shaw hears the fighting and runs over to the group as fast as he can. Once he gets close enough to see inside his heart drops as his eyes gaze upon a familiar face, his lost love Tally. There she was, before his eyes again. Mystified and shocked he pushes past Alastair and Danny and heads into the room, not realizing the danger. He drops his torch as he begins to cross the room, muttering about he thought she was dead and can't believe she is here. When he finally stands in front of her and next to two zombies he reaches out to hug her but in his attempt at embrace he opens up his neck and she latches onto his jugular and rips it out. Shaw stumbles back with hands clawing at what's left of his neck in awe of what just happened. Before he can finish the sword of Zombie Tally goes right through his chest.

Alastair, Danny and Finnan can't believe their eyes as the sword is wrenched from Shaw's body and he drops to the floor. At that same moment Alvor comes around the corner to help and screams in shock and anger as he sees his best friend lying on the floor, blood pooling around him. He runs over to Alvors body and kneels over it in an attempt to protect it and fend off the zombies. With one hand on Shaw's chest and another on his blade he swings violently at the three surrounding zombie dwarfs. Alas it is not enough and in his distraught state he lowers his defenses. Within seconds the zombies knock his rapier aside and mercilessly stab him with their long swords. They are now too distracted with the two fresh corpses at their feet to even notice the rest of the group in the doorway.

Combat, as we knew it, is currently at a pause. The group has a moment or two to collect themselves and decided how they want to proceed. Almost too distracted with the events Alastair barely notices the torch next to the bar, made of very dry wood, and see's the wood begin to catch. It's clear that if something isn't done now the whole room will be up in flames in less than a minute.

So combat is "over" so to speak. If you guys stay in the doorway for longer than 15 - 30 seconds then combat will resume again with a new initiative. Same goes for if you guys engage the zombies in any way. Let me know how you want to proceed, if you want to continue to fight or close the door and walk away haha. The choice is yours :smallamused:

Side note: Obviously this didn't exactly follow order of combat but it was a rules override in terms of what needed to be done. More to follow in the OOC

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-02-13, 03:45 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan didn't seem to care much about many things, the group may have noticed. He is very much a loner, doesn't seem to gain much joy in many things, and has a fairly off-putting personality. Not many people like him, and even fewer people are actually friends with him. But this group, they seemed to genuinely care for the halfling. This was something he wasn't used to...he was used to calm, logical thinking.

But at the sight of two of his friends being torn apart by zombies, all logical and calm thinking the group has come to know Finnan for, flew out the window.

Tears came out of his face, as he screams past both his still alive companions. Shooting arrows into undead flesh.

Surprise Turn
Move - to AG 44
Action - Attack ZD3 [roll0] [roll1], if I roll a 1 on either of these attacks [roll2]
Damage - [roll3], [roll4], and if an attack hits ZD3, it is considered a crit on a surprise round, so [roll5] for that.

2015-02-14, 12:53 AM
As Danny and Finnan lob arrows into the mob of zombies, Alastair continues trying to push back against them and out of the door, The advantage belongs to them here. They will swarm us. We either lock them in or let them file through the door one by one and strike them down! But before they can make it out, Shaw and Alvor arrive. Alastair tugs at them, No, the other way! But they press on to engage the undead. Then everything seems to slow down, though it all happens so quickly. Shaw reacts upon seeing one of the zombies. He cries out to it. Her. Tally. His weapon and torch drop to the floor and he stumbles closer to Tally, going in for an embrace. Alastair doesn't react quick enough. Tally bites out Shaw's throat. Alastair surges forward and tries to pull Shaw back, but the zombies have a hold of him. Alvor screams and jumps in as well, and the zombies quickly overtake him. Alastair can hear himself shouting over the snarling of the zombies and the cries of his friends, No! No dammit! Get back!

Alastair can't get Shaw and Alvor away from the zombies, so he stands back up with greatsword in hand, Farhas! Farhas hurry! They need you! Finnan leaps in and starts letting arrows loose, and Alastair strides in beside him, his greatsword swinging.

Action - Greatsword vs. Z2 (move to AH-44 before attack)
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-02-14, 09:46 PM
Breaking his silence during the scene, "Don't get too close, that fire is going to take errything!" Danny shouts grimacing at the gore. "Farhas can't help them now, we need to either put out the flames or retreat!"

2015-02-16, 10:35 PM
As the others attack Farhas rushes over to help but it looks like it is too late for the two being ravaged. Non the less she calls upon the heavens and calls out to her God Delleb. She channels the power and speaks words of fear into the very bodies of the undead.

Finnan: Attack hit and dealt 14 Damage to ZD3 bringing it down to 4 HP
Alastair: Attack Missed
Danny: Used no action
Farhas: Move: AG41 + Action: Channel Divinity; Turn Undead

All Zombie Dwarfs need to roll a Wisdom Save vs. 12 or be turned for one minute, damage breaks.

ZD 1 [roll0] FAIL
ZD 2 [roll1] FAIL
ZD 3 [roll2] PASS
ZD 4 [roll3] PASS
ZD 5 [roll4] FAIL

On a fail the Zombie must flee, if unable to flee or move they may only dodge.

Farhas [roll5]
Alastair [roll6]
Danny [roll7]
Finnan [roll8]
Zombie Dwarf 1 [roll9]
Zombie Dwarf 2 [roll10]
Zombie Dwarf 3 [roll11]
Zombie Dwarf 4 [roll12]
Zombie Dwarf 5 [roll13]

Finnan: 16 HP: 14 AC: 15
Danny: 16 HP: 20 AC: 15
Zombie Dwarf 3: 14 HP: 4 AC: 16
Alastair: 13 HP: 31 AC: 16
Farhas: 12 HP: 24 AC: 17
Zombie Dwarf 4: 10 HP: 7 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 2: 4 HP: 1 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 1: 3 HP: 18 AC: 16
Zombie Dwarf 5: 0 HP: 7 AC: 16

Round 1

Alastair can feel the warmth of flames on his back. Behind him part of the bar has risen in flames. Danny is lucky that the door opens out and against the wall, lest it lights up as well.

Finnan and Danny lead us off

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-02-17, 01:25 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan knocks another arrow, now in a rage, and fires at the same zombie....hoping to bring it down.

Action - Attack Z3 [roll0] or [roll1], if one of these is a 1 [roll2]
Damage - [roll3], [roll4]
Finnan's arrow hits the zombie in the side of the head, knocking it over into the fire....its rotting corpse burning.

2015-02-17, 02:31 PM
Finnan fires another arrow into the zombie he had been attacking. One lands a killing blow and it collapses over into the bar that is slowly heating up further with each passing moment.

ZD 3 Zombie Save: [roll0] vs. 17
Zombie Dwarf 3 is reduced to 1 HP on Pass.

Danny is up next!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-02-21, 03:46 AM
Danny: HP 20/28 AC 15

Danny's urbanite fears of spreading flame makes his attention change to the flames poised to spread wildly in the room, "I'm going to deal with the fire, ya? Make sure me arse isn't eaten while I work." He drops his bow, grabs the crowbar strapped to his pack, and then runs to the bar when he begins work to break the wood down and isolate the flames in a sea of stone.

Working as quick as he can it still takes time.

Move to AI43
Strength check: [roll0] (advantage [roll1])

2015-02-23, 12:14 PM
Danny succeeds initially in breaking down part of the bar. If he continues along he should be able to snuff the flame to one section of the room.

Meanwhile Finnan slays one of the zombies, paving way for Alastair and Farhas to move in.

Alastair and Farhas are next up!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-02-23, 09:49 PM
Alastair pushes off the zombie pressing in on him and turns at the sound of wood splintering. He sees Danny taking down the bar to stop the spread of the fire, I'm going to deal with the fire, ya? Make sure me arse isn't eaten while I work. Alastair gives him a curt nod, Excellent thinking Daniel! Were we to prevail against the undead, the heat and smoke could still do us in. He surges forward with wide sweeping arcs of his greatsword, Please see to Alvor and Shaw once you have arrested the spread of the flames. Leave these wretches to me and Finnan!

Action - Attack Z2
Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

*If Z2 dies*

Move to AI-45.
Action Surge - Attack Z4
Attack Roll - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2015-02-27, 09:36 AM
Unfortunately Alastair misses and things grow a bit darker for the party. Continuously calling on the forces of the gods Farhas reaches her hand forward and points at one of the zombies, just then flame and light begin combining and lashing out towards the zombie. Unfortunately she misses.

Attack: Sacred Flame vs. ZD1 Target must succeed a Dex saving throw vs. 12 or take [roll1] Radiant Damage.

Most of the Zombies are immovable in fear of Farhas but one begins to neglect the corpses at its feet and begin to attack the party. It steps over the bodies of the two dead friends and with it's long sword swipes out towards Alastair. It misses him and stares back with those sunken eyes.

Move: AI 26 to AH 25
Attack: [roll2] vs. 16 (Alastair)
Damage: [roll3]

Another Zombie after being attacked by Farhas has regained it's rigor and comes around to also attack Alastair!

Move: AH 46 to AG 45
Attack: [roll] vs. 16 (Alastair)
Damage: [roll4]

They are stuck in fear for another 8 rounds or until they take damage.

With the zombies slowly regaining poise the party is left with little time to pick them off.

16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 20 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 31 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 7 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *FEAR*
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 18 AC: 16 *FEAR*
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 7 AC: 16 *FEAR*

*Round 2*

Finnan, Danny, Alastair, and Farhas lead us off!

Farhas looks to the Zombie she attempted to strike last time and lashes out again at it!

Attack: Sacred Flame vs. ZD1 Target must succeed a Dex saving throw [roll5] vs. 12 or take [roll6] Radiant Damage.
ZD 1 HP: 12 No longer in *FEAR*

Finnan, Danny and Alastair are up next.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

Irish Musician
2015-02-27, 12:03 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan sees Farhas attacking one of the zombies, and decides to Try and take out the one in front of Alastair.

Action - [roll0], [roll1] & [roll2]

2015-02-27, 12:19 PM
As if it was fate Finnan takes aim at Tally the Zombie Dwarf and lays a perfect hit. She falls and lands on top of Shaw. The three bodies now lay together on the floor in the center of the room.

16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 20 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 31 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 0 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *FEAR*
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 12 AC: 16
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 7 AC: 16 *FEAR*

Danny and Alastair are up to face off against the last few remaining zombies!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE&pli=1#gid=0)

2015-02-28, 12:38 PM
Alastair moves to the one zombie no longer under Farhas' spell and tries to bring it down.

Move - Move to AG-46.
Action - Attack Z1
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-02-28, 11:05 PM
Danny (20/28 HP, 15 AC) keeps working.

Strength check with crowbar: [roll0] (advantage: [roll1])

2015-03-02, 10:05 AM
Alastair strikes out against the Zombie and attempts hacks away at the scorched and arrowed flesh. It looks closer and closer to being brought down. Meanwhile the other zombies move away trying to flee from Farhas. Danny continues to hack away at the bar and tries to finish this one section but unfortunately falls short. The fire begins to spread to the area where he currently is working.
The only Zombie able to withstand Farhas's godly influence lashes back out at Alastair who just struck it. It falls short and Alastair is able to easily deflect the blow!

Move: AI 45 to AI 46

Attack: [roll0] vs. 16 Alastair
Damage: [roll]1d8+1[roll]

16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 20 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 31 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 0 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *TURNED* (8)
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 4 AC: 16
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 7 AC: 16 *TURNED* (8)

*Round 3*

As the fire begins to spread into the area where Danny is he begins to feel the effects of being so close to the fire.

Danny takes [roll1] fire damage. Since half of the area was already separated and destroyed I'll give you one last chance to stop it from spreading to this whole area and you needing to move over to stop it, a DC 15 strength check. If you fail I would just suggest moving to AJ 44 and giving yourself extra time.
Also to all, if the fire spreads to a third square, basically AH to AJ 43, those inside the room will have to make con saves every round to not pass out from smoke inhalation. If need be you could also just drag the bodies out once ZD1 is dead since ZD 2 and ZD 5 are currently Turned.

Farhas moves further into the room and stretches her hand out again to try to finally put to rest the struggling zombie dwarf. He strikes true and the dwarf is left smoldering on the ground at Alastair's feet!

Move: AG 41 to AG 43
Attack: Sacred Flame, Dex Saving through [roll2] vs. 12 ZD 1 *FAIL* it's dex sav
Damage: [roll3] Radiant Damage

16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 18 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 31 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 0 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *TURNED* (7)
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 0 AC: 16
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 7 AC: 16 *TURNED* (7)

Finnan, Danny and Alastair are up to save the day!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-03-03, 09:23 AM
Danny (18/28 HP, 15 AC) begins cursing as the crowbar slips and the shift in his weight throws him close to the growing fire. He regains his footing and tries one last time to stop the fire before giving up on this area.

Strength check with crowbar: [roll0] (advantage: [roll1])

2015-03-03, 09:26 AM
Danny retreats closer to the bodies of Shaw and Alvor. He just doesn't have the strength needed to overcome the dwarven craftsmanship, and now intends to drag the bodies from the room rather than stop the fire.

Move to AH44

Irish Musician
2015-03-03, 09:51 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan knocks another arrow and fires it at one of the zombies. He slightly coughs at the smoke that start accumulating above his head. "Guys, methinks we should start getting the hells out of here. It seems to be getting a little smokey in here. And while I like the cover, it isn't so good for the lungs." He pauses a second, "Not to mention the smell might attract some guests we don't quite want to meet yet." And with that Finnan slips out of the room, but stays nearby.

Action - Attack Z5 [roll0], [roll1]
Move - to AG 40

2015-03-03, 10:17 AM
Danny isn't able to stop the fire from spreading to his section and he retreats back to drag the corpses of his former friends out of the room. Meanwhile Finnan fires off at one of the zombies in the corner of the room in an attempt at dropping it before retreating. It takes the arrow through it's eye in a way that would kill damn near anything but instead of dropping it just looks back with it's dead stare and begins to moan and approach the group.

ZD 5 Zombie Save: [roll0] vs. 7 *PASS*
Zombie Dwarf 5 is reduced to 1 HP on Pass.
Zombie Dwarf 5 is no longer turned.

Alastair is up last for the players before the Zombies now get a chance to retaliate!!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-03-03, 10:55 PM
Farhas fells the zombie in front of Alastair, giving him a bit of breathing room, though the air is thick with smoke as Danny fails to arrest the spread of the fire along the bar. Danny gives up the attempt and instead grabs a hold of both Alvor and Shaw, beginning to drag them out, if somewhat unceremoniously. Alastair begins to creep toward him and Finnan and, behind them, the exit, The other two seem too terrified of Farhas' power to come closer. Perhaps we should-- the sound of an arrow let loose twangs beside him, "Guys, methinks we should start getting the hells out of here. It seems to be getting a little smokey in here. And while I like the cover, it isn't so good for the lungs." Alastair watches as Finnan's arrows buries itself in one of the zombies' eyes. The injury excites the undead into action, seemingly dispelling whatever effect Farhas' magic had over it. It begins to shamble forward toward Danny. Confounded! Finnan! I implore you. Cease firing! He moves up to block the zombie from harassing Danny as he moves the bodies out of the room.

Move to AI-45.
Attack Z5 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-03-04, 12:34 PM
One of the Zombies is frozen in place in fear of Farhas while the other is now back to attack. With Alastair in the way it brings up it's long sword and strikes at him. It brings down it's blade and just knicks part of Alastair.

Still turned for 7 more rounds.
Attack: [roll0] vs. 16 Alastair
Damage: [roll1]
16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 18 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 27 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 0 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *TURNED* (7)
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 0 AC: 16
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 1 AC: 16

*Round 4*

Danny has moved away and given up on the bar that is on fire. It looks like it will be spreading soon to the corner of the room and could possibly grow in size. He prepares himself to drag the bodies but he may not have the strength necessary to move both. Meanwhile Finnan has escaped out of the room and Farhas is left with Alastair and Danny. The room is quickly filling with smoke and escape may just be the best option.
Farhas looks onward towards the Zombie that has gained back it's strength and just struck a blow on Alastair. He shoots out one last time, exploding the thing in a ball of light and fire. He then heads over to help Danny out.

Attack: Sacred Flame, Dex Saving throw [roll2] vs. 12 ZD 5 *FAIL*
Damage: [roll3] Radiant Damage
Move: AG 43 to AG 44
ZD 5 is dropped by Farhas.

With that Danny, Finnan and Alastair are up next, with only one Zombie left

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-03-04, 04:07 PM
Danny (18/28 HP, 15 AC)

Danny drops Alvor's arm and adjusts his arms under Shaw's armpits before calling, "Grab our mates and let the bastards burn! That fire will consume this whole room soon enough! A decent burial and some last rites are more important than dealing with this lot right this second!!" Keeping his head low he pulls Shaw from the smokey room and into the hallway where he breathes in slightly less crappy air. Looking around he calls, "I'm going to drag this one back to the horses, meet me there!" and continues moving Shaw as far as he can before hitting darkness, "Someone grab Alvor and a torch!"

Move with Shaw to AJ41, I'll wait here for someone with a torch.

2015-03-04, 08:18 PM
The zombie that Finnan struck shambles forward, but Alastair's eyes begin to sting from the smoke. The zombie throws a ponderous swing of its sword, and clips Alastair's shoulder despite his attempts to defend himself in the smoky conditions. He pushes it away from him, and Farhas' magic proves to be a boon once again. She slays the undead with another blast of energy. Alastair turns to thank her but begins to cough and choke on the smoke. He hunkers down, Curse my considerable stature, he mutters to himself between labored breaths. He reaches for Alvor and picks him up, taking him out of the room. He sets him down outside the door and turns back for Farhas, Farhas, come along!

Irish Musician
2015-03-09, 04:58 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin

Finnan goes by the door and yells out to his friends, "Get your asses in gear! As soon as you are out, this door is closing....so chop chop!"

Move - Next to the door
Ready an Action - As soon as all my living allies are out of the room, slam the door shut and lock it.

2015-03-09, 11:15 PM
Danny is able to pull Shaw out while Alastair pulls Alvor out. Finnan looks into the room as the smoke increases and calls in with Alastair for Farhas. Finnan moves over and gets ready to close the door once Farhas exits. The last zombie remains turned and claws at the wall in fear of Farhas and the growing fire.

16 Finnan: HP: 14 AC: 15
16 Danny: HP: 18 AC: 15
14 Zombie Dwarf 3: HP: 0 AC: 16
13 Alastair: HP: 27 AC: 16
12 Farhas: HP: 24 AC: 17
10 Zombie Dwarf 4: HP: 0 AC: 16
4 Zombie Dwarf 2: HP: 1 AC: 16 *TURNED* (7)
3 Zombie Dwarf 1: HP: 0 AC: 16
0 Zombie Dwarf 5: HP: 1 AC: 16


Friedel and Zarris were looking at the room full of broken vendor shops when they had heard another loud clap coming from the south. It echo'd throughout the halls but the sound was clear in it's direction. They steadily continued onward to locate it's source, unsure if it was this fabled dragon. Zarris with his torch led the way for what he perceived as his future fair lady. As they walked down the hall and checked the room with dead beetles they begin to wonder but their thoughts are interrupted with shouting and screams. Zarris lowers his torch as they come to the corner and peer around it to see just what is making all this noise. Finally their eyes lay upon a strange scene. A young man is dragging what looks like a mangled corpse out a room that is billowing smoke. Meanwhile a large Orc looking creature pulls out another mangled body while the halfling in the corner runs to the door and shouts into it. Just then another emerges and almost colapses while trying to breath. The halfling closes the door and makes sure it remains shut.


Once everyone is out and the bodies are clear Farhas knows it's time to go. She begins gasping for air and turns back to the door that Finnan is ready to close. She rushes out and keels over coughing as she attempts to fill her lungs up with air and get all the smoke out. Finnan shuts the door and trusts that the zombie wont be able to open it up. The door looks sturdy enough too and it seems like it'll be the last item to light if the fire gets close enough.

With that the fight is over and the last zombie is left to burn inside the room, along with whatever contents that were to be found. Farhas holds her hand up to Danny to wait a moment while she catches her breath. She puts her back against the wall and slides down, hunching over and just trying to breath. As she lifts he head up and turn to look at Danny she notices something strange. She points out at the light to everyone looking at her. The light from the hall where they came from before. They light that never used to be there....

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnXR1JWBz1YWdG54cDJSMjhLQzg2aE9SeHg3ZHhrM lE#gid=0)

2015-03-10, 08:39 AM
Danny gropes around for his bow, but in the chaos he realizes he has forgotten it. He drops Shaw and rushes to the room where the locked door is hoping his this day has not taken a dump on his luck once again. He crouches down and searches for his bow, hoping it fell on this side of the door. "For the love of all that is good, may me cursed luck be blessed with some good. This day can't keep going the way it has been, can it?"

I'm not sure the roll I would need to make here if any

2015-03-10, 09:14 AM
Danny searches to no avail, he finds nothing around the door.. It seems that the bow was pushed inside after Finnan shut the door. In defeat he glances back over to Shaw's body, it's then that he notices something hanging off the mauled flesh... The BOW! It turns out that when he dragged Shaw's body out the bow got caught on it. Hopefully it's still usable, albeit a bit bloody..

2015-03-10, 09:55 AM
Zerris Gorba, the human druid, looks askance at the bumblers who stumbled out of the room, dragging a pair of badly-eaten corpses in their wake. The last one out just about slammed the door, just after he catches the tell-tale scent of a fire. He looks more closely and notices that the survivors' clothes were all stained with blood.

Putting two and two together, Zerris shakes his head. Clearly these cannibals had butchered two of their own and started a fire to cook the victims. Apparently they were unable to control the fire, and were forced to drag their prey out of the burning room.

The druid's hand twitches as he extends his quarterstaff protectively in front of the lady tiefling. The staff starts to glow faintly as he channels his druidic power into it. "Don't move any closer, cannibals!" he growls out.

Cast Shillelagh. For 1 minute, Zerris can use Wisdom for attack and damage rolls with the quarterstaff.

Irish Musician
2015-03-10, 12:11 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan slams the door shut, thankful to be rid of the damned zombies finally, and when he turns around he sees two people standing there. At first he doesn't believe what he is seeing, and then one of them speaks up. His staff glows faintly and he says something about cannibals. Finnan is very confused as to what in the nine hells is going on, but he has no patience for stupid people with sticks. "Cannibals? What in the nine hells are you talking about?!! Stand down or I will put this arrow right between your eyes. Now who the hell are you and where did you come from? I'm in no mood to have some stupid glowing stick shook at me!" Finnan quickly knocks an arrow and points it right at the human's face, eyes narrowing as he readies his arrow to be unleashed at the first sign of a movement forward.

Tier once again
2015-03-10, 03:58 PM
Friedel Hope, Tielfing Warlock

The druid's hand twitches as he extends his quarterstaff protectively in front of the lady tiefling. The staff starts to glow faintly as he channels his druidic power into it. "Don't move any closer, cannibals!" he growls out.
As her companion calls out Friedal gasps. "By the Blessed Pantheon, " She says as one hand rises to cover her mouth.
Flying above her head in lazy circles a tiny winged devil lets out a hearty laugh. "KeKeKe Was für ein wunderbarer Anblick. Wir sollten in eh Friedel beitreten? KeKeKe"What a wonderful sight. We should join in eh Friedel?
Blanching at his suggestion, she shakes her head "Be quiet Imp, they cannot possibly be"... she begin to say as she moves forward but stops suddenly as a rugged halfling shouts and knocks an arrow.
Before she stops herself, Friedel's eyes glow crimson and flames begin to flicker about her hands, they slowly rise, but with a deep breath and a visible show of concentration, Friedel closes her eyes and lowers her hands. When they open they have returned to the shining silver that they once were.
"I think this was all just a misunderstanding we mean no harm right Zerris?" she says as she looks to her companion.

2015-03-10, 06:21 PM
Aggressive cannibals. Absolutely the worst kind, Zerris shakes his head.

Mustering as much calm as he is able to, Zerris speaks to the halfling cannibal who is about to attack. "You are dragging half-eaten corpses behind you. Your clothes are stained with blood and guts. I can smell a fire in that room behind you. Logic dictates that you killed them and are cooking them when your fire went out of control. And frankly, it seems to be a very poor life choice to stand down when confronted with cannibals."

Zerris looks at the lady tiefling, and his demeanor softens. Yes, he sees the little demon floating above her head whispering to her. Yes, he saw her little display of demonic energy. Yes, apparently she can understand the language of demons. And yes, she knows his name even when he never introduced himself. But he supresses all of the warning indicators which by rights should be ringing alarm klaxons in his head. Such is the frailty of emotion.

Looking back at the cannibals, he lowers his growl to a more conversational tone. "Milady thinks that you are not cannibals after all. Prove it."

2015-03-10, 10:51 PM
Alastair sets down Alvor's body as quickly as he can without being disrespectful, and hurries back to the door to help Farhas out. The two shut the door together behind her and slump down to the ground. The sound of the roaring flames and clawing zombie are replaced by fits of coughing as the group tries to clear their lungs of smoke. Alastair sees Danny looking for his bow, and lifts a tired arm to point toward Shaw, His last deed, it seems, was to reunite you with your preferred armament. His gaze settles on Shaw, a sad look on his face, but his darkvision is suddenly offended by an approaching light beyond the body. Alastair stands and readies to draw his greatsword as he watches a man and... a cambion? turn the corner. The man draws forth a glowing staff, and accuses them of being cannibals. Finnan has an arrow ready to fire before Alastair can even form a response. The two exchange more words, before the cambion woman displays some power. She dismisses it before making use of it, and Alastair thinks he heard her call upon the blessed pantheon, Strange, he thinks.

He raises his hand in a placating gesture, At peace, strangers. The scene you bear witness to is that of friends pulling forth their fallen comrades from the clutches of the undead. An unexpected encounter has ended disastrously for two of our own, and we only just manged an escape from that room, where dried wood burst into flame at the touch of a dropped torch. We locked the last remaining undead within to be done in by the flames. The stone walls will prevent the fire from spreading any further. He coughs, still trying to clear his throat, and wipes away soot and tears from his eyes with the back of his hand, Tensions run high presently, and we have lost two friends. I know not what your purpose is in coming to this place, and we are unfamiliar to each other. But I ask for your patience, and a modicum of good faith. He takes a few steps forward and extends his hand in greeting, My name is Alastair Lochlanan, and these are my companions, Finnan, Danny, and Farhas. The two that have passed are Alvor, and Shaw.

2015-03-11, 12:00 AM
A half-orc steps forward. He is surprisingly eloquent, and Zerris' mind whirls at seeing what was customarily a savage creature be more well-spoken than the halfling. But still, he can parlay with orcs.

The druid searches Alastaire's face for any signs of deception.
Insight: [roll0]

Finding none, his grip on his staff relaxes. He lowers his enchantment, and tucks the staff into a strap at his back. He takes the fighter's hand and clasps it.

"Well met, Alastair Lochlanan. I am Zerris Gorba, and I live close by. I am here to investigate the rumors of a dragon in these caverns. The ecosystem here has changed dramatically; I intend to find out why. I am sorry for the loss of your comrades Alvor and Shaw. We should give them a good burial."

As a gesture of goodwill, the druid mutters a cant, until ten small red berries appear in his hand. "Your trigger happy friend looks the worse for wear. Take these, and eat. It will recover his strength. But don't save it - its enchantment wears off in a day." He hands over eight berries to Alastair and two berries to the lady tiefling.

Cast Goodberry. Each berry restores 1 HP (action to eat) and provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for 1 day. Potency is lost if not eaten within 24 hours of casting.

Irish Musician
2015-03-11, 08:32 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan lowered his bow, but he didn't not put it away, nor did he take out the arrow. In fact, he barely let off the tension as the druid stepped closer. I don't know who the hells these people are, but their timing is too perfect, he thought to himself. He eyes the druid wearily and didn't ever seem to stop watching him as he interacted with Alastair. They shook hands and the druid gave him some berries. Finnan rolled his eyes and stepped back a bit, covering the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Tier once again
2015-03-11, 04:25 PM
Zerris looks at the lady tiefling, and his demeanor softens.

Looking back at the cannibals, he lowers his growl to a more conversational tone. "Milady thinks that you are not cannibals after all. Prove it."

Watching with wide eyes that are both impassive and alive with curiosity she notes the changes that flash across the humans face.

He raises his hand in a placating gesture, At peace, strangers. The scene you bear witness to is that of friends pulling forth their fallen comrades from the clutches of the undead. An unexpected encounter has ended disastrously for two of our own, and we only just manged an escape from that room, where dried wood burst into flame at the touch of a dropped torch. We locked the last remaining undead within to be done in by the flames. The stone walls will prevent the fire from spreading any further. He coughs, still trying to clear his throat, and wipes away soot and tears from his eyes with the back of his hand, Tensions run high presently, and we have lost two friends. I know not what your purpose is in coming to this place, and we are unfamiliar to each other. But I ask for your patience, and a modicum of good faith. He takes a few steps forward and extends his hand in greeting, My name is Alastair Lochlanan, and these are my companions, Finnan, Danny, and Farhas. The two that have passed are Alvor, and Shaw.
"Schauen Sie, ein gut gesprochen Orc, sie sind eine seltene Rasse der Tat. Vielleicht wird er Eh tun? Diese Weise werden Sie sich nicht schuldig fühlen. Und als besonderen Leckerbissen Ich wette, er ..." before he can finish Friedel glares at the Imp her eyes the color of frozen steel,
"Nicht Oberfläche, Satz oder ich Sie zurück zu meinem Taschen Imp verbannen."
The imp laughing and eyeing the weary group and the Orc in particular, hovers gently over the tielfing taking amusement in her outburst.
Look, a well-spoken Orc, they are a rare breed indeed. Maybe he will do Eh? This way you will not feel guilty. And as a special treat i bet he ...Do Not Finish That Sentence or i will Banish you back to my Pocket Imp.

"Well met, Alastair Lochlanan. I am Zerris Gorba, and I live close by. I am here to investigate the rumors of a dragon in these caverns. The ecosystem here has changed dramatically; I intend to find out why. I am sorry for the loss of your comrades Alvor and Shaw. We should give them a good burial."

As a gesture of goodwill, the druid mutters a cant, until ten small red berries appear in his hand. "Your trigger happy friend looks the worse for wear. Take these, and eat. It will recover his strength. But don't save it - its enchantment wears off in a day." He hands over eight berries to Alastair and two berries to the lady tiefling.

Taking the berries quickly as if the outstretched hand is more of a trap then an offering she grabs them and retreats back a few feet. She holds them close to her face examining and sniffing them, The imp drifts to her shoulder and sniffs the berries as well. Friedel offers one to the Imp and waits while it noisily eats. With a small belch of acrid smoke, he mumbles a comment and takes to the air once again. Friedel then pops the berry into her mouth, with a guarded expression that quickly changes from guarded suspicious to wonder then to joy.
"By Keoghtom, i didn't know berries could be this sweet." Her eyes close as she savors the flavor, they opens them to view the group. "Oh my where are my manners, I am Friedel Hope a... a simple wanderer."

2015-03-11, 09:40 PM
Without the patch of darkness separating them, Zerris and Hope can see that Alastair looks like no orc they may have seen before. Though he is tall, broad, and heavily muscled, his demeanor is not aggressive, even in a charged situation like the one they find themselves in now. If anything, he is trying to diffuse the encounter before it turns to violence. He has the tusks of the orcs, and a pair of small horns, but his canines are topped by decorative caps and stylish rings circle each horn. His hair is long and black, like many orcs, but it is kept in a neat braid and clasped with an ornate clip. He appears well groomed, and his clothing seems rich, and, though there is no way to be sure, you get the impression that it was immaculate before the encounter in the far room left it covered in soot and grime.

Alastair watches as the human takes stock of him. Though he is being honest, he still seems guarded. In his experience, he doesn't often get the benefit of the doubt from strangers. Behind him, the cambion woman watches silently, and some imp or demonling flits about her. The other man reaches out and shakes Alastair's proffered hand, drawing the sharakim's attention back to the him, Well met, Alastair Lochlanan. I am Zerris Gorba, and I live close by. I am here to investigate the rumors of a dragon in these caverns. The ecosystem here has changed dramatically; I intend to find out why. I am sorry for the loss of your comrades Alvor and Shaw. We should give them a good burial.

Alastair returns the handshake, but doesn't know what to make of the man. And the woman gives him some concern. Indeed, well met Zerris Gorba. As a gesture of goodwill, the druid mutters a cant, until ten small red berries appear in his hand. Your trigger happy friend looks the worse for wear. Take these, and eat. It will recover his strength. But don't save it - its enchantment wears off in a day. He hands over eight berries to Alastair and two berries to the lady tiefling.

Alastair eyes the berries for a moment before accepting them from Zerris, Our gratitude good Zerris. He turns to Finnan, and sees the halfling rolling his eyes. Alastair turns back to Zerris with a strained smile, No doubt our constitution will be the better for these berries, but I fear we are without appetite at the moment. I will retain these for later consumption, he says, sliding the berries into a belt pouch. The woman steps forward for some berries and briefly introduces herself as a wanderer by the name of Friedel Hope before retreating back to the corner of the hall. Alastair steps back to his own group, excusing himself, Forgive me, but we must tend to our friends.

I know we make for an unsettling sight, Ms Friedel Hope, but you have nothing to fear from us, he calls out as he kneels down by Shaw's body and begins to prepare the corpse for transport, You and your creature can step forward and join us. He looks up at Zerris as he works, Your friend has a timid disposition for one with horns and an impling about her.

He settles down between both corpses, taking a moment to glance at the door directly behind him and listen against it to see if he hears anything. He gives his companions a knowing look before starting, indicating to them to watch his back in case anything comes through the door. He then begins using his minor arcane abilities to rid himself of grime and filfth, before meticulously doing the same to the bodies of Alvor and Shaw.

Alastair moves to AI-40. He begins casting Prestidigitation on himself, and then on Shaw and Alvor to make them clean. He also rolls a Perception check against the door, but since I'm editing this in I'll make the roll in the OOC.

2015-03-11, 11:01 PM
The two groups begin to introduce each other and tensions are soon reduced to a tolerable level. With all the bickering and then talking no one really notices the creature hidden in the darkness. Even with the light shining down the hallway it seems everyone's attention is payed to each other. Alastair moves away to listen to the door and hears nothing coming from the other side. After he moves away though the creature finally drops from the ceiling and prepares to attack Zerris. Always aware of his surroundings though he notices the long large centipede like creature as soon as it drops. He is able to react before it gets the jump on him!

Zerris [roll0]
Carrion Crawler [roll1]

20 Zerris HP: 24/24 AC: 17
8 Carrion Crawler HP: See Map AC: 13

Zerris and the Crawler get a surprise round, I will roll initiative after both actions are made.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-11, 11:32 PM
ZERRIS GORBA (Human Moon Druid 3) <-- note to DM, not Zarris
HP: 24/24, AC: 17, DC: 13, HD: 3/3 (d8)
MP: 3/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-, Wild Shape: 2/2
Throwing Dagger: 5/5

"What in blazes..." Zerris mutters, involuntarily dropping his torch as a giant worm thing drops from the ceiling. It doesn't look like any natural creature he's seen.

Knowledge Check on Carrion Crawler. Nature: [roll0]

Not wanting to make the first move and agitate the creature, Zerris retreats protectively towards the lady tiefling. He takes out his staff, and recasts his druidic cantrip in preparation for combat. With luck, the creature will focus on the corpses first rather than the living.

Free Action: Drop torch on ground
Move to AP-40.
Bonus Action: Shillelagh on Quarterstaff
Action: Ready "Entangle" spell affecting AM-40:AN-41 area. Trigger: creature enters AM-41 or AN-41.
Effect: Area is difficult terrain for duration (1 minute, concentration). Target must make DC13 Strength save or be restrained. Restrained creatures can break loose with a Strength check vs. DC 13 as an action.
Effect of being restrained: Speed becomes 0, can't benefit from speed bonus; all attack rolls against have advantage; all attack rolls have disadvantage; disadvantage on DEX saves.

2015-03-12, 12:20 PM
Right as Zerris' begins to move away the creature's tentacles fly out and attempt to stop his retreat.

Reaction: Attack of Opportunity
Tentacle Attack: [roll0] vs 17 Zerris
Hit: [roll1] Poison damage. DC 13 vs [roll2]
If FAIL target is poisoned and thus paralyzed for 1 minute. May reroll at the end of each of it's turns.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-12, 01:22 PM
The crawler is able to stop it's prey from moving away and tries to whittle it down again with it's tentacles. Normally it would move closer and try to bite the flesh off it's prey for a quick kill but it smells all the other harmful prey beyond Zerris, as well as some delicious dead carrion, and waits patiently to drag just this one away before hopefully returning.

Tentacle Attack: [roll0] and (Advantage) [roll1] vs 17 Zarris
Hit: [roll2] Poison damage. Crit damage (due to paralyze auto crit) [roll3]
I didn't roll for the paralyze again since you are already poisoned and it's the same round.

The Crawler hits Zerris again and continues to tear away at his armor and flesh, trying to pry inside of him and reach his tasty innards.

*Round 1*

Everyone else is finally up to speed and reacts to the scene that just unfolded. It seems that it is never safe to let your guard down in this Stronghold, not even just for a friendly chat in the halls.

Alastair: [roll4]
Danny: [roll5]
Farhas: [roll6]
Finnan: [roll7]
Friedel: [roll8]
Zerrris: Using Roll from surprise round: 20.
Carrion Crawler: Using roll from surprise round: 8.

23 Finnan: HP: 14/21 AC: 15
20 Zerrris: HP: 11/24 AC: 17 INCAPACITATED + PARALYZED + POISONED (9 Rounds)
17 Danny: HP: 20/28 AC: 15
11 Friedel: HP: 27/27 AC: 10
8 Carrion Crawler: HP: *See Map* AC: 13
7 Farhas: HP:24/24 AC: 17
6 Alastair: HP: 31/31 AC: 16

Finnan, Danny and Friedel are up to try to save their new companion before the Crawler can do anymore damage!! Zerris is also up to try to get his body to fight the poison and free himself from being paralyzed!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-12, 01:47 PM
Danny: 20/28HP; 15AC

Danny scrambles to stand over Shaw's body and picks up his bow, he then takes a few steps to look down the hall and see the creature. He sees Zerris in dire need and shouts, "Hang tough, ye daft bastard! No more will be dragged out of this dank fortress this day!," and checking the condition of his bow, "No worm will be feasting on us tonight!"

He really hopes his bow is at least usable.

Move to AM40 passing through AJ40.
Spend 1 Superiority Die on 'Rally' for Zerris: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2015-03-12, 03:33 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin

Finnan sees the druid cease up and his smirk reemerges. Heh, serves him right for being an ass. He sees Danny start to move toward him and try and save him. Finnan rolls his eyes, Sigh, I guess they want to help him.......jerk. He then rushes past Danny and spins around on his heels. He lets an arrow loose and fires at the awful bug. If there is something he hates more than *******s.....it is giant bugs that want to eat him.

Bonus - Dash to AN40
Acton - Attack CC [roll0] or [roll1]. If a 1 gets rolled [roll2]
Damage - [roll3], [roll4]
Finnan sends two arrows, just in case, and the first connects with the creature's side. An arrow pierces through it and spills its blood on the stone floor. "Take that ya overgrown worm!"

Tier once again
2015-03-12, 04:38 PM
Friedel stands with her back to the wall, a pleasant smile on her face as she savors the remaining flavor of the goodberry, but her repast is abruptly ended when she sees Zerris back out of the hallway his staff raised defensively, but before he can go further then a few feet horrid tentacles whip out and lash into him. He drops rater abruptly given the force of the blow. Could he be dead? she wonders.
The answer strangely enough is given by the monster as it continues to wail into Zerris' prone body.

Danny moves toward Zerris and calls out to him; Finnan blurs by him and unleashes two arrows,
i have to help she realizes as she Gives in..Friedel rushes forward. She moves in a crooked line dodging the vengeful group, her tail lashing, her eyes begin to glow slightly, akin to a mirror reflecting a candle in a darkened hallway, her silver eyes begin to burn with pinpricks of a hellish red flame. Her face looks less and less human as her mouth opens to a snarl reveling her sharp fangs and forked tongue.
The Imp follows keeping a tight formation with the moving tiefling. She rounds the corner leaping across the prone and bleeding Zerris,
Gott des Schicksals, Gott des Elendsverleihen deine Macht zu mir. Ich sehe seine Fäden, ich sehe sein Schicksal, jetzt damit beginnen, geschnitten und Fetzen. she snarls, as she brings a small glittering globe to her eye. From that globe blue and black bands extend out and wrap around the ...creature sinking into its palid flesh.
Then with her left hand she points at the same foul creature.
Asmodeus verfluche dich !! She barks a moment later black ichor spattering from her mouth and trickling down the side of her chin. A dark nauseating black and green bolt flashes from her hand to it directly into the middle of the monster. gouging a visciuos hole into it. the Black and blue spell also activates pouring into the wounds instantly rotting the surrounding tissue.
Hex. i curse a target which grants me an additional 1d6 necrotic and i choose one ability. I grant them disadvantage on ability checks with that chosen ability for up to one hour.

Eldritch blast i shoot out a beam of energy with a range of 120 feet that deals 1d12 plus 4 force damage.

The imp with a gloating smug scowl across his face, slowly fades from view.
Imp actions, Natural invisibilty resumed until it attacks,

God of fate, God of Misery, lend your power to me. I see his thread, i see his fate, now begin to cut and shred.
Asmodeus curse Thee!!

move to AK40 imp is in the same square. then hex <targeting strength based abilities> CC and eldritch blast to start things up
on a hit deal [roll]1d12+4 plus [roll1]Necrotic

2015-03-12, 06:08 PM
ZERRIS GORBA (Human Moon Druid 3)
Druid Form | HP: [+7] 11/24, AC: 17, DC: 13, HD: 3/3 (d8)
MP: 3/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-, Wild Shape: 2/2
Throwing Dagger: 5/5
Status: Poisoned, Paralyzed, Incapacitated, Prone

He was going to be worm food. Dimly the druid feels a wave of vigor granted him by the human fighter's rallying cry, and he feebly tries to will his body to respond.


He feels primal energy surge through his veins, and the last vestiges of the poison dissipate, taking away his numbing paralysis in its wake. However, it left the druid temporarily drained of energy.

2015-03-12, 10:06 PM
Luckily for Zerris everyone is quick to swing into action. They easily take out half of the creatures health. Feeling those effects and not wanting to lose it's prey the Crawler lashes out again with it's tentacles in an attempt to disable Zerris before it moves in close for the kill with it's bite.

Tentacle Attack: [roll0] vs 17 Zerris
Hit: [roll1] Poison damage. DC 13 vs [roll2] *PASS*
If FAIL target is poisoned and thus paralyzed for 1 minute. May reroll at the end of each of it's turns.
Move: AL 43 to AL 42
Bite Attack: [roll3] vs 17 Zerris
Hit: [roll4] piercing damage.

Farhas jumps into action as well and rushes to Zerris' aid. She lays her hands on him and prays to her god for health and healing unto him.

Move: AG 40 to AK 41
Action: Cure Wounds using second level spell slot [roll5] to Zerris

Alastair is up to finish off the round!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-12, 10:30 PM
Before Alastair begins prepping the bodies, he realizes he has positioned himself directly before a door to another room. He pauses for a moment and presses his ear against the door, listening for any activity within. He doesn't hear anything, though he hadn't heard anything when he walked into a room full of zombies. He frowns, Less contemplation Alastair, more action he says to himself. Suddenly, there is a commotion near the druid, Zerris. Out of the darkness of the hallway beyond him, tentacles reach out and lash him. Zerris tries to back away, but whatever attacks him is too quick. The man falls to the ground and ceases to move. Alastair's eyes go wide as he realizes the peril the newcomer is in. As he rises to engage the beast, everyone around him bursts into action. The cambion woman, Friedel Hope, steps forward and casts magic into the darkness. Danny moves toward Zerris and calls out to him; Alastair can see the man stir at the cry of his name. Finnan blurs by him and unleashes two arrows, and Farhas is right behind him, tending to Zerris with a healing spell. The sound of his greatsword being pulled from its sheath rings out into the hall, and Alastair strides toward the mass of tentacles reaching out from around the corner to engage the monster threatening his friends, We have drawn unwanted attention! Stay behind me, I will endeavor to drive the creature back! Look to our flank, that we are not belted by unseen monstrosities as this one holds our attention here!

Move - Move to AL-42.
Action - Attack Carrion Crawler
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-03-12, 10:41 PM
Unfortunately Alastair missed the nasty creature but his friends are back in action!

*Round 2*



Hit Points

Armor Class



14 / 21




17 / 24




20 / 28




27 / 27


Carrion Crawler


See Map




24 / 24




27 / 31


Finnan, Zerris, Danny and Friedel are up to try to finish the thing off!!

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-12, 11:03 PM
"Enough," the druid mutters angrily, "Is too much!" Tapping into wild and primal forces, his form is bathed in green light as his body reshapes into the form of a Dire Wolf (http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/135/f/b/dire_wolf___color_by_feralkyn-d3ggc48.png), with all his equipment merging into his new form. The best defense is a good offense, and the druid intends to take a bite out of the monstrosity before it takes a bite out of him.

Zerris the dire wolf snarls at the carrion crawler, and springs into action, clamping down hard on one of its accursed tentacles with great savagery.

Move: Stand from prone.
Bonus Action: Combat Wild Shape into Dire Wolf.
Pack Tactics: Advantage on attack rolls if allies are adjacent to target.
Attack: [roll0] and [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Potential Crit: [roll3]
Carrion Crawler STR save: [roll4] + STR mod vs DC 13 (or be knocked prone)
OOC: If Finnan kills the crawler before my turn then obviously the above didn't happen.​

The wolf mangles the crawler (14 damage), but does not manage to flip it to the ground.

ZERRIS GORBA (Human Moon Druid 3)
Wild Shape: DIRE WOLF | HP: 37/37, AC: 14, Speed: 50
Druid Form | HP: 17/24, AC: 17, DC: 13, HD: 3/3 (d8)
MP: 3/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-, Wild Shape: 1/2
Throwing Dagger: 5/5

Tier once again
2015-03-13, 12:39 AM
Her eyes a glow Friedel presses her assault.
Eldritch Blast
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1] Force plus [roll2] Necrotic
If crit: [roll3]
it will ready an attack to hit anyone that tries to attack or *touch* Friedel.
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] piercing damage
If crit: [roll6]
and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution save or take [roll7] poison damage on a failed save. or half on a successful save

Asmodeus verfluche dich !!
Once again blazing Greenish black light from her out streched fingers. It lances out scoring another blow into the crawlers hide leaving a puckered rotten hole.

2015-03-13, 06:21 AM
Between the Tieflings demonic power and the Humans animalistic power the crawler is easily torn to shreds in a matter of seconds. The nasty creature drops to the floor so suddenly, Almost as fast as it had arrived. The halls are once again pierced only by the sounds of the parties breathing. Another foe eliminated in a few seconds it seems. This time no one had died, but a close call. It may be time to find the nearest room and get some rest. To finally finish introductions and take care of the bodies.

Farhas is weary from all the fighting and death. She looks somberly at her companions and slumps against the wall again in defeat. What if this one had died on her watch as well?

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-13, 06:40 AM
Zerris the wolf senses the little halfling cleric's distress. He also knows that without her help, he would have been critically injured. Letting out a small whine, the wolf goes towards her and licks her face.

2015-03-13, 07:32 AM
Feeling slightly better from the wolfs kind gesture Farhas places her hands on his head and closes her eyes, praying again. Zerris feels the warmth of light enter into him again and the last of his wounds start closing up.


2015-03-13, 08:15 AM
Zerris feels far more safe and secure in this form, his confidence in his own abilities as a human having been drastically shaken by that carrion crawler. As such, he will remain as a dire wolf for the remaining duration of the power (2 hours).

As the halfling healer says a prayer over him, he lets out a satisfied whine. That felt really good, something he hasn't experienced for quite some time. He nudges the cleric and points to his back, motioning for her to hitch a ride.

Irish Musician
2015-03-13, 08:27 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
As the creature shrivels up, dead, Finnan makes note of their new " companions' " abilities. Finnan is always measure those around him, seeing how powerful they are. It seems the new lady, quite obviously a Warlock, has a fair bit of punch to her powers. That annoying little creature on her should must help with that. And the druid, too, seems to have some shape-shifting abilities. That could pose a problem in the future, but Finnan was never one to plan so if push came to shove, he was confident he could take care of that later.

Speaking up first, "Alright....well lets not stand all day in this damn hallway. We need to find a room we can stay in for a bit and recover. As well as take care of our friends. If we can find a room maybe we won't get anymore surprises from these damned creatures!" Finnan looks to Alastair for confirmation.

2015-03-13, 12:24 PM
Danny stares wide-eyed for a moment, "Did he just turn into a wolf!?"

Tier once again
2015-03-13, 01:31 PM
Friedel breathing heavy the blaze in her eyes slowly fades as she stares at the charred and ruined corpse of the crawler, until they return to their usual solid silver colorings.
Then with a shocked look she reaches into a pouch and pulls out a bit of what looks like fleece, and then with a word "Ascunde ascundă dispar" she vanishes.
Hide conceal disappear
Minor illusion
Effect: she conjures an image of the wall behind her to conceal the square she is in. It takes either walking through the image or physically interacting with it to dispel it or an action to examine it with a Intelligence saving throw vs DC 14 to pierce the illusion

2015-03-13, 10:32 PM
Alastair leaps over Zerris' prone form and engages the tentacle beast. The creature seems startled at his arrival and rears back, its tentacles whirring before it defensively. Alastair has troubling penetrating the mass of writhing appendages before two of the tentacles snap forward and throw him against the wall. They keep him pinned there. Alastair growls and struggles to free himself. He can't swing his arm to hack at the tentacles, but isn't sure he could force the tentacles off of him by hand if he relinquishes his greatsword. Suddenly, Zerris jumps up from the ground, surrounded by the glow of a green nimbus of light, and transforms into a large snarling wolf. Zerris in wolf form bounds forward and bites the creature, clamping down and worrying at the wound, trying to force the creature down to the ground. The creature stays standing, or crawling, but is distracted enough by the new threat to pull back its tentacles and let Alastair off the wall. He fixes his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose and steals a glance back to Friedel Hope to ensure she is alright. But the woman he sees is not the same that had introduced herself moments before. Instead of the shy and timid tiefling, there stood an imposing and confident woman, with eyes glowing red and black spittle oozing down her chin. A sickly green and black light radiates around her hand before she hurls it at the creature, melting its flesh where the magic orb hits.

Alastair turns to see the creature fall over dead. He peers down the hall in case anything else was creeping toward them out of the darkness, but he doesn't see anything. For a moment, the group stands there, regaining their breath. Alastair wonders if Zerris is forced to stay in this form for some time, because he doesn't transform back and instead takes to Farhas. Danny seems impressed by the feat, but Alastair can't take his eyes off of the tiefling. As he expected, there was more to this "simple wanderer" than she let on, and this encounter forced her to reveal that, if only briefly. As he watches her, she seems to come to some horrific realization, incants a spell, and vanishes. Alastair's troubled gaze becomes puzzled, Friedel Hope? Are you there? Have you gone? He peers toward the corner where she had been standing before the battle, Ms Hope? She had the look of someone startled, he says to no one in particular, Perhaps the skirmish upset her. Do you think she is near? She seems capable of handling herself, but this is no place for a woman to wander around alone. Zerris, has she a habit of disappearing like this? Alastair waits for a response before turning to look at the wolf and realizing he probably can't answer.

"Alright....well lets not stand all day in this damn hallway. We need to find a room we can stay in for a bit and recover. As well as take care of our friends. If we can find a room maybe we won't get anymore surprises from these damned creatures!" Finnan looks to Alastair for confirmation.

We have made quite a ruckus here. And a respite will be most welcome. We have... several things to consider before we continue onward. That said, Alastair sheathes his sword and walks over to Alvor's body. He picks up the corpse and carries it over his shoulder, turning to regard the group, Shall we return to the mules? He takes a few step forward and regards the wolf, Zerris, can you understand me still? Will Friedel be alright? Can she find us where we will be?

2015-03-14, 03:11 PM
"I think we need to regroup. I want to bury these poor saps and give a toast their to meeting with the ferryman, and I'm tired and need to tweak my bow back to fighting condition. It'll take some time to reach soft enough ground we can even give 'em a shallow grave. Sherry and Beeyor can carry them for us once we get that far.," Danny tilts the brim of his hat down a bit and says, "Not a great start when acting the maggot in this tip puts us down two." Picking Shaw back up and continuing to pull him along he calls out saying, "Besides, we got some queer friends with this wolf eejit and his magic wagon. A toast with these yokes would make me a right bit more sure sticking me neck out for them."

He moves slowly but surely down the hall to the corner (OOC: AP40) and calls for a torch.

2015-03-15, 09:45 AM
"Zerris, can you understand me still? Will Friedel be alright? Can she find us where we will be?"

Zerris, the Dire Wolf, can understand everything that is said to him. After all, he retains every bit of his intelligence, wisdom, and personality when he is using the primal Wild Shape power. The problem, of course, is that wolves don't have the appropriate vocal cords for complex speech: he is restricted to growls, barks, yips, and whines.

And in any case, he doesn't know anything about the Hope lady. Why she is attempting a disappearing trick was quite perplexing to the druid. She's still right there -- Zerris can still smell her standing right there.

In response to the erudite half orc's question, Zerris merely looks at the fighter with his head tilted at an angle. Since he can't answer the questions, might as well pretend he can't understand languages. No need to tell this group of foolhardy strangers any more than they ought to know...

Tier once again
2015-03-16, 01:31 PM
Friedel Hope? Are you there? Have you gone? He peers toward the corner where she had been standing before the battle, Ms Hope? She had the look of someone startled, he says to no one in particular, Alastair waits for a response before turning to look at the wolf and realizing he probably can't answer.

"Alright....well lets not stand all day in this damn hallway. We need to find a room we can stay in for a bit and recover. As well as take care of our friends. If we can find a room maybe we won't get anymore surprises from these damned creatures!" Finnan looks to Alastair for confirmation.

We have made quite a ruckus here. And a respite will be most welcome. We have... several things to consider before we continue onward. That said, Alastair sheathes his sword and walks over to Alvor's body. He picks up the corpse and carries it over his shoulder, turning to regard the group, Shall we return to the mules? He takes a few step forward and regards the wolf, Zerris, can you understand me still? Will Friedel be alright? Can she find us where we will be?

"I think we need to regroup. I want to bury these poor saps and give a toast their to meeting with the ferryman, and I'm tired and need to tweak my bow back to fighting condition. It'll take some time to reach soft enough ground we can even give 'em a shallow grave. Sherry and Beeyor can carry them for us once we get that far.," Danny tilts the brim of his hat down a bit and says, "Not a great start when acting the maggot in this tip puts us down two." Picking Shaw back up and continuing to pull him along he calls out saying, "Besides, we got some queer friends with this wolf eejit and his magic wagon. A toast with these yokes would make me a right bit more sure sticking me neck out for them."

He moves slowly but surely down the hall to the corner (OOC: AP40) and calls for a torch.

Reacting to what was said Hope dispels the illusion, and stands up from her kneeling position. she seems to have regained her composure. breathing evenly and regularly she responds. "Forgive my distress it is personal and nothing for anyone to worry about, i agree Finnan, Danny, and noble Alistar, at the least i can say a few words to help ease your comrades passage. " With that he begins to follow Danny back down the hall.
she will head down towards AP 31 then follow Danny where ever he is headed.

2015-03-17, 06:16 AM
After a short and uneventful trip the party finds themselves back at the start of Stonefast. They are in the rooms with the two mules belonging to Shaw and Alvor along with Zerris' mule. It's truly a somber moment. Though these folks weren't the closest of friends its hard to believe in just a short while inside the stronghold they are already dead. While preparing the bodies Farhas is taking it particularly hard and has to stop here and there to have a moment to herself.

After the bodies are finally placed on their respective mules Farhas looks up at the group and finally speaks, "I don't think I can do this..." Her voice begins to crack but she remains strong. "What I mean by that is, I don't think I can continue into the stronghold." She looks at Shaw and Alvor, "It was so hard to lose these two under my watch and it would break me to see anyone else die." Farhas pauses for a moment before continuing on, "I think it would be best if I took the bodies and left to give them a proper burial. I could see what items they have to compensate for the costs," she glances at Finnan and then at the rest "if that's alright with you guys." Farhas looks around the room at the listening faces. She hadn't known some of them for more than a few days but now she couldn't have felt closer to a bunch. She speaks up one last time, "This is for the best, Thank you all." She squeaks out the last bit before continuing on her work and putting focus into it, in an attempt to distract herself.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-17, 09:59 AM
Zerris the now-human druid (the dire wolf form would have given Benjamin a heart attack) shifted uncomfortably. He knew he was the one who was "almost lost" during the halfling's watch. Her healing skills are invaluable, but her heart was clearly no longer into it, and he cannot fault her for wanting to leave.

"Milady, I wish you safe travels," was the only thing he could say. Without a personal connection to the deceased bard and paladin, he is unable to claim any sort of empathy with her situation. After all, ten years of isolation has made him relates better to beasts than to beings.

Looking sheepishly across the cramped room, the druid scratched his head, lazily walked to the pedestal, and idly flipped the oversized tome open to read its contents. Finally deciding he could delay no more, he cleared his throat with a cough.

"It seems I was too hasty to judge all of you. Your actions to aid me against that foul abomination was proof enough. You are not cannibals, and I apologize for my accusations."

He looks around the room, and observes everyone's faces before continuing. His gaze lingers longer than it should on the tiefling, but he turns away before the pause became too noticeable.

"It is abundantly clear to me that entering the caves alone is clear folly, even if I still have business inside. If you do not mind me asking, what are all of you planning to do?"

Irish Musician
2015-03-17, 03:00 PM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin
Finnan has never been one to get weepy, even int ha face of horrific circumstances. He shurgs and nods at Fahras, "Take 'em if you like. I am not overly religious so I don't tend to care what happens to someone after they are dead. Neither do they, I'd imagine. They were good companions while alive, so if you need to take care of what they left behind, do so." Finnan says this in a matter-of-fact manner, but his friends know that he really does care. Just in his own calloused way.

He then answers the druid probably in a much more intense fashion that he was expecting, especially from a halfling, "We are still trying to figure out all this dragon stuff. So that is what we are doing. Come or don't, whatever." Finnan narrows his eyes and continues, "You, however, did not judge me wrong. I am a bad person and a killer. I do not hesitate to kill and will not pick your life over a friend's. So know this.....cross me again, human, and it will be the last thing you ever do. I have killed men for less. If you understand this then we will get along fine. But I do not give second chances."

Finnan then turns from the druid, puts his bow away and takes out his rapier, and leaves the room, speaking as he leave, "I will make sure the exit is clear, wait for my return." He makes his way back outside, scouting ahead, to make sure Fahras has no trouble getting their friends out.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-03-18, 11:58 AM
Danny watches Finnan storm out, "Such a wee lad for such a stick in his ass! It's no skin of me back, wolfy. I was lucky I dropped me bow or you'd have an arrow in your side!" Danny laughs before turning to Farhas, "I can understand how the stress can get to you, return home those you love are surely waiting for you. But I can't let you keep Sherry, she's been at me side for a fair bit now and I'm not carrying whatever loot may be here back on me back. Both bodies can fit on that right mule Beeyor. We'll toast in the honor of our fallen friends and you tonight... and at the (hopeful) meeting of new ones. I think I have something stiff for the occasion on me somewhere. May the wind be always at your back."

Danny then aides the halfling with her task to get her ready for a voyage back home, and unabashedly trading some of his needless goods for better choices - axes and hammers for daggers and shortswords, replenishing arrows (and storing 80 on Sherry), and a healing potion. If farhas complains he fights he on it, pointing out that he doesn't want to see anyone else die either. When she protests, he gives her a few (4) gold coins to make up the difference as best he can.

2015-03-18, 12:09 PM
Zerris takes a closer look and flips through the pages of the tome. It seems to be full of signatures. The dwarves kept track of every non human who entered the stronghold. It looks very old and with the right buyer it could sell for around 500 GP. Meanwhile Finnan heads out and before the door can even close he is gone to the sights of the party. The coast looks clear for Farhas to leave and nothing stands out.

All the preparations are done and over with and with that Farhas is ready to leave. She packs everything up and heads out the door, giving a wave goodbye to her companions. The group is left in silence. Only the sounds of skittering in the darkness can be heard. Now's they must decided which direction to take. Return back to where they came or try to other side of Stonefast. The fire should have died down by now and the group feels pretty rested. They all could even rest longer if the feeling arises.

Where do you guys want to go?

From the preparations and farewells you guys took a short rest. So please make note of those benefits.

*Map* (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVMyj-uEeodVrLgsPVsDuv-DSpDYXWuCm9HTE0jce_Y/edit#gid=0)

2015-03-18, 12:53 PM
Zerris snaps the book shut and hands it over to the half orc. "You're here for treasure right?" He asks rhetorically. "My guess is this would easily fetch 500 gold if you find the right collector."

Upon hearing the skittering of unknown and unseen creatures, the druid looks around what's left of the group. "You know, this goes against my beliefs as a druid, but nothing in there is worth saving. If we were the only beings inside, why don't we build a large fire and smoke out the cave? I don't want any more of those corpse eater things to attack. A day or so of smoke, and just about every creepy crawlie in there would suffocate to death."

Tier once again
2015-03-18, 01:26 PM
Danny then aides the halfling with her task to get her ready for a voyage back home, and unabashedly trading some of his needless goods for better choices - axes and hammers for daggers and shortswords, replenishing arrows (and storing 80 on Sherry), and a healing potion. If farhas complains he fights he on it, pointing out that he doesn't want to see anyone else die either. When she protests, he gives her a few (4) gold coins to make up the difference as best he can.

Watching Finnan storm out and Danny begin to help the halfing. Friedel feels that her turn to speak has come. "I plan to continue on the depths of this place," she says as she also begin to help pack and load the animals. "It is my hope that we can continue along as a group that being the safest and smartest course of action."
well besides resting and helping out she sits and rest quarreling with the imp

"I don't think that smoke is the best choice Zerris" Freidel says looking over at him, catching his eye and looks away blushing."We might get far more than we bargained for and besides fire has no master and could just as easily turn against us."

2015-03-18, 02:27 PM
Regaining HP: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2015-03-19, 11:25 AM
Finnan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53867), Halfling Rogue Assassin

Finnan sits with the others, nursing the few wounds he gathered while in the dungeon. He didn't add much to the discussion as he was still in a foul mood. He mainly just kept to himself and put on bandages.

[roll0] for HP

2015-03-19, 08:59 PM
"I don't think that smoke is the best choice Zerris" Freidel says looking over at him, catching his eye and looks away blushing."We might get far more than we bargained for and besides fire has no master and could just as easily turn against us."

Zerris catches her blush and reciprocates with a blush of his own. Except of course he stoically hides it better.

"Indeed, fire has no master. But we are not creating a conflagration. All we need is something that will make a lot of smoke. I say we start the fire outside and fan the smoke inside. What's the worst that can happen - a creature that's going to attack us anyway come out and attack us - while still suffocating?"

2015-03-19, 10:35 PM
Danny stretches his arms and yawns before saying "We've had enough fire for one day, let's just keep moving through these rooms. We've yet to see any life in this place, just aberrations and the living dead." hopping to his feet he looks at Friedel and says, "The imp being invisible doesn't matter much when we're carrying torches down the hall, just about anything knows we're around. Besides, I'd prefer if me hide depending on the whims of devils. Don't sit right."

Danny repacks the little bit of food and drink he had unpacks and makes sure his equipment is ready, "Maybe we go right instead of left. Hopefully that side had a few less hungry creatures around." He glances in the direction of Alastair and continues, "I would rather this strapping lad keeps up the point, and you two remain with Finn and my eyes on you fer now in the middle of the pack."

2015-03-19, 10:47 PM
Zerris sighs. Everyone doesn't want to smoke out the creatures. Why must adventurers do it the hard way, he grumbles to himself.

He extinguishes his torch, takes out the three ten-foot poles he had brought along, and gives a pole each to the fighters (Danny and Alastair) while keeping one for himself. "Ten foot poles," he tells them. "Never explore dungeons without them."

2015-03-23, 11:18 AM
"Play with your own pole, mate. I'd rather keep me arms at the ready, it seems that you could use the pole better hwen you fight with magic and claws," Danny tosses the pole back wondering how he carried them through all these dwarven halls and doorways. Seems like a pain, nimble feet will serve him better.

The wait irritating him he urges his companions to get a move on, though he agrees that retracing the steps to the fire might be the best restart to the delving. He gives Sherry some oats and they are on their way headed back to where their friends were slain.

Tier once again
2015-03-23, 03:35 PM
"MY Imp has agreed to flit ahead and keep watch for beasts such as that one from before that almost killed Zerris."
i will stick in the middle of the party while my imp will float ahead just out of the torchlight, that way we can benefit with out splitting the party.
Friedel says as she finishes moving and rearranging her pouches and adjusting her armor. She takes a moment to feed her Intrepid mouse pet and after cuddling she places him back into his pouch and strides out to the entrance.
"Are We ready to set out again."