View Full Version : How to lose speed

2014-11-13, 01:54 PM
Hi there. I'm looking for a way to make my base land speed go down to 0, or to get rid of it altogether. There's probably a feat or template out there that can do this for me, right?

2014-11-13, 01:55 PM
Play a tree.

2014-11-13, 01:56 PM
Not an option I'm afraid. Base race adjustments are out.

2014-11-13, 01:59 PM
Well, there are base races with 20ft movement and the Slow Trait or Slow Flaw can cut 20ft+ movement in half(round down). So that is an easy 10ft movement. Not sure how to reduce it more. Reducing the base movement speed would happened before the halving(assuming you keep the Trait/Flaw even after you lose the 20ft+ speed needed to select it).

2014-11-13, 02:03 PM
It's a step in the right direction, but will do me little good unless I lose ALL of it.... Thanks though :)

2014-11-13, 02:08 PM
Slow Trait plus Slow Flaw plus Heavy Armor should do the trick for a race that has a base of 20'. Why would you be at all interested in doing this, though?

2014-11-13, 02:09 PM
Ironically, to make a cheap speedster....

Let me explain: I was looking at the Air Mephling (30ft land speed, 10ft fly (perfect)). I figured I'd buff its fly speed to 40ft with Air Heritage, but that doesn't fly (pun) because it can only at most increase by the 'normal' speed (an undefined term in D&D3.5, but let's roll with it). Therefore, I was looking at the Quick trait, which - if you have no land speed - applies to your highest OTHER speed instead. Which Would be fly. Which would allow me to Air heritage to 40ft. anyway.

2014-11-13, 02:11 PM
Paraplegic, deformed, amputated, etc . . . no (working) legs should reduce it enough to 0 in combat.

Ability drain, 0 dex or strength = can't move

2014-11-13, 02:11 PM
1 ) Cut your legs.
2 ) Choose a low stat for your strenght value.
3 ) Pick up a bag. Fill it with rock. You need to carry it so it is more then you can actually carry.

2014-11-13, 02:13 PM
Thread's moving fast! I added an edit to my last post and BOOM, posts happened!

2014-11-13, 02:35 PM
Having a Land Speed of 0, is not the same thing as NOT having a land speed. if you managed to get your speed to 0 via slow, encumbrance, etc... that has not actually eliminated the land speed itself. Additionally - once you are at speeds less that 15', encumbrance no longer further slows you down.

Ask a double-leg amputee how quickly he can move on land without his wheel chair - its probably still in the 5' range (Army Crawls?). Now, a quadriplegic is a different story.
but then you lose any somatic spells you might want to cast...

2014-11-13, 02:42 PM
good point.... Is there a template that removes land speed entirely?

2014-11-13, 02:48 PM
The wendigo template from Fiend Folio gives you a 120 ft fly speed (perfect) and removes you're land speed.

2014-11-13, 02:50 PM
wendigo has no LA though, does it?

2014-11-13, 02:51 PM
It literally is impossible to not be able to move 5 feet. Everything that reduces speed that i know off makes sure to point this out.

2014-11-13, 02:56 PM
Ask a double-leg amputee how quickly he can move on land without his wheel chair - its probably still in the 5' range..

I believe merfolk have a 5' land movement speed for this reason.

Also, I once played an air elemental (using the Savage Species rules) and air elementals have no land speed. This caused certain problems like not being able to drag unconscious people around for some rules technicality.

2014-11-13, 02:58 PM
wendigo has no LA though, does it?
It has no listed LA but your DM would certainly give it a hefty one.

It literally is impossible to not be able to move 5 feet. Everything that reduces speed that i know off makes sure to point this out.

The aforementioned wendigo template specifically states that "Wendigos do not travel on land." in addition to the line about it losing all other movement speeds.

2014-11-13, 03:32 PM
hahaha yeah you're right. But that template is weird. It also says that you can't use any other attack besides your bite. Probably something that's poorly worded sure, but still technically by raw, I had a DM throw it in my face once. And I thought something some where said it had an LA of 4. Oh the example creature has an LA of 4 but you can't tell what the original race was for sure. It appears to be human what with the bonus feat and extra skill points, but you never know. I think it sounds like an LA 4 template anyways.

2014-11-13, 03:56 PM
wendigo has no LA though, does it?

That template is a bit of a mess all over, and I'd really advise against using it for this purpose despite it being solid gold-tier of flavor. At least not without some clear and explicit detail from the DM on how it was going to work out and approval (of course). Because it really changes a ton of stuff and can add in some really unusual abilities and motivations for a character to have...the kind that don't always mesh well with plots, other party members, and so forth.

Not that it couldn't work at all. Just probably not the quick-and-dirty RAW you are looking for to fix your problem.

On a more constructive note, don't a lot of incorporeal things lose land speed? They can't really walk or run, since they can't touch the ground, but I'm not sure if the land speed is ever explicitly removed in the more common ones (ghost template, ghost brute template, those Ghostwalk things).

2014-11-13, 04:04 PM
good point.... Is there a template that removes land speed entirely?
Ghost Brute
Living Wall
Sacred Watcher

2014-11-13, 06:23 PM
Ghost and Ghost Brute grant fly speeds but do not take away land speeds. Same with things like Sacred Watcher and Spectral.

2014-11-13, 06:30 PM
Ghost and Ghost Brute grant fly speeds but do not take away land speeds. Same with things like Sacred Watcher and Spectral. R U SURE?
Example Ghost (5th-Level Human Fighter), Ghost Brute (Hound), and Sacred Watcher have only fly speed...

2014-11-13, 06:35 PM
True, but the templates themselves only say you gain a fly speed, not lose a land. Let me check the incorporeal type... Nope. RAW says they keep their land speeds. Silly, so your DM is free to adjudicate otherwise. It is good to note that if he takes an incorporeal template he hardly need to worry about being an air mephit if he doesn't want to.

Vinyl Scratch
2014-11-13, 07:52 PM
IIRC Anthropomorphic Toad has a base movement of 5ft. Savage Species book.

2014-11-13, 08:18 PM
IIRC the winged template increases your Dex by 4 and gives you a flying speed equal to twice your land speed. LA +2.