View Full Version : DM Help Animal husbandry... with fiendish animals?

2014-11-12, 01:11 AM
Imagine that a neutral-alignment wizard would bring fiendish cows, chickens or lambs from the Abyss and began to breed them. The meat would be awesomely tasty, with a hint of natural chili flavoring.

How would the forces of good react to this? Meaning paladins and all... Would they even have their iron rations made from such farm animals, if the meat would be better in virtually every aspect compared to traditional farm animals?

Jeff the Green
2014-11-12, 01:22 AM
The forces of Good would be outraged, but not because the wizard is trucking with Evil beings. Because of this bit in the Fiendish template:

Same as the base creature, but Intelligence is at least 3.
This wizard is raising sentient beings for food. That's not just Evil, that's go-directly-to-hell-do-not-pass-Celestia-do-not-collect-200 GP-level Evil.

2014-11-12, 03:41 AM
While the texts don't say much on the subject to the best of my knowledge, it is fairly safe to assume that, on the planes where these fiendish animals are from, they don't really operate as part of a normal ecosystem. Few outsiders need to eat, and while fiendish animals probably get slaughtered all of the time and eaten, such doesn't really separate them from any other corporeal creature wandering the Lower Planes.

Furthermore, such creatures are likely generated by the plane itself, and thus may or may not have a self-sustaining population. This may complicate efforts to bring them to the Prime and breed them, since the latter process is typically more of an issue of biology rather than manifestations of the metaphysical evil of an area on the resident lifeforms.

But, otherwise I agree much with Jeff the Green's statement. Any creature smart enough to escape the brush that tars all animals and even stupider creatures is likely going to rile the good-hearted when used as a food source. It's also probably going to piss off at least some druids, since any fiendish animals that escaped into the wild would (if capable of normal reproduction) massively out-compete native Prime animals, and lead to a series of unchecked extinctions as the ramifications rippled through the ecosystem.

Would be pretty cool though if eating this delicious meat slowly and subtly corrupted the consumer; excellent plot for how to spread Lower Planar influence on the Prime.

Lol, just thought of Asmodeus as Bob in an episode of Bob's Burgers.