View Full Version : Only War: A hero's welcome IC

2014-11-15, 04:29 AM
How could this happen? It's only been three years since we left. Col. Riche' walked with since of urgency he had not displayed since his promotion to Col. What is high command thinking? Is it a test? Surly they know best. As he walked down the corridor of the newly constructed Imperial Palace of Korhall, he was flanked by two figures, one a woman in her mid 30's wearing the uniform of a commissar, the other an older balding man near his first century.

"Colonel, we need to talk before you address the me..." the commissar begain, but was swiftly cut off by the Man.

"No they have a right to know besides, we just received another message a hour ago."


"High command wants us along with the Cadian 99TH to redeploy." His lips shake as he tries to finish the sentence. "to Tarsus." He chokes out.

The Trio continue down the hallway towards the parade ground where the Regiment was standing at attention along side their vehicles. There where rumors of a redeployment several in the regiment where eager to quote [Stop this bull **** baby sitting.]

The Colonel reached the stage over looking the assembly of guardsman. Before him stood the Tarsian 187th Armour Calvary Regiment in all its glory. His Murderlators as the men liked to call themselves. He felt a twig of betrayal as he cleared his throat to address them.

"At ease. Men of 187th, I have the gravest of news. I am at a loss as to how to tell you, but I must all the same. Lord Governor Maucus is dead. We have received word of a rebellion that started shortly after the formation of this Regiment. The Arbites and the PDF have been push over the coarse of the last three years to the space port. Where as we know they hold the line. As of now our homeland has been declared to be in open revolt."

"GOOD JOKE SIR" a young Captain shouts form the crowd.

The colonel simply look at him with the saddest of expressions

"Its a joke guys, ha ah come on. TELL THEM COLONEL."

"No joke son. We are to be redeployed to quell this rebellion. The troop ships arrives in 48 hours. Officers and NCO's check with your squads and maintain disciple, for now though." The Colonel pauses for a moment as he observes the men, their shocked expressions, the Captain who had spoken earlier collapsed on the ground crying about his wife and child. "Prepare for the worst. Dismissed"

The assembly quickly deteriorated as the Colonel and his advisers withdrew. The guardsmen walked slowly back to their tents some assisted by their friends. It was a scene many during the garrison mission had seen when guarding refugee camps. The walk of a group of people who had their lives shattered by war.

2014-11-15, 09:14 AM
"A rebellion? Throne alive..."

Tycho Cabal can barely comprehend what he just heard. A rebellion? On his home planet? Surely this must be a joke. Looking from left to right, he wondered what everyone else was thinking. Not all of them were from Tarsus Secundus, but they were from the sector...had this supposed "rebellion" become rampant?

"Fifth squad, on me!" he yelled out, trying not to sound worried or saddened. He had to be strong. For his men, for the regiment...for himself.

2014-11-15, 11:17 AM
Ugh, What a way to start a day off... first I pull double shooting drills, then I can't get a smoke this morning, now this. Feth me, seems my bad luck may just be becoming a permanent part of me.. Still, seems the sarge is shaken, shouldn't give him any more reason to get rough.

Stepping out from the line where he had been standing, the wiry Conscript Paxton gives a quick and ever so slightly acceptable under guard regulation salute. His hands shake slightly as he does so.

Paxton Present, seems we wasted a few weeks going over those maps eh, sir. heh. Sorry, probably not the time for jokes, but just trying to keep the mood up, you heard the captain, were all hoping this is a mix up.

2014-11-15, 11:58 AM
On our homeworld? How is that possible? He thinks this to himself as he stands at the back of the hall, slightly slackjawed at the news. Feth, I hope Katie is ok, her hab was right by the spaceport. His sister had lived in the hab since before he enlisted, he hoped if something happened, she made it out.

He notices his hands started shaking a little bit and quickly pulls out a lho stick and lights it to cover the tremor. He digests the news as best he can and waits on news or new orders. That's sure to clear things up, right?

2014-11-15, 08:39 PM
Shuffling his feet from left to right, Paxton lifts one of his shaking hands to his mouth and coughs politely. um, sir? you don't happen to have any details of this betrayal do you? I mean we all got friends and enemies, I certainly hope its the latter we are going to be fighting.

2014-11-16, 11:30 AM
Tycho shakes his head.

None whatsoever, Pax. All I know is we're being rerouted there.

He shrugs and sighs.

I don't expect them to give us a particularly warm welcome, either, especially with these on our heads. He points to the Aquilla on his helmet.

"I expect to be shot down, personally", mutters Faye from a corner, shaking her head. "From one war zone to the next, right?"

2014-11-16, 05:51 PM
Doing his best to ignore the possibility of their demise, Paxton looks around the milling guardsmen around him. Where could that gunner of his gotten himself too? He'd better keep a keen eye on him, it would suck to get a new gunner and have to do more drills.

Snow! Where'd you go?

From the ranks of the guardsmen, a white haired man slowly makes his way towards the group. I'm fine Paxton, just trying to keep up with these nippers here. Private Xanatov at your service, for all it's worth Sargent Cabal.

2014-11-16, 06:42 PM
"Alright, I guess we'll have to sit and wait for further orders or information. All we know about the situation right now is that it happened."

Tycho looks around, thinking.

"I hope everything calms down soon. I don't want to have to shoot anyone from home."

2014-11-16, 07:01 PM
Hearing the sergeant's words, Paxton lets out a stressed laugh before he can stop himself, I don't know sarge, I can certainly think of a few Ganger Pukes that I wouldn't mind seeing on a battlefield inside the iorns of a tank cannon..

Gilliam Xanatov shakes his head, Really Paxton, you are a truly crude individual, can't you exercise a little more tact for the feelings of your fellow soldiers. Turning back to the sergeant, he bows his head slightly please excuse the lack of class that my comrade has just displayed to you sir, I assure you he is just as worried as you about his friends and loved ones.

2014-11-16, 07:06 PM
Aleksandr walks off from where he was standing, seemingly wandering aimlessly into the crowd, coming back a few minutes later talking quietly with Fay. She was a mid five foot woman on the lean-but-still-muscular side with short-cropped blonde hair. "It will be fine, I'm sure. There has to be something." They walk over towards the Sarge.

Responding, Alek mutters"I hope you're right, Fay. He takes a drag off his lho stick and forces a smile as Fay punches him in the shoulder and gives him a grin. "Any orders Sarge, or is this the point we pack for combat?"

((If it's time to pack, he and Fay will go to their footlockers and start getting their things ready, once their stuff is in order, he will find somewhere quieter to talk and go through some of the gak on his mind. Being basically alone is one of his biggest fears and I'm doing a WP test (at a -20, difficult) since he's figuring he's the last one of his family now. His sis was basically a safety net, of sorts, when they were living together. If he fails the test, I'm willingly going to take 1 Insanity and be basically inconsolable with grief/rage/fear for 1d5+1 minutes. Fay, in her optimism, tries her best to talk him through this and attempts a (routine +0) Fel test to talk him through it and take 2 minutes (minimum 1) off the inconsolable time. The insanity is from his world breaking down around him, that will stay, but its a near inconsequential amount.))

WP [roll0] v 14 (34-20 difficult)

Fel [roll2]

2014-11-16, 08:18 PM
Well Sir, if you don't have any orders I guess that Snow and I are going to check out motor pool, lookit the vehicles and make sure everything is in order down there. Care to join us Sarge?

2014-11-16, 08:24 PM
"I'd say this is the point where we pack up for combat. I think I'll join you down at the 'pool, Pax."

Tycho nods to the other guardsmen and follows Pax to the motor pool. Meanwhile, Faye sits in the corner, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I hope nobody has any problems with what we're about to do," he mutters to Pax on the way out. "Those renegades've probably already been whipped up into an anti-Emperor frenzy."

2014-11-16, 08:32 PM
Well sir, I am sure we can put some Fear of the God Emperor into them. Nothing like a big cannon to show someone the error in their ways. As for problems, unless the rebellion offers a kings ransom in pay and a bigger tank I can assure you this volunteer won't go changing sides on ya, nor will any other solider.

Snow quickly chirps in I feel the same sentiment, though in not nearly the same wording. No one here would dare turn their back on the Emperor. I am sure the arrival of our forces will convince many to give up their arms peacefully. Perhaps some issue of politics was the core of this rebellion, I have never heard of even the most hot-headed noble so bold as to make such threats as open rebellion, but perhaps something has changed in three years.

Pax walks with the sergeant trying to match his commanders stride, Snow walks between the two doing his best to keep up.

2014-11-16, 08:39 PM
The tent is only about 50m from the parade ground once Aleksandr and Fay are there, they notice that the tent is darker than normal, not the way of light, but the atmosphere almost feels heavy and depressing. There are a few other troopers inside, most either caring on private conversations or simple looking a mementos from home with saddened eyes, but it is easy to find a place out of ear shot.

@Sahaar and thebothan
The Motor Poll is about 1km from the parade grounds as your characters approach you see, 4 guards waring the regimental uniform armed with combat shotguns, one of them a man in his 40's wearing corporal bars yells out "WHO GOES THERE"

2014-11-16, 09:42 PM
Trudging through camp to the tent, Fay following close behind, he gets to his bunk and digs through a small box of mementos from home. Before he gets to the picture of his sister, the Aquila charm she gave him slides out from under an envelope. His breath catches in his throat and he sits heavily on his cot, head falling immediately into his hands. He has seen death, been in a small war, but this hits hard. Mind racing through years of history, he doesn't even notice the tears streaming down his face.

Dead to the outside world, locked in his own mind, the last bit of security he had outside of his unit has just evaporated, like it wasn't ever there. That last little bit of hope every Guardsman holds onto has just shattered into a thousand, thousand pieces, the one thing he thought no enemy of man could touch is gone. "I... I... There's no way..." He mutters to himself, doing his best- and failing- to maintain some level of control over himself. "H-how? It was fine when we left." Disbelief, sadness, rage, and several other emotions threaten to overwhelm him, and during all this, something inside him breaks just a little bit.

2014-11-16, 10:27 PM
Fay looks at Aleksandr with sadness in her own eyes. "Its okay Alek I'm sure there will be briefings to explain how and why this happened. You should cheer up, maybe we can go and get a drink at the bar. You know take our minds off the possibility of our loved ones being." She pauses trying not to sob.

2014-11-16, 10:38 PM
Tycho waves to the guard and smiles.

"Sergeant Tycho Cabal and private Albert Paxton. We're inspecting our tank, thank you very much."

2014-11-16, 10:44 PM
After a few moments, what she said seems to sink in, at least enough for him to get some control back. "Y-yeah, you're right," he says, head still hung low, fishing a Lho stick out of the pack, "a drink couldn't hurt, won't make things any worse." He levers himself off the cot, cups a hand reflexively in front of the lho stick, and lights it. Taking a long, thoughtful drag on the lho stick, he asks Fay to go to the bar and get a drink or two with him, "let's call it one for a successful campaign here and the other for the next deployment, wherever it is," doing his best to shunt the news and emotions to a different part of his brain. He gets up and tries to walk off with more confidence than what he walked in with, but it still comes off as a trudge.

2014-11-16, 11:02 PM
The corporal approaches approches your group Don't be like that sarge, you know the drill Id tags for you and your guest, you can put your weapons over there, only sidearms and knifes allowed." He begins to pull out a scanner of sorts but stops as he notices the particularly grim looks on your faces."What did the boss put everyone on parade to yell about how one of the VIP's Chitched again?

OOC note: Chitched is the hive dialect equivalent of a similar word in English, but with a b instead of a ch at the start of the word.

2014-11-16, 11:12 PM
Tycho nods. "Something like that."

He places his weapons down.

2014-11-17, 10:39 AM
Paxton begrudgingly drops his carbine down next to his sergeant's, Snow does the same.

Paxton then pulls his ID tags out from underneath his shirt and looks up at the guards If everything's in order I would like to get a quick once over of our tanks, since were loading up and getting out in 48 hours. You know, give the workhorses a once over, make sure thier fueled, supplied and powered up. They still parked where we left em?

2014-11-17, 03:56 PM
Stumping along on his way to one of the regimental bars Alek fiddles with the charm his sister gave him, tying it at the base of the shoulder stock on his carbine. Head still hung low, he flicks the burnt stub of a lho stick off to the side before he walks in.

Walking up to the bar and taking a seat near the end, lasgun now straddled between his feet, He speaks up to get the bartender's attention, "Hey, Mikal, two down here," his Thrones hitting the bar before the drinks even got there. "Fay, I think the drinks should be for those lost on Tarsus, at least the first round."

Fay nods her head, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." She plunks herself on the seat beside Alek, leaning her carbine in front of herself against the bar. "It's good to remember them, you know? Good or bad, I think it's what we all want."

They stay and talk as long as they can, remembering Tarsus as it was before they left, sometimes laughing, sometimes nearly crying. Looking back at it later, they were happy they had the time they did right now, it was a good time to put inner daemons to rest, however temporary. By the end of their drinks, they left a small group laughing with one last anecdote about the Governor, but thinking back, none of them could remember what it was.

Leaving the bar, he lights a lho stick and walks off back towards his billet, Fay close on his heels infectiously optimistic like nothing was wrong. Alek knew without Fay earlier, that would have been a lot worse for him.

2014-11-18, 06:52 PM
The corporal scans your Id in a smooth motion "You say we move out in 48 hours? Where too? More trouble with the refugees or something."

He places his and waves to a figure standing in a makeshift guard shack. The gates to the motor pool open.

2014-11-18, 08:13 PM
Paxton turns away from the guard, even though he's a higher rank he can't bear to answer his questions not now, it's too soon... Instead he simply trudges through the gate into the motor pool, eyes peeled for an attendant or either of his squads vehicles. Snow wordlessly follows his driver, lost in his own thoughts as well.

2014-11-18, 10:21 PM
"Long story, mate," says Tycho, patting the guard on the shoulder and following Pax inside.

"We might not even know the whole thing."

2014-11-18, 11:11 PM
Upon finding the vehicle, Paxton immediately gives it a quick once over for any immediate signs of tampering.

Then afterwards he double checks the engine and makes sure it has both fuel and energy.

Then Paxton nervously looks around and turns to his Sargent, So sir, what do you think, how bad is it?

2014-11-19, 01:49 PM
Tycho shrugs.

"If they're sending two regiments, it can't be great. Hopefully we'll have some backup from loyal forces…if there are any."

2014-11-19, 04:21 PM
Wait, one legion and us? And IF any outside legion is there... Emperor above sir, that's a mighty bad picture of what were going into.. But gotta keep looking foreword I suppose, to the real business then, I asked you here sir to request my position for the coming battle. I should drive the Chimera, and Snow will be my gunner. Just don't feel comfortable driving that fuel filled convoy, give me something with a big gun, and a roomy cockpit. The Hellhound is an easy drive, and the Chimera needs a lighter touch and a lead foot.

2014-11-19, 06:28 PM
Tycho nods.

"It's a hive city, too. The flamer will be good at sweeping the street."

2014-11-19, 06:44 PM
Heck, I'm sure it will, do you have any questions about the vehicles? Otherwise I am afraid I have another request to make, I need your approval on a change of equipment form.

I am interested in switching out my main weapon to the Combat Shotgun, since I am not trained in the use of a Lasweapon yet, otherwise I am ready to skip to combat time, after I go and pack up my stuff. I don't have a good reason yet to try and smuggle goods in our chimera.. though that would have been fun

2014-11-19, 09:22 PM
"What kind of equipment? As long as it's not anything we'd have to spend all afternoon debating with the quartermasters to procure..."

Go for it. I'm also ready to skip to the battle parts.

2014-11-19, 10:18 PM
No sir, nothing special, just a standard issue combat shotgun, lotsa the lads use one, I made the call when I got my deployment gear to grab a carbine cause they were lighter and I figured it would be easier to shoot, nobody told me there was that many rites of maintenance to use the things! I figured I would finish learning to use the thing during our time here, but since we're deploying in 48 hours, check that 47, I don't have time to learn sir.

2014-11-19, 10:36 PM
After straightening up his bunk and footlocker, performing maintenance rites on his lasgun, and polishing his boots- all in nervous anticipation of what they were about to do- Alek walks towards the motor pool to see if he might be able to catch the Sarge over that way. The man had always been a stickler about keeping a vehicle in order, he probably wanted to look them over again before we ship out.

I would like to change equipment just a touch as well, I'm not skilled with low-tech weapons, so I would like to replace/augment my knife with a chain weapon of some sort, preferably a sword. It will be quite the high-powered loadout for the squad this way too, since our Operator has a shotgun and myself a hotshot lasgun. Then we have those demo charges and super chimera too, but that's not quite the point, though some krak grenades wouldn't hurt either...

2014-11-20, 09:16 PM
Tycho shrugs and nods.

"Sure, I don't see why not. I'll sign that form as soon as I can."

2014-11-20, 09:33 PM
Thanks Sir, you ever need anything come to me..

2014-11-22, 05:26 PM
1 Month and 5 days later

1 Month and 5 days, the time had passed quickly the troop ships arrived on time and the argues process of moving 5000 men and their equipment began and ended.

The journey though the warp was a slow one. As is usual with warp travel a few guardsmen and naval rating got sick reported to the medical office and were never seen again. 1 Month latter the ship resurfaces to real space.

The guardsmen of 5th squad 3rd platoon Alpha Company (You guys) are awoken by the sudden shift. Other guardsmen began moving about grabbing gear and putting on uniforms. A young Lt. With blue eyes walks forward "3rd platoon muster up." he yells "I need all squad leaders to report to me now"

2014-11-22, 05:42 PM
At the call of the Liertanant, Alek and Fay jump out of their bunks and start throwing on their BDU's and getting their spaces in order. This might be a call to form up and move out, best to be prepared.

After they have packed their things, they will perform last maintenance rites on their guns.

2014-11-22, 05:52 PM
Snow rapidly sits up from his bunk, dresses himself rapidly from the well pressed uniform sitting right next to his bunk. As he does so he kicks the bunk below him: Paxton, you heard the man, get up

Paxton rolls out of bed and falls onto the ground, groping for his pack. Cmon Snow, I'm awake..Why do things always happen when I am sleeping!

Snow readies himself at a rapid pace, at ease with the gear he has called his own for the last month, rapidly reciting the imperial guardsmen rites and duties as he preformed them, creating an order to this assemblage of sleeping men.

Paxton groped around his bag, cursing the items he found instead of his pants.. After hastily throwing on his gear he grabbed his combat shotgun which he had made a habit of cleaning every night since he got it. He sighs as he grabs the weapon and runs his calloused hand over the stock, and the name he scratched into the stock right above the trigger. Well, looks like your going to get a chance at redemption, lets get you home.

2014-11-23, 11:22 PM
Tycho had been awake the last few hours. sleep had helped very little in preparing him for this briefing.

In fact, he was wide awake.

"No man should be made to march on his home planet," he muttered to himself as he strode from the bunks, dressed and alert. He followed the Lieutenant, trying not to look nervous or miserable.

2014-11-24, 02:31 PM
Having fully dressed himself, Snow shuffled up to the poorly dressed Paxton, honestly the man dressed himself like a child, no regard for the rules of social decorum or parade standing. As he rapidly assisted Paxton in straightening his gear into shape Paxton addressed the other guards around him. So fellas, what's the word? Are we going to start at the hives or the outskirts? 10 thrones says its the hives. Any takers?

2014-11-24, 05:52 PM
"I won't take the bet, but i'll venture it's the outskirts. I bet Command wants to secure back to the wastes behind the spaceport, not as far from there as it is to the Spire." He ventures a guess, but marching on his home wasn't exactly high up on his bucket list.

"I think we'll go straight for the Spire, maybe some of those high-hab types will offer favors for a rescue, that might mean a cushy posting later." Fay didn't know more than any of the rest of them, but they all had to play the game of hurry-up-and-wait somehow, so why not open speculation of future objectives.

2014-11-24, 06:54 PM
Hmm... favors for a rescue. Paxton rubs his chin with his hand, mental gears turning as the words turn over in his mind. In a conspiratorial fashion he beckons his squad mates closer, he whispers to them,Lads, consider this an odd idea, but bring any unnecessary personal effects on your person plus your rucksack with anything sitting around we can find in the field, stow em in the Chimera.. May come in handy if we find anyone and who knows, maybe we can get a few friends of our own back into the good graces of the Emperor.

Snow shakes his head with disagreement, none of his personal effects were going to be used as bartering chips with any gangers on this or any world, it wasn't home anymore every memory he still had was precious now.

To make his point more clear, Paxton grabs his ration packs from his pack and gestures to the others Whadaya reckon someone would do to get their hands on these, food was always scarce for underhivers before all this, imagine it now... There's a killing to be made here. And if they don't have thrones, I'm sure even the lowest scav could tell us something of value about the enemy for a small meal. As he speaks Paxton grins, pleased with his own deductions and seemingly eager to test his idea out.

Paxton quickly stuffs his remaining gear back into his rucksack, and seals it up tight. He strips his bed and even stuffs his bedroll and blanket into the bag. Standing he lifts the lumpy bag onto his back and shoulders his shotgun. Alright then, lets meet by the Chimera to await orders. He shouts to his sargent Hey Sarge, we'll meet you at the vehicles for squad briefing instead of milling around like grox here, assuming you have no objections.

With that he heads towards the exit lumpy bag in tow, shouldering past the other gaurdsmen. Snow shakes his head again as he shuffles through the crowd after him, if he wants to sleep without a blanket for the remainder of the war that's Paxton's business, he is sure nothing those scum would tell any Imperial is worthless or wrong.

2014-11-27, 10:49 PM
The Lt. look at the assembly of NCO's. "Okay men. I have bad news and worse news. The bad news is Alpha Company drew short straw we are on rapid deployment statues until planet fall, so I want all guardsmen to check equipment and load up in drop ships, our vehicles are already waiting on us. We will be the first wave. The worse news is our voyage in the Warps was only a month so we may be on stand by for a month until the Cadians get here."

No sooner than he finishes this statement than alarms though out the ship begin to blare. "ALL HANDS GENERAL QUARTERS MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS." Internal vox speakers blare. You feel the ship shake as Macro Cannons and Lances fire.

"GO, GO, GO. Third platoon follow me ." He says as he run toward the drop ships with a vox operator at his heel.

Sahaar roll me a Awareness check

also hope you guys are ready for a fight

2014-11-28, 12:46 AM
Throne above, why can't they give us a little more time to freaking prepare! Paxton yells over the rumble of macrobatteries to his squad mates as he breaks into a run, following the third platoon in a mad rush to the dropships.

Upon reaching the dropships he looks at the vehicles awaiting them, then stuffs his bag under the seat before strapping himself in. Seems we are having a little scruff with the navy boys, eh Paxton tries his best to ignore the clear and present danger that their ship could simply be ruined by return fire, or worse yet the terrible casualties inflicted on the world below if the ship was simply shelling the planet. There might not be anything left by the time they landed.

2014-11-28, 07:58 AM
Alek and Fay run down the corridors to their assigned dropship in full kit, joining the stream of hundreds of others going the same way. Hoping there was anything left when they made planetfall, knowing how much those Lance weapons could do, he takes his spot in the dropship with not a little anxiety beginning to course through his system.

Full deployment on their homeworld. That there might be something left of it at the end of this would be a miracle. They have all seen what the Guard can do to a world.

"You ready for this, Fay? Fighting our own world?"

"Because I have to be. Should be a short fight, can't be too many of them, right?"

"Yeah, the big guns should take them out, I hope."

Stowing their gear under their seats on the dropship and strapping themselves into their harnesses, Alek and Fay prepare for whatever this ride might bring them. Alek hoped it was a short fight. Fay was thinking about how quickly it should be over, that the strength of the Guard would have this handled in no time.

Only time would show how wrong they were.

2014-11-28, 10:38 AM
Tycho runs back over to his men.

"Fifth squad on me, fifth squad on me!" He yells, grabbing his equipment, checking it, and loading his lasrifle.

"We're with you, sergeant" Faye says, already kitted out.

2014-11-28, 10:50 AM
Snow looks up at the sarge as they strap into the dropship, Any news on where we are deploying sir? Or why the gun batteries have opened up?

2014-11-28, 09:42 PM
Tycho nods, strapping himself in.

"We're on rapid deployment duty. That means we'll be first on the ground. Put your head between your legs and kiss your rear goodbye, eh?"

Faye grins humourlessly, keeping quiet.

2014-11-29, 01:48 PM
Wonderful, I hate waiting anyways Paxton grinned, gritting his teeth more than smiling. Considering his sergeant's words he looks over at him, Don't suppose you happen to know where we're landing Sarge? I would love to settle a bet, though none of these gangers would take me up on it.

2014-12-06, 01:59 PM
"What was it the Lt. said, "Disciplined fire and the grace of the Emperor shall carry the day," I say pop a frag and see what happens." He just wanted to get boots on the ground and off this flyer, he much preferred being able to shoot back.

2014-12-06, 03:23 PM
When you do that, just don't scratch the paint on our vehicles. Last thing I need is to spend another hour cleaning the thing.

2014-12-07, 11:29 PM
The Lt. leads you along with the rest of 3rd platoon to the flight deck. There you see numerous naval ratings scattering about as they prepare various aircraft for battle. The Lt. barks orders left and right as the various tank crews mount their vehicles, which are preloaded in landing shuttles.

You mount up inside your two tanks. Your thoughts race like that of every soldier before combat. Then you wait. You wait for what feels like hours as you feel the vibrations of micro cannon fire. The shouts of naval rating as aircraft are tossed into the void by the ships catapult. Then you feel the aircraft you are in move. There is a rush as the catapult launches your craft into the void, mixed with the vibrations of what you as siege experts know to be explosions from what you presume is the ship you where just on. The vox systems of the vehicles come to life with battle chatter as the pilot of your craft patches your tank into the squadron battle net. From what you hear the troop ship is engaged with two vessels of human make. Your Company is headed strait to the space port to secure a landing zone. For the rest of the regiment.

Every one make an awareness test to pick out bits of chatter from the vox

2014-12-09, 11:42 PM
Hearing their destination Paxton swears under his breath inside the cramped drivers space of the Hellhound, painfully aware the tons of promethium that lay dormant very close to his position. Saint's Bones, if only those juves had the arrogance or the metal to take my bet, woulda made a hefty sum of thrones just now. At this Snow broke the silence between the squadmates Really Paxton, I realize that the rest of the squad took your favorite vehicle, and you picked the right of two options about where we were going. But there are more things in this world than just money, besides I am unsure that any of our fellows have a history with the gangs.

Really Snow? I heard this legion was drafted from the gangers that got snagged by the arbites. But I'll humor you, gimme a sec With that Paxton lifted the communication device from it's receiver in the vehicle Sarge, while were waiting to deploy you wanna regale us with the tale of how you joined up hanging the receiver back up he looks up at Snow Care to wager a few thrones on that fact? Snow shakes his head. I'll wager a drink the sarge is clean, if only to shut you up about this. Honestly, you truly are a sorry example of our hives freemen.

2014-12-10, 12:28 AM
"Right lads," calls Tycho over the vox. " We're going in hard and fast, and we're likely to be under heavy fire the second we hit hit the dirt. I want everybody to buddy up right freaking now in case our transport loses its treads. Fire out the portholes at anything that's firing at us, keep them suppressed so our hellhound can deal with them. I know you might have friends and family down there, but the Emperor protects, and if your faith is strong enough, he'll see you and your family through to the end of this."

He looks around and, seeing all the nervous faces, he continues his speech:

"I don't want any of you to worry about shooting an old childhood pal or your sister or brother down there, because they're not the ones we'll be fighting. We're fighting the scum, the criminals, and all the misguided fools under that rebel's thumb. Were any of you born into a family of traitors? I didn't fething think so! So now lemme hear it, guardsmen, what're we going to do? BURN THE HERETIC! PURGE THE TRAITOR! NO MERCY, NO RESPITE! WE'RE GOING TO PUT DOWN THIS REBELLION AND RECLAIM OUR HOMEWORLD! DO! YOU! FETHING! UNDERSTAND ME?"

2014-12-10, 04:08 PM
With a twinned "Hell yeah!" from Alek and Fay, you could tell they were ready to drop. Waiting wasn't fun- even if it was safe- and now the wait was almost over. Enthusiastic, but quiet, they wait to hit the ground and get orders.

2014-12-10, 05:26 PM
There you have it Snow remarked to his driver, Sounds clean to me, looks like you owe me a drink. Paxton made a mock scowl at his gunner Snow if there was anyone else in this tank to buddy up with, by the Throne, I would drop you like a stolen cred. Turning back to the vox with a grin, he replied Hellhound crew copies, just try not to crash your vehicle when we land, I don't think there's enough room inside this tinderbox to hold all of you.

2014-12-10, 06:04 PM
Alek keys the vox, "We won't get in any more trouble than you guys." He is entirely sure they can hear him smiling, even if they can't see it. May as well joke now, hard to keep that up when the fight starts, for the most part.

2014-12-10, 07:37 PM
Paxton chuckled, the arms-man had spunk, he had to give him that. So did that chick he was always hanging out with, now that he thought about it; right meant for each other they were.Heh, its not getting into trouble I'm worried about, its getting out of it. Unless the rebellion has repaved the side streets like the scribes always said they would. Paxton shuddered as he imagined what civil war would do to the cities transportation routes, suddenly he felt very nostalgic for the dozer blade and guarded tracks on the Chimera. But orders were orders. Say, who's driving your vehicle? I want to co-ordinate our driving orders. Just tell me the Sarge hasn't decided to get his hands dirty on a throttle this early on.

2014-12-10, 08:43 PM
"Whether or not the Sarge drives is entirely up to him, I know I wouldn't mind being up at that autocannon," he lights up a lho stick and takes a drag. "Really, I should be happy I'm driving, I don't have to stick my head out that hatch to get at that stubber like Sarge does." As long as the Sarge didn't want to try to hit it with a sword, he was fine- by the Throne- with driving. A few centimeters of armor plate sure was a comforting thought right then.

2014-12-10, 08:55 PM
Haha, just try to keep his hands off the wheel, I'm going to let you do most of the heavy lifting on the roads so don't be surprised if I trail behind you if the going gets rough, this thing isn't built for off-roading, and Throne knows what the conditions are going to be like.

2014-12-10, 09:03 PM
"That's fine by me, this dozer blade will do great when it gets rough." Fay grabs the handset and keys the vox channel, "Yeah, don't worry Pax, we'll keep your sorry butt out of the fire!" Doing her very best- an failing- to stifle the laughter, she fails entirely to keep it out of her voice.

2014-12-10, 09:34 PM
Fay, you better be thankful I ain't a gentlemen, or when we get back from this I would pound the tar out of you for insinuating that I can't handle a little trouble with the local color when I got 14 inches of ceramite and a massive gun. Listen Girlie, I drove a convoy with a flap on the back and didn't lose a box. You think I can't handle a Juve or two myself? Paxton drops the voicepiece, his face reddened by the ease which he had walked into that easy insult. Glaring at the chortling wheeze of Snow as the gunner struggled to keep himself in the gunners seat above him, Paxton vowed he would show those stuck up gangers how a real driver handled a kit. Lets show 'em what a modified drive track can do eh Snow? The aged face of Snow looked with glee at the redded face of the driver You betcha "Pax", but why don't we hold back and wait until the big bad Chimera scares off all the foes? You say that now Snow, but wait until we getta drive that beast, I tell ya, that'll be the life

2014-12-11, 10:53 AM
"Don't worry, guys, I don't think I'll be driving today. Want to keep my ears focused on the vox so I can update and coordinate. No offroading today."

Tycho turns to Faye.

"You've been awfully quiet the last few hours, Faye. Everything alright?"

"It's nothing, Sarge. I just...wasn't expecting to be fighting my own people."

"I don't think any of us were."

"Well...let's just say I expected it the least out of everyone."

"I need you to be focused when we're on the ground. You're my partner, so if I get hit, it's up to you to get me back up, understand?"

"Aye, sergeant."


He turns to Paxton.

"Well, Pax, it's as simple as this: I volunteered when I was old enough to join the PDF. Couldn't just sit around filing papers or putting equipment together, no sir. The brass figured I was keen enough to be on the front lines--either that or too much of a pain in the arse to keep at home--so they sent me out to the army and here I am, youngest sergeant in the regiment as far as I can tell. How about you? Transfer from a penal battalion?"

2014-12-14, 01:47 PM
I am currently sitting in the drivers seat of the hellhound, so unfortunately you cannot turn to face me, but I get the idea...

Snow grins at Paxton upon hearing the sergeant's history, and then with the sergeant's return question laughs himself into a coughing fit before he can get in a stab at the indication, he knows how Paxton feels about his 'recruitment', this should be fun.

Paxton took off his helmet and ran his sweaty palm through his military cut hair, geeze, did this cut make him look that much like a con?
"Snow's more of a con than me Sir. I'll have you know I volunteered for this legion. Spent 9 years driving a flatback as a runner, I got a clean record. Figured I could make better money doing this. Besides," Paxton added with a grimace "I figured nothing ever happens on this planet, so why not go out for a little adventure."

2014-12-14, 04:46 PM
I didn't mean face you directly, I meant face your general location. It's kinda weird talking to someone without looking in the direction of their voice or where they physically would be :v

"Well as we can clearly tell, this planet isn't always dull and boring."

"Anybody got an ETA on the landing?"

2014-12-17, 09:52 PM
Not soon enough sir. But I didn't take the chance to synch my chrono before fall. Don't any of the buttons on that Chimera connect to our pilot?