View Full Version : Timelocked Champions - New (Unique?) campaign idea

2014-11-11, 10:26 PM
So I was browsing the pathfinder wiki, when I happened across a... rather unique template that sparked my creativity, especially given a movie staring a certain short actor I watched recently. I was wondering if it could lead to an interesting campaign and would like some input from more experienced players. The idea is to have all the players build a 3.P (possibly gestalt) character, with mid level OP, starting ECL 13. The catch?


All players have this template. Wealth can be acquired normally, but nobody levels up. Ever. My idea is that it would run almost like a horror campaign, with the enemies being much, much stronger than you are. The PCs would be new to the immortality game, and while their foes are little threat to the players, the general populous of their home town/nation is not nearly as hardy as the players, and must be protected.

What do you guys and gals think? Would you be interested in playing in a campaign such as this? I'm not likely to run it anytime soon, mostly just kicking the idea around.

2014-11-11, 10:39 PM
Just wanted to point out this template is third-party (though you likely already knew that.)

Your big problem is that the PCs don't grow or change. Particularly for the martial classes this can potentially get rather dull as they don't get to make many build choices or feel themselves increase in power.

The other big problem is that horror requires tension - and while the players will never be able to stand up to the more powerful threat, they don't really have anything to fear either since nothing can kill them.

2014-11-11, 10:45 PM
Just wanted to point out this template is third-party (though you likely already knew that.)

Your big problem is that the PCs don't grow or change. Particularly for the martial classes this can potentially get rather dull as they don't get to make many build choices or feel themselves increase in power.

The other big problem is that horror requires tension - and while the players will never be able to stand up to the more powerful threat, they don't really have anything to fear either since nothing can kill them.

I dunno man, especially if there are things stronger than them that can kill them repeatedly. The players may not feel pain. But the characters sure do.

2014-11-11, 10:46 PM
The other big problem is that horror requires tension - and while the players will never be able to stand up to the more powerful threat, they don't really have anything to fear either since nothing can kill them.

That would be the main hang-up in the game as far as I see. That was why you would likely have to put the players in a constant time crunch. I could see it working in a "defend the city" type game, where the players are trapped in a besieged city/fortress and every minute they spend either fighting or dead over head is another minute the enemies over there are making progress into breaking the walls. But getting a group of PC who have been handed regenerative immortality for free to care about a city is a hurdle in and of itself, not to mention keeping up with even a simplified system of logistics for both sides of a protracted siege would be a nightmare of book keeping for any DM.