View Full Version : The Reach of Land [IC]

2014-11-14, 01:06 PM
The city of Land's Reach was surprisingly quiet. The strong wind and light rain had made many people stay inside for the past couple of days and there seemed to be a big storm coming from the southern seas. Most of the city's mages were busy double- triple- and quadruple-checking the protective spells of the floating platforms in preparation for the oncoming storm and the normally cramped plazas and walkways of the city were almost clear of people save the occasional people on their business and the mages hurrying from one platform to another.

A lone cloaked figure stood in front of the small walkway to the house of councilwoman Lariana Aridosis, defying the weather, waiting. The house was almost as big as they could be built on the floating platforms, taking up a whole platform by itself. Unlike most of the wealthier folk of Land's Reach, including most other members of the council, Ms. Aridosis had wanted to live on the floating platforms instead of land. Following the attempted assassination of Ms. Aridosis five days ago, a want ad had been put up, looking for bodyguards for her. Assassinations were not out of the ordinary amongst the members of the council, but investigations were still underway to find out who wanted Ms. Aridosis dead. The person outside the house shuddered from the cold, waiting for anyone who would have taken the job, showing up despite the terrible weather and the danger involved. The time mentioned in the ad was near.

2014-11-16, 07:48 PM
Julius Sanguinius, a man armored and armed to the teeth in weaponry, approached the house of the councilwoman, with the intent of taking the job offered by her. He'd stopped by in Land's Reach, and had felt it necessary to take the job, considering it would provide him with funds, and because it was the right thing to do. Of course, if others were already taking the job, he'd likely have seen no reason to try and compete with them, which was why he was hurrying.

The time mentioned in the ad was almost there, and he noticed that there was a fellow standing in front of the house, obviously waiting for people to come around. He hailed the person with a raised arm, and saluted to him, before saying "This is the house of Councilwoman Aridosis, correct? I am Julius Sanguinius, and I am here to take up the job of a bodyguard for the councilwoman."

2014-11-16, 09:36 PM
Upon seeing the hiring ad at the Rusted Bow Tavern, seeing some of the vague specifics, but just the slight bit of information he gleaned from those who were gawking at him from the corners of their eyes so as to not stare and draw his attention. Thinking that this could be the work of his creators, or perhaps those whom are funding him, Channel took mental note of the details of the ad, awaiting the appointed time.

Walking through the docks, semi-oblivious to the changing weather, Channel strode with a purpose, as the citizens rushed before him to get out of the weather that was threatening them. Seeing one person standing before the house mentioned in the add, and one other approaching there as well, Channel slowed his pace as to arrive slightly behind the man in order to hear some details of what was said between them as the person announced himself. Then following his lead, he will make his presence known.

"I seek the one hiring the bodyguard for the one called Aridosis. I believe we can be of assistance to you. I have been designated Channel by my accursed creators."

Sorry, it's been a hellova week, basically been covering for my boss and 1/2 my staff it seems.

2014-11-17, 01:09 PM
As Julius greeted the cloaked figure, he pulled down the hood of the cloak. He appeared to be a middle-aged human man with short black hair with a calm look on his face. Before responding he waited until both Channel and Julius had both introduced themselves. He then gave a polite bow to both of the future bodyguards. "Greetings, Mr. Sanguinius, Mr. Channel. Taleron Shehata, at your service. Lady Aridosis will be pleased to see such capable looking warriors protecting her person." Taleron then reached inside his cloak, taking out a fine silver watch. "It seems to be just about time. Please wait here for a moment."

He put the watch back where he had took it from, simultaneously turning around and walking to the house. He knocked on the door and almost instantly the door opened and a female half-elf in what seemed to be ornately decorated blue and white hide armor came out. Taleron said something to her, but due to the howling wind it was barely audible to the others. Taleron stepped aside and bowed at her as she walked toward Julius and Channel. She stopped in front of them for a while, eyeing them carefully. "So, you two decided to answer the ad? I presume that means that you will be working under me. I'm her bodyguard, assistant and a whole lot more. In any case, I suggest we head indoors, the weather is not too hospitable. Follow me." She turned around, starting to walk towards the house. "Taleron, ten more minutes should suffice." Taleron bowed at her as she went inside and stood next to the open door, waiting for Channel and Julius to pass. You could see her waiting inside, a few meters away from the door.

2014-11-17, 02:59 PM
"What is your name madam?" Channel will ask as he walks into the room, waiting for more details or instructions. He will scan the room more out of curiosity then intent.

2014-11-18, 04:33 PM
The room beyond the door was a spacious mixture of a lobby and a living room. The left wall of the room had a single door being flanked by two sofas and the right wall was being taken up by a door and a staircase to the upper floor with another door under the staircase and the back wall was lined with bookshelves. The woman moved to lean on the railing of the staircase, nodding at Channel. "Eniel Feanturi." She then turned her gaze at the door, waiting for Julius to enter before continuing the conversation.

2014-11-18, 05:05 PM
Julius also stepped into the room, carefully keeping his gaze away from the rest of the room, in an attempt to not look rudely curious in the councilwoman's house. He did not lean on anything, and bowed for a moment, before courteously waiting for the conversation to begin. He did, however, glance at the other fellow who was taking the job, who seemed very much like an automaton, making him wonder what kind of personality he had.

2014-11-22, 08:43 AM
Channel will stand as still as what he seems. awaiting the bodyguard to continue with what they are there for.

2014-11-22, 10:08 AM
Eniel nodded at Julius as he entered while Taleron closed the door behind Julius, staying outside. Eniel looked at the pair in front of her and seemed to think for a while. "I'm glad someone decided to answer the ad. To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting anyone to show up. Being the bodyguard of someone who is under the constant threat of assassination means that you're going to be under the same threat as well. Miss Aridosis is by no means defenseless, but she's not fit for combat either. The assassination was prevented thanks to yours truly, but both me and Miss Aridosis almost died in the hands of the assassin, so we decided it best to hire some more help." She seemed to fall into thought for a couple of seconds before sighing.

"There's no use in delaying the inevitable explanation. Truth be told, we're looking for more than just bodyguards. You might have heard that the enforcers are already investigating who sent the assassin, but we already have a good idea of who it could be. No doubt you have heard of sir Misfar. In case you haven't, he's a drow noble from one of the southern isles. Came to Land's Reach a few years back, bought one of the biggest plots of land available, demolished the existing buildings and built a huge mansion. He's been going around town helping the sick and the poor with his wealth and clerical magic, gaining popularity and managed to get a seat in the city council quite quickly. Most people view him as a bit shady, but benevolent and good-hearted. In political matters, he's quite the opposite; ambitious, ruthless and power hungry. He has gained a lot of power, political and otherwise, but he's mainly been vouching for equality and anti-discrimination acts, quite understandably, so most don't really mind." She sighed again, pausing for a while.

"I digress. In any case, we suspect that he's behind the assassinations. Frankly, we have no idea why, but we're very much certain of this. So this is our job offer: help us find the truth and expose his plans." Eniel smiled at Julius and Channel. "Though having heard all that, I don't blame you if you want to just stay as bodyguards. You both look capable, so if you don't mind the extra work and danger, the pay will also compensate for it if we succeed. If we don't... well, we're likely going to be dead at that point anyway. So, what do you think?"
Make a will save in your post. You can also make Knowledge (local) and/or (nobility and royalty) checks to see if you know more about sir Misfar.

Enforcers are sort of the local police in Land's Reach. As the name says, they enforce the law.

2014-11-22, 04:11 PM
"For nearly dying, one seems well. To make the decision to live entirely up here is nearly unheard of it seems, unless he has been exiled. And his acumen and demeanor are fairly regular for ones engaged in politicking like your mistress. But I will agree to the job, depending on satisfactory compensation can be agreed upon."

Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty):[roll2]
Edit: Just realized I messed up on my powers....dagnabit, guess next level I'll fix my snafu.

2014-11-22, 06:25 PM
[roll0] Knowledge Local
[roll1] Will
[roll2] Spot

Julius looked over at the other fellow, Channel, as he talked, before looking back at the councilwoman and her bodyguard. With a split second decision, he nodded his head, and spoke in agreement. "I find that this drow's behavior is certainly quite unexpected from one such as him. I will attempt to assist you in the investigation, for no compensation, as a bodyguard must protect his or her employer from all threats, be they in the present, or in the future."

2014-11-28, 07:40 AM
Eniel smiled at Julius and Channel again. "Thank you. I was afraid that you would be unwilling to help with this, but it seems my fear was unjustified." She looked down at the floor for a moment, seemingly deep in thought, then raising her gaze at the pair again. "It seems that Miss Aridosis is still in her study. She has been quite busy today, but tomorrow your work is going to start. There's a big... meeting, party, reception, whatever you want to call it. Some important people are coming to the city and the most important people in the city are all coming, including those members of the council who are able to come. The event is at the city hall and it's such a big place that an assassination attempt is likely. Of course the captain of the enforcers is participating and he's bringing some of his men as usual, but you two are going to come help. The first assassination attempt was a failure, so we fear that the second one is going to be executed with more effort. Which is where you come in. I'll be accompanying Miss Aridosis as usual and you two are going to be scouting the place, trying to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. Of course, there are going to be a few enforcers doing the same, so you won't be alone. Above all, your job is to be ready to defend Miss Aridosis at a moment's notice."

She paused again, sighing. "Well, there's no point in explaining too much right now. It's better to just explain when we get there." She seemed to hesitate for a while. "Also... I'm sorry. This is but a necessity."

At this point you made the will saves. Channel felt some force probing at his mind, while Julius didn't notice anything (failed the save, obviously). Your knowledge (local) rolls didn't reveal you anything that Eniel hadn't said. In fact, most of what she said you already knew (except the part about his actions in politics).

2014-11-28, 08:49 PM
"Hmmm, alright seems easy enough, though while the gentleman may blend or hide easier, one of my fairly unique construction makes it harder for me to go unnoticed. Also, what other allies may the councilman have or our employer have to ensure we don't waste resources on the wrong subjects? And that the attempt was subtle, does the councilwoman have a way to protect against agents in the food or wine that may be offered or even a hug? And the enforcers will be informed of our presence there as well? I would prefer not to be working against them for the same goals.

Pausing to process what else she had said, Channel will go forward. "And what is a necessity? The probing of my mind to ensure my intent I assume? As what better way then to be the bodyguard of your target to finish the job. I ensure you ma'am, I am not one for betrayals and one that will be loyal."

2014-11-29, 07:17 PM
Julius thought about the situation, and wondered how exactly he could go about protecting the woman with some amount of efficiency. "Yes, your fears certainly were unfounded, that is for sure. While I'm quite alright with party manner, I agree with my soon to be comrade's worries. Attack vectors are, quite bluntly, everywhere."

But as the other mercenary also completed his sentence, he said "What's this about mind probing?"

2014-11-30, 05:20 PM
Eniel nodded. "I truly am sorry for this. As Channel said, I did probe your minds. The reasons were twofold: if you were to resist my attempt to read your thoughts, you would prove to be strong willed. Which is good. And naturally, if you failed to resist, I would be able to make sure you carried no ill intent. Mr. Sanguinius, I apologize for this invasion of your private thoughts." She then absentmindedly glanced at the door to her right. "As for the matters of security... as I mentioned, some enforcers are going to be present. Some other important people will also naturally have a personal bodyguard present, but the normal procedure in events like this is that only one bodyguard or assistant is allowed for each person. Of course, you are a special exception to this rule. We have made an arrangement with the captain of the enforcers."

Eniel turned back to Julius and Channel with a serious look on her face. "As for who to watch out for... everyone. I doubt you have heard of this, but the person who tried to assassinate Miss Aridosis was somewhat close to her. We suspect mind control. I honestly doubt one of Misfar's allies is going to be attempting the assassination. It could be anyone present at the party or it could be an actual hired assassin. We don't know. Which is why you are to simply keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Miss Aridosis is also going to be protected against poisons and the like, so you don't have to worry yourselves with that. We should have full emergency combat permits prepared for you by tomorrow. They will allow you to use whatever means necessary to subdue any possible threats. Any questions?"

2014-11-30, 10:17 PM
"I believe all we have left to discuss is terms and compensation."

With that said, Channel will go silent for the moment to see how the other mercenary acts, not just to the revelation of the mind probe but other facts as well.

Wanting to see what I can recall on our employer and her leanings in the city.
Knowledge Local:[roll0]
Knowledge Nobility and Royalty:[roll1]

Ok, odds of that....and the forum roller hates me again.

2014-11-30, 10:38 PM
Julius nodded in response to Channel's words, in utter agreement, before something occurred to him. While he was annoyed about having his mind read, a job had to be done well, or it may as well have not been done at all, so he decided to take it incredibly seriously. "Can I take a look at the sight of the dance? I may want to check it out, and make myself acquainted with it, so I can remember where everything is, and not be in new territory."

2014-12-01, 09:34 AM
Eniel nodded at the pair again. "The terms for the job are quite simple. If we manage to keep Miss Aridosis alive, you will be paid. If we fail, well, we lose the person who pays us. As agreed, we will try to bring to justice the ones responsible, after which you will be paid whether Miss Aridosis is alive or not. Preferably alive, naturally. As for compensation... the pay will depend on your performance. The minimal amount is 250 gold each, but if everything goes well you will be rewarded more generously. A job as dangerous as this will pay well. As for the city hall... I'm afraid that we won't be allowed to enter while the preparations are underway. But before the actual event, we should be able to get our hands on some blueprints. That should do it. In fact... Taleron?"

The door opened and the man from before, Taleron, entered. "Yes, Miss Feanturi?" "I believe enough time has passed. If there were other people up for the job, they would've showed up already. Which means two permits and a copy of the blueprints." Taleron bowed, turned around and left, closing the door behind him. "He will be able to get us the necessary documents. Anything else?"

2014-12-01, 06:51 PM
After the gatekeeper/servant leaves. "You stated that the last attempt was by someone close to the councilwoman, how are we to know that you yourself are not compromised as you probed our minds? Or for that matter, that one the one you call Taleron? Or a list of associates that our councilwoman does associate with so I can look into them."

2014-12-02, 06:31 AM
Eniel nodded at Channel in agreement. She then pulled out an amulet from under her hide armor. "This amulet protects me from any mind control. Miss Aridosis is wearing a similar one. In addition, we have some potions that give a similar effect, though only lasting for a minute or so. You can both have a couple of them. They will also give you a bit more protection in combat, so it might be worth it to drink one before engaging in combat if the situation is not immediately life-threatening. In addition to that, I am capable of casting the spell myself." She put the amulet back underneath her armor and seemed to think for a while. "Might as well list some of our other magical defences. I mentioned that Miss Aridosis is protected against poisons. More specifically, she will have two potions that both make her effectively immune to poisons of any kind for three hours. The plan is to drink one before the start of the event and then the other one if the event drags on for longer than expected and to give us more time to react. I can cast a spell to detect any possible poisons in her system. If we detect any, we can react accordingly. In addition, Miss Aridosis will be carrying potions that make her unable to be attacked by any weak-willed foes. I will also be casting a spell on Miss Aridosis that allows me to share any wounds she might receive, lessening their impact. And I will be casting a spell that allows me to easily locate her were we to get separated. Trust me, this time we're prepared. We have to be. Was there something else as well...? Ah, right, a potion that will protect her from some amount of damage she receives. Miss Aridosis will also be carrying two healing potions. The plan is that if she gets attacked, she will try to retreat and start chugging potions like there's no tomorrow. Because if she doesn't drink them, there might not be one for her."

Eniel sighed. "As for Taleron and some of her other associates... We have been limiting contact to everyone else but me. Even Taleron. He was pretty devastated by that, to be honest. He's been serving Miss Aridosis for almost a decade now. We trust him, but we cannot risk the possibility of him being mind controlled. Everyone is a potential risk and these amulets are frankly quite expensive. Not to mention that creating them is quite taxing for me. The potions do not remove pre-existing mind control, they merely suppress it. In any case, we are taking nearly every possible precaution we can think of. There's no need for you to worry on that part."

2014-12-02, 09:57 PM
"Very well, I was just wanting to cover as many basis as I could think of as possible. Knowing that you have contingencies for the common plans is good, guess our role is to be the contingency for the odd plan that you and the councilwoman didn't see coming."

With that Channel will go taunt as he processes what he has been told.

2014-12-02, 10:04 PM
Julius thought for a moment, and then came to a conclusion. "I am not sure about my comrade's capabilities, but I myself am a Martial Adept. I should, unless the assassin aims for me, be able to defend Miss Aridosis at close quarters. What will the rest of the enforcers be doing? I suppose if we plan around that, we can find any shortcomings."

2014-12-04, 10:17 AM
"Sadly, as I said before, only one bodyguard or assistant per person. Which means that only one of us will be allowed to accompany Miss Aridosis, and frankly, that one is going to be me. That means that you two will have to keep your distance until something happens, which means that you will mainly be doing what the enforcers are going to do; either stand guard and look around for suspicious activity amongst the guests or patrol in search of possible intruders. I don't have exact numbers of how many enforcers are going to attend, but I'd guess anything from four to ten. As I said, some are simply going to be assigned to posts where they will stay and watch out for suspicious activity while others will patrol the premises, mostly staying inside the building. Frankly, it's up to your own judgement to decide how you will act. Besides, I doubt you would like to be in such close proximity to politics. People have gone insane from less."

Eniel stretched her arms behind her back with a wry smile. "As for Channel, I believe you are a psion of some sort? The crystals kind of give it away. In any case, unless you have any other questions or requests, I believe we are done for today. I still have quite a lot of preparation to do for tomorrow. Sadly, we can't offer you accommodations for the night. If you come here at noon, we should have everything ready, including the combat permits and blueprints. We can plan more at that point. Is that fine by you?"

2014-12-06, 10:54 PM
"Tomorrow works for me, I'll take the time to reconfigure a few things, and look over some things."

With that unless the other mercenary has anything to say to him, Channel will make to depart.