View Full Version : Xykon's attack against Haley (Spoilers)

2007-03-22, 04:52 PM
In #429, Xykon hit Haley with a spell that looks like his usual "zombifying ray". Yet she seems to be only slightly bruised. Any speculations on what this spell could be?

2007-03-22, 04:54 PM
Probably just a minor damage causing bolt released in surprise at being discovered. I imagine that most of his attacks look the same.

2007-03-22, 05:00 PM
There's only so many spell effects that can be put into a comic focused on stick figure art. Note how different characters tend to produce different colored magic.

Xykon - Black
Durkon/Sangwaan/Belkar - White
Vaarsivus - Pink
Nale/Dorukan - Yellow (Dorukan's is a lighter shade)
Girard - Magenta
Elan - Blue
Celia - Cyan/Silver
Samantha - Purple
Roy - Green (sword effect)
Redcloak - Red
Hilgya - Orange
Lirian - Aquamarine/Blue-Green
Zz'tdri - Minty Green
Leeky Windstaff - Brown
Pompey - Lavender
All paladins (Lay on Hands) - light blue.
Drunk Wizard - Sky Blue

So nearly all of Xykon's spells will produce a black glow, despite coming from different schools, just as Durkon's Conjuration AND Transmutation AND Abjuration all look the same.

My bet? Horrid wilting, and Haley made her save. Characters tend to be pretty upset when they lose levels, so I don't think that Haley would have gone to business as usual with that being the case.

2007-03-22, 05:08 PM
i completely agree with Jade_Tarem there plus: So far Xykon always needed to kill his victims before he could Zombify them. And as far as I know it was always a prerequisite to be dead in order to be turned into an undead (even for affliction, by an undead such as a Ghoul), except maybe for vampires but i dont know the rules for that

Tussy the Druid
2007-03-22, 05:10 PM
Ja, I agree with Taker. Couldn't have been very devastating if it only caused a tic-tac-toe mark on her cheek.

2007-03-22, 05:11 PM
My bet? Horrid wilting, and Haley made her save. Characters tend to be pretty upset when they lose levels, so I don't think that Haley would have gone to business as usual with that being the case.

I like your colour breakdown, but it doesn't seem like Horrid Wilting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/horridWilting.htm) to me.

Targets: Living creatures, no two of which can be more than 60 ft. apart

Haley is right next to a bunch of other people, I've never used the spell but it looks like it can target multiple characters, why not hit the others up too then?

2007-03-22, 05:15 PM
I like your colour breakdown, but it doesn't seem like Horrid Wilting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/horridWilting.htm) to me.

Well, I was just taking a wild guess, and he could have done as little as 9 damage with the spell or as much as, well, Haley probably doesn't have that many hit points. It does seem like a very Xykonish spell, though.

I updated the color table now. That *should* be all the spellcasters in the comic. I have too much free time on my hands...

brian c
2007-03-22, 06:11 PM
It could have been any spell that Haley made her save for. Could have been a Save/Die or just a save for less damage, but she seems to be mostly unscathed.

2007-03-22, 07:56 PM
a mere negative energy ray, or may even a Lich touch? I don't remember if it can be ranged, he didn't say any magic words(even with the attack, I'd expect Xykon to at least start saying). My bet is that it wasn't a regular spell, just one of those lich touch attacks

2007-03-23, 01:30 AM
Lich Touch can't be ranged.

Enervation (which I think some people are confusing as Negative Energy Ray) does not have a saving throw, so she'd turn up with negative levels later, she she was clearly hit. I wonder if the Giant has noticed that Restoration is a 3 round cast?

I'll put my money on Finger of Death, which on a successful save only does pathetic damage.

2007-03-23, 07:18 AM
Yeah, I think it's just a generic necromancy spell that damages or drains something. I mean, what would the point of buzzing the walls in the first place be if you weren't going to zap someone with something?

2007-03-23, 07:23 AM
Lich Touch can't be ranged.

And why not? *Cough*Feats*Cough*