View Full Version : The Effects of Magic on the Prostitution Industry (Continued)

2014-11-12, 09:41 PM
Because apparently clogging up the forums is preferable to trying to respond in existing threads.

The original thread is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?333175-The-Effects-of-Magic-on-the-Prostitution-Industry)

We can continue the discussion we had going previously.

2014-11-12, 10:31 PM
just make sure the traps aren't too obvious, or people will avoid them

"Trap" is sort of the wrong word, "traps" are the in game mechanics for items that cast and recast spells under a condition.

Spell dispenser would probably be more appropriate in this context, and depending on what the spell is people may not want to avoid it, or being subjected to it could be mandatory.

A self resetting "Remove Disease" over the entrance to a brothel would assure that both the clients and the employees were free of anything undesired.

Outfitting all of the furniture with a Distilled Joy spell would be a great way to increase your margins as well for that matter.

2014-11-12, 10:35 PM
"Trap" is sort of the wrong word, "traps" are the in game mechanics for items that cast and recast spells under a condition.

Spell dispenser would probably be more appropriate in this context, and depending on what the spell is people may not want to avoid it, or being subjected to it could be mandatory.

A self resetting "Remove Disease" over the entrance to a brothel would assure that both the clients and the employees were free of anything undesired.

Outfitting all of the furniture with a Distilled Joy spell would be a great way to increase your margins as well for that matter.
I had very different assumptions than someone with proper context when i read this.

2014-11-12, 10:41 PM
I had very different assumptions than someone with proper context when i read this.

something something changeling.

2014-11-12, 11:14 PM
something something changeling.

Of course you realize this now demands to be a thing right? Ah screw it bringing it up as the possible focus of the next game in the next group meeting. The real question is how much world fusing content to use.

2014-11-12, 11:15 PM
It's actually a thing. There's a changeling red light district in Sharn.

2014-11-12, 11:18 PM
Of course you realize this now demands to be a thing right? Ah screw it bringing it up as the possible focus of the next game in the next group meeting. The real question is how much world fusing content to use.

It's actually a thing. There's a changeling red light district in Sharn.

As mentioned, the role of changelings in the prostitution industry not only in sharn, but khorvaire as a whole, is well-documented, most notably in "sharn: city of towers" there's not just one in sharn, there are many.

2014-11-12, 11:37 PM
In regards to the traps, I was more referring to the suggestion of "Dominate Monster" than I was to "Remove Disease". And I was already aware of how spell traps work, thank you.

Fax Celestis
2014-11-12, 11:42 PM
I had very different assumptions than someone with proper context when i read this.


2014-11-13, 12:52 AM
I don't think we're talking about the same changelings.

2014-11-13, 03:12 AM
I do have to agree with a post in the previous thread. That the introduction of magic to the realm of prostitution would not change it for the majority of the customer/worker base due to the restrictive cost of it.

This being said, I do see it being rather interesting for those that can afford it. Though, mostly as a novelty market or a special circumstance treat.

If the Book of Erotic Fantasy is an allowed source to be discussed it adds a few other options and reprocussions to it from a church perspective. There are two spells that are both level 4 and belong to different domains. These spells guarantee pregnancy if the target (touch range) has sex within hrs/CL. The child will also gain either the half celestial or half fiend template regarless of parental races.

This means that an individual or church could run a brothel with the specific intention of raising an army of children to act as acolytes or soldiers of their faith.

Coupling this notion with the other ideas brought about by magical brothels, it could stand as a motive for making these fantastical brothels cheaper than what market value expects.

After all what are a few spells/day in exchange for you own personal army of half fiends/celestials respectively? Even better is the notion of these progeny standing a 25% chance to further produce full celestials/fiends.

2014-11-13, 04:12 AM
If the Book of Erotic Fantasy is an allowed source to be discussed it adds a few other options and reprocussions to it from a church perspective. There are two spells that are both level 4 and belong to different domains. These spells guarantee pregnancy if the target (touch range) has sex within hrs/CL. The child will also gain either the half celestial or half fiend template regarless of parental races.

This means that an individual or church could run a brothel with the specific intention of raising an army of children to act as acolytes or soldiers of their faith.

Coupling this notion with the other ideas brought about by magical brothels, it could stand as a motive for making these fantastical brothels cheaper than what market value expects.

After all what are a few spells/day in exchange for you own personal army of half fiends/celestials respectively? Even better is the notion of these progeny standing a 25% chance to further produce full celestials/fiends.

Mebbe a good plot point if your players don't overthink it, but in reality, no not really. Its more effort than it requires for the goal.

Do you already possess women willing to bear large numbers of children in the name of your god? Then why go with an elaborate brothel setup?

Do you not possess these women, but are still contemplating this plan? Very evil of you, please proceed... Wait... Planar ally is also 4th level, and can be done far more discretely, and as a bonus your new solider is ready in 10 minutes instead of 15 years.

If you wanted to really monetize a brothel your best bet is wondrous architecture. The use of magical traps with the creation discounts of being stationary. Get all your beds casting Distilled Joy, now you have XP to be used in spellcasting and crafting that is a commodity. How much better could your church do if you had effectively unlimited crafting XP?

2014-11-13, 08:24 AM
It's actually a thing. There's a changeling red light district in Sharn.

In which book would I find the description of this?

2014-11-13, 08:31 AM
In which book would I find the description of this?

As mentioned, the role of changelings in the prostitution industry not only in sharn, but khorvaire as a whole, is well-documented, most notably in "sharn: city of towers" there's not just one in sharn, there are many.

it's discussed in the most detail in "sharn: city of towers" but receives mention in other books as well, most notably "races of eberron" and "five nations" alongside the "eberron campaign setting"

2014-11-15, 01:48 PM
By the way, is wondrous architecture an actual game term referring to some specific rule? Or only a term referring to DMG rules about dungeons?

2014-11-15, 03:13 PM
By the way, is wondrous architecture an actual game term referring to some specific rule? Or only a term referring to DMG rules about dungeons?

Wondrous Archetecture is a term derived from the book Stronghold Builder's Guide which has rules for magic items built into buildings including a juicy 50% discount for being stationary. Combine with 5ft Rune Circles for cheap magic item creation.

2014-11-15, 07:52 PM
Wondrous Archetecture is a term derived from the book Stronghold Builder's Guide which has rules for magic items built into buildings including a juicy 50% discount for being stationary. Combine with 5ft Rune Circles for cheap magic item creation.

And 25% if its techicnaly mobile but impractical to travel with (statues, large furniture, things of this nature). The 50% discount is for things that will never be moved. Castle walls, a whole room.

My favorite trick was craft a courtyard that would cast True Res on a body put in it, and then plant a large oak tree in the court yard. Combine with an Acron of Far Travel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a) and you can get a true res from anywhere since anybody carrying the acorn counts as standing under the tree, and therefor in the courtyard.

Repeat trick with any area buffs you care to stack up.

2014-11-16, 07:00 AM
Mordenkainen's magnificent (pleasure) mansion

2014-11-16, 07:04 AM
Mordenkainen's magnificent (pleasure) mansion

pros: mystic pimps left and right to summon any sex partner imaginable
cons: full of freeloading silver keys that no one can figure out how to get rid of