View Full Version : Full casting prcs you can enter as a non-caster?

2014-11-12, 03:08 AM
All the sentinel of bharrai threads have got me thinking.

It's the only class I can think of off the top of my head that has a full casting progression but is enterable without being able to cast any spells at all. (not sure why you would, but you could if you wanted)

Are there any other classes like this?

2014-11-12, 03:54 AM
Urban Savant and Ruathar, off the top of my head. 10/10 and 3/3 casting respectively, with no casting prerequisites. There's also Illithid Slayer, which is 9/10 manifesting but only requires a power point reserve.

2014-11-12, 04:24 AM
There are a number of casting PrCs which only require specific spells. Since SLAs can meet those requirements, a Factotum can get in while technically being a non-caster. Not sure if that counts. Some of them can be entered in other ways as well.

One specific popular one (Sacred Exorcist) can be entered by a Half-Celestial of 9 or more HD, as they get Dispel Evil.

Combat Medic shouldn't be too hard, though I don't know of an easy way to get CLW as an SLA offhand.

A kobold or changeling can go Force Missile Mage via the Draconic Rite of Passage, though it's only 4/5 casting.

Primal Scholar only requires CL7, a metamagic feat, and a magic related feat with no prereqs, so a Dragon Shaman, a Factotum, or a number of other non-spellcasting things could get you in.

Wild Mage requires a few caster feats, but they can be taken without actually having any casting.

The only prereq for Harper Paragon that even hints at casting is needing Favored Enemy, which a Ranger could easily acquire without having spellcasting.

Keeper of the Cerulean Sign so long as you can meet the CL3 prereq of Craft Wondrous Item.

Fleshwarper requires the Summon Familiar class feature, which probably can't be acquired without a spellcasting class level, but there might be something with enough hoop jumping and Dragon Magazine Content. It's also only 9/10 anyway.

Dragons automatically qualify for Singer of Concordance.

If you can get a Cleric domain from somewhere while worshipping the Sovereign Host (I'd use the above Singer of Concordance auto-qualification), then Sovereign Speaker works.

Escalation Mage just has a CL prereq.

That's all that I know of/could find.

2014-11-12, 10:30 AM
Combat Medic shouldn't be too hard, though I don't know of an easy way to get CLW as an SLA offhand.
I think there's a dragonmark that does that.

2014-11-12, 10:39 AM
While they aren't exactly PrCs, the Human Paragon and Elf Paragon classes fit this bill.

2014-11-12, 01:46 PM
Combat Medic shouldn't be too hard, though I don't know of an easy way to get CLW as an SLA offhand.

Lumi is a +2 LA Race from Monster Manual III that get CLW as a 3/day spell-like ability.

2014-11-12, 01:58 PM
Ur Priest and Suel Arcanamach seem to fit this bill ?

2014-11-12, 02:38 PM
I think the OP means classes that advance existing casting, not that give their own progression.

2014-11-12, 02:38 PM
Ur Priest and Suel Arcanamach seem to fit this bill ?

Those give their own spell progression though. This is in regard to ones that just advance casting, rather than give it.