View Full Version : Rules Q&A Refresh my memory, what happens to a Follower infected with Lycanthropy?

2014-11-14, 04:35 AM
Or, really, receives any kind of template that gives LA or RHD. Or even temporary bonus HD, for that matter.

Do they just immediately cease to be a follower upon gaining the extra HD due to their ECL increasing?

Is it something that could be exploited in a RAI vs. RAW sense due to the rules only covering what level the followers arrive at and not providing any mechanism by which one can level them up, not that they become illegal if they exceed that ECL they started with?

2014-11-14, 06:27 AM
Do you mean follower? or cohort? Personally, from a DM's perspective, i'd use the savage progressions for things like lycanthropes, to prevent issues like this arising in the first place

2014-11-14, 06:37 AM
Total level for cohort so he went on a lengthy angsty sidequest.

2014-11-14, 11:16 AM
As written (and similar to an undead minion who has grown more powerful than their cleric or something), I'd say you would no longer be in control of them. The DM might still have them follow you if you were nice to them, but lycanthropes have an additional wrench in that their new form's alignment may now be incompatible with yours.

2014-11-14, 11:22 AM
If a PC gains a high LA template, they still travel with the party, they just don't gain as much XP for a while. It would make sense that a cohort would work the same way - although I agree that you should no longer be allowed to automatically boss them around. In fact, if the template adds RHD, they could take Leadership themselves and make you the cohort.

2014-11-15, 06:43 AM
I meant followers specifically rather than cohorts, though I probably should've just started out asking after both.

I'd thought that the restriction to two levels below the PC master would present some issues with gaining the RHD and might just be one of those situations where the rules are silent or borked and require the DM to basically make 'em up wholecloth if it comes to having to touch upon that area.

I suppose if followers could have Lycanthropy and remain followers, that'd allow one to start making one's own IKEA Tarrasques with them.

Though there might be something that could be done with making them into Henchmen instead, in that quasi-extant, nebulous category between hireling and cohort? :smallconfused:

If a PC gains a high LA template, they still travel with the party, they just don't gain as much XP for a while. It would make sense that a cohort would work the same way - although I agree that you should no longer be allowed to automatically boss them around. In fact, if the template adds RHD, they could take Leadership themselves and make you the cohort.

Heh, that's an amusing potentiality. Possibly a fate worse than death for the PC, from a certain point of view. XD