View Full Version : Wish As Universal Spell

2014-11-14, 08:59 PM
The purpose of this thread is just to discuss Wish tactics and uses at its safe Universal Spell option.

To use Wish for a 1st level spell seems like such a waste of a 9th level spell slot. What is the lowest level spell you are willing to spend Wish on? I can easily foresee myself casting a 7th level spell. 6th level is a maybe depending on the spell. 5th level has to be really, really important right then and there. 4th level and lower I'd feel foolish for having wasted the slot.

RAW, for spells that scale depending on spell slot used does its effect count as using a 9th level slot? If no, is it a reasonable house rule to let it be so as part of the safe use?

2014-11-14, 09:13 PM
I'd use it to cast Find Steed (2nd level) during downtime. In fact, I'd use it to cast Call Familiar (1st level) during downtime if I were a Bard or Sorcerer.

2014-11-14, 11:32 PM
I would it really depend on way to many situations. If we're talking down time why couldn't the spell be cast 3 other ways?

I do feel that using wish to cast a low level spell should at least have a scalig effect on it. Something like 1+1 per point of spell casting modifier would seem like a reason thing to do. On the flip side you MUST cast it at this increased level and not opt for a lower level version. I can't think of any spells off the top of my head that it would be a negative thing but I'm sure there is one.

And I'd also allow the spell to be automatically concentrated on for free for an equal number of rounds

2014-11-15, 04:14 AM
I'd use it on reincarnate easily if I could specify that the spell targets me in a specific time period. It's not contingency, but I'm not specifying "upon my death"-- I'm saying "in ten minutes".

2014-11-15, 12:32 PM
I'd use it on reincarnate easily if I could specify that the spell targets me in a specific time period. It's not contingency, but I'm not specifying "upon my death"-- I'm saying "in ten minutes".

Hmmm. When a variant human reincarnates as a halfling or half-orc, does he lose his bonus feat? What happens to his ability scores? I'm not sure whether either counts as a "racial feature".