View Full Version : [3.5] Assassin utility belt and tricks

2014-11-14, 02:33 PM
I was thinking, what sort of items would an assassin-like character always take with him? I'm not talking about the PrC, just anyone specializing in killing silently or with trickery. I know of the Utility Belt (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4400.0), but I was wondering if you thought there might be other items an assassin might find useful. Poisons are a given, but also things like smoke sticks (smoke bombs, maybe?) and flash bangs. Bonus points if they are mundane, but magic items are welcome as well.

2014-11-14, 03:32 PM
a source of silent image
extra-dimensional storage
fire source

2014-11-14, 03:46 PM
bolt cutters, pry bar, glass cutter, grappling hook, climbing equipment, you need to get in.
Sap, rope, nonlethal means of dealing with people that aren't your target
piano wire
Poison - needles, string, swabs, and other methods of applying it, maybe a gift box with poisoned chocolates
dagger, pillow to the face and blade to the throat for a nice silent kill.
extra-dimensional storage, if you want to hide the body
water/rags/soap/stuff to clean up blood
theiving helmet or stethoscope
periscope/mirrors for looking down halls or into windows
acids, alchemist fire, smoke bombs, etc. either for when you get caught or trap their home, you'll be long gone before they die.
Bag of devouring

2014-11-14, 08:17 PM
Aboleth Mucus.
Chaos Flasks.
Dust Eggshell Grenades.

You know, the usual stuff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101).

2014-11-15, 06:46 PM
This got me thinking, is there a way to increase the DC of alchemical items and poisons? I know there are spells for poisons (Increased Virulence, I think), but is there a way to craft items with a higher DC?

2014-11-15, 08:42 PM
This got me thinking, is there a way to increase the DC of alchemical items and poisons? I know there are spells for poisons (Increased Virulence, I think), but is there a way to craft items with a higher DC?

You could use poison from creatures with a higher con score.

Arguably, you could buff a creatures con right before you kill it to make the DC higher.

2014-11-15, 11:25 PM
This got me thinking, is there a way to increase the DC of alchemical items and poisons? I know there are spells for poisons (Increased Virulence, I think), but is there a way to craft items with a higher DC?

Atramen Oil lowers Fort saves, and can be thrown as a splash weapon. You can also debuff saves with Hexblade's Dark Companion, Paladin of Tyranny's Aura of Despair, and... there was something a bard could do, a failed Will save gives a -10 to all saves, but I forget the exact details.

2014-11-16, 02:09 AM
Doomspeak Feat.
Ambush feats (many of them lower saves or increase poison save DC) and Assassination weapon from citiscape web enhancement are two methods that haven't been mentioned yet