View Full Version : Vampire slayer

2014-11-14, 06:37 PM
I'm trying to make a fighter type character who is proficient in slaying both vampires and dragons. While dragonslayer is a simple prestige class I was wondering if anything akin existed for slaying vampires without having any caster or divine levels?

In 3.5 sorry, I know Pathfinder has inquisitor, but they're not exactly a marshal class.

2014-11-14, 06:41 PM
One of those in your back pocket.

2014-11-14, 06:46 PM
One of those in your back pocket.

Was more curious if a prestige class exists or if one is at least close.

2014-11-14, 06:48 PM
If you have the money and level, the Sunsword is a good idea (Expedition to Castle Ravenloft). Also Lasting Life and Enduring Life are good feats to have against vampires.

Divayth Fyr
2014-11-14, 07:06 PM
I'm trying to make a fighter type character who is proficient in slaying both vampires and dragons. While dragonslayer is a simple prestige class I was wondering if anything akin existed for slaying vampires without having any caster or divine levels?
Not really - just about every class made for slaying vampires/undead requires divine spells, turn undead or some other cleric/paladin features. The one class which doesn't require them is Soldier of Light (Deities and Demigods), but instead it grants you divine spells, turn undead and so on.

It is silly, since you can be a martial character fighting dragons (dragonslayer), aberrations (topaz guardian) or planar threats (planar champion), but fighting undead? Not without divine spells!

2014-11-14, 07:15 PM
You could just choose the correct feats to have the character the way you want. Vampire Hunter is yet another must have feat for your character IMO.

2014-11-14, 07:22 PM
There is a sad lack of Undead slaying classes for pure melee types (most require Turn Undead and/or casting to enter), someone pointed me to Soldier of Light in Deities and Demigods last time I asked about this.

As mentioned above, there are also some decent anti-Undead feats you can load up on...

2014-11-14, 07:42 PM
Since you're going after two specific types of creatures, why not go Ranger? Favored enemy would suit you well. The Stalker of Kharash would be an interesting character for a vampire hunting ranger, since by RAW, all vampires are evil and they have evil creatures as favored enemies.

2014-11-15, 04:18 AM
Why don't you try a melee binder? It's not specially focused on hunting undeads but you'll be a lot more versatile. With only 6 levels and the Improved Binding feat you can bind Kas which will help you fight and defend against undead. (Actually you only need 5 levels of Binder but at 6th level you get immunity to fear, which becomes very handy against undead/dragons.)

Granted Abilities:

Kas grants binders the ability to deceive friends and blind enemies. In addition, Kasprotect binders from their enemies’ worst blows.

Blinding Strike: When you score a critical hit, the creature struck must make a Will save (DC 10 + Half yourbinder level + Charisma bonus) or be permanently blinded. In addition, when you attack undead creatures,you can affect them with critical hits and the blinding effect of this ability.

Bluff Bonus: You gain +4 competence bonus on Bluff checks.

Kas’s Protection: While bound to Kas, there is a 25% chance that any critical hit or sneak attack scored against you is negated and damage is rolled normally. Sneak attacks and critical hits scored on you by undead are always negated.

Undead Reaper: When you hit an undead creature with a melee or ranged attack, you ignore any damage reduction it might have.

Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the bastard sword, longsword, and short sword.

After those first levels you cualify for Knight of the sacred Seal which improves your martial capabilities and become an outsider at level 11. At level 8 bind Acererak, it will improve you survability against undeads a lot more. This are his granted abilities:

Detect Undead: You can use detect undead as the spell at will.

Hide from Undead: At will as a standard action you can become undetectable from undead as hide from undead, except DC is equal to your binder ability DC.

Lich's Energy Immunities: You gain immunity to cold and electricity damage.

Paralyzing Touch: As a standard action you can paralyze a foe with a touch. Fort negates, duration is half your binder level. Each round on it's turn the subject can attempt another fortitude save a full round action to end the effect. 5 round cooldown.

Speak with Dead: You can question the dead at will as though using speak with dead.

Undead Healing: Negative energy heals you rather than damages you. If you are a living creature, positive energy still heals

After that you still have 9 levels left to dedicate yourself against dragons, because they tend to be more of a late game foe. Imagine undead dragons <.< If I find stuff that fits this related to "dragonslaying" I'll post it later. Cheers :v

2014-11-15, 12:42 PM
Sufficiently optimised turn undead with disciple of the sun, allowing you to destroy vampires, not letting them run away to their coffins.

The vampire hunter feat will be a necessity as well, immunity to their domination gaze attack, as well as being able to tell if there are vampires within 30ft. Either that or a tattoo or item of protection from evil. The latter is also useful to protect you against possession by other undead that the vampires might employ.

Hunter of the dead (complete warrior) is nice in that when you actually slay a vampire, it stays dead (normally if you dont dispose of the body correctly, the vampire comes back, but that PrC stops that from happening)