View Full Version : Roleplaying Paladin of Freedom help!

2014-11-12, 07:01 AM
Hey I'm going to play a PoF so I really need to type up a code of conduct.
If any1 already have a list written up, it would be much appreciated!
I can adjust it myself to my deity, I'm a Paladin of Ehlonna.
If no1 have a list written up, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I should mention, english is not my native language. So be kind! :D

Here is what I got so far:
You will defend the sanctity of the woodlands. That which harms the forests, the Fey, the natural creatures of the woods, or people living in harmony with the woods, needs to be corrected. Your judgement determines the nature of the correction, but remember your other directives. Those who actively, knowingly, and deliberately seek to harm or destroy the woodlands are counted as enemies of Ehlonna.

You shall fight for freedom and free will over all. If any creatures of the woodland is in capture under duress, you shall set them free.

You may steal, lie or cheat if it is for the greater good, but not regarding good people or creatures of the woodland.

2014-11-12, 08:12 AM
You shouldn't need much more than that. The Holy Liberator, which is a PoF prestige class for non-PoF's, doesn't have a code of conduct except for do no evil.

Code of Conduct: Holy liberators must be of chaotic
good alignment and lose all special class abilities if they ever
willingly commit an act of evil. True to their alignment,
holy liberators have no more formalized code of conduct
than that.

Red Fel
2014-11-12, 08:34 AM
I agree. Codes of Conduct for Chaotic characters are difficult to wrap my head around; I'll let Captain Barbossa explain them:

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/bf/bf5243ddc3ba9845c10dd0c97171af85bcdecb124870fb3535 0122b8b6a172c7.jpg
A Chaotic character, such as a PoF, has to have a more flexible Code than a more Lawful character, because part of his emphasis is on personal freedom and expression. Which kind of contradicts the idea of having a Code altogether, but there we are. So look at your Code as more general "guidelines" than specific "rules" and you should be fine.

Basically, your Code appears to be: Protect the woodlands Fight Ehlonna's enemies Defend freedom Work for the greater good
Those are comfortably general guidelines, good for a CG character. I like them.

2014-11-12, 09:16 AM
I agree. Codes of Conduct for Chaotic characters are difficult to wrap my head around; I'll let Captain Barbossa explain them:

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/bf/bf5243ddc3ba9845c10dd0c97171af85bcdecb124870fb3535 0122b8b6a172c7.jpg
A Chaotic character, such as a PoF, has to have a more flexible Code than a more Lawful character, because part of his emphasis is on personal freedom and expression. Which kind of contradicts the idea of having a Code altogether, but there we are. So look at your Code as more general "guidelines" than specific "rules" and you should be fine.

Basically, your Code appears to be: Protect the woodlands Fight Ehlonna's enemies Defend freedom Work for the greater good
Those are comfortably general guidelines, good for a CG character. I like them.

Thanks! that was very helpful